@Dallas Mavericks

Mavericks vs Knicks Recap: Kyrie Irving leads an injured Dallas team against New York

Mavericks vs Knicks Recap: Kyrie Irving leads an injured Dallas team against New York

He [Applause] Hello welcome to pod Maverick after dark I’m Kirk Henderson and I’m joined by Josh Bo we are both editors over at Mavs Moneyball decom we come to you it is Thursday night it’s a little before 10:30 we got started earlier than uh we were broadcast for and we did so because

Mavericks um I I want to say they took care of business against the New York Knicks but I had no idea how to feel about this game going in I don’t know how to feel about this game now they won 128 to 124 and one of kind of the

Most back and forth rope of dope like there was so much going on with this game and a game where there was all sorts of blowouts across the NBA tonight like the Portland Trailblazers should probably be relegated for for example they got beat by like 80 points uh the

The Mavericks played a really entertaining game with the New York Knicks Josh how you doing I’m doing pretty good um yeah it’s a shame I mean it’s kind of a shame that I you know I already see it in the chat and I see a little bit on Twitter like just the way

That the game ended it’s going to be a lot of you know Jason kid sucks and they almost blew another game and and you know all that kind of stuff and I feel like the the fourth quarter collapse is going to take away from what was really like a really impressive and dominant

First three quarters when you consider the Knicks have basically been like the best team in the NBA over the last week um and the Mavericks you know are missing Luca and Lively and exom um so yeah like you know I mean is it ideal that the Mavericks had to to

Pull this this win by the you know by the hair on their chin like n you’d rather them close out at you know a 20-point lead in the second half but also they had a 20-point lead against the Knicks um when when they had no Luca

So I mean this was a game everyone expected the Mavericks to be down by 20 so I I really hope that the way they close the game in the fourth doesn’t overshadow uh the performance for the rest of the game really you know that

Was the that was the meat of the game so so full disclosure I missed the entire fourth quarter because I started dealing with a absolute emergency related to our podcast which I will share with you guys a little bit later in the show simply because I need to know if anybody in our

Audience uh has experiened with this sort of thing but I I think that by following it along my computer I actually had a little bit more of a less I had a less emotional reaction to this game and the Knicks quite candidly you know with the with the one exception of

Mitchell Robinson who’s like out for the year with an injury the Knicks are like the funhouse mirror version of the Mavericks in terms of how their season is gone you know Chuck cooperstein shared something today that the Mavericks don’t have the Mavericks don’t have a single worthwhile lineup I think

That has over a 100 plus minutes together fiveman lineup the entire season so we’re what four nearly halfway through the season and the Mavericks don’t have a lot of data which goes back to what we mentioned when we close the podcast after the Grizzlies game which is I think the Mavericks still have

Layers to get to because they just don’t know enough about how these guys actually fit together um and that that is just sort of got me me thinking when you you think about the fact that they came out tonight with kind of an unorthodox starting lineup you know

Dwight pal has no business uh playing in a game like this and that they managed to get up and they managed to hold the lead for a while they actually blew the lead twice if we’re being candid it got down to six at one point before it got

Down to one uh uh in the fourth quarter and I walk away from this game really delighted that they won really delighted that they uh you know played how they did huge sections of this game and if you’re upset with the coaching I get it but they’re down three starters so I

Don’t I want kid to take timeouts too let me just I don’t want to to to sit here and say that I think kid is like the answer or but I also I also just I’m living in this world where they’re not getting rid of him in my opinion ever I

Just I don’t think they’re ever going to to say that um and talking about it after win is just like it’s just a non starter like it’s January maver are 23 and 16 they won like I just don’t know why fire kid has to be a talking point

After this specific game like it’s just it’s just not there for me and I understand I’m not trying to say I agreed with the way that the team played down the stretch or or kids decisions down the stretch or or lack of decisions it’s just like we got to talk about some

Other stuff like besides besides that um you said you missed most of the fourth quarter so yeah it is funny I would have loved to see you react because you’re you’re he would like let’s be clear like all these all these all you guys are so

Angry in the chat like lighten up um this this again account an account I’m I’m very close to Banning just for just for his consistent complainings like when I say Dwight pal shouldn’t be able to play in this game I say Dwight pal tends to get rocked by bigger guys he

Did play a good basketball game but that’s what’s made this season so interesting is that you go night in and night out and some of these guys that I don’t think should be able to play in certain matchups do a really good job and other times it’s like what is going

On here I mean by and large the guys that we were so pissed at after last game played fantastic like it the Josh Green had for my money his best game is that silly I don’t know if he was his best probably his best game this

Season I okay best game this season yeah yeah he he played really well um obviously um the scoring is great you know 18 points he was really aggressive on The Fast Break he really thrived with the way they were pushing the tempo the Mavericks scored 23 points off 16 Knicks

Turnovers and two of those turnovers were team turnovers which are you know the ball shot clock ones right yeah yeah either shot clock ones or or something else yeah they’re usually shot clock ones so only 14 turnovers that were like within play at least I’m not even sure

How many of those were in play um the Mavericks had six steals so there’s at least six of them uh for the Mavericks to score 23 points off those turn you know 14 turnovers that’s a really that’s a a crazy high conversion rate they had

25 fast break points and that was a lot of you know Green getting out and Kyrie finding him um he ran the floor exceptionally hard and I know Mavs fans are frustrated like why can’t he do this when the team is fully healthy like it seems like he has these big pop off

Games without Luca and yeah that’s probably a larger discussion for another day like you know right it doesn’t make sense why he can’t play well with them and yeah I mean he clearly plays better when he’s when he gets to run more and when he gets to touch the ball more but

My friend you were the 18th pick and you are on a team with Luka Don you have to be able to adapt your game to contribute you know in the half court like that’s not like a Luca criticism that like Luca does not need to adapt to Josh Green

Josh Green needs to adapt to Luca that’s correct um but but still it was good to see he made the clutch three-pointer after he missed um so basically the way that a game ended he missed a corner they’re up one with like 40 seconds left he misses a corner three there’s like

Two offensive rebounds later and then he makes the the game clinching three with like you know 30 or 40 seconds left so that was really good to see um defensively I thought he was really good for about a half or so um Brunson eventually kind of found his way in

Second half but I thought he’s he and Kyrie were the biggest reasons the the game the The Mavericks got the lead that they got and they set the tone because one Kyrie came out with an aggressive mindset like I’m gonna score I’m gonna dominate on the floor yeah just incredible game yeah I

Would yeah go ahead there so there’s a play I want to say his second quarter maybe his first quarter but he gets the ball one of the things I’ve been really asking for is on like part of the way the Mavericks offense works Kyrie gets

The ball in reversal at one of the Wings and he almost always makes the right pass to the corner and what I’ve sort of advocated for the last couple of days is I really want him to just rise and fire because he’s a brilliant catch and shoot player

But he made a pass to Jaden Hardy Jaden Hardy drives Baseline and gets fouled and one of the things that is so really just I mean it’s really obvious to some people and it’s probably obvious if you’re like a a hardcore basketball fan but it’s just it’s really pleasing to

Watch Kyrie make the right play so often uh particularly within this offense and I don’t ever really feel like he’s forcing too much there’s just like he takes control of the game and has been hitting the kind of shots I mean he didn’t you know you go look at his

Statistics he didn’t have a good opening to the year he shot under 50% most games and then there’s games like tonight where he’s just like the threes are Fallen a Kyrie Irving transition three is my current favorite shot with this basketball team it is different than a

Jason and Terry you know uh a three three in transition where you could see that from a mile away with Terry but I love it when Kyrie does it it’s great to watch yeah the way that he’s able to like spring into it like kind of

Out of nowhere it feels like is pretty is pretty remarkable like the way he’s able to get balance no matter where he is in his dribble and no matter how fast his dribble is you know in the break like that’s really impressive and then the other thing um you know following up

Like how it was Kyrie and green getting this team off to a great start um they started you know Green started the game and they started with green picking Brunson Up full court for the most part or three4 court and I think that bothered the Knicks because I honestly

Feel like the Knicks walked into this game they’re playing well uh they see there’s no Luca there’s no Lively no exm I mean they walked into this game kind of like how the Mavericks start you know played against Memphis the other night where it was like okay this is a

Underman team we’re really good uh we’re just going to walk through this game and be able to get a win because they’re so short-handed they don’t have Luca they can’t do anything about it and green totally changed how they wanted to kind of Sleepwalk like they wanted to

Sleepwalk through the game and green wouldn’t like let them because he picked up Brunson so early in possessions almost full court I mean the Knicks didn’t get a flow in their offense until the second half when they finally kind of adjusted and and and kind of you know

Got a quick kick in the ass and kind of picked up their pace of play a little bit but the Knicks just wanted to walk the ball play a nice easy game because they thought they were going to win and green was like no like and maybe kid

This was part of the coaching staff maybe this is kid this is Sweeney but it made a difference him picking up Brunson like the Knicks offense was totally discombobulated for the first half and Brunson didn’t have a good half either he didn’t really pick it up till till

The end of the game so I thought that was really good by by kid or the coaching staff and then by Green executing I mean the funny little secret about Jaylen Brunson and I like Jaylen Brunson and I miss Jaylen Brunson but him and Kyrie Irving are very different

Players and the thing about Brunson is that he plays exactly like Luca I’m sorry he just does he controls the and that’s that’s a compliment in a lot of regards he he he controls the pace he knows where he’s going he does things interesting but like the kind of

Pass that Kyrie received I want to say it was like an outlet pass Kyrie’s at the bottom of the screen so going up the left side of the floor he it was essentially like a it reminded me of like a hockey slap shot where it was like what do you call those one-timers

Where it’s like you just swing at it and he onand rifles a pass to Josh Green up the other stride of the four that was so damn sexy I didn’t know what to do with myself because it went you know you see Luca make these passes and I’m kind of become

Numb to them to a degree and I know Kyrie’s an unbelievable passer too but he you know LCA has the ball more than he does so he doesn’t get a chance to uh to to Really discuss these or to to do these sorts of things so it was just man

I this and the other point I wanted to make is I really think that this game was a Back to Basics reminder of the fact that earlier in the season the Mavericks were running a lot and as the season worn on and as these guys haven’t

Been healthy we had somebody in the chat point out that Luca and Kyrie have only been healthy together for 22 of the 37 games that is huge I wanted I I really hope that this is some Visual and some provides the Mavericks with some film reminders that they do and should run

More they need to run a little bit more they get the most out of certain players when they run more is is that crazy no no not crazy at all but they’re also entering this game they were eighth in Pace um so they’re top 10 in Pace

Like how much faster do you need him to get but when Kyrie’s been out we’ve gotten back to a lot of Luca ball and that’s not a criticism that’s a survival Instinct when Kyrie’s out for 12 games you have to do something different Dante XM certainly gives them something but

Again Dante didn’t play T night so it’s like when I’m looking at this team and and earlier someone in the chat asked a good question when it’s like why does it matter if they’re off three starters and and what does that have to do with kid calling a timeout I should have

Explained myself further because it’s a good question when three of your starters are out plus other guys are injured there’s an element of like if you want kid to call a timeout yes I get it but then he has to be able to do something within that time out with the

Players that he has at hand and I don’t know what he would do with some of these guys because it’s like there’s an element of this which is just play better basketball guys running you know get a better shot off and and we live by the Hardaway three and die by

The Hardaway three the Mavericks win something like I want to say uh uh there’s they have a really astounding record that they’ve only when Tim Hardway hits three or more threes the Maverick win like 70% of their games that’s this season so it’s just there’s certain indicators that are really basic

With these team and we want to blame it or get mad at it and toss it in other other directions about what they could have done differently but it’s it’s you know the Mavericks are hitting their threes early tonight and that was that ended up being the difference in this

Game they hit eight threes in the first quarter and some of that’s Pace some of that’s quality of shot some of it’s just a little bit of luck and you know I I I would you know that last awful three that Tim Hardaway took I went back and

Looked at before the show started if that’s a normal miss you you said it in the chat if that’s a normal miss the Knicks get the rebound and probably go win the game yeah he miss did so bad that the Mavericks W won it was really

Funny um this is a good point T-Bone says a timeout would give Kyrie rest and to stop the bleeding the Kyrie tiredness element did come into play in the fourth quarter don’t you think yeah yeah for sure and by the way I’m not disagreeing um that like like when I say I don’t

Want to talk about like firing kid or or a bad job kid did I’m not trying to say he did a good job in the fourth quarter managing the run and and trying to to get the team in the right spot I’m just saying they no one thought that they

Would be in that position at all to even blow a game considering the Personnel they had on the floor without Luca I mean you know I just didn’t they didn’t think they’d have a 20-point lead to blow in the first place so I want to just say that first off like it’s not

That it was good it’s just I mean they shouldn’t have you know they played so well OV expectation it’s just not something I’m thinking about first first thing after a game ends but yeah you’re right yeah Kyrie was was a little was a little tired I think toward the end um

You know they definitely could have managed that a little bit better uh it’s funny because kid does like to like make sure he doesn’t lose any of his timeouts like he does the use it or lose it timeout like all the time so uh to not call timeouts in the fourth when he’s

Gonna lose timeouts anyway uh and and your team is in a funk like yeah I can see that’s definitely frustrating to watch for sure they could have done a better job with it yeah um also you know like I think some uh Matt and our and

Our Slack one of our mats one of the eight mats we have on staff was like is Kyrie being too differential down the stretch and you know part of it was him being tired which which is what Matt was was wondering and then I think other

Part of it was just the Knicks finally ran the Luca defense where they’re like okay here we’re done with this we’re not letting Kyrie make any more shots and they they AG we don’t see it too often there’s particularly with these Mavericks we don’t see it too often but

There’s occasions where you are reminded that Kyrie’s like 61 to 6 too there was like an early turnover cuz Kyrie was playing a little bit with his back to the basket there was like an early turnover in the second half where Randall came where Julius big ass Randle

Came in from behind and took the ball from Kyrie um that just you know he can obviously handle the double team but if you don’t see it all the time it’s probably a little bit like confusing every now and again and that’s the point that’s what it’s supposed to do is mix

It up and the other Mavericks need to do a better job of executing I mean that’s that’s really kind of what it comes down to there’s a big difference in your 67 68 point guard getting doubled and your 61 62 point guard getting doubled you could tell down the stretch that Kyrie

Could see it wasn’t that he didn’t see the play or where the ball needed to go and credit to the Knicks I think they did a really good job with their doubles and their rotations on the backline where they were kind of you know dipping

In and out between who the Rel who they were letting be the release valve so like they would double Kyrie and and you know someone would be open in the middle of the floor and you could see Kyrie with the ball like start to go that direction and then the Knicks would

Rotate over and then he’s like okay I got to go to the corner because that’s where the Knicks are helping off of and then the Knicks covered that too like they did a really good job four guy you know basically what three guys covering four guys they did a

Good job rotating through so it wasn’t always an easy pass for Kyrie to make um and so yeah I don’t you know maybe the counter to that is let someone else bring the ball up maybe run him off some screens but again he’s he’s probably pretty tired at that point so we’ll see

Don’t have ball handlers left Tim Hardaway had some had some Stanley from the office dribbling moments where I was just like what is going on here Timmy like you’re losing the ball with your right hand you are right-handed how is that a thing and it’s just we’ve been a little spoiled

When you have Luca who’s so good at ball control same with Kyrie and and um you know same with Dante exom to where it hasn’t been a concern and the Knicks just made it made you feel a little bit uncomfortable so yeah for sure and it’s like you know the Knicks are

The Knicks since they traded for OG and Obi like like they’re really good this this is a this is a big win yeah like I just it is a big win this might be their most imp I mean I know Minnesota is the best team in the west right now

Record wise but like I don’t know this Knicks team has been really freaking good uh since that trade and fun fact somebody um pointed this out in a chat that I’m in um Kyrie iring has not lost to the Knicks since 2018 so he that’s pretty good he plays

Them really well um is is where we at um all right I need to shill for a second uh if you could do me a favor guys if you could like the stream I’d really appreciate that while you’re hanging out down there go ahead and subscribe to the

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Problem but if there’s anybody out there that listens to this show that is in like audio or does podcasting themselves I could really use some help uh we have made like a step forward where we know what’s going on but the the the quick story is that because we train

Transferred from one hosting platform to another something got messed up and then switched over five or six months after we started with bluewire it doesn’t make any sense all right thanks for letting me talk about that um what else should we talk about in this game because it’s

Again like the I I think it’s sort of like the way the game ended leaves you it it the immediate reaction has to be oh but realistically you know you’re surviving uh you know Dante Dante D chenzo um bman Jones refers to him as white Dante uh was five of 10 from three

Just killing the Mavericks from those Corners uh but Isaiah hartenstein was grabbing all the rebounds I mean the Knicks didn’t outrebound the Mavericks too badly I mean this this really feels like a game that that the Mavericks I don’t want to say stole but it was it

Was tough yeah and I mean offensive rebounds New York had 13 which is not great but the Mavs had 11 like they had the just as many their share of back breaking offensive rebounds I mean they won the game with two offensive rebounds at the end of the game like and it’s

Just kind of funny considering the the the paint and rebounding advantage that the Knicks have obviously the Knicks did score pretty much at will in the paint when they decided to get there when they kind of woke up in the second half uh New York shot 19 of 21 at The Rim that

Is that is 90 uh 90.5% uh they scored 56 points in the paint um so again you know if the Mavericks didn’t start the game as aggressively as they did with Kyrie I mean we’re probably talking about the Knicks winning this game by by double digits considering how they played in

The second half for parts of the second quarter but really like the Mavericks scored 44 I mean the mavi scored 44 points in that first quarter and they kind of just rode that out in a way um with their three-point shot making Advantage yeah I mean they win a game by

Four and they made three more threes in the Knicks you know three-point shot making is huge and the turnovers were huge uh so yeah like there were parts of the game that didn’t look great you know Julius Randall did his thing where like he’s in Dallas and he plays like a

Freaking MVP even though he looked like crap in the first 24 minutes or so of the game and he just looked amazing in the second half nothing really you know I mean who on the Mavericks is you know Jones is too skinny you know pal is

Dwight pal like it was just just a tough matchup especially like he always matches up pretty poorly with the Mavericks because they’re just they haven’t been a big team for a while and and this one hurt but yeah oh go ahead we got to give some love to a guy that

We’ve been kicking the out of in Grant Williams oh yeah welcome back Grant Williams you know he 27 minutes uh 11 points six boards three assists one block one turnover um three of his rebounds were of the offensive variety y um still a minus four still miss four

Three-pointers I want to know your opinion on this because I don’t like doing the Bill Simmons body doctor thing uh oh but I I feel like he played I feel like he played with like an apology on his face like he had a look on his face like

I need to do better like the whole game and he did do better he he’s not a dummy he’s online like he’s very online he’s doing pod like I he I think he’s very much in tune with what the discourse is around him and he definitely had an

Effort level of a guy that has been reading a lot of Mean Tweets and and and articles and bad stats and stuff like that I you know I believe that for sure and then I think the other guy um his box score doesn’t really reflect how

Well I felt he played but I really like Jaden Hardy’s game tonight I just I did yeah he was part of the the first half kind of barrage um he kind of cooled up I don’t even know if he scored he he finished with eight points six rebounds

Four assists I feel like that’s what what he had in the first half like yeah I think that’s right because the lanes were kind of closing down like the the Mavericks weren’t running as much in the second yeah because the Knicks finally decided to like play basketball in the

Second half um and Hardy you know this is actually a pretty yeah Hardy had yeah no points no assists he had one rebound um in the second half but yeah the Knicks are a tough matchup because of their size and like even Brunson who’s not like an amazing Defender like he’s

Still chunky and it just makes it harder for for a guy like Hardy um but I thought Hardy was part of that like really aggressive fast tempo Pace getting out on the break he made some good passes and transition had a really nice kind of mid like secondary break

Drive into the paint drop off for pal for a layup in the first half that was really that was really pretty um so yeah he made he made the plays they needed to get the lead up big in the first half and yeah he didn’t finish the game

Strong but he gave him a good half at least which was nice no and that and that’s really what you need because you go through this box score tonight and and the Mavericks played a seven-man rotation with a bite of Morris and Seth Curry who just turned in a nothing

Burger in 10 minutes so you’re running you’re running essentially let’s just go through it they they have pallet Center and you got Hardway Jones Kyrie Irving Josh Green Grant Williams Jaden Hardy and this is an element of where I have I I have a hard time from the big picture

Like I get you want to criticize the runs they were ready to play tonight and they W that was nice because they weren’t ready to play against Memphis I I Luca was either hurt before that game and needed to sit and wouldn’t or you know some nights you just don’t

Have it but that was a really frustrating element um of the Memphis game and tonight I don’t really think we can look at anybody that played tonight and say they didn’t play hard yeah I agree and I feel like everyone that played of the main seven had a moment or

Two of just like like a momentum turning play obviously you know we’ve talked about the big guys that that played the the major minutes in Hardway and green and Kyrie and you know even pal had five offensive rebounds U made some nice plays um jerck Jones Jr who is slumping

In a big way from three he’s hitting 30 30% of his threes in January he hit 32% of his threes in December which I think we you know I mean everyone called that he was not going to be a 38% 39 whatever he was at the first couple weeks of the

Season um but the thing that’s nice about Jones is he’s been slumping but he still feels pretty like invaluable um feels like a guy you can’t take off the floor ogan anobi had a pretty Invisible game and you know Jones was definitely on him for for large stretches uh you

Know Jones guard he guarded a little bit over he guarded Randall he guarded anobi he guarded a little bit of Brunson like he kind of feels like they’re I mean he feels like they’re kind of defensive guy like in the way that like the Mavericks would use Dorian

Finy Smith um obviously Jones is a little bit more athletic makes a little bit more Splash defensive plays but he kind of feels like they you know their defensive anchor in a way on the perimeter you know outside of lively at The Rim um he had another block um he is

Blocking so many shots uh this is his third straight game with a block um he’s played one two three four five six games in January uh five of them he has a block he actually has one two three four five six he has eight blocks in six January games like that’s pretty

That’s pretty good from your 66 uh small forward slash small ball power forward we thought he was going to be playing when he played for the Mavericks we kind of figured that he would be a small ball five I did not see him guarding the the positions he’s guarded and so pretty

Fantastic yeah I think he’s been a great he’s been a great Wing guard Defender for the most part he’s you know he has his moments for sure he was one um I don’t know if you you caught watching this game because it kind of showed up

More in the fourth quarter he is another guy that looks really tired sure um he has been because I mean he has been giving he has been balls to the wall uh since they’ve played him um he is average you know we talked about uh Grant Williams and the the weird story

About him being out of shape because he was never asked to play this many minutes before in his career well very quietly Derrick Jones Jr is averaging a career high in minutes per game he’s averaging 25.7 per game career he’s 19.4 minutes per game um last season he was

At 14 the season before he was at 17 um he’s started 36 games which he’s gonna blow past his career high of game started which is 43 outside of that you know he started 43 games in 2021 he’s never started more than 20 yep um so not

Only is his roll in like this is what we talked about with Grant where his roll increased his minutes increased maybe the production drops because he’s not playing against bench players well Jones is doing that and he’s averaging a career hind points by about two uh you

Know he’s still blocking almost a shot per game uh he’s got about almost a steal per game like playing really well he’s shooting you know 48% from the floor he’s making a you know enough threes he’s Technic he’s currently a career high still from three even at 34%

But with the defense and the athleticism you take it like he has taken that role and kind of run with it and he’s probably been I mean him and exom well and Lively but him and exom have been kind of the Difference Maker you know I

Don’t know Lively is also like no one thought a 19y old rookie starting Setter would be as good as Lively so I’ll just those three have been when we talk about oh this team has a similar record to last year’s Mavericks last year’s Maverick did not have three players like

Those three like Lively like Jones like exm so that those three have been the difference I think for sure yeah it’s been nice um the tiredness element is interesting you know there was a certain point earlier this year where Josh and I it was like what six games in 16 days

And they had all their rest at a point where they really didn’t need it and they’re not alone in this like teams are looking Haggard um the NBA has a blowout slight the NBA a scheduling problem and it’s it’s it’s blowouts it’s funny like clearly the player participation

Policies are working um in that like guys are playing a lot more shout out to uh to to Kawhi Leonard for playing so regularly that he got a massive contract extension uh which it would just kill me if all of a sudden he decides to start sitting more often now that he’s playing

But it makes me wonder where these guys are not really ready to play night in and night out like they used to be or like they because they’re they’re playing more um I could be I have no data on that so I don’t probably don’t know what I’m talking about but they’re

Just think the the the blowouts are real and that’s where you know the Mavericks coming out tonight was nice just just we don’t see them involved in that many blowouts they’ve had some bad losses this year the Memphis one was a good example of that but you know hopefully

We’ll uh we’ll we’ll see some in the second half of the Season we’ll see a more consistent slightly healthier Dallas Mavericks lineup uh if you look at injury stuff they’re kind of in the middle of the pack but I would argue that because they are constantly missing

Two to three rotation guys we just don’t know what this team can be and there’s a lot of folks out there that really want the Mavericks to go trade for people because they want more depth which I get I just can’t help but think with what we’re seeing or really what we’re not

Seeing on the rumor Market uh that the Mavericks have any interest in doing that I mean they probably should I just don’t think they’re going to I think they’re interested I think they’re just handicaps with their asset situation right now you know I don’t think they anticipated green having such a you know

Obviously he’s played well you know he had a good game tonight uh and then he had another good game you know couple you know he’s played he’s had a handful of good games since coming back which is nice but I feel like if you ask someone

On the whole about green and Hardy you would say on the whole they’ve not been as good as you probably thought they would be this season and those are the two young Blue Chip players on the roster that would entice a team in a trade like

When you look at what Toronto got for ogan and noi it was Emanuel Quigley and RJ Barett had no first round picks like if a team is looking for players that can play right away like good young players like green and Hardy are theoretically those guys for the

Mavericks to offer and those guys taking a little bit of a step back um makes it harder because after that it’s like it’s basically like salary filler which is like all right teams will’ll take it or leave it and they can only trade one pick so that also limits them

Like you know they only got Kyrie because he was a depreciated asset so that’s kind of where they’re at they need to find a guy that not a lot of people are bidding on which is why as much as I want them to throw everything

In the pot and get a pascal sakam like he has a market like people he’s a good player he’s not a depreciated asset I I also don’t think that from a from a like what he wants is getting respected enough in the m discussion when fans are talking about

Him the basketball fit is so obvious with what Dallas needs but he doesn’t want to stand in a corner and take threes and do dirty work he doesn’t want to do that he’s 30 years old he wants his he wants those his final contract so and he’s probably gonna get it from

Somebody I just don’t know if the Mavericks would be the team to do it I I really you are never super enthused about specific free agents so the fact that not free agents just like players on the market you’re never like I really want that guy I love Pascal so that’s

Like he’s in my heart I don’t know what it is that’s enough for me as a buyan yeah I told the story it’s because I W you know I watched him at New Mexico state in an arena of like 200 people it’s just you know you fall in love with

Guys that you watch early on like it’s why you know all the draft people we know have their their favorite guys that they’ve been following for a while like he’s kind of like that for me yep yeah and so I don’t it’s just you know you

Got it what players want that was one of the things Jonathan Shar our old friend used to talk about which is guys in their 20s often really want different things than by the time they’re in their late 20s and early 30s and what the Mavericks did with Dirk way back in the

Day this is kind of lost but they cycled in new guys every three years like they Dirk had a new cast every three years almost the entire career um they haven’t done that with Luca that started this year so we’ll see what they can do you

Know the Market’s always weird I find I I tend to like you know it’s bad for our clicks but I like when we don’t hear anything about Dallas with trades I’d rather that come out you know we were at our colleague Doyle’s uh baby shower when the Kyrie Irving news broke

At least that was like whispered about but like I just I don’t know I kind of like it I kind of like it um all right we’ve been talking long enough and I’m tired uh do we have any any other stuff we should cover no I saw someone in the

Chat asking like what’s going on with maxi and I know people he was doubtful so he’s trending in the right direction I want to say um just you know because people keep asking about it like I did ask the injury expert Jeff stott’s uh I guess friend of the

Site he’s a Dallas guy right yeah um he he is the injury expert he has a database like that he can reference with injuries that he can look up and kind of compare injuries to what’s happened in the past and I asked him because we’ve all been wondering like this is weird

Why has he been out for two months and he responded he’s like this is a very unique injury like I don’t have like I don’t have historical data for a dislocated toe um so for Mavs fans that are like why isn’t Maxi back yet it’s a

Wor you know it’s a worse injury than it seems you see dislocated toe and you’re just like what the hell it’s just a toe like what’s going on but apparently it seems like it’s a more unique and and complicated injury than than it seems on the surface so I wouldn’t say like he’s

Like his toe has not been amputated like I don’t know what’s going on but it seems like he didn’t respond to make it seem like it was out of the ordinary that he’s missed this much time so we’ll see what happens with that I mean the funny part is like I I I

Think if anything I only Pine for Maxi to get pissed about something else like I think Maxi’s cooked but you never know we’ll see all right so that’s about all we got um yeah I’m going to go back to trying to deal with this podcast problem

It’s going to consume me until I get an answer um it’s just a ridiculous it’s a truly ridiculous problem Apple listeners make up like 65% of our podcast Market because Apple like apple had a uh Monopoly on the podcast Market they everyone owns a damn I and everyone owns

An iPhone they basically invented podcast as a medium because it was just there on their app and most people subscribe to and like when you use the Apple app you go to it and for us if you look up pod Maverick to feeds show up I

Have no idea how long two feeds have been there one feed gets updated regularly but has no subscribers the other feed stopped getting updated regularly about a month and a week ago and we have not been able to figure out why I pinpointed why now I have to

Figure out how to get access to this particular RSS feed it is ridiculous and then what’s stupid is it would almost make sense if this was happening to every app but like some apps are every single other one works like I found this the other night on um Amazon music uh

Are you we’re on we’re like even the Google Sun setting um we are on uh Pandora SP we’re all across the thing um Vagner asks if I could do a fan show man I woke up at 4:30 this morning with a baby never went back to bed so I think

I’m gonna go to bed you gotta go I really do want to though uh Saturday night I might be on late we’ll see um Josh is maybe going to do the show either by himself or with somebody else um you’re right I Vagner I’m sorry we do

Deserve party I’m just I’m I’m too too tired all right so thanks so much for hanging out uh we’ll talk with everybody soon uh enjoy this win this is a nice one we’ll be back everybody uh have a great rest of your week and go Mavs

Kirk and Josh talk about the Mavericks playing the New York Knicks. Dallas is without Luka Doncic and a number of other guys, so if Dallas wins, it’ll be because of a strong effort from Kyrie Irving

Start time is an estimate!

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  1. Just as there is no such thing as a moral win there is also no moral loses so good job Mav’s. Only disagreement is the reluctance to critique Kidd because he won’t be fired. Criticism is always meant to be constructive unless u are just trolling so if it’s a guy that can’t be fired then all the more reason to critique him. If u what his coaching to improve raise his issues up and unless someone is unimaginably stubborn they will eventually adjust if they are capable.

  2. This game proves to me that Seth cannot replace what Tim does. I don’t think we should trade Tim unless we’re getting back a real scorer.

  3. Kidd is not it. Last year was enough to fire a coach and here we are. Wasting time, coulda used this year to learn a new system

  4. I dont understand why we dont try Omax on Randle,he is our biggest perimeter body.
    I want to see him play before deadline,cause i believe he is pretty big asset for Mavs.I dont want to trade him,even in Siakam trade

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