@San Antonio Spurs



Really I found myself yelling at the Pistons I got angry with the Pistons obviously I’m a Spurs fan right Clan the Spurs fan here but yeah I like genuinely got upset with the Clippers I not Clippers I’m sorry the Pistons I’m like oh my God what are you guys doing pass the

Ball that’s cap bro what what’s cap that I actually got upset that no I genuinely did get upset with the Pistons I was like what are you what are you doing after a while now mind you we were up by like 20 at this point okay so I can kind

Of let my guard down a little bit but yeah no I I genuinely did get upset I was like what the heck is going on with the Pistons I felt bad for Pistons fans to be completely honest with you guys um well they didn’t have K well they didn’t

Know but who cares all right so I mean they’ve been bad they’ve been bad all season long but they literally don’t have uh a Direction so first and foremost okay let me go ah aad and bring something up before we get into this if you aren’t following me on Twitter or X

People say that I need to say x now it doesn’t matter if I type in Twitter it still goes to X um if you guys aren’t please please go follow me on uh Twitter or X whatever uh Clan the Spurs fan and I I got together a thread here because there’s so many

Crazy narratives out there about how Victor W bayama and Jeremy soan oh my God the connection is terrible soan hates wimy there’s so much jealousy it it’s it’s it it got out of hand at one point um so I got together this thread and I’m

Going to keep adding to it as the season goes along um and just check it out man there’s so many different things that I even forgot about um where whether it be soan not soan I’m sorry um uh wimy dying his hair whether it be him congratulating them whether it be some

Of the things they have in common as far as book read like there’s so many uh different things and I just added this one to the list hold on we don’t we don’t want to get copyrighted um but yeah it was a really sweet pass sweet dish from

Wimy Full Court to soan but what I love is this part right here this is what I love hold on just mute it I see you boy so yeah every single one of these moments we going to have it documented okay cuz I’m tired and sick of people just saying things and I

Understand okay um you know when when you use your eye test and that’s all you go off of it gets really subjective to the point where you’ll think that oh I saw him do this one thing in this specific game and that body language made me think this you know we’re just

Going to document every single instant every any small thing okay of these two getting along just so we can at least have something to go to so if you guys want to argue with anybody um anywhere you can just tag them in this or you can

You know send it over to them all right anyways let’s go a and take a look at this so San Antonio Spurs versus the Pistons we’ll go through every single player I’ll tell you how I felt about their game and all that uh good stuff I I spoiler alert I don’t have much

Negative to say about anybody um but just starting off uh champeny actually funny enough wait I do have one negative I have one negative thing to say about pop one negative thing to say about pop um but other than that everyone did great uh champen uh he was champeny I I I don’t

Expect much out of I expect him to come in play decent defense maybe get a steal here or there um and be a threat just it’s like teams know he can shoot so they they stay on him so he he spaces the floor he’s good with the ball um not

In his hands as well so he did fine um uh champen is a g-league player to be honest yeah yeah I mean kind of like he can play in the NBA but he’s like an end of the bench type player you know like when it’s all said and done we he’ll be

On the bench if if he stays with the Spurs are you on threads Clan I gave up on Twitter when musk bought it oh God yeah musk s sucks so bad dude I I usually I I just use it just so I can connect with people at this point um I

Am on threads but while I don’t really use it as much I’m kind of waiting for it to get a little better I was using it initially and then I was just like o this is kind of it’s kind of whack but yeah I’m on there you can follow me on

There and everything cuz it’s connected to your Instagram blah blah blah okay guys stop um anyways uh soan uh I had a really good game I thought uh he made really good uh uh uh uh off ball uh cuts um his shot selection was really good a

Few of those shots it’s like ah dude I wish you would have attacked the basket there but it wasn’t like they were bad shots that he took um that mid-range uh turnaround he he’s usually pretty decent at it so um but for the most part he did

Good he had a good game nothing really there to write home about defense was good uh I I don’t I don’t know I’m sorry I I don’t have many adjectives when it comes to his game it was just good it wasn’t like Elite it wasn’t great it was

Just a solid game just a good game from Jeremy Sohan we’ll wait on you we going to we going to wait on you um Trey Jones solid game I I nothing nothing I can say here solid game um he once again made a lot of passes uh uh cut pass one

Thing that I noticed in this game more so than the other ones was that wimy was actually the focal point of the of the offense which is great like it it should have been like this a long time ago like we’ve had it on occasion here or there C

Games but it seems like they finally just embraced it and I think that that also comes down to like uh wimba nyama getting used to the team uh the team actually coming together and saying we’re going to play through him uh it I don’t know I don’t know I think that it

Has to be kind of a team uh decision as well uh but it seems like pop has definitely leaned in that direction but this was the first game where I felt like every single second was played through wimy and I like that um I like

That Duren oh yeah I did want to talk about that um okay we’ll we’ll get we’ll get back to Duren in a minute I I do want to talk about durren I forgot about that we’ll get to D in a minute uh Devon fael solid

I did not care for okay for them playing through wimy I’m okay I’m cool he was Distributing so well everybody was getting involved and we were just kicking their butt I’m okay for the most part but Devon fael starting off I felt like he went back to those Tendencies of

Just kind of settling for shots uh then he started attacking a little bit more and it it was a little bit more balanced and also when uh wimy sat down Devon fael he he he took over he was a little bit more aggressive but for the most

Part I I don’t think that there should be any game I’ll even say with this one I don’t care any game which he just takes 12 shots I I want I want fael in that 16 17 um shot range regardless but that’s just me that’s just me as as uh

From what I’ve seen from him I I want him I would love for fael to just get used to being aggressive of every single night right um and not necessarily settling for for certain shots and he settled at the beginning but he got better he got better uh moving on Mamu

Didn’t really play didn’t really play uh Barlo was super solid um but at the same time he can get attacked a lot not his fault it’s just the fact that he’s a power forward he’s he’s going up against these centers and I will say this for

What it’s worth he’s doing a fine job I mean he’s doing a very fine job um of that I noticed that they usually bring him up to double team because let’s just be honest a center gets the ball in the paint it’s an automatic point it’s it’s automatic

Score uh so they’re they’re bringing them out of the paint at at times to go ahead and double and then they just rotate over but for the most part I thought he did really well held his own um one thing I don’t agree with though because someone someone got really angry

With me uh where I was saying that Barlo isn’t as good as Zach which obviously he shouldn’t be at this point in his career and they were like no he’s better cuz he gets blocks and it’s like he averages the same amount of blocks and then per

36 if you want to go by per 36 Zack Collins steel averages way better statistics I don’t know where people were coming or where he was coming from with that I saw a few other people with that same sentiment I I don’t I don’t know look Don Barlo is holding his own

He’s a solid player and I think when it’s all said and done uh he will be in this rotation permanently hopefully permanently um I would like honestly I would it’s one or two ways I I could see this okay I would either want Don Barlo to come off the bench for Jeremy Sohan

Which would be great or I would like Don Barlo uh to start and then Sohan be the six-man for next season that would be cool too cuz you know soan is also accustomed to being a six-man um in college and and everything so he he’s he’s so versatile it doesn’t really

Matter uh so either way uh but I do want to see Don Barlo in that rotation I don’t want I know someone mentioned to me because I I just want to address it they were like well Clan what if we did Barlo and Jeremy soan uh uh starting together and you

Move soan to the small for position I don’t like that at all I I feel like you’re you’re limiting your options there you’re kind of closing off the court you’re not really opening things up I don’t really like it I don’t like it that’s not cool that’s that seems like a kind of

Ugly lineup especially coming into this draft where more than likely the Spurs are going to get a wing uh a starting uh small forward Wing hopefully hopefully they’ll do that uh so I I just don’t see that as a possibility uh but I will say this if they want to go into smaller

Lineups at times um Barlo and soan seem to have pretty good chemistry and I was trying to think I well I was trying to think when did soan when he would have even played with Don Barlo cuz I know that they came into the league at the same point but how often

Did they even play together I don’t know but I will say that they have chemistry on the court I don’t know strange anyways Um Zack Collins is not trash calm down he’s not trash he’s he’s actually playing well um if you think if you think Don Barlo is playing well Zach

Collins is playing well all right um I mean it’s in the statistics anyways uh McDermot did his thing I mean he did his thing I mean his his back door Cuts uh constantly moving without the ball in his hands defense is still like Dreadful but it’s okay you know he’s mcder uh so

Yeah he he’s um he did what what we needed him to do he went four for five from three you can’t ask for more uh Osman same thing really great back door Cuts uh got three uh assists in there two steals I mean he was very active uh I I I liked every

Second of that he did he did very well uh too uh Kellin Johnson same thing um he I mean he did what they asked him to I I really look I I have no analysis for this everyone just plays so solid there’s nothing I can really say that’s

Negative but yeah Kell Johnson just did his thing uh they asked they asked him to come in take over the second unit that’s exactly what he did um I but oh okay so all right all right hold on hold on before we get into Duren you just finish off uh Malachi brandham

Did okay um once again defense isn’t the best but you know for what you needed him to do uh he did it now one thing that upset me is I don’t think they gave him an assist you guys can correct me if I’m wrong I don’t think they gave him an

Assist for that pass to wimy where he shot it missed it I guess he didn’t really get the rebound but he tipped it over to wom I’m pretty sure he tipped it that wasn’t just like a loose ball there I don’t know they didn’t give him the

Assist for that and I I didn’t like that I don’t think they did but he got three assists on the on the books and I don’t think one of those is to wimy so that’s unfortunate anyways uh and Wesley even though he played 6 minutes very

Effective it felt like longer um in a good way and yeah he showed his athleticism he showed his tenacity defensively did his thing uh so everybody just had a very solid game they started off a little sluggish uh but when it was all said and done wmy

Got him involved and the the the momentum just shift and everybody just played really really well I thought now I will say this okay so jayen durren so a couple of you in the comments I just saw it said Jaylen durren is better than uh soan or or

Something in the lines of that I think you’re crazy I I will I will stick by this since Draft Day Jaylen Duren is a solid Center but as far as what what soan can do on the court for his side no he’s way more valuable than a Jaylen

Duren if Spurs had Jaylen Duren yeah you could use a player like that but for what soan brings he’s much more valuable and I I don’t even know yeah I don’t even know where people are coming from with that in this game very similar to the Jared Allen game it was

Just dump off dunk dump off dunk dump off dunk that was it that was it that’s that’s that was his game when he tried to do anything outside of that three-point shooting or when he tried to shoot or not shoot a three he shot a um

Uh the out outside shot every time he attempted to shoot out outside shot it it was ugly it was it was really bad uh but yeah it was that’s all it was it was just dump off dunk and if wimy was in the game for the big chunk of that those

Points that he was getting uh yeah he he would have had a pretty poor game but yeah it was the same thing I I don’t know I feel like Spurs fans often have this uh infactuation with uh bigman that can dunk I don’t know where this is

Coming from uh who’s that player that we had crap who’s that player that we had man what’s his name he’s like a cancer in the locker room or he end up being known as a cancer in the locker room Spurs got rid of him ah what’s his name

That Center everyone loved him you guys remember DJ no not dj uh do you guys know what I’m talking about he had like a older face Deadman yes yes thank you Ru yeah Deadman Deadman people love Deadman and for Years everybody was just saying get

A center in the draft that can dunk Get A Center everyone wanted Kai Jones there was so many Spurs fans that wanted Kai Jones and I’m like no these these types of players are pretty limited you can get those in free agency you can get those through really small trades you

Don’t have to go all out and use up a really good draft pick for a center that can dunk rebound you you don’t have to do that um I mean shoot we tanked and now we got a player that can do all that

Uh so yeah I I don’t know so as far as Duran versus Sohan that’s so silly to me like Sohan is obviously blatantly the better uh player than than durren even though duren’s a good player uh you get more utility out of having a Jeremy Sohan on your roster now with that being

Said with that being said wimy my God this dude was absolutely insane they finally played through him for the entire game um I loved how how much he communicated with his teammates um I loved I loved the body language I loved everything about it his IQ is just

Beyond everyone else’s and now he’s to the point where he’s directing traffic he’s telling people where he wants them to be where they need to be it is beautiful and if you guys remember or you recall we talked about this this a long time ago um but when he was in

France and he got and zero turnovers I didn’t even notice that I just looked at the the chat yeah zero turnovers I didn’t even realize there zero turnovers yeah cuz usually he gets you a good like five turnovers he usually give you a good five of them um yeah zero turnovers

That’s really good really impressive um getting a triple double within 21 minutes is is really impressive I looked up where is the like who has the fastest and I think it’s joish with 14 minutes the fastest triple double um but yeah anyways what I was saying was

When he was over at France and he went to that awful Team all right Metropolitan awful team uh he actually was in charge of a lot of different things uh he said that he was in charge of making sure that they were eating correctly making sure that they were

Working out and their workout schedule was good he just he took over everything as like a 18-year-old absolutely insane what he said he had to to doing what he was responsible over so I am not shocked by any means that in the NBA level since

He doesn’t have to do as much as he did there it’s it’s going to be it’s going to really shine sorry I’m late it’s okay but yeah he’s um he’s really good I I I hate this game I love this game but I hate this game because I literally have nothing to

Say I I don’t I don’t have any I have nothing oh oh I remember what I was going to say this is the last thing okay this is the only thing we’ll say um papovich upset me uh he upset me I think it was at the end of the third let me make

Sure I think it was the end of the third quarter oh wait I’m going the wrong no I’m going the right way what it the end it ended with Kellin missing a shot okay yeah it was the end of the third quarter okay so if you guys

Recall so Killian Hayes yeah he made that step back uh jump shot and then Blake Wesley got the ball and he zipped down the court which I don’t know if he was trying to see if he had an opening if he was going to get something easy

But he definitely slowed down after pop like yelled at him and then he passed the ball out to Kellin he got in the corner and he was wide open when Kellin made his drive he didn’t get the ball um but I don’t know that just kind of

Bothered me because I would have rather saw uh Blake Wesley at the end of the third just you know just a learning experience you know I mean you’re up by 20 let’s see what we can do you know with with the ball in his hands him

Being a point guard and all but uh they went to their trusted hand Kellin and that’s fine but I I didn’t like it I didn’t like it and I already and we all know Kellin get the ball that’s a wrap right like that’s a wrap Kellin isn’t like

Like his assist numbers are pretty decent but that tunnel vision is something real we we knew we knew and he tried to score on like three people and I’m like oh dang it but not a big deal it’s only one play but that is something

That bothered me when Pop got on to to Blake there I’m like dude let Blake let Blake do his thing like I don’t know that bothered me did you hear the commentator say they were surprised when we could pass again I heard that and I’ll be honest

With you guys I get kind of tired of listening to commentators sometimes I just mute it or I just turn it down and I’m just having something else played like a podcast or something off of YouTube I I I literally do I don’t not listen to them I don’t like listening to

Them dude I truly don’t like listening to them like how do you not know how do you not know wimy can pass the ball you know if you’re covering the Spurs how do you not know that wimy wimy passed the ball we were talking about that far before far before um this

Game c uh Angie says can we say that wimy is far better than LeBron at 20 years of age and maybe even now no we can’t say that no no actually actually we’re not going to say that no wimy is a better rookie than LeBron he’s a different rookie than LeBron I I

Will say this with LeBron uh as a rookie I think he had more defined traits than wimy in um which which made it where his game was more solid than wm’s while wimy he has the physical gifts well LeBron did too and does too but uh me obviously

It’s like blatantly obvious is like this is something we never seen before um he he can affect the game defensively maybe a little bit better than LeBron could LeBron didn’t play defense that’s a good point it’s not like LeBron never played def I I don’t I just feel like that’s a

Little disrespectful I I won’t go as far as to say he’s better than LeBron now and he’s better than LeBron when he was I won’t go that far LeBron was an absolute monster um and because of his defined traits they did win more games like it’s very it’s very obvious

Like with LeBron is very obvious the blueprint to win with LeBron right you surround around Shooters like it it’s very obvious with wimy it’s a little tougher you still trying to figure things out you know I just won’t go that far if you want to say there he’s just

As good maybe you can say that but even right right now to this day I cannot say wimy is a better player than LeBron James in the current NB I I will not say that I will not say that like LeBron is so freaking good like his his IQ alone

Is is ridiculous um but when it’s all said and done I I believe me personally I believe wimy could end up being the greatest player of all time you know so that’ll tell you how much or how much faith I have in them wimy is not better than LeBron right now I

Agree we can confirm LeBron’s teammates definitely hated him when he first joined the Cavs they hated him before he even got to the Cavs because all the hype he was getting I don’t think that was any fault to LeBron like before he even got there they were they hated him

Right I thought we were talking rookies suppose I mean no well well the the reaction was to Angie saying that he’s better than LeBron right now and he was better than him as a rookie I just won’t go that that far pull the numbers since y’all use analytics for everything what you want

To look at numbers I mean if you want to that’s fine that might be fun to look at I mean it doesn’t really matter uh hold on I think you just go to NBA comparisons uh no this ain’t it uh stat hit that’s it all right let’s

See let’s see compare players we’ll do he’s choose specific season we’ll do wanyama he only played this year so and then we’ll do LeBron James uh Lebron was 19 yeah it’s fine and Then huh get results can we do it can we get some results all right here we go so LeBron average slightly more points wimy more uh rebounds which makes sense way more assists from LeBron which makes sense slightly more steals from LeBron way more blocks from wiby which makes sense field goal

Percentage better from wimy I mean I won’t even pretend better from wimy uh three-point percentage nearly the same free throw percentage nearly the same name um estimated uh field goal percentage uh okay yeah I don’t know see it’s like even if you bring up the numbers like as

Far as the stats are concerned it’s still debatable like I I I don’t know I don’t know oh thanks Stephen Scott I just noticed that thank you for the Super Chat Blair what do you mean you bring up Dewan Blair what was rookie LeBron played in a way different League more defensive

Minded different rules I don’t like to compare especially when it’s huge of a gap yeah like we’re talking 20 years ago right I mean yeah I just feel like like you like you said July I think it’s just I think it’s just more nuanced than

That yeah I think it’s just a little bit more Nuance but I I won’t go that far I won’t I won’t say Vic is better was a better rookie than LeBron and I certainly won’t say he’s a better player today than LeBron is today like I won’t go that far

I mean we wouldn’t like that right like we wouldn’t like that when when Duncan was a little bit older I mean we wouldn’t like people saying with DeMarcus Cousins is better than what Duncan is today it’s like well on paper statistically possibly yeah but like

When they go head to head I mean you know I just won’t go that far anyways uh good stuff that’s all I had to say about this game it was it was pretty it was pretty nice but I’m going to let our sponsor taken away and we’re going to

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The way that you do it it really does mean a lot to me


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I am a huge Spurs fan born and raised out of Tennessee. I am dedicated to continue to grow our community and give Spurs fans (and NBA fans) a place to speak with fellow fans ! I also talk a little Dallas Cowboys too!

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  1. Charlotte, Chicago, Atlanta, Boston, Charlotte, Washington.. we actually have a great shot at having a winning record over the next 6 games. Especially with the Wemby minute restriction being gone maybe even next game.

  2. Duren is great man. I wouldnt mind him coming to the spurs. He's miles better than all of our big men outside of wemby

  3. Pistons is rough. I’m a big spurs fan. But we do have the second worst record (did after before last night) and to miss your star player and not even be competitive against the worst team in the league is super rough man. It was tough to watch the opposing team. I do think Wemby’s play as a “point center” will translate against better teams. Maybe not as effective who knows but it felt like we were picking on the pistons. We are usually a high turnover team and we had the fewest we had all season with only 5.

  4. Non-Spurs local commentators have always been horrible with the Spurs — even during the Duncan era. The things that drives me bonkers is how many announcers say "WembanYANa" — like you have one job. What the hell!?

  5. Perhaps the 4-D chess Pop is playing, and you touched on Clan, was that it took all that losing to get the squad to agree to playing through Wemby. If you think about Pop and the narrative early in the season, they tried REALLY hard to not talk about Webmy and the hype. I think the jealousy, for lack of a better term, was real. To be fair, Wemby made a lot of noob mistakes. It took 30 games to train the team to think about Wemby and for Wemby to calm down and process the game at NBA speed. Both the team and Wemby are starting to do that more consistently now, and that was the leap. Once the minutes restrictions come off and he can go clutch (and I think it's totally fair not to tear him up) this is going to look like a different team. When we have Collins back in to try to shore up the defense when Wemby isn't in, I think the end of the season will look a lot different than the first part.

  6. Just a heads up: eFG% is “effective field-goal percent”. It just converts all threes into twos by multiplying those makes by 1.5x for the extra point.

  7. 5:28 Thank you Clan can’t believe I am having to argue this with people. Wemby just like Duncan should be the focal point of our offense. Does not mean that he must look to score every possession, but the ball should touch his hands and allow him to draw attention at this lead to east cuts and slashes where Wemby being the unselfish player he is made the read and gave up the ball!

    The offense must flow through him. Not just this game but this is the way it should be PERIOD. Much like the Joker the offense runs through him and because of his high IQ and unselfish nature he is able to expose the defense and get easy buckets for his teammates due to the attention he receives from the defense!

  8. hey clan, i know this is a clip from the livestream but i tweeted @ u that wemby likely has the fastest triple double out of any player in their rookie season. doubt theres much u can do to make that into a video but i thought it was cool to know

  9. Clan, Sochan got better in finding Wemby. But don’t think you can convince us that Sochan was not finding Wemby. The entire team sucked at it, and it not a knock on just Jeremy.

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