@Sacramento Kings

Bobby Gerould, Hoop Obsession – What the Kings Need

Bobby Gerould, Hoop Obsession – What the Kings Need

Bobby Gerald Bobby G what’s up baby k house fin what’s going on fellas how are you man we are terrific editor of hoop obsession. comom Bobby man thanks for that post yesterday uh regarding your dad in kcr radio 13 I had had never heard of that before yeah um going way

Back you know I used to hang out in the in The Newsroom there with my dad when he worked at KCRA he used to do the the sports uh report he was the Dell Rogers of of his day and the radio station was below on the first level so um I’d run

Back and forth between there and hang out with the DJs and Bug them and all that I mean like as a toddler um and so yeah I came across that and I was like Wow 1320 I had forgotten about that that that was the station that’s crazy yeah I

Had yeah uh Bobby what do you think I had leading into uh you joining us here one thing I’d been focused on with the Kings over the last two games because we often get frustrated me me specifically I won’t speak for anybody else get frustrated it feels like you know they

Get down by 10 11 12 they try to make it up with like one or two shots and they all of a sudden and I think this is what it really stood out in the Pelicans game where it was three after three after three after three none of them were

Falling and you’re like guys just do something else make them take the ball out of the basket and starting with Detroit where they were really really dominant into last night they’ve had two really impressive games in the paint yeah I mean if if a focus uh I love to

See it you know that’s that’s the closest place to to score from so it makes perfect sense and you’ve got a beat like domas so um but but to me it’s kind of it a a frustration for me over the last couple of seasons has just been

Um why not start Malik monk you know what I mean like it it to me it’s almost like you’re playing with a hand tied behind your back uh a little bit and and that seems to happen too often I think we’re at the point now where you know it

Unquestionable that Malik is one of the four best players on this team and so if that’s the case uh you know I kind of hearken back to uh and Damian you might appreciate this because it’s about music and radio but there was a time when they

Used to Day part music um songs that they would only play at night right late at night you get on the mix late in the night um and then someone who was very smart figured out that a hit at 11: p.m. is a hit at 8:00 a.m. and so they

Started playing uh some more racy stuff some more hip-hop stuff earlier in the day and they found out that it works you know and so you just have to get a little creative I mean if you start monk dearen comes out at his normal time at six minutes you slide

Monk over to the one spot and you bring in herder um to to play the two and then when dearen comes back in at the two-minute Mark then you take monk out I mean to me it just there’s got to be a way to get and I think we’ve seen it the

Last two games to get Monk more minutes uh he’s been basically the backup point guard uh they haven’t gone to Davon or Keon in the last couple games and you know if you look at it you you guys know I study numbers that’s what I do I have

I have a sickness for it uh and and uh but I watch basketball too and I always think that you can’t have you can’t just look always at at numbers and you can’t just look at basketball you need a nice combination of both and um if you really

Look at the numbers and the efficiency it’s a huge difference between what monk produces and provides versus what uh Keon or Davon is providing and for that matter is a huge difference between what Trey lyes is giving you right now than what Harrison Barnes has giving you and

So to me I think if if they made those two adjustments and I think they’re already starting to do it with monk I’d love to see it more with Trey uh maybe reverse those roles uh I think the Kings would be in better shape how you guys

Feel about that I hear you I you know I’m I’m in the camp of leave monk where he’s at but I mean if if M if Mike Brown came out today and said you know we’re gonna start monk at the two I wouldn’t I wouldn’t bad an eye it’s like all right

It’s cool it’s whatever I just look at it where if you can get him to 30 minutes 30 plus minutes and he’s going to be in that fourth quarter I really don’t care what you do the first six minutes of the game that’s that’s usually my Outlook on it but once again

I’m not married to it if he started that’d be fine too Trey lles though Trey L starting at the four I’m I’m all for that I’m all for that and you know I I don’t want to beat a dead horse when it comes to Harrison but I just don’t think he’s been

Consistent enough to Warrant the minutes that he gets and being in that starting lineup and everybody wants to make a deal and I understand that but I I would look at it well let’s see what Trey La does at that fourth spot before we go

And give anything up in a trade and see if we can improve that way then maybe you have Harrison backing up Keegan or and or Trey LA or I don’t know this is a crazy idea maybe Sasha gets in the game at that point who knows now now you’re

Getting a now getting a little too too much my bad my bad but I’m with you I’d like to see Tre L start at the four yeah I I just think they’d be you know if you look at the numbers this year Harrison is literally he has the worst defensive

Rating on the team so and I and I get it I mean Mike Brown played 11 years in the NBA Mike Brown played 82 games five times in his career so he has an appreciation for a veteran like Harrison bar who comes to work every day does his job

You guys have been over this a million times we know what a good dude Harrison is and it’s hard sometimes you know there we we forget I think um you know in this day of fantasy basketball and 2K it it’s easy to just move guys around it

And but you know in real life there are real feelings that come with it and there’s real respect and appreciation for what Harrison has done from Mike Brown who you know like I said played 82 games five times in his career he sees harison doing that work last year and I

Think it’d be hard for him to in a respectful way take away those minutes but as Billy Sparks said in Purple Rain this is a business and you can’t be too far gone to see that right that’s what he’s telling Prince and and that’s what’s happening right now with the

Kings it’s like you know someone needs to deliver the hard news and I think Harrison’s such a pro that he he’d be cool with it he if you told Harrison you’re coming off the bench and your your minute’s going to be reduced to 15 or 20

He might not smile but he might not smile if you told him he was going to play All 48 I mean it’s just you know he’s a good Pro and I think he would he’d be with it and I think the team would be better for it and and real

Quick uh Damian this is the thing that I would tell if I was Mike I would sit down with Harrison I’m like what Harrison what do you want me to do like you’re you’re putting up stat lines of Z1 right you know on a routine basis

Like what you want me to do you want me to just continue to just give you the spot or do I have to make a move or are you going to step up and play better like got to give him some warning like I’m almost at the point where I got to

Do something but like I said Harrison what you want me to do you you just had uh 18 minutes where you put up zero points zero rebounds one assist 0 for three from the field you want me to just keep trotting that out there when the

Guy behind you is playing in in 20 minutes getting he doesn’t know he doesn’t average this but Trey L the other night against Detroit came in got eight rebounds yeah absolutely taking charges yeah yeah what you want me to do that’s what I would sit up here I’d have

A conversation and give him my heads up that this is on the horizon if things don’t change because like what do you want me to do here and there are players um you know on this team I’m not saying Harrison is is washed up we see what he

Can do he can still make shots and and and I think play a role on an NBA team but for this team you know the primary scores are established you you got Fox sabonis and Keegan and so you need a play and there have been players in the in

The league historically and I think there are players you could find right now that can do something without having plays run for them they’re just activity guys that are quicker to the ball to get rebounds that are um good Defenders uh can you know with better length I mean

Harrison just he didn’t win the genetic Lottery he has short arms and he’s he’s you know he’s always going to be that way so part of that defensive rating struggle I think is just you know because of of who he is so um whether you go back to uh Cedric sabalos you

Know people laugh at him and think he’s the butt of a joke but really that was a dude you didn’t have to run a play for Cedric sabalos he’d find a way to to score and off of cuts rebounds offensive rebounds doing whatever he could do I

Think there are guys out there KJ Martin is a guy I’ve always really liked he’s rotting in Philadelphia on that bench and he’s an excellent cutter and finisher I think there’d be something like that where I’d love to see you know a little move made and I’d love to see

The Kings Still I’d love to see the Kings have another guard that can score um you know watching Scary Terry last night it was hard to not think man that’d be nice if you know he’d be a nice luxury to have as somebody uh you know who’s in there tyus Jones somebody

Like that who can come in and and then maybe uh you know you don’t have to worry so much about what would happen if Malik got hurt yeah that’s that’s a great Point Bobby’s always good Bobby’s always great for some solid references during our conversation call back to purple R bilks

Man come on you talk about the you talk about movements and and and and scoring guards and all those different things like dearon Fox he he had he had looked a little sketchy for a couple of days and or for a c couple of games excuse me

And I feel like that happens you know once or twice a season with dear last night and make the argument even limited time because the those the big boys didn’t really have to play in the fourth quarter he looked like dearon Fox last night and as Sim this is just so

Simplistic but he’s the key to everything because there are games sometimes and I think that’s where it gets frustrating with dearen there are games sometimes where he’s like really passive and passive for him is just moving the ball around maybe trying to get other people involved but it’s not

Attacking when there’s the threat of attacking like I’d even argue he didn’t have a great game against Orlando but he was trying like he was a threat right and they had to defend every time he got to the basket because if they didn’t what happened exactly

What happened on the last play or the the the last made shot he got to the basket and eventually got with the game winning Malik carried everything but because dearon was a threat through the other you know 40 50 minutes of the game or whatever it was you had to take him

Seriously de absolutely is the Hub of all of this right yes yeah oh absolutely and and seeing dearen improve his shot you know um to you know he he’s legitimately making three-point shots at a at a nice percentage now and that’s something that I I honestly wondered if

We’d ever see that you know I thought well maybe maybe he is just going to be a 30 to 32% career three-point shooter but he’s he put in the work and uh and now he’s getting it done domas is making that three a little bit more and so e

Both of those things actually I used to have a fear that if they added someone to the mix the Kings wouldn’t have enough shooting but I think now that fox and and domos are doing their thing a little bit better um with a little more accuracy from the outside maybe you can

Gamble a little bit more with someone who who isn’t a great you know shooter but is just more of an athlete I don’t know if you guys have seen I every year again because I’m a weirdo I I watch the g- league for like a week

And just you know try to keep up up to date and then I do a little thing for my website about you know who’s who’s going off in the G League last year it was Chris Dunn um he now he’s playing a nice role for the Utah Jazz this year it’s

Greg Brown man from I don’t know if you guys have checked out but you need to youtube Greg Brown and check out what he’s doing right now for the Texas Legends he’s in the Dallas Mavericks organization but I mean this dude is an athlete like you wouldn’t believe and

Now he’s starting to figure out how to play basketball now so I just think you know there are guys out there it might take a minor move or something like that but there are guys out there and also one thing I know you guys are are probably pressed for a little bit of

Time here but um good baby okay cool I did talk to my dad this morning um they actually flew to Philly last night so so they’re there already comfortable and and and rested at the wherever the heck they stay he said it’s some right it was he was like I was like

Where are you stand oh it’s a brand new Four Seasons it’s spectacular we’re up on the 60th floor that you check in on the 60th floor you know and you can Overlook the city and all this and I’m like did you go to Mitchell and Ness no

I didn’t what’s Mitchell andess you know he’s so serves amazing food your dad is not there no or they have a golf course right yeah yeah so um but I did I did hit him about herder real quick and he said uh he spoke to Kevin and uh Kevin

Has family in the area usually they all come to Philly to watch him play and uh he said that was in question so that leads me to believe that that maybe he’s not going to be able to go in Philly but he was not in a walking boot um or

Anything like that just had a little stem apparatus uh on his ankle I believe so okay there’s a little bit of an update the stem stuff is pretty common by the way like after an injury that’s it’s it’s it’s exactly what it sounds like it’s a device connect to stimulate

The muscle put the jail on your like a pulsating thing that will that that he can just he could carry contract your muscle yeah he could carry something around the size of a phone and control like literally stimulating his muscle yeah they’re like how much can how much

Can you take right tell me when it tell me when it’s too much exactly yeah when I broke my leg I had an introduction to that and I was like oh this is turn it down yeah exactly exactly I have new respect for people who have leg injuries yeah absolutely those are interesting

Devices there um with Kevin though I want to talk a little bit about Kevin herder how do you see his role moving forward I’m just gonna assume he’s on the team right like do you think him back in the starting lineup is where he’s going to stay I know you talked

About you like to see monk there but it doesn’t like Daman said earlier it doesn’t look like it no matter what happens Monk Is Never Gonna Start for Mike Brown so do you Mike’s gonna continue Day party said monk is a hit but only Off the

Bench he can’t he can’t start he can’t start Between the Sheets is when you you’ll hear right but so I mean how do you feel did you think herder you know would always be somebody that came off the bench or he would get that starting rle back is that where he’s most

Effective like how would you play him moving forward with him on the squad well I definitely think he can play the three spot too so I think I think again they they could make some moves within the organization there to and and I’m With You Kenny I don’t I don’t really

Care if monk starts or not I just want him to be out there playing I want 32 minutes plus or something like that somewhere you know somewhere in that range um it doesn’t matter necessarily to me if he starts or not but I think at this point herder her has been better

Than Harrison you know what I mean and yet I don’t see anybody taking Harrison’s minutes away or or I just feel like Herter’s been a little bit of the guy that’s been picked on um you know or he’s taking you know he’s they’ve messed with his livelihood a

Little bit and he’s responded I think both times um I’m you know I think he’s a solid NBA player I’m not sure he’ll ever be I don’t think he’s ever going to be an Allstar or anything like that but I think he’s a solid piece and on this

Team whether he starts or doesn’t start if he’s playing 20s something you know minutes a game I think that’s cool I I think he definitely has chemistry with domas uh when you watch those two play the way the way herder cuts and the way he comes off of screens um it just it

Just uh jibes real well with with how domas plays the game um and I think Sasha could bring some of that too if he were given the opportunity but um he hasn’t been given that well I mean he’s had a couple opportunities here and there but but nothing real consistent apparently they’re

Gone apparently he’s done apparently Sasha’s 10 years the Sacramento King is over there’s something there I think and again this is this is 100% me this you know even though I talk with my dad we talk a lot less about the Kings than people might might think I have a bunch

More of my own thoughts about the Kings like he gets sick of listening to me you know he doesn’t want to he he that’s his job he doesn’t off Bobby it’s my day off leave me alone exactly right he wants to talk about Golf and car racing and stuff

Like that and what’s going on and what music shows I’ve been to but um you know if if you look at it um I just feel like they’re they’re not in a bad spot right now now I mean they’re they’re winning they’re um the inconsistency has been

Troubling but I think again you know you can correct a lot of that stuff just by playing monk more you know you you just can’t have those dips in efficiency that you know davon’s just I’m sorry I’ve seen enough you know it’s that’s it is what he’s a great defender he’s a hard

Worker and sometimes that’s unfair thing about you know competitive Athletics guys work hard and bust their butts but they’re still someone who’s so talented they can come in and do less work and I’m not saying that that’s the case even I’m not saying that someone’s not working hard I’m just saying that that’s

We all know that that’s the reality right I mean sometimes hard work and being a pro and going through all your routines and dressing nice and all it it’s sometimes it’s just not enough sometimes there’s a dude better than you who doesn’t do any of that stuff and uh

He can come in and and get it done and so I kind of think that’s where we’re at on on some of this did that answer I don’t even know what the question was but doesn’t even matter all right that’s cool that’s one of the

Things I love about you guys what do you think about Randy Moss fishing during the sports Cent but you you called it you knew it was coming right oh yeah oh this so great so so great uh Bobby man thanks well mentioned it there what what is your next

Concert I’ve got couple coming up I’ll go see you know I’m like the president of the Guapo fan club so y y I know that know she’s coming to the Blue Note in Nappa in a couple of weeks um actually about a month uh right around

Valentine’s Day so I’ll go see guap two nights in Napa oh yeah and then uh I’m GNA go down to Long Beach Torrance area uh to see a bunch of my buddies uh play in a band they’re called the the true school all stars and it’s just dudes

That play the drummers from earthwind and fire the sax player played with Prince and Sheila E it’s they’re just they’re my friends and and they put on a great show so here uh maybe a few weeks ago I don’t know if she performed she was hosting

Like this event at harlo right yeah but I don’t know if she she actually sang I don’t think she sang yeah yeah because I I had got the memo laate on probably would have been there I was upset I was like how I missed this what the what the

Heck is going on she she did a thing last night uh they had Dion Cole’s had a birthday party um somewhere in LA and I saw her dude he’s hilarious love man I know you guys both saw the Cat Williams thing right absolutely of course all right in its entire I watched

It twice oh that’s a lot I made my two hours and 45 minutes hey I watched it and then I was this is so important I made my wife watch it I was like we’re watching this together you need to you need to understand what’s going I love all that Hollywood weirdo

Stuff just uh oh man that I think that’s the best you having an unnatural allegiance to losers is not like you not like you oh he dropped so much knowledge in that in that so here’s the real question did you watch Stephen A last night I did not I did not so what

Happened there he he went off on Whitlock oh for for 45 minutes oh yeah oh there’s just watching Stephen A in this over dramatic delivery it’s so worth it what do you tell him Davy what tell did you tell him that you [ __ ] so good it’s so funny got I heard

I heard uh one DLo called Aaron Rogers the same name yesterday I think it was yesterday did I call Rogers it happens it happens yeah that was funny if I did I did it subconsciously no you said it very very consciously and loud I heard it I heard it wow

Yeah I think it was something like [ __ ] shut up oh now I remember now I remember I remember because he said he was the Jets got to eliminate distraction right exactly you’re the distraction yes oh trous I got this graphic up on the screen Friday February 7th Sky River Casino 32 Brew

Street I don’t know Bobby Kings and Pacers that night I might have have to come through and hang out with us a little bit oh i’ love it nothing better than putting the pressure on in front of you know 500 plus viewers here on the stream and you know God knows how many

People listening just you know think about it if your Calendar’s open we could watch a little hoop together and February 7th huh February 2nd day of the okay February 2nd yeah keep keep that in mind man and we’ll check back in and man we love talking to you Bobby thank you

So much for joining us you guys are the best anytime anytime anytime

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  1. One focus that NEEDS to be addressed is getting better defenders in the starting lineup and not letting any team start a game while giving them confidence! Not good!

    In addition to having to play uphill for a part of the game!

    Go after Caruso and Matisse Thybulle to see which one you can get and start whoever you acquire at the 2. Next, trade for a defensive PF! That will make a big impact in the first quarter.

  2. I made a big mistake today confusing Mike Brown the Coach w/ Mike Brown, the former NBA player.

    I’m embarrassed. And I apologize.

    As someone who takes pride in knowing basketball, I absolutely should not have made that error.

  3. Monk is the best starter on this team. Not saying best player, just the best starter. He’s incredible at the beginning of games.Crazy that the Kings refuse to let Monk fire the team up from the start.

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