@Atlanta Hawks

Atlanta Hawks make a mess in blowout loss to Indiana Pacers

Atlanta Hawks make a mess in blowout loss to Indiana Pacers

On today’s show a lackluster performance from the Hawks at home on this Friday even touch on all of what transpired what became a lopsided defeat talk about the trade stuff a little bit as well we’ll get into all of that and more coming up you are locked on Hawks your daily

Atlanta Hawks podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day Hello friends welcome to episode 1630 of the Lots on Hawks podcast I am your host Brad Roland coming to you on a Friday evening into Saturday and Today’s Show is brought to you by jce medical Empower yourself with the Jace case get yours today at use promo code locked

On $20 off your order with jce medal also I should encourage you as I always do at the top of the podcast to make us your first listen each and every day check us out and subscribe to the podcast anywhere you get your podcasts places like YouTube on on the video side

As well as Apple Spotify overcast Etc on the audio side and I have a feeling that the audience will be a little bit lower than usual on this show because of the results I know some of you don’t love listen after it losses some of you might

Be not hearing this podcast at all hopefully you’re downloading the show or you get your podcast but uh there no reason to shortcut this whatsoever the Hawks were awful tonight on this Friday the final score 126 to 108 at the hands of the Indiana Pacers and quite frankly

It was worse than that for a lot of the game um they were down by as many as 27 points in the second half they were really down 25 and it was basically over six minutes to go or so this is now the third loss in the last four for the

Hawks seven in the last 10 15 and 22 for the season and some really really rough Vibes tonight uh just an awful performance in a lot of different ways we’ll talk about sort more to context later on of course but this is a game at home that the Hawks had on normal rest

Wasn’t a back toback it will be tomorrow but it wasn’t tonight no travel after the game on Wednesday and uh sort of another headliner is that tyres halberton by far Indiana’s best and most valuable player did not play in this game and the Hawks were not at full

Strength but certainly closer than the Pacers were and to lose like this not not just lose but lose like this they were favored according to our friends at FanDuel by five and a half points so the Hawks were significant favorites in this game and it was just as rough as it

Seems and uh I’ll just kind of leave it there for now but as a note before we dive into the game tonight um some trade wins have been flowing as we kind of all know at this stage if you’re following the Hawks closely I as one note I

Actually wrote extensively about the jte Murray trade rumors on my patreon actually on Thursday that is BTR rolling kind of a Roundup all the Deonte stuff since then there’s been even more buzz and more murmurs Etc Adrian wowski ESPN the of course leading newsbreaker in the entire

NBA what on the air on TV tonight and said the following quote Atlanta’s ready to trade to jonan Murray they had given some time to the young Murray back court they’re ready to move on from it and Jon Murray is the player that they are engaged around the league with end quote

So that’s pretty definitive in a lot of different ways he mentions the Lakers as a primary Suitor I have heard that as well it’s been out there but I’ve definitely heard there’s a lot of blz on the Lakers right now other teams certainly in the mix but wo ended that

Segment by saying quote the chances of him moving by the deadline are very very high and that’s not a coincidence if it’s w saying that that is the vibe I’m getting I will touch on this probably more later on if we need to but um just

To say this out loud um I will officially be surprised if he has not traded before the deadline I heard some stuff even today that the Hawks were even potentially close on a deal it’s uh it’s out there it’s getting very very loud very very quickly I’m not saying

That was the reason why the Hawks lost us like this tonight um certainly people will make that jump I wouldn’t quite do that but no matter what like I think everybody knows the deal here jonte is out there in trade rumors he actually was the only guy who really scored at a

High level tonight in the game but you know beyond the impact of a one out of 82 game for a team that is not playing very well right now um the trade rumor stuff is picking up and big way I think it got the loudest that I’ve had that

Sort of for me anyway offline the loudest that’s been all year long was today so um it wouldn’t shock me if there was a trade coming in the near future obviously there’s still you know almost four weeks to go till the deadline but hold on your hats there is

What I will say at the top of the sh at the top of the show the rest of the podcast we’ll be talking about the actual game but certainly that is sort of a lead note around the Hawks right now so we’re want to leave with that

When w says that when there’s more reporting from Chris Haynes stuff out here it’s it’s out there to be sure and we’ll have more on that when it comes together where does I should I should say um you know look I talked about it before this is kind of an awful

Performances way that I would put it um it was a two-way failure for the Hawks in this game there the way that I would frame it around it wasn’t just the offense it was just the defense I could and probably would argue that the offense was worse than the defense in

This game which is kind of crazy when you remember that a defensively the Hawks are bad in this game as we’ll come back to but Indiana is a very very poor defensive team and the Hawks ended up scoring 108 points Point possessions in this game they had a 108 offensive R

That’s not good against anyone for this Hawks team at relatively full strength this is an offense first basketball team they are built to score and when you adjust for Indiana’s defense and all that it was very rough on offense in this game and crazily they didn’t even

Shoot poly from three 37% on not huge volume but certainly they shot okay three-point range it was just that um you know the Miss six free throws 15 turn over in this game that led directly to 22 points that was sort of a two-way part of this game was that the offense

Did not help the defense let’s just say uh they didn’t do awfully on the glass but not anything fantas fantastic again not a total disaster in a vacuum but had some really rough stretches in this one on offense and we’ll get into it more later probably but Trey young had a

Terrible game and looked to be kind of laboring and potentially hurt Quinn acknowledged that he’s been banged up he’s been on the injury report a few times recently with his shooting shoulder his right shoulder also was limping around by the end with some lower body stuff um I’m not saying

That’s the only reason why he was not good but he was not good in this game and obviously as the Hawks offense goes Trey goes and and vice versa so when he’s not playing well the offense is not going to be at at at their Peak also

Bogy was not very good in this game offensively um that combination I believe they they shot Seven of 29 from the field between Trey and bogie tough to overcome that and uh you know really the only guys who put up numbers on offense were Deonte and Jaylen Johnson

So it wasn’t in a again in a vacuum not a totally awful offensive performance but certainly not good enough and that led to the defense which was obviously very bad it did get marginally better as the game went along again I want to stress marginally better as the game

Went along but they had a 129 defensive rating in this game it was well above 140 at times in the second half Indiana shot 67% from the field about 70% from from two-point range in this one they did shoot well on threes on Tiny volume and certainly there was a little bit of

Negative variance there if you’re the Hawks but the real issue was what was basically what evolved into like a layup line with the Pacers at times they had 76 points in the paint and 25 fast break points in the game those are two very damning numbers nothing was good

Defensively I’m be very clear about this nothing was good defensively but even as quing got questions postgame about the rib protection about the centers and particularly Clint came back in this game he noted that he actually thought Clint bailed them out a few times I definitely would agree with that um the

Main issues and look I’m not telling you that the centers were good Ana didn’t play well Clint was not like dominant or anything like that but it was much much more if you watch the tap back about the lack of point of attack defense containing the ball they were really bad

Rotating especially in the first half before they kind of played a little bit more drop coverage later on they it was a multifaceted failure defensively and that kind of led to a lot of free runs at the rim and no matter who you are in

CL s not just after the game no matter who you are it could be Ruby it could be Rudy go whoever you want to say if you’re allowing Free Runs to the rim the entire game it does it’s not going to matter so they were also awful in

Transition in this game the Pacers had both Elite transition frequency which means how often you are running and also converting at an elite rate when they did run and yeah I mean people ask me during the game and after it like is there something about this matchup where

The Hawks just can’t seem to find their footing yes kind of like Indiana does play a distinct style um not quite the same without halberton but they do want to run they are fast fast fast run run run all the time T.J McConnell is excellent push in the pace and that was

Definitely giving the Hawks problems in this one and I think it is kind of matchup related but look I say that it’s not an excuse it’s it’s still bad that the Hawks are not able to keep up with the Pacers in this game and I want to

Just say it one more time it’s not always this easy but the Pacers were without their best player and their best player by a lot Ty solton is one of the best offensive players in the league and he didn’t play and the HW couldn’t stop

Them at all and just the just the sheer like plain simpleness of that is really rough one of the crazier stats of the night before we move on the Hawks L G by 18 points they were down by 27 in the second half they forced 20 27 turnovers

In this game for the uninitiated that is about double what the Hawks average offensively turnovers per game 27 is ridiculous like teams don’t average more than 15 16 a game at the very very most and they turn the over 27 times and won on the road by a lopsided margin that

Shouldn’t be possible but Indiana shot so well and got to the rim so often from the perimeter it didn’t matter and they also had 41 assists kind of negate some of that too but man if you if all you said was the Hawks would force 27 turnovers it would seem impossible to

Have a 130 defensive rating and that’s what the Hawks did in this game so in the end I won’t Rand rate about this it might be a shorter show than usual honestly but it was just an awful performance from the Hawks people listen to the show regularly will know I don’t

I usually like to give good context I get you know I’m not not about excuse making just kind of giving the whole picture and I think I’m doing that here honestly it was one of the worst performances of the season from the Hawks Full Stop The Season’s almost half

Over this is a spot in which they could have Maybe started to build on something they won on Wednesday this is a good stretch of favorable stretch of schedule from the Hawks at home no halberton and they did the opposite of all of that I mean with the trade stuff

Again swirling this is not going to stop that it’s if anything it might ratchet it up you know you don’t want to be too reactionary and I think fans think that you know losses equal trades not always the case but this won’t stop them from Trading anybody I can promise you that

It was rough rough rough and it’s pretty it’s pretty easy to say just plainly why the Hawks are open for business right now because the formula at the moment is not working it’s players it’s coaches I mean I don’t want to absolve Quinn and the staff you know when you have this

Kind of defensive performance they have to get some blame I think it’s still more players than coaches for the most part but and and they did change to drop drop coverage but their sh recover defense does not work at all and it has not worked against Pacers all year long

They can’t stop them so I’m off track but regardless it was awful they played terribly in this game and uh there’s no really excuse for it just other than just the reality of one out of 82 and you don’t want to make too too much of

One game it was inexplicably bad in the spot and I will leave it there for now all right we’ll have more on this game coming up in a second but first and word from our sponsors on the show today today’s show is sponsored by jce medical I know we couldn’t Force to

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47 seconds in this game which you don’t often see that was kind of a long time ago it feels like right now but it was certainly notable capella scored twice in a row throughout the game and his his return one of those was a nice lob from

Trey Jay had a big dunk off of a pass from Murray after a steal of the back court lobed to him just a reminder by the way beyond the physical tools from Jaylen Johnson it’s encouraging to see him using them number one and just going up and through guys at The Rim not

Shying away using his touch for sure as well but just also overpowering guys sometimes um notably in the ation in this one the Hawks had only nine guys who played real minutes the rest of them were kind of thrown in at the end of this one it was Bogey and a cono as

Always it was Trent Forest who I appreciated the Hawks staying with Trent I thought they might not and I think they they probably should have and they did in this game without Hal there wasn’t like a spot where he had to be but honestly though he was the only guy

On the court that could stay in front of McConnell so that was notable as well he’s played well early playing time and it wasn’t too bad in this game either um and the rest of the first qut was kind of a game of runs so to speak p a 9-2

Run to go up by eight points that happened like as soon as the bench came in and honestly the plus minuses for the Hawks swung pretty wildly toward the toward the bench being super negative in this game um you know the starters other you know actually Jaylen and Trey were

Rough but the sadik Clint Deonte Trio was actually pretty good in this one it was everybody else it was bogy it was a Kong wo it was Jaylen it was Trey and Patty Mills they got waxed in those minutes um the Hawks did up a 10 run late in the first quarter actually

Picked up when the when they actually put Trent on McConnell when Murray came out of the game but the Pacers shot 16 of 19 from the field in the first quarter with 15 assists in a quarter that’s insane um only though a 136 offensive rating that’s obviously a very

Good number but they had seven turnovers that was kind of the key the entire game the first quarter was kind of microcosm of that Pacers were 11 of 12 at The Rim lots of breakdowns offensively it was fine but not dominant um the beginning of the second quarter was kind of a I

Would say a foreshadowing of was going to come later on in some respects it was a 130 run by the Pacers to put the HW down by 17 points the first seven points happened at about 90 seconds Quint call timeout after that boy threw the ball

The way out of the Timeout on the inbounds pass for a three-point play and then Trey turned it over and that led to a three so it was a nightmarish stretch in that point for the Hawks on top of the defense the Hawks just couldn’t score Trey was one of nine they were

Down 19 mid quarter uh they did go again as I mentioned before smartly to a more conservative scheme defensively more drop coverage it didn’t solve it it didn’t prove it and Al have their best stretch of the game late in the first half they actually outscored the Pacers

28 to 15 over an eight minute period in again they end up losing my 18 points so it was the only positive stretch the entire game really better contests better execution they were down six at halftime and it was like all right maybe they figured some stuff out that was not

The case obviously um in the third quarter this is kind of where I go back to where the offense was maybe worse than the defense in times in this game when at least when you talk about like relatively speaking L scored 12 points in like n and a half minutes to begin

The third quarter only 19 in the entire period the jonte was the only guy who made a shot he actually was five of five in the third quarter had 11 points Jay had a nice dunk in the final seconds but other than that it was awful they were

Eight of 19 from the field five turnovers three Miss free throws Trey was awful um his shoulder issues by the way um he did make two threes early in the fourth quarter but before that Trey was seven of 41 from three in the month

Of January now he’s n 9 of 43 um maybe the shoulder has has something to do with that I’m sure it does but he was really bad through three quarters and honestly was bad the entire game I had a bad turnover led to a dunk in the in the

Fourth quarter not honestly a lot of Need for detail about the fourth quarter once this game was out of hand it was really out of hand they were down 27 mid fourth um I I thought and I should I said this as much the Haw should have pulled the guy pulled their plug

Basically pull their guys down 25 about six minutes to go they call timeout and I would have pulled everybody if they hadn’t already I probably would even ear because again the Hawks play tomorrow and this game was over at that point Unfortunately they didn’t do that um and

Then Trey about a minute later came limping off the court with you know I’m not sure he suffered an injury there but like he obviously didn’t didn’t need to be on the floor whatsoever at that point he was supped to got to come out they did actually it’s kind of funny the

Irony here the hwks cut the lead down to 20 now it was still over don’t get me wrong but then they pulled the guys so they kept them in up 26 and then pulled them up 20 and I sorry down 26 and then down 20 I didn’t quite understand the

Thinking there um ironically again like it is what it is but the bench minutes it was over by then this game was not as close as the final score indicated they were down 27 it was 25 when the game was really over and uh they won the garbage

Time minutes but that was kind of the kind of the only thing about that uh we’ll have more coming up on this one but first it work from our sponsors on the show today all right and to the player stuff in this game obviously no sugar coating it

Nobody was incredible did shoot the ball well Jay had some nice moments touch on those guys in a second first though the bench guys um I thought Trent was probably the most effective when you compare him to his normal Baseline he had um in 20 minutes Four Points six

Assists for for Forest he was the best defender on the perimeter by a wide margin I thought this game had a steal minus five minutes but that was kind of part for the course I thought he was he played pretty well couple record record scratches Trent’s offense is not the

Best as we kind of know but he makes good decisions which is very helpful I thought he gave him good minutes and I think he should be still playing um tomorrow and Beyond that’s kind of where I would be on Forest to gave them little things that were positive I thought

Patty Mills was really rough in this game 14 minutes had two points minus 11 uh defensively not great you know I don’t want to I don’t want to play on a pat nobody was good but I I don’t want get his minutes in this one he didn’t

Play very well garbage Time stuff from Bruno and AJ Griffin and Seth Lundy AJ made a shot late Seth got to the line once but nothing really to add on those guys Kong Wu not his best six points in 23 minutes had one rebound it was offensive so zero defensive rebounds

Some of that is that the patri didn’t miss any shots so there’s that I don’t think he was awful but not his best not his most effective um defensively or offensively really I think he made a few shots around the rim but not his best

Bogy was rough um one of seven on twos is a little bit weird to see from bogie but two five from three 10 points not efficient at all defensively rough minus 24 uh three steals but not much beyond that um again it’s it’s tough for the

Hawks when TR and bogie are rough in the S game offensively I don’t want to put it only on M but he was not very good either uh to the starters sadique Bay three of 10 from the floor 03 from from two three of seven from three did get to

The line nine times I thought sadik actually played with some physicality that was needed in this game he wasn’t great but had 17 points gave them some stuff I thought he was not really the problem offensively in particular defensively same old story with sadik like his off ball defense is really bad

And it’s been bad since he got to Atlanta so not really much to add there but I did think that he gave him some stuff that was helpful granted it was mostly when the game was mostly over but I thought he was at least physical and

Um you know mixing up some got to the line use his physicality and I think that’s a good a good small constellation capella back in this game after missing the game um on Wednesday with the Achilles had seven points five rebounds in 22 minutes you know wasn’t

Particularly great had a block but I thought that he was okay um he at least protected the rim some Quinn talked about this I mentioned it before but he did build them out a few times around the rim still not his best but I thought he looked okay physically which is good

After missing the game on Wednesday and we’ll see if he plays both end at the back toback on Saturday um Jaylen Johnson offensively pretty good 16 points four rebounds three assists 71 from the floor I thought defensively Jaylen was pretty bad actually um which is look there’s a disconnect I don’t

Want to do the whole thing again about jaylen’s potential defensively and his ability and his ceiling defensively is one thing his day-to-day down to down play byplay defense is not as good as Hawks fans that it is right now which is not a shot at him it’s just he’s a young

Guy and I don’t worry about it but he was part of the problem more so than the solution in this one um again no one was good I’m not blaming Jaylen it’s just he was not I think especially in the first half he get some notable breakdowns um

Deon was the one bright spot scoring wise 9 points on 18 shots zero free throw attempts he was certainly um you know feeling it from mid-range which is good three three6 from three-point range defensively I thought was actually really bad but offensively he was again

The only guy that made shots so it’s not to blame him the trade stuff is swirling um you know there was a thought that you know people were asking me he was gonna play tonight he’s gonna play until he’s until he’s traded or and you know I’m

Not saying it’s a guarantee he’s traded but everybody think it’s gonna happen but he gave you gave him some offense nobody else was scoring in this game I don’t think he was probably as good as the numbers indicated but still he made shots nobody else did so that’s notable

And then Trey I said it before I think Trey was maybe the worst he’s been all year in this game putting everything together 13 points six six assists yes five turnovers he was two of 11 on twos two of six from three and again missed

His first four made his last two he was hobbling he was not his best self I think he is banged up he’s not shot the ball well at all from three in January especially um and yeah I mean but even decision- making wise it wasn’t just the

Shooting he just did not play well beyond the shooting I will usually try to tell you guys when a guy is just like missing shots that was not tonight for Trey he just didn’t play well at all and I think that’s concerning against a bad passers defense um before that look I

Think that Trey has played an All-Star level this year no question about that he’s not been the problem but the last couple games he’s not been his best self and tonight he was really bad so would they have won this game if he played well probably not but it would have been

Closer so that’s something in when when you’re the best player a lot of lot of attention will be paid to you always and uh he was not good at all in fact again I think it might have been his worst game of the year certainly him two or

Three as far as like his overall performance and we’ll leave it there for now all right I’ve said a lot of words about this basketball game but before we get out of here also I forgot one one piece of trivia doesn’t really actually matter that much as far as the game is

Concerned but Trey and bogy became the first pair of teammates in the history of the NBA to hit their thousand three-pointer in their careers in the same game kind of strange but both of them hit that hit that Mark in this one there you go uh the Hawks play again

Tomorrow Saturday night against Washington at home of note I am not planning to record a podcast after that game I said that recently on on the show but if you’re making made it this far if it’s just a game I will not have a podcast I will say if the Hawks make a

Especially a major trade if they trade a very bit piece maybe not but if they trade a major piece I.E some like D jante I will do whatever I can to scramble and record a podcast as soon as possible on Saturday um it is a rarity

For me to miss a game I usually miss one or two when it comes to recording during the season um this will be the first one if it happens tomorrow I think it’s probably going to happen but technically the lock down network is really money through Friday show and most most shows

Don’t actually do weekend shows I know I always do when the Hawks play on Saturdays but I’m traveling as you can see by my background if you’re watching on YouTube Etc I basically uh you know always do the show but I will hit on Saturday’s game on Monday because the

Hawks play Monday afternoon that’s part of the reason why I’m skipping Saturday’s podcast but it goes without saying I think for everybody listen to the podcast but if the Hawks make a trade either later tonight or Saturday morning or Saturday afternoon or Sunday or Sunday afternoon I will do a podcast

As soon as I can so please stay tuned please subscribe to the podcast we’ll have more again I want to recommend my writing on deante that I did on Thursday at BT Rolland check out check out and support that if you’d like to read my work there I also share some

Audio stuff there etc etc good sort of uh expanded coverage of the Hawks also please subscribe to this podcast anywhere you get your podcast Apple Spotify YouTube Etc follow the show on Twitter SLX lockon Hawks follow me there as well BTR Rolland rate review subscribe Etc I appreciate everyone

Listening to the show especially if you made it to the very end of this podcast it’s a whirlwind also there are there are bonus episodes on the loton podcast Network and in our Audio Only feeds I should say from the locked on Sports Atlanta crew those will still be there

So if you’re an audio only subscriber you will have those just extra podcast no less for me I’ll ever but just more more more and hopefully you appreciate all of that so with all that said thank you for listen the podcast everybody we’ll see you later on at the very

Latest it’ll be Monday could be seeing between now and then there’s a trade and stay tuned we’ll see you then

Brad Rowland (@BTRowland, DIME on UPROXX) hosts episode No. 1630 of the Locked on Hawks podcast. The show breaks down Friday’s game between the Atlanta Hawks and the Indiana Pacers, including a two-way failure, a lopsided defeat, and more trade rumors surrounding Dejounte Murray.

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  1. Hawks really disappointing me this year. This season is over with. It’s time to make some changes this offseason.

  2. Just, nobody played well. The Hawks didn't seem to have any interest at all in outrunning the pacers in transition, and unfortunately that's been a trend all season. Hawks continue to get beat in transition for easy points multiple times a game, they can get Bogi to commit take fouls once or twice every now and then for free points, and they just don't seem invested in working as a team once they do get back in defense in transition. They don't pass off too well, and Clint especially has a bad issue of refusing to leave the paint, even if someone sets a screen for a corner 3 and he's the closest defender to at least attempt to alter the shot.

    There are a lot of issues the Hawks have right now on what I would call the "Effort" side of the ball, and I don't think that's something you can just fix with a new coach. That's seemingly ingrained in this roster into every player not named Jalen Johnson right now.

  3. I propose we trade the front office/ ownership group and keep DJ. This is what you get for banking on a coach, dumping core players for little value and won’t make a meaningful attempt to fix this god awful defense become a playoff team.

  4. It’s the coach and office. Jalen is a top 10 player in the NBA, but constantly gets subbed out. Quin subbed him out right after he dunked in the Pacers. Coach gives Garrison and Wesley waaay too many minutes. Coach allows Trae to dribble 95% of the shot clock. DJ should stay and the coach and front office should go.

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