@Houston Rockets

Alperen Sengun DOMINATES 4th Quarter & Overtime, But Houston Rockets Can’t Closeout Vs Chicago Bulls

Alperen Sengun DOMINATES 4th Quarter & Overtime, But Houston Rockets Can’t Closeout Vs Chicago Bulls

On today’s show a heartbreaking overtime loss against the Chicago Bulls 124 119 the Rockets managed to hold the Bulls scoreless over the final four minutes of Regulation to force overtime spearheaded by Alper and shenon and his insane second half comeback but it wasn’t enough to get it done in this game we’re

Going to break it all down for you coming up right here at lock on Rockets this is Mission Control Houston ignition sequence start throw it up to jayen Green shenon here in his short row oh my that’s the no look Javari for three and the win look

At 15 seconds guidance is internal the Houston Rocket select amen Thompson and cam Whitmore one thing I have never done is not made the playoffs and so we want to take that step here as well 6 5 4 3 2 1 pain pain pain it all

Hurts God this game sucked what’s up and welcome to another edition of locked on Rockets your daily podcast home for everything Houston Rockets basketball as always I’m your host Jackson Gatlin native houstonian and credentialed media member I’m also the host of locked on NBA Mondays be sure to follow along on

Twitter at JT Gatlin and the show of course at locked on Rock it’s free and available wherever you listen to your podcasts including YouTube now today’s episode is brought to you by prize pick the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to lockon NBA and use code all

Lowercase locked on NBA for a first deposit match up to $100 and as always thank you so much for making lock down Rockets part of your day every single day whether it’s on your way to work on your lunch break in the gym after a heartbreaking loss like

This one thank you for being an everyday or thank you for making the show part of your day every single day Rockets fall to the Bulls 124 119 in overtime second game of their six game Road Trip they are now 0 and2 on this

Road trip back to an even 500 18 and 18 on the season and man I thought they had this one guys I really did that fourth quarter comeback spearheaded by alperin shenon who was absolutely dominant in the fourth quarter and overtime after being basically a non-factor through the first

Three quarters of this game and two and a half quarters he start he started waking up in the third quarter but basically a non-factor in the first half Oka said as much postgame or alpie decided to finally show up in the second half and he was dominant and he

Spearheaded the Run offensively for the Rockets and defensively they locked in defensively it was insane they held the Bulls scoreless for 4 minutes and 15 seconds the final 4:15 of Regulation the Bulls were at 112 they were at 112 with 4 minutes and 15 seconds left to go in this game and

Then the Rockets mounted an insane comeback to tie it up over those final four minutes and 15 seconds alperin shun had the game tying bucket Javari Smith Jr had the clamps on Demar J rozan late the defense by Jabari in this game was insane the defense by the entire

Team in that final 4:15 was Sensational some of the best defense we’ve seen them play since losing Dylan Brooks and also now no tar een in the lineup it’s really hard for this team to be a top defensive team when you’re missing two of your best your two best defens

ERS but they got it done they forced overtime and in overtime they jumped ahead they were up 119 114 the Bulls had no answer for Alper and shenon none zero zil NADA they couldn’t do anything about Alper and shenon he was scoring at will he was getting buckets he was getting to the

Free throw line wasn’t hitting his free throws which is maddening Alin shenon in this game he finished with 25 points on 11 of 19 shooting he was 03 from three-point land three of eight at the free throw line which hurts the three-point shooting and the free throw shooting he had nine rebounds five

Assists two steals two turnovers and 41 minutes of run he was 0 of five in the first half he showed up in a big way after being a non-factor there in the first half he showed up and and and almost led the Rockets to a win there’s even a clip

Of him on the sideline when he’s talking to his teammates during a time out dead ball whatever and he’s saying let’s get this effing win let’s get this effing win and that drive that look in his eye that ey him mentality that ability to take over

A game not everybody has that very few players have that and to see him go on the run that he did and and dominate this game after after the non-existent first half that he had zero points 05 shooting to show up the way that he did in the

Second half gets the you know the words of encouragement from em odok whatever that’s big time it is and and unfortunately due to some late game execution issues that we’re going to unpack here in just a second uh the Rockets were not able to secure this win after leading by five being up

1194 with just over two minutes to go in overtime the Rockets managed to go scoreless the rest of the way the Bulls reeled off 10 straight points and the rockets take the L and it hurts but I I think this game shows a couple things

One it shows Alper Shu really is he he’s that guy right when he turns it on he’s almost Unstoppable two it showed us that you need to have proper the proper Personnel around Alper and shingun for him to be as effective as he’s as he can be normally and having

J shant out there is not it it clogs up the spacing it messes things up for the for for the offensive flow of the starters all of that more on that a little bit later because cam Whitmore was out there in crunch time and that was awesome to

See and I think the biggest question mark here is why can’t we get this version of Alper and shingon from the start of a game and I see a few different theories floating around I’ve seen people discussing this um one being that you know the team has you know as a

Team kind of uh decision or as a as a coaching staff decision they try to get you know Jaylen green Fred vany they try to get their perimeter guys going early on and so alpie is utilized as more of a a hub a facilitator you know a connective piece rather than a play

Finisher so the first couple quarters alpie is kind of coasting he’s trying to get other guys involved second half comes along and then he he wakes up and he starts trying to score the ball but the messaging from eay post game game kind of paints a different

Picture where he wants alpie to be aggressive from the jump so why is it that we can’t get th and this is this has been a recurring theme Em’s highlighted this before this season that alpie has this weird ability where sometimes he’ll he’ll struggle in the

First half or he won’t be nearly as aggressive as he was in the F you know to close out a game and he comes out and he’s just kind of you know not that he’s not trying it’s just that he’s not nearly as locked in sometimes and again

05 shooting he was wasn’t really aggressive in the first half he wasn’t playing the way he he was a completely different player in the second half so what needs to happen for Alper and shingu to be that player in the first half of this game because if alpie had

Played like this the entire game first off you would have had like a 40 piece but even if he had just had like a normal Alp game start to finish rather than turning it on in the fourth quarter and dragging the team to overtime then the Rockets would have won this game by

Double digits because they did a good enough job defensively up and down the Bulls at entire lineup to win this game so what needs to change for Alp to be this version of himself from the start of a game rather than turning it on just in the second half it was

Impressive as all hell in this game but it was not enough to get the win unfortunately want to unpack some of the mistakes that the Rockets made their late game execution in this one the fact that it’s it’s time the discussion we’re well past this being a discussion Point

Uh cam Whitmore should start as long as Dylan Brooks and tar een are out he’s a better compliment for Alper and shingun is a better compliment for the other starters uh other thoughts from this game Jaylen green and Fred Van vet their performances in this one we’re going to

Unpack all that and so much more coming up here in just one moment first today’s episode is brought to you by prize picks prize picks is the largest daily fantasy sports platform in North America they’re the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports because it’s just you against the

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$100 prize picks is daily fantasy sports Made Easy and continuing on here at lockon Rockets your daily podcast home for everything Houston Rockets basketball now oh man the execution there in overtime specifically uh you know again just just to again give them a lot of credit give

The Rockets a ton of credit for the defensive performance down the stretch of this game a ton of credit to jabarus M junr who was so locked in had the you know put the clamps on Demar D rozan Alper and shenon who did a great job of staying vertical contesting at The Rim

Playing through having five fouls um drawing that one insane offensive foul on uh Zack LaVine as he drove to the rim that was a big time play you know the the the Rockets defense really locked in through those final four minutes regulation and and even you know into overtime until uh

Until Zack LaVine had that driving and one bucket that you know arguably could have been a travel we’ll see on the last two-minute report whether it was a travel or not um I I think it’s one of those bang bang plays that you know the

NBA lets a lot of travels go so maybe that was one of them uh what was a really egregious play was the Flop by Demar d rozan uh on the box out from Jaylen green jayen gave him like the tiniest little elbow and demard de rzan went flying and that was like give

Demard de rzan an Oscar for that performance man but look the Rockets were in a great position to win this game after clawing their way back into it they were up 119 114 and then on they had backto back poor offensive possessions and back-to-back offensive possessions that didn’t end in shenon

Attempting a shot and I think that’s a pretty pretty massive mistake with the way that this game was going and how dominant shingon was now the first of which is kind of on shenon because shenon held the ball he was making his move and he made a move on Vu and then

Kick the ball back to cam Whitmore now the problem is Cam Whitmore had an open three if Cam Whitmore had just pulled the three that he had it would have been a good wide open Clean three-point attempt instead put the ball on the deck and dribbled around alperin shenon and

Then I believe Kobe white who was guarding him went under the Alp kind of like it wasn’t like a full-blown screen but like he went under shenon and gave cam more space and cam still didn’t pull up for three from that spot at the top of the Ark and instead dribbled into uh

A mid-range two with the shot clock winding down and he wound up missing it so that’s that was a bad offensive possession you know and it was bad because alpie spent a little bit too much time didn’t you know tried to get to his spin move got walled off by the

Defense and had to pitch it back out and so that was one error and then cam messed up by not shooting the O the two open threes that he had and instead dribbling into a long two that’s that’s not what you want offensively and this all this was coming

Off the heels of albring going hitting that insane like dirkes fade away where he was bottled up had nowhere to go did a couple petts a couple spins and then had to you know launch a just a moonshot over vuvi and give the Rockets the 119 114 lead so then after the cam

Possession Zack LaVine comes down he gets his an one bucket um it’s 119 117 at this point and then on the next possession and this was the one that that really that really really hurt for a variety of reasons um Jaylen green you know runs pick and roll

Without branching who so first off Fred gets Alp set up so every possession down Fred has been getting the ball to alpie he’s been running one five pick and roll where Fred sets a screen on alp’s Defender they’ve been spacing out they’re basically doing like you know

Not quite one 14 flat with Al pinigu where it’s like him at the top of the arc and then all the other four guys spaced out but it’s basically that it’s like alpie ISO to in the game and Fred sets up Alp then then Jaylen comes over and alpie pitches the

Ball to jayen and sets a screen for Jaylen and is is waiting for the pocket pass on the roll and doesn’t get it so then he Retreats back to the three-point line and Jaylen continues his drive to the rim and collapses the defense where all five Defenders are like basically

Touching the paint as Jaylen is jumping and elevating for this layup attempt and he smokes the layup he does the hard work he beats the defender he gets there but it’s a contested layup over two Defenders one Defender if you just want to count vuvi like it’s not a high percentage shot especially

Considering the fact that jayen struggles at finishing at The Rim like that’s those are just facts and then to compound that Alper and shinon has been utterly dominant so any possession that doesn’t end with him attempting a shot or at least generating a wide openen shot for a teammate seems like a you

Know a misuse of possessions of critical possessions late in the game late in overtime and then lastly and this is the part that really bothers me he had so many shooters open on that drive he had cam Whitmore open in the opposite corner he had Fred Van vet open in the strong

Side corner he had Jabari Smith Jr open on the elbow because all five Defenders were so focused on jaylen’s drive he could have kicked it out to any one of them and what’s crazy is jaylen’s passing was actually on another level in this game he had eight assists

His play in the first half of this game while shenon was MIA Fred vanet and Jaylen green held it down they were they were making shots they were scoring the ball they were doing what they needed to do to try and keep the Rockets afloat while alpie was waiting to show up in

The third quarter and so he had made that exact pass that exact read drive and kick to a corner or drive and kick back out to the wing or the opposite corner whatever he’s he had made that read a couple different times already in that very

Game and then in that moment he chose to attack and try and score and that’s where like the basketball IQ has got to be better you’ve got to read the room like there was Zero reason for Jaylen to take that shot I’m sorry that’s that’s

That was not the play there you know if if the play results the way that the one did before where Alper and shinon attacks and the defense walls him off and a second Defender comes over and it generates an open shot for a teammate and he pitches it back out fine you live

With that cam should have taken the three but those back-to-back possessions they didn’t fully syn the Rockets but it it’s they had all the momentum in this game and then those back toback flubbed possessions uh gave gave the Bulls life they gave them a chance and they came

Back and they had the Zack LaVine and one and then uh I believe it was what a Zack LaVine three-pointer yeah uh on the very next possession and then the dagger three the Kobe white three uh with just over a minute remaining uh and then it became you know

Free throw battle at that point um it’s uh it sucks because the Rockets should have won this game and there were a lot of reasons that they didn’t win this game Alper and shingun didn’t show up in the first half that’s inexcusable that can’t happen you can’t have a half where

You’re basically just a non-factor um and I there are going to be some you know fans who say okay he was defending and he was you know and and he was setting screens and he was doing that sure when you’re the best player on the team you know heavy is the head that

Wears the crown right that’s the expression Alper and shu is the best player on the team there’s a different level of expectations for him and he cannot have a half where he shows up and and goes 05 and doesn’t score a single point if Luca donic shows up and has a

Half like that guess what the mag down 20 they’re getting blown out right if LeBron shows up and has a half like that guess what Lakers fans are are are clamoring for him to to retire or bet traded or whatever the hell Lakers fans do because they’re insane this your star

Player cannot have a half like that because then it’s going to put you behind the eightball and that’s exactly what happened the Rockets had to claw their way back into this game and even late like the the execution late wasn’t great the shop making at times wasn’t

Great Alper and shingun needed to be better with the free throw shooting and he took that 1 three in in OT that I thought was just a really poor decision when you’ve been absolutely feasting and cooking vvi by driving and getting downhill against him why you would

Settle for taking a three-pointer I get it like it be it’d be nice you sync the three you’re like yeah three points whatever he’s not a good shooter he’s not a good three-point shooter that’s a bad shot so you know the Alp free throw shooting was bad the the three-point

Shot was bad the jayen layup was bad the cam Whitmore relocation to mid-range was bad so much of that was bad and despite all those little things like if the Rockets just had one of those things like break their way one of those shots goes in whatever we could be talking

About a win right now instead of an overtime law a heartbreaking overtime loss because of how hard this team fought to get back into this game so it sucks but that’s that’s where this team is at right is there’s they’ve got to be able to execute and you’re going to see moments

Like this where they make young kind of mistakes where um I mean hell Jaylen missed the free throw late in regulation on the and one drive he had that insane and one drive and then he didn’t complete the three-point play that would have been huge so there was a there’s a lot of

Different things that you can point to in this game little instances um but I do not agree and this is where I want to push back on this LW wasn’t Square it wasn’t it wasn’t jaylen’s fault for the attempted layup it wasn’t cam whitmore’s fault for

The missed midi or the foul on Zack LaVine that gave him the and one it wasn’t shun’s fault for not showing up in the first half and then the Miss free throws like like this was a collective team loss because there were so many different things that each person on

This roster could have done differently or could have done better that they didn’t do to secure this win and so you take those you learn from these moments you grow from them and that’s how you get better as a team so hopefully the next time the Rockets are in this

Situation and it’s late and they’re in an overtime period and Alper and shagun’s cooking or somebody else is cooking whoever it may be it doesn’t have to be Alp could be Jabari could be jayen could be Fred could be Dylan when he’s healthy whoever it is you feed the

Hot hand every possession down and you make sure you get the best possible possessions when you’re in the crunch time like that so coming up I do want to discuss cam whitmore’s role in this game Oka continuing to give him uh more and more minutes and the conversation

That needs to be had at this point where Cam Whitmore should probably be starting over J shant Tate uh at least until Dylan Brooks and Andor tar een are healthy and available to start instead uh as well as I want to you know highlight a couple other points from the

This game jabarus M Jr’s defense I think deserves uh his overall game deserves some shine uh we’re going to get there in just one moment first today’s episode is brought to you by Jace medical look I know we come to sports to escape from some of

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All right I want to I I I’ve highlighted the defense a couple times here but I wanted to spend a moment to just talk about how impressive jabarus mun’s defense really was in this game um specifically on demard De rozan but even on switches guarding other guys but

Primarily demard de rozan holding him to five of 19 shooting for the game getting the stop on him late uh when when the Rockets needed a stop on him late in the game uh Jabari played an insane team High 47 minutes in this game this was Jabari continues

To he’s made defense arguably the best part of his game the offensive you know steps that he’s taken when he does have it going offensively have been nice to see but even when he doesn’t have it going offensively he gets to stay on the floor now because he’s one of the team’s

Best defenders more most versatile Defenders for sure and he’s he’s made rebounding like a focal point of his game Def and rebounding are jabari’s calling cards he walks away from this game with 15 boards 15 rebounds for Jabari Smith Jr in this game he was a monster on the glass he was great

Playing defense and on top of that he had 18 points he knocked down his shots he was seven of 14 shooting four of nine from three-point land yeah he missed the the wouldbe you know game winner but I mean this was an incredible performance from Jabari and this is the type of like

Kind of uh performance that I’ve I’ve become to I’ve kind of come to expect from Jabari Smith Jr right where he plays above average defense he’s switchable he can guard a variety of guys or when when you need to you put him on the opposing team’s best player right they put him on

Demard De rozan down the stretch that is a huge like sign of respect from the Rockets coaching staff that instead of you know oh hey we’re gonna we’re gonna throw J shant Tate out there we need J shant to go out there and lock up you know Demar D rozan on the final

Possession no they they gave it to Jabari they said no ja that’s your guy go get him go lock him down and he did he he was dis the number of times that Demar de rozan tried to get to his little like you know drive go middle snatchback dribble pump fake and then

Like Up and Under move that he does because that’s like dear’s like thing right that’s his go- two moves he gets right to the free throw line and he’ll hit you with a bunch of fakes and Jabs and and suddenly like you you you bite

On one of them and the moment you bite on one of them Demar gets wide open you know he’s either fading away or an Up and Under towards the rim whatever watching Jabari be disciplined on so many of those demard Rosen drives including that final possession where

They needed the stop uh was that that shows a lot of growth right that shows a lot of defensive game plan discipline uh he knew exactly how he needed to guard demard rosean did a fantastic job of it in this game so I wanted to give Jabari

A ton of credit for that just he was I think you make the argument even though shenon was incredibly dominant I well I think you still got to give Lock on Rockets player of the game to shingun but Jabari was consistent the whole game right Jabari was the one player who

Showed up for all four quarters and OT of this game he was himself the whole way through shinon had the you know the disappearing act in the first half Jaylen and Fred tried to hold it down in the first half while shingun struggled and then you know they they kind of

Struggled a little bit late uh in the second half so it is what it is but I wanted to give jabarus Jr his flowers though oh sorry I don’t know what this is upper respiratory infection or what but I’ve I’ve been like congested for like like going on a week now it’s been

Awful oh okay the not quite the elephant the is it the elephant in the room it’s not really an elephant in the room uh the Rockets are still hurt they’re still injured they’re missing Dylan Brooks they’re missing tar e it doesn’t look like either of those two guys are going

To be coming back anytime soon it seems like the Rockets plan to hold tar e out at least per Oka before the Chicago Bulls game it seems like the plan is to hold tar e out for an extended period of time and until that leg is better and

Then to do a better job maintaining him as the season moves on so it seems like we could be missing tar and Dylan for a a a a much longer period of time than originally thought so that being said the rockets need to figure they need they need answers with their lineup

Because right now Jan Tate starting at the three is not the answer it it’s hurting a lot of things with this lineup um it and this is not a this is not a knock on J shant the player because I I still very much believe and this is

Where you know a lot of rockets fans myself differ jant Tate can be really effective for 10 15 maybe 20 minutes a night depending on matchups depending on what you need out of a certain you know on a certain possession or out of certain lineups his spark his hustle his

Intensity Off the Bench is almost unmatched and you need guys like that you need guys who can come in and be difference makers Off the Bench the problem is his skill set does not complement the rest of the starters in fact it actively sabotages the rest of

The starters because the way that this team is the most effective is when they’re running heavy pick and roll with Fred Van vet and Alber and shenon or Jaylen green and Alper and shingun or just running the offense straight up through Alper and shingon right so in

Order to do that you need proper spacing now I argued before and I’ve argued this before and I still believe this you can have two non Shooters on on the floor and make it work it’s just a lot harder because then you really have to be on top of moving without the basketball

Cutting set having off ball actions to free up other guys you have to do all these little things to open up the offense if you have two non-shooters on the floor the Rockets to this point this season offensively have not expanded The Playbook enough to where they have all

These you know beautiful off ball actions and ways that they can open guys up when there are non-shooters on the court so what happens is you have Jan Tate who primarily will sit in the corner offensively and his Defender likes to cheat in off of him constantly

Defenses don’t care if jant Tate takes three-point shots from anywhere on the floor they don’t his Defender basically gets to play free safety on on the defensive side of the ball and that clogs up the paint for Alper and shenon it allows for quicker double teams it

Messes up driving lanes for Jaylen green and Fred Van vet and that’s just that’s just the reality of the situ situation right you can get away with that when you have the second unit in there when you’ve got five out spacing and when jant Tate is one of your only

Non-shooters on the quarter even if you’ve got J shant Tate and a Min Thompson out there you’ve still got five guys all on the perimeter you don’t have somebody who’s trying to take advantage of their post-up game on the interior like an Alper and shenon when you’re playing Five out with the second

Unit so I say all that to to say that right now the obvious answer is Cam Whitmore should be the starting three for this team until Dylan Brooks and tar een one of them are healthy and available to come back and take that starting spot instead because it feels

Like J shant Tate’s role is much more effective when he’s coming off the bench he doesn’t complement the starters as much and cam Whitmore does his skill set does complement the starters because he’s very much he’s very able to just stay in his Lane offensively he’s a spot

Up three-point threat he’ll let it fly the moment he touches the ball that’s exactly what you need out of that position now there are still some Growing Pains that are going to be had with cam Whitmore right there’s some decision-making issues uh I don’t want to call Cam a black hole offensively

Because that seems a little harsh but there is a tendency where Cam touches the ball that thing’s probably going to fly like he’s probably going to shoot it um and that’s okay he’s he’s out there to be a scorer he’s out there to put the ball in the bucket in this game against

The bullet he had 16 points on six of 12 shooting he was two of five from deep hit his two free throws great game from cam he even he even made some defensive plays in this game had a couple steals right he had an assist in there he had

Some good rebounds cam can give you what you need out of that three spot your defense may take a slight step back with Cam Whitmore in the starting lineup but I think your offense is g to is going to step up to another level when you have that amount of spacing and

You’re able to open the floor for guys like shenon Fred jayen all of that um I think the benefits far outweigh the negatives and again if you are getting torched if Cam is getting targeted defensively whatever one part of it for cam is is less about like you know his

Ability to play like on ball defense it’s more just his awareness at times uh you know when he’s playing off ball defensively and he’s only going to get better at those the more reps that he actually gets but if you are getting absolutely cooked defensively or if

Having cam Whitmer out there hurts you too much just do a quick substitution right start the game for the first three or four minutes and if you need to make a quick adjustment cool that’s when you throw throw jant Tate out there right plug him in throw in Aaron holiday for

Jaylen green and then suddenly or throw in Aaron holiday for cam Whitmore and then suddenly you’ve got Aaron holiday to be your I can’t call him your Ace perimeter Defender but you know to up the ante defensively a little bit right there’s options eay has options here I

Just don’t know if I want to see if he’s got the stones to put J Shante back on the bench and put cam Whitmore in the starting lineup because there’s a reason he ran with Cam Whitmore all the way through the fourth quarter and into OT

In this game he was a better more complimentary piece for that lineup in fact in the fourth quarter of this game the Rockets lineup that featured Fred Jaylen alpie Jabari and cam was a plus 16 when they went on their insane run to tie things up and force overtime they

Were a plus 16 in their minutes for the entire game they finished the game A plus seven for the entire for the for the full game that lineup Fred Jaylen alpie Jabari and cam played 15 and a half minutes in this game and they were a plus seven 31

Possessions and they were a plus seven in those minutes that s that lineup sounds like a recipe for success and the fact that cam continues to carve out a spot for himself in this Rockets rotation again I said it when Dylan first went down maybe the Silver Lining

Is here here is that cam you know earns some minutes and earns the trust of em Oka and that’s exactly what it looks like is happening at this point though he probably deserves an even bigger role not necessarily just because he’s been playing out of his mind which he has

Been his skill set is just more complimentary of the starters so I hope to see eeme make the change and again this isn’t a knock on J shant Tate who I still still think is very much a winning player and a guy that can be an important winning piece of this Rockets

Basketball team it’s just it makes more sense right now with the lineup that they have and with the roster that they have available so I want to see eeme make that change uh will he make that change though will the Rockets learn from some of the mistakes that they had in this

Game I don’t know I hope so because this I hope to not have another heartbreaking loss like this one they are now 0 and three in overtimes this season so Rockets got to figure out what’s going on with overtimes because they have not been able to uh close things out but I

Do want your thoughts from this game let me know how you felt about this one give me your your emotions from this loss give me your thoughts on Alper and shun’s dominant uh fourth quarter and overtime performance uh your thoughts on some of the execution late in this game

Should cam Whitmore start over J shant t let me know all your thoughts in the YouTube comments but as always thank you so much for watching thank you so much for listening and we look forward to having you back right here at lockon Rockets your daily podcast home for everything Houston Rockets Basketball

Alperen Sengun DOMINATES 4th Quarter & Overtime, But Houston Rockets Can’t Closeout Vs Chicago Bulls

Host Jackson Gatlin (@JTGatlin) reacts to and discusses the Houston Rockets heartbreaking overtime loss to the Chicago Bulls 124-119 after and insane 4th quarter comeback spearheaded by Alperen Sengun. How Sengun dominated throughout the 4th quarter and overtime period, why was he MIA in the first half, Rockets defense holding the Bulls scoreless over the final 4:15 of regulation including Jabari Smith Jr. clamping DeMar DeRozan, poor late-game execution and inability to closeout the game after going up 119-114, Jalen’s playmaking throughout the evening, why Cam Whitmore needs to start over Jae’Sean Tate and more.

#Rockets #AlperenSengun #JalenGreen

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  1. I think Sengun is not mature enough to be a full time star yet. He's a part time star, which is better than nothing. I want to see him and the Rockets in the playoffs more than the All Star Game.

  2. Have you counted on average how many missed layups and turnovers Jalen has per game ? Too many and until he reduce these numbers, Rockets will continue losing!

  3. “Your star player cant have a half like that” except that your star player is not supposed to be sengun but the one who touch 40mil or green or jabari that touch still 3X more than sengun. So every single point you get from sengun is just a miracle, everyone knows he is doing his best, he opened the beast mode and yes he is capable of everything at this moment but sometimes its just doesnt work and fred had a horrible game, its not the game that you should criticize sengun, noone else stepped up at the OT

  4. Jalen has been playing better recently, with that in mind I'd consider giving Memphis a call and see if they're tanking the rest of the season and offer Jalen and the Brooklyn 1st for Desmond Bane. I'm not a "trade Jalen" guy, but I do feel like we know what Bane brings on a consistent basis and in my opinion Jalen might have higher potential, but Bane helps open the contender window sooner. Thoughts?

  5. i heard a lot oftimes ime said alpi needs to pass and wait for game to come to him. mate he is european he has different mindset, in europe if coach says pass player passes withour questioning. i feel he is super confused now, you should understand he is not north american

  6. Alperen Şengün is an artist. He plays basketball that is pleasing to the eye and is a pleasure to watch. I believe with all my heart that he will become a legend like Hakeem Olajuwan. I feel like I'm in a theater watching it. It makes me happy to interrupt my sleep and watch Alperen. My students ask: Teacher, how did Alperen play tonight? It was great… After Hidayet Türkoğlu and Mehmet Okur, Alperen Şengün, thank you endlessly for giving us this excitement and pride, love from Giresun. Even though we have no say in time, a star who will have a say in the NBA is now born…

  7. The rest of the team are not passing the ball enough to Alpi, when they score the ball in the beginnings of the games. This makes him start cold. How many times we will see this for everyone else to understand? But when they start to miss, they remember the wizard. This loss is on the rest of the team. Cam, not passing the ball to Alpi at the end of the game, Jabari taking the last shot of the game when the wizard was on ducking fire. Fred would not remember pick and rolls until starting to shoot airballs himself… and so on…

  8. Alpy leave this team please. ime is causing big problem for your progress. ime is really not good coach as many rockets fans think. he is under average and very overrated coach.

  9. I think there are still people who cannot accept Alperen's hierarchy in the team. That's why Alperen doesn't want to stand out too much. At critical moments, they use the ball themselves instead of playing through Alperen.

  10. Hazımsızlık sebebiyle kaybedilen bir oyun oldu..

    Ne zaman alperen'i hazmeder ve oyunun merkezine korsunuz

    O zaman sorumlu belli olur

    Kahraman da ..!

  11. it appears Whitmore plays better defense than Jalen Green. I watched Jaylen Green, allow two three-pointers and miss a switching rotation, which made Udoka face palm on the bench.

  12. As a Celtics fan, Whitmore reminds me a lot of a young but more efficient Jaylen Brown. I drafted him in two dynasty leagues and love ehat we've seen so far.

  13. our second picks are better than the first ones over last 3 years in draft class. it means they don't know how to pick they're just lucky. but it takes longer time to earn respect and play minutes for these second picks. it's waste of time and money for the team. they should figure it out more quickly who's better than who.

  14. Alperen enjoys passing the ball, but when he gets the ball, everybody acts like a deer in the headlights. Last year Alperen had so many highlight passes to Kenyon Martin Jr. When Alperen gets the ball, nobody cuts. Rockets don't move enough off the ball. Jalen Green makes so many mistakes and destroys team momentum in a big way. I see Jalen Green situation as follows. For example, someone purchased an item with big hopes. The person tries so hard to love the item he purchased, but just does not happen and the expiration for return chance passed.

  15. We need to use Alpi from the start, get him involved from the get go. He starts getting the ball when everybody is missing and then he is way to cold to do something. Team need to accept that Alpi is the best player and the ball should go to him all the time from the start. Get him the ball and be ready for the 3 or go cut and get a layup.

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