@Charlotte Hornets

Charlotte Hornets vs Sacramento Kings recap & reactions

Charlotte Hornets vs Sacramento Kings recap & reactions

What’s going on everybody and welcome into the sack toown Sports Kings recap my name is Chris Watkins joining you after the Sacramento Kings win on the road in Charlotte yes on the second night of a backtack Believe It or Not uh the Kings do get the win tonight by a

Score of 12398 again in Charlotte uh you have the Kings four main contributors from yesterday continue their their good performance and uh give you a good effort tonight as well Damon sabonis uh 24 points Keegan Murray a game high 25 Daren Fox 19 and Malik monk with 20 um what a

Weird weird start to this game it was Kevin herder who was reinserted into the starting lineup uh just last game uh left this game in about 20 seconds uh after the tip off you didn’t see it if you watched it on the NBC Sports California broadcast it didn’t show it

It showed the jump ball it showed Kevin herder go off screen and then the next time you see him he’s limping uh but I guess on the Charlotte broadcast and then NBC eventually did uh post an alternate angle on their on their Twitter page uh of of Kevin herder

Twisting his ankle on Keegan Murray’s knee on Keegan Murray’s foot I’m sorry uh which led to Kevin herder hobbling off uh he went straight to the to the locker room uh didn’t stop at the bench didn’t have any conversations just went straight back there and uh you assume

It’s pretty bad they ruled them out pretty pretty quickly um I’m glad it’s an ankle injury I was saying on uh on Allan my my co-host Allen Styles’s uh beam spaces during halftime I thought it was his Achilles for a second just because uh of of how quick it was and it

Seemed like it was non- contct and with it happening so quick I mean there there weren’t many options so uh in a weird way I’m kind of glad to see that it’s just his ankle and definitely hoping the best for for Kevin herder uh because even though he hasn’t been playing well

Uh you know he’s definitely somebody who can team when it comes to shooting the basketball because we see again on a night like tonight when the shots are falling this team looks really really good and uh that’s that’s definitely is their shooting like everything just kind of falls

Into shots and so uh you know there there’s not many worries out there when the shots are falling it would be interesting to see what would happen if if the shots weren’t falling to see you know would they continue to attack the paint like they did yesterday spoiler

Alert they did attack the paint really well tonight um or you know would they would they lock it up on the defensive end which you know I think the first half was a bit of a struggle you know you look at uh Terry Rosier kind of got

To to where he wanted to get in that first half miles Bridges um who’s just it’s so fortunate that he’s still in the NBA and you still have to talk about him but uh he was really good in that first half hit some tough shots in a crazy

Fall Away um it was a fallway three yeah as the as the buzzer was going off uh but the Kings did a much better job in the second half playing better defense I think Rosier had four or five points in the second half um just a really good effort and glad that they

Took care of business not much of today was scary uh the the Hornets never really went on any major runs they did have a lead at the very start of the game uh but you know after that the Kings took the lead and and never really

Looked back so really good to kind of look at this little backtack as a business trip uh two worst teams in the NBA in Detroit and Charlotte so glad that the Kings ended up getting two victories out of those two games um and also really good that on the second

Night of a back toback you only have D sabonis playing 28 minutes you have dearen Fox playing 28 minutes uh Malik monk played 30 even Keegan was their High minute getter at 32 that that’s pretty light so as the Kings have a tough opponent in the Philadelphia 76ers

On Friday that’ll be on ESPN on national TV uh that’s you know it’s it’s good that the Kings at least won’t have the uh you know tired excuse or anything like that they should be very very well rested uh for that Sixers game on Friday looking forward to that one and at the

Same time really really scared for that one too uh just because the Sixers have had our number really love to see um just in general again I mentioned it there uh but the king’s attacking attacking the uh the rim and and attacking the paint too many times this

Year um have they just Liv and died by the three I looked it up uh today they finished with 35 threes that’s the sixth time time this year that they’ve had 34 or 35 or less threes so typically they’re they’re putting them up they’re putting up usually at least 40 so um

It’s good to kind of see this team condense themselves a bit because you know the the perimeter shooting was getting a little bit much I mean they were they were just solely trying to shoot themselves out of slumps and uh that’s not how you do it you’re you’re

Going to have to always always work from the inside out you know it’s it’s uh you know there’s just some core principles in sports where you can’t you can’t cheat it you can’t avoid it in football you can be Patrick Mahomes but you still have to establish some sort of Run game

Uh you know in in baseball home runs are great but you got to get people on base and you got to get them moved around the bases in basketball you can’t just Chuck up threes or Chuck up jump shots you have to drive you have to set up uh the

Paint you have to establish the paint as a place which you’re a threat and then everything else once you establish that and you get a defense to focus on collapsing into the paint everything else opens up the perimeter jumpers open up um you can you can you know take

Mid-range jump shots everything opens up so uh good to see the Kings kind of refocusing in in getting 60 I believe 62 points in the paint tonight after a season High 82 points in the paint uh after last uh after last night interesting Airborne musician says Gman

Sounded a little busted up on the broadcast uh tonight that is uh maybe I I’m guessing g man’s just sick he did uh the last game of the road trip actually or of the homand I mean the other day he had uh I think what he call it he called

It his uh FM voice on he had his Smooth Jazz voice so yeah I think g man’s going through a little hsing uh with his voice and uh if if you have an opportunity definitely check him out I think he he seems healthy and all that like seems

Fine he’s he’s traveling and like I said he was at the game I think it’s just uh his voice is is messed up a little bit right now so uh if you have a chance definitely check out the radio broadcast to hear uh a different side of Gman

Which you don’t know you know g man’s had that job for what 30 years now or something like that and you know he’s of course you know he’s evolved as time has gone on but this is this is a uh this is a very rare G man usually you don’t get

To hear the Su Tre down Gman like this so definitely go go check it out and I I am pretty sure g man’s okay he seemed in really good spirits didn’t seem like he was sick or anything just kind of like I said seemed like his voice was a little

Bit shocked uh and also I mean the travel Draper and Katie mentioned it at the end of the broadcast pretty brutal for the Kings they went four cities in four nights uh on Monday they were in sack on Tuesday they were in Detroit today they were in Charlotte and they’re

Gonna fly out tomorrow to Philadelphia four cities in four nights that’s not going to do anybody really well so hopefully the Kings can can overcome that because you know they always talk about you know just how tough it is to to live that NBA lifestyle just in terms

Of travel and being and not knowing what city you’re in not knowing what hotel you’re staying in and then when you have games mixed up on top of that you can barely get game plans locked in and uh it just kind of feels like everything’s

Flying by at a million miles per hour as you’re kind of getting into the meat of the Season like we’re almost exactly halfway through the season as the Kings now have played what they’re 23 and 37 games um so they’re five away from being halfway through this year B math fourway from being

Halfway through this year um yeah I me you know this is this is when things get tough this is when people kind of start to separate themselves and uh it’s good that the kings are kind of playing from starting to and say let’s not forget how

24 hours ago okay but it does feel like the kings are getting results and starting to kind of uh play better it does seem like uh you know after the back of yesterday and and taking care of business today and uh we’ll see how how this stretch of of Philadelphia

Milwaukee and Phoenix goes to end the road trip but um it does feel like you know this team the floor isn’t falling out you know these guys are still gonna remain good as the train is approaching I should say and guys get thrown into trade rumors and speculation it’s it’s

Tough It’s a lot of off the- floor stuff that that you know I I imagine cre into uh on the floor you know if if you’re Harrison Barnes if you’re Kevin herder and you hear all day from friends and you know old whatever I don’t know old high school friends your family maybe

Possibly sending you hey I’m hearing that you’re in trade MERS is that true that stuff can can mess with you in like and just distracting from so right now is a really difficult time for all that especially feel like these Kings Kings are involved in just about every trade I

Definely Eric I was definitely not about to go to the arena uh yeah they Lo that stuff maybe one day maybe one day we can get like a uh you know like a remote uh postgame show or something like that I know Matt George did a a live watch party

Podcast like I fix L audio issu can’t tell me that I’m having the audio now I hope it’s not I hope it’s hope it’s just you I was hoping that my mic audio be a problem today because as you can see I went hand hand not handheld

I so Hing hoping the audio is at least coming through a lot people I can try and project speak more toward the webam that out but yeah you know today for the most part was what oh sound like I’m through a tunnel I don’t like that at

All uh so we are going to try and fix that might be cancellation which I don’t know why that would be on so maybe that’s better there’s no Echo cancellation I don’t know why streamyard and you know what I figured out too after yesterday’s stream everyone was

Saying my my audio is crazy um I did test it after didn’t hear anything wrong at all so I’m thinking that is streamyard which is uh which is just wonky streamyard is really weird we have issues with it uh here and there so it might just be streamyard glad to see

Yeah apparently that’s much better I I can’t explain this I I don’t know people I’m just a just a simple man trying to do a post game show uh let’s see here what should we talk about I feel like I really haven’t even talked about anything and we’ve been going on for 12

Minutes so if you’re in here and if you’re in here routinely shout out y’all uh appreciate you guys a lot um cuz I got to do these anyway so I’m glad that there’s at least people uh here to watch and you guys are always super awesome in the chat chat uh love the

Interaction uh let’s talk you know what let’s talk a little bit about bik monk tonight who uh who made his Homecoming in a way back to Charlotte uh he’s kind of talked a lot this year and I think I’ve talked on on these postgame streams uh about Malik and and it feels

Like he’s been a lot more open I think it’s because he kind of has finally found his footing in the league but he’s been really open this year um just about his his time in Charlotte how he really didn’t believe he was going to stick in the league at that point like

Malik was this really highly touted uh Prospect in high school uh obviously went to Kentucky had a great season with dearon had tons of hype got drafted in the top 10 and you know kind of didn’t live up to to the billing like

He he really was uh let me let me see if I can pull up his numbers here when he was in um in Charlotte but he was really inefficient like he he also got suspended for a period of time uh for a drug suspension and you know he

He was kind of on his way out of the league a lot really similar actually to to the career of James book Knight like James book Knight I look at him and Charlotte and I’m like that’s that’s the Malik monk story right there so I if if

I were a team I would definitely even though book Knight did air a three today which was crazy he aired a wide open three um I just I I got to wonder there’s something wrong with that situation looking at Malik here he shot 36% um

From the field let me let me just get his entire Charlotte career here his Charlotte career which was Four Seasons he shot 40% from the field 33 game uh 17 minutes he just never really got a footing uh I think they were only semis successful

One of his years in Charlotte um with he was kind of at the tail end end of the kemell Walker era in Charlotte so um you know he he just never really found his footing and then he went to LA with the Lakers had that good season signed with the

Kings and you know everybody kind of knows the rest of the story um but for him to find his footing here in Sacramento it’s been interesting as this trade season is is kind of come along it’s there’s been talks of should the Kings look to maybe you know put Malik

Into a trade um is he part of the untouchable and uh you know will any trade the kings make affect the possibility of Malik resigning in the offse um the dude’s essential at least to to this current construction of the Kings I don’t think you can make a

Move this season and have Malik monk involved because of how important he is to how this king’s team functions if you were to make a trade and let’s say it’s Harrison Barnes and Malik monk for Zack LaVine straight up I don’t know I’m just making things up I

Think what would happen is this team would almost be so knew they would take some time to kind of get adjusted and I don’t know if it it probably wouldn’t be better off but it would just be such a shock to the system of this team who’s

Used to almost having Malik’s energy Off the Bench and being able to rely on him I I just don’t think it can happen maybe uh maybe it can happen in the future after you lock down Malik and and you need to make an upgrade or something but

I I don’t think here and now is the time it feels like Malik needs to be here in Sacramento it’s been a really good fit um and you know he’s he’s also got Dean Fox who who really you know they’re they’re obviously really really close

From their time in at Kentucky but um I definitely think Malik kind of needs uh some people that he can he can relate with because Malik is a little bit in danger of if he were to be in a situation unchecked I could see how he he might step over some boundaries on

The floor where he just kind of uh you know Malik is a really uh talented guy who can do a whole lot of everything and we’ve seen guys like I just would be afraid that Malik would almost turn into a little bit of J.R Smith where it’s

Just like a lot of head scratching decisions because he feels like he can do so much and uh it could be bad if go if gone oncheck out of if gone unchecked um and I feel like having d out there and kind of understanding I don’t want

To say a totem pole or a hierarchy but just respecting dearon as a player uh I think is big for for Malik to have next to him so I think the fit is perfect I think he’s his role is perfect I think he’s perfect for that role um and I

Really can’t imagine this this current iteration of this Kings Team without uh Malik another ridiculous game for sabonis he continues to uh put together ridiculous performances 20 straight double doubles for him uh seven assists after a big triple double last night Keegan Murray again after 32 perform

Point performance follows it up with a 25 piece come on come on I mean that’s that’s huge I mean Keegan being a consistent scorer for this team massive can cannot be overstated like if he can if he can be aggressive every night and not need uh to get hit in the mouth

Before he uh starts to get going that’s that’s what this team needs they need him to come out and be a Hitman like he needs to to just be a killer every time Keegan Murray scores it should hurt the other team uh because yeah I mean he he

Can give it to at all levels you see tonight he was uh he was eight of 11 on two-point attempts and that’s become a reoccurring thing we have talked so much um throughout Keegan’s career so far about him being a shooter and for him to shooter from the

Perimeter I mean last year pretty much it had to have been like 80% of Keegan shots last year Came From Beyond The Arc uh the fact that he’s you know diversifying his his buckets and uh just kind of keeping Defenders on his heels that’s the development for Keegan and as

He’s only in year two it’s only going to get better the fact that he’s already picked this up halfway through his second year I was thinking uh today just like man in year I can’t wait for year four year five when it’s like okay now all the stuff we’re thinking about now

Is just easy for Keegan it’s just part of who he is now let’s work on how does Keegan make others better how does how do we make Keegan into a facilitator into a passer how do we get Keegan involved more in the pick and rle so he

Can maybe get more threes or get more assists or maybe even drive more and use his nice Runner um it’s it’s really exciting to watch it’s really cool to watch it in real time time I mean how many of you out there have been watching this king’s team like I have um during

Those that 16year playoff drought when we would see Ben McLemore Nick stalis I mean Quincy Dobie uh even you know even the good ones I’m listing the bad ones but like even Tyreek the the development of of Tyreek Evans and how you know we saw him be something his rookie year and

Then we never really saw him develop much else I mean he got better at ball handling he got better at finishing at The Rim the things he was was already good at but we didn’t see his game evolve into something else um we’re seeing Keegan Murray be something his

Rookie year and I I think by year four or five he’s going to look like a completely different player you see again the defense the ball handling um just I think eventually he’s going to get better at attacking the rim I I just think that the the trajectory Keegan’s

On right now is crazy and again just as someone who’s seen this Kings team go through so many young players throughout the years it’s just weird to see uh a young player actually develop and look great while doing it and uh ex almost exceed expectations too like you know

Very rarely have the Kings had rookies even meet expectations you’ve almost had to to to reach to try and say ah you know Ben McLemore the shot looks good it looks good it’s going in like not as much as I’d want it to but at least it looks

Good on the way like you’re not having to convince yourself there are re very real tangible numbers uh that you can track for Keegan’s development and also I mean just use your freaking eyes and you can see how much better he’s gotten so um should be just I’m just excited I

Mean even in the playoffs I’m excited to see because this team is a playoff team okay I don’t care what anyone says forget all even me okay I don’t care care if I come on here and say this is inexcusable good teams don’t do this the

Kings are a playoff team okay and I cannot wait to see what Keegan Murray does in the playoffs we saw him last year uh going against the the Warriors just that again in real time you see the difference of from games one through three through the player in game four

Through seven and I can’t wait to see how Keegan evolves throughout a playoff series I think it’s going to be crazy and uh you know hopefully he can be a big part of of the Kings moving on to the second round because that’s how you also start to build uh some national

Attention as well nobody nobody and I mean nobody in the National media is talking about Keegan Murray uh you know they’ll they’ll talk about you know all the other guys drafted even Pao banero I I’ll you know I Pao banero does not get enough attention uh not nearly enough

Attention and even he gets more attention than Keegan Murray so you know I just I can’t wait to kind of see how uh how Keegan develops and and what it’s going to look like cuz I think it’s going to be something crazy um is there anything else from the

Game that really stuck out the kobby Jones thing uh I wouldn’t read too much into it I think it was just kind of Mike on the Fly after herder got hurt so early they had to go to dwarte who I assume was going to be Kevin’s backup oo

Excuse me who I assume was going to be Kevin’s backup um and then so they had to move dwarte into that starting spot and I think they just didn’t want to put Keon I mean I don’t know I I can’t explain to you why it was exactly specifically Colby Jones uh pretty

Random again maybe you could just throw that into the pot of is Mike is is this intentional is Mike Brown just you know flying flying randomly like he’s just he’s flying free he he he’s just doing what he wants out there or is is any of that planned

Because uh Colby Jones was I was not expecting uh I was not expecting him to be in this game let’s do our three stars of the night um first star it it’s tough between Malik and dearen de was a little bit more efficient dear still you know I still wouldn’t say he

Looks 100% he’s starting to look a little bit more comfortable uh out there you know I I know a lot of people are speculating he’s hurt a lot of people I I guess Malik yesterday after the postgame uh with with or in the postgame interview with Gman said there’s some

Off the- floor stuff that that is seeping on the floor um I I don’t know what that’s about I don’t know what that’s referring to I don’t know if he’s talking about dearen um but I I think it’s clear that daren’s not necessarily at the same level that he was for really

What we’ve seen all year these These past I don’t know it’s probably been a week and a half just hasn’t quite looked the same so I’m going to give Malik monk the one star uh playing back in Charlotte seven to seven from the free throw line 20 points uh two blocks which

One of them was sick on Nick Richards that was uh really really cool uh four rebounds four assists for Malik plus 17 he was great I mean he he finished at The Rim he was hitting down he was hitting or hit a three I thought hit multiple threes um but you know Malik

Just kind of provided what what he always does and I’m glad that he had this opportunity after really struggling when when the Hornets uh came to Sacramento Malik got himself benched in that first half so I’m glad he was able to have himself a night against his

Former team I’m sure that one meant a lot to him uh two stars of the night I’m going to give to domas because he set the bar so high after yesterday’s game when you got 2410 and seven come on bro do better why’d you why’d you take the

Night off off why why wait you thought you thought we wouldn’t notice a slump night for for sabonis um really hope he picks it up so we’re going to give him two stars instead of three um just just to try and send a message so uh do

Better do better domas please come on man 24 10 and seven chump stuff uh 20 straight double doubles for him uh just just a mad man just an absolute mad man there’s nobody there’s nobody on these bad like against Bad teams sabonis is going to do

What ever he wants like for teams that don’t have bigs there’s there’s no there’s no way you can control him he’s too strong too dominant and he plays too hard every single play for you not to feel him so uh you know it’s going to be a whole

Different beast on Friday when he’s going against Joel embiid unfortunately that’s really where he’s going to be judged that 37 point triple double isn’t going to mean a single thing if he gets 12 points 10 10 rebounds and six assists on Friday I’m telling you just letting

You know how it is people are going to say oh yeah sabonis can can can beat up on the Pistons and beat up on the Hornets but when he plays against an MVP level Talent he can’t bring it which might be true for that night but I’m not

Going to say that it’s a it’s a definite I’m not going to say it’s an absolute um we’ve seen sabonis have enough good nights against Nicola yic and other top tier centers for for us to know that that’s just not true so uh it’ll be interesting Friday is going to be a

Really really big game for domas and I hope he shows up for his sake because I really hope he can he can at least quiet the haters I don’t think he can silence him fully until he has playoff success but a really big night against uh against a former MVP or last season’s

MVP and do him some good in the PR department for sure uh and I’m going to give my three stars of the night to Keegan Murray 25 points he had 32 last last night tonight all aggression didn’t have to be woken up or anything uh played great defense to to start the

Game hit three threes he he’s looking great man and I already mentioned the the two-point stuff he was eight of 11 from two that’s that’s development in front of our eyes and uh as as Keegan just kind of continues to get more and more aggressive I think this team’s

Going to be uh start to play more and more consistent because if they can rely I mean again we know sabonis is going to give 100% every single night he’s going to trick around and get 16 12 and six de’arra Fox more than capable again even dearen has a slow night he still

Finishes off with 19 points we know those two dudes are going to bring some version of a good game every single night if we can get Keegan to constantly produce 18 plus points a night that’s how this team is consistently good and we stop seeing these random night night

Where they just look terrible um it would do them a lot of Wonders it as we talked about all summer long it was what the game plan was this year was for Keegan to step up and be that third option consistently and I think uh we

Would all say that dearn fox has been number one I think we could say damus sabonis has been a number two and Malik monk has definitely been this team’s uh second slash third option routinely every single night and if Keegan can move into that slot and be that

Consistent third option but you still have Malik as well as a consistent fourth option and then you have guys like Trey ly and then you have Kevin herder possibly getting out of his slump that’s HB I anybody HB Harrison Barnes are you here is it possible for you to

Contribute even he uh it it takes some of the pressure off of him yes but it also makes when he does contribute it makes makes it that much more impactful so Keegan being that guy consistently and and just having it be uh something expected like I think we at some point

Here you know we we do need to uh expect the level of consistency out of Keegan man that that’s how this team goes to another level and yes Mr Jason 916 sure absolutely if we can trade Kevin herder and Keegan uh not Keegan whoa whoa whoa

Whoa strike that from the record if we could trade Kevin herder and Harrison Barnes um for some sort of contributor uh that you know I think those two could get you a really good player I don’t know who that player is I don’t know if that player’s name is even in trade

Circles right now but if you can turn uh those two guys into somebody else who can consistently contribute look out look out Western Conference because if you look at the West it’s crazy if I saw yesterday uh every single team starting with number one the Timberwolves had 10 losses

Number two had 11 losses number three had 12 losses and so on and so forth all the way to the 10 seed West so this thing is literally being decided by the day like if if the Kings go on a nice little yep and I’m looking at it now

Number one Timberwolves have 10 losses let me see if I can let’s let’s let’s get a little fancy here and let’s share the screen uh this could be where everything this entire stream goes wrong here we go here we go we on it we on it here we go so as you

Can see here Timberwolves 10 losses OKC 11 Denver 12 Clippers 13 Kings 14 Pelicans 15 Maverick 16 Houston 17 Phoenix 18 Lakers 19 Utah 20 and then even golden state has 19 so this thing this ladder can move daily weekly if you check it this team could end up at seven

There’s so much movement that can happen and that’s why I mean a it’s why it was so important for this Kings team to take advantage of this easy stretch of games which um maybe I can look back here I don’t quite remember all these games on

This trip but for the most part I mean the Kings have it hasn’t looked super pretty but the Kings have for the most part uh taking care of this weak stretch but you know with with a tougher stretch of opponents coming up man Kings need to make sure that they’re bringing it

Because again these things move really really quickly and you know yeah you’ve got you’ve got the Sixers you’ve got the Bucks you’ve got the Suns the Pacers are a little bit down and then you have the Hawks as well uh but then you hit the road for a very

Long road trip against the Warriors the Mavericks the Grizzlies the heat the Pacers bulls and Cavs it’s just it’s it’s not you know there’s a couple games that have gotten easier whether it be the Grizzlies uh because jaw’s now out or or they have two games against the

Pacers in that stretch which uh who knows if tyres will be available for that February 2 game in Indiana but it’s it’s just it’s getting harder the stretch the stretch of games is getting harder here um so I guess you know let me see here looking back uh I guess you

Can say the the stretch of easy opponents does end and let’s see here you have a loss let me count this out here you have three losses one two three four five six six wins three losses so you know six and three in that nine game stretch against easy opponents I guess

Is is fine it’s not the it’s not the best record obviously uh you’d kind of want them to you know seven and two sounds a lot a lot better um I’m trying to see if I have a Graphic of that easy opponent so yeah I mean it was Portland Atlanta

Memphis Charlotte Orlando Toronto New Orleans Detroit and Charlotte uh the Kings did go six and three during that stretch and those opponents had a 360 win percentage so you know again you probably could have gone seven and two um but to go six and three isn’t the

Worst but uh you know that’s that’s also why the Kings kind of find themselves in that fifth seed and and not at a three or two seed I think that’s going to be it that felt like a solid show to me I don’t know about y’all but I’m going to

Get on out of here it’s around dinner time it’s kind of nice to have these earlier games because you know we can end and have it not be the end of the night uh so I’m going to dip on out of here appreciate you all for for hopping

In I know it’s been uh a little chaotic here but I’m going to try and uh get all these issues figured out uh I will see youall on Friday after that Sixers game on national TV be careful look out uh as Joel embiid and deonis sabonis going

Head to Head cannot wait that one’s again ESPN it starts at 4:30 um so we’ll probably be on on here around 6:30 you’re probably closer to 7 uh because of the national TV timeouts y’all have a fantastic night appreciate you all like the beam and let’s go look at it

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