@Phoenix Suns

Do the Phoenix Suns need more well-rounded role players?

Do the Phoenix Suns need more well-rounded role players?

The Suns win last night so they are you know they move up now to eighth in uh in the Western Conference two and a half back of Dallas for seventh game and a half up on the Lakers now the Rockets are in there as well um but during the

Game Chris Haynes on the TNT broadcast said this about what’s next for the Suns for the Suns you know a lot of people will point to a point guard but you know in talking with the Suns they believe that with Dev Booker Kevin Durant and Bradley Bill they feel like they’re they

Need the ball in their hands and they don’t need feel like they don’t need another point guard that’s going to take the ball away so right now they’re looking for in as a trade deadline approaches they’re looking for an athletic Wing that is what I was told that the Lakers and the

Suns are looking for trade deadline approaches February 8th is the deadline you know it’s interesting because I was talking to an individual that shall remain unnamed based on oans uh but they were talking about the fact that um you know the Suns the problem with the Suns

And their wings right now they’ve got D guys and they got three guys but they don’t have three and D guys does that make sense you can only put so many guys on the floor at once right like hey you get out there andit some threes and then

You stand right behind them and you defend like you can’t have seven guys on the floor right so once again it’s not a shock or a surprise of course that they’re looking for an athletic Wing who can actually shoot the three I would imagine you know I I’ve gone most of

This season thinking that you know obviously they going to do something at the deadline because you’re all in and when you’re all in you you go all the way in you’re not like oh but I’m going to hold up here like you’re in and by

The way the entire league is in on that guy yeah that’s true wi the athletic win guys there’s not a lot of really really good that one yes uh so it’ll be interesting to see how the Suns pull this off because they don’t have like a a ton of flexibility because they have

So much money tied up in the big three but at the same time as we’ve seen from Matt ishia he doesn’t care you can put a third apron a fourth apron a fifth apron like he just doesn’t care about the spending and I would assume that’s not

Suddenly going to change because this is when you’re all in who knows if Matt ishp I I I think he will be but who knows if he’s going to be this Allin in five years no right because you have you’re not going to have had picks for a

While like you know who knows but right now you are all in and we got a glimpse of what it could look like last night when things start to go right yeah by the way when you get to the third apron is it not just a kitchen I mean at that

Point in time is there a third apron there is I don’t think so no no okay you were just using well because they just keep putting aprons up to try and stop Matt ishia that’s awesome right there I’m like I thought there were only two there only but there wasn’t even two

Until recently okay well that’s true right there okay um yeah you know once again this is going to be a work in progress we all understand that but last night I I it starts with one I can’t get over this we’ve been talking about it I

Was so excited to see them come out and play that first quarter the way that they did the Suns came out and on both ends of the floor you could see the intensity right there it starts with one maybe it was because Hey listen they had everybody back save for Damen Lee they

Had everybody back this is our roster this is what our rotation hopefully is going to look like at some point in time we’re going to try something a little bit different isn’t that right bbow we’re g to try that and by the way bbow needs some more minutes if you ask

Me you’re starting to sound like Rick get B bow more minutes uh yeah I mean at this point outside of the main three four like six guys I think you’re still looking for stuff and B Ball’s not one of those main six but he’s so unique

That maybe he can give you something in that sort of role so yeah I mean until he shows he can’t do it why wouldn’t you keep looking at it right but I just loved um how prepared they were the intensity level that was there it starts

With one game and if you can do it one game you can do it two and if you can do it two you can do it three and if you can and it goes on and on on and on you’ve got to replicate the intensity level the effort level and you could see

It again on both ends of the floor it was it was a little bit different maybe it was the Lakers maybe it was look everybody it’s LeBron James and Anthony Davis may maybe it was the competition that whatever it is they need to take what they did last night and

Replicated well you know a couple was about basically exactly a week ago they were coming off that first loss to the Clippers and they went out there and handled Miami pretty pretty convincingly on Friday night so exactly a week ago and then they followed that up with a

Loss to Memphis when Memphis didn’t have johnar and the Suns had an 11-point lead going into the fourth quarter I mean that was that was the the definition that was exhibit a for a fourth quarter lead that you just let slip away so you’re right I mean I want to see how

They followed up with these next couple games you’ve got Portland coming up on Sunday and that’s the last meeting with Portland which makes sense because it feels like they’ve played them like 73 times already da hasn’t played since December 23rd like I I just I’m assuming

We’re not going to see da again this yeah not not that Portland’s not going to see him again this season but the Suns aren’t going to face him again this season maybe but he’s I mean he’s already been rolled out for their next game and I don’t know if he hasn’t

Played since December 23rd I don’t know that he’s going to rush back to play the Suns sure um you know you you mentioned DeAndre Aon and right now you cannot talk about Deandre aidon without thinking of big nerk right youf nurkic you can’t do it it’s amazing I thought

Of Da you said da and imediately wask I thought of nerk I’m cool with that I like nerk you like him you like what you’re seeing right now I I have to say this quickly it can’t just be him though but I do like what I’m seeing from him

Right um there there are sometimes he drives me nuts sometimes okay okay now look um I know that I drive a lot of you nuts out there it’s okay I’m sorry I apologize okay but nerk sometimes sometimes drives me Nazi he he thinks he’s going to be fouled when he’s under the basket

Suddenly just makes that assumption that he’s going to be fouled and he throws up this half butt shot or something like that have you seen this yeah I’ve seen it I didn’t know what it was called and it’s like you know thinking he’s going to be fouled he throw

Nerk you got to go up strong bro don’t make the assumption don’t make the Assumption duh you know what I’m saying huh you going to write a nerk song I mean you know what I might just about this right here nerk go up you’re a big

Dude you’re 280 I’d like you had 290 nerk but you’re 280 you got to put that in the song I I would love for you to go up and and do it strong get hacked I I listed at 290 He’s listed at 7 foot 290

I I know but remember he told us he was 280 right there and you were disappointed that was coming out of training camp wasn’t it though I mean yeah maybe he got like a hold of some of that Scottdale food and now he’s 290 yeah maybe that’s what maybe he’s 290 I

Like him at 290 right here but again I just that that kind of drives me crazy it does and even you you’ll you’ll hear Eddie Johnson comment on that as well EJ will say the same thing it’s so true dude go up and what do you okay I’m

Maybe maybe you shouldn’t watch big men on the Suns just for your own I I you know viewing enjoyment why wouldn’t you want to do it why wouldn’t you just want to go up and you know what you imagine if wolf was 7 foot2 nce no I I’m I don’t

Understand not wanting to engage in that intensity where you want to go up there you want oh you want to elevate right now the one thing I can tell you right now we’re going to break your wrist it might not go in the ball might not go in

But I’m going to break the wrist you might block my shot but you’re going to regret blocking broken wrist well that would be less than ideal thanks for watching wolf and Luke tap to see more and click the button in the middle to subscribe to Arizona Sports

Do the Phoenix Suns need more well-rounded role players?

Video: Felisa Cárdenas and Jeremy Schnell/Arizona Sports

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  1. They finally decided to play hard the whole game. We still need a pg (playmaker/average shooter) and a wind (3&d player). I don’t trust Booker being a full time pg

  2. Bol Bol starts getting some minutes, the team starts playing well. Bol gets injured we loose to Memphis. Bol gets injured we stink again. He comes back team is awesome. Coincidence? Absolutely, please ignore my comment.

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