@Golden State Warriors

The Warriors Are About To Make A Massive Trade

The Warriors Are About To Make A Massive Trade

In the NBA things can change really quickly a team can go from being in the highs of the high one moment to the lows of the low the next moment take the recent 2023 bucks for example one moment they were on top of the NBA as a 58- win

Team who captured the number one seed entering the playoffs in the next moment they were packing up their bags going home courtesy of this bad man here before making one of the wildest offseason trades we’ve ever seen the 2024 Golden State Warriors are no different when it comes to these wild

Swings and ships one moment they could be up 18 points in the fourth quarter with 6 minutes left in the game and in the next minute they could be picking up an L while asking themselves what the heck just happened and the moment after that they could be in the middle of the

Biggest trade of the year eat or be eaten Define or be defined sadly that’s the nature of professional sports and that’s where the Warriors find themselves today when the most expensive team in NBA history finds themselves sitting at the 12th seed it’s bound to ruffle up some feathers and that’s

Exactly why Joe lb recently went to Steve Ker’s press conference after a brutal loss at home his $400 million investment isn’t getting the intended return on investment and he’s seen too much with the trade deadline coming up soon and with how things are panning out it seems more and more likely that the

Warriors are going to make a massive change ladies and gentlemen I love Andrew Wiggins but it’s pretty clear at this point that the All-Star starter from 2022 that helped Golden State win a championship isn’t here anymore maybe something is going on in his life like how it did last season but after 40-ish

Games this year it appears that Wiggins has lost his passion for basketball I mean look at this play here where he gets the ball from kaminga with 16 seconds left on the shot clock and takes a long range jumper that’s just within the perimeter that’s the worst shot available in terms

Of risk and reward when it comes to the defensive end of the Court he just doesn’t seem to be playing with the edge he used to have in this play Here For example he commits a silly foul that sends Zion to the line as Curry just shakes his head in

Disbelief after that horrible 36-point loss to the Pelicans which was the Warriors biggest home loss since 2007 Steph Curry was asked in an interview if this team just needs more time to prove they can get things together and here’s how the Warriors Superstar responded that’s a definition of

Insanity right keep doing the same thing expecting a different result evidently things aren’t going as expected for Golden State but all is not lost yet the trade deadline is on February 8th and there are some moves that could put the Warriors right back into contention first off all reports

Indicate that Andrew Wiggins is going to be on the trading block so let’s take a look to see what moves the Warriors could make that puts them right back into the thick of things here’s Pascal sakam on the perimeter he’s being guarded by Drew holiday an allor Defender with two

Dribbles he gets to the paint and muscles holiday out of the picture Jaylen Brown then comes in over to help but pcal goes back left before stepping back for a free three- throw jumper that hits nothing but net here’s Pascal again on the perimeter he first passes the ball to yaka purle

Then as shreer sets the back screen for Pascal the 6’9 R star quickly makes his way to the basket and then leaps into the air for the alley slam here’s one more look at Pascal just using his size and playing some bullyball to get an easy bucket at The

Rim in the last 18 games spicy P the Raptor star is averaging nearly 25 points while shooting 58% from the field and 45% from three-point range while collecting a fair share of rebounds and dishing out a fair share of assists he’s one of the bigger trade names out there

That’s attached to Golden State and for good reasons standing at 6’9 and weighing about 250 lb the man would provide some serious Firepower for the Warriors would give them a new angle of attack and more importantly would give Steph Curry a true second option that can consistently produce at a high level the

Million-dollar question though is what’s his price tag and perhaps a question equally as important is does he move the needle well with the way the Raptors are structured now with Scotty Barnes RJ Barrett and Emanuel quick they’re clearly on the rebuild looking for more young pieces and very recently they had

Trade talks with the Sacramento Kings and had their eyes directly set on Keegan Murray a young Rising player any talks surrounding an older and more established player like Harrison Barnes were out of the question for Toronto as for the Warriors that young Rising player seems to be Jonathan kaminga I

Mean we all know what he’s capable of and Kyrie Irving of the Mavericks recently echoed that statement saying he believes young JK has untapped Superstar potential Joe lob doesn’t like the idea of trading away kaminga who he has a really close relationship with but on the other hand NBA stars like Paul

George love the idea I saw them putting Pascal and kaminga in a trade and I thought about it and I was like that’s a win for both sides if this trade did go through to meet salary cap situations it could have to be something like this the Warriors would be offering up

Jonathan kaminga Andrew Wiggins and Chris Paul the Raptors on the other hand would be offering up Pascal cakam uto Porter Jr and Dennis shuder personally I see kaminga having a higher ceiling than cakam but as of today and the next year or two zakum would probably be the better overall

Player and would fit better with Steph’s Championship window if this trade happened the Warriors lineup would be Steph clay Draymond seaka and Looney for the starting five then coming off the bench would be schruder gp2 moody shich Trace Jackson Davis and pimi does this move the needle though

Will this be enough to get them past juggernauts like the Denver Nuggets to be perfectly honest the answer is maybe I mean in the regular season the Nuggets needed 18 yic free throws in one game to win and an 18. fourth quarter comeback in another game to beat the current

Warriors and I just can’t help but think just how much better this new lineup would be another massive trade the Warriors could make is for this man here we have Cavs are looking to get Max Bruce going that’s his second whoa Marg and sail to the basket and [Applause]

Do it’s not a secret that Lori marinan is a 7ot unicorn as of today he’s actually the top three catch and shoot three-point shooter in the league but he doesn’t just settle on the perimeter either the man likes to move and cut off the ball and attack the basket like he

Does in this play here and in this play here in transition he’s a monster as well and against the other monsters in the league marinin has the ability to play them one-on-one along with Steph Curry marinin would put the Warriors into a very interesting position but the

Questions are the same with sakam what would be the price tag and would this trade move the needle well as for the price tag the Utah Jazz have noted they’re looking for a Rudy go bear type of package which means like five first round picks now the Warriors don’t have

A huge amount of draft picks they can offer but they can offer one first round pick and two Lottery talents that have developed and shown potential this is the trade that works in terms of salary and fits in my opinion in addition to a first round pick the Warriors would

Sacrifice their young core and trade away not only Andrew Wiggins but kaminga and Moody as well then on the rece receiving end they’d be getting Lori marinin Kelly olenic and fonio now the question is will this move the needle well the starting lineup for Golden State would then become Steph clay

Draymond marinin and Looney then coming off the bench would be Chris Paul the young glove Pinsky Trace Jackson Davis olenik and fonio just looking at it this team absolutely does move the needle if this unit can stay healthy this would be an absolutely frightening team one thing is for sure though the clock

Is ticking and with this team currently being the most expensive team in NBA history there’s no way Joe lob one of the best owners the NBA has ever seen is going to sit still and let his $400 million investment go to waste fireworks are going to happen and the NBA better Beware

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  1. Let's be honest. The Warriors need to trade Draymond, Klay, Paul and Loony to even think about being competitive. All four of those trades would be addition by subtraction.

  2. The warriors are the team that made me like basketball again. But at this point you offer up Klay, Wiggins, Draymond, and if need be Looney. You do not give up the young players who are actually doing good and are on cheaper contracts. You trade the players that have diminishing returns and high contracts.

  3. GSW needs a legitimate center position that can guard the types of Jokic or Embid. Markanen is a good choice.

  4. If Klay gets traded , im going to literally bawl my eyes out. I just cannont see it happening, but you never know.

  5. Kaminga is the trade . His value is in his potential, in reality hes not helping steph win this year or next couple years. Bring back immediate help while still have top 5 player

  6. Crazy to me that sum people just think, other teams gonna accept just wiggins 😹without other valuable picks

  7. The problem with wiggs , was after the championship they got, it was like "ok i proved already that im not a bust" that killer mentality like giannis or any superstar , wasnt and it was never meant for him. Thats his ceiling on 2022 cos after that its about wrong and shit mindset for him.


  9. Looks like its hard to trade Wiggins for the game he's playing these days. Teams will probably say no cause of his high pay.

  10. Kuminga is overrated to dub nation . Cant shoot , cant dribble defensively inconsistent and he talks to the media too much about playing time . That can hurt the team camaraderie . He’s super talented but im ok with parting ways with him . We are sitting 3 games under 500 and the last 3-4 games kuminga hasn’t put his money where his mouth is . If we dont trade him then we aren’t serious. In order to get a great player we have to trade one . Another thing , if we are serious about winning we have to trade looney. We have no center and whenever looney hits the floor we tank . He’s not even good enough to be a back up in my opinion .

  11. Have you watched looney play? He's literally unplayable right now. He definitely won't be in the starting 5 if kerr has any sense but i guess weve seen he doesn't smh

  12. We always focus on the big name trade when maybe the solution lies in a addition by substraction type of deal where Wiggins goes out and we get multiple useful but not All Star level pieces whose contribution added up is bigger than Wiggins. That would be a win trade too and last year the Lakers did exactly that.

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