@Brooklyn Nets

NBA Mock Draft, Dallas Mavericks & Brooklyn Nets Breakdown | The NBA Show

NBA Mock Draft, Dallas Mavericks & Brooklyn Nets Breakdown | The NBA Show

Yo what’s going on guys and I played the I’m I’m going to continue playing the intro Jackson doesn’t like it but Jackson can go fck himself over it I like the intro so I’m going executive order him I just won’t let it run for as long but the intro is cool most shows

Have a intro so he can suck my dick if he wants to produce the show but either way what is going on it is what 9:03 January 8th two days from Jackson’s favorite day of the year but or two days past I guess you would say now

Ladies and gentlemen we’ve got a few things to talk about today we’re going to run off and start today with Hoops Hypes aggregate Mack draft I thought you guys would like to see that and then we’ll talk about the Dallas Mavericks and the Brooklyn Nets by the way housekeeping

News the kings are not interested in trading Pascal seaka or my apology the kings are not interested in trading Keegan Murray and they’re not interested in paying Pascal me Pascal yakum a full Max contract hence why they pulled out of trade talks former general manager of the

Golden State Warriors Bob Myers has been hired by the NFL’s commanders to help their general manager and Coach search with former Vikings general manager Rick Spielman the Golden State Warriors loathe the idea of trading Jonathan kaminga even after he came out publicly and basically said that he has

Lost faith in Steve Kerr Chris Paul Underwood surgery is expected to be out four to six weeks with a fractured left hand Nicks wave Taj Gibson and guaranteed Ryan Archie aeno contract for the rest of the season bucks wave mares balen and Lindell wiggington from their two-way contracts as their contracts

Would have been fully guaranteed if they had not been waved before Sunday Balin was playing for the Wisconsin herd averaging 14- six while WI Lindell witton’s averaging 20 and5 they now have two open two-way roster spots the Nets wave Armani Brooks stillar reason and the Celtics are looking for

Bench depth and are expected to guaranteed Luke cornett’s contract and for me I thought it was definitely it it’s definitely interesting in my opinion to see how this all you know developing in terms of the NBA’s like market and let me make sure we touched all the

Headlines I wanted to touch before we get into the mock draft Draymond Green’s coming back from suspension he’s been like you know back he remains committed and he’s going to take a week to ramp up Kellan Hayes allegedly wants to stay in Detroit and K Cunningham left with knee

Injury tyu calls the criticism on darham unfair and I think that’s really all caught up so let’s get right into the mock DRFT and this is Hoops Hypes mock drop I work for Hoops hype and what they do with these mock drafts are they take an it’s basically an aggregation of all the other mock drafts in the NBA or in the I guess it would be in the NBA media realm

And Shout Out Michael Scot for this we get to see who is per se the guys I personally think the best player is alexar alexar could either be jiren Jackson Jr Kevin Garnett or St straw mile Swift in my mind and so we’ll we’ll go ahead and go through this

So basically they they also talk with the executives but it’s a compilation let’s go ahead wow I’m shocked Isaiah Kier is number one he nearly finishes ahead of alexar and I personally have Alex a bit lower but he’s huge okay 65 611 wingspan can handle the rock it can can do a

Little bit of everything and that’s the impressive part about this is that he’s been one of the most consistent players handles The Rock can make people around him better he’s tough drives him pick and roll can attack off the defender yeah he struggles with shooting consistency but I really don’t

Think it’s the end the world like they’re suggesting next up Alex SAR who I personally if I had the number one pick this is who I’m going after but that’s also just me alexar is currently The I would say I physically from a physical attribute alexar should be the number one pick he’s an Absolut animal with his size and I really do enjoy 7 foot one he like I said if if he was if he he he technically has Hall of Fame potential

Like he’s a little bit riskier because his floor is being like straw mile Swift but he literally could be straw mile Swift Jaren Jaxon Jr or Kev Garnett with the way he plays and I think he’s the best player like the big stdes he’s literally an insane motor three-point

Shot the ability to switch on the perimeter you know the the ground coverage and it’s worth noting that SAR has no desire to sit out any portion of the NBL season unlike Josh giddy Andel ball who were NBA NBL next star who didn’t complete the season and as he’s

Really trying to win win something and star falls through on finish the NBL season it’ll actually give him brownie points I’m not big on Ron Holland I saw Ron Holland play there’s Keanu Pender I love Keanu Pender Keanu Pender is like one of my favorite players

But so Ron Holland it’s weird cuz at the G League showcase he showed the flashes like he played really good defense I I honestly thought yeah dude Gerald Wallace is a great comparison I was going to say he kind of looked like more of a defensive guy he he looked like he

Didn’t look like the score that people made him out Jared Wallace is a great comparison because that’s kind of what he did look like and uh I mean what they need is a guy who can come out and like if your team for say the Hornets and Miles bries

Leaves I think this is the guy you got to go after right because to me I think we’re seeing how defensive wings like if he the cool thing with Ron Holland is the things that he needs to learn are offensive traits that are easily teachable while I personally believe a guy

Like uh I mean like I I’m not I think the comparison of Gerald Wallace is great for him but let’s continue running through this we got jacobe Walter at four I think that’s a little bit High I’m not on high as jacobe Walter as everybody else and Jackson has joined us

What up big boss how you doing hello how was your weekend Mr Jordan love yeah yeah Mr Jordan love that’s too shabby you didn’t have it wasn’t too shabby it wasn’t too shabby well let me just run through this real quick I know you don’t like your

Your mock drafts the smart water and let me finish this it’ll take me two minutes I’ll just run through this real quickly okay so jacobe Walter at four from Baylor you know he’s going to be somebody good Matas buellis is being compared to France vogner at six I’m not

As high as him on him Stephen castle out of Yukon he’s like the 66 3 and D guy who’s got you know the potential to be a really good impact player Justin Edwards has an NBA body he’s been a over the boards he’s shooting 25% from three he

He’s got the NBA body some people are saying that he you know he kind of looks like Rodney Hood Zachariah rashar is that how you say it he’s one of my favorite guy he some people call him the French version of Matas buellis I say

He’s kind of reminding me of a Aaron a follow kind of esque I would say maybe you got Tyrese proter who some people have said is the poor man Tyrese halberton and he’s at nine right now on the aggregate Cody Williams I think is the best player in college he’s Jay

Dub’s younger brother he’s at 10 at 11 Donovan kingan who’s just yaka purle 2.0 he’s at 11 at 12 you got uh Ethan Ethan almana who is the one of the greatest International prospects of all time some people are saying he’s out Horford mixed with Jay Huff Nicole topic I think

Should be the number one pick he’s being underrated he’s literally being called the white Shay Giles Alexander some people say he reminds him of Lamela ball KY palowski is the bigger version and white version of Nas Reed or Nas Reed DJ Wagner’s the son of dwan Wagner and he’s

He’s probably the second best point guard in this class maybe the third and he’s a guy you know I don’t he’s not similar to Cole Anthony but the way he’s being viewed is similar to Cole Anthony Bobby clitman is kind of the Swiss army knife who can do a little bit of

Everything s foot wingspan they’re saying his stiffness reminds them of pby Portis I would say Bobby clitman kind of reminds me of like jdub more Trey Alexander is a little high right here he’s just a three-point sniper similar to nikil Alexander Walker I don’t know why

This is I have to keep killing this page but let’s just go down we’re almost done okay K where are we Tre Alexander ad day Mara he’s a very old school big I mean his size is something people really like in the NBA Ryan Dunn’s just been a freak for Virginia

He’s got the defense it’s insane Tyler Smith I really like he kind of he’s kind of like this John Collins mixed with they said Lamar odm I could see that you got TJ Salon another Frenchman who’s just fantastic he’s 69ine he’s got a good mow kind of be like a Ru hura Aaron

Bradshaw’s showing off be like this pick and pop three and D big maybe kind of like a Derek Lively KH wear I think they compared him yeah Christian Wood Adam bonas’s just a freak athlete you can block anything in his way Robert dillingham’s you know climbing up the

Board he was a really high guy he’s just you know the undersized combo guys EES Messi clink capella Mitch Robinson mold Kevin mcculler a two-way guy who’s defense fifth year player defensively you know is his is his coming they’re saying he’s like similar to Hami hakz he

Went from being 11o score to a 20 point score Jared mc mc McCain is Duke’s biggest star good three-point shooter he’s got size OSU he’s just a athletic dominant big and kind of I think he’s more like an Ono kongu and Carlton Carrington he’s been like the stud for

Pits and then you have another Frenchman this is Alexis aa’s nephew this is Melvin another Frenchman you got Kyle Boswell Trevon Brazil Baba Miller all these guys could end up becoming first round picks Christan D Silva’s Oscar D Silva’s brother RI Riley cougal is another guy who climb up there who’s you know

Athletic like a bunch of wuga Pop these are all guys who have swing skills that could lead to them Dalton n have you SE have you seen the guy name k Nord me yeah t t k nword no you haven’t heard of kigga I’m not saying anything no I’m not saying

Anything wrong Noah kigga I don’t know I don’t know what you’re saying I’m telling you not and seeing who’s one of the top uh prospects no all wait on I I have ad blocker and it’s like every site now has like this yeah for real this guy the K

Silence the K silence the K silence nuts how would you say you want to say this name what do you mean he committed to WVU he’s a two sport athlete plays basketball too imagine guarding him nothing no no I got nothing all right yours is not funny that went viral either way let’s

PIV it to the Dallas Mavericks Dallas Mavericks are cooking last night’s game was fun Luca donic says he has the most powerful legs in the NBA Dallas Mavericks are currently six in the west there he really yeah he said that last night that people he loves SC he loves

To guard the post and that people don’t know this that he has one of the most powerful legs in the NBA as cuz he he was uh guarding Caren the towns in the post now he has the Dallas Mavericks have an offensive rating of 118th about

11 17.9 but we’re going to round up to 118 good for 10th in the NBA their defensive rating is 115.0 good for 17th in the NBA their net rating is 12th with 2.1 positive and they’re 14th with in three-point percentage with 37% Lucas is averaging 34 points eight rebounds and

Nine assists with Kyrie Irving they’re 22 and 15 currently top of the division Kyrie’s Aver 23 17 and a half from Mr Tim Hardway Jr then Derrick Jones gives him 10 a night and then they got 8 piece for Grant Williams and Derrik Lively little Dante exom giving them nine

Points a night who shoot 45% from three bro ain’t nobody talking about Dante XM like that anymore but what is your thoughts on the Dallas Mavericks they had a good win last night and it’s really fun to watch him this season they’re looking like I mean I’d say

They’re like if they make a good move in the deadline maybe like getting like a buddy heeld or somebody I could I could say this is a championship team maybe like a dark or like they’re as good as the Western Conference Team bu he’s pretty nice Dante the Dante xamar is insane

He’s got 14 starts yeah did you expect that that’s just nuts I don’t I don’t think I mean it’s just crazy he hasn’t been in the league since 2021 he’s been in Europe though but comes over to Dallas he gets 14 starts in 30 games yeah I know I mean what was that

2K what G which one was that that he was in yeah 15 is that too late no it’s too too he’s still in the league I think he left the NBA in 18 19 no I’m saying what 2K was he in but I’m saying like 18 or 19 he was in multiple 2ks

Dude well the 2K were like the whole story arc the whole career Arc is uh he’s rival oh that one is 14 that’s when he’s a rookie like that’s so long ago that’s a decade ago yeah I’m sorry I didn’t realize that’s what you meant I thought you meant just in the

Game I was like dude he was in the game like like four years ago he was in the NBA till like 21 that dude it’s just I mean it’s nuts I hope the baths I hope they can win it all it’s still kind of surreal that they ended up

In the Western Conference Finals a couple of years ago looking at that right now like yeah it was like two years ago or a year yeah two years ago yeah know I for me when I look at this team I think you got KY you got two

Legit guys I Derrick Jones Jr last night uh silenced the game you know end of the game they got the defenders in Grant Williams Derrick Lely Derrik Jones Josh Green Dante XOM even max kba if he’s healthy ever Dwight Pal’s solid I mean Seth Curry they got the

Shooter but he doesn’t really play I mean they got all the pieces I really just say with Luka and Kyrie you really just look at the market and you’re like wow like if they could go out and get like a buddy heeld or a somebody to just give

Him another because I but the problem is going for a buddy heeld you have to give up Tim arway Junior but if they could get another double like a fourth guy in there I think this team is is scary like with Derrick Jones Jr being your fourth leading scorer there’s

Nothing wrong with it but like at the same time that’s not what you want so what’s your expectations for this season at the uh for this team I think they’re just playing defense and they’re playing really well and they’re getting out there yeah for sure Jaden Hardy that’s all you got to

Contribute yeah for sure I love Derrik Lively’s he’s bad bad ass Derek Lively is bad banged up right now I know but he’s he was going through a he was going through a heater let me see if I can see he was going through a heater like uh before his last

Injury I he’ll throw up yeah dude like 20 points 16 rebounds seven blocks about a moment ago I they got something real nice there how about Draymond Green trade for Draymond green I mean Draymond Green Klay Thompson I really wonder what’s going to happen with like the Mavs when they go

Up against a team that maybe could like I don’t want to say uh give them give them trouble like they haven’t gotone against like I want to see when they go against like they I mean last night what was it their win was against the freaking t-wolves so that the fact that

They got a win against the t- Wolves I think is huge and H I I get I get lost in the idea that okay can they if they beat teams like the TS will they be able to be a team like the Bucks like I mean they’re

Showing that they can win tough games I just I get scared is that enough like I don’t know I don’t know if this is real or not but like the offense is top 10 the defense is starting to become top 15 they’re starting to they’re starting to

Put pieces together that this is looking real like tangible that they could go deep in the playoffs again yeah you got Luca so of course but I guess I guess they missed the plane last year how is that even a thing yeah how they missed the plane last year they

Weren’t that great but that still that’s nuts even though you trade for Kyrie a little late well last year they missed the play because they wanted to keep the top 10 pick and not let it convey to the Knicks so they tanked I know I know they

Tank it at the end of the year but that was the whole controversy it was but then you see a team like the heat what the heat did so I wonder if I wonder if Cuban would have a change of heart what do you mean what the heat did oh go on the

Run yeah with Luka donic I mean hell you no I’m in agreement I’m in agreement you can win whatever Derek lavy’s uh I think he just changes a lot though because you got no one was really afraid with white Powell Maxi kba Maxi’s been they’re serviceable they are serviceable would you trade now

Deonte Murray I think is too good of a player for this team to trade for but looking at the like not too good my apology that’s no that’s the wrong phrasing I I mean he’s be smart it wouldn’t be smart sorry Deonte Murray is a is the type of player that they should

Trade for like he’s good enough for them but he do there would be too many cooks in the kitchen if they traded for dejonte Murray because Luca Kyrie and dejon would all have to be sharing the ball and we’re already seen that Trey young and deante are struggling so with

That being said Kyle kma Gary Trent Jr I think who else is there out there I want to say it’s just difficult I mean Jonathan Kinga would be ideal but he’s Untouchable oh yeah is he really yeah they said that Jonathan kaminga is butt buddies with the owner of the

Warriors and the Warriors owner Joe Lake up isn’t allowing for him to be traded so for me I think honestly and the same thing with Zack yeah I think a Gary Trent Jr or a buddy heel John Collins are all deals that they could go after it’s just a little difficult I think

Given the marketplace right now I don’t think is in its best shape that it’s been in the past but I think I think the these Dallas Mavericks right here have a chance to go ahead and be a team that could get go to the West I think this team’s

Better than the team that went on the Western Conference Finals run two years ago which if you look at that roster they were the sixth best defense and 15th best offense Luca was Aver 28 yeah Dorian F Smith Jaylen BRS Tim Hardway christops Spencer did what the difference between this

Team you would say there is more fire Firepower this team might be a little deeper I also forgot Brandon Knight was on that team yeah what what are your I don’t know I don’t know though because Jaylen Brun came off the bench no he was a long time oh yeah to the playoffs

Uh I mean you got Kyrie now so I I don’t know I I think this is probably a better they’re probably pretty close I know what you’re saying but what is the the ceiling or expectations for the the Mavericks at this point for you probably at least the getting back

There second back there we got yeah but you want to you want to get back there this last year they did not make it which is so weird what’s it no Western C I mean he just made it a couple years ago so that’s the that’s the president who’s the President Joe

B right I mean I’m gonna sit here and say that the Dallas Maverick second round is th like fulfilling expectations and if they do anything less than second round it’s a disappointment and then anything I feel like more is exceeding expectations how’s that sound good bad yeah like like it reasonable reasonable

Take I shampooed last night I regret it you time in months wait what do you mean you don’t CH oh you’re are you on the no poo grind oh jeez huh sounds weird some people don’t shampoo I don’t shampoo ever I need to I regret it look how it feels so uh

Soft too soft soft freezing get it it’s too soft what did you say I said phrasing phrasing yeah like that’s what she said phrasing what I say it’s too long what what do you mean I don’t I don’t matter it doesn’t matter uh let’s move on to the next team

That’s going to be the Brooklyn Nets what I’ve never I’ve never ever had an opinion on the Brooklyn Nets we’re just talking Bridges had a lot of points last night Mel Bri I want Dennis Smith Jr to just be a a starting guard on any team like just I

Want a team to just for like a full 82 Game season I want a team to just give dsj like 38 minutes I want a team to build around dsj to just have like this weird feeling that he’s the dude he’s dsj I think they did that in

Dallas for a year he is sweet so he is so sweet the Brooklyn Nets are currently ninth in the East they’re the 15th best offensive rating with 116 and a half defensive rating of 118 their net rating of minus 1.72 second in the league 36.8% is their three-point percentage as 16th

In the league they are leaded by or led by leaded you heard that uh they are led by m Bridges 21 points per game Clon has 10 rebounds T night 6.3 assist per game by Den witty besides that you got 15 from cam Johnson

Which is a we thought he was a 20 I’ll admit I thought he was a 20 point per game scorer like I thought that that just did not carry over nor did the 26 points a night for m Bridges we’ve only seen six game of Ben Simmons 14 and

Night from Spencer didn’t winning Dorian finy Smith came back down to earth as avering 10 still get 20 a night from cam Thomas and clock’s averaging 12 and 10 and then you got Lonnie Walker who should be six Man of the Year averaging 13 and night what is your thoughts I

Know you’ve never had a thought about the Brooklyn Nets but who do you like on this team and do you think they’re a playoff team or a playing team I think they’re a playing team but that could maybe be a playoff team no shot in hell dude no shot come on

I would I would trade all I would trade maau and maximize my return why he’s I don’t he’s just not a they’re not going to win a championship I don’t I why wouldn’t you uh try and build around cam Thomas and Nick Clon maybe find a pinpoint a player you

Want through the trade system but I guess they just did that with maau I I was going to say is though with this with this team is I think they did a great job because they could be one or two pieces away from being really good with male being your second or third

Star you have no faith I don’t think I I don’t think so no faith think so no fa I mean I I don’t really I’m not trying to like slander the Nets here but I don’t I I don’t personally see it um that happening relatively soon or easily

What’s the soonest you think that would happen never well who what are they going to do Traer like what the J Murray sign DTE Murray I mean that’s not terrible I mean Deonte Murray male Bridges cam Thomas you tell me you don’t like that team well I like the team but we’re not

Winning any R I don’t think they’re going to win a champ yeah but isn’t that the goal yeah I mean it just feels like they’re stuck in this Justin field said goodbye to the city do you really yeah you also also keep in mind that Houston Rockets own like all of their

Draft picks until 2027 uh they do own a lot of the draft picks I also want to know if you’re a Brooklyn Nets fan do you do you go after a big fish like Pascal sakam or like Zach do you to pair him up with M and

Cam what would you do yeah I guess so I mean I guess so or do I don’t know what their draft asset actually do look like but lry marinin I mean it just feels uh I forget you’re racist it feels awfully um why would that you don’t like white people

You’re you’re self de or creating white person you don’t like white people cuz Who was the player that you mentioned before that uh it was pakum but I was making a joke that you don’t like white people oh like saying that like you’re you’re racist towards your own

Race yeah I don’t really know what to to do with that um I love how that’s your response I love how that’s your response you’re like yeah I I really don’t know what to tell you there bud that’s your response you’re like n just deny just deny

Yeah all right so this thing I just clicked Auto reframe and it just did not Auto reframe but either way the Brooklyn Nets I think they should go after a big fish I feel like this trade market would be the best trade market for them or I mean maybe

Wait for the deadline I would love Pascal tiaka M Bridges and like cam Johnson and cam Thomas how are they how are they acquiring players if all their assets are in Houston draft assets no dude they bro bro the the the Nets have every Suns

Pick and then they got all oh yeah and then they got all the they got three picks from the maps so the Nets draft assets you ready to hear what they are yeah so the the Nets can trade they the Nets have a one two three four five six

Eight okay right they have eight first round picks only one of them has a protection on them seven unprotected first round picks one protected first round pick one two three four five six second round picks so they’re loaded dra that wise so you want Pascal

Seum I don’t know if Pascal is my guy but like I kind of like the Jon Murray thing is that one too I I don’t yeah I don’t mind it either uh would you take it just feels wizardy of me what Deon Murray like Deonte Murray and and Mel

Bri is just feels like I feel like that’s a really good one two a really good onew punch and then you go out and you get yourself an act like you’d have to find a number one that’s the problem dejonte and M would give you the two and

Three that you would need but then you would hope that Donovan Mitchell requests to trade right you know and if they if he requests to trade I think that would me that would be a that would be one funnest team to watch know I don’t think unfortunately don’t think either

Of those will happen though you don’t think so I mean are the Nets uh in the Deon yeah oh good for them well then that’d be pretty cool let see I got a I got a mock here what do you what do you think I got a mocker the mads received Dorian finny

Smith and Nick clagston and see the Nets received Tim Hardway Jr Josh Josh green in a 2027 first round swap like that that that trade seems like entirely revolved around Josh Green for the Nets but I mean that for Nick Clon I think when black on the Block great miss him Dude one second why don’t I don’t know why my dog’s over here acting as if like she’s being like abused you know hey Jasmine Stop ghost she’s just like doing lops around my my house as if like she’s sick of this Nets talk she is she said the nets’ Neal trade

Revers so interesting oh yeah you’re right what oh wait no this is Trey young Donovan Mitchell Trey young Trey Young’s a Trey Target for the Nets I mean that would be see now we’re talking that one would be I don’t know how that would ever could you imagine if

You woke up and you got Trey Young trade to the Nets Ty Jones feels like a sideways move what tyus Jones I feel like tyus Jones wouldn’t be like I feel like Ty Jones is perfect for a team like the the Mavericks you know or no yeah sure yeah I mean yeah

Well I love it you said I don’t know if it’s feasible I mean the bench the bench roll might be a reluctant but I mean he’s on a bench roll right now I believe all right so it’s not like and yeah get let’s get ties to uh get ties to

Dallas young was crazy talk missed I feel like Trey young though is a guy that people I don’t know why people are underrating him it’s like it’s like he’s gone on and be like people like act as if he’s like a scrub now either way I expect the

Brooklyn Nets to be a playing team at the very least and to optimistic of you wow wow I have I mean they’re like 16 and 21 they’re not a very good team no you’re right you’re right all right let’s go over Year did you see Bob Myers got hired by the commanders oh really yeah for what so the Washington commanders are looking for a new head of football operations and a new football coach so Josh Harris the new owner hired Mr former golden state general manager Bob Myers to assist him in his

Search for a new leader of the commanders Myers left the Warriors after last season and 11 plus season helping franchise the four championships Myers will continue his role as an analyst for ESPN while helping Josh Harris look for a new general manager and Coach quote I’ve been fortunate to know Josh Harris

For many years and his commitment to building Champion Championship caliber teams is what drew me here in my experience Championship infrastructure begins with a strong ownership group that PRI prioritizes culture invest in attracting the industry’s most talented and Innovative leaders this is the type of opportunity that really inspires me

And I look forward to contributing to the next chapter of the story franchise end quote Bob Meyer said in a statement according to Adrien morowski this morning what what is your thoughts right there just you know seeing this isn’t the first time we’ve seen NFL guys go

Into the NBA Sashi Brown a guy who helped rebuild the I think he was from baseball though but we’ve seen before what is your thoughts of the an NFL team going and getting you know the greatest one of the greatest Executives of all time to help th you know pick Church

They also got Rick Spielman the former Vikings guy to also help out as a what do you call it a consultant it’s it’s interesting I don’t really would you do it if you were like like if you okay let’s let’s say 20 years down the road you own the

Commies and you just fired your your Ron Rivera okay would you go and hire like whoever the Bob Meers of your generation to help you find like would you go get a a executive from a different sport who’s had a tremendous amount of success to help you do you think success and

Learning how to build a culture in a sport differs from the sport or building a sustainable winning culture is the same regardless of the sport well it’s it’s different they’re different sports I no but but do you think the idea of just building is the same

Though I mean yeah I guess so I I wouldn’t I don’t know Bob Myers’s track record and I don’t it’s just interesting you see I don’t know how big of a a say he has in it I don’t know that’s not really a crazy thing for me good for the

Commies though good for the red skin I wish they I hope they change their name back youo yeah I think we need them to change their name back it be it’s a travesty that they don’t have you know a a real name they the goddamn commies who even chose that name should be

Fired don’t you agree I actually prefer the uh football team over the come that actually has been floated out there people prefer the Washington football team like that it’s not terrible it’s not not my thing but it’s not mine either I think it’s s it makes us sound like we’re a part

Of something something dumb I don’t know I definitely don’t like it I think I think we could have done better as a as a as a I don’t know I felt like there should have been I thought if they did like the the Senators that would have been

Cool yeah there was the Senators like or the something to do with congress makes sense in my opinion but no we can’t do that because because that wouldn’t be right so I want to talk about something before we do our games and that is over

Here all righty tell me when you see it on the screen too big Paulo versus Chad who’s better all right this is a very shitty made graphic by me in 5 seconds but so let’s get into it some might say Chad hologram holgren is better than

Poo this is what we’re going to say Chad is better at Paulo at being able to scale well offensively with ball dominant teammates cck can actually shoot threes at a very high volume and he’s a legit rim protector and can guard multiple positions Paul than Caro can create for others and for

Himself and he’s a guy that probably has the ability to be a generational offensive player but he is limited defensively while Chad could be a guy that has the two-way potential what is your thoughts like I think Czech can be a top 10 player in the league even if he’s

Scoring 15 points per game and that Rim protection floor spacing at the five is ridiculous but I think the the thing we have to look at is that people don’t realize the first three years Trey Young’s career he was the best player in his draft class but

Over the last three years you would say shay gilas Alexander maybe you know Jaylen Brunson and like male Bridges and jiren Jackson Jr are all on the same level I mean Shay’s better but like you get what I’m saying like what is your thoughts who’s better who’s going to be better in

The long term I don’t really I don’t really have a opinion airm I like them both just give us your thoughts I mean right Pao who would you pick if you had the number one pick Paulo why he went to Duke yeah I did forget that that

Is he he already went one and he went to Duke but is there anything that I think he’s the number one pit okay I mean I personally also would go with Paulo I think Chad’s awesome and I think Chad also has the benefit of playing with like really good teammates

Like better teammates than Paulo does but I I think Paulo on the whole has the chance to be one of like I think his floor is like what he is now which is like I mean I guess like being a bigger and a big a bigger version of like Julius Randle but

I think if it’s all put together he’s kind of you know following the same line as he’s like a different version of like Joelle embiid maybe a different like type of like that type of scoring is what I’m saying well I understand that like while like Chad hren is like a

Unique T talent that you’ll like never find being a s foot 3 and D big man you just don’t those don’t grow on trees yeah I wonder if they I wonder if they’re gonna start growing on trees with him and Vic yeah I know I know

That’s what it seems like they are the new prototype that everybody wants y yeah I know it seems like build yeah that bu bow build yeah I mean you’re not wrong and then you also have what’s his face uh the guy in Kevin bleep and Durant no the kid who’s coming out

Of super flag are you talking the guy rocky rocky the the 16 18yearold he’s 73 Rocky NBL next Stars he’s his name is Rocky zarowski Rocco my apology zarowski he’s like 15 years old okay he’s from Australia he’s 17 years old okay I’m just going to show

You he’s 7 foot3 at 17 years old and the steps it with the one handes one second downloading the video so I can show you who this guy is Roco zarowski is 7 foot three at 17 years old and he’s been playing in Australia like professionally for a year

Now and he could potentially be the number one pick in one year’s time all right here we go STS it with the one hand inside zakari blocks the shot here’s Rock rocking place for the brisban bullets I think this guy’s a limit for the kid he’s a great personality really humble

You just you forget how young he is he’s the best in austr number of things so that I so it’s fun to play with a guy like that look at this thing that I love with Rocco is he needs a challeng you know this the guy I

Know this guy right here you see this guy that’s the coach I met the Australian coach I told you that I was that guy right there that guy right there you see that’s just I I have his number so I just keep telling him you’re already 10 steps ahead of where I ever

Was he doesn’t care how he like the ceiling all 7 fo three pass yeah they’re saying he’s probably to go number one next and on over Alex how do you you want to hear his stats first point the dude I’ve never heard so I got on bys with

The all right so so far he’s only played 7 Minutes T night 54% from three rebound three I think this SC the the best in Australia a number of things already on the basketball court so it’s fun to play with the guy you know you said 36 okay he’s playing seven minutes night

Years old s minutes night he’s out one play 36 minutes night he have five he’s going to help us win some games he changes the game at the come on those are some K with the all right let’s go over here and play our favorite game purle who is this

William Desmond Bane Cat Williams would be a good choice Grant Williams that’s a good guess Cat Williams hey look at that that’s so funny that it was a William all right I said it was Grant Williams but I said it’s funny that it was a William like a Williams like cat

You said Cat Williams I did not though I don’t you said cat you said cat you said cat you said Cat Williams that really huh oh I don’t know anything about Cat Williams you love Cat Williams you watch uh you watch Club Shay you’re like speak the truth cat speak the

Truth I no I I don’t I know anything about cow you got anything else you would like to add to the end of the show goat life the Lakers are back go life bus are back’s back the Rockets are back LaVine back yeah Levine’s back for my fantasy team Dre’s

Back doesn’t even matter for your fantasy team season’s over bro what do you mean fantasy football’s over oh I already I already won that you won your league oh yeah I’m talking basketball um I need to set my lineup I haven’t said it in so Long it’s not been good has not been goodless you’re playing them what do you mean oh yeah yeah I love playing it somebody like forgets to set their lineup it’s a automatic dub automatic dub well I got to go my brains out so goat life all right I’ll talk to you tomorrow Peace

🏀 Welcome to The NBA Show! Get ready for an in-depth NBA mock draft and an exclusive breakdown of the Dallas Mavericks & Brooklyn Nets mid-season performance! From potential draft picks to team analyses, we’ve got you covered.

🔥 In this episode, we delve into the future prospects of the NBA with a mock draft that dissects the potential picks and their impact on the league. Plus, catch a detailed breakdown of how the Mavericks and Nets have been faring in the ongoing season.

📈 We analyze the strengths, weaknesses, and standout players that have defined these teams’ journeys so far, giving you an insider’s perspective on their strategies and gameplays.

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