@Los Angeles Lakers

Unc & Gil react to Lakers getting booed vs. Suns, Melo calls out Nuggets, Shaq vs. Dwight | Nightcap

Unc & Gil react to Lakers getting booed vs. Suns, Melo calls out Nuggets, Shaq vs. Dwight | Nightcap

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Can bet just five bucks and get 200 instantly in bonus bet only on draftking Sportsbook with the code Shannon the crown is yours Is On we got to unmute it okay hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to another episode of Night Cap basketball edition I’m your favorite sports UNC Shannon sharp he’s your favorite number zero Habachi on the wild cats best player all time Gil Arena Gil how you doing tonight bro I’m good how

You doing man I’m doing great no actually I’m not doing great I’m a little under weather tonight Gil I’ve been grinding my ass off over the last month and it’s finally catch it up with me but so uh I’m gonna push through give the people a great show tonight uh we

Probably should have took off like a lot of these NBA teams because they bull they bull dve tonight G they job tonight 13977 135 102 I mean 127 to 109 there’s only what the Mavericks and the Knicks turned out to be a great game it was 12824 and I think the Cavaliers played

The Nets and Paris and that turned out to be a great game but other than that the games were over a half yeah we could have started this about an hour ago we could just started uh please make sure you hit that like button make sure you hit that subscribe button because this

Is the way that we grow and this is the way you show appreciation to us and by in turn we grow and show appreciation appreciation to you by saying thank you so appreciate that also I would like for you to subscribe to Gils Arena channel the show airs Monday through Thursday

Live 11:30 a.m. Pacific 2:30 excuse me 2:30 uh Eastern Pacific uh no 2:30 Eastern Time the show airs Monday through Thursday live 11:30 a.m. Pacific 2:30 uh eastern time so make sure you go out there hit that uh hit that subscribe button for Gil we’ve also pinned sha

Lorer at the top of the chat we are back in stock so appreciate that go out and get yourself a ball for you or someone that you love Valentine’s Day is around the corner we got President’s Day we got the Super Bowl oh man you know y’all

Gonna get T during the Super Bowl especially your team get handled and we got St Patrick’s Day so uh go out and get yourself a bottle and uh and your UNC will greatly appreciate that the sons beat the Lakers Gil said he cannot shoot the Lakers on a previous

Night C Gil we have a video of you proving it uh let’s take let’s take a look at that that’s one man doing jumping jacks gotta get my cardio on up so that is an official height rim and that’s the official distance of an NBA three-pointer correct now this is uh

College this is college uh Corner okay okay okay yeah just going out there teas messing with him up so is that your spot back uh uh Corner key or the side pocket oh soon as I step on the court it’s my spot oh that’s your spot it spot yeah

Soon as I get past half court it just it’s just all it’s just all on fire Gil shootout will be featur a live stream on YouTube at 1 p.m. Pacific on Saturday January the 20th it’s a shooting competition for $100,000 featuring gills Arena cast influencer and fans who

Qualified back in December girl that’s gonna look real bad if you don’t win that thing I’m I know that’s why practice that’s why I practice three times a day H after this show I’m going to shoot 500 you gonna shoot in the dark no I got

Keys to the gym too oh oh okay oh I can’t listen I can’t lose so I got keys to the gym where we going yeah yeah you can’t lose Gil it’s not the fact the hunda bands is nothing it’s the fact that somebody’s gonna have a bragging

Rights to say I be the former NBA Allstar player in a three-point competition I’m not losing to no YouTuber I’m not losing to no YouTubers man I’m sorry I’m not I didn’t work my ass off to lose to no YouTubers man uh that was uh hold on just UPS second B

I’m click pulling up the Lakers I don’t know why but they lose 127 109 Bradley Bill had 20 points eight of 11 field goals three of three of four from the three-point line the Lakers starting five had just 14 points in the third quarter Gil what’s going on with the

Lakers I I I was I put I put it on my Instagram when when you have you know we’ve said it when you have Vando when you have camman right as a offensive player I know they can’t shoot a gun so why am I even gonna pay attention to

Them I’m just gonna look at LeBron I’m just gonna look at ad right that’s period so when they’re in the game I’m not playing defense I’m just gonna clog up the lane and when I’m on offense I get to give 100% against them right it’s a lop it’s a

Lopsided uh thing I mean you have Booker who don’t we don’t know if he plays defense you got bill out there they got a all offensive Squad and you can’t take advantage of it because you don’t have anybody that can score in a game Bill

End up having 37 with 20 points in the third eight of 11 three of four from three Bradley Bill had 31 KD had a quiet night but it was a very efficient seven of 12 15 points uh that was a bad performance I mean AD had 13 I mean AD

Played uh 32 minutes ad80 had 13 toian Prince had 11 Braun had 10 uh cam reddish uh ended up going out of the ball game he had zero points in eight minutes AAR Reeves had 13 points uh DLo had 19 and uh ma had 12 oh um Christie also had

Chipped there with 14 man he I mean he came in at the end of the game you know what I mean so yeah like but the meat of the meat of it is you have guys out there who’s who specializes on defense but the guy you’re guarding is gonna

He’s gonna score he’s gonna get his numbers but you’re not g to score right if you’re on the Gil if you’re a defensive guy you can’t say you’re a defensive guy and Bill gets 37 you can’t be a defensive guy and Booker gets 31 and then you don’t offset that on the

Other end I can see if Booker got 37 but you gave us 28 I can excuse me if Bill Bill got 37 you gave us 28 okay Devon Booker got 31 you gave us 25 back can somewhat offset it but when you not when you’re not giving us that kind of

Production you’re giving us what did uh uh V what torian Prince had 11 reddish had zero vanderbel had six that’s not enough and six was at the end of the game look it’s it’s it’s quite simple right right before the game you just tell them hey hey son you don’t even

Need to put your jersey on you ain’t getting in today wow right you ain’t getting iname unless we get a blown a blowout I’m going ahead and put you in but there’s no reason for me to put you in the game against this highlevel offensive Juggernaut and you are giving

Nothing because he is gonna by the fourth quarter he’s fresh yes cuz he doesn’t have to play defense against he just sits there so you’re saying there should be some healthy scratches some healthy dmps for the Lakers oh they should be playing seven players eight if you eight if somebody

Gets in foul trouble in January this is not the playoff G it don’t matter you’re trying to win games right you’re trying to win games you’re supposed to be shorting up this thing anyway you’re supposed to be trying to win game you don’t have no leverage to be playing

Nine players you don’t have nine NBA players yes yeah but nobody was good for the Lakers tonight LeBron was three of 11 0 of four four seven from the free throw line 10 points Anthony Davis had 13 but he only took 11 shots Toran Prince had what four of 10 I

Mean nobody played well tonight and it was you could tell early on in the game Gil the way the game started I mean because at one point they was down 34- 19 I’m like really guys I mean y’all had I mean y’all had a day off it’s not like

They played a back to back you had a day off and that was that was that was pathetic I don’t know what what’s going on but I don’t know how Darin ham keeps his job if they keep looking like this moving forward much longer no I mean

It’s it’s like if if like when you say that they had a bad game 10 shots 11 shots right 28 minutes like they can’t get the ball up if if LeBron if I know you’re coming in here I’m just gonna sit in the lane and force you to pass it

Right so you’re just not going to get the attempts up and when you do shoot there’s three or four people that’s guarding you right right so it it’s a off night because they just can’t get the possessions that they need it’s like I love playing against people who didn’t

Play no offense it’s a night off for me right I love quality shots and like you said the thing is they’re gonna clog the lane knowing that when LeBron pass it you’re probably eight times out of 10 they’re gonna miss the shot at least seven times out of 10 they’re gonna

Missed the shot anyway yeah that seven out of 10 they going to miss it and the other three they probably not even going to they’re not going to shoot the ball seven out of 10 10 and the other three they going to miss it yeah that’s

Bad there were some booze from the home crowd tonight that’s to be expected they’re under 500 19 and 20 you play in LA you’re the Lakers there’s an expectation no matter who’s out there that you give it to all and I think the fans didn’t didn’t like the performance

That they got from night tonight from anyone and they let them know that this is what we think of you guys’ performance tonight we’re gonna boo you yes we love our Lakers but tonight was Unworthy of Cheers I’m booing soon as I seen the starting lineup soon soon as they like can’t Boo

Get you off the court man goddamn man it like how many games you gonna go zero I mean let’s be honest he’s probably the only starter that has the the the the most zeros as a starting as a starting player you you talking about cam cam reddish yeah that Vando coming in with

These men it’s like listen they’re not starters and don’t start them in the purple and gold like don’t start them in the purple and gold like you can take these players right now and I guarantee you can’t find two teams they will start on in this NBA

And that’s the problem that the Lakers are having when you say you want to trade trade for what you got to have something of value that I want in order for me to make a trade because even swap ain’t no Swindle well if you traded me

That for some of my best players that’s Swindle so yeah I don’t know how they gonna get off these guys I mean you probably gonna have to throw that 29 first round pick because you don’t have have any picks up until then and that’s the last one they holding on

To they gonna have to throw in some of them cheerers B throw some of them cheerleaders or a couple of those statues some kobe got don’t Kobe have two they might have to throw in that eight or the 24 you get one of them yeah

Yeah we’ll give you to uh we’ll give you the 2 I don’t even know what number to get you exactly EXA exactly this this was a a very bad performance for the Lakers and uh and we thought in this situation that they got a couple of home

Games in there we thought this was was an opportunity for them to like heal up get some wins you know stretch it to be you know three four five games over 500 but the way they’re starting it doesn’t it doesn’t look like that’s gonna happen I mean especially after I saw them what

They did to the Clippers I said okay we know the Clippers they’ve been playing very very well they beat the Clippers at home I was like okay they beat Toronto Scrappy team and then come out here and lay an egg like this that’s it’s like it’s the NBA so you’re

Going to have some nights where you’re playing well but you know it’s the it’s the the the consistency if you’re your consistency of three of your players that play Big minutes is an average between the three of them nine 11 and a 11 and a half you’re going to lose more

Of the games than you’re gonna win so yes you’re gonna have to just say all right this a it’s shown it’s not working try something else or it looks like you insane right well the thing is the Lakers are playing so bad it keeps us from talk about the Warriors who’s

Playing even worse even worse so uh we thought this was a matchup we it still could happen we thought the Celtics and the Bucks it would be a great matchup you know you got Jason Tatum JB you got Dane and Giannis and this game was was

Over at the half this game was not even close this was awful this was pathetic and it was so bad the starters didn’t come back out they didn’t play the second half yeah they beat they beat they booty off their back tonight this was yeah man this was a staple for for

The buck right because you know um one of they players is over there yeah and had to really show that we are a better team it might not say it on the record but we are a better team you know without you so we’re gonna go out there and prove it

Right because you know the thing is where they’re slipped is defensively last year they’re the fourth rated defensive team now they’re like in the 20s and so tonight what did they hold a s to with the have pretty nice what do they hold us Celtics do had

The half G like 39 it was like 77 39 come on man but even even okay even the the the stat that that’s pushed out there about the defense it’s it’s it’s fools gold right it’s fool gold they were fourth last year in their 20th year this year well what about the offense

Right right you know last year they averaged 116 gave up 113 right this year they’re averaging 124 four giving up 119 so they’re plus two with this addition right you know so all that defense they had last year where the did it get him first round exit

To we couldn’t tell anything about that defense because way Jimmy Butler lit him up in the playoffs remember Jimmy had that 57 point I mean Jimmy Butler looked like Michael Jordan and Kobe in the absolute prime and that was against holiday yes but but that was the that

Was the the issue here it’s like can we get more offense than the def defense and right now it’s plus two so the offense is plus two versus what they had last year so so it’s not a negative they’re just looking at the wrong stats they’re looking at oh the defense but

The offense is second compared to where it was last year so you know when when you have Giannis out so the problem was basically in the playoffs when you had Giannis out where we was going to get our points Drew holiday averaged 1.8 in ISO points which 1.8 for your second

Third best player when Dame was number one in ISO points so I’ll take the points over the defense yeah well I don’t think anybody think it was a bad trade I mean you get an opportunity to get a top 75 player all time and you give up what you might give up

Defensively is more than worth because you’re getting Dame Lillard in return yes so I like the trade nobody can convince me this was a bad trade for Milwaukee I think all the other 29 other teams if they had a similar situation they’re taking Dame Lillard for a true

Holiday type player also of course what but for whatever reasons Gil it hadn’t clicked as well as I thought it would by now because I mean when they get on the same page we could see they can be explosive Janis can give you 40 13 and

Eight and Dame can give you 32 n and six but there’s not enough of that Malik Beasley is playing and shooting the ball he’s leading the league in three-point field goal shooting last year again with LeBron he couldn’t throw it in the ocean from the middle of the

Ocean you know what sometimes and you know you we can’t we can’t say that he’s a better shooter without LeBron and he’s what is what happens is when you get embarrassed and people call it out you go into the summer saying I need to improve this you know and that that’s

We have to give him credit for his Improvement it’s nothing to do with the offense right you have the same shots when you had in Lakers you just worked on that this summer to improve your chances of stand on the floor and extending your career well then why the

Hell he ain’t work on doing in between practices and shoot around same reason same reason a lot of guys don’t work on it they don’t they think they better than they really are right you go in there you take 50 25 threes after the after practice and you think that’s

Enough right no man that’s not a first of all if you’re not a shooter coming into the NBA you’re behind the eightball already you’re you’re eight nine years behind a actual natural shoot shooter so that means you have to try to make that up that means you have to put yourself

On a schedule three four 500 shots a day outside of practice wow for to turn around and it might not turn around for three four years but it’s going to turn around so if you’re not putting in that type of work you’re not really getting better it was so bad TNT even Switched

Off the game now that’s what the NFL normally does the NFL normally switch games the games getting out of hand they’ll switch to another game oh that’s never I’ve never seen that before but I know I know damn well I know if I was on Boston ain’t no way I’m

Sorry coach ain’t no goddamn way you uh I ain’t get my points yet ain’t no way you uh taking me out at the half nah yeah that’s what that’s what’s so impressive about LeBron streak he’s almost a damn near 1,00 games with double figures and you see situations

Like this Jason Tatum now he has to start all over again he has seven yeah I mean I mean I don’t know who’s close to him but I don’t know if somebody’s gonna actually break that record you talk about the points I mean he’s what 300 and something points away maybe 400

Points away from 40,000 we talking about nobody’s going to break that record who in the hell is gonna have 1,200 straight games with double d double Figures it’s hard I mean and that’s that’s the most impressive part the impressive part is that he’s doing it still at this age

Right someone tried to call me out on Twitter when I said it I said well when Michael Jordan was playing with the Wizards and that second year and he bringing all those vets to try to win games they were supposed to be a playoff scene when they were losing no one

Talked bad about Michael Jordan no one said nothing they just let him do his thing exactly so why y’all not doing it for this 39 year old because why he expected to win when the when the goat didn’t and they they they supposed to win 48 games and then you know when they

Tried to fact check me it was right they had high hopes for that second year and they fell short and no one blamed Michael Jordan for it because his age you know what I’m saying because everybody said it was just it was just a ceremonial see the last two was just cere

That’s what you said about LeBron LeBron he cares more about being Michael B Jordan than Michael Jordan okay he excuse me he disproved that Allstar all NBA uh led the league in assist uh won a championship so now now because he didn’t come out here for Ceremony he didn’t come out here to

Retire he’s still playing at an elite level you still find something to well he ain’t this he ain’t that the man is playing at an unbelievable level it’s still a team game and he needs I mean look that’s the same thing that’s what Yanni said Yanni says

Hey I’m looking move if y’all don’t get me some help yeah listen this this game the what the problem is for like a guy like me who values you know players right when we’re trying to convince you someone’s not good we give you all the things they can’t do and then when we

Talk about the past we talk about everything they can do right so we tell you all the good things and the accolades of the the past and then the present we tell you everything they can’t do oh he can’t go one onone he never takes a last shot he doesn’t do

This this is all right what about the other guys how about them let’s let’s hear what their negatives are oh he couldn’t go left oh he couldn’t do this he could but we don’t we just talk about their greatness and then our flaws and that’s what keeps this thing going yeah

I mean they always about oh he’s six and0 but what about the first two what about the years that he got bounced in the first round so in other words you’re telling me it’s better to lose in the first round to lose in the NBA Finals yeah that’s what I’m that’s what it

Sounds like you’re saying to me but look whereever you are on this argument Gil I don’t think anybody’s moving you are where you are in this argument some people believe it’s Jordan some people believe it’s LeBron some people believe it’s Kobe I don’t believe anybody can put forth a compelling argument to sway

Somebody to move off whether it’s Kobe LeBron or Jordan no and that’s and that’s the thing at this point in time these guys submitted themselves as potential goat-like figures and the people who who were there who watched Michael Jordan carry a NBA league not a team he wasn’t carrying

The Bulls he was carrying the league image right this he was carrying this game and the people who witnessed that and saw that they’re not giving that up they’re not giving it up that’s just that’s just not going to happen so no matter LeBron could have 12 rings and

That they’re going to find it’s right so it’s just one things where we got the we got we got we got him up there and then everybody else is gonna fall short to it because when they say it’s about Ring I said well Bill Russell has more W Rings

John hav Sam Jones Casey Jones if it’s about Rings well it’s about the okay but what about a guy that that played that’s been an Allstar about to be 20 consecutive times as a starter what about the guy that has the most all NBA teams what about the guy that first

Excuse me not only all NBA teams all NBA first teams what about a guy that won championships in three different franchises and he was the MVP at all different franchises a guy averag a triple double in the NBA finals and was what two rebounds or or

Or or or less from doing it again but like I said uh uh wherever you are in this argument Gil you’re not moving so ain’t no sense in us trying to convince anybody one way or another you’re on that ledge I won’t let you stay all they

Gonna do is hey you can’t use stats that’s it you can’t use stats right you know it is it it is what it is at this point right and you know the best thing for me is I got to play with all three of them you know there’s only a few people

That can say they played with all three like so you say you’re top five greatest of all time I get to say I played with all five or four out of five right right right depending on who you put in there I mean if you start putting in the 60s

And the 70s no then yeah but for the for the most part most of your your your top five ever is 80 to now yeah I mean a lot of those guys you played against more than that you played against Shaq you played against Tim Duncan yeah I mean Tim

Duncan don’t get any credit they just make him seem like he was a bum I mean Timmy I mean the guy I mean he was a 15 time all defensive player all those all those uh uh uh uh allstar game all those all NBA five rings three

Finals MVP uh I think he won two championships I don’t know if he ever won a defensive player of the year but uh he was outstanding yeah I mean he was he was an he was amazing and it goes to show you what type of type of talent

That’s been in this league that’s coming in this league um and you know like I came in as a fan so you know I was fanboying out there you know I’m give me autograph after that game give me autograph was one of those guys so um you know

It’s I have I have all three of them in the top five so I just like to poke and argue about all three right today you know is LeBron tomorrow might be Jordan Kobe might be the you know what I mean so I’m one of those guys that

Just I I I switch every week yeah you have another top five Melo said the Nuggets gave nicoa yic the number 15 Jersey to try to e erase what he did Melo called giv nicolei J the same number he wore in Denver is a is a petty maneuver it

Wasn’t like oh we got a number to choose from it was like here you got 15 uh Melo yeah let me take this first Melo you do realize this guy was a a second round European player that when he got drafted they was in the middle of a Taco

Bell commercial so you really you really thought who thought Nico yic was gonna arguably be one of a top 10 player when it’s all said and done because they thought that they took him number one overall exactly the guy was in the second round and plus Melo you forget

You forced your way out I’m sorry you forced your way out of relationship and I don’t hold you in high regards please forgive me no no dead ass right he was a second round pick nobody knew he was gonna be it was I remember when um

Announcer said uh I don’t know if he was playing against Houston Oh They’ll put anybody in the game when he was posting up yeah right so they didn’t know what he was going to be he into this unfortunately he had the same number you had and nobody’s gonna remember you wore

15 I’m sorry Melo but nobody’s gonna remember you wore 15 he he’s known more and this is so I don’t want to say it but you’re a Nick player thank you you’re a Nick player your career is New York Knicks yes like we know what you did as a as a rookie

Coming in but four time Allstar one time gold medalist three time all NBA as a Nick six-time All-Star two gold medalists three all NBA one scoring champ your jersey is in the Raptors in the garden yes take that and that’s just it you know I know it hurts because

That’s who drafted you but your numbers ain’t there in the the bigger picture but but uh the fact that they have number 12 and 55 retired which is fat lever uhuh and then the Cookie Mon and then the Cookie Monster Mumbo the fact that they got those two up there you got

You got to retire my jersey yeah oh they don’t got I thought they would have Dan is with Iron Horse no they they got them but they earned theirs yes you know Alex English earned his I’m fat Leever come on you yeah fat was a triple double before before Russ yeah you wasn’t

Better than goddamn uh Melo and Matumbo meel I mean come on man Matumbo been all over the place he was in Philly he was in Atlanta he was at Houston so I mean it’s not like he’s like known for the Nuggets no like so you know the fact

That you have his jersey retired you know I will I will feel some type of way but you know I I as a player didn’t I didn’t do that much there to to to really have a problem when I know my body of work is in New York yeah I mean

It’s not like Melo you had like a Tom Brady career and then all of a sudden they give somebody 12 they gave a guy they gave a backup I mean he was a second round pick the guy got drafted there in the middle of a Taco Bell commercial nobody could have for told

That he would be this nobody you can’t say that that’s even worse you can’t give my number to the dude in the second round bro can’t give you my number to the second round pick hu but here’s the thing Gil the fact of the matter is is

That the guy turned out and people won’t remember him but my thing is they don’t it doesn’t matter who they put in 84 the people in Denver gonna remember I wore number 84 people gonna say that’s Shannon Sharps number now they mess right and let’s just say that was Grant

Or or Travis Kelce people like man I don’t remember who wore that damn 884 before groon or Kelsey got it that’s just the way it is yeah that’s just the way it is but when you take a basketball player okay it’s more likely guy in the

Second round in in the NFL makes it or plays well because we’ve seen a lot of those it’s not likely that a second round NBA player is gonna have the type of career that nicolea yic is had no no they right it’s not I mean it wasn’t expected they probably

Didn’t they I mean they they didn’t they didn’t foresee this man and it’s just one of those things that happened right you know um but at the end of the day you don’t you don’t you don’t have the resume I mean if you had the Knicks

Resume over there right you know then we can talk but you’re your his legacy is a New York Nick yes it is what it is and the guy is a the guy is a NBA a two-time back-to-back MVP he’s a Finals MVP and when it’s all said and done

We’re gonna see where we gonna see where he ranks yeah I mean right now he’s gonna be ranked one in that franchise oh for sure that’s e that’s done that’s done he got he ain’t gota play another down he Ain got excuse me another game

That’s it for him yeah two MVPs a Finals MVP and the numbers that he’s putting up on the dude has what 112 113 triple doubles yep and he’s less than what 10 years in the league maybe 10 years no he was drafted n 2015 so eight years yeah

I’m sorry Melo and I know I look when a guy wears your number you like oh man this Joker ain’t worthy having my number you know he’s more than worthy yes and what’s going to happen is that people in Denver will have forgotten that you actually wore that

Number I mean the black people remember you know it’s just it’s the the black people remember I mean it’s just one of those things you you like my jersey um finally got used this year you know lottery pick yeah um will he do the things I did I

Hope not but if he do d g you you hope I hope he don’t but you know uh the fact that you know that I I thought my jersey was being hidden for you know um you know they frowned upon right you know so the fact that they let someone

Wear it it it kind of makes me proud like okay finally I thought just burn zero out of the archives yeah I have my um my number at Savannah State retired and even before it got retired my coach Bill Davis said nobody as long as I’m the head coach ain’t nobody

Wearing that number because nobody had ever had their jersey retired and um I think in 2009 is when they finally retired retired it but from 80 from when I left in 89 nobody had even war from 89 to 2009 so 20 Seasons nobody even had that Jersey now can’t no one wear it

Unless I unless Savannah State and I we both have to give consent to make somebody wear it and uh I know my my thing is why would you want to a three-time All-American a conference player of the year uh offensive player of the year three time Georgia’s Player of the Year

Why would you want number two you won’t you don’t nobody’s nobody’s dumb nobody want nobody wants that pressure man because you you know what’s happening the magic will retire shaqs number 32 there’s no question he’s the best player in in Magic history um followed closely behind Dwight oh you think you

Get oh you got Dwight in Magic history you know was only there four years that’s it right like we’re not talking about you know Shaq’s body of work we’re just saying Orlando that’s four years I mean yeah you was breaking back boards and stuff but you know three

Time all NBA Defensive Player of the Year you know you got you know rebounding champ all star six all NBAs and six like his resume is just bigger than shaqs in that Jersey yeah impact I mean the best the better player of course talent-wise Shaq but in that

Jersey white right Shaq made a statement early winning Rookie of the Year averaging 23.4 points 14 rebounds in his first four first uh campaign as rookie of the year he led the magic to the NBA finals in 1995 and posted four All-Star season okay let me ask you this where do

You have Shaq in your alltime rankings I have him I have him I bounc from four to five you got him that high between yeah him and Magic yeah cuz because I I I seen him up close I you know what I mean I seen him up

Close that’s high G I seen how he talked to to the defense and what we had to do to try to stop him like I have him four or five is between him and magic at the four five but he’s my number one draft pick I’m drafting him number one he’s my

Fourth or fifth but if I got the first pick I’m grabbing sh every time wow that’s very interesting because you know uh the the number one overall pick that gets voted all the time is LeBron yeah yeah no I I know who who’s gonna get voted number one but I know

What happens when you have Shaquille L O’Neal in the game right yes and you’re gonna have to draft players you’re gonna have to like hey hey you hey hey you know how to play basketball you know how to lift weights come on they got to go to Gold Gym for

For Shaq yeah you ain’t I got football who want to come come on can you run on you got you got to go get a miles gar you got to go get some defensive line with some 65 275 to deal with Shaq that’s used to that physicality because

I don’t there’s not an NBA player that’s ever been physical enough to deal with him one on-one that’s why he I mean they created a hacker Shaq because he was just he was just Unstoppable you got one and he’s gonna punish you on the Block he’s gonna clear

It out he’s gonna drop step and he’s gonna dunk it he ain’t laying nothing up I don’t know if I’ve ever seen Shaq lay the ball up no and he ain’t trying to and what’s so funny is I had Baron Davis on today and he said the same thing that

I I I I was always alluding to when because how physical Shaq was he didn’t block shots he didn’t do but because he was so massive and his defense was I’m gonna hit you so hard you’re not going to come in this Lane no more which made

Everybody else look like they were great defensive players because back there like so when I want to drive it’s like oh no I don’t want to get hit by that dude be injured like I’m I’m you know what I mean so that was his presence too the defensive presence of LeBron ain’t

Driving Dwayne we ain’t driving like you know AI come in there but you know AI gonna get hit we were scared to go in there and get hit by Shaq we didn’t want that first Shaq hit or that second sha H that guy is third all right if I can get

The fourth on him yes at the half other than that hell no yeah you better not let him have one or two uh uh coming out in the half oh no yeah yeah cuz he G to say hey let let him let him come on here and drive I got something for him

Right yeah I mean but you know early in his career Shaq was a shot blocker I think he had average over three point three blocks a game his rookie season yeah yeah he was I mean when he was at J but when he got to LA and he realized

That I would not get dunked on if I if I if I if I give an example and that’s that example was I’m just gonna I’m GNA go like this and I’m gonna use my hip and hit you out the air yeah it’s it’s interesting I don’t have him in my top five

Uh um before I give you my top five Giannis guess what number Giannis is wearing in Milwaukee 34 who wore 34 in Milwaukee Ray Allen I mean nobody thought hello if they thought jannis was GNA be this they’d took him earlier yes he was he

Was a skinny kid uh what did you go like 13 or 14 skinny kid out of Greece yeah and I mean you don’t know uh it it’s it’s you okay what you look for in draft 15 he was taking 15th G yeah I think he was like right outside

The lottery what happens what happens in the NBA when you have someone who’s 18 19 right you’re going off of the skill set the potential long arms right um can they run up and down and then you hope that they have the work at that to want to get better yes but for

The most part you’re looking at measurements and his measurements was like okay we can do something with this yes and you know what so and that’s if if they know oh this gonna be him and he’s gonna gain 30 something 40 something pounds in the next two years

And be an MVP number one pick yes but they’re they’re not looking at those men they’re looking at okay we can guide him and he looks like he can be 15 maybe one time Allstar we can deal with that the mere fact that we have to debate Shaq

Being in the top five of the Travis te because of his size his athleticism had he as he worked his tail let’s just say he had a third of the work ethic is Kobe or Jordan or LeBron Shaq’s supposed to have 35,000 points yeah yeah if the refs called the game like they

Were supposed to he would have had 35,000 Mars right you know it’s it’s it’s one of those things un where in the NBA the stronger players cry the most because the stronger players are getting hit the most yes right and that’s just how the game is if Shaq is coming down

There to post up and he’s posted up on me trust me they’re gonna allow me to do whatever I can yeah yes to try to get him out of this lanee so imagine what people were trying to do to get him off that spot right two hands we sitting

Here doing this hey we G you got six hands in the back and Shaq is just like come on come on down here come on down here and and and it was one of those things so the fact that if they just called the game fair which you can’t

Right right you can’t he would be 35 free throws a game because you gota you you have to foul him or yeah I I think the thing is is that when you look at Shaq and you see the athleticism I mean he’s a bigger more Shaq is more athletic I’m talking about

Just athletic I’m saying you don’t have the touch the feel like a Joel embiid but as far as just running drop step Shaq had it all people don’t realize how big Shaq was and how athletic he was get up and down the court but he didn’t take

Training serious he didn’t take his diet serious because had he had he taken that serious maybe he could have wed off some of those injuries because you know that’s a big man that’s a big that’s a big man that’s a lot of weight that you’re asking to get up and down the

Court playing 35 37 minutes A Night at 335 345 pounds and you’re asking him to play at least 70 games a season that’s asking an awful lot Gil and so had he taken care of himself put the time in the condition put the time in to eat

Right even without the because a lot he missed a lot of game is because of injuries so even even even without the fouls just being on the court just think about he just being on the court gonna give you 25 20 24 25 a night yeah what

They know today they didn’t know then right you know it’s like even today you tell Giannis hey you need to work on your jump shot to extend your career to make the game easier it’s an MVP and a champ right right we look stupid telling them that just like people would look stupid

Telling Shaq who got MVP finals mvp3 rings that man you need to get in shape he gonna look at you for what yeah like right now I’m the best player in the league right now you give me the guy that’s eating salad I’m gonna bust his ass yeah that’s that’s that’s how Shaq

That’s how Shaq thought but but you’re right because once it it’s hard to convince somebody when they’ve had success doing it their way to convince them to change it Gil like change what I’m a two-time league MVP I’m a Finals MVP Shaq is like bro do you see how

Dominant I am yeah but just think about how dominant you could have been see the thing like see this is the thing that you love about Kobe Mike and LeBron no matter what you think about each player there’s no doubt in your mind they emptied the tank they got everything out

Of their god-given ability there is nothing when LeBron LeBron probably just gonna be be in the middle of a game and just pull aside the road hey I’m done just like you know you got a car and that all of a sudden you’re not paying attention that red light come on

You out of gas and all you can do just hopefully you’re not on the 405 in the middle of the 405 you can just get on to the side and get on off uh that’s that’s that’s how LeBron is I mean he’s taking care of his body and everybody that’s

Coming in I’m not saying you’re gonna have a 20-y year career like a 20 plus like LeBron like LeBron but it greatly increases your chance if you take care of yourself if you get your rest if you train if you get your shots up try to get better every year because LeBron is

Not as athletic as he once was because that’s what I tell guys when athleticism starts to Wayne then what are you gonna do because when you can’t outrun somebody you can’t out jump somebody then what this yep my mind yeah it’s it’s just it’s just it’s understand it’s it’s your purpose

Too you know the purpose is Jordan’s purpose was to be the greatest ever right so with that being said that’s that’s him getting better indiv like okay this is what I need to bring in is so when he went into the summer he self checked himself he didn’t

Go off the glory of the accolades itself it was just he was a hard worker yes right um that was the motto Kobe followed him yes right I’m I’m chasing that I’m not cha the NBA players here they’re not on my they’re not on my Planet I want that dude right guess who

LeBron is looking at so because they’re looking at the same two men they have to keep going right and I tell a lot of players that do not follow someone that’s not on the planet so when you look up you can see how far you so you can keep moving forward right you

Start looking in real time you know this guy’s here no no no look at Michael Jordan look at Kareem look at these guys that they look like they’re imp it’s impossible to catch them right and when your career’s done even if you didn’t get to them

You’re going to be far better than the people you was on the same planet with shoot for the stars and if you land on the moon you’re still pretty damn high up yes sir I think the thing is Gil what Michael did he was the first player to give something give other players

Someone to chase yeah he was the rabbit that they were chasing cuz prior of Mike I mean Kareem it wasn’t will it wasn’t Russell Mike gave somebody like okay I need to be like Mike those commercials those shoes the blueprint the where I mean Mike you ain’t see Mike unless he

Was impeccably dressed you see Mike in no sweatsuit might gon have that gonna have that hoop in his here mighte gonna be hey mighte gonna be having that Su have have suit on that they be they ain’t gonna be fitted but Mike gonna be impeccably dressed so he gave you the blueprint

Of how to build a brand and so he gave you he gave you the blueprint this is the way you need to conduct yourself this is what you need to do for the first time they had someone to chase uh they he they gave you he he was

The the idea of what a star supposed to look like walk talk score like when people think about the knock on LeBron MH he not clutch he don’t take the game with that came because of Michael Jordan right that wasn’t in the Wilton the all all those guys wasn’t in their resume

You didn’t use that against players but when you when you sat there and said I need one of those it was everything he BR but you but you know what Gil LeBron has more game-winning shots than Jordan yeah so this notion that he isn’t clutch you know people started that myth it got

Perpetu see people feel if I tell a lie enough people are starting to believe it even though it’s not the truth and so you know repeating a lie doesn’t make it true but if you tell a lie long enough people will start to believe it as the

Truth go back and look at LeBron in the playoffs look at LeBron against Indiana look at him against Chicago against us too y’all look at that team he got to the NBA finals against the uh Celtics that was a one4 you mean to tell me he wasn’t

Clutch you know what it is H it ain’t a about the clutch it’s about how that clutch shot looked right when you think about all of Jordan’s clutch shots they just looked like it it looked like movie scripts right he held a PO you remember the double clutch against Craig Elo

Craig Elo was got to block it he moved it to the he moved it back this way got it it’s it’s it’s the whole that’s why I said it he was meant for that spot right when you go back in the AR hives and you start looking up game winners his game

Winners just look better than everybody else’s yes and that’s what it was I mean the tongue hanging out you know he had the baggage shorts he had the uh uh the knee sleeve pulled down over his calf he had the he had the uh The Wristband on

His elbow he was slightly pigeon toed he kind of you know he kind of Da when he was walking and so and and when they came out I mean I think it was Gator that came be like Mike that was it that was it that might be the greatest look

That might be the greatest because now people Associated that that’s who I want to be like and the and the shoes just took it to a whole new level because people actually believe that I ain’t you that’s them shoes that got you doing

That man let me go get me a pair and I have me a 40 init verle hey everybody try you had lightskinned men out there cutting their head trying to look like mik yeah situ and it didn’t matter what color your team was you could be green and gold you

Could be black and gold you had all red you had a red and white shoes on bro that don’t even match even you need get a black uniform you got to get an all black uniform man I mean you saw guys with with with I mean all different

Kinds of colors and they had the Jordans on and and that’s what I’m saying nobody I don’t care how good the shoe is there might be a shoe that comes along G it might add three or four inches to your birth it ain’t pass it ain’t passing to

Jordan got to Big it’s the IDE it’s the ideal of perfection right it’s the idea of perfection and if it don’t if it don’t look like it right is never going to measure up and there’s nothing that’s going to come into the league that has everything Jordan had not in our

Lifetime no no it it’s not gonna happen and so uh that’s that’s where we are I mean he came up and the thing was Gil I remember there are a lot of guys that had shoes magic had the the weapons he and bird had the top 10 azas uh uh Dr J

Had the cons but once the player retired once the player retired the Sho line went away no but they didn’t make those weapons anymore they didn’t make the do Dr Jays anymore Jordan was the only one who retired they kept making a shoe and his bigger listen nobody got

Beat up over no goddamn Magic Johnson and lers n hell no no I had them I’m M up the riv I had I had the weapons I had the magic and the birds uh I had the Jordans to my mom I got the Jordan twos ended up backtracking and getting the

Jordan Ones I had the Spud webs uh the city wi ponies I had the Dr JS the the uh yeah but there was something about that shoe you felt special yeah you did you felt special with that shoe that was a nice I mean I mean just

To be honest like it was one of those things where we stood in it was like when the Jordans dropped it was a kids it was a kids event yes I remember they used to drop it on what Tuesdays yeah Tuesdays 10 o’clock we ain’t in school right we at

The Foot Locker and we soon as I get him we running the lunch hey I got him we didn’t get Rob going to back to school if we didn’t get Rob going back to school got brag because we had them first but they used to drop them during

The weekday and we used to get them at 10 we we we gonna get the shoes first then we gonna come to school and then they talking about and then they put them on the weekend and then Gil you know man I ain’t paying $100 for no

Shoes don’t worry about it there are a lot of people that will you won’t you won’t get a pair man $100 because most the time the shoes was like $25 $50 he doubled the price doubl them he doubled the price $100 for a pair of shoes back

In the mid 80s was ass was crazy but we had never seen anything like it because the shoes were just basically one colorway so now you got a double or triple colorway red black and white red the bread the red the uh the black and the red so that changed the

Game and Nike know they don’t worry about the find David St said we gonna fire you 5,000 n don’t worry about it we got that a thousand they was Finding 5,000 but the publicity that they were getting for that where where where else are you GNA

Get that kind of attention that kind of eyeballs because that’s what advertisers want to see well who’s looking at it yeah how many Impressions is he getting well that shoe got millions and millions of Impressions even before we knew what Impressions were but they knew what that

Jordan shoe was and it hadn’t looked back uh the NBA draft is moving to a two-night event huh do you like the NBA draft trying to be more like the NFL draft say wait what the NBA draft is moving to a two-night event do you like

That just trying to be like the the NFL uh one is dumb because it ain’t this ain’t the NFL right you you ain’t gonna find Tom Brady’s in the seventh round you like right no one’s watching the draft after lottery so unless it’s gonna be the first day the first five picks

Right then the second day everybody else after the lottery pick we not watching no more because after the Lotter pick how many superstars are we getting yeah I mean in the last what since 2000 since 2015 the only All Stars is what Pascal and yic wow after the lottery so what

The hell are we watching this the the second day for ex exactly and that’s the and here’s the thing Gil a lot of it has to do with we never heard of These Guys these guys that come from overseas unless you’re the die hardest of the of

The NBA fans you’ve never heard of these guys so it’s not like the NFL you’ve heard all these guys that’s coming from Alabama Ohio State or Michigan they’re coming from teams that you’ve heard yeah and the NBA does a great job of leading up to the draft talking about said

Individuals that could be in the first round the second round so I don’t look I get it everybody’s trying to keep up but the NF look the NFL has cornered the market they’ve cornered the market there’s a reason why they doing 25 30 50 million 50 million viewers in a

Game the the NB the NBA the NBA would like how do we do that you can’t you can’t because no go ahead Gil go ahead you just can’t you can’t and I’m unless you’re gonna go backwards unless you’re gonna go backwards right the we gonna start with

The last pick you get the first other than that um why why am I watching the second round right who wants to see Mark Tatum come up is that is that part of is that Tatum’s Uncle who the no one knows him he’s calling my name in the second

Not the commissioner right David Stern called my name right I don’t even know who called my name I’m pretty sure it’s Adam Silver the who’s doing it now the second round mark Tatum he coming up there but get off the stage man right this is like watching the second round

Is like watching Destin’s child without Beyonce he Beyonce not coming tonight y’all oh well we ain’t coming either exactly and so I mean hey I understand I mean uh it’s a situation that um that the NBA is trying to like and plus you know you adverti you

Stretch it out but the NBA have cornered that market they know think about what they did they put sold the Saturday night game put it on peacock and guess what game they put on peacock the Kansas City why Taylor Swift guess who watches the game those young girls eyeballs that

You normally wouldn’t get but in order for them to get it you got to have peacock peacock paid I I I’m seeing they paid hundred $10 million just to televise one game but we’re gonna get eyeballs that we don’t normally get that’s why they show on Taylor Swift I’m

Not I’m not bad at them I’m not this is a business and Taylor Swift bring young girls that don’t that doesn’t normally watch football they bring those eyes and the NFL understands that that’s why they keep showing on them and y’all could take it y’all can say oh I don’t I

Didn’t I didn’t watch the game it’s not like you turning so I I I a I’m not mad at the NFL I’m not mad I mean but what you wanted to do you don’t wanted to come to the game and support a man no serious I

Mean they milking it they know how but that’s not the that’s not the NBA n second round is tub it’s the tub a nobody watching that right someone named Chad oo CCO Johnson just donated $400 I beat I beat Shaq when he was at LSU 101 bro everybody saw you running to Ray

Lewis and get pancake you pancake your damn stop this ult your godamn bro boy you like a mosquito on a rhino ass he wouldn’t even felt you back there hey hey actually we might take you with the we might take you with the Lakers B Lan on throw that out there

Damn b b OO B Shaq would a punish oo I mean you got be you first of all he don’t know how to play defense down on the block all Shaq gonna do is just drop step and when he swing his elbow there he gonna be in the second

Row so oo’s the funniest man man that dude I don’t know what he got going on Charles Barkley tonight said his New Year’s resolution is to give up Diet Coke Gil what’s your advice and what’s your New Year’s resolution I don’t have New Year’s resolutions

H um the reason is one it’s it’s it’s it’s just another day right and when you do resolutions to me it seems like you have a flaw in something right I need to give up something right you need to the new year do that just

Get the up right um you know so I don’t usually have those I have goals just just set right you know I’m trying to be you know uh 50 50 million views overall that’s just the goal I’m trying there’s no time on it it’s just this is

Where I want to get to right because all all these new year goals do is oh I need to get in shape you got 31 days and your ass is back to normal because you didn’t have the discipline you didn’t create the habits to do what you’re trying to

Do the next day right the thing is O uh uh Gil is that when you look at it when you say a go or you say a diet they have a start and an end time so let me ask you a question once you reach your

Resolution then what hope go back do you go do you go back say okay I did it and start eating or what whatever whatever you wanted to give up so once you accomplish that then what so so I had a soda habit MH right and I

Was like I need to break I need to break this habit right um and because I understand how many s you Dr today k seven seven oh what go that’s they hit hey hey like hey like it was like it was barbecue I’ll finish just like that I

Was drinking seven wow so but because I I I I broke the soda habit how I train right I had to create the Habit first so the habit was if I’m doing seven a day this first week get it down to six a day then the next week three a day then it

Would be days like towards before I gave it up I’m just taking a sip throwing it out sip throwing it out and then it became two sips a week right now I haven’t drinking any soda right and that’s how I do stuff like if

I want to if I want to get in shape you know I wanted to lose 50 pounds you know I was 270 you know last year here and I was trying to what oh yeah yeah yeah so what you get down to now sodas H

That’s a lot that’s a lot of that’s a lot of caffeine that’s a lot of sugar lot of sugar I was I’m I’m a sugar I’m a sugar guy so I got down to two I got I’m 220 now been two 20 224 but eight months now but that

Started seven Monon Journey where it was my goal was wake up every day and leave the house I need to do that for a month right right wake up every day leave the house right then once I got that under my belt wake up every day go to the gym not

Necessarily work out just get to the gym right if I worked out 12 days too hard and then eventually I just started adding on to it but I had to create those everyday habits first and most people try to just say I’m I’mma go in

And I’m me I’m a work out and do this and then you go in there and then because that’s not your natural habit and you haven’t created that habit you always fail to it so right set little goals first that you know you can do wake up every day make the bed right

Once you got that pack check wake up every day get out of the house you got to make the bed though girl because you know you don’t sh the covers for dark so the bed all messy you know you don’t sh the covers for dark but that’s but you

Got to create those habits people don’t want to create the habits first so if you can’t if you don’t have any habits that you do every day then you can’t be successful anyway this is just life goals yeah I think the thing is G the

Thing is that my grandpa used to tell my brother now he’s say boy never mistake habit for hard work sometimes people feel like just because they do something over and over they work hard we’ve seen people go to the gym for five years 10 years and the body never changed but see

Because that’s a habit that’s a routine in which you’ve established going at nine o’clock 10 o’clock but you’re not working hard y because your body hasn’t changed so what it tells me that you’re not working hard or you haven’t changed your eating habits whichever the case

May be you you you it’s it’s a habit some people like man I wake up at I work up at six o’clock in the morning okay and do what man I just get okay but so I mean hell be bees are busy that don’t mean you do

The damn thing at least bees they have you know they they moving stuff around they building they building you know a hive or a comb or whatever the case may be so this notion just because youve establish the Habit that you’re working hard you’re fooling yourself too many

People Mist take habit for hard work and so that’s why I don’t do D diets because diets have start stops they have end dates I have a LIF style I eat a certain way and then when I eat too much of that one thing now all of a sudden I get back

And says okay I got to cut this out I got to get back on my uh I gotta get back on the cardio I gotta get back on the roll machine get back on the assault bike um and that’s on me but uh these people they be fooling themselves oo I

Be damn I want to call you oo hey man when you do Hey Hey listen you do four shows with oo goddamn it I’m oo okay but people people be people be thinking they working hard Gil and they really not but that’s self-checking man that me too I

Was going in the gym you know a lot and just sitting there I was booty watching not going to lie everybody know booty watching you know I mean to do little had them little tiny shorts on yeah oh look I’m in wooding Hills on that’s like they coming in there makeup everything

On yeah you ain’t trying to work out you trying to trying to catch somebody I’m there judge oh hey hey you were that yesterday girl you must didn’t go home right I’m in there just booty watching I wasn’t in there trying to lose no weight and then eventually it started packing

Up I started looking fat on TV then let me go ahead and take this take this serious let me get this off Rodney uh my homeboy Rodney Den Rock what’s up I got my fourth bottle of portier on the way also I asked Ray about needing to reach

Out to your team about trying to come on your show for the Olympics I was pleased with his response that’s my homeboy um his dad used to coach me uh when I was on a uh I probably how old was I I probably was like nine I probably was nine so I’ve

Been he’s from my hometown uh we call him Rob um and uh so I appreciate the support Rob yeah I’m sure if they’ reached out back out to you and gave you a response they own it uh 213 sniper said hey an and Habachi big fan this is

For Gil if you could take injuries out how high do you think you would have reached in NBA great top 75 top 50 to be honest I mean I would have been top 75 for sure um you know what I was doing at that time was UN unheard of right you

Know um I was a three-time Allstar three-time all NBA by the age of 25 that’s not a big list you know being dominant that fast um you know averaging 28 29 so I was going to win a scoring title you know with with the way my

Metrics was was running I was going to win a scoring title um you know Dwayne Wade end up winning one with 30 so you know once everyone started getting their teams better and I was going to be one of those guys that you know that led the league in scoring

Um I had the advantage you know everyone thought AI was the guy who changed the point guard position it was me because they moved him to the two when I came in bigger guard a shooting guard played the point I didn’t have a big man to pass the ball

Down there too right so I had the advantage over the the Baron Davis the Stefon mulberries the the Steve nashes so you know you giv you know 15 and 14 assists I’m giving 30 points and six assists right I’m pushing more points than you right right total points I’m

Pushing more than you at this point so I got injured you know and and it’s one of those things but my impact was so so so huge and fast that I’m still relevant today what um what injur did you have Gil and what happened did you come back too soon they

Didn’t did you come back too soon did it not fix it properly to begin with um I was boxing out I don’t know why the hell I was boxing out on I was boxing out uh you know jald Wallace faked faked the jumper I thought he was gonna take it

But I should have known it was Jal Wallace he can’t shoot so I should have known it was going to be a pump faking drive but he pump fake drove I’m boxing out thinking he uh sh the ball and then he ran he ran into me and then

Um t uh MC uh MCL PCL um meniscus and then because I’ve never knew what an injury was I didn’t really rehab the way I was supposed to so I came back you know came back soon as the season started eight games until the season started I’m injured again so I had three

I I had three knee surgeries in 14 months and all that trauma build up all this Scar Tissue man you was never the same after that nah and I think I really messed my hand up on LeBron that Cav series because I need I needed to come back and

Play right because my contract is coming up and because my name was still hot and they still had I’m still good in their eyes I had to come in there and play two games to show that hey I’m back right and what happened is uh Lebron ran into

My wrist and you know I couldn’t shoot so they gave me one of those Toro shots in my ass I had to bend over right and I hyper extended my uh my injured knee right which that took forever to rehab so right being being ignorant thinking I’m

Superman yes yes and plus I think the thing is we know more now you’re probably the came out better missing the whole year probably came out better missing the whole year came back the following year but I get it understand that your contract was and like you said you want

To Parlay that into another big contract knowing not knowing you’re probably doing more harm than good yeah yeah it was one of those I risked my career for that next contract yeah you did you absolutely did Jordan ask would you rather have embiid or joic on your team Shaq recently said

On his podcast we know Joel embiid is the best big man when it comes to numbers and all that but Joker went to the big dance and got the thing done we know what we know what you can do but can you do it at the at the big dance

Can you get the phone number at the big dance and take home and close the deal who you want who you want Gil I’mma I’mma take I’mma take embid um the reason I’m G take embid is because if I don’t have anyone on my team I know he can dominate right he can

Dominate by himself right right and my job to find pieces that work with him well yic joic you’re going to need guys who can shoot the balls that he can pass the ball to you got to treat him like Jason kid Magic Johnson you have to put other

Guys around that can make plays when he finds them so if he has a whole bunch of guys who can’t shoot the ball who can’t do anything else then you’re just left with 22 in 12 rebounds right and you take away his assist his assist comes because

His vision if he can’t use his vision right if he can’t use his vision then in a sense he’s just an average double and double guy and that’s why he win in the second round because when he’s working out he’s not working out with five other

Players where he gets to use his passing skills right so go ahead I want I would need to be smarter as a general manager with joic I have to put the right pieces around joic with him beat I can up a couple times in the draft and he can

Carry us for a little bit that’s you know that’s how I look at it yeah I think the thing is I’m gonna take joic because I think the thing is is that the way they built their team in Philly and the way I mean look they built their

Team so Joel and beid everybody runs the offense because there have been times nicoa joic could impact the game and only take 10 shots Joel doesn’t have the same impact without those without those attempts because he’s getting to the foul line MH so for me to watch him be

Able to go get me 40 20 and 15 and like they said every big game every big shot that they needed last year in that moment Nicole yic made the shot or he made the perfect pass no that’s that’s that’s I mean that’s what I said his value his value comes his

Value comes because he can pass that ball right that’s why I said like I would have to be you know Calvin boof we were teammates so um you have to create that’s what I said you have to be smarter as a general manager when you

Have yic yes right I I can I can be dumb with embiid right you know I can I can be Mory I can I can be myy with with embiid you know when when you having someone like joic you have to put the right pieces to make sure that he’s at

That high level every single night where right when he’s not scoring he can get you 20 assists yes oh for sure you know what I mean and and it’s one of those things that you know like I I will have to be I would have to be very smart when

I have a player like joic Aaron Owens asked I think D Rose would have won two or three rings and been top 25 if he never gotten injured what do you think gilan what do you think D Rose would have ranked had he not gotten injured ranked

Yes oh I mean he was I I mean when you’re talking about like Dynamic guards w i mean rose that that he was different he was he was he was Russell before Russell Westbrook he was John Morant before John Morant the explosive guy that played Above the Rim and so

There were there look they weren’t point guards that was explosive as as D Rose from end to end and he played Above the Rim which we had never seen a point guard play Above the Rim like D Rose could now we see what Russ has done we

See johnar finishing at the rim and stuff like that but before those guys D Rose was it yeah even even like when you’re talking about Above the Rim Yeah you had like small guards back in the day but not impactful like D Rose did right just you know his uh his

Quickness and his speed with his explosion up was just different it was just a he was just a different dude um you know he could have argued if he would have stayed healthy of course he argued used for you know best point guard ever you know it’s just one of those things

That he was just different seeing something different um the way he played the game hard knew how to shots knew how to get to the Lane um you know those type of guys you just get you just you look back and say what could have been what could have

Been right yeah Gil we gonna make I mean Penny Hardway is in a different category because he was 67 68 yes yeah he was that Magic Johns he was more of a Magic Johnson type yeah but could score the basketball yeah and then he did have

Shaq it’s kind of like what magic had with Kareem so I mean sometimes people forget that magic came into the league and Kareem was the MVP now let that sink in just imagine if Joel embiid is the MVP and they get Victor wiama yeah that’s what that that’s what happened with the

Lakers they got magic and Karim was the MVP yep and then they won a championship and got worthy yes in 82 they won the championship and guess what pick the draft yep that’s what happened yeah so with that being said Gil we G we gonna cut it short tonight man I’m just I’m

Under the weather I mean hey man I just want to give you your flowers man and and and just for the audience out there look listen y’all see Unk out here struggling right and the fact that he even hit the live it just lets you know

How dedicated he is so when you sit thinking about dedication the fact that he hit the live been working all week and he’s sick you can you can see it and the fact you know that’s what greatness is yeah that that is Jordan in the flu game you know what you’re doing tonight

You know we we can see you we can hear it and the fact that you even hit the live to even come out here it lets you know how dedicated you are and this is for people who’s really trying to see what it takes to be great there’s no

Excuses you still give the fans what they deserve even if it’s for an hour hour and a half 30 minutes man so hey y I looked at you as number one before huh this is your championship for me you know what I mean can see it and the fact

That you’re still going that’s another level of dedication man like so when I get sick and I don’t want to do something this is what I’m gon think about man Uncle out here struggling man doing his thing so I can’t no let’s let let the party go I had a professor in um

In 1987 named Norman Elmore rest your soul Dr Elmore and it was cold I’m talking about really really cold that day and the heat wasn’t working and so it was uh probably only three people that showed up for the class and I remember him walking in he never had a book back he

Had all these books and if you went to Savannah State and you was taught by do uh Norman Elmore you know exactly what I’m talking about and he came and had all these books and he threw them on the desk he said you know I almost didn’t

Show up today but I thought somebody might want to learn something I thought someone want to be educated be informed and so that’s what I said I almost like ash man I’m I’m I’m struggling today but I thought someone want to be entertained someone want to be educated someone want

To be informed and so I showed up and gave you my best hopefully the medication that I’ve received over the last couple of days would take effect and uh Saturday I’ll be a lot better but I don’t make any excuses I’m show I got some I got some nurses that do the

Things for you no no no no no no I don’t want to get them sick uhuh what’s them y’all what’s them y’all don’t know about that told you those are better than them damn jump mans you pulled out last week man go ahead over that Gil man come on

Man let that go stall him out Gil stall me out hey hey hey this hey this this episode is UN Flu Game man yeah yeah that’s exactly what it was all right enjoy your night get well we’ll see we’ll see what’s happen well thank you for joining us make sure you hit that

Like button hit that subscribe button you can join our YouTube cast uh our nightcast podcast feed you can also get it through the club sh sh feed but night cap does has its own feed also like And subscribe to gills Arena Channel on YouTube the show airs Monday through

Thursday live at 11:30 A.M Pacific 2:30 Eastern 2:30 Eastern Pacific remember again Monday through Thursday live at 11:30 a.m. Pacific 2:30 PM eastern time so go to uh Gil’s Channel hit that like button hit that subscribe button we’ve also pinned the Sha by La porier at the

Top of the chat thank you for selling us out but we’re back in stop so with the holidays right around the corner we got the Super Bowl we got uh what else we got we got St Patrick’s Day we got Valentine’s Day hey I’m telling you hey

Buy that man buy your man some that lorier women you won’t regret it hey hey ladies if you hey all my ladies that’s in the chat y’all know who y’all are y’all know what I want for Valentine’s Day oh yeah hey they be harder than the times of 29

Gil I’m telling you now you won’t be disappointed thank you I’m your favorite H Shan sharp he’s your favorite number zero Arizona Wildcat Legend Gilbert Arena Mr Habachi himself we’re out Peace

Shannon Sharpe and Gilbert Arenas react to the Thursday slate of NBA games, including LeBron James and the Los Angeles Lakers dropping below .500 in a loss to Kevin Durant’s Phoenix Suns and Giannis Antetokounmpo leading the Milwaukee Bucks over Jayson Tatum and the Boston Celtics. Unc and GIl also break down news around the league like Carmelo Anthony saying on his podcast that he felt disrespected by the Denver Nuggets giving the number 15 to 2-time NBA MVP Nikola Jokic, the Orlando Magic retiring Shaquille O’Neal’s number 32, the NBA Draft reportedly moving to two nights to become more like the NFL Draft, and more!

00:00 – Start
06:25 – Lakers lose to Suns
14:33 – Bucks beat Celtics
26:25 – Melo’s mad at Nuggets
33:40 – Shaq vs. Dwight?
52:52 – NBA Draft for 2 nights?!

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No more waiting until morning. Nightcap is the new nighttime sports talk destination with legends Shannon Sharpe, Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson, and Gilbert Arenas. Hang out with Unc, Ocho, and Gil as they give their unfiltered takes on the latest headlines from the NFL, NBA, and college football, and give their instant reactions to the biggest games moments after they end.

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  1. and Dwight was cold and had a nice team that he fucked up our Kobe vs. LeBRON finals. Nike were preparing for that hence all of those Bron and Kobe commercials.

  2. I don’t like retiring numbers…as the Great Al Davis said, keeping the number in the game, keeps the memory of all the greats that once wore it alive. Raider Nation will NEVER retire a jersey #!!!

  3. Shame on the NBA shame on the refs we all know the Lakers can't win without 30 more free throws than their opponents. These damn refs aren't doing their jobs unlucky.

  4. Shaq top 5. I respect Bill. Tell them folks how that mane one mvp being on the second all team in 1960-61. The year wilt average 50 and 25. Oscar averaged a 30pt triple double and Elgin Baylor averaged 38pts 18 Rebs. Bill averaged 18pts 23 Rebs. NBA foul af. And they had 9 teams in the league. 4 in the East and 5 in the west. So bill only had to worry about 4 teams in his conference. Then playoffs didn’t require but the best of 3

  5. The leaders aren’t leading. LeBron James plays absolutely no defense with no urgency or effort. His teammates see that and you expect them to play hard? Not going to happen!

  6. The Lakers are proving that in season tournament wasn't worth Jack. Even with help from the refs the Lakers are garbage.

  7. Further reason I said the in season tournament is a joke and doesn’t mean anything if they’re losing in the second half of the season.

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