@Toronto Raptors

Lakers Raptors Officiating Breakdown: Yep, It Was Really That Bad

Lakers Raptors Officiating Breakdown: Yep, It Was Really That Bad

All right everyone here it is it’s not complete but it’s a lot it’s enough it’s pretty bad here we go you notice how LeBron doesn’t fight through screens they’re always happy to do the switch off you know anything to keep LeBron from guarding a tough Defender let’s dump that on Anthony Davis now

This right here ladies and gentlemen that’s a foul it sure as hell foul if it’s LeBron James not called These are difference makers in games get Anthony Davis in foul trouble couple more points on the board for the Raptors these are difference makers nice hustle on that close out LeBron Scotty sure is

Comfortable shooting in LeBron’s face that’s right just walk away cuz there’s not a damn thing you can do about him talking [ __ ] to you look at LeBron’s shot chart really quick congratulations on making two outside the restricted Zone look at LeBron’s man Barnes sneak through for the putback dunk because

LeBron was so busy with his help without the help defense he looks around disgusted like it’s someone else’s fault look at this everybody else has somebody LeBron’s the only one floating there and loses track of the guy that he should be guarding watch this it’s not even a very

Good fake he just knows LeBron is so slow he can go right past him and he did hey that’s a poster dunk too if that bull bu [ __ ] the called the other day was a poster dunk now you’ll see Barnes complain to the ref after this one

Apparently LeBron hit him in the hand which makes sense because only LeBron misses by that much I’d love to see another angle to find out if it was a foul or not but if it was a foul you know there weren’t any replays of it shown oh and LeBron’s mug again and

Here’s LeBron again showing he has no interest in getting through a screen so barens gets another shot that’s on LeBron’s watch now LeBron absolutely mauls Barnes here no foul called just has his hands all over him you know I’ve said in a lot of my videos watch LeBron

In the lower torso and with his off hand in this case he’s doing it with both hands my God the [ __ ] he gets away with I’m going to freeze frame the exact moment that Christian Wood knocks the ball out of bounds and they give the ball to the Lakers now buckle up there’s

A lot to look at here first hey call a offensive foul or call a defensive foul because if that’s LeBron James driving you sure as [ __ ] can’t hit him the way that DLo just hit Barnes now upon reviewing this in slowmo you can see barnes’s body shift to the side after

The contact with d there’s no way you don’t call that on the defender when the offensive player is the one who send gets sent the other direction and obviously that alters uh barnes’s shot but what we’re really talking about here is who the the rebound went out on

Unfortunately even in the replay the cameraman’s not got the shot on the ball or the hands but you see that wood is interrupting barnes’s attempt to get hold of the ball Wood’s got to be called for sending that ball out of bounds and you can hear the Lakers home court announcers even

Laughing about it and the referee said hey give it to the Lakers for that good defensive BL that’s the only reason why doesn’t matter who touched it you know the more I watch this I’m having flashbacks of last year when Van Gundy and Mark Jackson were defending

DLo for running in out of nowhere and hitting the offensive player and this is look it doesn’t look like much but DLo is clearly not set he’s not in front of him he comes running in and he hits the offensive player and then Christian Wood I’ve said

From the very beginning how are you just going to dismiss Christian wood as a nobody I mean this Lakers roster is so deep that you don’t even give guys like Christian Wood the love that they deserve I mean the guy’s [ __ ] great now this foul called against Schroeder

Is about as bad as it gets and you can go different directions well one why is D flailing like this like he’s planning to draw the foul from The Ref like it looks like flailing with his plan the entire play and the ref’s obliged or there’s the direction of

People saying oh well but uh sher’s hand was on his waist or you know he was making contact with his body at some point in that defensive sequence well if we’re going to go back to the Ticky Tac [ __ ] then I’ll remind you that LeBron James has his hands on people all the

Time during the shooting motion how about this play I already pointed out with Anthony Davis earlier in the same game so which is it not much later we have Scotty Barnes going to the hole and we have another example if that was the Lakers especially LeBron that right

There that’s a foul that’s torso touching and here we go another example with Anthony Davis there you go get your left elbow on him push him out just a little bit and then contest the shot you know I hate to point things like that out little things like that but you’re

Calling that for the Lakers and not calling it for the Raptors and that makes a difference in the game you got to be consistent this one reminds me of the shrewder foul call if Barnes had flailed out the way that DLo did would you have gotten a call there this [ __ ]

Right here is just disgusting and about a billion ways you got to be [ __ ] kidding me I you know I said in the video prior to this as long as the [ __ ] falls down the rest will fall for it you got to be [ __ ] me and they reviewing it for FL LeBron says

We don’t teach flopping why would you even say that no one accused you of teaching flopping at the Lakers no you know you don’t feel the need to say that unless you are in fact practicing flopping this is ridiculous we all get hit like that I’ll tell you one thing

I’ve seen LeBron James hit people with his arms as he’s making a move to the basket way worse than that oh my God reddish you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] I got to tell you when people join LeBron’s team they become unlikable they start acting like that [ __ ] are you kidding

Me any of you out there that play know it’s kind of hard to avoid getting hit with an arm there’s 10 [ __ ] people out there and when you’re under the hoop that’s not a lot of space Jesus Christ an offense of foul my ass this is where

I would disown him as a son you [ __ ] you don’t [ __ ] shake his hand and keep acting you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] you know what the Raptor should fall down grabbing his elbow you know what how come everything’s a knockout blow in the NBA now no matter what happens like

Everything they’ve all been hit by Mike [ __ ] Tyson and it’s just a miracle that anyone gets back up I’m so f are you kidding me reddish you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] you review we see that Emanuel quickly delivers a horizontal for horizontal arm to the face of Cam reddish with

Speed it’s going to be a flagrant foul penalty one on Emanuel quickly We’re post a team foul on Toronto and it will be two shots to cam reddish that will also be a manual quickly six foul so he is disqualified from the game but it works out well for the Lakers just don’t get it but it works out well for

The Lakers when these biased homec Court Laker announcers even say they don’t get it that’s bad holy [ __ ] I can’t believe they called it flagrant how much does that affect it huh how much does that affect a close game when you get one of the star players for the other team

Disqualified they took away Quigley’s two points gave the Lakers two free throws got rid of a player for the Raptors and gave the Lakers the ball this is absolutely called a body foul on Reeves if the other player had been LeBron I searched for a replay another angle did not find one but

That’s definitely body contact by Reeves I originally thought that that was a clean block by ad but upon looking at the replay he realized that ad had his left hand on his uh lower torso and and he actually hits Barnes with his whole arm there he’s going elbow to

Elbow you could even call some body I mean it looks like his whole right side of ad’s body is making contact with Barnes not to mention the shooting hand now again you might be saying oh that’s Ticky Tac well it’s not Ticky Tac if it’s the Lakers in fact look look how

Scared the Raptors are of getting a foul called on them I mean they’ve been reduced to just getting completely out of the way I’m including this one because it represents how LeBron gets a shitload of his points just get out of the way don’t commit the foul you know

That was strategy there based upon the score and the time left on the clock now this is a poster dunk by Barnes but even before that he got hit I mean the way that they call it now if that was LeBron he got hit in the shooting motion

When he picked up his dribble if that’s LeBron on offense they blow the whistle and the announcers say he’s just too powerful locomotive you can do nothing about it and he goes to the free throw line according to 2023 LeBron James rules that’s a foul right there too with

The left forearm of Christie and it’s continuing he’s still got that forearm on the lower torso hey that’s LeBron that’s a foul and I’ve got the proof over and over and over again I guess the ref didn’t have a good enough View and what was the score a one-point

Game H you seen enough yet to see the difference in a one-point game let’s look at ad again so you get a better idea of just how inconsistent the calling is I mean you can’t he can’t be anywhere near him ad maybe an offensive foul there if anything but no it’s

Called a defensive foul and where’s the review where’s the possible flagrant review with the elbow the ad swings through I mean you found out a raptor for an inadvertent elbow here Davis gets away with using his shoulder to make space then delivers the elbow and he

Gets to go to the free throw line in the end they called it on quickly for touching Davis in the Torso now how many times have I shown you the Lakers doing that to the Raptors and how many more times will I show you before I’m done

Don’t get me wrong that’s dumb by quickly that’s dumb to put his hand there but even if quickly hadn’t done that don’t you get the feeling that they’re going to call it on Barnes if they didn’t call it on quickly as you can see Anthony Davis is definitely the

Most important factor in this game certainly not LeBron James that was just with me focusing on Scotty barnes’s attempts let’s look at some of LeBron’s beautiful stuff now I just want you to see something here look at that that dude is lethal lethal with his elbow swinging people

Just get the F out the way and let them throw it off the other side of the backboard well that’s piss now I would say this is one of the most disgusting plays I’ve ever seen except that LeBron James exists so thanks to his existence there’s a never

Ending supply of these examples and let me tell you something I’m not playing I am not playing when I say I would punch LeBron James right in his [ __ ] mouth for those shoulder shrugs don’t give a [ __ ] what happens I will punch that [ __ ] overgrown [ __ ] right in its

Godamn jaw so once again seems like every time I break down a game this happens we have another case of LeBron doing multiple illegal things in one play we have dislodging we have traveling and we have use of the clear out arm so right there is the final dribble

He’s going to take a step after that a full step it’s not a gather step goddamn LeBron idiots and then another two that’s three steps there’s the first instance of the clear out arm followed quickly by the second now that You’ got that rib cage exposed just slam into it with your

Entire right side and and now with that extra illegal step that you took you got that momentum to just throw them completely off of you how is that not dislodging I mean it is period that’s an offensive foul I am so sick of 21 years of watching LeBron James foul people and

Them get called for the foul not just that but then you have to see him Mean Mug the crowd and roll his shoulder as if he did something great not that he just committed an illegal play and got bailed out by the refs yeah go ahead roll your shoulders you [ __ ]

Fraud but now I want you to listen to the homec court announcers that time I thought that the defender bnes was in pretty good position but LeBron got that right shoulder into him and just put him out of position put him out of position that’s dislodging he he just

Said dislodging you know when they accidentally side with the defender you know it’s bad but you know they’re kind of flip-flopping all over the place they’re like yeah okay well nothing illegal was done by the defender but hey LeBron’s got that shoulder what a great move by LeBron I mean they’re

Complimenting the guy for playing illegal basketball I mean the words are coming out of their mouths saying that he’s doing illegal [ __ ] okay moving on uh I call back of the rim and how about front of the rim wow even getting out of the way

Isn’t good enough for him and he wants a foul call Unbelievable LeBron has a I’m him moment nope you’re not H and Roid boy you can smell the offensive fouls coming already what were there [ __ ] four I could see the clear out arm from here and of course they called it on the

Raptors uh no you are not Jordan and the saddest thing about that play is hearing the announcers I mean they’re actually praising the dude look look at the [ __ ] shot and they’re actually like wow look what he tried to do we reached the point to where they’re saying look what he tried to

Do and let’s have one more brick and call it a night but it’s not just the shooting it’s not just the shooting attempts where the ref are helping them this is an offensive foul by LeBron James if you slow it down you can actually see him see the screen and

Lower his shoulder and pick up speed that’s illegal for those of you who aren’t aware you are not allowed to try and blast through his screen you have to find a legal way around the screen look at LeBron’s hands he actually thinks that it’s being called on him because it

Should have been but no he’s going to the free throw line yes LeBron James got to go to the free throw line for that to shoot turns Baseline no rebound Chris terrible box out by the Raptors but you can’t bail the Lakers out with a whistle here you don’t give Christy that

Call look at this where’s the foul that that’s clean and if you watch closely here Chrissy just loses the ball midair what is there minute 40 left in the game H you think that’s a Difference Maker too yeah I know that look it’s good to be a Laker isn’t it Christie and

So to seal the game another foul call Another Touch foul call sending the Lakers to the line yet at the other end Anthony Davis can ride Barnes all the way to the the hoop and hit him on the shooting arm no call I mean that’s not consistent I would like to have seen

Another angle of this I searched for a replay of it they didn’t show one well everyone I’m sure that there’s a lot more but you get the idea I got to move on uh this is going to be my last one for a while maybe some podcasts but I’ve

Got to work on my other stuff uh hang in there I don’t know what to say this is just the NBA now

I take a look at the fouls as well as LeBron James’s game in general.

Watch part 1 as well


  1. agree with almost everything except for 5:42 they all knew he was gone as soon as he clipped Reddish's jaw. Any swinging motion that hits the head is 99% gonna get called as offensive foul and yeah looked at for a flagrant. I say 99% bc they don't call it on AD. That's a foul and a consistent call. the BS call was before this on Quickley the play before where he gets called on a foul on AD

  2. I can't wait for the moment LeBron retires. I hope NBA will then be finally be free from LeBroom's influence.

  3. @5:45 Reddish legitimately got hit on the chin. His whole head got yoked. I'm not with the ref BS. But bro don't add on with non truths, makes you look bad.

  4. Wussup @Angryoldhoops

    Go back and look at around the 10:23 mark of the 4th. Notice how frustrated D. Russell gets when LeFraud just mindlessly zooms by him, instead of giving him a screen?

    Classic, LeCry. 😅😅😅

  5. This is not a new problem, Lakers have been doing this at least since the Shaq era. Shaq and Kobe should have only won 1 title if the refs were fair. Same thing with the Gasol, fisher Kobe years. Hollywood must have some great flopping and acting classes for athletes.

  6. "Upon further review Raptors player Quickley jumped off the top rope and delivered a devasting blow to Lakers player Reddish. Its gonna be a flagrant foul and due to the nature of the crime we will be recommending Quickley to be charged with 1st degree murder. Thoughts and prays for Reddish and his family"

  7. Thanks for your amazing reveal video. Most often I question why the Raptors even bother to play in the nba. Because most nights they are competing against both their opponents and the refs. Seems the refs see our games as a USA vs Canada game. 🤔🤔

  8. He's also a satanist. Its tatooed all over lebrons body. During the bubble when they knelt, after the anthem he praises Baal and Moloch with hand gestures. Look it up. BLM is actually Baal, Moloch and Lucifer, started by ither satanist and fooling the public to create chaos. They are all in on it. Wake up

  9. Hard to argue with the analysis as the Lakers can't win without help from the officials yet pundits and the league say the foul discrepancy was fair and Raptors get cheated… The modern NBA is a joke as the officiating is inconsistent allowing certain teams and players an unfair advantage, robbing fans of their support and $$$. I'd rather watch Euroleague than today's NBA… Great video and F the Lakers!

  10. Something tells me you're not a LeBron fan and you never were or will be. 😅😂

    I agree on all what you're saying about those questionable calls/non calls tho. Game was completely rigged and still they only managed to win by one point lmao.

  11. This video had me so mad JFC.

    Sick and tired of these biased and INCONSISTENT refs! 😤😤😤😤

  12. Wow, your videos really make you hate LeBron James. One video suffices really lmao 😂😂

  13. Would've liked to hear your thoughts on that offensive foul called on RJ Barrett with 25.5 seconds to go where AD completely flops.

    Whether it was a foul or not, one thing's for sure: that will NEVER get called against the Lakers.

    Truly one of the most rigged games/4th quarters I ever saw.

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