@Detroit Pistons



J Jaden stop topside fires no Trel for the rebound wow Jaden had a good look at it too thought for sure they probably I’m about to lose my Mind it’s a two-point loss of the rockets and a heartbreaker in Detroit Fred you dastardly fiend he’s laughing lives are at stake reputations are on the line and he is laughing a man named Fred stole the game from us a Mortal Combat character character named shenon went off on

Us and just when I thought we were playing the game properly we had a decent lead like a 12-point lead at some point and throughout most of the game we were ahead I was like this I’m not used to this feeling we’re we’re actually having a lead and

Maintaining it and without Cade putting himself in the paralysis with carrying up the entire organization on his back but no never no this game tonight came down to the things that the Pistons could control and if there’s a silver lining if you will that is what the

Silver Lining is they lost this game not because the ball didn’t go in the basket because we can’t control that since when can we control something that we do every day is the ball an omnipotent force is it is it omniscient do we have to pray to it

Before each and every single game in order for it to maybe allow us to get it into the net the balls [ __ ] the ball man why doesn’t why why why why doesn’t that go in oh the ball doesn’t like us the refs don’t like us no one likes us

Here everything involved with the game of basketball is a hater when it comes to the Detroit Pistons the rim is a hater the court itself is a hater the hardwood the cheerleaders are probably in on this as well I don’t trust them this this madness this madness needs to stop this needs to

End I do not in any way shape or form deserve this at all I have paid my dues I thought when we won that game against the Raptors that was just an end of aaka I saw some people saying oh yeah like keep going like no that’s why I took a

Few games break when we win the game after it I said okay and then the second and the third and then it was like around the fourth or fifth I come back here and I’m like ain’t [ __ ] changed we’re back on the dirty already what it’s the middle almost the middle of

January and we haven’t had a win and it it was right there and it’s gone what script is this who wrote this [ __ ] why can’t we have a script that does anything good for us who made this this into a reality in the off season if the NBA is conspiracy

Driven like what was this some sick joke in the offseason Adam sver and them got together in some dark room and then they were had hoods on it was like yes the Pistons are going to break the Why Us Detroit Lions have to win the Super Bowl

This year in order to offset this evil this bad ju guu that’s coalesced in this City checks and balances Equivalent Exchange if we get bounced in the playoffs it’s it’s not fair we deserve a Super Bowl everyone else should just go home we should get that we should also

Get 10 first round picks as well for for just our troubles this isn’t this it’s not I don’t how is this possible how oh my God I I wanted to stop K it’s not going to we lose the and then I we play the the Bucks

TW oh my God I can’t it can’t be this hard to accidentally win a game there were people asking me did you think they were going to beat the Nuggets did you think they yes anybody can beat anyone in this league can we ever just have a

Night where we win and someone the team comes in on a back to but we can’t oh I I life’s not fair don’t expect it to be and uh this is one of those moments where you’re just like come on God you know that’s I’m sure God’s worried

About winning games I think he’s more worried about how we handle it you got Mony Williams out here trying to comprehend the mind of God and what he’s thinking he is turned his back on us for whatever reason he’s not we thinking about him but he ain’t thinking about

Us it’s a very real possibility like I said that we end up breaking our own record in the same season and I I just I don’t I can’t I can’t deal with that I cannot go through cruel an unusual punishment and hell again two

Times in the same season I can’t do it I don’t want to do it ending this video tired of tired of this I I I’m I can’t I’m tired I’m through I’m tired of you I’m tired of them I’m tired of you for enjoying this you are sick you need help find God

Detroit Pistons were winning a good amount of the game, and once again, we ended it with a loss, and yet another L to add to our collection. The Pistons are inching closer to double digits, losing streak AGAIN, and there is no end in sight to when we might win again. I do not deserve this torture. I demand it to be put to rest and stopped. I’ve done nothing wrong in my life to deserve this type of pain and suffering.



  1. Nah it would take the lions, tigers, and red wings to all win championships this year to make up for this season.

  2. I’m a lifelong warriors fan. They used to be terrible in late 90’s early 2000’s with the old Bob Sura and Antawn Jamison teams 😂. They were awful, warriors won 19,21,19,17 and 21 games from 97-02. Piston fans we feel your pain and suffering. That said this 23-24 pistons team is the worst team I’ve ever seen and in nba history, smh!

  3. On the bright side, the Spurs feasted in the corpse of the Hornets tonight. Whole team looked great.

    Thoughts and prayers, Commissioner. Thoughts and prayers.

    Edit: Next game is against the Wizards. I think they have a strong chance to win.

  4. This new streak has Monty literally philosophizing like a late Roman Empire general wondering why God allows the barbarians to ransack Gaul.

  5. So good at venting. Very entertaining. Get some props so we don’t get distracted by your closet and blank walls. Sorry for a difficult season.

  6. tell me honestly detroit natives

    are you sacrificing pistons to a blood demon so lions could win
    that's the only explanation i have at this point

  7. What’s worse: that the pistons snapped the losing streak, only to risk breaking the record again? Or to never have beaten anyone and been on an extended losing streak since October?

  8. I guarantee there have been or will be, opponent team meetings.. "guys, we can't lose to these Pistons". But damn, i feel for you bro. 💯

  9. Hey man just wondering if you ever thought about covering football too? I think that you would be hilarious and have good insight. Maybe it would help grow your channel even more then it has already been growing.

  10. Getting cooked by freds old ass is crazy. I hwvent seen that fossil hit a 3 sense kawhi was on Toronto 🤣

  11. By the end of the season this is going to be a Fortnite channel with the commish giggling like a schoolgirl with his little brother. In a straight jacket using his nose to push buttons onto a GameCube controller plugged into nothing

  12. I tried to tell you, nothing is over. Not even the end of the season will bring relief, next season the cycle begins again.

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