@Denver Nuggets

Stephen A. Smith: ‘Carmelo Anthony Deserves To Be Buried In An Unmarked Grave, Forgotten By Time’

Stephen A. Smith: ‘Carmelo Anthony Deserves To Be Buried In An Unmarked Grave, Forgotten By Time’

by IdRatherBeLurkingToo


  1. TH3PhilipJFry

    Lmao leave it to SaS to take it way too far

  2. FlyingRodentMan

    Stephen A. talked to his parish priest first for approval before making this statement because, as we all know, this ain’t how he talks everyday.

  3. Fools need to check sources rather than blindly believing anything they see on the internet lol

  4. The onion is the jokic of media outlets. Rarely misses and outwardly seems to give no fucks, but we all know they enjoy it. Beautiful

  5. thedishonestyfish

    Heh. We will all be buried in an unmarked grave, forgotten by time…Eventually.

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