@Miami Heat

UNDISPUTED | “LeBron deliberately trying to grt Darvin sacked” – Keyshawn on Heat def Lakers 110-96

UNDISPUTED | “LeBron deliberately trying to grt Darvin sacked” – Keyshawn on Heat def Lakers 110-96

The Lakers opened as 6 and a half Point favorites for their home game last night against the Heat who were without Jimmy Butler without Caleb Martin and who of course lost Gabe Vincent from last year’s finals team to the Lakers and Max streus off last year’s finals team to

Cleveland yet the Lakers came out flat and unfocused without energy without intensity turned it over 10 times in the first quarter quickly fell behind by 10 did hold heat to only 19 points in the third quarter but surrendered 38 points in the fourth and lost 110 to 96 the Lakers followed LeBron’s lead

From the three-point line he was 0 for six they went four of 30 from three that’s 133% the Los Angeles Lakers winners of the NBA’s first everever End season tournament have now lost eight of their last 10 to fall to 17 and 18 and 10th place in the west the final playin spot

But maybe the biggest surprise of the night was that LeBron James left without speaking to the media that’s a rarity for him he left Darin ham and Anthony Davis and the rest of his teammates to try to answer all the what’s wrong with the Lakers questions and by the way

LeBron was a game worst minus 20 in plus minus so kesan you grew up in La as a Laker fan in your eyes what is the biggest problem with this team right here right now I just want to see your perspective and how it changes now from

When you talk Lakers to Cowboys that’s just me I’m just I’m just let I want to see it same perspective want youing talk they’re not very good right now that’s number one let’s let’s start there then when you talk about what the issues are you mentioned four of

30 that that’s an issue one of the if not the worst 3 point you’re 24th 24 out of 30 okay in the history of the NBA based on last night of the history of the Lakers for sure and when you look at defensively M we tend to not want to

Play defense all of a sudden once we got out of the tournament yeah I don’t necessarily know if they are listening to what’s being told to them and retaining that information AG from the Seline yep uh you you look at the way Anthony Davis again played well you know

He was in the minus category he played well but he did um you know we turned the ball over a lot what do we have 21 turnovers 21 to the Heat’s eight you you can’t win games that way you’re certainly not going to win that way and then you know you never want

To be a coach killer that’s not that’s not my intent that’s not who I am I like d with himam there there’s but they’re not responding to what he teaching them and trying to get them both off we went from one of the best defensive teams under Frank vogle to one

Of the worst I mean that’s just the reality of it you still rank 11th overall in defensive efficiency but I’m not seeing it from night toight it’s not night tonight but I saw it against Indiana in the championship game of the inist yeah but you’re adding that

Inseason tournament to the rest of the season and it doesn’t count it does not count like that so you you trying to figure out okay what’s the next move here what’s what what are we going to do is it is it do we really need to go get a Zack

LaVine is that really going to help us a guy who’s coming off an injury or do we need to just have a sit down with one another and have a real conversation and that’s why Lebron exited the building without speaking to the reporters because he is he had a bad night number

One he didn’t feel like feeling questions about a bad night I’m sure but also you can’t expect a 39 year old to come out every single night and do this work even if he was 22 you can’t expect that others have got to step up around

You for you to be able to get to the ultimate goal in prize we were able to win in the bubble because everybody stepped up bubble or not we were able to win the inseason tournament because everybody stepped up but since then as you mentioned skip yeah you you you’ve

Lost 10 of your I mean eight of your last 10 eight of your last 10 that’s just wrong it’s not good at all and now you sitting in a 10 spot as I said to you yesterday you’ll be at 11 you’ll be at 12 you’ll

Be at 13 and those teams that are 13 will start passing you up and then you will be looking on the outside you know trying to figure out how to get in you’ve been checking out New Orleans lately they they found themselves been been checking out the Oklahoma City

Thunder they have come of age right before your very eyes my point is up above you all these teams that are getting better and better and better go ahead but they’re older team and and they feel like they’re going to flick that switch and turn it on when they

Need to now ke I asked that in the beginning of all of this because it’s a lot of like the these these two Cowboys and Lakers lot similarities they have a team that you know they can win with but they don’t always play like they need to

Play wouldn’t you say that’s the reality I don’t know I don’t know that the tournament you we biggest problem we can talk about three-point shooting in this season tournament they were number one and three Point shooting so so so now how do you go from number one three-point shootting drop all the way

Down 24 so you can do it but you’re not doing it I thought it was interesting what Anthony Davis said he said sometimes when we go bad on offense it makes our defense worse yeah I thought most coaches said let’s just play defense and offens to come so now you’re

Saying if I don’t get if I don’t hit this three-pointer I don’t want to go play defense why don’t I switch that and say I don’t get to shoot that three-pointer until I play defense it’s a it’s it’s a flipping thought you know

What I mean so some of it tells me is it is it how bad you want it because do I need coach you’re you’re ready to get it on Coach I need coaches every time to get me going uh uh Lebron Lebron is saying I want self-motivated play

Players I want people that are ready to go like I am and I’m a million years old ready to go that it just that’s that’s not Talent this is this is want to this is want to I can point out more want to on the Lakers I think it’s the same

Thing with the Cowboys it’s not skill as will it’s about want to how badly do you want it are you going to sit down and say well okay he’ll win it for me he’ll win it if you can do it why you not always doing it why why why do I have to

Worry about when they’re going to play and when they don’t have to play or when they will play that that doesn’t make sense to me kind of I look at coaches when adjustments need to be made and they’re not being made I look at coaches when certain lineups are out on

The floor and guys are still on the floor and not being pulled that’s how I look at coach def of effort is effort that was that was a Jimmy Butler Jimmy Butler list team last night come on you know what I mean I Miami Heat without Jimmy Butler and you still have that

Kind of well that’s happened to us a couple times this year without we lost the was it Denver we lost to somebody that that basically had all subs I don’t know if it was Denver or who it was but they they basically had all subs so that’s happened a couple times I’m not

Shocked or surprised by that at all they’re not good right now they’re just not all right so the irony of this conversation is we have had many deep conversations about why didn’t Anthony Davis show up well he’s been showing up and and he actually showed way up last

Night because he winds up with 29 and 17 rebounds and and has six assists and five blocks well I I can’t ask much more from Anthony Davis right LeBron has been playing at a very high level but he did not last night he didn’t play good last

Night okay and just for the record just to be completely fair about this Gabe Vincent I told you from the start the reason I love this team going in was he was going to be a key member of this rotation because he can flat out shoot itless all season hasn’t been all season

And he finally broke down and said I need knee surgery he went ahead and had a scope so he’s out for a while now ru’s out DLo has been out I know you get up and down on DLo and mostly down but but they missed him last tonight because he

Can score the basketball He’s Got Talent to him and when they struggle to score the basketball cuz it felt like an 80s game last night they they just couldn’t score well they missed these guys so they haven’t been whole they haven’t been healthy see I don’t know if they

Miss DLo because DLo been struggling here the last several games but listen he can just some nights he starts going when he’s hot he can go allar H but he hasn’t been hot in the 10 eight of of 10 losses he hadn’t been hot okay so these

Were damning quotes from Darin ham last night after the game he says that team in Miami played harder than us tonight they executed better than us tonight they were more physical than us tonight that that’s exactly what I saw Miami came out and looked like a re live

Basketball team that didn’t have two of its best players and said okay watch this Duncan Robinson dun Duncan Robinson he looks like my high school algebra teacher he start but heot hey and and he’s starting to play basketball where he’ll actually create off the dribble I

Didn’t think he had that in him he was actually playing point guard in the fourth quarter and he made three huge threes in the fourth quarter that kept stopping the Lakers stopping the lake no no no in their house he said I got you I

Got you and I got you again they even got help from Kevin Love which was Kevin Love he played big last night okay Kevin Love by his 29th year in N I know but he’s only 34 and he he looks like he’s 54 you know how close he is with LeBron

Hey well there you go okay now back to LeBron it it was very sign significant that LeBron left early and didn’t talk to the media because he always talks to the media he’s always great with the media but he decided I believe I got nothing good to say remember one time

After they got blown out in Philadelphia he said something’s got to change I don’t BL but I don’t blame him skip I would want to talk to the media after a poor shooting night and my team played the way they played we lose eight out of the last there’s nothing to talk about

Like what am I going to tell you yeah I I know you’re a reporter and I respect your job but there’s nothing I could give you I don’t have any you leave everybody in your wake that’s a message to everybody I don’t think it’s a message I don’t think it’s something he

Has with the media I think it’s a message to the team of his FR hand no that’s exactly hand team I’m getting frustrated with this now now let’s do better than this not just yall handle but we all got to do better than this okay so Kean you did bring up yesterday

Is dark

UNDISPUTED | “LeBron deliberately trying to grt Darvin Ham sacked” -Keyshawn on Heat def Lakers 110-96


  1. I don’t blame him and any one talk crap is a hypocrite, I mean ham is a big moron how the f you play 2 guys have zero points, you got to be a moron so whatever LBJ did was good fire this moron !!!

  2. Nah… I ain’t trying to hear the Key, to whom much is given, much is expected. Don’t sit up him and praise the 39yr old season 21 when they win but then try to use the EXACT same thing when they lose. You can’t have it both ways. He can’t get some of the blame.

  3. This era is weak and pathetic! Lebron has made the NBA a joke. The dude rarely plays defense, boxes out, plays off the ball. He needs to go. He is single handedly destroying what MJ created! It sux to watch the NBA now. Its not competitive!

  4. The lakers need to make a trade with Hornets to get Lemelo Ball get him out Charlotte Hornets

  5. Sitting here watching y'all soft shoe and not saying who and what the REAL PROBLEM is is exactly why people don't respect the mainstream media. LeFraud Ramone James!!!!! He is the one and consistent constant as to why this franchise is in the abyss. He is toxic and passive aggressively destroying this franchise. Which 80% of the REAL Lakers fans knew would happen the day they let him through the door July 1, 2018. They will go nowhere as long as he's allowed to rig and hold the team hostage.

  6. They played hard for the extra $ 500,000 in the in season tournament. They do not play for their current contract commitment. It's a shame we have talk about people stealing their checks. The contract need a claw back clause on the money.

  7. Say what you want about Lebron. The bottom line of all of this is they look very lack, luster and unmotivated. They are playing with 0 energy. And nobody seems to care at all about winning right now that's their fucking problem

  8. The solution for Damnvin Scam is to have LBJ AR and AD to decide the starting lineup that way they are vested in it.

  9. So am im the only one Seeing lebron standing around. And he shooting 3s and walking back after the shot. No defense hes just standing around unless he has the ball. And yalls excuses again is he he needs help and blame everybody on the team but Lebron..i dont care how old he is hell retire if thats the case. Lebron just want to keep that scoring title with longevity and at least try to get 5 or 6. Chips when Jordan came back out of retirement at 38-39 he didn't do this mess..walking around liike he does..stop it yall.😡🤬

  10. Lebron leaves after a bad game? Excuses. It’s called poor sportsmanship. It’s a horrible example of how a pro should be. Terrible example.

  11. Its still crazy how lebron gets a pass because of his age when he walking around and messing up and then not talking to the media..if it was anybody else not talking to the media they get bashed

  12. Here we go again, smh.
    AD and Reaves almost ALWAYS step up, but Lebron needs more help 😂😂😂😂.

  13. The Lakers need another star ✨ player simple as that. Look at the other teams they have at least three star ✨ players

  14. Stop using his age when he is playing bad, if he scores 30 yall be hollering he still playing like this at his age. You the so called king and you make everyone around you better i cant tell. Darvin Ham is gonna get fired.

  15. If LeBron had a choice between MVP personal numbers and contending for a title he would choose his personal numbers 100% of the time.

  16. Hell these idiots talk like lbj ain’t part of the problem. His ass should have been the main one made to stay to talk to the media. Right on cure they blame everyone else and tried their best to excuse the real problem which is Lebum

  17. Bron championship window is CLOSED. its not a bad thing hes accomplished alot. Jus tired of the blame defecting. Getting old. Jus celebrate bron bc he doesnt have that much longer

  18. See you guys keep making excuses for LeFlop Blames, Why can't he come out every night and and keep preforming? Isn't that what your self proclaimed Goat is supposed to do….carry the team?

  19. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. When LeBron‘s teams win, it was Lebron. When they lose, everybody else is to blame.

  20. LeBron's the problem even when his numbers are decent its just because the way the game is played he's holding other people back

  21. LeBronze sexuals James fans when winning "he's da goat give him all the credits" BUT WHEN THEY'RE LOSING "It's the team mates fault they're not good enough and also fire the coach" BWA HA HA HA HA

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