@Toronto Raptors

PLEASE NBA, Make These Trades Happen…

PLEASE NBA, Make These Trades Happen…

We are right in the middle of NBA trade season right now and there are some trades around the league that like they would be cool it would be nice if this team made a move but there are also other trades that need to happen and that’s what these are first and foremost

For me I know we talked about Toronto a good amount on the channel recently but it needs to be said this video can’t be made without this guy being on the list and it is Pascal seaka Toronto appears to be motivated to move him they appear to be understanding the situation here

Where they need to make sure they’re getting value out of their players not losing them in free agency they made the OG and and noi trade the guys they got in the OG and Obi trade have been you know pretty decent for them and Pascal seum I would argue assuming Donovan

Mitchell isn’t available is the biggest name on the trade market right now it’s not Zack LaVine it’s not any of these other guys I mean from a talent perspective zakum has been a borderline all-nba caliber forward for the last handful of seasons and there’s a lot of really interesting fits for him around

The league whether it be in La whether it be in Miami Philadelphia there’s a lot of teams that could give you you know expiring and picks maybe a young player as well in exchange for Pascal seaka one of the big teams that’s been thrown out there a lot recently as well

Is Sacramento which is interesting to me because cakam alongside sabonis in the front Court would be cool but would further limit them defensively which is already an issue for that team and Sacramento reportedly was like in on cakam and then they got out of the talks

And to me that means that Toronto is requiring Keegan Murray to be in the deal and if you’re Sacramento you know what’s the point of trading away Keegan Murray to get Pascal sakam you want to be additive you want to have Fox Marie SE Fox Marie sabonis and then add

Someone to and ideally that person would be seak but obviously if Toronto doesn’t like any of the piece they have then it doesn’t matter right so but this is a deal that needs to happen Toronto needs to get value and they need to just go into a new era of Raptors basketball

Here with their new first year head coach now and just getting value for these guys because I think it’s very clear at this point sakam is not going to return we’ve got rumors about you know him going to Atlanta even going back as far as a year there’s five or

Six teams around the league I’m sure that would put in offers for him right now before the deadline this is a deal that absolutely needs to happen speaking of Atlanta next up I’m going to put Deon Murray on the list I know I made a hawks

Video not too long ago talking about how I didn’t really know what the direction of the team was where are they going what’s this roster doing and kind of where I’ve landed since then is they need to split up the guards the Deon Murray trade in theory made sense

Because they wanted Trey young off the ball more uh they wanted to add another star they wanted a defensive counterpart alongside Trey young but here’s what’s happened since the jante Murray has been in Atlanta those two guys haven’t been teammates basically like they are on the floor together sometimes and they start

The games together but for the most part it’s like Trey Young’s out there he gets the ball the time jontay Murray’s out there he gets the ball all the time when they’re out there together Trey gets it most of the time and jontay Murray’s just kind of standing around he hasn’t

Been as good defensively in Atlanta as he was when he was an all NBA caliber defender in San Antonio and jonay Murray’s really good but the idea of Deon Murray the point guard alongside Trey young the two guard just never materialized and that might have been

The concept when they made the trade but it just never happened that way and this is clearly a roster that isn’t going anywhere anytime soon and it’s just in my opinion it’s time to get some value out of Deon Murray and try and find a better backourt partner for Trey young

Because I I don’t think he’s that guy I don’t know who the backourt partner alongside Trey young would be but it’s clear that Deon marray is too much of an on ball player to make sense alongside Trey assuming Trey isn’t going to play off the ball which clearly he isn’t and

So to me this is kind of similar to Toronto where it’s like this isn’t working make the move next up now I put Kyle kzo on the list we’re getting a lot of rumors recently about how Washington wants to get multiple first form I think that feels unlikely but if the Wizards

Can get a first strong pick for Kyle kma at the deadline I think that they should do it he’s on this big contract they wanted to make sure they retained him but he’s good and he’s useful to a lot of different teams he isn’t a perfect

Fit on every team because he leans way more towards scoring than you would like for you know a complimentary guy that you’d like to bring in but he can shoot he can guard a little bit he he gives you some good size and he can provide

You a scoring punch as well I think my concern if I was going to trade for kozma and I was you know one of these teams that’s trying to contend this year like if I was Philadelphia right if I wanted to bring in K kma my concern would be

Him not being the kind of role player that I want because he’s kind of reeling him back in after being this like basically primary scorer for the wizards but for Washington there’s no reason not to do this they need to be playing kulab they need to be playing Denny they need

To be playing you know all these other younger guys that they have and kma’s solid and has good value and at this point it’s clear that your season isn’t going anywhere and he’s he’s going to be a guy that other teams are going to want as well I mean I guess theoretically You

Could argue that his value will be higher next year the year after as the contract kind of starts to go away a little bit but at this point it’s like kuzma’s value is going to be one and a half first round picks you know not good first round picks late firsts for like

The next year or two right and at this point it’s like why would you even bother keeping on the roster that value probably isn’t going to change that allows you to play some of the younger guys a little bit more next up now on the list is bogdanovich in Detroit I

Always screw up which is which that’s why I’m just saying the last name because I always get the Atlanta one and the Detroit one mixed up I I no matter what I do I always just say the wrong first name but um bonovich and this is a tough one because they’ve been

Playing a little better since they broke the losing streak and without him their shot making is going to be disgustingly disgustingly bad I mean they rely on him a shocking amount every single time that they actually have a decent game they really really rely on him and obviously

Kate as well but he’s GNA have it’s kind of like the kozma thing like obviously he’s older but he’s going to have value like Milwaukee would love to have bonovich on their team same thing with Philadelphia Miami like the Lakers there’s a ton of teams that would love

To have him on their team he’s probably worth one to 1.5 first round picks potentially move him and it’s going to be really rough like the team is going to get significantly worse by trading him away but it allows you to play AAR Thompson more allows you to play Jaden

Ivy more in different lineups that’s just the way things are right now in Detroit I mean you could keep him and and win a few extra games probably because you have him on the roster there have been some weird reports about how Detroit’s actually looking to to add

Pieces maybe they’re like a SE yakum team I don’t know about all that but to me this is a very obvious we’re not very good we have this older role player that’s going to fit super well in other contending teams that is worth one to 1.5 first round picks late first round

Picks let’s go ahead and move that guy and get future assets unless Detroit thinks that keeping bogy is going to allow them to be you know a decent team next year if they add a couple more pieces to me it makes all the sense of

The world to just go ahead and move him and then last upep on the list I put Draymond Green it’s been a weird situation ever since he left the team because parts of the Warriors have been playing better without Draymond like kaminga has been much better since

Draymond went out he’s been one of their better players since Draymond went out and I’ve talked a lot about the warriors on the channel this year because of the the issue of it being clear that trading clay or Draymond is the right move but obviously because of the sentimental

Value of those guys it’s hard to actually make that decision and the reason draymond’s on the list is because I think there are teams around the league like the Lakers like a handful of other teams that would actually want Draymond despite some of the issues that

He’s had on and off the floor that would actually want him and would trade some stuff not a ton of stuff but some stuff and right now it just feels like golden state has to pick either Draymond or kaminga and theoretically kaminga is the more valuable player you could

Potentially have him be the the base of like a pascal SE yakum package and then you could really kind of change your roster in a really interesting way but if pieces of the team start playing better when a guy gets suspended from the team despite what he still means to

You defensively I would start to maybe take that as a sign that it is time to move on and move on and and move him somewhere else it wouldn’t be an easy decision because Draymond does still mean so much to the franchise but to me need to happen maybe as a strong

Phrasing for Draymond and it is a complex situation but they their front Court rotation with him back in the lineup is really difficult to figure out sarch is good Jackson Davis is good Looney is useful and kaminga has been awesome as well so like who’s not

Playing then all of a sudden is Draymond going to play 20 minutes a night like what exactly is happening here if for the first time in the entire run there in Golden State Draymond feels like a luxury he feels like someone they don’t really need they don’t really have to

Have him out out there and if that’s the case given the direction of the Warrior season so far I would certainly really really explore moving Draymond Green but as we know in the NBA things can change all the time so we’ll kind of see how

Things work out as we get closer to the trade deadline but for me right now these are some trades that absolutely need to happen

These NBA trades NEED to happen… including Pascal Siakam, DeJounte Murray, and more!

#nba #nbatrades #trades


  1. The problem with the Kuzma trade is it is VERY CLEAR, and plenty of examples where simply trading every single last good player you have and leaving your team young and guideless while playing HORRID basketball is not the way. You trade Kuzma, you are doing just that.. you want to bottom out as a team and get drafts, yes.. but putting out a Gleague starting lineup also isn't the way either. Give them a bit more time In my opinion

  2. Has Siakam said that he won’t come back? If he doesn’t want to leave, make a different trade. Keep him, or you might lose Quickley too.

  3. Dray and Wiggins for Siakam, move Kuminga to the 3, Siakam at the 4, clears an extra roster spot from GSW that have too many and Wiggins goes home. Unfortunately I don't think Raptors would want either 😛

  4. Lakers fan here, I promise you we don't want Draymond. There's nothing we need he offers, and he's a cancer in the locker room. No thanks.

  5. You haven't been paying attention if you think the Warriors are going to trade any of the core three…They have all come out and said that they are willing to die on their swords to stay together…So the smart thing to do would be trading everyone else…

  6. Warriors should trade for dejounte murray. Kuminga and picks for murray. Hawks get theirs all defensive player in kuminga who will fit in perfectly next trae, warriors get some offense that they desperately need

  7. As far as siakiam best trade imo would be to OKC for giddy and another player or picks. Giddy is extremely promising but with j dub breaking out the way he is I got a feeling giddy will be lost in the shuffle and with Toronto going younger I think giddy will shine more and siakiam would be a amazing fit at the 4 by Chet

  8. "Sentimental value" ????? Of what, some washed up guy that got four free rings and has been washed for years. Come on now, bad take. Drop WWE wrestler Draymond Green asap.

  9. hell no hawks dont need to trade murray or trae or johnson they should get pieces to put around them

  10. Apparently the sticking point with Sacramento for Siakam was Malik Monk with Davion Mitchell and Harrison Barnes. Kings want Huerter instead of Monk.

  11. Whoever has been doing your background images lately is sucking. You showed both Bogdanovic players during that and the other day you should the pacers logo on an Atlanta hawks video and it just hasn’t been making sense. If you changed teams I have noticed in a negative way.

  12. Warriors new starting lineup after trade deadline: Curry, Draymond, Jarrett Allen, Dejounte Murray, Moses Moody!!

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