@Boston Celtics

LIVE: Celtics vs Bucks Postgame Show | Garden Report

LIVE: Celtics vs Bucks Postgame Show | Garden Report

Can you say hard hats folks hard hats lunch pil steel to a boots anything show of a championship this year is a failure look at this Boomer right here you’ve just got so much talent here somebody said we need to apologize for J can I qu the John what are we apologizing for

What do we say what do we Do there’s a lot to apologize for tonight Jimmy not us yeah the team the team needs to apologize for taking the court the team needs to apologize to us and to Bobby uh to Bobby yep who went out there on an overnight flight I think every I

Think the Patriots need to apologize to Amit Patriots do need yeah for keeping them up but for me blowing up his phone at 7:22 after he went to bed at 6 after he went to bed it bich bich needs to apologize to Patriots fans for the last like five years

Oh that’s something that I’m not gonna forget we’ll talk and fans and and the people in the chat will apologize to you now for anything we might say that anything we’re going to say that might upset you yeah this is not going to be TNT had apologize to viewers um for the

Games that they had to put up there uh and they decided I don’t they just stopped they were like yeah we’re not gonna watch Banton and like s yeah and like all these other guys that Celtics fans don’t even half the time want to watch We’re Not Gonna subject our

National audience to that and they put on a game that was a 20p point blowout instead of 30 what’s the opposite of a hard hat game Jimmy would you like wear like you know oh that’s a really good question yeah I think it’s a um what do

They call it when there’s just like a VI like a like a safety code violation on the on the uh job I don’t know there’s something there’s there’s a violation going on is don’t you work in this industry yeah I’m just blanking on it

Right now I got my I got my Celtics hat on right now I don’t have my hard hat on right now but yeah there’s there’s definitely um a strike on the Celtics for for the so uh we’re going to talk about this game for like 30 seconds but

I’ll ask you outright there’s a really hold on real quick there’s a really I don’t even know how to explain how to find it but on Instagram there’s a really funny video going around of this guy who is a con his job is like um construction supervisor and then they it’s a picture

Of this dude or a video of this dude and then they cut to a bunch of footage of people on construction sites that are like screwing up and it’s so so so funny just figure out a way to search it on Instagram like just type in construction supervisor on

The search and you will laugh for it’s like a thre minute video it’s it’s done very well yeah no hard hats okay all right sorry and that’s the show that’s it that’s it so um look here’s what I don’t violation thank you Nick Barry violation here’s the thing here’s what I

Don’t want to do can we all can we make a pcta uh you you Me and Everyone currently in the chat okay okay here’s the fact I don’t want to do the one side yelling about how bad they were and they should have been up for

This game and what the hell it’s still the Bucks and you’re professionals and you get paid all this money and I don’t want the other side doing the back to backs what would you expect okay I can’t do this all night which side are you

I’ll just agree with you and we can move on well I’m not on a side in the here’s what I will say I don’t understand why TNT would do this like why the league would schedule premium teams like the Celtics and the Bucks and have the Celtics play on a

Back-to-back um and travel uh the second night of a backtack on the road why you would do that when you’re sitting and complaining my target is the league and TNT not that you couldn’t play well on the second night of a back-to-back but you’re inviting a slop best and you’ve

Told them you can’t be sitting your starters on stuff like this so what do they do they go in there they Chuck a couple threes they realize they don’t have it they’re like yeah all set peace out scheduled loss they sit in the second half and it’s the worst thing

It’s the biggest freaking disgrace and embarrassment so if you want entertainment don’t do that like that’s it I’m not gonna get in on the Celtics and all the this they they all sucked collectively uh freaking crumpling up throw it in the trash flush it done I

Don’t give a crap about the game I have nothing to say about the game I’m not making excuses for their performance we all saw what happened it happened it has happened I don’t understand why why the league does this I find it stupid if you want these two Marquee teams to play in

A good game arrange the schedule in a way that maximizes the probability that you’re going to have a good game that being said I will ask your opinion on your take on it um wow is it an excuse that they played the back toback for how bad this

Was yes it’s an excuse I don’t care I don’t care I mean it wasn’t too long ago and it it was for a reason they were doing back to back to backs because of the lockout um and we didn’t see performances as bad now what you’re saying is true they put

Teams in a in a tough position to compete at the level that they can compete I a national and like I said scale this is a good point the Wolves played their asses off with travel problems on the second night of a back toback on the road it’s not an excuse

The Celtics could have played well absolutely not an excuse I just think you want OPP they I mean John simple the shots didn’t fall you know this was a game where the shots the three-pointers needed to fall early to keep it close they did not fall I think I saw at one

Point one of 11 and it got worse from there it was one of those games where they they was no fight it was the total opposite of what we saw in the second half or the fourth quarter of last night’s game I think the Celtics team again took this one off and you’re

Either okay with it or you’re not and in the grand scheme of things it might not mean a whole lot it’s it’s one of 82 and we know what that if you go balls to the walls for the regular season and put yourself in a you know a

Top seed if that’s what you sell out for and you flop in the playoffs then it was all for nothing so in one sense okay you know they’re not they’re not going to completely drain themselves and the NBA did F them maybe in some capacity it’s

Not an excuse It’s just dumb we want entertainment I want to be entertained well there’s two different sides of the argument I just want to maximize the likelihood of entertainment there’s no excuse the Celtics played like Chumps it’s embarrassing they they gave up I mean their coach embarassed themselves

On National Television the broadcast bailed on the freaking game I don’t think I’ve seen that before so yes the Celtics embarrassed themselves tonight embarrassed and I honestly and they’re gonna have to eat it I can’t tell if what Joe did was more embarrassing or less embarrassing by just starting this the

Bench to start the game I me to start the second half I mean the starters were playing so poorly where if Joe wanted to he could have just hung him out to dry a little bit longer out there um but for whatever reason maybe it was because of rest

Maybe it was because he didn’t want to do something stupid because who’s going to get the blame the same people who are complaining that you know they benched him too early or that or that they didn’t try the same people would be saying how could Joe be so stupid to

Keep Tatum in the game with you know down 30 with four minutes left in the third quarter and the back to on a on the second night of a back toback what’s up who C who B who took gelo’s phone and is doing this right now this isn’t real

Nick that’s not real Nick Nick doppelganger that’s not real Nick no so I I mean I can see it from multiple you know I can see different perspectives but this is embarrassing loss as far as I’m concerned yeah they they they punked themselves they looked stupid the bucks

Came out with something to prove the Celtics came out like let’s see if the threes fall and if they do I’ll decide to try later and they got freaking right they got punked they they looked stupid and they looked really bad on and everyone’s Joe’s going to be like

I’m not mad at all and it’ll be a shoulder shrug game and fans will get annoyed and some rightfully so they looked stupid I hope they like I hope they eat it a little bit like that was embarrassing it’s an embarrassing think a lot I think a lot of people thought

That they could easily lose this game and the Bucks were favorites going the Bucks were two and a half Point favorites and what that means to me is okay the Los this game you know we’re not going to and panic about it for 45 minutes but when you lose the way

You did it’s just I mean again you don’t want to it’s one of 82 and you’re not gonna sit here and and cry for an hour about it although we might but positive Nick you want to show up at least I mean have again it’s it goes back to having

Some pride you know having some self-respect I mean teams are gonna once in a while they are going to have those stinkers they are gonna get blown out we saw it last year against Oklahoma City that was a shocker but this is a game against a team that is your Eastern

Conference rival there’s a lot of you know back and forth wi some you lose some type moments between these two and to to and again the Bucks had what three three nights off or two nights off before this one so they’re they’re at home they’re coming in with

All the rest this is a game where if you are a gambler you probably hammered the Bucks yeah but you still hate the way the Celtics came out you hate the fact that they didn’t even come out in the second half they just they waved the white flag

And yeah it would have been an improbable comeback but would it have killed them to put the guy put the starters back out there for the first four or five minutes and see you know what they have maybe all of a sudden it’s a it’s a 18-point game and then and

Then you’ve got plenty of time it’s the NBA those comebacks happen all the time and I understand that this was a huge deficit what was it at halftime John it was like 38 to 80 or something 75 something like that something wild it was like a 37 point I joined this game

Late and I watched it like kind of you know skipping through so I I was just it was so obvious where this yeah yeah I mean you didn’t have to pay that’s the other thing you didn’t even have to P so obvious where this was going fairly

Early so again I may whip myself into a frenzy by the end of this show completely change my opinion and go crazy and say like these fraking losers but like you know I’m kind of I’m kind of in the camp of it’s not an excuse but you open up the

Possibility when you schedule these games that the team’s GNA come out flat bucks came out scorching hot and wanting to make a point and those two things when they met together uh resulted in really just getting run off the court early and it was over before they had a

Chance to even kind of decide whether they wanted to play and that was it um it was it was awful it’s atrocious and absolutely people who are mad I get it but like we know both sides of it there’s going to be a faction of people

Who are Furious and think just show up and play You’re fraking professionals this is the schedule deal with it you’re not the only team to plays back to backs second night of back to backs y y y and then there’ll be others who say there’ll be others who don’t care the reality is

Yeah show up and play that’s what you’re paid to do it’s embarrassing this is the number two team in the conference and if you have any Pride you probably should have showed up and tried a little bit harder than this and not just Coast it and like oh let’s see what happens you

Can’t do that against a team like that but but also who freaking cares I don’t believe that this win has any bearing on what’s going to happen down the road I know some people be like I don’t know they do this stuff in the playoffs they do but I think they this Collective

Group has earned enough you know this year where they haven’t really laid down and they fought back in games and they haven’t had a lot of these sorts of stinkers so like I’m okay to excuse it though I really wish they had come out and play different and I think every bit

Of Shame and embarrassment that they might feel off of this is deserved and I hope it lingers for a little bit I don’t think they will for some reason I’m not getting the vibe that they care they might not they might be like yeah whatever it happened yeah I mean again

At the end of the day it’s one you you don’t want this you know this isn’t a pattern but this isn’t what happens to I don’t I don’t want even I don’t even want to go there but it’s just not how do you say it’s not becoming CH

I agree with Judo and Judah this is one thing that I think home fans do not not Celtics fans the home fans do Jimmy overreact to the thing that your team does without the perspective that it’s every team the Bucks got run out by I

You know you see it all the time like you know teams getting blown out by teams that you would never expect even this felt a little different though John I mean rarely do you bench your entire team for the entire second half I mean rarely does that happen so I’m curious

I’m curious Jimmy yeah do you think Joe did that because it was like ah whatever shoulder shrug it just wasn’t our night or you think he did it to like send a message and like that’s what I can’t quite figure out I’m wondering if if

He’s brought it up after the game to you know reporters I know bobb’s there and we can ask Bobby what Joe’s sort of um mentality was but I just briefly on Twitter saw it it seemed like Joe was taking the chalk it up to a game you

Know it happens type of thing so I almost feel like and this is a little bit surprising to me because I thought Joe would be on the more like f you guys I’m gonna stick you back out there I mean we’ve certainly certainly seen him let players play through shitty

Performances before he he’ll swallow his he’ll swallow his timeouts all Game and Watch guys try to figure it out on their own but on a night where they couldn’t figure it out from the start he kind of throws him a life raft and kind of you know it’s almost like

You’re getting booed off the stage in a way you’re bombing so badly so many tomatoes are being thrown at you where you just can’t recover and you just have to pull this person off the stage and uh you know the sideshow clown comes back out instead bucks recently lost to the

Rockets offense to the Stay Ready crew yeah bucks lost to the rockets and it home to the Jazz recently so again losses happen it’s not it but yeah it’s just for some I mean if you watched there was something about this performance it felt like they went into it being

Like if the threes fall great if they don’t like we’re we’re we’re out of it we’re not we’re not working for anything tonight that’s kind of how I felt I hate that too and you know what here’s here’s what bugs me more I felt like it was almost team wide which is almost

Slightly better than it just being like everyone came to play but Tatum was just like I’m just gonna Chuck you know and those games drive me more nuts when it’s like the one player or the star that you’re counting on in this game I I I I

Don’t remember a single thing Tatum did like I don’t even you know I it was collectively just you you know Chuck it Chuck it brown was just chucking everybody was just chucking holiday holiday another like what’s the opposite of a of a Revenge game because holiday’s

Now got two of them under his belt with Milwaukee he’s dropping spicy comments you know prior to the game spicy According to some people spicy he just said I get it he was in a better place he just said it so fast I didn’t even

Pick up on it um but he’s he’s he’s trying to take teeny Jabs at the bucks he’s going out and playing ass we got some some Missoula quotes that Amit sent us from Bobby Bobby’s on the scene over there in Milwaukee Missoula we just didn’t have

It tonight you can actually use it as opportunities perspective when you take a deep breath moua again our guys bring it every single night it’s not always going to go our way yikes I don’t even like those quotes but again am I gonna sit here and Boomer rage for an hour if

These guys honestly John this is how I feel they don’t give a [ __ ] I’m not going to sit here and give a [ __ ] that’s what he says to here’s the thing I I think people misread this stuff I and I and i’ I’ve made a living off of trying

To extrapolate what do they mean when they say this I think that I think Joe is of the camp I’m not calling out my players publicly but he might undress them in the film room off of this or he may just flush it bar any film he may

Actually or he might say we’re never looking at that again you know and then you just move on yeah I mean I don’t even know how you look at it unless you really just want to say you’re a piece of [ __ ] but after bad performances not

Like this one I I would imagine he gets his pound of Flesh you know in practice and in the film room this is one of those where he’s probably just going to flush the whole thing I don’t know how else you could I mean this is a good a

Good film on what not to do if that’s what you’re you know here’s what happens when you don’t here’s what happens when you don’t do what we kind of tell you guys to do and there here are the results um if it was against a trash team I

Would even I would even be less mad about it it’s against a team that you’re probably going to see in the playoffs I mean you’re the one and they’re the two or vice versa you know theoretically you’re supposed to meet at some point so I just don’t like giving giving the

Opposing team that much you know chest puffing you know what I mean I mean they’re flexing all over you Brook Lopez is hitting thre Giannis is dunking on you and he’s giving you the the scow I mean I it’s just who likes that who like who you know outside of

Milwaukee I mean if you’re a Celtics fan like you don’t want to see that stuff yeah so I get it you can’t bring it every night it’s not always goingon to go your way yada Yad y all the things I get it oh you know there’s lessons to be

Learned and losses I get it I’m not an idiot I understand all that that being said it’s better if you don’t get blown out with like six minutes to go in the second quarter and then bench all your starters because I don’t know either they’re that bad or you just want

To rest them and you’re just throwing up throwing chalking it up to that to your point John NBA hung him NBA kind of screwed him I guess with the schedule there they’ve had a tough run but we’ve all said oh it’s gonna be it’s going to be a tough schedule coming up here

You’ve got Milwaukee TW I mean you’ve got Indiana twice then you’ve got Minnesota then you’ve got Milwaukee that doesn’t mean take a game off that means you got a hard aing schedule hard hats Ste boots lunch pills that’s what it’s all about it’s not I’m going to call call out of work today

Because I’ve had a tough week oh I’m going to take Thursday off because oh I worked I worked late on Wednesday so I’m actually gonna take Thursday off boss that’s not what it’s all about if you have a tough week of work you show up ready for a tough week of work that’s

Kind of where I’m at with it so I’m I’m embarrassed if I’m a Celtics fan or I’m the Celtics I’m embarrassed now I don’t know if that’s how they feel and maybe they can just brush it off and they’ll beat the rockets by 40 on Saturday and

Nobody will care about this game but for right now for tonight I don’t know how you I mean I guess you can just ignore it like you could ignore a bunch of things in your life and just be like oh that’s okay yeah that that whatever

Chalk it up to a bad day um sure if you can live your life that way all power to you ignorance is bliss but for some people that matters and and and you know that that’s also like building good habits and things like that and again

Yes it’s one game but I just don’t like the I don’t like the idea that that can happen yeah I fair enough fair enough I get it um and like I said I fraudulent I may whip myself into into that lather too but I’m also just cognizant of the

Fact that it’s EV every team does this from time to time so I don’t know why it’s a big deal just with this team and I have to keep reminding myself that because it’s easy to have an emotional reaction want to give a shout out to

Easy E it’s a that’s a brother that’ll smother your mother and make your sister think I love her um last year this game would have really worried me the team is different I have faith I’m kind of here too I think they’ve shown enough non La non-mail it in non- collapsing moments

And even in games where they do have lapses like they did at Minnesota last night I remember the heat earlier in the year they’ve turned it around and made winning plays late and played some some good ball so um I I will I I think you

Got to give them props for that I think you going to give him some props yes no mayo and I don’t want Vel either I want new blood I want big bold Strokes that’s 100% what I want we’re doing we you transitioning to Pat I’ll do it so Jimmy

You know that thing where you give me crap when you say I miss super chats and then I leave one on the screen for like 30 minutes and you talk through the whole thing and don’t acknowledge the Super Chat I didn’t notice it I’m trying to throw them up there for the people

Who are contributing to your kid I’m Mayo I’m Mayo I’m I’m team Mayo we are gonna get into the bellich stuff no I am not a Mayo guy um no I take that back I love Gerard Mayo I love Mike Vel I don’t want uh I don’t want I wanna I want to

Flush it all and start start a new I want it all different that being said I think the players love mayo and that’s good I also don’t think that the coach is important whoever they bring in as coach is going to be worse than the guy they fired what matters is who’s making

The Personnel decisions because that’s their problem right now so we’re too hung up on who the coach is I the coach will be worse than the last coach guaranteed next you know and we’ll get into that a little bit but the coach the coach and the GM obviously work hand inand a lot

Together too so you can’t just say a coach doesn’t matter but I think Mayo I don’t even want to get into it right now I’m gonna wait I’m gonna wait we’re gonna wait we will get to we’ll get to Patriots talk we’ll give you guys enough

Of a heads up and you guys don’t like it you can leave I don’t even have much more time on this game John I pretty much said my piece what we do break down the freaking X’s and O’s of this one what I’m going to say this is you know

O’Shea brassette has fraking hops dude I I I am you know that’s one thing he’s got he can jump it’s good that he can jump because he can’t shoot he cannot but he can jump man he can jump that’s all I got yeah and that was talking OA brette that was

OA brette you guys you guys want us to talk Jaylen should we talk Jaylen where’s that where’s Louise from last night 740 comments I put her in timeout she gets out of she gets out of it one second out of jail as soon as as soon as she gets

Sprung are you guys talking about jaying yet yeah that’s not gonna get us to talk about him yeah um I’ll give Jaylen more props than I’ll give Tatum tonight though yeah I mean it’s they’re both very very low on the totem pole tonight but if I have to criti ize one over the

Other I’ll criticize Tatum more than brown because Tatum wants to be that superstar superstar top five MVP yeah I think you get again these are the games where there comes a point in a NBA player or NFL player baseball player Superstar athlete where you’re more it’s you have

An obligation to show up every single game that you’re playing in because you’re the ticket people are pay a lot of money to see you there was probably a lot of fans in that building tonight that their favorite player was Jason Tatum and he just said I’m calling out

Of work so like LeBron James say whatever you want about him he he gets it he knows that it’s it’s more than just playing uh you know basketball it’s it’s it’s like an obligation so I’m not saying Jason Tatum’s there yet and this is an example of him not being there and

I again I don’t want to go on and on and on about the disappointment of the game but this was just you’re saying that you’re saying that as am but you know what I’m catching myself I know I’m not gonna talk about it 20 minutes later well no I

Mean I think when you’re a superstar player you get to put together a better performance than you did tonight I mean this was wasn’t just like he didn’t have it it was just like he just literally didn’t show up tonight so yeah like that to me is the unacceptable part

Everyone’s gonna have an a bad shooting an off night Jaylen lover right here there she is Louise Louise came at me last night not gonna lie Louise I kind of didn’t talk about I didn’t move the conversation to Jaylen because of you um love that Spite

Spite no just it was more it was more playful than anything it wasn’t that talk about thanasis thanasi this is a game this is thanasis type of game man I mean say what you want about thanasis but he brings it out there every time he

Plays yeah he brings it all right I mean he brings everything wrong I can’t believe he’s still in the league but he brings it that guy can barely walk like he’s one of the goofiest dudes I’ve ever seen he’s a goofball he’s actually kind

Of a clown to be honest he legit I he I I like he’s the type of guy who would like trip and like seriously injure himself you know you know you know just like walking up the stairs like he’s goofy as hell but he’s also crazy well snap thing do do you

Question Tatum’s dog what kind of dogs he got I always question Tatum’s dog we we talk borgi we talking retriever what do we got I’m a pug man you’re a pug man I love pugs you just outed yourself my friend it’s weird right that’s really weird I can’t I love

I love their little tragic faces my I have a couple aunts breed pugs and so I’ve been around pugs all my life I gotta say I’m kind of I’m kind of done with pugs it’s the SM it’s the it’s the breathing it’s it’s the yeah it’s that

Thing it’s the constant snorting I’m a corgi guy personally yeah yeah happiest dogs I’m I’m I’m uh I’m the O I’m the guy who’s uh who’d rather you have Luna guy team Luna what’ you say I’m the guy who wants you to have a dog and not me

To have a dog like I’m the fun Uncle I’m the fun Uncle of dog owners you know like I it’s I don’t want kids I don’t want the kids but I’ll be nice to your kids like yeah I’ll Pat your dog I’ll even grab me the little tennis ball

Thingy and I’ll impress you by how far I can whip it across the field right and you’ll be like wow I can’t throw it that far I’ll be like dog freaking awesome but here’s your dog back right yeah yeah yeah I’ll take him for a walk couple

Girls might come up oh my God I love your dog thanks yeah his name is Pho or whatever and then like here’s your dog back yeah but take your dog yeah and also don’t assume I like your dog just because you like your dog because I don’t always

Like your dog yeah also I’ll say this like make sure your dog is cool like do the work do the do the work when you get the dog do the work yeah so that it’s a cool dog and it’s nice to other dogs and other people you can walk it it’s

Playful just do the work don’t get a dog and just like screw it off for six months and it’s too late yeah because you can’t teach an old dog new tricks now do I question Tatum’s dog not because of this game not because of this game I will say over the last

Year he’s got a little bit he’s got more dog in him I like the kiss of death I like you know some of the moves he starts to make now he gets a he’s more physical than he used to be he’s not just settling for only step back jumpers

So I I like that more I do think he has more dog in him but I don’t think he has gotten to like Alpha Dog status yet my Tatum dog like VI like Vibes were always I think he has a generally kind of sleepy demeanor yeah which I wish he

Didn’t because I do think sometimes being demonstrative uh helps lift others around you it’s harder to go by you know guys and I do think there’s some passivity or sometimes where he’s trying to find feel his way around what he wants to be at that moment in a game and

Sometimes he has the slow starts he’s not sure whether should just start to take it or be differential sometimes it looks like he’s kind of not not into it and you know I don’t know that he’s I think I think he’s always more struggled to what am I supposed to do am I

Supposed to shoot all the time or what do you guys want here sometimes it’s hard figuring he said it openly like I’m kind of trying to figure out like sometimes I got to take it sometimes not and that’s really what it comes down to him I I I know sometimes people want to

Like just take the ball and dominate which he did against Minnesota uh in the fourth quarter overtime last game I guess that’s what people called dog but also when he does that the shots aren’t falling everybody’s like dude chill you got all these good players around you

You don’t have to be that guy so I think the dog stuff is more superficial than it is his actual mentality to win and whether it is whether or not he’s competitive but you’d still like to see him like you know just I think also the the complaining and that stuff retracts

From dogness I I’m just going to quickly uh on this this I’m going to answer this question um look I said you flush this game because it’s a second of a backtack against a good team and they got down so early that there really was no coming

Back from it so at that point total capitulation was understandable it just it snowballed so fast that before like I said before they had a chance to figure out whether they wanted to get into it they they they were already done um yeah sure you get multiple days rest and an

Inferior team comes into the G and whoops your ass you’re going to feel worse all the bad losses count I just think this one is understandable even though we would have rather seen uh a different result and it’s no excuse but it is uh it is fine why is cornet on the

Thumbnail he is I think it’s because he played a lot and Amit has a sense of humor if I had to guess um I’ll say this if they if they lose this Valley to the Rockets yeah they’re they’re they’re going to get ripped to the High Heavens say that because that means I

That means e may punked you that means big bad eay the boogeyman came in and spanked you he he bent you over his knee and he spanked he spanked all his kids get somebody called the Harold or or or a tabloid here uh the uh we had Tatum’s

Dog assaulted one of our viewers that’s messed up how about this John this is this is this guy knows you this is something that you would say no but it’s just like you know like it’s the whole nobody likes your kids like yeah nobody lik nobody likes your dog

Like it’s not okay if your dog comes up and start just jumps on my you know jumps up me and again it’s you know and and and and and the owner is like it’s fine he’s friendly I don’t give a crap I’m friendly like you don’t want me jumping

Up on you either like why do you think I want this people are so dumb about that yeah people people who think their dogs are their kids H that’s tough too uh honest opinion if Jason Tatum shelling out that that contract money here if this were a home game would they have

Tried I’m not going to act like The Undefeated thing isn’t in their minds maybe sure maybe this is a home game there’s no way they’re benching the starters in this they still should have tried no [ __ ] they still should have tried yeah I’m not talking about it

Anymore I’ve already said way too much I know everybody hates pugs I can’t explain it leave me alone they’re inbred they shed they’re snorty they have short lifespans they’re not great they’re not great dogs they’re a little too energetic and Hyper but they’re cute as hell and they’re lovable

And they’re loyal and I I’ve always had an loyal just leave act like dogs aren’t loyal like every freaking dog’s loyal dogs are food dogs are [ __ ] like dogs like everybody if like the owner left and a stranger came in in three days the dog would be like you’re [ __ ] you’re

Awesome you’re just like the other guy like they don’t care they’re not loyal to you I’d like to not believe that they just want the attention John confirmed cat guy apparently I am a cat guy you got to work to get a cat to like you totally but a cat might go its

Entire life and not like you you might just fail in the end I’ve seen that I did have a I did have a great John’s like I’ve lived that no I had a great cat great cat I actually would like cats but I am unfortunately allergic to cats

I found it out the hard way rescued a cat literally rescued it not like went to the store and and got one I rescued a cat like from being a it was just an abandoned cat yeah took took it in from like the outside took it in and then for

Like a month I had like running runny itchy eyes runny nose and my parents like you might be allergic to cats I’m like I was a younger kid yeah I was like you guys let me suffer for a month before you decided that it might be what it

Is but yeah I found out the hard way so unfortunately I also eyes man nothing worse my first cat we took in a stray in college um it was like it was somebody’s house cat that they I moved houses or just freaking tenants changed the cat was

Still there and the cat just kind of was like I guess I live with with you guys now um and he just came over and and we we named him Tito and then we found out we found out on the last day of college when there was like senior stuff and

People were playing actually G love was playing um nice I like G love when you were in college in the backyard of somebody’s house because he knew the people there we were just hanging with G love and the owners two houses down saw our cat and they’re like it’s Boris and

We’re like who the [ __ ] is Boris and they’re like it’s this this cat he was our cat like a year ago and I I think they had adopted him from whoever else lost he was just changing owners year to year he’s just chilling he’s just the the college cat

Yeah he’s a college cat but yeah we’re hanging with G love and and we found Tito boris’s real owner and that’s what happened love that Boris that’s a hell of a name I named my cat Spooky because he was a black cat yeah there you go

Yeah fck you do I definitely like him I definitely miss I miss I missed Tito so here’s the thing if they were arrested they would have won calm down don’t calm don’t tell me to calm down I am calm hate when people say that calm down

The worst thing you could say to someone is relax totally especially girls yeah relax here’s this guy Bobby he he has no relaxing him there he is folks Boston last night Milwaukee night I tell you what the Celtics may have taken the night off but Bobby Manning doesn’t even know what that means

Celtics fan pole who’s the tired dest Bobby or Amit gotta be Amit reallyit yeah it’s I slept on the plane but I to be fair ahit at his peppiest sounds like he hasn’t slept in seven days Bobby I have some bad news your flight’s cancelled yeah that’s tough on to this really

Being the worst what are you going to do in Milwaukee for another day sounds horrible dude might go to Chicago we’ll see ask Taylor and uh AIT about their Milwaukee experience think proba must be a top top five worst city to be stuck in for an extra day

Milwaukee yeah I was BRAC for this I wasn’t expecting this I’ll ra I’ll raise you a St Louis and a Cleveland OH I said top five though so that’s still yeah those are Cleveland might not be too bad I don’t know I haven’t been to Cleveland

In a while because I never wanted to go I did Columbus I had a blast in Columbus but that’s probably real quick that’s not what I want to talk about I really gotta quickly give a shout out no LinkedIn this one come on down quick shout out to our sponsor

FanDuel the boys over at FanDuel running this special right now 150 in bonus bets when you place a $5 bet no yawning Bobby Boston if you go there and sign up uh take advantage of that special offer all you got to do is uh

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Meal at a fraction of the price CNS free Bobby on a scale of one to 10 how uh how bothered are you by uh the Celtics kind of no show tonight on a scale of five to 10 no I didn’t say five who says

That uh yeah I I don’t know how to feel about this one I think you lean to which where are you on this you know where I am look at me right there so with this game I was on the other side but you you you guys have

Pinned me where where I am where are Bobby I’m curious about it that’s a good one too I love that one here’s the deal look at me with my haircut here’s the deal team Joe sway like Joe S Joe S is like what the f did you just

Said teams play back to backs teams occasionally play five games in seven days this typically doesn’t happen this was a weird game not only for the fact that they threw in the towel at halftime but also for the fact that they really didn’t perform at all in that

First half in any manner you know you got a few good stretches from OA brassette there and the bench was a little better than the starters there but in this game where John if they sat everybody in this happen all right it’s rest schedule loss but they hurtful by

The way but they came in and and played everybody and intended to compete in this game and to fall down 10 to two and see that expand to you know the halftime lead and did you did you give me a number no he didn’t he’s just talking this is

Filibustering well how pick a number you coward we no I mean I agree with you in the middle of five I’m oh hot take alert that’ll move the needle I mean what information so none of this matters do I have Jimmy to say that this is gonna be an issue going middle

Manning I don’t have any we gotta have information now all season I need an information I wouldn’t say [ __ ] for all seon every show all season this team ear in the benefit of the doubt in terms of what they’ve done to this point their consistency their competitiveness so I

Can’t go off one game everybody gets blown out like this a couple times a year Bobby I’m with you buddy that’s kind of where I was I I I think they still embarrassed themselves and I think they should have shown up but I’m also not concerned when you intend to show up

Need show up I think it’s two different questions I don’t think people are concerned because they lost the game I think it’s just embarrassing and discouraging the way that they showed up or didn’t show up tonight like it’s still a game it’s still on the schedule

And Bobby one of the things I said was like we talk about oh they have a really tough schedule coming up they’ve got two in two against Indian they’ve got Minnesota they’ve got Milwaukee that doesn’t mean just take one of those games off that means you

Have a hard schedule coming up what I don’t get is you tra I what I’ll say is this you traveled everybody you knew you were sitting out you sent your starters and they went there to Milwaukee you intended to compete intended to compete and the starters just got out there and

Were like nah so you know if you decided ah we’ll mix and match we’ll give the bench guys the stay ready crew some reps we’re doing this we’re going to try you know jaylen’s going to eat it tonight and he’s going to carry the load along

With this or you know what I’ll rest Jaylen because Jason sat the other night and we’ll do that we’ll go half our starters and you know if we’re if we’re in it great and if not we’ll check we’ll peel it back that’s fine but you sent

Everybody which I think is a little odd that almost did they have a team meeting beforehand and we’re like we’re not trying right everyone no little nod little winking a no everybody definitely not yeah it feels that way that’s what it was a bizarre game so your antenna is

Up John right like how the hell did that happen yeah but beyond it being a weird game it’s tough to forecast what this could lead to for me have they given up on an entire game this year start to finish no so I it’s tough for me to say

It’s tough for me to say that that’s gonna continue um it’s just it’s just in a vacuum it sucks Bobby what did Missoula have to say about this so Joe is adamant that it was an aberration this stuff happens and you assess everything and you say is

This an off night and that’s what he came to yeah he said he was adamant that they competed they intended to win in this game you know he almost was on the defensive in a way against you know any notion that they didn’t show up or um you know didn’t

Compete in this game that they gave up right um in terms of why he sat the starters gave he gave a vague answer what was that he said he had to do what was best for the team which is fair did they get good shots though I don’t think

So especially J does Joe believe they did I think he thought they played well like they they they intended to wait repeat that they didn’t even play Bobby how could they have played well right I I that’s why I come away from this very confused by his response to this game

Um he was adamant that they came in and competed and intended to you know battle here but that didn’t play out on the court clearly you know what I mean like I it was just a noow for some reason or another maybe it’s as simple as fatigue

But we’ve watched a lot of games John on this show and we’ve seen this team play back to backs this team historically plays well backf different maybe the opponent maybe it was the fact that the Bucks were off since Monday Perfect Storm bucks off bucks came out wanting to send a message

Bucks were RedHot yanis was fierce and been playing like crap though they were but they came out tonight they were firing and they just kept going firing and they never let up and like I said before the Celtics knew they were in before the Celtics knew they were in a

Fight they’d been knocked down three times in the first round you know like and it was over they smell they smelled a weak a weak opponent and they just killed them I believe if the Celtics had only gone down like 12 in the first or

You know and then hung in there and it was like 14 15 16 they might have they would have found they would have found themselves and and made something of it I just think it got away so fast that it was done and uh that was it that was

It it’s done it’s done flush it they did it okay I’m on to the next one on to the next one anything else on this game Bobby that kind of that sticks with you at all I have one how about your boy cornette he only logged nine minutes and he

Sucked yeah I mean we should talk about we should can we also talk about the he might be the most likable Celtic that they’ve had you know I mean Blake was Blake Blake as well but he’s got to be on the all-time like good teammate list

Right like they they they love this dude seems like a great guy but I mean he was was a huge part of I mean if you want to talk about why they why they quit in the second half he was like the main guy out there for that what was it 21 nothing

Run in the second quarter I mean it was a 25 it ended up being sorry is that what it was 25 to nothing yeah it was really really bad really really bad yeah so that’s the thing we’ve seen was the Stay Ready crew ready Bobby if the starters are going to

Fail you as as much as they did could they have not at least turned to the Stay Ready crew and said guys for real my God you can’t stay ready if you don’t get ready guys for real like you didn’t get much of a bounce from that be

Ready it was they were safe to say they were not ready for this one the narrator they were not was the stay ready ready narrator they were not ready they were not ready they were not ready she just came out there firing Pritchard played well but he was about

The only one in this game um is the reason TT switch game yeah I mean when you get the game switched on you that’s bad that’s probably about as just different tonight it’s a different type of Ty blowout this was different and so your antenna’s up you’re you’re watching where this goes

But it’s tough to say that they’re just going to go in a tail spin because of this I do think this thing pretty I don’t think I don’t think I don’t think this is leads to this is just like when when you say oh every team gets

Blown out this one just feels worse than a blowout loss I get blown out I’m not saying oh it’s the start of uh something bad or or you know like here here’s not PR gives up a 25 nothing run that’s what it is right right but they they just

Didn’t have the they did not have any fight they had no they just had no there was no competitive plays John right did anyone take a charge did anyone dive on a ball did anyone no they didn’t have a chance to in a second I mean they played 15

Minutes all they could do was catch the ball going through the basket from Milwaukee and inbound it to somebody like there weren’t really opportunity to hustle yeah and they played in that drop and the Bucks just loved it they ate him alive you know when they targeted Sam

And O’Shea they were all out of rotation it was just a mess both ends tonight I don’t think they got the shots that they wanted you know you look at the shot profile in this game was really bad uh they didn’t get to the rim at all there

Was no urgency to get downhill how many free throws did this shoot who who even cares but the first half they only ended up with the the Celtics had way more free throws than the than the Bucks they had six in the first half though Celtics finished with 30 free throws in this

Game yeah but six in the first half so yeah I want to get 16 from three if if if if there’s anything you want referees to do is blow a lot of whistles in a 40-point game in the second H half and then mix in a Joe moula challenge as

Well that was what was needed all of that stuff was bizarre game truly bizarre bizar we’ll see so how did the player we talked about Joe Bobby how did the players react like shrug it happens or was there a little bit of shame we spoke to Drew and

It was the shrug it happens um you know asked about the schedule and is there a better way the NBA could set up you know a stretch like this to not have these kind of games and he said for sure so I think the team as a whole made that

Decision and you know we we asked did you guys agree with taking a seat off of that game and he said sometimes coaches have to make those decisions they want to go out and compete but I it’s it’s is is it a strange decision that they

Pulled them or is do you think it’s just all minutes and load management it was over it it was too far gone so it’s not strange at that point you’re down what 30 something was over over um this seen guys play through that it was it was about load management at that point

There was a lot there was exactly like the league won’t let you take off these national televised gam so they sent everybody and they played honestly you know I I I wonder if Joe expectations were guys let’s see where it goes tonight you know if it’s not there I I

Wonder if it was almost I don’t know whether it would be predetermined I think it’d be weird for a coach to say that but I really do believe that um they cared very little about this the way they approached it overall and and Joe having no problem pulling them and

Then joking about it to uh to TNT you know in the game as well um it seems like they were pretty fine with it Joe was Joe was adamant that this was a nothing an aberration yeah so we’ll see where that goes yeah this might be about us but that’s

Okay yeah why are they why are they called Fear the Deer that’s one of the dumbest slogans I kind of like it what’s scary about deer well that’s why they’re telling you you ever gone head on you ever G head on with a with a 12p point buck they’re

Warning you not to tell about it you get when you get do yes I damn well do yeah you get the horns did you come out of this game respecting the Bucks a little more no next question I would say I would I mean I would say no because they played

The Celtics is just mad they didn’t there was no effort you know I know I mean like poris is like The X Factor he was playing well they don’t the Bucks like they don’t when I look at their roster it doesn’t really do it for me but when

Guys like poris contribute when Lopez you know hits a couple threes I mean that Beasley character Malik Beasley had a solid game too I mean but por is 28 Off the Bench like that was the only thing where I was like awesome deer are prey they’re like the

Most skittish you know anyway John’s Googling deer right now to like get some yeah like a little deer yeah I’m not scared of a little deer junk but some of those deer grow up to be bucks okay and that’s when imagine you’re a little do idea no one’s scared of a Celtic

Yeah what’s the cels tonight the Celtics steered clear of the deer and that is that they’re done they decide they decided to mail it in and that’s that and we’re done we’re done so the season series is TI we did way more on this game than we should have we did all

Right we’ll do we’ll do this Bobby I I want to make sure you’re okay with it because your eyes on board your eyes glaze over every time we go talk about [ __ ] no this is a big Bobby has nowhere to go for it the next 24 hour I’ll stay

Here all night tonight okay ready long the snacks the bill bellich report so I was in the airport this morning what was it 7 AM when it dropped it was early right around there yeah yeah I I watched you and Taylor go live after John and you know Taylor said that

He wasn’t surprised at at that point but I do feel like there was a little bit of a like you know suspension of belief there for a couple days where Bill’s saying yeah I’m coming in work and Craft’s not saying anything and again in the back of your mind you’re like craft

Would just say he’s back if he was back like something’s going on here behind the scenes they’re gonna part it’s just about how they’re going to part at this point but you did start to wonder as a couple days go by they thinking about it are they getting cold

Feet the fan base seemed to be growing a little bit more receptive to the idea of him coming back and there he goes and oh kind of anticlimactic uh very resignation alongside craft there and I thought craft was good today you know because he kind of talked about it John

R as more of a fire which is what it was yeah um but you know bill just came to the podium and you know said his few words and there he goes so Jimmy you don’t have a captain anymore right who’s who’s the boss here who’s in charge

Guess it’s gonna be Mayo but who’s the GM on top of him I mean this is what people were talking about once bill goes where are you going next I don’t think that’s any reason to keep them but it still does leave that uncertainty into the future that is different than what

You that was that’s different than your Brad Stevens stance I do want to point out because it’s a different but you were like where are they going to go next and you know like who are they going to get and I do think like my belief is still when the marriage has

Gone bad you’re not worried about who your next wife is going to be you just know you want out of this and I think they knew that they were done here and you have to factor in I craft does craft respected Bill and was grateful for everything that he did he didn’t like

Him Bill treated him like a nobody I I definitely don’t think like this is a problem I think you know Bill kicked a lot of people’s dogs you know walking around the building there and many pugs yep um so you know I’m not super surprised I wouldn’t be surprised

If people are on the building were like H we’re so tired of him he’s exhausting like can we please get someone in you know and I I’m gonna guess that like the the players are going to Rally around Mayo like crazy and almost every positive Mayo comment is going to be

Like all of the Bill O’Brien comments at the beginning of this year which were basically you know sub tweets of Matt Patricia or just commentary on the previous regime I think you’re going to get a lot of oh we feel more trusted and you know part of things and uh you know

Someone who gets us and I I think the players are GNA like it but you said it Bobby who’s making the decisions far more important than the X and O stuff you know do you think they have a plan yeah and I think it’s a shitty boring one of bringing somebody shitty and

Boring in um and we’re just going to roll the dice and hope that the guy doesn’t draft as bad as Bill who’s the GM someone in the building uh no I mean Elliot wolf I know is a name that it’s kind of been talked about Elliot wolf yeah fear the wolf he

He is within the building you know like uh director of scouting I know that he’s been floated uh as a potential I don’t know if there’s outside guys who are in there but you feel like if you go with an internal candidate in the succession plan in Gerard Mayo I feel like you’re

Just is going to obviously bring somebody into that position who is fine with the Mayo thing you know like imagine going out and hiring a top shelf GM you know or a guy who wants control and wants to do it right and do the Red

Sox thing and being like but you got to work with our coach like I feel like it has to be somebody kind of tied in tight what happened to rabo I don’t know if it was ever really an option the way it was described with mayo today was um and a

Lot of how a lot of the reporting is gone is that they already filed this paperwork with the league um last year um and and as part of a succession plan which kind of allows them to um circumvent you know uh regular hiring practices Rooney Rule going through the

Motions here they already kind of filed a succession plan saying like we’ve already vetted who our next coach is going to be he’s in the building and if and when we move on from Bill we’re going to most likely hire this guy and that’s kind of what it sounds like like

So it’s it’s mayo and it’s been mayo and it’s always been mayo and Mayo walked around the building knowing he’s the next head coach of the Patriots so I don’t know that any other person was considered I have to think they probably paused for a second when Vel got let go

And thought ah that is interesting but they were way too far down the road with mayo I said this on a couple of shows I think they screwed this one up bad because Mayo was supposed to come in it’s not that Mayo wouldn’t have been a good successor to Bill assuming

Everything didn’t go rotten the idea was that Mayo would follow up Bill when he was when he broke schula’s record and was finally done and he was going to stop coaching and he would leave and they would just give it to this guy who’s been learning under the greatest

Of all time but it went to crap and now you’re like oh my God I gotta hire this guy now because I’ve already kind of told him I want to even if you did want a fresh start and realized everything so they were lo I think they l locked

Themselves into this decision last year which is why it sounds like it’s not even a conversation it’s it’s it’s been a weird it’s been a weird week which caps off a very weird season I did go to the game on Sunday good for you by the

Way how much was your ticket 40 bucks which is actually more than I could have paid but I took an Endzone seat went to the game because I had a feeling that it was going to be Bill’s last game and even though I’ve been a huge bill critic over the last four years

Five and deservedly so might I add I wanted to go one because it was snow out and those games are a lot of fun which it was and two I thought it might have been Bill’s last game and I was like you know what just gonna go just to see I thought

Maybe they’d show bill on the on the Jumbo Tron a or you know the big video screen I thought maybe that’d be not not that it’s like a forone conclusion that he’s gone but give the fans something to cheer about there was nothing to cheer

About in terms of the game it was the one of the ugliest games these I I’ve ever seen isn’t that strange if if they kind of knew they were moving on feels like Bill must have told them don’t show me or something I can’t imagine why it

Would have been a Patriots decision yeah somebody had to have told the the the whole production team of the whole stadium not to put the camera not to go to bill at any moment because not once did they bill wor like this outrageous like it was like he was trudging through

Antarctica it’s like Darth Vader looked like Darth Vader didn’t want to acknowledge the fans mask up yeah never didn’t even take it down for the handshakes I know he was sick never wanted never wanted to be seen let me let me finish here never wanted to be

Seen never wanted to be talked to postgame didn’t want to say boo to the reporters as is you know standard procedure today didn’t want to have didn’t want to say a word just so many it felt like a lot of different Fus were given by Bill deactivated Mac which I

Thought was one last F Fu to Mac not having mac on the active Rost uh on the um you know game day roster and starting some absolute or activating some absolute no-name quarterback that I couldn’t even tell you what his name is Guy probably won’t ever take a snap in

The NFL when clearly Mack is obviously a better quarterback than whoever that guy is not saying much but let’s be honest I thought that was another Fu a lot of weird things happened I had come around on the idea that bill could still coach because we know he can still coach we’ve

Coached the defense up greatly but he sabotaged the offense this year and in doing so maybe kind of on purpose maybe more so than he thought John and in doing so self-sabotaged himself because he actually ended up being worse than even he could save we knew he can

Still coach but he cannot find or pick or draft or sign Talent there’s countless examples of this that we could sit here for another three hours and make we won’t the idea that bill was going to give up GM duties and again give up the idea that he was you know

The chef and putting in all the ingredients and still coach was just a pie in the sky idea because ultimately bill was not going to allow that to happen he was not going to do that and make it seem like he was you know demoted right he was not going to

Allow somebody to come in and make the Personnel that was never gonna happen and him just coach because if that was the case he would have just been way too arrogant about it and he would have made it a point to almost like show why this guy sucked you signed this guy you

Drafted this guy and he sucks and here’s why and I’m just you know and then all year would have been like little subtle shots at how he’s just coaching you know he’s doing whatever he can to coach so it couldn’t have worked and now ultimately they made the decision where

If he couldn’t do it all he was gonna leave and I think if you just go back to the last handful of years here of him with the power to do both he can’t do it anymore so he’ll go to some other team and maybe he’ll he will get a GM role

There as well and honestly I’m not I would not be too confident if I was that team that bills the guy that’s going to pick the right players sign the right players draft the right players he can still coach but I don’t think that he has that Talent evaluation ability that

He used to have anymore and I don’t think the guys that he had around him do either that was the other problem if you wanted to start new and you were gonna sign a or you’re going to draft a Young quarterback who’s teaching this guy how

To be a quarterback is it Bill who wasn’t hasn’t been able to do it in a number years hasn’t brought in anybody even remotely close um that’s been able to get through to this to this offense of these quarterbacks so I think again and the word that I always come back to

Is it’s bittersweet and and I’m and I’m a guy that you know and everybody here is a guy that you know grew up watching this team be the best grew up watching Bill and B Bill and um Tom uh the best tanman that ever was and it’s hard to

Admit or come to grips with the fact that it’s completely completely over and we might not there’s a chance that we might not ever even sniff a Super Bowl again it’s hard to come to terms with that so it’s like compartmentalizing the good the good old days with the idea

That change had to happen at this I think that’s the right I think that’s honestly the only look there’s some people out there who are uh still kind of like now they should have kept him and I sure Everyone’s entitled to that opinion um but I think you’re

Holding on to you know and like you do like you do with players past performance and this and that you know I and look this happened with Brad geez how long did people hang on to that one you know and there was no history there either and there was no history like

Balichek’s a much harder one to let go of but I think the correct take is exactly what you said there Jimmy uh that no but I mean I think that’s the look I don’t want to tell people how to feel but I think that that’s the most

Reasonable one is that he’s the greatest ever and you want to be able to salute that and acknowledge it and recognize still that change had to happen and I think holding on to it was more fear of the unknown and you’re so used to this and it was a great security blanket and

It gave you such a huge Edge over the competition for so long knowing that you don’t have it anymore is a little bit scary and maybe those residual feelings are the reason why uh people don’t want it real quick I wanted to play this Joe Missoula did you know you got that

Coaching fraternity thing that go goes on uh and a lot of the coaches do kind of uh acknowledge and respect one another and the job that they do and sometimes they lean on each other for advice uh I know Joe had gone to Patriots training camp during the uh you

Know during the summer uh to check in on Bill it’s a pretty regular thing uh and uh Bobby asked Joe for his comments on uh on Bill and here’s what he had to say pregame I mean I don’t have a reaction to that I think I have just have a

Reaction to um you know bill as a as a coach as a friend as a one of the best coaches of all time uh and um just what he’s been able to do thankful for the relationship that him and I have built and gotten to learn from him gotten to

Talk to him and it’s just kind of to me when you see things like yesterday whether it’s Coach B whether it’s Nick Sabin it’s like uh if coaching defines you it can be an unhealthy uh life it can be uh really stressful and you can

Be the best ever and uh there’s a shelf life there’s a shelf life on your career there’s a shelf life on on being with one particular team and to me the most inspiring thing about yesterday was Nick Sabin has won so much and he’s walked away after losing in the college playoff

And to me that’s inspiring as a coach because you’re not going to be defined by winning you don’t have to stick around too long and and chase another one and um I think when you see guys that go through coaching changes or slumps or you know one it’s easy to

Forget how hard it is to be a coach two it’s easy to take for granted long-term success and uh three it’s just we’re normal guys that have a job and try to do the best we can so just grateful for the the relationship and uh the standard that he

Sets see you can’t see this but he was wearing a cut off hoodie um in that presser you can’t see you can’t see his you can’t see the rest of his arms to see that it’s cut off there really yeah but he did wear a cut off Hoodie he was

Wearing a cut off hoodie um which is cool show of respect that’s a great it’s a show of respect um you know and and so uh like I said you can’t see it the frames a little tight there but um that’s what he was wearing uh prior to

The game and obviously a shout out you wish you could had a happy ending here certainly and at least more opportunity to celebrate him but but he wasn’t gonna let it happen exactly and you know what Bobby that day will probably come right I mean when he goes into the Patriots

Hall of Fame someday and and all that stuff and the NFL Hall of Fame he he will get his time to shine just like Brady did and that kind of brings me back to my point that I’ve been hammering for for a while for a lot of people they’re

Finally finally ready to admit that bill has lost his fast ball four seasons ago five seasons ago even longer than that he was losing his fast ball when he made when he basically when he made Brady the lame duck quarterback that was when in my opinion Bill had lost his mind because

He had put a [ __ ] roster around Brady that had one of the worst op you want to talk about brael that Tennessee team that wasn’t even any good at all beat the P they B essentially ended the Dynasty in the playoffs they knocked Tom out of you

Know the pick six to end basically Tom’s Patriot career yep guess why many playoff games the Titans won after that John won so everyone wants to honk vel’s horn I don’t get it I think Rael has been a pretty mediocre at best borderline bad coach I mean the Titans

Haven’t won anything ever really he’s got the I I don’t think he’s had great talent he has a leader of men sort of thing but again I I I he’s I don’t think he’s a realistic candidate so I don’t think it really matters but let me just

Finish I don’t want to go off on that that just happened to pop into my mind I’m not I like listen Vel the player was great and yeah leader men that stuff but I don’t know if he’s got the brains to be a head coach he might be a great DC

And all that you know he might be a good guy to have around a team I just don’t know if he’s got head coach capabilities but that being said when Bill put that roster around Tom and refused to extend Tom for the very very very low price of

Two years 25 million a year that’s when I said what the hell’s going on here with Bill he’s got a [ __ ] team [ __ ] roster he’s getting rid of his quarterback and he has no plan B to back up Brady at this point and that’s when

The wheels fell off a lot of people did not want to accept that they said in Bill We Trust when they kicked Brady out the door and a lot of people say oh Brady chose to leave Brady didn’t choose to leave Brady was forced out the door

And he was basically told here’s the door go we’re gonna frame it like you’re leaving and Brady being the guy he was didn’t go out kicking and screaming instead he went and won a Super Bowl no he went crying to Robert Craft’s house and told him he was leaving like it was

I mean he didn’t have a choice at that point I’m not I’m not I’m not knocking him Bill legitimately broke Brady’s heart you know like of course and and and and the worst part is aside from the fact that it’s Tom Brady and you pretty much owed everyone owes their life to

Him especially Bill there wasn’t even it wasn’t like a Brett favaron Rogers situation there was no successor they literally signed cam freaking Newton there was no plan so again I think that’s when we started to see Bill’s arrogance really get to a point where it was actually starting to

Hurt the team and at that point I was kind of out on Bill and out on the direction of the Patriots are going for a number of years it took some fans a little bit longer to get there but at this this year and at the conclusion of

This year again when the Jets are in the end zone doing snow angels that’s that was like the poetic ending to this era because how did it start right with the with the Patriots doing snow angels in the end zone after viner’s field goal against the Raiders

In the playoffs so when I saw that happening again I was there I couldn’t help but note the parallels it was so sad in a sense but it was just so like enough is enough enough people need to understand what’s going on here and we need to stop this madness because we are

Torpedoing yeah hon honestly the Brady’s a singular thing and it’s the biggest thing but I think all of the other Stu that was the first thing to me I know but I think I think the I think the rest of it was uh the the the bigger issue of

Just kind of not evolving um and and being stuck in his ways what made Bill great is ultimately what ended up being his undoing he did things his way and his way was different and Innovative and ahead of the curve until it became the same thing and you know and everybody

Else had moved on and he was still kind of you know doing it the billway and you know I I’d say the game is passing him by it’s not even it’s not the game because he’s still a brilliant strategist he understands football tactics part of is more a couple things

Happened he got old and old people you know don’t want to deal with as much [ __ ] and the thing that was the most damning thing that I ever heard out of Bill’s mouth was when you did that thing with Sabin that show that special and he

Said you know at this stage of my career I really just want to coach the guys I want to coach and I was like what the does that mean like you want to like try to make it work no dude this is is a talent based game you need big fast

Strong dudes and if they can’t if they’re then you mold them into what you want you don’t go get a bunch of Jordan Richardson’s and like be like this guy’s smart he’ll figure it out like too many so this is where it’s gonna get better with mayo that you don’t have the ego

Factor to this degree and you have a much better relationship Factor there which is important with younger guys and you know prospects that you’re gon be bringing in so you might lose a little bit with the football Acumen but you were losing much more with the ego that

Was getting in the way with Bill clearly there I mean yeah yeah just look at the dumb decisions they made off what had to have just been ego like Meyers and you know the other situations they’ve had where they’ve just felt like they could get by it’s baing it’s baffling and I mean

The quarterback thing alone is I mean the the coaching thing last year was was was probably John you had a you made a good point in our group chat and I don’t know if you want to repeat it but just about how different ways bill has said

You know Screw you guys and going into the OC situation oh yeah like I said that alone you got an extra chance because your bill off that but anyone else would have been fired over that bill made him hire o O’Brien and like H craft craft sorry craft made Bill hire

O’Brien and Elevate mayo and basically anoint Mayo’s successor and what did Bill do in response he gave gerro no additional power or responsibility he still had him answering to his kid essentially um and then no title he’s walking around the building as the freaking linebacker coach after the O

After the owner said Gerard is a super important integral basically the next coach of our team and Bill’s like that’s cool stay with the linebackers and then he brings in O’Brien and he doesn’t draft a single skill POS a single offensive player until some a bunch of

Crap guards in the fourth round doesn’t let him bring in his assistance and basically is like you and Mack figure it out doesn’t hire anybody gets rid of Max’s favorite receiver and it was borderline on sabotage what was going on with the offensive line I know you Jimmy

I heard you say no tackles nothing even even the coaching situation there was like a player and one of the assistants just coming up with new stuff on the Fly To The Herald article there The Herald article that said that there was just so so much upheaval in that

Whole um it was messy and and again it was just kind of like I think Bill just took his ball and went home and said you think I can’t figure out offense you guys handle it I got the defense and the defense was competitive and the offense absolutely tanked once again because it

Was completely neglected both in terms of personnel the coaching behind the scenes O’Brien not able to bring in his own guys and absolutely zero Talent not only Talent not added Talent lost I just can’t you know what I can’t figure out and this is just one thing that I I

Don’t know how Bill could ever defend it but like it was by had to be by far like the worst quarterback room like borderline ever I mean there wasn’t there no attention paid to it there wasn’t one capable quarterback in that whole entire room and then Bobby

What do we see the Browns go out and do they go and signed Joe flacko off the street and they’re and that’s a team with a really good defense you know granted they do have a great offensive you know a couple great offensive weapons that the Patriots don’t have but

My point is if the Patriots had such a good defense and they were a quarterback away or you know a player to a skill player two away from real from really kind of competing in the AFC East that was wide open there’s really not that many great teams in the AFC East how

Could bill be so clueless and inep to put that quarterback room together how do you not bring in again this is another probably F you to to M Jones how do you not bring in a guy that Ma Jones can learn from if clearly ma Jones doesn’t have a firm grasp on this

Starting they just had guys coming in and out exactly I mean how how many times did Matt did Matt get pulled this year like six and they never and again you can say whatever you want about zappy and he’s a good story and he made

A couple of nice plays but zappy is not a starting quarterback in the NFL either he not a top 32 quarterback in the league you could have gone and brought in spent a little extra maybe on a on a legitimate backup quarterback if you weren’t sold on Mac but goes back to

What John says was Bill just more set on just middle finger to craft and middle finger to everybody who said he needed to bring in this coach and he needed to elevate this coach and I just can’t I just that’s why I’m so out on bills

Because I’m like I don’t know if this guy is with us or against us at this point so reckless in what he’s done where I honestly don’t know so many ulterior motives you just couldn’t have that anymore it was weird I and I again I do think that

The relationship was strained as well because I don’t think he you know the reports where he didn’t necessarily treat craft with a lot of respect so I think it was actually Jonathan too I imagine said one word to Jonathan has has frakin Bill bellich dolls at home

That he just Rams pins and knives into you know so no doubt about it I I got to say I’m glad you guys got a bite at this apple I’ve been talking about this too much and I’m gassed so I got to wrap up the bill talk as well and it’s back

Toback Celtics nights um so uh no I need to just get it off my chest if you guys have nothing else I am going to retire from this show are you guys good yep all right guys thank you guys for doing that Bob get on this day eay is in town

Bobby’s got to figure out if he can get home tomorrow um it’s not cover an eay the eay day John oh no I’m I’m gone baby I’m not here on Saturday so you got to Bob you better start working flights my friend yep okay this is Planes Trains and Automobiles get your way

Home to um Home Alone was it home alone one where the the the the woman can’t get home she just jumps in the back of a van with the with um The Traveling band there’s got to be a couple bands heading this way from from the Midwest to Boston

Bobby I’m probably going to go Chicago little um little road trip you got time yes Chicago I told you Chicago’s not going to get you out of that airport what do we got what do we got snow wind what’s the what’s it calling for tomorrow yeah 10 inches and wind wow

All right Bobby you got you got 48 Hours buddy we’ll see you when we see you um see Saturday everyone who joined us thank you guys for hanging out we do appreciate it we will see you guys over the weekend eay back in town we’ll see what that reaction is one coach leaves

An old one comes back Jimmy’s goingon to the show so go ahead one thing and I need both your opinions on this eay comes back Saturday cheers or booze what do you think he gets and what would you do I’ll start with you Bobby cheers on

Both John I do I think it’s a coach I I think it would be I so so it’s not the same as like a player um in terms of reaction I don’t believe right or wrong there’s that much animosity towards eay for for that I think people kind of just

Accepted that it was a thing that happened and it was a the in the Judgment of the Celtics without the benefit of you know all the information I don’t think people have some people do for sure I don’t think across the board there’s going to be a strong visceral

Negative reaction to eay because as we said is they never really you know kind of really got it they’re like okay I guess something happened it wasn’t good and had to move on and that was what they did so I don’t believe the fans are

Going to be like F this guy uh I think there’s as many people and again right or wrong who are annoyed with the Celtics uh and how they handled it as they are the uh not annoyed but kind of wish the Celtics didn’t do that so again

I’m not really sure how it’s going to go down I’m booing I but I I don’t I don’t I don’t believe they will boo Kimmy’s been ad the type of fan where I will boo your ass because at the end of the day and maybe it worked out fine for the

Celtics and they’re in a they’re in a a great place now and you don’t you’re not like you’re not like jealous of eay coaching the Rockets but at the end of the day he effed you he effed you last year he put you in a bad position he

Might be one of the reasons why you didn’t win a championship last year even though you can blame number of other reasons I think he betrayed I think if you’re a fan you can kind of think of it like he betrayed you a little bit whether or not you think he deserved

Getting fired he obviously did something that to the only people that it really mattered to was enough to be removed from the organization and if that’s the case then if you’re a Celtics fan you boo his ass on Saturday you make him feel uncomfortable you say me keep it in

Line but you should say things because eay at the end of the day selfishly selfishly uh did whatever the hell he wanted and put himself before the team and don’t have information which is the challenging part all the information we have Bobby is that whatever he did was

Enough for the Celtics to say you’re out and that happened what a week before the freaking preseason started he put the team in a very bad position last year they didn’t win the championship um and if I’m a Celtics fan and I’m with the game I’m having a good time I’m

Going to boo the I’m going to boo the other team I’m going to boo their head coach especially because he screwed us a couple years ago and yeah we’re fine now point because they were they were in a really good position coming out of 2022 the guys wanted to play for eay Bobby

They didn’t you know they’re fine I’m sure they’re happy to play for Joe Missoula now but you can just it was a challenge you can tell how hurt they were you can tell how shocked they were how how hurt they were how mad they were maybe they were mad at eay maybe they

Were mad at the team at the end of that year saying we had a lot of stuff going on exactly there was a lot going on and it wasn’t the right stuff going on and so I like take huge distraction I’m team buo e yeah I just think you’re gonna be balancing that

Against the obvious good things he did for what did he do he wasn’t even here he wasn’t even here long he’s he brought them to the finals Jimmy and they lost and they blew it Bobby they freaking blew it that’s what he did okay so at

The end of the day he’s a tiny blip on the Celtics organization history he’s a nobody when you talk about the history of this organization he will not come up in any well what’s he gonna do what’s Joe gonna do I mean obviously understand that Joe would praise him he’s he’s an

Eeme guy and he’s in the position because of EA so yeah he owes eeme a lot but from an organizational standpoint eay is a skid mark on on the whole thing he’s nothing so yeah I would boo him I wouldn’t feel bad at all that’s just me

Where you going John he already said he’s gonna cheer him he’s gonna John’s bringing green pum I I wouldn’t react I was more saying what the what the uh what the fans do John would staying concessions during the intros yeah yeah exactly well there are gonna be those

People too that don’t car either way and that’s do but get to the game way because obviously they’re not gonna play it up say his name in the inos and that’s gonna be it oh for sure they’re gonna gon try be a yeah all right bye but he’s the last one

Called I think in the intros if I do if I’m not mistaken coach of the rocket team yeah and then that’s when I want to hear the boo it’s it’s what’s more interesting the old Garden would boo him off the freaking Court what’s more interesting is how the

Celtics uh handle it and whether they try to as you said they didn’t put bich up on the Jumbotron the game emo do may have I’m curious how the broadcast handles it will they do a lot of talk will they talk about it will they interview it when they ask it when they

Bring on how do you not do an opposing coach interview how do you not try to get emay how do they ask those questions you know about that you know you’ve got I mean Abby and those guys they’re team employees Drew scal they’re team employees you know like are they gonna

Are they going to talk to them are they going to show cutaways as a production truck being told don’t show a lot of eay cutaways like what’s the crowd’s gonna be on them what’s the Mandate you know I think I think what’s the Mandate from the Celtics on down I’m very curious on

That I think they’re gonna want to down they’re gonna want to minimize it for sure now it would be almost it wouldn’t it would be almost unprofessional to not at least acknowledge you know what the history of eay I mean you gota you can’t talk about emay and not mention the fact

That he used to coach the Celtics and not obviously the fact how he was let go from the organization you don’t need to go into details on what may or may not have happened but of course they’re going to have to acknowledge the the brief history now I don’t expect the

Celtics to con I don’t expect the broadcast to constantly be zooming in on emay because they don’t want any more attention and pay to it than anybody would I think the majority of look I think there’s a faction of people out there who I think are gonna kind of

Piece together what they think went down and think this doofus this goofball this guy you know did this to himself he deserves all he deserves everything that’s coming at him no question about it I think some people are horrified over the idea that he um you know kind

Of created this toxic workplace Culture by engaging in inappropriate relationships go uh and the and the and and and and the power Dynamic uh that’s at play with all of those things there’s plenty of people are going to be at that camp I think you’re base Celtics fan

Their Vibe is I I like this guy better than Joe I wish we still had him this goes back to our Celtics fans think I’m so I’m being honest about that yeah that might be true John but that’s never gonna happen so you might as well just

Boo his ass because he he he made that not happen so it’s a weird thing because you’re kind of saying I don’t really care about the impropriety if you cheer so I don’t believe there will be a lot of Cheers I think it would be a fairly

Muted reaction that’s my that’s my op that’s my belief because you’re you’re outing yourself cheering for you’re outing Yourself by cheering as someone who’s not bothered by what went down I don’t think you can I don’t think people will do that Bobby you don’t cheer for losing what did he accomplish I mean

They went from accomplished blowing the NBA Finals congratulations the Celtics are up three to two I I think you’re in the minority Jimmy I think most people thought he was an excellent coach he was he was and then he blew it I think the I think people think he was largely

Responsible for the culture turnaround here he was a guy who kicked lazy people in the ass and said you’re going to play hard he got a all those things are he got a team to buy into defense and I think that this team was fraking walking

Dead until eay put his stamp on it and then they got good and then everybody was really bullish about what was going to happen the next year and then he and then what happened he did what he did so you could okay so that’s what I’m

Talking about you could be mad about it but I think most people are not I think most people are like I liked this guy as the coach and that’s their view that’s what people are gonna be cheering for Jimmy they they’re not they’re going to I liked this coach that’s how they’ll

View it yeah I liked him and then he went and he stuck his hand in the cookie jar and that and then and then he got caught I don’t think people think that way that’s what I’m saying but you might and that you could boo but I don’t

Believe most people do I would boo yeah because you can like him and say how great great he was all you want he screwed you over in the end I would neither cheer my stance is I would be silent he doesn’t deserve my Applause because he’s not I agree silent majority

John zanis for the first time in his life he’s not someone who to be celebrated because he doesn’t have a series of accomplishments Bobby’s T because they usually cele him uh and um but I’m not going to sit and I’m going to boo him

Either I would be if I were at the game I would just kind of sit there hands folded and say do nothing I’m not saying spend 48 minutes booing him but when his name gets announced I think he deserves Jimmy you didn’t even want to go an hour

Tonight you will not let me end this stream my light went out we gotta go I’ve made my point by many point you’ve made many point start your own podcast I made my point many points boo bellich when he comes back to Gillette boo eay on Satur all these bums boo all of

Them Jimmy John huh boo ears did you just ask me another question you said we could talk about it on the Jimmy John podcast oh good okay God I thought I thought we were opening up another like Avenue for discussion how about this guy bye people yeah Amit did you make Jimmy’s closing

Montage he’s not here no I’m going to sleep that’s fine I’ll let him sleep this one off but maybe by next week we’ll have something we’ll give him a all right we will see you guys later thank you guys for hanging out thank you for enduring our uh bellich talk which

Transition to eay talk eay com to the Garden on Saturday uh Bobby will be down there Garden report to follow Bob’s gonna have his eate jersey on bye

The Garden Report goes live following the Celtics game vs the Bucks. Catch the Celtics Postgame Show featuring Bobby Manning, Josue Pavon, Jimmy Toscano, A. Sherrod Blakely, and John Zannis as they offer insights and analysis from Boston’s game in Milwaukee.

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  1. Brad Stevens needs to apologize for forcing an inexperienced, insecure, crazy relying on 3s dude to coach the most stacked team in the NBA. You don't win a Championship relying on 3s without Stephen Curry. You don't win anything with a Mazzulla.

  2. Lmao y’all hilarious so we win against the number 1 in west and we are the best in nba and lose against the number 2 when they had 3 days off and didn’t have to travel and now it’s all over. Yall fans are hilarious

  3. Most predictable lose of the season, back 2 back vs the Wolves & Bucks. After a hard fought OT victory last night, having to travel to Milwaukee the next day to play the bucks, they clearly mailed this game in early, no effort, looked like they were worn out and didn’t even feel like playing

  4. The way I see it, I didn't think the Celtics were gonna win this game anyway, so I'd rather them lose like this and move on than play a close game and come up short.

  5. Boo Tabasco. A Mazzulla and Brad lover who got rid of the one coach that gave this soft team the best shot at Banner 18? And Tatum Shit the bed in the finals. Not Udoka. The best player on the other team took care of business unlike Tatum, so no crazy fan could ever blame his coach. These Celtics aren't winning shif with Mazzulla and relying on 3s. Wake up buddy. And boo Brad for this pathetic, soft, Banner 🔞 decision.

  6. can the Bucks even feel that good about this game? im not sure this mattered for either side when it was all said and done!

  7. Haahaha i llove how John of course chose to troll JB
    .. bad game make jokes and comment..plays good crickets

  8. Jimmy whinging away, you don’t bring it every night and all you’re doing is talking about the game. You come with low energy and look like you can’t be bothered sometimes so just stop

  9. Booing Ime is pointless, doesn’t achieve anything. Who gives a shit about Rockets, they’re not a threat to Celtics, still on course to banner 18 in June

    If I’m going to game boo opposition coach it’s Spo. Heat won how many times against Celtics? Last year, bubble, Lebron and dwade days.

    you’re delusional if you think Celtics would’ve beat nuggets in finals.
    Bam, Jimmy and arguably best coach Spo lost in 5. Bron and AD got their ass swept. Twolves who now have best defence in NBA lost in 5. But we’re gonna pretend Ime would’ve masterminded Jokic downfall with old ass Hordford and fragile Rob Williams. Oh please.

  10. I will never like the joe tactic to die on the hill to defend the players when they obviously played like shit

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