@Golden State Warriors

Steve Kerr says Warriors have lost their ‘spirit, confidence and belief’ | NBA on ESPN

Steve Kerr says Warriors have lost their ‘spirit, confidence and belief’ | NBA on ESPN

Just how disappointing is it to now have back-to-back games where you are hearing booze at home and maybe you felt again that some of those booze where many of them were deserved from the effort that your team showed out there yeah we deserved it for sure um you know fell

Fell behind immediately um and uh I think I think we’re just lacking confidence right now you know it’s it’s um you uh you you just sort of um you know you you get to a stage sometimes where um you just kind of lose your uh your belief and U it happens um and

That’s what’s happened right now with our team the last few days I think we’ve um you know we’ve just lost um the the spirit the confidence that that has to carry you you know against um talented teams night in and night out some of your roughest nights this season have

Been kind of like blown leads um but are these two nights the LA is is this a more concerning you know thing Happ of course of course yeah we weren’t competitive these last two two games and um you know that one of the coaches um on the way down said we’re we’re we’re

The quietest team ever you know and uh I think without without Draymond and Chris it’s really exposed just um there’s there’s not much chatter defensively there’s you know we have we do have a very quiet group of guys um you know with this particular team that’s out

There now and and we probably need a a pickme up we need Draymond we need Chris we need you know we need guys who can um kind of rally the troops right now and um it’s um you know when you’re going through it like this um only one way out

And that’s to fight together to compete together and somehow we got to get stops I mean you know we gave up 141 points they scored it will and um you know we we have to be able to get stops to be to be competitive Steve I know when you

Guys came back from Denver on Christmas you guys kind of looked forward to this home stand as a chance to kind of come together um now it’s over what do you how do what do you make of what happened over the course of these last seven

Games yeah I mean we we obviously failed in in in our desire to to build some momentum during this stretch we lost six of eight um obviously the Denver game was was a gut punch you know that’s the one we felt like we uh we had and and uh

They they snatched it um and and I think you know that that really um you know with the injury um to Chris um it seems to have just kind of um sapped us a little bit of of confidence and direction we just seem out of sync you know at both ends right

Now uh coach in the past you’ve talked about in some of these situations and tough games uh going back in going through them watching them what can you take away from this game following Sunday and and will you go back and and watch it with the oh yeah I mean you

Know definitely going to watch it um but um you know we head to Chicago tomorrow got a back toback so I mean this is the NBA there’s there’s not much time to uh um you know to to sort of get yourself together and and you know reconnect refocus all that I mean

There’s a game instantly and so we have no choice we got to we got to get better quickly we got to get be more competitive and more connected and um you know that’s we got a big job ahead for sure PMI has been playing well for for

Rookie dropped into this uh what do you think’s happened kind of last couple of games is it just size maybe some bigger Wings getting to him I think was minus 31 tonight what do you see happening with him well it could be a little bit

Of the rookie wall you know this is the time where um you you’ve you’ve played a lot of games and um the calendar turns and you still have 50 games left whatever it is um you know you he may be a little tired um but uh last couple

Games games he hasn’t knocked down his shot which um sometimes when the shot goes um you know it it it looks worse than it is um but um I do think uh his his defense hasn’t been as good um these last couple games um could be size um

Like I said could be rookie will but um you know he’ll bounce back I believe in Brandon you mentioned you think the team has kind of in a sense lost some of its confidence which you know points to not just solely being a basketball thing do

You think you know a road trip where you guys are you know a little together more and away from some of the noise here at Chase Center do you think that can be helpful I hope so you know that’s uh we got our next four on the road so we got

To get it together after the the Denver loss on this home stand Steph said we’re not losing hope right we’re not losing hope yet but where is the line between loss and confidence right now and losing hope well look we’re we’re in the middle of the Season there’s a long way to go

And so um this is is all kind of part of it um when you’re uh when you’re struggling as a team in the middle of an NBA season um you can’t lose hope um so you have to you have to fight your way out of it and that’s that’s all there is

To it I mean there’s I we can talk about it in a million different ways but um you know we we just got hammered back-to-back games at home um we got to get better in a hurry you mentioned a little while ago that this is why you

Kept the starting lineup you gave them so many chances from last season because who knows what happens if you start changing obviously there were reasons to do it but do you feel that’s kind of been the thing that’s kind of shaken this team not you know just kind of broken down some of

The things that’s that held this team together well I mean I we we we went away from that lineup for a reason we were struggling and we weren’t um we weren’t clicking with that lineup um but the the result um has been we’re we’re scattered we’re all over the place with lineup

Um we’re you know trying to find different combinations and uh you know whereas you know a lot of teams like New Orleans are really rounding into form they know exactly who they are um you know we’re we’re scattered and um so we and that’s you know you can point to a

Number of reasons why none of them matter the only thing that matters is we are scattered and we’ve got to find some continuity and find some lineups and uh find some fight when you talk about silence on the court um without Draymond or Chris do you look to Steph to

Encourage him to kind of pick up that role since guys look to him to always close out the games we look to Steph for everything and and it’s you know we can’t expect him to all of a sudden um you know be a a huge voice I mean that’s

Just you know everybody is who they are and so he’s naturally a you know a quiet person he’s incredibly competitive um but um it it doesn’t become his job Steve you mentioned the communication a couple times or lack of it and I know during this home stand you

Guys are 29th in defensive rating how much is that is connected to communication and how much of it’s just lack of effort or whatever you want to look for it’s all of the above you know we’re we’re um we’re getting beat off the dribble um we’re not hitting bodies

Enough on box outs there just seems to be a lot of space out there for our opponents uh to to to find and then you know when you when you struggle everybody makes threes against you I mean that’s you know tonight I think they hit five threes in the first four

Minutes two from valent chunis two from herb Jones those are actually the guys you want shooting the threes you know and and uh so it’s um when it rains it pours and right now we’re you know we’re in it Stephen it comes to having a quiet

Team how much do you let the players talk to each other or the veterans gather the lock room and then how much do you use your voice and do you sense you’re getting through to the guys yeah I mean as a coach it’s a it’s a delicate

Balance you know when we’re uh fragile like we are right now I I don’t think that screaming and yelling at them um is is going to help um I’m trying to keep their confidence up I’m trying to encourage them um but at some point you know that that may have to change you

Know I mean we can’t keep going this way um two straight games being non-competitive at home we have to find some fight and so um you know they’re we may have to resort to some different different tactics but um more than anything we’ve got to be connected defensively to give ourselves a chance

You mentioned Draymond as a you know potential boost do you know like the plan on him over the next few days has he scrimmaged yet you know he’s been scrimmaging every day scrimmage today before the game uh he’ll go on the trip and um you know he’s uh obviously

Getting closer each day and um we’re hopeful that he might play on the trip but we’ll see coach how would you assess Moses has played tonight o this was great I thought he really competed um he attacked the basket um Dove on the floor a couple times for loose balls was

Fighting for rebounds um so it’s you know so disappointing that he he tweaked his calf uh don’t we I think he he said it was um not bad he said he strained it but um I believe he’ll be getting an MRI but um I thought he I thought he really competed thank

You I [Applause] n

Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr fields questions from reporters following the Golden State Warriors’ 36-PT blowout loss to the New Orleans Pelicans, marking their largest margin of defeat since drafting Steph Curry.

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  1. The boos from warriors fans are unbelievable when its been years theyve got to witness greatness. Children.

  2. The attitudes from the veteran players, especially Klay pouting on the bench and on the court. The Bay Area has rubbed off on them.

  3. Take Andrew Wiggins out of the rotation and give the minutes to Moody. Give Klay an extension in the offseason 4 years 80 mill. Klay can still produce 3s at a high level. Trade klay if the trade proposition involves 2-3 FRPs and really good role players. If they trade him for a bag of chips you're losing a talent with veteran experience that can still shoot at a high level. Andrew on the otherhand needs to get traded bc of that huge contract.

  4. Kerr even draymon back nothing Will change small ball midget line up is not gonna work anymore, you need size, your ego will not put you in a winning game, warriors si to small to other teams

  5. When the Pelicans started the game taking warm up threes with ZERO rotational defense, I knew it was a wrap. Started watching Terminator Salvation before it ruined my high.

  6. Reap what you sow Steve
    You let Green get away with his antics. Now your three veterans talk the talk but only Curry still walks the walk. Who go you think Kuminga and Wiggins were closer to on the team – Green or Poole.
    Mark Jackson built the Warriors. Steve Kerr took them for one hell of a ride but he has now crashed or trashed the team.

  7. I believe in the warriors! Lets get it on the road! We almost had the comeback! Moody was on fire! lets get some stops and less turnovers next game! it's okay to miss 3's lets just get the putback or the rebound and try again!

  8. That sound like something that should’ve been kept in house . As a Warrior fan , put me out my misery. Just tank bcuz watching these L’s is the worse. They went from being the gold standard and playing with joy , to a broken dysfunctional team . Locker room is definitely destroyed.

  9. The ciaching staff and management of gsw are hard headed .from the fans adviced they needex legitimate big man defender in the shaded area because all their opponents are scoring in the paint area because they cannot a good shot blocker and good defender and also they needed another perimeter and 3 point shooter for prevent their struggle and avoid for continues losing…that the analyst fir me and other fanatic warriors…revamp other players like kumingga ,wiggins and cris paul and corry joseph they needed thats all player fo securing their team..

  10. The team has always been built around curry bailing out the team with shots …. when they dont get "saves" the team has been historically mediocre or bad …

  11. The 5 game win streak was facing bad teams and the refs helping. 2 of those were against Portland and they barely won even with multiple BS calls.

  12. The best thing for the Warriors going forward is for you to go away and retire! Yes, you do get to a stage when you need to restructure starting with your head coach. It’s obvious you’ve exposed your undeniable lack of inspiration to coach and the players are bored with you. Stop making excuses for your bad coaching.

  13. Yea bc they have most simple game plan ever so teams know to defend the 3! They just set a screen and jack a 3 set a screen and jack a 3 ohh it's not working so let's set more screens and attempt more 3's lol🤦‍♂️🤣. Kerr doesn't even need to coach with this approach. Also they need some bigs as they don't have any smh. They will need more talented player's that can ball and not just shoot 3's. 😮

  14. The impact of Draymond Green on the IDENTITY of the Warriors has been proven. They aren’t Golden State without him.

  15. Kerr, your the biggest liar that ever got made by the overwhelming talent of Steph and Klay,, not your pet goon Draymond.. Steph and Klay has gotten old.. and your so stupid you will not play the younger talent.. and they are now revolting against you.. so take your pet goon, and retire

  16. Why is he not in the hot seat? You have Steph… You have a chance, period. Right now warriors have absolutely no chance at all. Steve needs to go

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