@Golden State Warriors

Warriors Look Lost!

Warriors Look Lost!

Impressed after what they saw at Chase hitter they were down by 41 points yesterday 41 points shasi so we’re going to take a lot of calls today 888 957 9570 line them up if you want to play the blame game go ahead but this is a team wide issue and the word

Connectivity is something I don’t hear anymore because this team shasi is no longer connected they are broken I saw two people yesterday say things that I I didn’t I didn’t think i’ I’d hear them admit out loud first Steve Kerr essentially if you you know extract what

He’s trying to convey say that the team’s spirit is broken and it feels like they’re quitting now that might be strong coming out of my mouth but it felt like that’s that’s how I interpreted it from the coach and then I heard the greatest player in franchise history Wilt

Notwithstanding basically say that we can’t continue with this roster this way and and essentially saying we got to make a trade cuz this is the definition of Insanity you know be I don’t want to make this about me or or anything like that but one thing that I’ve learned

Over the last couple of weeks is you need to accept your reality okay we got some things going on in my family and I’ve told some of you guys here and you can sit there and cry about it or you can accept the reality and cherish the

Moments and try to make the best of of where you’re at currently and not be delusional and I feel like I’m watching The Warriors as a whole kind of accept their current reality and the current reality is what you see on the floor is not good enough

Nope and all I kept thinking about and I know steiny tweeted it out I know other people have tweeted it out and have said it Draymond Green’s going to come back and just save everything no he’s not now look they are horrible defensively right now and they could use draymond’s

Defense they are desperately searching for a second ball handler in the half court they could use another playmaker like Dre Mong green out there but I don’t think it’s enough I think that their problems are not about one player it’s not about JK it’s not about clay

It’s not just about Wiggins it’s about the collective not being good enough maybe the message from the coach you know is Fallen flat but the players also need to accept culpability it’s never one thing to me there’s a pie chart of reasons roster decisions draft picks not

Panning out players not playing to their capabilities age and father time catching up to them the league as a whole you know being younger athletic hungry searching for them putting a Target on their backs you know the piece is not fitting the redundancy of certain parts guys slipping a little like a

Gavon loony like it’s not one reason it’s a lot of reasons and as I sit here and I watch Pete Carroll as you referenced and I watch Nick sain the theme from those two and bellich it’s not that bellich isn’t a great coach it’s that it’s time to turn the

Page and that’s the same way I feel this morning about the Golden State Warriors I love them I will forever cherish all the moments I don’t want to disrespect absolute Superstar legends that are that are minted Bay Area mints and Nation Nationwide mints going first ballot Hall

Of Fame and deservedly statue guys but it feels like it’s time to turn the page and it sucks last night I got the feel and your spot on shasy you’re spot on cuz last night as that first half was playing out where they gave up 73 points it was the

Third time in the last four games third time in the last four games in which they’ve given up 70 points in the first half that’s incredible all right and last night I got to feel that I had to feel what the Patriots with Tom Brady is last year where was this like one

Superstar searching and struggling trying to find a way and now was Stephen Curry is Herb Jones is all into his chest and is jock strapp and we cided the numbers and Steph Curry in the last eight games he shooting the 30 in the 30s a field goal percentage and three-point percentage

And he is struggling because he see it doubles triples every time he turns around there’s somebody in his face and I said boy this is not good and there’s going to be movement and there will be movement but it’s just not one guy no it’s not just Klay Thomson you know his

Lack of care for boy which I understand it’s not just Jonathan kiga it’s not just Ludy it’s not just Wiggins it’s everything it’s not just a coach it’s everything it’s not just a listen we could start there if you want because I

See a lot of I we see our DM we he has a b great but you can’t he’s not devising a game plan that gives up 46 points in the first quarter he’s not devising a game plan which allows the Pelicans first seven shot attempts which all came

From the perimeter the three-point line and they were all wide open and they make five of them that’s not on Steve Kerr that is a lack of urgency for the players on the court Jonathan kaminga I love JK but he’s talked twice this year he talked twice last off season he made

A big stink you know Demarcus Thompson the second uh in the athletic and the next game he turned around and turned the ball over six times in the first half yeah you can’t do that he you know D strer broke the camels back after now playing the last 18 minutes against the

Different nuggets well what did he do he came back against Detroit and he sucked all right K Cunningham took his lunch money and then what happened against Toronto he was Mia and then last night it’s not all on JK but he has not played well so when you don’t have that clout

To speak up like he’s spoke it spoke it up in the last week and a half two weeks and then you put out that performance you don’t get the benefit of the doubt anymore you don’t you talk too much Andrew Wiggins Andrew Wiggins is four of

19 in his last three games and he scored 11 points in the last three games so when we talk about trades going to this guy that guy this team that team Andrew Wiggins what the hell has happened to him I don’t know and and I the key word was rolling around Andrew Wiggins

Yesterday what’s that quit now I don’t want to say that he’s quitting but boy it was bad it was bad last night watching Andrew Wiggins you know what the hard part to accept for me is like when the when the ners like 2014 ended with such a thud for the ners and

Everyone left you just looked around you’re like they just have nothing they had nothing and I think what’s different is in a fiveman sport where there’s Five Guys on the floor I know the team’s bigger than that when you still have a guy like Steph Curry even though he’s

Been really bad the last couple of games and I would say that there’s a lot of reasons why but it’s harder for me to accept because I still feel like he’s that good and you reference Tom Brady on the Patriots as like the lone Superstar it’s exactly started kid bro Hopkins

That last year with New England I feel like I’d be able to cherish all of the good times like if simultaneously clay was I mean U clay and Draymond and Steph were all depreciating simultaneously but they’re not I feel like Dre’s still been really good not great but really good

And clay draw from it at times and Steph still gives you the Steph stuff it’s just it’s really hard for me to accept no it is and you know and no I understand completely what you’re saying and you know what you know what like clay has had his struggles Steph has had his

Struggles but it’s the other veteran part of the core 3 that has kind of jacked this situation up over the last two years and that’s Draymond Green it all it like let’s be real it starts from there if you’re a leader and see K keep saying this and his pressors you know

He’s a co- Captain he’s our leader he’s our vocal leader or our vocal leader has led us down for two straight Seasons two straight seasons and let’s be real folks this team this organization this culture has not been the same since that fateful day in training camp and then when I

Hear the pressors and look I have sympathy for Draymond Green I hope he figures it out I do mentally just for his life forget basketball just for his life but when I hear Steve Kerr say you know he’s got got to stop talking to the referees he’s got to stop he’s got to

Leave the referees alone well the referees are not what got him suspended phisical assault got him suspended slapping Yousef nerkish got him suspended choking out Rudy gobear got him suspended not the referees it’s his physical acts and the Antics that got him suspended and that is killed this

Team because one Steve Kirk can’t find a five man combination because guys are Ed out of the lineup and your main guy Your Leader quote unquote leader has been out for more than half the season he’s played 15 games 15 games and what was supposed to be the most important season

Of his career and that is a trickle down effect on everybody now when it comes to Andrew Wiggins should he start well the fact that he doesn’t start now says a lot about Andrew Wiggins he got his job taken because of his poor performance the guy’s averaging less than 12 points

A game and he got his job taken by someone who’s really not playing consistent basketball you know at an elite level like it’d be one you know he lost his job to Durant losing to a 21-year old kaminga who’s been as inconsistent as any young player in the

In the league I I mean it’s embarrassing it’s embarrassing and he’s got $100 million contract draymond’s got the $100 million contract so Joe lob as you look at him in the fourth quarter with his shoulder sideways to the court SL you referenced him in postgame you were

Really good in postgame do you know there’s sometimes you can dress it up but you can’t dress up they got folks they just got blown out in back-to-back games and didn’t lead once on National tele and then by the way remember they they blew 18-point lead against Denver

And then they come back the next day and I felt like the Detroit game was a loss when I I was off that day and I’m watching that game when I’m like oh my God they are struggling with the Detroit Pistons who I just saw get blown out by

The San Antonio Spurs I know they got blown out by Sacramento after score 47 in the first quarter and the warriors were up one with less than two minutes against the Detroit Pistons will Detroit win 10 games this year no I’m dead dead serious you’re right probably not so

It’s everything it’s it’s Clay it’s Wiggins it’s pods it’s kaminga I mean you can’t just blame one guy and I know everybody wants to blame this guy and that guy no this is an organizational wide issue yes and and I think their decisions as a whole whether it be the

Financial uh extensions for certain players the draft picks for certain guys you know trading for CP3 like on on the real I like CP3 I thought he was really good but go back to to June and remember when they made that trade what was it

June or July Bonte what did I say late June gave up a 23-year-old who was one of the few assets on your team for a guy that was going to get bought out yeah well you gave up what you did too shasi because I agree with that but you also

And Jordan Paul had to move on it wasn’t going to work with him and draym and they chose Draymond and kerr over Jordan P not only did you trade Jordan P who was a young asset but you got less athletic and smaller so now you’re the least athletic team in the league and

You’re the smallest team in the league so they’re trying like they’re trying at times do Rivers I I watched the game back when I got home last night cuz it was an early start and and Doc but he’s saying look they’re trying they just can’t get to the 50-50 Boss Father time

Is undefeated Bonte they look every game I I just I’m Blown Away by how explosive and athletic and big every other team is compared to them y they on you know what it looks like to me and the equivalent of it’s like when an SEC team Smothers

The hell out of one no I’m serious out of one of these like you know Mid-Atlantic Conference teams that they have no business playing that’s what it feels like and and look New Orleans is a young ascending up and cominging team but we’re not watching the 2014 San

Antonio Spurs or the Miami Heat of 2012 like what come they gave up 141 and it could have been 160 I mean it honestly like back-to-back games they were not even in it and just think about that folks back to that games where they give up over 70 points

In the first half and our keys to success yesterday on the pregame show was limit New Orleans to under 60 points in the first half well they score 46 in the first quarter they scor 46 in the first quarter while the Warriors turned the ball over seven times in the first

Quarter no rhythm offensively no communication defensively blown assignments left and right I’m watching Klay Thompson failed a box out I watching Andrew Wiggins fail the box out it starts with the veterans before we even get to the youngsters it start with the veterans setting the tone and they

Said a bad tone not only last night but all season long while Draymond Green is in the sweatsuit WI watch in the game in the most important season of his career so this is all bad and you better believe there’s going to be changes with Stephen Curry was asked about the trade

Deadline here’s what he said we have a standard that’s pretty evident that if things stay the same you know that’s a definition of insanity right keep doing the same thing expecting a different result so as players and what we can do our we have to control our effort our

Focus competitiveness you know control the things that we can on the court like every NBA season every organization that stuff works itself out and you can’t allow yourself to get distracted by that you know because whether you’re the top of the standings or the bottom there’s always rumors swirling there’s always

Conversations and it’s just a part of the business and until anything happens you can’t get caught up in it because it Rob you of your opportunity to play good basketball you know that’s that’s kind of where we’re at the definition of incen let me play it one more time we

Have a standard it’s pretty evident that if things stay the same you know that’s a definition of insanity right keep doing the same thing expecting a different result so first time I’ve ever heard Curry say something like that I I’ve never heard anything like that from him

And and the fact is I’m in the arena yesterday and I’m hearing the booze and I said I can’t believe after all the good times after the four championships that they are now getting booed for a lack of effort and you know what fans can do with they want to do

They can boo and I look I I get it you paying top dollar for a ticket and they come out there and before you even blink before you even settle in shasi it’s 15 to four 15 to four in the first two and a half minutes of the basketball game so

I get why fans want to boo and Curry he basically said it look dessert it get booed Looney same thing Curry said it he was booing himself in his head yeah exactly you know and that it was it was very jarring to hear Steph say cuz he’s

Never said anything was it refreshing to hear that oh no no actually I said to speedon I said you know what it’s the first time that I felt like Curry like I’ve had enough and and and we need to do something here and I’m glad he did it

Honestly I’m I’m glad he did it because I think all of us are like finally Steph who do you want to play with let’s figure this out let’s turn the page and again people think that we’re like disrespecting people you’re not like Wes Welker was one of Tom Brady’s favorite

Players of all time and then he had to leave in free agency go to Denver and then he found Julian Edelman and then he went to four more Super Bowls or three more Super Bowls without him like that’s how it happens like that’s Sports everybody like not everybody is going to

Be aligned at all all times you know Jordan had Horus Grant then he turned the page and he got himself Dennis Rodman you know and then that had a shelf life yeah Kobe had Shaq and then Kobe got you know Paul Gasol it there are different combinations of players

That you’re going to have to play with over your career to think that everyone’s going to age like fine wine and everybody’s interests are going to align and the financial components are all going to work forever it’s not fantasy land it’s not a video game you know we have a salary cap

And and guys have egos and and people have different desires and and who they are changes and so I don’t know I I just think I’m being a little more realistic than others and I know we all wanted them to all go into the sunset together the Spurs Tony Parker played on the

Charlotte Hornets Patrick Ying played with their Orlando Magic Seattle Sonics pimag went had to take his talents north of the border to Canada so you you know what man Dwayne Wade went to the Bulls and then the Cavs and then came back right Mullen went to the Pacers Pacers

And then came back you know so it’s all bad right now I’m not even going to sugarcoat this we got to have a true serum here where are the Warriors at who needs to go who needs to come is this season cooked the Utah Jazz have you

Know we’re looking at the Four game Road Trip and you know we’re always looking at the schedule saying okay that’s a win that’s a win maybe that’s a win I can’t do that anymore the Warriors are the team that other teams looking at saying oh that’s a win for us the Warriors are

Now the team that’s on the schedule where other teams are saying H yeah that’s a win for us they got to go to Utah on this four game Road Trip Utah just blew out Denver they got to go to Chicago I don’t think that’s a guaranteed win the Milwaukee Buck

Saturday we know what jannis brings to the table you don’t think Dame dollar salivating to stick it to Stephen Curry I watched CJ mull yesterday on that sideline he was so happy knowing that boy the Warriors have ruined my career they’ve kept me from going to the finals

Conference Finals second round of the playoffs they have been a nemesis for me a thorn in my booty my entire career he enjoyed every second of that blowout win yesterday every second there was a play where mccollum’s guarding clay and Steph’s bringing the ball up the court

And back in the day Steph would have done like a fake to clay clay would have cut back across the other side and there would have been all this soup and he would have been muddled up in it and Klay would have got a wide open Corner

Three on the opposite side instead you know Steph throws a predictable pass to Clay cuz Nei of them can move like they used to you know the St still can move but not as not as well as just a couple years ago and McCollum just jumps the

Passing Lane and steals it and goes the other way and then somebody I forget I think it’s what’s the shooter Murphy hits three and I’m saying to myself I just throw my hands up like they that wouldn’t have happened three or four years ago where what about CJ McCullum

Tying up Klay Thompson on a jump ball blocking his shot I couldn’t believe that I couldn’t believe that either that never happened never happened so when Klay Thompson says you know what I’m not losing sleepover boo he’s got to lose sleep over his play his performance and the team’s performance

You know the whole boing thing I want to get into that cuz I I yeah I’m not mad at clay about it he shouldn’t lose sleep over boo these are professional athletes they know the drill

Bonta and Shasky are left to pick up the pieces as Warriors drop another embarrassing loss at home.

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  1. Get rid of Kerr, bring in Luke Walton as interim coach. No Kenny Atkinson, he can go with Kerr.

  2. im sure hes a nice guy but no clue why we are ever playing Cory Joseph. Also I would take virtually any player in the league over Wiggins at this point

  3. sad to see the chronically online section of the fanbase turn on everyone except steph after 1.5 szns of .500 basketball. changes must be made but the vitriol and nature of the discourse is embarrassing

  4. Veterans have contributed their bit in the past. Now they are past their prime and should gracefully accept role player position. The young blood should be doing major leg work and in few months will become good only if Kerr gives them chance

  5. the league has caught up with the Warriors. teams now know how to defend and score against them. I believe is time to rebuild, the idea of Stephen Curry getting one more ring is just wishful thinking and no longer an option.

  6. Hold Steph curry accountable because you give him all the damn credit saying how much he make’s teammates better when things are going well and now that he and the team having played up to their ability now we blaming everyone but him if this were lebron we’d be calling everyone scapegoats

  7. Kerr is a knucklehead. Pulls Moody out when he’s on a heater hitting from the deep. But yesterday’s plays Moody for 35 minutes, of which some came in garbage time when you don’t need Moody out there and instead he gets a calf injury. Good work Kerr compromising your players like that.

  8. Okay if this is a broken team they why in the hell do you continue to focused on kuminga so much let me tell you first Kerr has kept JK and Moody from reaching there potential second not only has Kerr kept them on the bench for 3 years mentally he has destroyed there confidence kuminga has every right to speak out he knows what he can do with his talent the last thing is I didn't hear the media go on and on about the 12 point curry scored I would love to hear feedback

  9. Get assets for past their prime players like Klay, CP3, DG and unfortunately get rid of the non-interested Wiggins. We aren't a title team anymore. It's obvious. Enjoy the four rings and move on!!!!!! The NBA is for young players. LeBron is not winning crap either.

  10. James Wiseman: Progess stunted for the sake of the core roster of Steph, Klay &;Dray. Wiseman ran out of Golden State Warriors team.

    Jordan Poole: Ran out of the Golden State Warriors team for the sake of Draymond Green.

    Next to be ran out of Golden State:
    Andrew Wiggins, Jonathan Kuminga & Moses Moody.

  11. The run is over with. Kerr was brought in to win chips with the players they had at the time. It worked. Now that the roster is no longer great, Kerr cannot coach and adjust.

  12. I can understand winning on pure talent. But you can't win on pure ego! It's time to move over and hand off the battan, let the young talent come in. You might get one more if you do!

  13. Kuminga has been playing well, not sure on the last game, but the others after speaking out he's had the best +/- of the team

  14. They could of definitely got something alot better for poole obviously some other players or drafts might have to go with him but they could of got a much younger star at the time for poole

  15. Honestly, Steph has cost them 3-4 games with idiotic turnovers, and contested yolo 35 footers.. Just sayin 🤷🏽‍♂️

  16. When you’re booing the team that brought you 4 parades and a dynasty, that’s BS. That would never happen at Oracle. Rich crybabies at Chase Center. Pfft

  17. Warriors lost by 50 in their championship season.. they aren't done. But if they can't show it when Dray returns, then we may move multiple guys.

    Paul hasn't lost value despite his injury, thanks to his contract. The question is will we move him for a win now player or for assets.

  18. Last night to end the half I watched Moody shoot a 3 for the last shot, Wiggins literally watched the damn ball just go out of bounds.

  19. Wiggins gotta go, but more importantly, Kuminga has to go too. Draymond killed the vibe the first time with his antics, but Kuminga killed the vibe a second time with his disgruntled report to the PUBLIC after the brutal Nuggets loss. I don't get the infatuation with Kuminga. What does he offer outside of dunks? His defense is bad. His rebounding is even worst. He seems disinterested on defense, but his interest comes alive on offense. He is shooting 27% from 3 this year and launches it like he's the next coming of Jesus Shuttlesworth. His basketball IQ is too low to play 3. He can't play 4 because he can't defend or rebound. So, what position is he? Dude is so overrated. He's just a turnover or personal foul waiting to happen.

    To all the Kuminga fanboys, answer this: Outside of dunks, what does Kuminga offer the team? Go!

    On the very first play last night against the Pelicans, Ingram blew by Kuminga with EASE and needed a double-team. EASE! That double-team led to a wide-open 3.

  20. Bottom line….they don't really have any real trade value. I would flip every player except Curry. You have to build around him while he is still in his prime which is not much longer. Make the move Dunleavy…it's better than what you have going on now

  21. Klay wants 45 million a year, acts like he is top 3 guards in league. All top guards eat him! Come off bench to help team! Hell no! Has 5-7 good games 20 games sucked!
    Gets huge minutes than flips fans off! Many commentators are sick of his bloated ego! Trade his ass!
    Don’t lose sleep in Orlando! 🤮💩

  22. Warriors should trade with the Wizards for Daniel Gafford(True center, agile and consistent rebounder and blocker) and Kyle Kuzma(a 3 level scorer, good passer and rebounder).

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