@Golden State Warriors

Kawakami: “I think [the Warriors] are going to trade Wiggins”

Kawakami: “I think [the Warriors] are going to trade Wiggins”

It’s not a very uh not a very jovial time with the Golden State Warriors either look they’ve been booed for a couple of games in a row and and people got clay and Steph’s answers on that last night I’d like the answer of Joe lob what do you think he’s thinking

Right now well he the way he we know he gets into these games and I usually do watch him winning or losing to see what his reaction is on the first row seed and he was not happy obviously throughout that he sat through the whole thing as we know like after halftime

That first row was not really filled it’s like him sitting by himself frequently you know you know not too many people around him because people are still in the in the suits uh and he was scrimming and he as soon as the buzz was over I like where was he and he was

Walking already all almost all the way down back through the tunnel uh moving very quickly and quite unhappy you can imagine Warriors people are not in a good mood these days Jo Lea being at the top of that list uh but I don’t think you know even if they had won that game

I don’t think it was like a good mood in the franchise they kind of know this thing is teetering uh there’s no you know I don’t think people are trying to lie to themselves about this is all good almost losing to Detroit Pistons earlier in the home stand I think was almost

Worse it wasn’t worse because these games are terrible but that was a sign that things are not going well and it just continued and continued and continued uh that there is uh there there’s some discontent among everybody including fan base I believe I think the fan are upset that’s what I’ve heard

There’s a rumor about that ni and Joe lob is in many ways he’s the number one fan right he’s the guy who cares as much as anybody about the winning and the losing and they are not winning very much these days right and he is I think

Very reflective of the fan base in terms of his displeasure and I was reading from your piece earlier I read it aloud how he just Beed for the exit and I’m going to ask you Tim the same question you asked in your article about what

They do do they try to add a veteran and keep giving it a go this year or do they subtract one or two big contracts clear the books and try to reboot for next year what do you think their move is over the next four weeks yeah I think

They’re going to trade Andrew Wiggins you know I don’t know what is out there I think they’ve got to find out what’s out there that might be the kind of hinge Point uh if you can upgrade by trading Andrew Wiggins by all means I think they would you know they can get

Seum for Wiggins and something else say Wiggins and moody or Wiggins and psky I think that helps them two ways it gets rid of the contract and it makes them better this season and maybe they can convince themselves that they and I don’t think they’re you know irrational

To think that maybe that could get them to the seven seed or make him a dangerous six seed something like that something like we saw last season and I mean they they’ll take what happened last season they got through the first round and then they gave in the Lakers a

Run for the money in the second round uh if they can’t get seum or they can’t get a player of that level and I’m not sure there’s a long list of them I don’t would not put Zack LaVine in that list of the player they think they could add

And would make a you know significant difference to what they are this season maybe it’s Andrew Wiggins for nothing right just get off of them maybe they’d have to even put moody in that just to get nothing or or very close to nothing just to move off that you know the

Remaining $84 million of the salary after this season to give themselves some you know room to think where the every decision you don’t have the luxury attacks bearing down on you every decision you’re not say well we’re constrained because we have a $4 million payroll commitment and that’s what they

Got um I think they would do some things to all alleviate that I mean you could let clay go for nothing you could let Chris Paul go for nothing I just think Wiggins is the first decision what can they get for him what do they have to do

To move off of him and then maybe you don’t want to be reactive to just that I think they have to make other decisions about Don MinGa about you know Lo Moody some other things but really practically might come down to what can they get for

Andrew Wiggins and I think they are most likely going to be moving off in Wiggins and then where do you go from there I think the big picture question is been answer they’re gonna ride with Seth Curry they’re not coming off the step Curry they think whether it’s one or two or four

Moves in the next whether it’s by February or it’s the next you know July they can feasibly put together a team around him that works better than this and if it’s better than this you’re going to have a shot in the playoffs Tim Happ in February but it might happen in

July Yeah Tim calami with us here on Willard and dibs tkp pod the athletic podcast part of the Odyssey Family glad to have him Tim um what is the likelihood and this is based off of Shams report earlier today uh all things not named Steph Curry are on the table

So what is the likelihood that Klay Thompson or Draymond Green get moved I don’t think clay just because that’s a huge number I don’t know and I guess it’s possible I’m not saying he’s off the table just I don’t know that you’re going to get better than clay because of

That contract it puts so much you know it’s tough to Value what that is uh I guess it’s theoretical but you know it’s not like they need the money to to put into a deal to get somebody else they’ve got Chris Paul’s firing they’ve got Andrew wiggins’s contract they can do

They got draymond’s contract the money is not the issue and I just don’t know that teams are going to be jumping up to take clay at this point I think Draymond is a possibility but again you know he’s one suspension away from maybe being out

Of the league there’s not a lot of value there I’ve thrown out the Lakers as a possibility just because of LeBron relationship with Draymond I don’t know I don’t know if you get value for that I don’t think they’d be running away from a Draymond trade I I think these things

Are all I I think they’ve been on the table for several weeks now in fact it’s not just because of the last game um and yeah I I I don’t I would say Draymond is more likely to be TR than than play just because there’s some sort of contractual

You know uh consistency there but there’s not a lot of value there either I I would guess that Draymond s’s team after the trade deadline again i’ Circle Wiggins think kaminga could go I think they both could be traded I think Moody could be traded I think psky could be

Traded I think you know you you name it from that Looney could be traded sarage could be traded Chris Paul certainly could be traded those guys just the way the money works and the way the value is I see that maybe more than clay for sure and then maybe more than Draymond it

Just depends on what the offers are does somebody really out there really want Draymond I don’t know could be he’s a valuable player if he can stay on the court um I think all things are up in the air and and and I think what we

Heard from Steph last night he would not love the phrasing I’m going to make but I think he’s kind of okay it he’s kind of okay it publicly and I’m sure privately that they have to make some changes and there are no sacred cows in there other than the guy wearing number

30 and no nobody deserves it in that lock room other than Steph Curry and does that speak to the level of frustration across the board not only with the owner all but sprinting out of the Arena last night and fans booing the team and Clay coming back and basically

Saying he’s not going to lose sleep over the fact that they got booed are you sensing a a different feeling inside the entirety of the organization that leads you to think that dramatic moves could be made in four weeks yeah and and L didn’t go the arena he just left the

Court I make clear about that yeah he he wasn’t running away from anything he was just left the court um traffic you figure he he wouldn’t want to leave right away anyway yeah there you go you can’t leave uh no one can I I I think

It’s been developing I I mean it’s not just because of last night it’s not just because the two the last two games although those both were very bad I think it’s been kind of since the Draymond suspension I think there’s been a recalibration because they can’t count on Draymond they just cannot there

There’s no way they can even if he comes back and plays great let’s say they go on a five game winning streak do they know that he’s going to be there for game six or might he get suspended in game seven 8 nine 10 11 you know like I

Think ever since that hit and we know there the context of it is they were not playing great at the time and we know that the starting lineup fell apart and Andrew Wiggins was a huge part of that so let’s playay Thompson all their plans started to crumble at that moment and

Draymond was a big part of that so I think there’s been a gradual discussion within the team or a gradual kind of conclusion that what they got isn’t good enough and you don’t have to make the trade right now you know they didn’t make the trade last week you

Don’t have to make it in a week but you’re going to make it some point and I think that is not I talk to a team person I’ll just say like three weeks ago and that person was saying this yes there could be moves there absolutely could be moves that was

Three weeks weeks ago and it’s gotten a lot worse since then but I don’t think they’ve said oh my God now we thinking even more and now there’s even more like there were there was a crisis moment in the team even two three weeks ago um Tim how does Steve cerr and his

Contractual situation factor into all of this what do they want to do what does he want to do well I mean I think generally they want to to come back have this relationship continue but you’re right the contract is up we saw Bob Meers contract come last year and he did not

Want to return that that was all him they wanted him return I think the feelings are still that Steve Cur is the right guy for this job mostly because uh largely because of four championships also specifically because he’s the right guy to coach Steph Curry and all things

Come from step and all things should come from stth uh to work things in in a way that that fits him best and I think Steve Kurt does that but you don’t know and you know the last two games terrible and you know I could see them saying do

You know Joe Li saying do I want to pay $18 million for this which is the going rate for a star coach a championship proven coach I don’t know that they’ll get to that moment uh I I do know that you know Joe Lake tends not to put the

This deal on the table until he absolutely has to that’s negotiations and Steve cerr has every right to say I don’t need to take it till you put your best deal out there the longer it goes though it’s fair to ra the question that you know is there a

Reason why this hasn’t been done yet and could it mean that there are serious questions I’m not going to deny that that’s out there I don’t I think Steph Curry wants Steve Curry as’s coach I think Steph Curry is is important enough by like multiples of a 100 to deserve

That uh commitment and I think it it’s going to end up with Steve Curry the coach out this season but maybe it’s going to be in a short-term deal and maybe it’s going to be you know with some qualifiers like you know things are changing we’re not going to play the

Exact system that you’ve played for all these years that has been incredibly successful all these years uh I think things are changing that way and Steve are you okay with that and I think he would be but we’ll see I know I I think he wants to continue coaching I think he

Loves coaching this team it just hasn’t worked um and listen if they go two and4 the next 16 Everything Changes we’ve seen that happen look what happened to ball Che look what happens to whoever I don’t think they’re going to go 24 the next 16 games but it could happen the

Team that that showed up the last two games at at Chase Center looks like a team that could go to a 14 or 15 games but it’s two games um you got to see the breadth of the season I think the inclination is on both sides that Steve

CER will be the coach next season that could change anytime you have a contract going up like that you don’t know uh but if Steph Curry is still the guy odds on favorite to be the coach is St you mentioned them playing differently and you know Charles Barkley famously said

Jump shooting team can’t win a championship and they’ve won four but now you look at this same sort of jump shooting team and they’re not offensively as efficient as they once were what does that look like to you Tim and what player might be out there that could lead them to actually play

Differently than they do now seum of course the name that’s out there I don’t know they play drastically different but they would look different you know they’d have a six foot n guy who can get to the rim and hit mid-range jumpers which is what they don’t have um

You know not a low post guy so more of a middle tier you know mid-range guy but I think theyd look different and it would be a very interesting Escape B for for step when he’s double teamed get it to him instead of you know we know it’s

Pass pass pass nobody wants to shoot they’re a jump shooting team that isn’t isn’t filled with good Shooters that’s a terrible situation uh I think there is I have said that there has been some talk about maybe just go get a seven foot Iran score they’ve not needed that over the

Years Steph Cur frankly has been better without that because you don’t want a big guy getting his way you want the movement you want the flow uh you need passers and Playmakers with st more than you need a big lumbering guy but maybe they should change that a little bit I

Don’t know I mean a name I thrown out there I don’t even know if he’s available is Jared Allen theoretically could be you know Cleveland could trade him I don’t think they will but um you know could you go you know kaminga and Wiggins for a center you know I I don’t

Want anybody to aggregate me so I’m trying to avoid saying them for Jared Allen but like somebody like that uh would be interesting and Jared Allen’s not a score but he’s a guy who could stand there on the post and take a dribble and dunk it if he’s got the

Angle how many times have we seen them trying to dump it into Looney not his fault and what the first three possessions or four three or the first four possessions Tred to dump it into Looney because he was open and the other team just swipes it away it’s gone

They’re going back the other way for a three open three-pointer like they need somebody who can grab the ball and take a step and dunk it try Jackson Davis sort of can do it but he’s kind of fumbling the ball around a little bit these days he’s a second round pick

Maybe more suited to be a backup I I could see something like that it might not work guys right it might not work uh we’ve seen this like oh the starting lineup was so good for two years they you got you got to change it they change

It and they’re worse they are worse so be ready for that but I think there’s enough proof that what they’re doing isn’t working so maybe give Steph a pure seven-footer and and and don’t do exactly the stuff you’ve done for the last nine years uh I think there’s some

Interest in that again I don’t know the player that would do it I’ve thrown an name or two out there but I think that might be the way they go eventually even if it’s not in February maybe in July or February next year Tim calami with us

Willard and dibs 957 the game Tim you’ve mentioned Jonathan kaminga and the idea of a trade now twice and we’ve also read that the team is very hesitant to do that we know the fan base would probably not love it what do you think the openness is there to that possibility

Yeah I think they’d rather not trade him and I totally understand that there’s a lot of talent there we see it in games but we see some not of great stuff in games too don’t know that he’s an exact fit for the guy that’s going to carry

Them into the next era know I don’t know about that one I might go on the side of saying it’s probably not that guy he’s probably a complimentary piece you know there’s room for him to grow into kind of a onea guy but I I don’t see that or

1B I don’t really see that right now um I think they would they would not be reluctant to trade him for somebody better if they thought that other person was better of course why would somebody trade something better than John the kaminga to to get John the kaminga but

Somebody else could evaluate him on a higher level uh I think it just you can be reluctant to do it I understand it like you know reportedly they’re not putting him into a SE yakum offer because SE yakum is you know a rental I get all those things but if that’s the

Guy that get you to the guy I I don’t see a huge barrier to that in their minds maybe Joe lob lob really likes him but that doesn’t mean a ton because he really liked James wisman too and they did end up trading him yeah you know I

It’s it’s your evaluation of Johan Ming I mean I think there are various evaluations of him within the league and within the Warriors I get it um it’s hard to evaluate him because he is erratic and he hasn’t gotten steady playing time all the time there’s reasons why he hasn’t um I’m intrigued

By him but also I see that sometimes he’s terrible and I see sometimes that they play great with him and I see sometimes they play terrible with him uh it’s a and does he fit with Draymond when draymond’s back I don’t 100% know uh maybe these next 10 games they got 13

Before the trade on but I’m sure decisions will be made before that uh let’s see what kaminga looks like for the next 10 but I think of all the players we mentioned that’s the one they would least like to trade doesn’t mean that he’s Untouchable he is absolutely not intouchable there’s only one

Untouchable on roster Tim kakami the athletic and the T k-pod part of the Odyssey family which is fantastic and I just saw that you’ll be posting tomorrow in the morning a recent conversation with Ethan Strauss covering this the warrior decline Steph Curry’s future oh and some Brock Pie as well yeah way to

Go I like that I I love the pub there it is there it is TK we’ll talk to you again soon you got guys appreciate it Tim calami right here on 957 again

Tim Kawakami of The Athletic joins Willard and Dibs to react to another blowout Warriors’ loss, owner Joe Lacob’s reaction to more boos from the Chase Center crowd, the Warriors’ ever-changing plans at next month’s trade deadline, and more.

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  1. The Warriors stood still while the rest of the league improved. Other teams now have young/tall athletic players who can shoot the three.
    Wiggins main issue is his lack of motor, and his sub-par effort on defense. He needs to be a plus defender.
    If you can trade Wiggins and get value in return, great. If you can make an even swap, that's OK too.
    If not, do not waste a pick to trade him away. Just limit his minutes.
    Ideally, see if he can come along alive for the playoffs (like he did in Boston) to increase his value.
    If he must be traded, only do it if the Warriors can assemble a starting 5 that gets them into the playoffs.

  2. The Warriors have been allowing themselves to get smaller over the years. The dynasty was built on the philosophy of a roster filled with 6’8” plus defenders and Curry as the shortest player. Now they consistently have three small guards on the court.

  3. No trade is saving warriors this year or the future of the franchise
    Unless they get giannis or kd

  4. They made their big 🤑 money choices Drey make,n over 100 mil Klay even more! Wigs is just fed up! Poole,Ty Gerome,
    were clutch last year! they couldn't,/wouldn,t pay Gerome even 5$ mil &trading all those 1st rounders for 2nd rounders
    Kerrs hidden agendav& Dunleavy s Ignorance exposed!

  5. I think wigs is playing bad on purpose because he wants to go. I think he wants to go to Toronto. They have a good team and isn’t wigs from there? I think that’s where he is working towards. But I think raptors would rather have a young kuminga. Tbh either player would be great rather than an expiring siakam contract.

  6. Unless your getting A.D back Trade Draymond and you can say goodbye to a championship in the curry era. The team defense will fall off a cliff as we’re seeing now and his chemistry w Steph/klay can’t be duplicated. You have to live with the double edged sword at this point. Another suspension or accident tho I definitely agree with a trade or even retirement

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