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Do the Miami Heat Need to Make a Move Before the Trade Deadline? | Miami Heat Podcast

Do the Miami Heat Need to Make a Move Before the Trade Deadline? | Miami Heat Podcast

The heat are good but are they good enough that’s the question that many fans are asking about the team so to help us answer that we’re joined by Rowan narney of Sports Illustrated to discuss the season thus far potential trade options changes to the starting lineup and much more on today’s episode

Of lock on heat you are locked on heat your daily Miami Heat podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day all right welcome to lock on heat your daily podcast on the Miami Heat I’m West Goldberg editor at joining me as always longtime NBA reporter David raill

However you’re tuning in YouTube Odyssey or your favorite podcast app thanks so much for making lock on heat your first listen every day today’s episode is brought to you by Jace medical Empower yourself when you purchase a Jace case providing you with a personal supply of five antibiotics that treat 50 plus

Infections get yours today at JM use the code locked on to get $20 off your order that’s we are stoked to be here with Sports Illustrated donon Nar stoked I don’t know the last time I used the word stoked I don’t know why that went out of

My mouth pretty yeah okay maybe it’s maybe it’s new in the the the West head lexicon let’s do it uh Sports illustrator donon NAD Carney is here to talk about the heat who are 21 and 16 one game out of fourth place two and a

Half games out of third in a very packed Eastern Conference where the standings between basically four and seven or eight change every single night Jimmy Butler’s missed the last five games with the foot injury we don’t know when he’s coming back um and on Wednesday the heat used their 20th different starting

Lineup of the Season Rohan on one hand you could see the injuries and look at the winning record and think hey they’re in a great spot considering everything that they’ve gone through on the other hand you could look at all these this never ending parade of injuries and be

Concerned where are you on this Heat team right now yeah I think um I wouldn’t say I’m I’m fullon concern but I would say that my expectations aren’t necessarily super high for whenever this team gets fully healthy and I also think it’s dangerous to say everything’s going to be fine if

And when Jimmy Butler’s healthy and that’s because we’ve now seen Jimmy have three deep playoff runs in the last four years and that takes an effect on someone who is 34 years old in his mid-30s and I think just assuming that he’s going to be perfectly healthy when

He comes back the rest of the way can stay perfectly healthy for the playoffs um is not fully realistic uh beyond that it goes back to you look at some of the teams that they’re competing with whether it’s the Indiana Pacers the New York Knicks then there’s the top three

In the East the Bucks the Sixers the Celtics these are all teams that I think have made significant moves to try to improve themselves over the last 18 months so um I I do think that they will be in a little bit better position they’re they’re just they having a tough

Time I mean they played an eight-man rotation against the Thunder last night for example I don’t think that’s Eric scher’s preference and in fact he shortened the rotation because it was getting tough with RJ Hampton’s minutes and Jamal Kane’s he shortened the rotation I don’t think that’s their

Preference like even if they have Caleb Martin in that Thunder game I think it helps them quite a bit so I think getting Jimmy back Kyle Caleb all these guys healthy at the same time will help them I think they’ll be a little bit better but I don’t know that it it

Separates them necessarily from the group they’re currently in in the East is the like we’re talking about it and I I think I agree with you like where the ceiling of this team and the floor of this team might not be that big of a difference right where you think about

The ceiling of a team like I don’t know Milwaukee if they ever really put it together that’s a championship winning kind of ceiling it doesn’t sound like you’re there with with the heat right now you know I don’t have them as a championship you look at their net

Rating I think their net rating is under two it might even be um under one after that Thunder game last night I haven’t checked yet um you know they they haven’t proven to be a championship Contender really on on any level at least so far this season and I think

That um it’s very easy to get seduced by the finals run that they went on last year but there’s a reason why we don’t see in the NBA four seeds five seeds six seeds eight seeds make the NBA Finals very often it’s actually in fact a very predictive

As much as the the playoffs are its own beast and teams can get the right matchup Etc um there are certain markers that I think you’re looking for in the regular season uh for a team to be a championship Contender and I think that

As long as the heat of SPO Jimmy and Bam they’re gonna have a chance but you know people are always saying things like you know Boston has got to be so scared of the Heat and you know Philly doesn’t want to see it and it’s like I don’t buy

It man these teams have made serious changes to their uh rosters over the summer and I think that um I I don’t put the heat in that top three class for sure really quick before we get to you David the net rating I just looked it up

1.1 for the heat so better than what it was wasn’t it by the end of last regular season Z last they were netive 0.1 yeah it was like it was basically uh neutral but David I don’t know that I’ve asked you that question in a in a while about

Where you kind of are on the heat I think this question about what their ceiling is versus what their floor is is an interesting one I I’m pretty I think in aligned with what Rowan just said I I maintain pretty consistently also that I think this team is better than last

Year’s but I don’t know that they’ll go as far as they went last year because last year’s run was so unpredictable and they had such incredible shooting and they got all these great contributions and tie that together was some well-timed unfortunate injuries from opponents and that certainly helped

Miami along the way to their unrealistic path so I don’t know that they can duplicate that level of success but I think it’s still a better team but I agree and we just talked about this recently that Jimmy Butler and that level of production that he gave us last

Year I don’t know that you can count on that to happen ever again and given that I don’t know that Miami is gon to be able to find any kind of similar recipe and it might just be a matter of like you know as as I said also a death by a

Thousand Cuts because of Miami’s depth and you’re going to get those contributions from Duncan and haime is gonna have a big game at some point the playoffs and maybe that’s unrealistic to look forward to but I think that’s just kind of the recipe for Miami success this season it’s probably likely to

Replicate itself in the playoffs too you know they’re a good team and I again I agree with what we’re all saying here at the same time I haven’t said anything yet no no I know but I know how you feel about this but has Miami ever been a contender over

The last four seasons with Jimmy Butler on the Ruster like I don’t think anybody’s ever seen him that way no it’s very good and they’ve over achieved expectations every season it’s a great it’s a great point I I can’t believe I’m sort of I’m usually the one that’s kind

Of like putting just water on the fire here when when Heat fans are getting ready to ramp up for a big playoff run but I I look at the East and I think Boston’s really good but I don’t I can’t tell you that I trust them man I really

Don’t and I I don’t know I they’re really good man they are good watch Timber’s game last night it’s like the reverse of every Mii Heat game where in the quarter the Heat have a lead and you’re seeing it Whittle away and Whittle away last night the Thunder

They’re losing they kind of cut into the lead very late but I don’t think they the Thunder felt truly seriously threatened whereas Boston even without porzingis can just put together these two-way stretches of dominance that the heat are simply not capable of well nobody else in the league is doing what

Boston’s doing and be clear I have I do have them as like if I had to pick somebody to come out of East I would pick Boston but I I also can’t sit here and tell you that I trust them the way that I I trusted like one of those

LeBron teams you know when he was at his Peak or those Warriors teams when they were at their Peak even though they’re loaded with as much talent arguably as some of those squads but um I don’t know I if this team can I I agree with David’s point that this team is better

Than it was last year the interesting thing here is that the East has gotten even better like whatever margin Miami is improved by the East has improved at a greater margin this year and prompted because of the heat the heat took out the Bucks they made changes the heat

Took out the Celtics they made changes and that’s sort of the the irony and all of this we’re going to get to maybe some changes that the heat can make before the deadline to maybe gear up for a run here but then again like you never know

What happens and it kind of just feels like the heat are relying a little bit on maybe a run not like last year because I don’t know that they expect to shoot a billion percent from three again for an entire postseason but like okay one injury to a Celtic here what if

Porzingis goes down I think the Celtics are a lot most vulner a lot more vulnerable then and that’s a very plausible scenario um you know who knows what happens with Philadelphia and Milwaukee they kind of still have to prove it a little bit in terms of the postseason performance aspect of it and

So I think the Miami Heat are just the Pittsburgh Steelers they never go in in the playoffs as the number one seed or necessarily the favorite but they’re just going to go in give themselves a chance and they’re going to play the numbers game over a manner of a matter

Of years and say okay a couple of these years maybe we just sort of things break our way we break through and and it kind of goes our way a little bit I don’t know Rowan what do you think I think that’s a good analogy uh I I think what

And to David’s point I think the one year that maybe they they there was a year where they were the one seed and it felt like that was probably the best team they’ve had over the last few years and I I know what you’re saying D it’s

Like no one thought they would win but that that was probably their best team and you know the team that I think had the best chance like that was a wide openen year um I don’t think they were viewed as a contender but I don’t think

Anyone was kind of viewed as a huge favorite that year I don’t think anyone was saying like this team is going to run away with it um in the 2022 season even the warriors were a little bit of a surprise that year no um it’s just it’s interesting because I

Agree that the expectations are not high but but Jimmy I think has changed the calculus a little bit and it’s more like what could he do if they if they had their version of the Derek white trade um you know one of those kinds of moves

What what could they do if they made that kind of move to upgrade the roster a little bit um you know I think I’ve said this before I’ve definitely tweeted it I think we discussed it on this podcast like I think if you gave Jimmy and Bam the Celtic Supporting Cast from

The last few years I I think they could have won two titles in a row to be perfectly honest um so that that is I think what it comes down to is I think they can be better but it’s a they have to find a way to thread the needle to

Make that kind of move let’s get into the nitty-gritty of this then we’ll talk about what kind of moves they can make some potential areas of focus are of need that they might have we’ll do that next year on lock on heat today’s episode is brought to you

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Covering the top sports stories of the day with the local Experts of lockon plus our national shows covering every league go to locked on sports today on YouTube subscribe to the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel Rohan you’ve been pointing this out a lot before we get to some of the team

Needs and names the heat can Target at the deadline the fact that the heat don’t have a lineup that’s played 80 minutes together that’s wild we were talking about their injuries earlier they’ve US 20 different starting lineups it is insane that they can get to this point

In the season and not have a lineup that has played that much there and one other here stat here they haven’t had a single fiveman group that’s played played more than 10 games together this season I don’t know understand anything like this it’s genuinely unbelievable I think the

Leading uh lineup in the league is is the rocket starting five that’s played over 400 minutes together I mean their lineups that have played more than five or six times with the Heats leading lineup is played uh and I think the Celtics starting five is over 300 minutes together played um you know

These have these have serious ramifications and I remember a couple years ago the year that they they lost to the Celtics in the Conference Finals that whole year they never really had a solid closing group and I think the big question ahead of the postseason was

Who’s going to be the closing Five and in a way spo’s hand almost got de or forced because of the hero injury it it became stru um last year similar situation they the lineup that they closed the Eastern Conference Finals and NBA Finals with has not played a minute

Together yet this season that’s even when the team was healthy and that’s Kyle Lowry Duncan Robinson Jimmy Butler Caleb Martin and Bam atab bio they haven’t played together this we just saw that group closing fourth quarters uh in the biggest possible moments and they couldn’t get a minute together on the

Floor yet this year it’s it’s really remarkable and you know we have no idea what this team what a possible playoff rotation would look like we have no idea who who their best five closers are it’s it’s crazy I I don’t want to I don’t want to completely contradict what

You’re saying because I know that there are concerns in that by that sense but also so like isn’t that a positive too like can it be viewed as a positive that all these players are getting this great experience which has benefited Miami so much in the past like you know Duncan

Robinson obviously had a lot of experience but I know the Miami Mantra is kind of somewhat overplayed but be ready you know stay ready so you can you don’t have to be ready or whatever it is so I I don’t know it’s just I think from Miami’s perspective like all these

Players getting these kind of playoff type I don’t know like the the opportunity to contribute during the regular season it’s going to reap its benefits just as it has over the last Four Seasons during the postseason that’s just the way I see it I definitely don’t think it’s all bad and

You think about like hwz for example getting all these fourth quarter minutes like his his prog than anybody else on the team for sure it’s true more than anybody else in the NBA for that matter leads the NBA in fourth quarter minutes uh so it’s not that there are no

Benefits to it but again when we’re talking about the markers of what makes the championship team that that’s not one you know so that right not knowing your rotation not knowing your best five like like Heywood heith you know Cooper Morhead tweeted this today um I’m constantly sending Coupe texts

About Haywood heith um like I think Haywood should be a starter again is that going to happen is that the plan like we saw that briefly he got hurt um what do you think the starting five should be for Miami yeah I was just gonna ask it’s healthy I genuinely

Believe it should be Kyle Jimmy Duncan Haywood and bam yeah that’s their best net rating lineup right now uh so that’s not Tyler herro that’s Duncan Robinson in place for Tyler herro we’ve had that conversation a lot about which one of those players I’m really intrigued by

The lineup that they used against OKC with Tyler at point guard and then if you put Jimmy Butler in there at the two guard spot Hae you know you basically I don’t even know if they have a two guard or small forward you basically just have Tyler hero running Point bam at Center

And then you surround them with Nika yic at power forward haime hakz and Jimmy Butler that a lot of stuff you guys are putting yic in the starting five over Haywood I’m not saying that that’s the best lineup I’m just saying I’m intrigued by it uh and I’ve been

Intrigued the yic experiment I’m I’m kind of I I doubt no I’m sorry I I don’t mean to interrupt but at the same time I’m just not I’m not a believer in Caleb I think I don’t I don’t know what’s gonna happen no man listen I I we love

Caleb around these ear parts big fan of his been on the show Etc at the same time I just I don’t know happen have been on the show too wow no no now kill him now now no it’s not kill it’s just I don’t contract here

And the nagging injury and it just it doesn’t seem like he’s ever even when he’s had moments this season it hasn’t really tied together either he’s had a a couple Sparks offensively and he’s been really bad defensively like really bad defensively and given that like what are

The expectations for him and we’re kind of talking about another player similar to what we you know we were all so quick and I don’t mean us personally but Heat fans were all so quick to talk crap about Max streu and Gabe Vincent as these glorified role players godd damn

It C Martin was out of league three years ago if not for the Miami Heat and and Karan Butler knowing who the hell Jake Cole is for some reason like aside from that Caleb mark would be one of the most popular rappers in the world I’m not even a jcole

Fan having a personal relationship go ahead David goad they’re friends that’s the whole point it’s like Caleb Martin is like he’s really benefited from heat culture and everything else and Eastern Conference MVP not Eastern Conference Finals MVP notwithstanding like I is Caleb Martin gonna become that permanently or is he

Gonna go back to being the guy who was you know one B go go off and then we’re gonna end the Caleb Martin we’re going to close the Caleb Martin conversation because we don’t want to do a whole podcast about somebody right now I think Caleb to your point like struggle

Defensively he’s someone who’s been a victim of all these you know lineup changes and inconsistencies Off the Bench starting Etc which guys is he playing with which guys is he not playing with like I can’t stress enough like he doesn’t need to be 25 Point per

Game scorer Caleb Martin but the guy we saw defending in the playoffs when he played alongside who I think else should be starting on the team he played really well he performed really well in that role he has not got a single second an an opportunity to be in that role again

This year because of the guys in and out of the lineup and you know that’s part of the issue like and to me Caleb is one of the few guys on this team with athleticism going toward the rim um someone who’s actually can help on some of these absurd fast break uh issues

That they have like to me their big issue and we’ll get into the C TR targets they just don’t have anyone who collapses the paint they don’t anyone who can finish at The Rim uh on a consistent basis um bam I think leads the team uh in rim or restricted area

Field goal attempts at 4.2 which is like not particularly high for a center like again there are forwards and guards that shoot more than that so you know he’s he’s someone who can provide that and I think we really good at it and I think I think the yage stuff I hate to

Be this guy it’s getting a little bit carried away from me like there are moments in the game last night where he’s missing defensive Communications you know there was when the Thunder had their run to start the third quarter there’s one offensive position where he just goes on the kind of a kamakazi

Drive unleashes some kind of like spinny hook in the lane and it’s like you need to let him go grow through these mistakes I’m not saying he he doesn’t have potential but when people are like oh like Joe codin you that you’re sobbing watching this highl I don’t

Think they care at all I um I look I think yic has a ton of potential I’m not it’s that’s not breaking news uh but also when you listen to Eric spoler talk after these press conferences and he’s asked about Nico it’s always we’re working with them we’re developing him

We like where he’s going we’re nobody I don’t think the heat are saying any nobody on the heat is saying this guy’s ready to participate in in the playoffs this guy’s ready I don’t think will be in the rotation when the team’s fully healthy when you talk about their top

Eight or nine in a playoff rotation it starts getting crowded real quick David it does it gets crowded really quick and you want to start you don’t want to go 10 11 12 deep in the playoffs you want to play eight the Denver played Seven basically last year

Yeah and won the finals so I I don’t think that that’s even it’s a different recipe though I mean they they they have the recip it’s a yeah yeah but it’s off fused recipe is to play seven to eight you don’t go 10 deep in the

Playoffs my your best time was uh 2018 Warriors rockets and by the end both teams were playing like six guys six guys was like and to me that was the height of starter minutes go up number one so that takes away minutes from the reserve guys and then you play three

Guys off the bench maybe and like bran just said like maybe two maybe one guy off the bench in the finals like you just play your best guys the most amount of minutes that’s said that’s not a that’s on a team that has a disparity that’s as wide as you know bones

Highland versus uh you know nicoa yic but not for Miami where I don’t know that there’s much of a difference between Timmy Butler as inconsist as he might be and somebody else you know deeper down on the on the rotation that’s all I mean look we’re talking

About Caleb Martin you know who may or may not start may or may not play depending on you know the whims of Eric spol on occasion what’s the difference between you know how wide a margin or disparity is between Jimmy Butler and Caleb Martin on this team we’ll find

Out first Caleb Martin was out of the league three years ago and he’s just a rapper his friend and now it’s him and J so what rappers does Jimmy Butler know huh none just country music players I got that’s it um all right we’ll put we’ll shove this argument until the

Playoffs are actually around the trade deadlines coming up February 8th uh when we look at the roster do the heat need to make a move we’ll talk about that next today’s episode is brought to you by prize pigs prize pigs is the largest daily fantasy sports league in North

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First listen every day make sure you’re subscribed on YouTube and on your favorite podcast app every dayers we’ll be back on Monday morning with a recap of Sunday’s game against the Hornets but more importantly Dwayne Wade night at CA Center uh Dwayne Wade’s going to be doing interviews and things like that I

Guess Rick Ross another rapper better than jcole doing a postgame uh performance so that should be interesting we should break down the Rick Ross postgame performance I thought it was DJ Collin is it is it DJ I’m sorry DJ I’m mixing up my rappers uh Rick Ross just the

Theis h no I was editing a story earlier about Rick Ross and the Udonis hlam thing I got all my my wire cross deer all righty um ran do the heat need to make a move before the deadline so here’s the thing because I know people this like a yearly

Conversation with this team do they need to make a the deadline happens every year right it’s um wow it feels like uh heat Twitter is especially very trade pilled let me put it that way it’s um you know it’s all about the the next big move Etc

Here’s where I am I love everyone on this team if they don’t make a move that’s fine it’s been a fun team to watch this regular season been way more fun than last year’s I think they have a lot of interesting pieces um you know I

Would be happy to watch this team uh give it their all give it their best and let the chips SW where they may having said that do I believe this current team as presently constructed can win a championship no you know unless several things break their way and you know and

Basically every star player gets injured then maybe you know they have a good chance but which is not a plan right exactly assuming everyone is healthy which is how all these teams are operating I don’t think the heat is presently constructed can win a title the the tricky situation there in is if

They want to pursue Donovan Mitchell who I I would be surprised if he’s traded during the season same they they have to find a way to make a move that doesn’t preclude them from trading for someone like Donovan in the summer so it’s what are the kinds of players you can get

Without giving up picks is really what it comes down to and and that’s that’s what’s going to be a very interesting calculus for for them you know are they going to be willing to take back long-term salary in return for Kyle Lowry that’s another tricky situation

For them you know they might not not just long-term salary like a salary dump that’s what we’re talking about a a player that’s being overpaid for multiple years right so uh it’s gonna be tricky I I do think there are moves out there though I think Rosier is someone

Who could genuinely help this team uh he has first of all he has great playoff experience he was a starting point guard for the Celtics team that made the Conference Finals without Kyrie Irving I think he can hold up defensively and it’s more about what does he bring to

The team that they don’t currently have it’s Rim pressure uh I think he’s close to five attempts in the restricted era game I believe it was 4.9 last time I checked like he’s right up there with guys like Anthony Edwards Damen Lillard in terms of attempts in the restricted

Area you know we’re always talking about the heat they shoot so well from three but they don’t generate enough that’s because they again they they can’t collapse the paint they can’t really play a drive and kick game having someone like that in place of lowry I think would genuinely make us a genuine

Genuinely make a significant difference even though I think Lowry’s played his ass off this year and played big minutes for a team that’s really needed him so it’s not a shade to Lowry but as as much as I think Heat fans love their role players sometimes I can prevent them

From realizing that maybe there are better guys out there um I don’t think Kyle fits in another category of players he yeah Fair um I also think I don’t think they would do this for number of reasons like Jeremy Grant would be a great fit on this team you look at his

Three-point percentage the last couple years he’s close to 40% y he gives them size he’s not a great rebounder but he’s a great defender multiple positions he was huge for the nuggets the year they made the Conference Finals in the bubble um a much improved three-point shooter

You think of what he could do in a series against Boston if you have bam Jimmy uh hakz and Jeremy Grant together on the floor that is a incredibly switchable defense yeah and his shot chart has gotten so much better to your point over the couple years that’s

Basically everything’s at The Rim or catch and shoot threes right and and then there’s buan banovich and Monte Morris in Detroit Morris hasn’t played that yet this year but again someone who has playoff experience with the Nuggets good Defender bogdanovich another guy that gets to the rim well he’s a better

Mid-range shooter than Tyler herro more efficient scorer than Tyler herro and you put him in a role where he’s the third or fourth scorer on a team I think that’s a great role for him so and the advantage of the Pistons one is Morris and bonovich are both expiring deals and

Morris could be brought back as a a you know a bridge point guard someone who could be on the team for a couple years bonovich is older but if he resigns it’s probably not going to be at his current number so that one would give them some

Optionality the trick is can you do that trade without giving up the picks that you might need for a Mitchell Pursuit that’s what makes it tricky or or the young guys I think that there’s something to be said about keeping haime and yovic around just to see okay which

One of these guys are Cleveland is Cleveland gonna want in a potential Donovan Mitchell deal because those are important assets for that kind of trade too the other thing I like and and we’ve David and I have had the Terry Rosier conversation we like the fit if if

Charlotte called my David was giving me a look I felt like David was like was surprised he was Pro Rosier I really was but he was David knows ball that’s why it’s not his kind of player usually that’s not like that’s not one for the

David heads there but no no it shades of Dion Waiters who obviously I’m a big fan of Dion Waiters whose Rim pressure would be welcome on this team I’ve said that before talked about that yeah when when he had that workout I was like yes bring

Him back get CL yes absolutely but I like I like also the Rosier fit um and somebody what was the other name that you said uh Jeremy Grant I like the Jeremy Grant fit too and there are some concerns that you have about bringing on long-term salary in terms of what it

Does against the second apron next year and the op and the flexibility to maybe bring in a Don Mitchell or something like that the great thing about a guy like Rosier and Jeremy Grant is that both of them could be you used in a trade to get Donovan Mitchell or another

Superstar player Terry rosier’s he’s not a great player but his contract is only going to be that much chunkier and better as it as it goes on paral Guarantee in his last year I think next year off it’s yeah but um yeah so it’s it’s it’s a very tradable contract and

In the case of Jeremy Grant wouldn’t he be awesome on Cleveland if they were were to move off of Donovan Mitchell he’s sort of exactly what they’ve been missing and so he could be a a a Cornerstone of that of that package going out so if I’m the heat that’s also

Part of my calculus too is do we want like kind of bit expiring contracts like ammani Morris or a boan banovich that gives us that that uh that cap sheet flexibility iMed in the immediate term or if we’re not going to go in that direction because I don’t know what the

Pistons will be looking are they gonna be asking for a pick there like if if they do that you can’t do it it doesn’t matter what pick it is that he don’t have that many picks I think you have to you have to be like Lowry the real and

Maybe as as many seconds as as you’re allowed to trade that they have one it would and and I don’t think you could trade it because it’s a 2026 Lakers pick and that could be a good pick so maybe maybe you do it in that deal but maybe

It’s like here Lowry and all the cash that we’re allowed to give you like is does is that you consider yic honestly and then that you got to consider yic and then that that could be a little problematic so to your point it’s tough kind of going for it now versus trying

To keep that bridge open to potentially get Donovan Mitchell that’s a hard thing I think hero and three picks would get it done for Mitchell like her or hero hakz and three picks I think that would get it done for Mitchell so you got to avoid trading

Those two yeah and three first somehow and that’s where I think personally because I want I I think they gota try it this year for Jimmy’s sake yic would be on the table for me and I know people are going to go crazy after what he did the last couple games

But all the pressure that the warriors on with Steph the Lakers are on with LeBron and all this stuff it’s the same thing it’s like hey do are you really trying to two time thing or do you really want to go for it and it feels

Like the heat are trying to have their cake and eat it too a little bit when it comes to those guys I also understand the point of hey like the second luxury tax we have a lot of extensions coming and up all the stuff so even just from

Like a roster St like cap standpoint it makes more sense to guy have guys on rookie scale contracts I understand that part of the argument but to your point ran like maybe there is something to be said about just going for it right now and then just say and and screw the

Future because we got the dude right now Jimmy Butler Bam’s obviously ready you know and and maybe you just get as much help as you want David what do you think about all this I I think they’d be willing to trade picks and players if there was one player that they could

Acquire that would be a Surefire deal to put them over the top from where they currently are and I don’t know that that player is available I might be Mitchell I don’t know if they view him that in that sense probably too but other than that I mean we’re talking about J Grant

Terry Rosier and what it would take if they could if they could get Grant without giving up a pick it might require Duncan now Duncan’s again played his ass off this year been at you know best year of his career you can’t you this is what it comes down to is it’s

Like people want the team to be I think Jeremy Grant as much as I love Duncan I think Jeremy Grant’s a better player that’s I don’t think that’s debatable no no I I I agree 100 per I just I think the threat of what Duncan provides and what he’s capable of and I

Know he’s had a really really good season and everything else but even we saw it last year too like the idea of Duncan and this Flor spacing and the fact that he is a deadly shooter on occasion I I don’t know I I just I feel

Like Miami would need that uh as part of their keeping hero in this are you keeping hero in this deal Rohan of course of course of course I mean Grant you still have a floor spacer Grant’s a good player and I’m not totally sure what his value is but that contract is

Working against Portland somewhat that’s right you know the earlier you try to trade for him the more years he has left works in the in the in the team trying to acquire him’s favor Tyler like Tyler seems like the skill that’s the least Irreplaceable you

Know what I’m saying like I I feel like you can get enough to kind of balance out what Tyler has provided this season I know it seems like I’ve been overly critical of him in the past and everything else but I just feel like that’s the player that you’re probably

Most likely to trade in any of these scenarios maybe not for I think Tyler’s only being moved for for Mitchell at this point I agree with that fair I agree with that and that’s not even like an opinion I just think that that’s kind of where the reporting has led us but um

The deal in the trade machine would be if we included Duncan and Kyle Lowry and I agree with you ran I don’t think if the if Portland was actively looking to shop Jeremy Grant I I haven’t heard anything that they are actively looking for it uh I don’t know I don’t know Joe

Cronin is very active in regard to much of anything in terms of making phone calls but um what’s this summer it just doesn’t take him that’s all um but he’s got five years on this contract which is is crazy and it’s not a good deal for

Portland he’s 29 years old if he he’s not a salary dump that seems harsh for a guy that who’s a good player but they’d like to get off that money I would imagine they would right there’s got to be some buyers remorse there after they

Signed him and then had to tra and then Damen Lillard asked for a trade so you could give them Lowry and that that does it it’s like hey jail out a free card here you go buddy we know that cronin’s not going to do that um I don’t think

Any GM would do that just Lowry for Grant straight up because I don’t know also if you’re Portland like why you in a rush to create C space nobody’s going nobody’s signing with your team so it’s fine but um then you throw in Duncan Robinson good I think there are reasons

For them to do it especially if you’re looking at um you know Grant will still be on the books yeah like Shaden Sharp’s gonna need an extension in a couple years already um scoot I mean he’s four years away but if Grant’s on the books for that year aon’s on the books for

That year Etc it would give them a level of flexibility to get off Grant steel now again can they do it without giving up a first like what if it had to be Lowry yic for Jeremy Grant I think you’d have to think hard about that trade if

You’re Miami you would you would you would absolutely have to think hard that’s ex that that’s the definition of the trade that you have have a meeting about I don’t know what they would say I don’t know what I would say but you have to think hard about it right yeah

Because Grant’s 29 square in his prime right there with Jimmy and Bam and and uh and and could fit alongside those guys uh he would be a great fit one other version of this would be low and Duncan Robinson to Portland for Grant and Malcolm Brogden and you might throw

In yic in that kind of construction too I don’t think you would be able to throw in a first- round pick if you’re Miami if you want to keep the optionality open for D Mitchell of the summer but that would be the other version of it right

David you you hate that no I just I don’t have any faith in brogon as a playoff performer or it’s yeah more I just him staying healthy is I wouldn’t go for that’s the tricky part yeah he’s like one of those NBA Twitter guys that he’s a really good player but he’s kind

Of overrated in terms of value he’s like well he played for Boston you know value increases expon I think he’s good I mean I mean there was a time where the the Bucks looked like absolute fools for getting rid of him and keeping Eric bledo I mean that

Was a thing too when he was on the Pacers even that every team gets better when they trade Malcolm Brogden away I think the bigger is that is I don’t know what it means just I’m just it’s a point I mean you know I me the

Teams that that traded him did upgrade I mean the you know bucks eventually got Drew holiday I think people thought they were worse with bledo and they gave him the extension yes um I think the bigger issue is brogen’s Health but you know next year’s the last year of his deal so

That’s part of it but I agree I mean he’s making a lot of money for them I don’t I don’t see them taking on Grant and brin’s contracts me neither me neither but the grant thing is really interesting I mean do we have any faith

In in the the ability for f fighing the front office and maybe it’s been overstated over the offseason and everything else because of all the contention between the two fan bases but do you think do you think Portland and Cronin would would if both teams if both teams are making a

Deal that’s going to be better for them yeah they’ll do it unless Jeremy Grant comes out and says I only want to get traded to the Miami Heat then then that might be a problem well what he’s got to do is come out and say I only want to play for the

Bucks there it is yeah that would be smart Mark uh smart agenting thanks for making lockdown heat your first listen every day hit that subscribe button on YouTube follow us on your favorite podcast app ran thanks so much for joining us on the show on short notice we really

Appreciate it you can find his work over at sports illustrat the podcast is called my podcast yeah don’t you have a podcast on Sports Illustrated okay I I I appear on a podcast just the crossover podcast on Sports Illustrated um you could be your second listen of the day

After after lock down heat man man

Do the Miami Heat need to make a move before the trade deadline to be on the same tier as the Celtics, Bucks and other championship favorites?

Wes Goldberg and David Ramil are joined by Sports Illustrated’s Rohan Nadkarni to discuss the state of the Heat, how to measure the team despite so many injuries, team needs and potential targets before the Feb. 8 trade deadline.

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  1. A Power Forward/Center, like a Pascal or a Gafford or something, the Heat have enough ball handlers they need more size to take on the bigger teams in both conferences.

  2. Golden State having a fire sale
    Here is a realistic starting 5
    PG: Terry Rozier
    SG: Tyler Herro
    SF: Butler
    PF: Draymond Green
    C: BAM

  3. Why?????????????????????????? You know we are making zero trades. None. Zero. Stop. Just stop. Talk about miami losing to Charlotte on d wade day because now herro is out and Jimmy still doesn't feel like playing.

  4. I think the heat need herros " potential" needs to come thru in the playoffs. Otherwise need to upgrade his position. Big playoffs this year. For this team. (Im a big herro fan)

  5. Please trust me on this. THEY NEED ANOTHER HIGH LEVEL SCORER. They need a Siakam, or a Donovan Mitchell, etc. If they get one of these players or another one like these two, THEY WILL BEAT BOSTON & WIN THE FINALS THIS SEASON 🎉

  6. No offense Rohan but you’re delusional. Heat can definitely make the finals again again and even win it if were all healthy

  7. My mindset with regards to this is, if they don't make any moves, I am confident in the Heat's ability to win a series vs any team and win a championship, especially if they're healthy. And if they do make moves, I will also have that same confidence of course, but I will be intrigued to see how it works out. I also likely would feel very disappointed if let's say they get rid of Jovic or something, but ultimately would trust the front office despite that

  8. Heat should trade in OG before , a stocky 3D player with lots of intangibles + Trent and Boucher for Lowry , Caleb , Bryant and picks

  9. One big thing that I believe that needs to change and find someone that can take the role is to have Tyler hero coming off the bench having his own swat

  10. I am one of those Miami Heat fans that want absolutely no trade, I just want to see us compete this year and grow with what we have, my concern right now is not the championship I really don't care at the moment, maybe next year or the year after but honestly I am sick and tired of these damn trades.

  11. It depends on if they are trying to win now. This team will get bounced without a trade. Can’t really say they are trying to win a championship with this roster.

  12. Tyler caleb 2ndrd dru smith
    Utah: colin sexton, tht(wizards) 2025 min, 2025 top 8 protect utah own, simone fonteccio

    Kyle, Orlando robinson, 2024 1st
    Hornets: terry rozier, nick richards

    Duncan robinson, jovic, tht 2025 min, 2027 top 3 protected
    Wizards: kuzma, kispert, anthony gil
    If theyre not willing to overhaul, ownership is not willing to win and as long as they make money after april its fine with them

  13. I think a big YES for me,,, the heat should make a move now,,, WHY? Because Kyle Lowry is hurt,,, Drue Smith is hurt,,, Jimmy Butler is hurt,,, Caleb Martin is hurt,,, Tyler Herro is hurt also,,, so almost half of our role players are hurt,,, so i think the heat should make a move now if the heat wants to win!!!
    Get Donavan Mitchell or Terry Rozier or Tyus Jones now rather than later🔥🔥🔥

  14. I’d trade Lowry n jovic today for grant. A definite starter in playoffs and fits right in. Instead of having jovic on the bench and Lowry doing ok for them on offense and getting picked on defensively

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