@Atlanta Hawks

Falcons in Head Coach Search – Atlanta Hawks Reeling (OG 2RUTH HURTZ)

Falcons in Head Coach Search – Atlanta Hawks Reeling (OG 2RUTH HURTZ)

What’s happening man what’s happening what’s happening my man OG truth I’m your man OG truth with a two hers with a z that’s big ant over there to my left and to your right or however you looking at them right now um and here’s a gonna be interesting e

Episode of nothing excuse me truth VTO all right let’s dive right into it um Miss K Miss Miss K what’s going on um elephant in the room Falcons part ways with head coach arur Smith after three seasons he had and one thing if nothing else he’s cons he’s

Consistent first all hold on let me tell you hit them buttons man um like like share subscribe uh to Mad M mad M Network make sure you get my Channel Truth with the two TV um also you uh you should see this uh on my Facebook page cha king and also

You should see this uh in groups new pack City Atlanta Hawks shout out to Jamal Price and Falcons uncensored oh boy um so Al Smith was a job uh and like I said man if nothing else if nothing El at least we can say he say what’s going on tell what’s going

On haah B was happening um if nothing else we can say he was consistent because he had three consecutive years of um seven and 10 seasons um not good for this year first two years he kind of got a pass on that um because there were the expectations were kind of

Low yeah uh um but this year it was different uh you got you get cap flexibility you brought in um a lot of guys on defense and you still wound up with the same record and um long Store Short Man first person gonna go to the head coach um honestly I

Think we have an organization issue it was just Arthur Smith it wasn’t just de and today we not gonna go into who’s at fault because we got the whole offseason for that uh we got the whole trust me we got a whole offseason for who’s at fault and who we should get and

All that stuff there I’m just G to just touch on Arthur Smith we gonna touch on the game yesterday and then we gonna touch on what we what we need um we we discussed this in the chat um Al Smith did not do did he did not help himself this

Year he could have saved his job look man you beat the Panthers and the Saints and you still a head coach not only that not only that you still a head coach but you win the division and those were the two games pretty much that were his

Death now a lot of people said Chicago game as well but the Chicago game really didn’t kill us like the Saints and the Panthers um but you know it was a season of up ups and downs I think you know I guess folks want to put the blame on him for uh the

Quarterback situation um oh I say it’s an organizational issue because if you really didn’t feel good about quarterback situation somebody over A Smith should have stepped in and said okay we probably need to go in this direction but that’s another story um let’s just do a re recap of the

Season um so I can start out 2 and 0 so I can start out 2 and 0 we win and games the conventional away then you remember as it took as it took place uh the complaining started the complaining actually started when we were up when we were two and

Out that’s when the complaint is started um he not getting no touches Drake not getting no touches Kyle not getting no touches why why R only thr for 118 yards in the game so Arthur Smith complied conformed complied and basically it cost him his job um he started running the offense a little

Differently thej Robinson became over a focal point um Drake uh Drake and Kyle start getting a few more looks now you exing out the two guys who who you fed last year you exing out Tyler you’re exing out carda so you know you you you

You you he was in a pickle he was in a pickle from the day we drafted bej Robinson okay so now we at a St we at we at a point where we three and three going fast forward all the way to three and three game seven in Tampa the infamous headache game

Okay D Robinson woke up with a headache that morning he thought he could give it a go he they was going to get do a late scratch but he decided they go ahead on give it a try um arur Smith played him 13 snaps he didn’t report the headache be uh Tyler air

And and U for darl p they ate that game should have blew him out but we had the three turns in the Red Zone uh with the fumbles Um the rest is history Monday we’re being investigated because we didn’t report the headache five weeks later they came back with a decision Falcons find $75,000 Al Smith find $25,000 you see where I’m going with this you see where I’m going with this so that made us four and three we

Finished s and 10 so from the point that althor Smith got in trouble for or not reporting said headache the south is finished up 3 and seven now before people start going crazy and losing their [ __ ] I like I said at the top of the of the

Show Arthur Smith did not do enough to keep his job because there were also other issues uh there were issues with clock management uh um unnecessary penalties um play call play calling you know and then all that sideways [ __ ] you know you know folks felt like he was stand offish and not

Unapproachable yet it’s funny they say that about him because the last coach they they said they got tired of him with the captain catchphrase remember Captain catchphrase he got tired of him with that at the end coach before that they was they said he smiled too much

They said Mike pH smiled too much but you know you can never please this fan base so the way he got fired last night because we all knew the possibility of getting let go the way he got fired last night gives me an indication that either

No it ain’t no either on this they had mind made up and they probably already got the guy who they want in place Mar Pro it what going on chriso was happen so I’m G ask you a and anybody out there in in the chat uh who was Arthur Smith a placeholder

Was he state go uh was he a placeholder for the next guy because it gives you those type of indication gives you those type of Vibes what you think I mean if you like okay let let’s run down the you know scenarios or let’s paint the pictur okay this

Guy was a first-time head coach right okay okay and then before he got here we were in the bottom of the barrel I mean we picked four in 2021 y so that means we were trash before he got here and since he’s been here he had he had

To work with you know a trash you know roster at first year it got marginally better the second year and then third year it started breaking open but you didn’t really but you know you didn’t really know enhance on what you had and piggyback on what you said about the

Trash roster the Falcons ladies and gentlemen for you for those of yall don’t know I’m pretty sure um Chris hold know because he’s life he’s been a lifetime season chck the Falcons had to bring in 40 guys 40 40 guys uh in 2021 off the street

Guys like me and you y just to make 90 count FS half of those guys wound up either being on a 53 man roster or or the practice score just just a tibit but go ahead just just just a thought look I’m I’m uh enhance on what uh what th is talking about

Yeah we had to sell some [ __ ] just to dra just to assign our draft Pi that year I don’t think many people understand you know we almost did not we almost lost Kyle pittz because we couldn’t we did not have the money to sign him is what Anthony just said go ahead

So okay I I’ll chck that that one up the first year the second year okay we were we were tending in the right direction but we wasn’t there yet so that’s another seven and 10 record and then this year we were we were right we were there we were right there we just

Didn’t it was a whole bunch of things that went wrong it wasn’t just the it wasn’t just a head co it wasn’t you know it was a combination of things that went wrong and the players included so we have to we have to look at the

Totality of I think he was a scapegoat or a placeholder for who they really want now and before people like I said start going ape [ __ ] we not absolving him from whatever he didn’t execute right no it’s just that now that he’s that he’s been removed you got to look at the

Whole you got to look at a timeline of his tenure from when he first got hired to last well well technically this morning at 1205 and I also found out through Arthur see a lot of fans felt like Terry fno was not part of the hiring process of Arthur

Smith what LT has LT come in here did Arthur Blank did Arthur Brank put that to bed or what seemed like he did to me so for everybody that thought that uh t arth ter F guy that’s quite wrong he talked to him they came in together they they had a plan together

No your your owner said differently Chris your your owner your own put that to bed today yep he said he said Al Offa Smith was hired January the January the 15th terer was hired January the 19th and he was and according to Arthur Blank Terry

Fno was part of the team that hired AR Arthur Smith There Are Rules to This y’all you just can’t come out and openly have that out in the open to set thing as T So Bas hold on hold on so basically what we saying is we had our

People but due to the fact that during that time frame the saints were in the playoffs we could not announc that we was talking to this man and having conversations with this man because that’s called tampering and if you break rules there are consequences to the

Rules say just just just found it out Smith this year you just found it out arur Smith just had arur Smith paid a $25,000 F right which mean report a heada f draft picks so them number one picks that y’all be wanting they can get snatched away if you don’t if you ain’t

Applying applying to the rules so now I know y’all spoke on the Arthur smith thing here’s my take on it real quick what I will say is and no I’m like trying say I’m not absolving him from issues like I tell anybody you you got to find ways to win football games

In this league is it is the the the the NFL stands for a National Football League but is other acrms that people use which is one of them is the no fun league and the most notable one of and the most notable one is not for

Long so what I will tell you is this as much as Arthur Smith didn’t get a certain part of the job done I will say that I felt like he was put in one of the worst situations you could possibly be put in because as the team is simultaneously tearing down the

Franchise that they had for years he has to go out there and Coach whatever he can to give us some wins and I say that’s unfair because when you look at people they come in with a clean slate the Falcons literally had to go and dead cap hell just to start over

They literally had to go in dead cap here to start over we traded with Julio which we coincident got most of his money off the books we traded away Matt to get most of his money off the books so by the time this year came we had money to do

Something so you know what I’m saying so the man like I said the team was simultaneously being torn down and trying to rebuild and Arthur Smith had to try to work with what he had with which we caseing point which is why on if anybody pay attention to this network

You see me ask the question of the day quick name me to start the two starting safeties for the Falcons in 2021 only an was the only one that gave an answer nobody else could think of without Googling it because nobody didn’t know that Don Hammond and Eric Harris was on

Starting safeties in 2021 why because we we we been had we don’t had different safeties every year year we done had different quarterbacks every year we done had a different running back every year we don’t had different receivers every year we’ve the team has never been the

Same that’s the only great that’s the only reason why I feel a little bit sorry for that man because he the thing the order to succeed and succeed in the football which is one of the ultimate team sports in order for you to succeed in this sport you have to have

Continuity how can you have continuity when you forever changing players you’re forever trying to change the scheme see now here we are in the situation now we done got rid of the head coach now we got to now our team got to learn a whole new

Scheme the scheme that been in place for the last three years now I gotta get switched okay all I see man I see it’s the chat is on fire listen like I said at the top we got we got the whole offseason to tear each other head off

Everybody got different takes on it everybody got different opinions and everybody got different nites if you will we just really just going doing an overview of the season now let’s get to yesterday’s game okay you know what yesterday’s game to me y’all was an abomination of the whole [ __ ] season

Okay we saw a little bit of every everything we saw bad play calling we saw R turn the ball over we saw we saw the defense get exposed um and and and then it just we we saw foring about Be all that stuff just gumbo into one gumbo no pun intended that we played the Saints and then what happened at the end let let me explain to a few of you guys about what happened at you can tell when people have no idea about the game of football or Sports by some

Of the [ __ ] that they say um listen first of all you playing your division Rivals second of all that was some real fou [ __ ] what they did uh you don’t do nothing like that you don’t set up in a victory formation and then run a play for

One that could be somebody can get injured it’s just that simple now what if Al had turned around and told his told his guys this last minute and a half we taking out knes now you got now you got a braw now you got fines you got

Suspensions okay yeah off is a dam man walking that’s cool so also was right in addressing Allan Allan’s gonna probably lose his job because he lost control of his team because what we founding out what we finded out on the back end of it is jamus Winston went rooll James Winston

Is a is a sack of [ __ ] of a human being you don’t do that at all period That’s that that was dumb what he did he probably a black ball himself out the league off there I mean you right about that I did when they when I found out that James

Actually with the orchestrator behind that it said a lot because what people don’t understand is in in a blowout game and if you already got a turnover that pretty much lose that that’s that you know the game is Out Of Reach you don’t add more points to the

Board that’s that’s that’s common law that’s that’s it’s a it’s a it’s a don’t do I’m G give an example of that remember most of y’all know I’m a Lakers fan but I remember back in like 08 we played like the San Antonio Spurs we was

We won the game like we was up like 97 to like 80 well well Sasha vui decides to take a three before the tck clock expires and he hits the three well now of course the Spurs came to him like what the hell was you doing you know

That y’all want the gamers won what you do what you take the three for coincidentally the reason why he took the three because by him making a three is scoring 100 points the fans that was in attendance got free tacos the next day so that’s why he took the three but

He still had to pay for his sins for doing that because that’s still something you don’t do that’s a Unwritten rot yeah I mean you know in a case like that in a case like that you know when it’s incentives for the fans you know if I’m on the other side

I’m understand that when it’s when it’s something like that you know it’s just like you know in the house we about to get going to the house uh at the top of the hour um you know if you miss two free throws both free throws everybody get Chick-fil-A ironically I’m in the

Chick-fil-A right now um so but but but you know the thing about it it was Bush Le it was it was it was completely screwed up by jamus Winston and that’s about that so now now that Arthur Smith has been let go now now of course the the the the the the search

For the head coach is on and and today I’m we not going to go into who we think it should be because I don’t I don’t have enough time for that um here’s what I would like to see besides of course we got to get a head coach

Um I need see a quarterback coach in here I don’t care what goes on at quarterback I need to see a quarterback coach in here a salary quarterback coach not just somebody who’s coaching a wide receivers coach who happen to play quarterback in the NFL no we need to get a salar

Quarterback coach in here all right or either that or flip TJ Yates from wide receiver coach to quarterback coach and get us a salary wide receiver coach all right um I think on the offensive side of the football um I think we gonna need we gonna need

To look for a third running back I think it’s that’s probably gonna be it for Daryl um unless he’s unless he’s come out and say he G bring it back another year probably be it for him we need a number two receiver and Jake Matthews is

Long in the Toth over there left tackle um now is the time to draft his replacement yeah yeah um draft his replacement now so when he’s when when he starts really starts taking on water you can you you can bring somebody in there and can step

Right in and you ain’t got a speed rush nobody in and you ain’t got to force speed nobody in like they did with Jaylen Mayfield and jayen Mayfield didn’t work out and and and we and we know how that we know how that happens um um um um I would like to

See probably just go ahead on and make uh eight a fulltime receiver and ride with Janu fits and I’ve been hearing rers and Gras about what we may do with that number nine pick and that’s that’s for another show um defensively I think everything is set um probably could use

Another I mean gr is getting long in the tooth the On’s not that not not that young Kus is I you could probably use a another interior lineman on the defense um and you could probably use uh depth at the safety position but um said we got months and months and

Months to talk about that but in final analysis uh I mean I’m G re I’m G reiterate this about um um I’m G reiterate this about Arthur Smith Arthur Smith did not do enough to save himself he lost his job because he did not do enough to save

Himself all of the [ __ ] that we brought up is just [ __ ] that we know about because we content creators and we see this we’ve seen what what what went on over the past three years so um we gonna go into our next segment we gonna talk Atlanta hwks Basketball LT I

Know you’re a l fan all right okay cool appreciate you LT um um on the panel right now we got um well-renowned YouTuber um uh uh one of the greatest guys I’ve ever met um and uh he got the hottest hulks talk YouTube channel in the land we talk

Hawks TV my man de DT Thomas man what’s happening with you man what’s good what’s good big an what’s hey I just this I just streamed this to my channel too man so they the chat GNA come over here and talk talk crazy okay CH wow they was asking about

You too man they was saying like where OG Chara I said I said man that dude got about 18 groups 18 channels that running man look man my old I be sleep man I I go to sleep early F what’s going on man yes hey hey chat make sure y’all follow

This this OG Chanty page right here follow this guy’s page please Chanty is funny as [ __ ] man let me tell y’all something real quick before we get into the Hawks talk me and Chanty right we’ve been going back and forth about the hwks when did Jamal start that group 25 look since k

B yeah me and Cha we used to go live in in new pack City bro that’s where it all started at me and CH go live go back hey we have called each other every name in the book bro we the Mad yelling scream hey I saw look not speaking to

Each other hey real quick I saw one chy listen I was going going through some old uh some old videos from new pack city right and I forgot I saw one where was me and you going at it man and it was I should have saved it you was just

Like all right DT you win DT okay I’m done I’m done I was I was rolling I was like yeah I’ll be getting on Char but what’s good my guy for tapping in you feel um uh make sure y’all to everybody who’s coming in make sure y’all hit the

Button uh Mad Mike Network also my channel uh truth with a two TV listen dear you got the flow what in the [ __ ] is going on with our house man let me tell you something man I was just watching Rich McKay in the press conference today right you

Know how Terry fono ain’t there going at that press conference and I’m looking I’m like that front office ownership is messed up same way for the Hawks it’s the exact same thing bro like what I notic about the Hawks front office and the Falcon front office today you

Hear K and um and blank keep saying a collaborative effort that’s the same nonsense Landry Fields be saying over here with the hawk it’s a collaborative effort when when is Tony wrestler okay I’m GNA keep it real ton he don’t care about winning bro he don’t care right now he focus on

Getting everything pretty around State Farm the little goats or whatever he build around there that’s what he focus on and right now what you about to see HW fans is they trying to either well we’ll know tonight tonight at midnight Murray becomes eligible to be traded if Murray get traded before

That trade deadline which is February 9th anytime if he get traded by the end the Hawks are going into a Reb Bill Mo don’t let don’t let them tell you nothing different cuz they’re going to trade Murray for picks try to recruit some of the stuff back and we gonna be

Starting over again this season Prett I was just on the space pretty and I told him pretty much that when they trade Mar is telling us the season’s over with what do you think do you think the season can be saved I think right now I think the

Issue is um both coach and player even though we got a new coach like I was just in the space a couple minutes ago we got a coach but guess what we got worse results last year this time we wasn’t the best team we was only one

Game under 500 at 35 games we were 17 and 18 bro this year we 14 and 21 losers are two in a row picked off the game last night um and that’s what I be trying to tell these so if they trade Murray the season can’t be saved if they keep

Murray you need Quin Snider he has to adjust the way he wants to play basketball at least for this group of guys until he get a different group of guys then he need to play to God strength in my opinion but I mean this season pretty much done for man I’m just

Waiting for them to trade Murray so I can just sit here and watch the games without having any expectations um man I’m G tell you something I I remember the days of 13 and 69 bro and I don’t know if I’m ready for another blow up but they about to

Blow if they blow it up that’s what’s about to happen now here’s the here’s the elephant in the room Mike gonna kill me you must be talking about about to say something about raford ain’t you the big we he draws the biggest return if you going to blow it up he

Draws the biggest return if if y’all disagree with me say that no he does bring the biggest return but the thing is this cha he Um it if you trade try then you have to admit that you going in a full rebuild and the trade for Luca Dage they not gonna do that no just the just the optic because you know the first thing non Hawk fans gonna say when you trade Trey

Young y’all lost Trey and Luca you should have kept Luca if you would have kept Luka blah blah blah blah blah so there’s no way there’s no way um they will trade Trey young so the biggest asset they got right now is Deon Murray which they’re gonna try to get something

For him get some picks maybe a young player in return but I mean at the end of the day bro this team ain’t going nowhere it’s currently constructed and what sucks is I tried to tell him me and Mike was screaming this last year the issue your main issue is not the

Coach and now they starting to see it because they Savor Quinn Snider is here and we and we worse so now when I be on Hawks Twitter asking about you know what’s up with Quin Snider now people saying oh he need better players it’s the same core players we

Had it’s the same core players from last year the only thing they did this off season was salary dump John Collins and I’mma tell you something else this how you know some of the fans don’t really be tapped in I’m in a space the dude was asking hey when they gonna use that

Everybody was hyp we got a $25 million trade exception I told him man I’m like most team don’t even use it get it because they want the dunk salary why would they use it dummy well I ain’t call him a dummy but now now I’m ranting right now you

Know why would you get a trade exception if I’m trying to get off salary I’m not gonna use it I got it so I don’t have to spend money you see what I’m saying so now your salary dump John Collins got nothing in return that’s what that was everything we did

Is offseason they tricked off the offseason sting here wait waiting trying to get seaka didn’t happen so now I mean it is what it is man we going to we on our way to the L Lottery man I saw I I saw I saw a stat or

Graphic the only two teams in the National Basketball Association that’s shorter than Atlanta hwks are the Golden State Warriors in the New York Knicks and folks get so hot at me when I say we too small we start small up top Trey L as

Hell man yeah I mean he is and he frail with it too now listen listen before the get aone game get on me Trey is playing lights side basketball this year um he’s shooting the ball great he been a off the last couple of games

Um he’s G well he’s not goingon to lead the league in assist that halberton playing on another level too uh and he’s playing better defense but bro whatever teams need to get a bucket they go right at TR he he ain’t really playing better defense man see they G see this what

They going to do do guess what they do see I’m H to the game now see they’ll throw these stats at you they they gonna be like look at all the Ste that’s cool if you don’t watch the game when you watch the game most of the

Time some people in the chat they call him uh they call him Trey bit they say he be floating around like a free safety out just just float so they call them Trey bits what are we they said oh guy who said it so I can give him their credit I

Was this Ain me saying it this Ain me saying it a you a witness this ain’t me saying it doing the Watch Law right and I’m like what is Trey doing he just floating around was it my Guy rot somebody was like man that’s Trey Bates

Out there man he a free safety he just s bro that’s why he be getting caught up in the lane sometime because he just in the he just float and then like he like a helper he Flo help pretty much he’s really like on a on a GU they gonna

Tell you he play good defense but now I will say this oh there it go Southside Southside said it there it go in the call it Trey bites man because he just be floating around that’s awful bro the corner three always open always open bro I don’t know

How many times I sit there and just and call that stuff doing the watch along BR I like hey y’all I tell we know we we know it so well now chy I just said before the game I said hey y’all watch the corner three from Theo line down to the uh

Baseline always open always available to the other team never fails man like it’s just so many flaws on this team but I’m glad people starting to see now the main problem has been the players all along not the coach salute to my guy sou side for that trade based comment man that

Was hilarious when I read it okay get to the coach he a fraud did he flee us he a fraud I be I’ve been saying he a fraud he a bro he a playoff loser he a regular season front run that’s what he is bro that’s

What he is he came here and bro the team he came from got a better record than we do Utah Jazz is 17 and 20 everybody was laughing at the beginning of the Season look at joh Collins on Utah they terrible now we 14 and 21 Utah 17 and 20

Six they in they last eight I think they six and two with John Collins car at the center position man come on when I told fans hey why play John at the center position and let JJ play the four to three or whatever you can’t do that he

Too small but they want play double O who’s shorter than John BR listen I tried to tell these folks three years ago and dear gonna start laughing because he know I said this I said be careful what you ask for don’t that sound fam me

I what you ask I said with the hwks need to leave it alone leave it alone but no to get alone game this player suck get rid of him that player suck get rid of him this coach suck get rid of him that this GM

Suck get rid of him okay since the H walked off their Flor in the Eastern Conference Final these are the the names that are no longer with the organization Deno ginari gone in the M trade Kevin herder gone we flipped him for Mo harkless who never put on a HW

Jersey money a salary dunk and Justin and Justin holiday who who colored his who colored his hair got traded to the mar Lou Williams he down in mic City right now order ERS some wings that’s cool John Collins Travis schlink Nate McMillan solo Hill Tony smell cam

Reddish all gone ever since all these guys left the team has went this way and we still got people asking what what what what what’s mind blowing when I hear when I see people say Trey need help he had help y’all didn’t respect the help that he had now the team has

Went this way he’s taking a lot of the heat barely all unar now right now they blaming everything on Murray now that’s that’s anytime something do bad just blame Murray okay okay so say they all they all Dre Hunter oh well I’m getting only because Dre Hunter been hurt that’s it

Now they just blaming Murray now hold on I also Dre come back oh they FNA blame him again oh yeah well see well see I’m let well I’m letting them know I’m letting them know the house record every time whenever we lose a game I put it I

Put in new pack City 3 and8 where Murray get well big Dre because according to a lot of people in the get game Murray was the was the was the number one reason why the Hawks are playing like [ __ ] and they also told us Jay Jaylen Johnson was gonna be the Savior

Told I said bro Jaylen Johnson for all that he’s worth I said y’all think he gonna come back and cover for all these people on the defensive side of the ball he can’t guard every he can’t be everywhere on the court he can’t be everywhere but until like I told these

Folks until we are ready to play some real man defense including Trey and like I tell people I don’t expect him to stop nobody okay I expect stay in front of his man prevent penetration that’s it right just slow down yeah I ain’t saying go there hold somebody to zero because

He can’t do it which is cool but at the end of the day a lot of these fans what I learned chy the difference between between uh uh the difference between know fans like us who’ been around you know you’ve been around you a little older than

25 when we was coming up we expect good players hell I expect all players back in the day you gotta play both sides of the ball you got to defend Point Blank period and and we and back then you know you if somebody couldn’t defend you

Didn’t give him a pass well you know what he not good at defending but he could score so he don’t have to guard nobody no you got to still get on the man now you might get cooked but you still got to run around and chase

Somebody we don’t do that here man and you know what else we missing chy we soft as hell and people try to tell me people try to tell me it’s just John Collins watch this chy when we play the Pacers right I’m G give you two examples of how the Pacers clown and

Somebody should have checked their ass right when we when they came to Atlanta granted holl Burton was killing but bro he over there he skipping down the floor and [ __ ] like and nobody checked his ass okay the other night we in Indiana Trey shooting free throw he shot the second

One something happened no he shot the second one and made it one of them Pacers walked up to him and just bump shoulders like the dud they did him in New York bumped him by the shoulder Trey looked back at the dude he talking [ __ ]

To the guy the play start Trey they all down Court Trey still he pointing and talking to him you know not one player that one and now you know what that come now I’mma tell you something else deante Murray may not be the best ball player

On our team but to me he he was definitely like the leader like his attitude uh the way he the way he just moved and and bro when that [ __ ] Le the other day uh before that Pac game available except Trey and Jaylen you can’t tell me that that didn’t affect

The players because they went out there and laid straight down bro yeah straight they laid down against the Pacers uh that night bro and off protect the players you know like I need I need I need somebody like cha out there I need somebody throwing uh if y’all didn’t know vir throwing

Trash cans at referee that’s what I need I don’t know what you’re talking about I need that it’s on YouTube you can find him on YouTube throwing trash Canon umpire and my the memph Memphis G the other night right the Memphis game the other night bro the dude one of the Memphis

Players something happened he fell on the floor got kicked in the head of something rough a cost but you know they coach Tyler jenk ran out on the court up on the referee bro he ran on the court screaming I need that type of passion from my coach protect my players my

Players getting all these texts because the coach scared to say stuff you know he’ll run his mouth on the sideline but he ain’t ref say he Ain nobody worried about because he ain’t running up on these refs and DeAndre Hunter of all people is the first guy to get kicked

Out of game this year DeAndre Hunter you know he gets call S DeAndre Hunter of all people got kicked got thrown out Trey got thrown out a game what couple weeks ago well we used to him doing it your coach ain’t been ejected one time not one time even if

It’s just to let the players know hey I got ejected because I’m I’m defending y’all he ain’t beened one time bro once it is he’s who gave it bro we on our way to the lottery man now I’m listen he ain’t gonna survive January no way that we gonna be no way house

Manager can tell me that we sitting up here 12 to 15 games on the 500 he still got a job bro they he he ain’t leaving this year dog they paying this guy8 and he sign a five year deal fivey year deal so if you fire him next year

Even if you wait till the end of the season and fired him you go you owe him what what eight times what four what is that four years 8 million what that 32 million 32 you gonna pay him 32 if you just gave Travis slink 40 million you let him

Go so so you gonna pay another guy 30 million not to work for you I can’t I can’t believe this uh uh uh ding ding ding ding Super Chat coach jald what’s going on man uh uh coach need to eject them glasses that’s why I call him H with the red

Glasses I I can’t believe I’m saying this but the H front office is more jacked up than the Falcon front office it’s awful here you got the coach you got uh uh you got the the owner son calling shots he don’t know teaspoon of basketball bro my guy said hey Chad I

Can’t remember who said this man but he said I think about guy RJ he said he said de they have a guy as the president of basketball who last year was in real estate he got a real estate investor running is the president or what’s his title the principal to the

Advisor of whatever his title is no no his title is L Ray’s best friend my man said last year deand he was Selling Houses now he running the team I like I mean that’s what the owner want to do man I mean but h g a pickle they a bad pickle

This this season is over with to me um it’s embarrassing that the magic you know for the longest the magic was a three three seed bro a three seed the magic I don’t know man Char I’m not ready for the re bro I’m not ready two

Years ago the magic who just beat our ass who’s sitting in a top three seed right now two years ago they had the number one overall overall yeah and they already have surpassed us yeah come on man come on but when I be on Twitter like I tell her it’s a lot lot

Of company man out there they be they be trying to defend that front office so so much oh boy you know what we call I call I call we call the Atlanta hopes bro we just be hoping we hope something G and never done there go Xavier know the Atlanta

Hope Y is man be hoping bro hoping I’m just I don’t know dear uh I wanted you to come on here for a reason because I don’t want to be just coming on here just just bagging on the all when you talk all I do is bring depression and anger chy

Chy you didn’t see Clint capella double reverse layup last night I I I I I was half sleep watching oh my god oh man you oh bro so hey you got to look that up you gotta watch that watch that Clint capella bro last night Trey young goes in the lane we

Trying to come back we down four fourth quarter I think was about six minutes left we trying to come back once again we tricked off the third quarter okay because we had a double jit lead at half time we trick the [ __ ] off in the death

Quarter right a know what I be talking about that third now we trying to come back right Trey gets by his God gets penetration Drew Clint guy remember Clint 16 pass in the Clint he already at the basket bro do you know he let a a guard

Jayen sugs ran over there instead of just going up he’s 161 dunking the ball he’s at the goal right he said this fool went up try to go all in the air now go under the rim and oh yeah I saw that heit saw that I saw that I saw that that’s that’s

Immediately when I when I flip to another Channel I think I flip to another Chanel and and I rather do that ra do that in my listen man listen people people keep saying Facebook users appreciate you checking in but people keep saying trading Clinton and a cono did did y’all

Hear what I said at the top of the show at the top of the house we are the the the 28th biggest team in the NBA out of 30 we’re the 28th biggest team they T they tour the top four the only guy listen as

Short as a is only guys that are that are taller than him outside of Clint is Jayla Johnson and Muhammad gay oh oh excuse me Bruno Fernando you had a six dude in College Park but guess what we did we took him off the two-way in Norris and gave it to Vic remember

Vic from last year yeah TW guess what V Hur why would you give a guy TW way he he can’t even play like who’s making these decisions bro and see that goes back to my point what I’m what I’m learning about the Falcons and the Hawks

Ownership no one wants to take blame no one wants to say I’m in I’m making the decision see if I was up there in the Hawks that would be me I’d be like I’m in charge whatever happen I’ll take that if I fail I’ll walk up there and say

Gang I messed up it’s on me if I get fired I get fired right but every time you hear land talk it’s a collector a collector if it’s a collective why we don’t need you a GM then we got a gang of GM bro why is ky Cor you know that

Quinn Snider is a cal corver hire right Cal corver he’s the assistant GM don’t this sound so familiar sounds so familiar with he’s the assistant why is he talking to the owner about a coach bro if I’m like that’s how I know like they really have no power in that organization really

Have no power cuz if I’m to GM bro you know would do CH hold up I know you know what I’m talking about chy chy in the military what happened if you go over your chain of Comm uh you you gonna get a bring part bro they not let that happen

Bro to go talk to his ball bro if I was GM bro I have pull calov to the side and I like don’t ever do that again bro but he can’t do that because that lets me know and that lets me know that I don’t think he has that much

Power which is a concern because who’s picking these players who who’s who’s making these decisions I don’t need to listen man Landry Fields he’s just a mouth he’s just a mouthpiece he got he got he he the goty the interviews well he gonna do the Press he the next dead man walk

Deon have I called all this [ __ ] te I call it a t everything gonna happen the next go gonna be Landry hey guess what somebody said on Twitter CH somebody said they said don’t they said don’t worry in two years we gonna be blaming Jaylen Johnson I seen

That he said two years we’ll be blaming jayen Johns don’t even trip I’ve been saying it everywhere I’mma say it up here Quinn snid is a fraud I just want that on record a FR ain’t done nothing he wait a minute the re stepen Patrick

Steen Patrick I know you say uh uh you didn’t know I was still alive you the one uh your page was the one go the wife took the phone again huh hey St Steve be over there with us Man Steve done gave up bro he don’t gave

Up gave up steeve be like man this some [ __ ] man this [ __ ] whack all right um any final remarks on tell um what what’s your take on the Falcons we G we gonna go back into the Falcons and then we G we we gonna wrap it up because you didn’t get a chance

Speak on that shout out I said I I put a tweet up man I had to retweet something I want to AR the Smith fire back in 2021 I put that I retweeted that in 2021 I said they need to fire off CA bro listen the state of the Falcons I’m G

Tell you who I feel bad for I feel bad for because you know what’s gonna happen and first of all first of all why Arthur Smith lying about was helping hiring Arthur Smith he got hired after uh Arthur Smith no what happen no you can’t he were part of the process but

You couldn’t say you couldn’t announce it because he ain’t got hired it’s it’s a it’s a tempering thing bro you you can’t bro you know they signning they signing folk they taking pictur and everything so they actually hired they they hired arur Smith on the

15th of January they hired uh F on the 19th of January I guess right after the uh Saints got eliminated they were already they had already pretty much CH f as their guy but they couldn’t announce the they couldn’t announce the hiring to the 19 because because because of tampering

And I Tred to tell folks I said nowhere in the world they would have hired AR Arthur Smith unless car some kind of way signed off on it you know people were braking all that [ __ ] about BL cool with with uh look man y’all y’all make so many

Narratives these folks make so many narratives excuse me they make up so much [ __ ] to support their Nar like that’s one dumb you want me give you another one yeah you ready for this one yeah until until the Falcons do right by folks uh uh and that church they they

Not have never have no good Lu I came with hear the one I came up with this one for the this one for the Hawks want to hear the one I came up with what that until the Hawks do right by Ryan Cameron ever since he been we been

Trash bring his ass back I don’t care if they got to sign him to a 10day you ass sign announcer to a 10day he can be the guest announcer bring his ever since big tiger has taken over we been [ __ ] third and final now this the dumbest of

M how many times while Matt Ryan was a quarterback you heard somebody say oh they ain’t gonna get rid of him he married to the owner’s daughter Sarah Marshall which is her her ma name Sarah Marshall and Matt Ryan met at Boston College she was the point

Guard for the women his basketball team he was the quarterback for the football team no Sherl Marshall is not related to Authur blank please man y’all stop man listen and you know what you know what we deserve everything with this fan we deserve everything we get on the off

Side we deserve it all the mat Ry haters do all hey you may not had to love Matt Ry but let me tell you something man tell something I respect about hey Jacob what’s on my little buddy listen man listen hey you know I hate to say

You know we hate to say we told you so but all of us cont mad mik Styles D LT uh uh um and the whole crew man one we try to tell y’all OG big S we try tell y’all be careful what you ask for man they they

Cried and whed about they cried and whed about Ryan they said look at here I don’t care I don’t care if we have to lose a little bit go out and get me a Young mobile quarterback with with a bigger arm guess what Desmond really got

A bigger arm in that R he’s definitely mobile ran second F he R the second fastest uh combine uh excuse me with 40 out a corner back I think all Malik ran a faster one now you complain about Desmond now you want Desmond gone because he’s not doing

What y’all didn’t like uh don’t forget the the Falcon Legend man y’all didn’t like Felipe Frank they don’t want R gone they just don’t want him to start oh yeah oh yeah that’s right that’s right that’s right dear you know whenever we ask them so what should we

Do around should we get rid of no don’t get rid of them no we need to keep them here oh no bro no they don’t they don’t they don’t what you expect from a third round if you a quarterback and you picked in a third round that tells me something about your

Game needs a lot of work because if you was that guy you would be a first round quarterback so bro when you really sit down and look at it he only played a season’s worth of games over a twoyear period he played a season worth exactly 17 starts uh

Yesterday made his 17th start he he’s 89 as a starter yeah so I don’t understand what people you know what I thought I think people thought because um I guess because the defense was good that we should be winning but I now don’t get me

Wrong it’s some games he he messed up at but when you are a young quarterback and excuse me you don’t have a quarterback coach one no no quarterback coach don’t have your head coach hasn’t developed a quarterback in his career who has he developed nobody nobody so Desmond Ra

Was pretty much set up to fail I would I would like for us to cut him so he go somewhere else so I can see him drive a different one but like I said I gave I gave a stat y’all I gave a stat I had Des riddle first 16 starts I

Had Michael Vick’s first 16 sh and boy I needed security when I told that truth I said de first 16 thought he was 8 he had 16 terms Michael Vick first 16 starts he was what 87 and one I think he was 88 87 88 he had he had 22 turnovers

No he get 18 turnovers mik had 22 turnovers and when I brought that up I now you comparing him to Michael v no I’m comparing the first I’m comparing the first 16 games see they want to build a statue for Vic out outside don’t get me started on

That but again today we not gonna go into who we need to get um I do the same I do the same thing with the Hawks I do I do it all the time though I [ __ ] I was I chose violence today you know what I said today I say

Hey matter of fact I did a show on it today I said let’s look at the Hawks under Quinn Snider after yeah then I said I said oh let me see what we look that where were we at last year after 35 games only one game on the

500 you know what they tell me here they come here come here they come them old them old company man that’s what I call him but he had a better roster I said that’s cap no he didn’t I said the only thing that’s changed from last year and

This year you got rid of nothing that’s it that’s it they CLA they claim when we got rid of John Collins it was addition by subtraction so miss me with with the better I I couldn’t find them tweets they must have deleted them I went hunting because I

Seen some people put aition by subtraction on Twitter I went hunting for him the other day because I was being petty they must have deleted them tweets I couldn’t find them no more I be on they ass about that [ __ ] bro I’ll be on them cuz I’m trying to tell people

Man like I know I’ll make some wild take because I’ll say anything in moment you watching one of the games we trick something off I’m to say anything but like I tell people I’m also the same person if you prove me wrong I’ll say

You right I be tell I be like bro I don’t have a problem saying you right you know what I’m saying but a lot of fans they just wanna how can I say it me I want to win by any means necessary I don’t care I’ve always said that

I don’t care I don’t bro I’m keep it bro they could we could have somebody they could be the biggest racist but if we winning if we winning I be like man tell that [ __ ] shut up we keep playing but good point good point by my little

Brother Mike Smith VY was playing early last year V was playing early I want to say shortly before Nate got fired Jayla Johnson jayen Johnson hold on now lot of people I see a lot of people talk about hunter’s injuries since the beginning of last year Deandre just missed his 24th game

Jaylen Johnson has missed 20 so and Jaylen Johnson just got in the dope so we going to fix that yeah I see how he’s playing he’s playing well but my team is 14 and 21 period listen y’all I gotta wrap it up um dear run your mouth where can you

Be found hey y’all know where we where we at chat salute to everybody in the chat man who tapped in foot Pharaoh a y’all know what time it is I saw up in there I can’t remember everybody man we talk hwks TV on YouTube we do we watch

Every game together we got Philly on Wednesday we probably gonna get our ass whipped so come join us over there um then we do a post Gang live show we are let me tell live only the only the can Sur hey if you come listen on our show

If you not like allow person aggressive you might want to come on at the beginning before don’t cut open you got comfort in the beginning you get two minutes to say whatever you want to about the game that’s how we do it over there they usually take depending on who

We get that usually take about 45 minutes an hour and then we go to the open form where everybody’s up here at the same time we get it in but people been asking about OG Chanty and we waiting for when is OG chy gonna make appearance

There I’m I see y’all Wednesday man I’ll see y’all Wednesday after the Philly game because I because I’ve been slipping man so um I’m G see y’all Wednesday up in the Philly game yeah where you and coming at the beginning and he be dipping where you been at a

Man I be busy bro I feel you dog don’t hey you ain’t you ain’t missing [ __ ] U we got to get man heyam anytime you want to come on anytime you want to come on uh on um truth be told you more than welcome bro thear breaks the Heat make sure y’all

Check out his channel we talk H TV I’m telling you man it’s it’s the move man if you’re a house fan that’s where you want to be they do the post game live after every game and it’s straight Chase no late Ain no cut being put on that my

Wing man big an always good with you here make sure y’all catch me OG truth the two HS with a z every Monday right like right now 7 630 7 o’clock depending just depending on how the day is going for for truth be told tomorrow night

Catch me and OG big Sam with with with the realistic OG’s and Wednesday Wednesday hey hey Wednesday’s gonna be popping y’all Wednesday six o’clock we gonna always do our exclusive World of Wrestling man De Thomas we talk off TV big man OG truth with a two with a z we always seek

And speak the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I’m out

In the wake of Arthur Smith’s dismissal, the Falcons Head Coach Searh begins. Hawks are in desperate mode!



  2. YOU HAVE THIS SAME COACH ARUTHER SMITH RUNIN the ball with a minute on the clock trying to get your players injured take a knee it's 48 to 17 REALLY WHAT ABOUT THAT CRAZY

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