@New York Knicks

New York Knicks vs Dallas Mavericks Post Game Show EP 465 (Highlights, Analysis, Live Callers)

New York Knicks vs Dallas Mavericks Post Game Show EP 465 (Highlights, Analysis, Live Callers)

Oh man oh man this is a tough loss this is a tough loss but hey we are here for kfv postgame live so salute Nicks Nation what’s up the Knicks were on a five-game winning streak after trading for OG and anobi and tonight they look to extend to

A six-game winning streak as they matched up with the Dallas Mavericks however their plans would quickly change as Kyrie Irving Josh Green and Tim Hardaway Jr decided to not miss from the field in the first quarter but give these Knicks some credits as they would attempt to whittle down the lead as much

As possible throughout the remaining three quarters however every time the niick started to close the gap Kyrie would go into a superstar bag and make crucial shots to keep the Knicks at Bay as well as Tim Hardway Jr he didn’t go to a superstar bag but he would knock

Down critical threes when needed but thanks to a strong third quarter from Julius and a sharp shooting in and sharp shooting in the fourth quarter were able to make this a onepoint game with under a minute left unfortunately the Knicks would not give up just one or two but

Three offensive rebounds to the Mavericks which led to a green three to seal the deal in the end the Knicks would lose to the Mavericks 128 to 124 but let’s huddle around the campfire and discuss this game like an insane Nicks family that we are welcome to kfv

Postgame live I’m your host Alex terce AKA to traic Caster with me on the side on the other side is none other than Jake asmin my co-host for tonight tonight fellow jetz fan fellow Nicks fan we’re going to take all your calls through the Discord tonight so make sure

To tap in lock in for a great show hit that thumbs up button for your boys and make sure to support our sponsor Underdog fantasy use that promo code kfv to get up to a $100 match oh man Jake I don’t even know where to begin with this man because it

Started off slow I don’t even know how to feel honestly to to to be quite Frank with you I have no idea how I should feel after this game because I feel like it could make the optimistic spin be like hey look at least the Knicks competed down the stretch of the game

Where it got out of hand you have a a superstar and Kyrie Irving dropped 40 plus points tonight you’re like hey maybe we can say Hey you know it’s okay it’s Kyrie Irving this is kind of what he does he likes to take down the Nicks

But also part of me man felt like that the Knicks just came out of the gate way too swell and for a team that’s going against the Dallas Mavericks they know there without that luuka donic you got to come in here correct if you’re going

To face a team like that and they just did in the first quarter which put them in the hole I mean they were getting outrebounded in the first half and then just to be slow on your rotations a step slow on defense in general just to allow

Kyrie Irving and Josh Green to go 10 get 10 points 11 points not essentially not miss a damn thing close to a d not a damn thing from the start and then Tim Hardaway Jr just knocking down threes left and right that’s a tough way to

Start the game because now you got to dig yourself out of a hole and then as the Knicks as I said they would Whittle they would Whittle it all down but it’s just it’s just not enough man it was not enough tonight and I I have no idea how

To feel about this game at the end because what was a strong effort to come back and a cool three by Dante to make it a one-point game is just like the the lack of rebounding man is what really is what’s really killing me because just

Get a rebound give yourself a chance to see what happens on the other side and instead we don’t get that I don’t know man what were your thoughts about this game man well first off uh I want to apologize to every Nicks fan Nicks fan TV viewer first regular season postgame

Show I got a chance to co-host and the Nicks lose their first game in 2024 so I’m just gonna own it you can blame me it’s fine I was all excited about being six and0 in 2024 I was talking crap earlier but it is what it is I mean look

They lost this game because of rebounding and Kyrie Irving I mean Kyrie Irving is one of the I can’t stand him but he’s one of the best players in the league and you saw that tonight felt like he played with purpose he was out to kind of prove a point with his

Performance tonight so you tip your on one hand on the other hand defensively I thought Clyde nailed this on the broadcast they should have doubled him more they should have made it harder on him earlier they started too later in the game and that’s kind of

What allowed the Knicks to come back but it was too little too late and then obviously you kind of went through it the the lack of rebounding at the end it’s a tough one I mean some of those 50-50 balls you know they could go

Either way it’s bad luck but you know on one hand it’s disappointing to lose on the other I thought they were cooked when they were down 20 with 8 minutes to go and they made it a real game so it’s a testament to the players on the this

Team a testament to the coach still getting these guys to play hard so I don’t want to say moral Victory because I don’t believe in that but there are certainly worst ways to lose it’s frustrating but with the schedule coming up win on Saturday and then go out there

And take advantage of all these games you have coming up at home so I still think the Knicks are in a pretty good spot uh it’s just a tough one tonight yeah absolutely a tough one tonight I mean this is The Possession I’m talking about that really that really irked me

Uh Jake it’s it goes from you have Dante that makes a 23 foot 23 foot on our side after Isaiah harste Isaiah hartstein assist and it just looked like the Knicks were rolling at that point right I mean that play first of all didn’t look like it was going anywhere

To begin with Julius Randle gets the ball right side Baseline it’s he’s double team you’re like oh my God what is he going to do jump past Isaiah harste Isaiah hardenstein then who just quickly swings out to Dante for a three but then Mavs call timeout they get back

In the game they run a play to get Josh Green who misses a 22-footer you get Tim Hardaway who gets the offensive rebound Tim Hardway who I have this is just the thing about Tim Hardway why I did not like him as a Nick it’s just like no

Court awareness no shot clock awareness quickly puts up uh a mid-range jumper I’m like okay you’re giving us a chance without having to hold on to the ball thanks thanks man thanks for doing that then you get Dwight pal who gets the offensive rebound Tim Hardway then takes

Another shot does even he has another opportunity to to not even shoot and just to whittle down the clock decides to shoot it again I’m like okay so this is another chance but then he gets his own board and then passes it out to J no

No gets it to Kyrie who then passes it to Josh Green who then knocks down the 25-footer and I’m like what it just it’s so that play was so irritating man so irritating and something irritates me when I just see Tim Hardway just smoking the Knicks and I’m like this is it’s

Just bad it’s just it just irritates the living daylight on me bad basketball like you don’t want bad basketball to be rewarded and like the Nick’s inability to get an offensive or get a defensive rebound there and the MBS getting every board allowed eventually for them to finally hit an

Open three but it’s like good God man like one board and I’m convinced the knck might win that game like that that was really the difference and they started off slow as you said I mean Randall was really really awful in the first half I mean on one sequence in the

First half late in the second quarter he had what back-to-back plays where he drew an offensive foul and like it just it and then he really turned it on the third quarter and got him back in the game so it’s it’s a frustrating loss Alex there’s no doubt but uh I I mean

Sometimes hate to say it but sometimes it does happen but it’s a tough one tonight you felt like you had a great chance to win when you found out Luca wasn’t playing so that’s what I think makes you sting a little more too it’s like you’re playing this Ms Team without

Their best player and you still you know couldn’t find a way to stop Kyrie Irving from having one of his best games all season right torching the Knicks for 40 plus points that’s tough and then Hardway you mentioned it so it’s frustrating man I think that’s the key word to use tonight frustrating

Absolutely frustrating and let’s let’s let’s start with the whole Kyrie Irving situation of the of the game because it was just that’s he’s the head of the snake for the Dallas Mavericks and for extensive periods of the game we did not double team him not until the fourth quarter

Where you started to see what happens when you double team Kyrie Irving and not saying it’s going to work a th% of the time but you saw that he had to quickly get the ball out of his hand go look for the open man because he’s not

Going to for he’s a smart enough basketball player where he’s not going to force up a shot against a double team unless he really needs to so I was shocked that tibs didn’t do anything earlier in the game to really try to get the ball out of his hands faster and

Then try to stop somebody else but this is what happens when you leave Kyrie Irving on an island he gets 44 points got you 10 assist tonight for the Dallas Mavericks got gets you four boards and went 15 of 26 from the field and six of

10 from downtown I mean Kyrie just got back from injury to start this year his first game was against the Timberwolves but he’s just been on one if you’re not going to like I I don’t expect to stop Kyrie Irving he’s just too incredible of a talent where you just can’t stop him

This is one of the most craftiest finishers one of the best three over scores he has complete control of of his like just his movements where he knows when to stop and go how to change direction how to change speed like you could do all that at the drop of a dime

And it’s it when you see when you have to play somebody like that you have to be a little more aggressive on the defensive side I was hoping that Tom tibo would double team him just so that like I said earlier you can just get the

Ball out of his hands but when you leave him on an island like this he’s going to go off and then you just see like every single time like even in the third quarter let’s go to the third quarter Julius Randle is starting to kick it into gear he’s he’s he’s getting

Anything he really wants as he’s attacking the paint but then as soon as they the Knicks Whittle it down to like six eight points Kyrie’s like guess what it’s my turn it’s my turn to get activated and then he starts hitting shot after shot after shot and if you’re

Not going to stop him or like try to attempt to slow him down then this is what you’re going to get I mean this is it’s tough because he he is the level of player where he can legitimately not necessarily carry a team all the way but

He can do enough on a night toight basis in the in the regular season where he can alter the alter the outcome of a game and you see it tonight where the Mavericks win 128 to 124 yeah no doubt and look it’s it’s also a credit to Kyrie because there

Were some moments to be fair to the Knicks where he just hit some tough shots where it’s like they actually had good defense on him and a great player just made a great play that’s tough for me to say cuz once again I can’t stand Kyrie I want to make that very clear

He’s one of my least favorite athletes ever but he was great tonight and you know the thing with Kyrie has never really been like his greatness his talent it’s everything else that comes with Kyrie Irving the the athlete so you know he had a great game and even with

His great game you I’ll focus on the positives Nicks down 20 late in this one and they made it interesting they cut it to three at one point they had a chance late and you know a couple plays here or there were the difference in the game so

It’s a frustrating loss but I don’t think this is like a demoralizing loss even though you lost to this Mavs Team without without Luca if the Nicks handle their business the next couple games with the schedule they have I think we’ll be fine with it It’s just tough

Because uh when you come all the way back to make this a game you want to cap it off with a win because then you start to play The Well if we just came out and played like this at the beginning of the game and didn’t put us ourselves in a we

Would have won so that adds to the frustration but the effort in compete level I think is a positive overall given where this Knicks team has been for sure but let’s and let’s let’s talk about some of the Knicks tonight because it wasn’t just Randle who who struggled

From the get-go it was also jailing Brunson too man because Brunson just I think he was like one of seven to start off and like he was able to get to the free throw line and knock down some shots but he started off this game like

One of five to like one of seven to start off and you just saw like he was able to get to his spots but his shots were not falling he did enough to get to the line got eight hit eight of his nine free throws uh got 30 points but he also lost

His man that’s very that’s very rare to see from JB in the first half I mean you saw him starting to chirp at the ref because he didn’t get uh he didn’t get what he thought was a foul call when he was trying to I forget what he was

Trying to do I think he was trying to score and he just didn’t get he didn’t get the foul call you just see him go over to the sideline trying to talk to the and even his dad when they were going back at halftime is like you could

Just tell like his dad’s like cool it man like get your composure get get back in the game man like it is what it is like I mean the referee tonight was just so lopsided that was another that was another issue even though when you look

At the free throw line it was just like when you look at the freethrow attempts it’s 30 to 28 so you’re like how is the free how how is the calls lopsided it’s just the calls that were considered fouls right it’s like you would see like

The I’ll give you I’ll give you a perfect one tell me how Grant Williams gets that and one Isaiah harste where it’s like I don’t even know what iHeart did to say to even deserve like that was uh to even give him the an one that was

The most heads scratching call of the game before the half out and that to me is just a clear indication of you know you see Randall you see Brunson who like to get downhill and draw contact not getting calls the same way like you have two offensive foul calls as you said for

Julius which fair but at the same time ihart wasn’t was in position where it wasn’t even a foul on him so that this is where it just goes back and forth and the inconsistency to me that when I’m watching a game and how it can ruin the

Flow of a game it’s stuff like that that’s just irritating and kind of lessens the NBA product if you will yeah that’s totally fair I I didn’t think the officiating was great in this game but you know ultimately the the Knicks have to overcome that they got to get a

Rebound at the end of this game you know they got to not leave Dallas open on so many three point attempts as they did especially in the first half you know they’re down 19 with 6 and a half minutes left and you at one point they cut it within a possession so they

Did fight they did compete it’s frustrating man you know I was encouraged though uh by you know what we saw from Dante tonight I don’t think that should get you know you know lost in the shuffle hadit a huge three late in this game um you know he’s he he’s

Been really good at blate it’s good to see obviously hardenstein you know still finished with 15 rebounds tonight so you know this is one of those games where I think we saw in the first half as much as we all of the trade I think that the

Knicks made on Knights where Randall and Brunson struggle Alex this team at times is going to have a hard time scoring the ball like I I think they’re going to need to maybe get more offense from OG as he continues to learn you know the plays in the system because it kind of

Felt like when when Randall and Brunson were off you know this was a Knicks team that was struggling to move to to score so that was one thing I noticed in the first half where Randle kind of erupted in that third quarter but uh the the officiating wasn’t great which certainly

Adds to the frustration that we’re talking about but I’m trying to find some positive POS tonight because I know I jinxed the Knicks but shown up on this post game show and they lose so I’m doing my you didn’t Jinx anybody you didn’t Jinx anybody man these these

Nights happen man these nights happen but I appreciate you trying to be a team player and just take one for the Knicks but hey this stuff does happen Dante did some good stuff uh in this game I mean he shot the ball very efficiently I mean

Five of 10 from downtown seven of 13 from the field he was hustling as much as possible to make plays happen I mean look this is no this is no perfect game by any Body by any stretch tonight uh and you got to give the Knick some

Credit for trying to make this thing a game in the end but there’s just like for me there were just like moments where it could have gone the other way but at in the at the in the end of the day or at the end of the day the Knicks

Tried to make this a game and like they didn’t give up which got to give kudos for but I for me another thing that comes down to this is just the minutes that I’m worried about in a game like this and you just see with the lack of

Bench depth because you have McBride playing 9 minutes you had Brunson playing 39 you had you know you had uh was it Randle playing 37 you had anobi playing 39 you had uh was he had uh Isaiah hartstein playing 32 it’s like all these guys are playing a lot of

Minutes but the big ones are just necess are for me it’s Brunson OG and Randall at this point because you don’t have somebody to backup Brunson you don’t have a backup power forward OG’s your only legitimate wing on this team and so I’m just I know these guys are young I

Know a lot of Co I know a lot of former players we just talked to Derek Harper uh on the game of the week preview and as and I asked the same question about Luca who was averaging 38 minutes and he would probably say based on their youth

They should be able to handle this type of workload but my thing is that we saw last season where Randall kind of tired out after that Celtics double OT game and I’m just I just want to see make sure this team is healthy enough going into the postseason that they can still

Compete so I’m looking at these minutes it just goes back to this bench needs to like start picking it up because it’s not enough man to me at least it’s not enough yeah or they need they need to make a move for someone that could score

Off the Bench right I mean we know the names that are out there continue to be rumored but this is one of those nights where yeah when randle’s going off brunson’s going off like sure fine but you know you you bring up the bench minutes the lack of scoring there uh

This was a kind of game where you kind of look at it and go all right well maybe they do need some more scoring Off the Bench that being said they get a day off tomorrow then they play Saturday against the Memphis team with no John

Morant that should be a win for the Knicks then you come back you play Orlando Houston Washington and Toronto four straight home games after that Alex and then your first road game in that stretch is in Brooklyn against the net so the Nick the Knicks are about to play

12 of 14 at home after this game coming up uh on Saturday so tough loss tonight but if they win Saturday get back home 12 of your next 14 at the Garden and one of the road games is in Brooklyn you feel pretty good about the Knicks being

Able to start a new streak get back on track and really take advantage of this kind of softer stretch in the schedule after the gauntlet they faced the begin the year absolutely absolutely salute to Nix Nation thank you everyone for tuning for kfv postgame live we are covering

The Knicks losing to the Dallas Mavericks 128 to 124 is me Al aka the trast with my guy Jake asmin on the other side we are taking calls only by the Discord tonight you should all be getting situated to learning how to use the Discord it’s great it’s effective

You got a you got a 24/7 chat about Nicks and everything else like you could be a Nicks fan that loves gaming uh sports betting no matter what you all can come together just talk about the Knicks and then go into different channels talk about different other interests that you have maybe even

Movies that’s another thing that we got in the Discord Discord is a great place for an active and engaged Community but we’re going to go to the Discord right now we got Carlo on the line so Carlo if you can unmute your mic what’s going on

Man let’s hear what you got to think what do you think about tonight’s game oh hello yo Carlo what’s up man what’s going on hey what’s up Alex and Jake uh very tough loss uh I hated this game I didn’t like Julius body language in the first half the Texas twister

Didn’t work this time the rebounds hurt us in the second half and that fourth quarter uh we really we really needed Mitch and that situation plus the facts that the refs I mean Kyrie cooked us so I I know it’s a family show and I

Might swear real hard as I talk to you guys so I have nothing to say about this game but I have a rapid fire question if you don’t mind sure what’s the question hello uh the NBA has denied the next the disabled player option for mitchi because they believe he could return

Late in the season so uh I hope he does return soon but what if Mitch does not return in this season what compensation do we expect from the NBA if they’re wrong so thanks for accepting my call thank you thank you Carl for calling in so Carl is asking about the disability

Player disability exception that if Mitch were to miss the season the Knicks would get money back in order to sign somebody uh to fill that spot since he would be missing however they denied that because they believe that Mitch could be back which is you know

Depending how you want to look at it’s like oh we could get beting Mitch back we don’t know that yet because that’s still unconfirmed whether or not he would be able to return whether it’s towards the end of the regular season for postseason um the way I look at it

Is that that’d be great if we get Mitchell Robinson back because I get to we get to see OG an anobi Mitchell Robinson and you know it that’d be just a solid defensive unit right there uh the bad thing is that we don’t have it is that we just don’t get

That free money to go use to go get somebody because Mitch is hurt right now so what we have right now on the roster is Isaiah hartenstein precious atua and Jericho Sims so that’s essentially what we’re rolling with and the only thing to me is that if you wanted to get a center

In here you’d either have to cut somebody on this team which they already did they already got rid of Taj Gibson because it seems like they’re ready to make a move so they open up the roster spot for that but then the other alternative is that you would probably

Have to trade somebody if you do want get a center in here and I know the name Andre Drummond is rolling around in the chat right now but those are that’s what I read that situation as Jake what are your thoughts on the matter yeah I don’t

I so to answer the caller’s question I don’t think they get anything if Mitchell Robinson doesn’t come back like I think the NBA’s determination is because he has a chance to come back they’re not going to get the disabled player exception like I don’t think that if

Jake start that over again we’re losing your audio we’re losing your audio for a second so just start that over so start from the top am I back right now you hear me I can hear you now you’re yeah you’re back you’re back all right I’m

Back here we go uh I don’t know what you heard or didn’t hear so I’ll just say start from the top just start from the top let’s hear the entire thing all over again you know f it we’ll do it live uh so I don’t think uh I don’t think the

Nicks get anything back right if if Mitchell Robinson was deemed like obviously they wanted to get the the disabled player exception the NBA looked into it said there’s a chance he can come back towards the end of the regular season so it’s not approved that’s what they’re operating under it’s like if you

Just lose a regular player and that guy’s banged up and can’t play you you don’t get anything from that so the Knicks are just going to have to deal with it and hope that if they need to add a center they could do it with the current resources they have you know is

It using the forier contract in a deal I doubt it I don’t know if that would make sense but like what they have in house is what they’re going to have to use if they’re going to try and make a trade to get another Center in case Mitchell

Robinson he not going to be back yeah and what do you think about the center situation right now how do you feel about the center situation for the Knicks how I feel about it uh look Haren Stein’s been incredible so I I want to give him his credit because he has

Provided a spark to this team he’s been really good offensively so so I’m not as down as May on the center position as maybe some could be you know they lost one game tonight would Mitch have helped tonight at the end on the glass for sure

But I don’t think it takes away from how well hartenstein has played you know during this stretch where the Knicks hadn’t lost in 2024 so do they do they maybe need another player there sure but I I think their bigger need Alex and you tell me if I’m wrong I think they need

As we were kind of alluding to they need someone to score Off the Bench uh the the bench St concerns me especially when you talk about getting to the playoffs you want to have someone that could come in with a second unit and provide a spark that was what quickly was doing

Obviously you needed to use him in the deal so that to me is the bigger concern than Center at this point I feel like all of it is a need at this point for me Jake I’m gonna I’m just gonna be honest with you like like watching precious like there are moments

Where I’m like okay yeah okay I I could see I I could see and then you have that that moment where he Dives for the loose ball gets it secures it I’m like okay just pass it back in front of you cuz he’s facing backwards to the direction

Where he should be going instead he tries to throw it over his head while on his back to Jaylen Brunson and then throws it right back to the maver I’m just like what are we doing man I’m just like scratching my head here I was just

Like this can’t be real like this man must have thought he was an And1 mixtape for a second thought that he could just do that I’m like this is insane absolutely insane so I think he’s fine I don’t think he’s necessarily the greatest thing but hey uh I think the

Knicks do need to EXP four Center depth I think they need to try to find another Wing I do think they need some more scoring punch Off the Bench too and there’s a lot of things man the bench needs a lot of things in my opinion because if tibs is not gonna

Give McBride more than nine minutes on a night he can’t even get into double digit minutes what trust does he have for McBride I know it’s still early I get it I know people are like give McBride time we saw what he did this past week and we saw what he

Did against Philly we saw what he did against uh Portland I’m like I get it I get it I get it I get it but at the end of the day I’m looking at what the coach does and I’m reading what how he’s looking at the game and how he feels and

He didn’t trust McBride enough to even get him over 10 minutes tonight to say you know what I’ll let you run the offense a little bit I’ll give Brunson a little bit more of a rest and part of that reason is because McBride do to get into the teeth of the defense like

Brunson does just to help collapse and open it up for everyone else so I think they do need another scorer uh is it a Malcolm Brogden you know that’s a name that’s been floating around another name that you know we have floating around right now is deant Murray

Uh are do any of those names interest you do does even the name of uh tus Jones because I know that’s another name that some Nicks fans are interested in yeah what’s the cost though right like if you’re talking about Murray we’re talking about like the the level

Of player we’re talking about how much of your assets are you willing to give up for a guy that sure makes you better but I’ll ask you because you certainly know more about these guys than I would how much better are the Knicks with Murray on their team they’re better but

How much better is that the guy you want to dump the assets for and then some the some of the other level of players you could bring in there’s a difference in like adding a star and then adding a guy that maybe could give you on a random

Night could give you 12 or 15 points Off the Bench so I think it I think it comes down to what assets do they have to give up for any of these guys and I know they already made a big trade but isn’t it a little early for some of these moves

Were disgusting because it feels like things could certainly change between now and the deadline sure absolutely things could absolutely change now between now and the deadline I don’t necessarily see the Knicks making a big inseason move that would completely shake up the roster I think they’re

Going to try to save their assets for somebody this off season like I could I understand the thought process of Deonte Murray I’m not against it just because I could see that he’s shooting the ball better especially from three you want to continue to space the four there you go

You want another guy who can control The Rock if brunson’s on the bench he can totally do that and I think that thought process is legit and we’ve seen Brunson play off ball before when he was in Dallas right I know there’s the other side to it where it’s like it’s not

Working out with him and Trey and Tre is a very on ball dominant guard he needs to have The Rock in his hands to be effective I understand the concerns where it’s like if it’s not working with Trey why would it work with Brunson I hear that I think it’s a little

Different just because Brunson has played off ball in his career unlike Trey young but there definitely concerns there I think the Knicks if they do anything it’ probably be a marginal upgrade I think they look for somebody that just comes off the bench like a

Malcolm Brock and see if he he can get on the low and then just write out the rest of the season with this roster and then go into the next season try to get a full offseason training camp with everybody and then look at it from that

Aspect that’s that’s the way I look at what the Knicks are trying to do tonight or this season but let’s get back to the Discord we got more callers on the Discord we got see who we got in here working the Discord right now shout out to everybody

Tuning in with us right now for kfv postgame live we got Mr free Mr free on the Discord what’s going on my man what’s what’s what what do you thought what do you think about tonight’s game Mr free unmute your mic if you’re there oh I probably double P can you

Hear me Alex yes I can yes I can there you go you got it working how you doing all right I’m good I’m good this one hurt you know I I had personal Pride put up against this and one of my friends I needed this win oh I needed it in the

Worst way we didn’t get it but um with all that aside I think there’s two things that we definitely need to address you know we do need to bring in that third player because you see when one of our guys doesn’t have it it puts a lot of stress on our offense because

We do not have that second or well we have a second score but we don’t have that third guy that can probably slot in and give our you know main guys like Brunson who you know he wasn’t that great in the first half some time to get

Into the rhythm of the game and if you look at a lot of the top teams they have those guys whether it’s you know Dame Yannis And even Chris Middleton or you got Chris STS you got um Tatum and you got brown if we’re ever going to look to

Make that leap we have to have at least that third player and I I I like how you guys started talking about djm I am part of the djm dejonte Murray for president team I am going to be the the the headliner of that um I think on this

Year definitely would be a great year to get him he’s under a great contract um I think he fits tremendously with Brunson because realistically when we were saying last year that him and Trey doesn’t work it wasn’t from the Jon’s perspective it was Trey young who

Couldn’t hit the the bar out of a barn he was shooting terrible percentages because he’s just not used to not having the ball in his hand um Jaylen Brunson can do that he’s already doing that a lot this year with Julius letting Julius cook you know I think we have a good and

Remember Deonte came from the spur system that spur system is not a oneon-one heavy system it is predicated on ball movement open shots you know there’s a nice system that he’s already came from his pedigree I think would fit tremendously with the Knicks um we are

Doing great as a team you know one loss isn’t going to change away from that but we have to be realistic about who OG is um I like liken him to the wing version of Tyson Chandler he will hit his timely shots when he’s open he will do what he

Got to do he will rim run but you can’t expect them to kind of provide you 20 buckets or be that offensive crater when we’re going down by 20 points or even 10 points and we need to shift the momentum that’s not him and I think that is kind

Of why he fits is because he gets out of the way he allows the Stars to do what they do but with that being said we lost two tremendous you we lost 40 points for our offense between RJ and quick and we have to replace that some way so I think djm

Would be the nice move to make even if it’s early we have to strike now before somebody else gets him I think it would be a mistake if we let him go all right thank you for the call Mr free um there you go somebody part of the de

Murray yeah like but what would you give up are you like the the Knicks have all these first round picks is that is that the guy you’re going to use a lot of them for is that the guy you’re going to use a lot of them for uh no I wouldn’t want

To use all of them I don’t think you need to use all of them though just because you know there was it the Hawks traded three first rounders just because the project didn’t work doesn’t mean now we got to help the Hawks go get three first rounders back I think you can get

Deon Murray for less than that there’s no reason to overspend on Deon unless you think he’s going to be that dude that takes you over that hump into the championship competing C category and I think he’s the type of player that he could and could not if that makes sense

Like I think he’s good enough where you’re like all right we’re going to get it we’re going to rack up a lot of wins we could go to the second round who’s the matchup you know what I mean like that’s the question like when I think Championship contending it

Shouldn’t like I shouldn’t have to worry about the matchup for the most part it’s like okay we can compete who it’s the Easter Conference Finals we got to worry about so I like deante like I said I’m not against the idea I think he could

Fit on the Knicks um but I think there are some reservations especially when it comes to the cost if you got to start talking about more than three if you guys talk about giving up three first rounders for Deonte Murray uh I’m going to be out on that idea just because I

Don’t think you need to give the Hawks all that just because it hasn’t worked out there so there’s no NE there’s no guarantee it will work out here he’s that player that’s like it’s 50/50 you could either see it working or you don’t see it

Working you know what I mean I mean I guess this just kind of goes back to like why people are so enamored with Donovan Mitchell because he’s more that player where it’s like you could see him just constantly put up 45 it’s like oh we need somebody to score Donovan

Mitchell can go get 45 on a nightly basis easy I’m with you I like Murray as a player but if my answer is I’m not sure if he gets him over the top or puts him in a spot where I feel comfortable saying yeah the Knicks definitely can

Make it to a Conference Finals I don’t know if it’s worth it like honestly we’ve been patient as Nick fans we got to be a little more patient and and if that means you know potentially as you said earlier in the show tonight Alex upgrading along the margins and then

It’s you get to the summer and one of these teams with a star as a early playoff exit and that’s the next guy things change quick in the NBA so I I think I think and to Leon Rose’s credit for the most part they have been pretty patient and they’ve been practical how

They built this team but unless that obvious guy is out there and it doesn’t cost you all your assets to get him I don’t think Murray is the guy that you want to dump all the picks into because you’re right if it starts to cost more

Than three first round picks what are we doing like that that to me wouldn’t make any sense yeah that that would just be tough that would be tough as uh I think just because what’s the next move after that like there’s no guarantee I know everyone could say like oh well you get

This player you could just flip him down the line if they’re not playing well or doing something like that you just never know you don’t know how it’s going to look here I mean that’s how we’re talking about right now about the Atlanta Hawks right it’s like oh well we

Flipped through for we can just get that those assets back that’s probably what Hawk fans are like oh well if it doesn’t work out here we’ll just get the same assets back I’m looking at that saying there’s no way I want to give you those assets back that’s your mistake you can

Go live with your mistake and now look you guys are I don’t want to help you out we we ain’t helping out Landry Fields enough of this all right not happening not helping out Landry Fields I’m certainly not helping out Trey young that is a fact all right we do have some

Super chats just want and we do have some new franchise channel members shout out to Noel uh alante welcome to the franchise uh Channel membership shout out to David Dorfman welcome to the franchise Channel membership as well we got we got a $10 Super Chat from Christian B the terrible

Start cost us the game and let Kyrie star cooking early can’t win them all though go Nick oh and Alex it’s okay I’ve never been to Mount Vernon either i’ get out of here I’ve been to Mount Vernon all right worked at Mount Vernon been from I’m from the 914 I hope you’re

Not talking about me that I’ve never been to Mount Vernon relax everybody relax sheesh okay we got another $5 Super Chat from Rags Morales don’t know if if it was fixed but the Knicks were Point shaded by one OG hit a three in the second quarter but they only gave two

Nicks had 32 points at that at the time I did they review it I I yeah I remember Brian on the broadcast was like they’re going to look at that okay then they probably reviewed it and saw it as a two his foot was probably on the line I I I

Don’t I don’t look at Point shaving like I don’t think they actually try to point shave I that’s the fact don’t get me wrong I don’t believe I don’t believe in the point shaving I think that’s just way too obvious to do but the foul calls were certainly suspicious tonight they

Were totally lopsided for most of the game and definitely set up for one uh that I don’t even want to think about the refs shout out to six Grimmy for the super chat um yeah shout 6 gri for the Super Chat and shout out to ISAT kadim for the Super Chat as

Well all right let’s get back to the Discord JC JC what’s going on un mute your mic what’s going on man oh nope you mut yourself hey what’s up guys what’s going on man how what what are your thoughts about the game tonight um to be honest with you I was

Out at dinner and I was just uh checking the score and uh to see the Knicks lose by this I’m not exactly sure what happened but seeing from the chat everybody’s a little you know upset everybody better help come on come on boys okay okay so what are you calling

In about tonight then J what are you calling in about tonight what did you have for dinner I demand to know what you had for dinner over watching the Knicks play Kyrie Irving oh I was out I was out with one of uh one of my best

Clients out he’s just one of the sweetest sweetest old people in the world and uh we went to this restaurant called o me great Korean food korean-american it was great had a great time and but still I gotta I got to check in with you guys uh and uh yeah it

Was good but uh but at the end of the day I gotta I gotta talk about deonce Murray l no I know it’s a family show but h no please so you don’t want Deon Murray why don’t you want muray well I don’t know if it’s an asset perspective I don’t

Know if it’s um fit perspective I mean this is he screams to me an empty stats kind of guy playing with a bad Spurs team and then going to the Hawks and being someone to be complimentary as a theor theoretical defensive playmaker kind of advanced rayan I don’t know rayan Rondo kind of

Person and Hawks are even worse than they were when they trade for him I mean he’s not the guy I I was um on the Discord um last night at like 3 in the morning I couldn’t sleep and I was just doing a little bit of um shot cart um

Breaking down of some of the players that are out there that we might be looking for when it comes to playmaker Playmakers at the guard spot and uh Deontay actually he fits a certain style that JB actually plays he’s got a pretty good mid mid-range game he’s got a good

Uh topof the three-point game and he’s a pretty good driver uh when it comes to efficiency but I think we all have to realize this is not de jante team this is hibs JB and who do so who do you want who do you want on this team then who would you

Want to see Jones tus Jones tus Jones expiring contract um very efficient if you look at the if you look at the statistics he’s very efficient on the corners just as as much as he’s on the uh top of the three-point line right whether it’s on

The wings or the top and when you think about Grimes when you think about the bench unit right Ben uh Grimes does not play on the corners he likes to play on the wings right his three-point shots right over there what we’re and then when you see Duce his best three-point

Shot is on the wings you don’t have a guy uh excuse me on the uh uh on the corners you don’t have a guy on the top that can facilitate are we back up where are we where are we right now yeah it says we’re live where is

The okay we are back okay now it’s now now now now now it’s back up and running okay now we back we’re back everybody we’re back everybody we had to listen to that call and it was just crazy absolutely crazy oh man talking about dinners and everything Jake talking about dinners

And everything and he said he wants tus Jones I like T Jones Korean barbecue h i mean had a hell of a night you know better night than the Knicks we Nick fans that watched the game we were frustrated with the result tus Jones and Korean barbecue I

Never thought that was going to be the conversation tonight but here we are I did not have that on my bingo card but no I am not I like tyus Jones I don’t think that’s the guy that we need I think like when I think I we

Don’t need another table setter we don’t need a guy who’s going to be like yes efficient with the shot who’s going to play point guard like the traditional point guard route where where it’s like okay I got everybody else rolling and then I decide to call my no no no no no

We need somebody coming off the bench that did what quick did which is guess what I’m going to go get Buckets cuz that’s what I do and I can do some playmaking on the side that’s what we need all right a l will manual quickly something along those lines that’s why I

Like Malcolm Brogden I get that he’s injury-prone but he fits that type of mold where it’s like can he go get his own shot absolutely we saw that he won six man of the year with the Boston Celtics look I don’t look at that game against

The Portland troll bases I think that I think that’s a call for help I think he’s saying Guys somebody I don’t want to play on this team I don’t want to like play me as little as possible I want to be traded I do not want to be

Here anymore I was just I just won six man of the year I was on a championship contending team and now I got to be here with a bunch of kids trying to rebuild something I don’t want to be here that’s how I look at the Mal brog situation so

Go get me that guy go get me that’s that’s the route I think the Nick should go not tyus Jones not really a big like for what this team needs it I like tyus Jones don’t get me wrong we don’t need another table setter we don’t need another table setter that’s just my

Thoughts on that is Jamal Crawford available Alex because that that’s the type of scorer they need right that oh my God Crawford you’re 100% right uh I I’m with you what what would the cost even be for tus Jones like okay he’s on an expiring deal he’s more of a point

Guard what what asset are you parting with is he worth a first round pick are you trading are are you like what what would that trade even look like in that scenario H for tus yeah oh man I have to pull up the contract and look but I see Robert

Randolph is in the chat shout out to you Mr Friday night Nicks TM I see that Robert’s trying to figure out how to call on to the show help help help our help our guest Robert all you got to do is click on the link at the top in the

Chat there it it takes you right to the Discord right there and I’m sure TM will be oh so gracious to help you sign so that way you can call into the show I’d love to hear your takes on tonight’s game i’ would love to I would absolutely

Love to um it’s Friday on the East Coast Alex here we go baby oh it is Friday look at that it is Friday on the East Coast he could call in and then we could have true F Well I guess Friday morning Nicks talk I guess that’s what we can

Get around here so let me look at tus Jones contract let’s see how much he’s making he’s making this season he’s making 14 million this year and then he’ll be an unrestricted free agent at the end of this season so if the Nicks wanted to make a deal for tyus

Jones contracts that would match tus Jones salary would be uh well they’re not trading Dante uh I don’t see them trading Josh Hart do they really trade A tyus Jones and is it Evan for and a tias Jones deal what gets it done it it is

Uh I don’t know what the the Wizards would want I guess the Wizards would want to pick in return but do is it a second round pick that you get for that you can just give up for tyus Jones because I don’t think he’s worth a first

On an expiring deal so if that’s who you really want that’s the that’s the contract right there but then the question would go to do the Knicks look at 48’s contract as more salary filler and then try to do a large deal which that’s one that’s that’s where it comes

To all the star talk right I mean there’s the aspect that even though his contract is technically done at the end of the year because he has a team option where the Knicks would have to pick it up they could pick it up and then say

Hey we can hold on to him for another year to try to trade them that way if we don’t get anything just to make sure they have the salary filler for it I don’t know what how they value Evan for’s contract though but that’s one

Route that they could go um I just don’t see tyus Jones as another guy because the way I look at it as too is that they would need to like tyus Jones and jayen Brunson as a back court like do you ever see them overlapping as a backourt

I I just don’t love it now I’m seeing I’m seeing people in the chat bring up Jordan Clarkson as a possib would be cool yeah Jord his contract 30 so his uh player exercise deal look it I’m reading um spot track right he’s in the last year of his deal right now

So I mean he’s it’s kind of what they need he’ll be a free agent after the season score give you something off the bench played on some good teams before I don’t hate it you want to know who I like I don’t know I don’t think the Knicks

Would do this though because he has he has two more years on his contract but I’ve always liked this player Colin seon that’s who I want that guy’s a dog all right that guy I like them in bama I I would I think that’s a guy that

I would say oh on the Knicks being that that that third scoring option just giving him the keys to run the bench unit that’s the guy I I see I see you Travy Trav in the chat saying Jordan Clarks and Jordan Clarks would be a a an option too guy

Would guy would have you in in full Cardiac Arrest every single night whether it’s like he’s either on or he’s off but I like Colin SE I like Colin seon that’s the guy who I’d like to see in a Nick uniform especially playing Off the Bench that’s that that’s the guy

He’s got the tibs mold to him so I think I think the head coach would like him too yeah for sure absolutely absolutely well let me salute uh let me salute our sponsor of tonight Underdog fantasy for all you out there who love to get in on the action and make sure

That you and try to make the game more interesting as you’re watching make sure to download the app Underdog fantasy our sponsor use that promo code kfv to get up to a $100 match it’s easy to use if you want to make sure that you’re having extra fun while you’re watching a game

Putting some money down on the line whether it’s for NBA NHL college basketball NFL FIFA whatever sport it may be just go over to Underdog fantasy and you can go Place some money down at anything and the cool thing is is that you can choose any statistical category

For any sport possible whether it be points rebounds assists so forth and just choose higher or lower all right higher or lower for tonight the the selection for by kfv was jayen Brunson higher or lower than 27 a half points I said higher he did get higher he didn’t

Need that extra bucket for 30 but he did get higher okay let’s see where let’s see where I let’s see where I finished out tonight on uh on my picks let’s see where I finish out ooh I won look at that I won and thank God I did the insured

Because I thought Tim Hardway was going to shoot less than or uh yeah I thought he was going to be lower than three and a half three-pointers made he decided to make six but I hit on everything else I chose higher on two three-pointers made for Quinton Grimes he did that he hit

Three I chose lower than 17 12 points rebounds and assist for Dwight Powell hit on that chose higher than 272 points for Jaylen Brunson hit on that and I also chose higher than 41 and a half points rebounds and assists for Julius Randall and I hit on that as well I just

Needed Timmy not to show up but you know what should have known Timmy just decides to always show up against the Knicks does and decides to aggravate me every single night that’s what he to do y you see the Super Chat from our guy John who called in with the Korean

Barbecue oh yeah let’s see what he said big one let’s see it was in Korean barbecue son got to work but that did that don’t mean I don’t love my Nicks this one’s for you track while CP is on load management and Japanese whiskey shout out to John Shin for the $0000 Super

Chat shout out to you man shout out to you oh man okay we’re up more some more people on the Discord we got people calling in as we go through this but make sure to support our sponsor Underdog fansy use that promo code KV to get up to a $100

Match damn you Timmy damn you Timmy all right did you play tonight Jake or no uh I had a Nick Islander combination that did not hit over at Underdog a man but every time I I I uh place an underdog I always bark like a dog so I was I was locked

In the underdog sponsor is my YouTube channel so I’m a big Underdog fan there you go there you go all right let’s get back to the Discord we got blacktop on the Discord with us what’s going on blacktop blacktop are you there hello black top watch the game black top yes did you

Watch the game blacktop going once going twice three times all right blacktop call back in and we’ll bring you back on check out what’s going on with your mic and everything but we’ll get you back in try try resetting it all right moving this show

Along Jake I don’t know if you saw this but on the players Tribune Emanuel quickly decided to write his farewell letter and and uh essentially bring us all to tears as he uh talked about his time in New York and his experience actually going through that trade that happened on December

30th uh what were your thoughts about it yeah it was it was really well done I read it this morning when it was posted and I I mean I think Emanuel quickley was always a Nick fan favorite but if you’re a Nick fan who hasn’t read the

The article he wrote on the players tribute I can’t recommend it enough man you uh you know it was a nice reminder that these guys are humans right like hey when we talk about trades it’s well these guys are upro uprooting their entire lives to go somewhere new so uh

In the moment kind of R it felt a little sad that he was gone right I mean you brought up the tears Oh start from the top Jake audio’s in and out again audio’s in and out again start from the top oh no yeah I I I’ll try to get it in quick I loved it it was uh it was emotional man it makes you realize these guys are

Human they get traded they up they up uproot their lives I mean I I’ll say it again I I hope every dick fan reads the story because it’s uh it’s really well done by IQ no no pun intended try said try he said my man said he’s going to get in and quick

But uh look I I thought it was a fantastic article I mean yeah to your point it just shows you how human these athletes are when it comes to being traded and I highly recommend everyone go read it and just go see Emanuel Quickly’s thoughts on playing for New

York and just seeing the role models that he had here and the connection that he had with Worldwide West uh Johnny Bryant Julius Randall and you can those are the three biggest mentors from each you know you talk about each level of the organization front office coaching and player

Relationships and it just shows you that it’s not easy going to a new setting when you where this is like his start right he became Emanuel quickley and became that guy here in New York and now he gets to go spread his wings essentially and go get that that go get

That opportunity to go be a starter somewhere else and we get to go see if he is able to do that right but one thing that really stood out to me uh in this article and let’s see if we can scroll down to it Daniel I don’t know if you can go to

Uh let’s see let’s see where is it right here it’s uh trying to fire right now where is it where is it where is it there’s like one wine something uh it involve Randall it’s not the Randall one it’s the uh it’s like carrying the carrying the bucket of

Water and just continue put in the work um trying to find it trying to find it this is the let’s see ah there we go it’s right it’s right there saying our team was just so driven to be to do better he says our team was

Just so driven to be to be better we were never thinking like we’re going to turn things around nah it wasn’t like that at all we often times didn’t even realize what we were doing we were just chopping wood carrying water trying to see how we could be better each and

Every day it’s funny when you’re in that mindset and you’re so focused on the job you almost don’t even realize when change starts to happen and stuff like that like just reading that it’s just crazy to to get that perspective from a player where it’s like you know they did want to make

You know they just want to be better right they didn’t know the change that would happen happened for the New York Knicks but just to see it it’s just it’s just a testament to saying like when you’re in that grind of just trying to be better and everyone’s in that grind

Like it’s not just him right and it’s not just Julius it’s not just Brunson it’s like everybody right and it’s like that that alignment from front office all the way down to like your your your medical staff that’s just the stuff that you get to see like where when they put

In the work and how it transpires to the product on the court and I like reading that type of stuff man I don’t know to me that just that kind that resonates with me a lot so I I like that part of the story and I I think it’s just it’s

All it’s all good it also points to the fact that if you win in New York there’s no better place to win and we’re not talking about with the Knicks even winning a championship at this point like the Knicks just going from garbage to a playoff team with a manual quickly and

That paragraph you see on the screen about how all of a sudden he’s getting recognized people are coming up to him thanking him and it’s like thanking him you know this like this is obviously a fan base has been tortured and you know we win a playoff game last year we’re

We’re celebrating dancing outside the Garden on the streets like that passion from the Nick fan he felt it and you can tell he loved being a Nick so I’m always going to be an IQ fan always going to be an RJ Barrett fan and I thought it was

Cool other takeaway in the story he noted how he thinks it was a trade for both a good trade for both teams like he understands why the Knicks did what they did and he’s happy that he gets a chance to kind of show what he could do in

Toronto so uh you have a guy in the trade saying he gets it it’s a good trade for both teams which to this point it’s been good for Toronto it’s been good for the Knicks yeah absolutely it’s been good for both teams it’s one of the

More Fair Trades that you get to see throughout the league it’s not necessarily as lopsided um and I think the one that to me is like the most lopsided was the James Harden trade when he went to Houston where it’s like oh wow you get an MVP caliber candidate in in return

And this is definitely one of the more Fair Trades between two teams because for a Knicks for the Knicks right they’re trying to figure out they’re trying to get the right recipe of players that fit between their stars in Brunson and Randall and OG is is just

That where he’s a three in D player knocks down the three at a high level is that guy that tibs wants someone that can stand in the corner right be a dog on defense and it’s also a a top tier cutter on the court then you look at the

Raptors who are trying to not go through the draft but do a soft rebuild and trying to acquire players via trade that fit that same age as Scotty Barnes and quickly RJ fit that mold so it works out for both teams in that way I got a question for you though because

I saw some some fans were in angst when you know you see OG say his goodbye to the Toronto fans and obviously Quick’s article dropped today people are looking for RJ Barrett I’m not I haven’t seen one from him yet maybe it did drop a chat if they did drop please Point me

Into the direction but are you how do you feel about when players don’t drop a post saying goodbye to a team and so forth like that do you get up in arms when you don’t see anything like that or do you like should it be standard for

All players what are your thoughts about that well I think the level of athlete matters in this right like you know we’ve gotten to a point in sports where like guys who you couldn’t even identify in a lineup are getting tribute videos when they return back I gonna ask you

About that too you know like like so I think some of this stuff is ridiculous that you know that being said like it depends on the level of athlete you know to use a baseball example like Luis srino who had an Abomination final season with the Yankees he sent out a

Nice thank you post the Yankee fans after he signed with the Mets like you know like I think it depends on what level of ath you are RJ I would expect eventually to post something I know he retweeted a couple people and it was like Ben Stiller and I forget who else

It was on Twitter the day he was traded or whatnot uh quick sent his post today I’m sure something’s coming from RJ if it hasn’t uh but most athletes tend to do it though and I think if R.J hasn’t he probably will at some point because he was certainly a very very um

Well-liked Nick you know even with his in consistencies he was still a guy that they used the third overall pick on who wanted to be a Nick embraced the challenge of being a Nick helped them win a playoff series last year so um you know I think history is going to look

Back on RJ Barrett in a positive way even if he never lived up to being a true Superstar as the third overall pick he was still a very good player yeah and look I I think like he’s gonna be him and quick both were part of the Knicks to

Help their turnaround so I’m always going to look at them in a favorable light because they were drafted by the Knicks they helped build something here they were part of that culture I mean both their mindsets you hear you read in iq’s article just putting like just get

Into work every single day right and that’s the same mindset even when you hear RJ and postgame that’s the same mindset that he had and that’s infectious throughout a locker room so a lot of credit’s got to be given there for what RJ and quick did for the Knicks

With regards to like do I need a post and all this stuff like at the end of the day man I know it’s just like a PR stunt you know what I mean it’s like it’s not necessarily a stunt I should say like probably that’s not the right

Word but I know some of his PR like I really did think what IQ wrote is very thoughtful and actually very like very real and how he experienced it but like an IG post saying thank you for the times the memories and all this type I feel like we’ve gotten too like not

Every player needs to do it you know what I mean and it doesn’t necessarily mean that like it doesn’t mean a lot either like I don’t go back think like oh well thank God he did the the the IG post thank God for that right I think if you’re writing something what quickly

Did like I wasn’t necess even expecting a post like I don’t really expect a post from players but I like what quickley did I like the article in detail I like getting his perspective on the entire thing and how he really feels about the city and you can tell by the words that

He really feels that way about the city but like an IG post to me like if you’re just doing a caption like I IG post with a graphic to me that’s like so many players do that it’s just become it’s just become too normal and it’s just like you start to get

Desensitized to the thing I think when I think to your point it’s the caliber of player right I think if RJ did do one I’d be like oh wow like yeah it’s it’s along the line it would be along the same lines as manual quickly where he

Was part of that Foundation to put it back on track right and I’d like to know how he felt about being traded and all and all of that nature too but uh and I know they did it for ants scape like they interviewed RJ because he’s he started playing well

Over in t he’s been playing well for Toronto I should say but I’m not I’m not pressed to go see uh an IG post like if he wants to write something in the players Tribune like quickly did by all means go for but if it’s just to say

Thank you New York for the memories and all these things I love you there and X Y and Z like how many players do we do we have to go through to like see that you know what I mean yeah and when he speaks to the media when they come back

And uh you know in January 20th I think is the date off the top of my head Raptors are at MSG like when like he he’ll speak to the media before the game and they’ll ask him about New York and I’m sure he’ll say nice things about the

City and playing for the Knicks and certainly Knicks fans so I’m fine with it it doesn’t bother me I think you used the word desensitized Alex I think it’s that kind of nails it if an athlete does it great they don’t have to though it’s not it’s not a requirement it was cool

That quickly wrote what he wrote though I think every Nick fan will really enjoy reading it if you haven’t seen it for sure definitely worth the read definitely worth the read all right Jake I think we covered everything I think we covered everything on the show I think uh got all the calls

In talked about the game talked about the IQ article talked about some trades I think we covered everything around here Jake I think I think we I think we did a a solid job covering anything so shout out to you shout out to the chat for tuning in and

Sticking with us throughout the entire show appreciate all of you as always make sure to hit that thumbs up button for your boys make sure to share the links to all these videos make sure to tap into all the social media content that we got too whether it’s IG Twitter

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Also got manscaped out there make sure to use the kfv promo code for that as well to get 20% off and free shipping and yeah that’s about it thank you all for tuning in and uh oh we did get one more let’s see what else we got we got

Uh John Shin thank you again for being a franchise Channel man for 11 months he said also Mount Vernon don’t know bougie like me lfg Nicks let’s blank go Nick I agree 100% like that love Mountain Vernon it’s not that Bouy all right and on that and on that note thank you all

For tuning in well M Vernon though well Mount Vernon uh and on that note thank you all thank you Nix Nation for tuning in shout out to all the mod shout out to everyone in the chat we appreciate all you we’ll catch you next time we Out

New York Knicks vs Dallas Mavericks Post Game Show EP 465 (Highlights, Analysis, Live Callers)

Join CP The Fanchise, and Alex Trataros for the late-night edition of KFTV postgame live as they break down the thrilling match between the New York Knicks and the Dallas Mavericks.

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  1. I wanted This One So Baddd … At least They Fought Back … 💪🏾💪🏾. Shows Good Character… Yuh Win Some Yuh Lose Some.!! Go NY Go . !!

  2. I will NEVER, EVER root for my Knicks to lose….but we needed this. This 5 game win streak post OG trade is fool's gold. We're still too reliant on Brunson and Julius for offensive ball creation and their usage is thru the roof.

    It was definitely the right trade to make.. but it will ONLY be a great one if we make the next one to secure another legit shot creator that's a star level talent. Without that we're gonna get this same result in the playoffs when a team plays just as hard as us and has the time to game plan for what we do which is predictable.

  3. Two words why we lost. Julius Randle. There were so many small things that he neglected to do on both sides of the ball in the first half. He didn't keep his head on a swivel on defense. He didn't hustle down the court on defense and he stood around on offense.

  4. @jakeasman Why is Kyrie one of your least favorite athletes in the world? He hasn't been a Knicks nemesis.

  5. The Mavs game is why I can't jump out the window. The Knicks need consistent relentless defense all day everyday. But I am still proud of my Knicks. Still more work to do!!! Let's go!!!

  6. We didn’t come out the gate with that intensity & it set the tone for the game but those damn refs was really making a lot of calls in the mavs favor & we still had a chance to win with a min left in the game

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