
Trey Parker & Cold Hearts Vs Red Mamba & Diamond Doves LIVE At OTE 🔥

Trey Parker & Cold Hearts Vs Red Mamba & Diamond Doves LIVE At OTE 🔥

M [Applause] [Applause] And we’re live here in the heart of Atlanta Georgia at the beautiful OT Arena the six and two cold Hearts going Toe to Toe vers the 1 and seven diamond doves I’m your host Agent Zero joined by my two lovely co-hosts Duke Dennis I got you man oh thank you very

Much Merry Christmas not just and I’m Davis happy New Year hey this should be a good match up right here uh we’re all out of loop we don’t know what time it is or day it is today but what should we look out for man uh I’m looking out for Trey Parker

All right he hasn’t been his absolute best on offense but defensively he very underrated man I’ve been trying to tell y’all Trey Parker one of the best defensive go s in the whole league and he been putting on display especially with blocks like that like last game and

Um also he only don’t had one dunk this season wow that’s kind of crazy speaking of Trey Parker yeah know known as a dunker hey Trey may be the start of the show but Michel and Adam are really the work behind the scenes that make the

Show go Mel and AO have scored or assisted on 274 of the coh hards 654 total points this season that’s 42% which is absolutely insane hey those boys can both shoot the lights out and they’ve been their go-to on offense so I’m excited to see what they do tonight

Agent yeah I’m not going to lie we talked about we talk about the back court a lot for for a fantastic reason when they’re on point the team really doesn’t lose man it’s why they’re so high in the standings they performed today and I I I wouldn’t expect to see

Nothing less than a 15% 15 Point 20 point blowout but we need them to perform though we’ve seen a little bit of inconsistency now on the other side of the ball though diamond doves they have their own lethal shooter 100% hey Jeremiah Johnson man absolutely balling

Fifth in OT in points and assist but first in minutes played he’s almost playing 32 minutes a game hey this man does not Jimmy Butler on the Chicago B Yep this man does not leave the floor man uh but like I said man averaging 18 points this man’s absolutely balling and

He’s going to be the key to them getting a win today you need your star to come and perform in a matchup like this yeah man Jeremiah is a bucket I’m not going to going to lie we need at least 25 out of him here today I’ve heard a lot of

Great things man it’s my first time seeing him alive in the building so expectations are high and he has a little bit of a tragic but beautiful story man he got shot twice in the leg February 2021 doctors told him he would never be able to walk again and here he

Is man nothing short of a miracle went through the rehab process fought and um he’s here he’s here man dude you said you got a player account for us yeah man he kind of me um Colin s got like real dog mentality you know what I’m saying so

Hopefully we see a little bit of that tonight that’s High Praise right there I like that out of you man that’s a high quality comparison okay all right looking forward to this one let’s check out the starters first for the cold Hearts Michael Brown Jr jeremi fua John B Sami Calderone and Adam

Douche and now for the diamond dos Devin Bradford catellus Aldridge Jeremiah Johnson Cooper Campbell and davius lury all right fellas who you got man listen after a long time of thought okay a after a long time of thought I decided to settle and go with the cohorts

Okay uh it took a lot of you know what I’m saying thinking and a lot a long thought process but I’m going have to go with I know yall going to get upset but what the cold Hearts oh and after a long thought myself I’m also going with the

Cold Hearts okay let’s introduce the fourth member of our broadcast team sniper Jones for the Adidas spof yes her I’m I’m here with the two guys of the hour first off hey yo we know that you are in probably one of the best back courts in the country what’s

Your thought process on getting the W tonight we we got to come out come out with energy play defense play hard and execute on offense I said we’ve been struggling a little bit but we we coming back great and we we came off a great

Win rwe and we going to do the same thing today absolutely Jeremiah this is your first time coming here to OT playing in an arena I know you want to put the team on the map put the city on the map what’s the thought process plan

Tonight should we just go out there and do whatever we got to do to get this win that’s it that’s it short and sweet that’s it that’s all we got to say hey a man with not too many I’m excited for the game Diamond does coh Hearts without further Ado let’s get

Into it let’s get into it then hey Diamond dos got a couple like Elite scorers Jeremiah Johnson uh and both so they’re going to need to ball out here today man I feel like ever since rolling loud beat C I just think anything is possible nowadays man 100% And that’s a

Beautiful thing when the league is like that upset Gap super excited CR score passes need to call the r with it K Brown oh man own defense the game off John B SM it shake off the rest man happens this patented stats man the diamond DS probably got the best jerseys in the

League man I like them a lot not even just their jerseys but the like their logo bro the a like the background everything Diamond tough name too coach Tim the look way we talk about his experience a lot also experienced here in OT firstever finals yeah yeah K yeah K yeah K that’s

A good shot here with this team that might be eight that might be eight yep yep to oh wow completely I’m glad we finally get to see the domond first play do hey how y’all feeling today man hey Chad hey Chad d three for Mel no you good for one of

Those every game he tries iter me Duke and agent are reading the chat right now I want you to go ahead type one if you’re in the chat say hi so we can say hi to you man say hi let me see who’s in here type one if

You’re in the chat I see you J Ball come on baby we’re engaged we locked in I need you everywhere right we got to know where we’re at we got a fake in the be sure to like up the stream too man subscribe with notifications on you and not want

To miss out anything as exciting as this would you would you I wouldn’t Lor let’s get somewhere coach John Ortega eight state championships man is used to winning b b direct traffic baby direct traffic feel like the real test of a coach is when like things don’t go

According to plan I actually really agree with the agent cuz it’s it’s important to see if you can actually coach if you have a good team you know like a lot of people I see trying to play with with Steve Curry CU you know he was winning easily with that that

Team but now there there’s adversity it’s an opportunity to show that he’s a good coach I mean there’s only so much do about th Miss yeah I’m going definitely need one of these Diamond du jersey number 34 with uh de block on the back okay you you like that customization I like that

Production did you hear me I need a diamond with de block on the back I appreciate on the way b i I greatly appreciate y’all Lazy Queen in the chat says love you Davis hey you know what that’s the third offensive rebound hey yo on the drive loses it

Horrendous pass I think I just got ped oh good shot boy Bo I think he just shot we got to get on this class pal pal pal heyo on the leg nothing couple pokes later no foul call turnover puts it in the easiest lay in lead hey hey will someone wake him up

Please I understand but like the balls in it mean that’s another travel oh he’s said there another travel on his own team is insane oh my goodness he’s talk Jeremiah Johnson Jeremiah Johnson hey keep keep hooping like that buddy you got you a new fan de baby I need you

Right now I need you monster monster monster that there’s no loyalty one bad game you’re done oh B all the way no fou though yeah you’re celebra but got to make sure that spot when we came over on that one right over there you got to

Make sure you were in Deon spot you’re over here send send send somebody else send the next guy down you know what I’m saying just the right traffic back there yeah davius lry right now I want to try to just get the line hits the first

Remember when we used to ask you to do the math the free throws dude hey next play go that was early in the like the first year yeah you used to be the mathematician man broadcast yeah I kind of thought you know figured out people had to hang up

By now yeah they probably learn how to do it so right yeah oh Hearts moving the ball John B with it gets blocked man that’s tough good block good block Jeremiah Johnson with it playing person oh good shot no I feel like the cohart starting off a little slow yeah on the floor

Here’s Jeremiah Johnson with a starting balling in every way possible three drop to the lane then nice block by Bradford Bradford look like Joe NOS I heard I heard uh I few overtime Sam overtime s that’s why that’s what I heard early in the broadcast or before

The broadcast Mel Brown J over to heyan heyan kicks it to the corner calls alone no good B Diamond do 10 cooh hard’s five four left okay nice tough play love to see that com is going berserko right now yeah Lowry nice tough move man you can see in the 3-2 Zone

They’ve been practicing that trying to avoid that penetration near the middle he just lost him smoker it’s working though I mean they’re they’re not getting the rebounds but they’re making a Miss yeah thing is koharts have so much size it’s just difficult to you got to really fight for those rebounds oh

Yeah diamond doves up five Johnson gets it back oh oh wow great pull up there gets the contact and the foul here’s another look here nice step back reminiscent of uh Dwayne Wade maybe yep until they patched it yeah they patched that didn’t they they patched

It that was the most overpowered move in the early 2010s looks like we got sniper Jones with a Vive cam what up snipe all right I got the head coach of the diamond doves first time here playing at OT what do you think about the building oh it’s incredible High School experience like

No other now Jeremiah Johnson is leading the entire league in minutes per game what makes him such a Workhorse I mean it’s how he starts he’s the first guy in in the morning works out for lunch last guy to leave cleans the gym I mean he’s

In the gym all day long so being on the court don’t make difference to now coming to this game you guys are I can say underrated what do you guys need to do to make sure you get the W today and put the diamond dos on the M we got to

Learn how to close I mean we’ve had a lead in every fourth quarter we’ve played so far except for one uh we’ve had a lead last three minutes of the last five games we just got to figure out a way to make those little plays at

The end and close this thing out last question I want to ask you what player on this team might not be a household name but super important to what you guys do uh bo ald uh bo buckets is is going to be a household name before it’s

All said and done I mean he does everything for us to hear from coach thank you man good luck on the rest of the game better you guys coach is not lying bro but doesn’t be Get Buckets he scored 20 or more points in four of the

Teams last five games he’s fifth believe scoring that is a bucket getter committ it to Arizona State and yeah the the lack of interior showing up I feel like the cohs looked at their record and came in like we be all right yeah yeah yeah like oh my

Goodness Johnson for three misses you know what they need right some Trey Parker yeah yeah little bit of Trey Parker little bit of yeah the D just don’t get rebounds yeah hay on the offensive rebound and putot back Brazil man he haan’s been a more and more important piece to this

Team as time goes on oh my God what a what a slam wow that was that was tough wow play game is coach just said look out for him he be whole name too there’s red Mama inside to Johnson man I wish I could swear that have been a perfect

Time looking forward to a Time hey Johnson with the ball Oh that’s oh man l no my count to AO back cour oh we don’t see that too often yeah we don’t see AO boom too often but I I ain’t seen that I don’t think

I’ve seen that ever we don’t SE it that boy bought some VC before the game his D oh I like his game though I really do so he takes he wait get oh that’s a d oh loses it Diamond DB recover Little Five Point oh man miss time to dunk that’s a phenomenal dunk man Lord have mercy man you got some Choice words for him too at the end of that I would too if I play that all right man let’s learn a little bit more about Adam umid douchan really good Rebound

With the ball on the on the vertical he was recently compared to Michael Jordan what before we got on here he started comparing Adam o to Michael Jordan okay he remixing it now meet Adam umid douche AKA AO the 65 combo Guard from Arlington Virginia has

The potential to be one of the best players to ever come out of OT at just 16 years old AO has a bag that some NBA players probably wish they had and when you add his off the- charts confidence to that equation you get a dangerous scoring threat he’s averaging 17 points

Per game in the OT preseason and that number is only going to rise as he gains experience he models his game after Jason Tatum but one of his closest mentors is Carmelo Anthony so gets an oo so you don’t missed the show heyn the struggles for the cold

Hearts in the last game and even just recently man but they’ve been doing they’ve been at least closing out and winning some of these games AO known for his scoring star player for the cold Hearts man we’re going to need to see him step up more so specifically for that three-point shot

It happens to the best of us man oh self-a awareness is key man Jaylen blaz said if Duke went into a slam dunk contest what y think his highest score would be well jayen BL that the highest score is 50 oh my goodness Canon Catchings for three

Yo Mel Brown is such a old head at heart look he went over to all the refs introduced himself and got every name in The Ref that’s like some veteran leadership stuff right there good great guy man that’s how you get those calls man let’s go I daed you up and ask your

Name you’re not going to give me that it’s a small Advantage man knowing instead of saying a ref saying like hey George that’s a big Advantage bro’s a problem though man if you’re bad with names you forget the name now you’re cooked yeah yeah call him Chris and his

Name Edward you getting a tech buddy anyway let’s go back to J to jayen blaze comment about Duke’s highest dunking SC up Tyler right say it’s going to 50 huh it’s going to 50 right cuz that’s usually what D contest go to I have a hard time giving

Duke anything more than 39 yeah me too let me explain why you’re not getting more than thir 39’s good though in a dunk contest yeah N I think I I can get more than it only because of my creativity no that’s exactly what I was going to say this more athletic no

Creativity listen y listen throw it up B flip listen is not that’s not creative listen throw it up B flip it bounces I go and dunk it that’s a that’s listen all have you ever seen that no I haven’t man if you want to get dripped out in OT

Gear there’s only one place you can get it head to shop. over or scan the keyr code on the screen for all your latest collections they used to do that in NBA Live that’s Tom oh great contest there actually from B that did feel like a Tom Brady yeah

But that that was terrible yeah nothing more than 39 yeah 39 is generous though NBA don’t Contest no talk about OT oh OT is even harder yeah exactly hey he is nice bro I think I can get at least a I thought buddy especially with that back flip

Dump back flip dump and then I do it again with a front flip you have you have Trey Parker come and do a Between the Lakes free throw line dunk yeah but he can’t do a back flip he is not doing a between the legs free throw line I was

Exaggerating a little Lord that was crazy that’s done by Zach no one else man yeah that’s crazy ain’t gon lie catching at the line wow that’s not nice Anthony Anthony Basco said the diamond dos are the OT Pistons oh okay the Pistons don’t have nobody in top five scoring yes they

Do yeah yes man you think he’s top five it doesn’t matter if he’s actually top five bro you know the top three in scoring are all doing over 30 points per game right now that was a tough bucket a really tough bucket I have a good question for Chad

Chat I want your your honest opinion too do you guys prefer lower scoring games or higher scoring games man who the hell would prefer a lower scoring game oh there buddy um me real basketball is defense all right coach speaking of dunk contest I I give Davis a cool

All right you can’t dunk exactly I can dunk everyone here has seen me dunk okay all gets TI catching retain Tri to throw it up does not count 21 to 15 is the score after the first quarter I’m sure everyone had or most people had the cold Hearts winning but

Dov’s doing pretty phenomenal so far we’ll catch you guys in the second quarter [Applause] World Chamberlain Kareem Abdul Jabar LeBron Kobe magic shag hake uh Steph uh J Crowder Dev Booker Bradley Bill ah This week at OT Roland La defeated the city Reapers Nobody seen that coming the upset was insane 7967 I’m shocked just like you not to mention right before this game jelly fan faced off against the yng dreamers it was a nailbiter down to the end and

Jelly fam got it done one from eight for the free throw line the dreamers could not buy a bucket at all but right now we got Nolan from Strictly basketball he’s with us these games have been absolutely insane Nobody seen Roland L being able to come through and beat the best team

The city Reapers they stacked they got big J Bryson tiller Mari one of the best defensive teams in the entire league so to take a l that’s kind of crazy right now as I said we got Nolan from Strictly basketball talk to me about the power rankings and what’s been going on

The last few days what’s been going on what sorry what’s been going on in the last few days with all the games the last few days there’s been a ton of upsets I don’t think anyone expected rolling loud to beat the city Reapers but they did and because of that they

Jumped up two spots in the rankings um but with that being said I don’t think it was enough for the city Reapers to drop a spot in the rankings they still have the best record in the league but right now cold hearts and the city

Reapers are kind of in a tier of their own um yeah there’s been a lot of upsets and I mean right now we’re seeing it the diamond dubs are beting the cold heart so we might see another one I got to ask you right now who is your MVP for OT

You’ve been watching the games like no one you you’ve been watching every game I got to go Eli Ellis I mean what we’ve seen out of him scoring wise is something like’ never seen in OT history and if he continues doing what he’s doing right now he might go down as the

Most prolific score in OT history lastly last game even though they came up short they double team the entire game he still had a decent game percentages wasn’t the best do you think it helped or hurt his MVP Cas I’m kind of neutral about it he kind

Of started the game a little bit slower than usual um but then in the second half he really picked it up when his team needed it and they unfortunately just weren’t able to close the game so who knows maybe jellyfam will be above yng G I guess we’ll see guess we’ll see

You have got to know thank you so much for taking the time back to you guys with the booth man thank you slapp for throwing back to us guys at the booth yeah that last game was actually insane if you caught it on prime it it was like jelly fan was

Unable to close man and they let the dreamers come back in the fourth quarter and dreamers I don’t even want to spoil it just watch it the whole game was just insane just miss free throw Miss free throw Miss free throw a couple late game turnovers it was bad it was bad bounce

Pass there that’s an insane use of a b bounce pass is doing a whole bunch of uh uh around the bush the end of that game was absolutely horrible I say insane I think it was fire what it was exciting it was exciting it was it wasn’t good exciting

Though was like who cannot mess up right hey exciting uh down to the buzzer is exciting basketball bro them boys Miss six free throws in the road I think it was seven but yeah Johnson for three no that’s mamb what he was so offended hey anybody he’s going to watch this and

Know no no that’s not what I’m saying yes he is is black m okay white M okay Red Mamba now so is he okay to have the red bomn name you tell me I’m asking no that’s question I asked you he doesn’t have a basketball family man so his family his

Mom lost two basketball games in high school 103 to2 yeah but Kobe didn’t get the black mama name until the NBA national championships at his dad played D2 his uncle is a head coach at TSU so got basketball listen listen listen but you’re right though like you can’t just throw around mambas

Yeah bro bro that is a crazy name to throw around I think that name there’s the white Mamba you have to earn the Mamba name the the the Mamba attachment Jeremy Lyn got the Mamba attachment for like two weeks too exactly bro they but look they took it away yeah they took it

Away they definitely took it away I’m not saying he don’t deserve it so agent I’m not agent Duke does he deserve it yes or no connect from he don’t deserve it yet okay so he’s going to watch this it’s fine that’s fine you get pressed by the Red Mamba here his favorite

Influencer Duke Dennis take away his take away his di but do you agree like you agree aent yeah yeah player but like when when they gave it to Brian scalini it was kind of a joke like white but maybe he just wants to really uh exercise the mamb

Mentality three connects know they call Aus re Hill Kobe that’s a real thing too what they call him hill Billy Kobe oh man atin re that’s a real thing is his Hill Billy Kobe it’s Lowry right there for three L been moving today man you know what you know what if his name

Is white a red M oh my God he connected from 30 ft Mel Brown Jr if his name is the red M I’ll take it and by the end of the season if that’s not the case then then I’ll let him know you’ll let him know personally you’re going have to St from

I’ll all right a lot of pressure right there on the Red Mamba Duke Dennis could potentially stri it from you if the red M press you before next game that’s going be h Buble with the ball a little bit 4 minutes 25 seconds left go second quarter okay he get that pass off

Catching get fouled I never forget aent getting pressed for calling somebody Ry rich last season I I mean it wouldn’t really impressed what did he say again snip I don’t remember he he just said like you know watch your mouth and talk to him better he didn’t say that to me yes he

He he he did not say watch your mouth bro you just made up a story I was right there no that’s actually what happened you guys are such a liar bar for bar wait somebody told you to watch your mouth that didn’t happen I promise that

Happened I’m not even making put on God I don’t do that but I promise you sniper did that happen Okay that really happened Happ put on God see we don’t do that here glorify Tony says Duke is the Riz Mamba oh my God corniest thing I’ve heard all 2024

Yeah I think that’s going to be the corniest thing all year even in December 31st it’s still going to be that guy hey we got the first big bonus of the game Cole hars up one man a little bit of a run here it’s going to be a 5v4

Advantage for the cold Hearts because the diamond dels are over the foul limit so there is officially 14 seconds on the clock lock in thank you for explaining that man of course man Trey Parker kicks a corner for Mel back out hey h three threes in a row shot up four

Points it got serious as the kids say just like that the do the done and answer just that fast chop chop might be the best name here actually got oh B getting attacked on the drives man D does put up a pretty good fight pretty good is not enough

Though I’m not gonna lie when you have an opportunity and the coh hearts not connecting on their shots you got to scramble for all the points you can get man because once AO turns up Michel is hitting and hayan is it’s over yeah it’s tough to beat him but it’s far from over

Got him about it a couple times got two seconds up nothing there yeah it might be Keel to AO nice layup on the fast break from Mayo log is poked by hanyan active defense Razo Tes in the chat says crazy thing is I got the same defense as assar

It’s just I can’t jump as high as yet at 13 yeah buddy how do I tell you I don’t know if you have the same defense as assar man but keep keep grinding I think you’ll make it there’s defense is insane locking up Deon book three games

In yeah man that’s pretty Johnson with it gets it back Johnson on the drive layup gets his own rebound little bit of a travel he started off a lot little bit of a travel not much he started off hooping slowed down a little bit good to

See him get back on the board definitely not a big one just a little bit hey yo 15 ft midi no I don’t think Jeremiah been off the game yet that’s what they said tell you man he’s like Jimmy Butler on the Bulls man Tom dppo just playing him he can’t play no

More Corner three buckets he is a real bucket getter he been hooping man it’s back to back for Him hey be sure to like the stream man if you like what you’re watching like this on the internet man uh Madden aerio Davis what do you think about cam Wilder he’s mid at life at basketball he’s mid dang I thought you liked him no I like him he just miss though that

Basketball great Parker over to John B John B good pass inside I got excited I got excited good bucket though that’s how you break the Zone man carts definitely found their stride on offense in the second quarter re foul called on hyan he did reach

In 14 though at 15 it’s eight okay so it’s at 14 and the Ryan shot the shot clocks at 14 he he said he said he fouled him but the shot clock at 14 that’s 10 seconds those those feet B with it by no reset no reset one

Second noit one second one second Manny makes a good point the clock should not reset our defense no no no no our normal defense normal defense normal defense normal defense one second on the clock Johnson for three get block by Parker hey hey hey D talked about it so many times Trey

Parker is a great defensive guard bro do you know how hard blocking a three-pointer is it’s hard bro it was so crazy to hear here’s the last play it was so crazy to hear Trey Park on has one dunk this year good defense but that’s why I think he like

Nate Robinson I think Nate Robinson only got three end game dunk his entire career that’s that’s what yeah hey kick him off the no I’m serious bro that’s not true that’s not true think about when have you ever seen an a Robinson ingame dunk in your life multiple times three times to be

Exact I just got to trust you on that one man the real thing you known I trust you bro if I trust anybody you all right I’m just tell I’m just telling all right let’s go that’s me that’s me when I’m in a wager gaming and someone keeps

Complaining about the rules all right bro let’s just play Let’s Play Let’s Play more specifically K that who I sent to the Bronx oh my goodness cheating in a wager says aent how do you feel about Duke being better than you at all right

See me for 10K oh what what uhoh V the gaming Gauntlet he say he he say you’re better than me at C it’s a fact all right bro wait is it not coming up at half time man check out the first half highlights the story of Adam o locker room access

And more stick with us Hey listen bro you’re not just hit me out all right in a game of Kai right even even One V one right no matter what you say I will still get more kills than you if we you know what I’m saying that’s

Delusion I’m not going to lie we already did it the the order that little hold on Canon catching on the drive that’s and move from Catchings and one all right so the order of uh top three is probably me you don’t play games anymore you retired yeah yeah he retired stop talking you’re

Sixth place in on my no he’s fifth he’s fifth Chris no he Chris he’s retired hey hey hey hey Kai will never be better than me at any game ever you think you’re better than kai I would put up my life Kai better than you at fortnite no

He’s yeah he better than you at fortnite bro no he’s not don’t play fortnite no he’s not good at a single game Chris is the worst and then Kai is always the second worst all right John B get the offensive rebound man just the story of rebounding here

Today the D crazy hey does does f play any other game except PTA not really I think he’s good at COD he’s played like the airplane simulator a couple times I think he’s good at COD I’ve seen him I think he hasn’t played Cod seen centries

But I know I know that when aent it never leaves John B missed the first I think the best I hear C I’m not even like saying that just to be I swear I swear I’ll put 100,000 on it yeah yeah me too no you would not me too bro on God I

Would I would too all right you remember you remember when we did a uh gaming gaunlet for channel yeah you w my one by one kill I’m going download it tonight and play it all right anyway back into the game red Mall the drive looking secure

That name from duke yeah he’s looking to lock in his name for Life foul called Johnson the drive a lot of foul calls actually we got another double header tomorrow and we got another double header on the OT YouTube channel tomorrow night tune in 700 pm. to see

Top scorer Eli Ellis and the Ying dreamers host defensive Menace Trey Parker and the cold Hearts then after that it’s Ian Jackson and jelly fam squaring off against the Red Mamba the diamond like And subscribe to the channel we’ll see youall there tomorrow night night

Man it’s so it’s so funny cuz like like he’s the headliner I want to see him hoop here today man my first time seeing him in person Trey Parker now known as a defensive player Aly pass slips right through C’s hands we the red M okay

Let’s see what you got great pass over the B great pass again does not go catching is unable to get the rebound though it rims out 35-33 CH who’s y’all’s OT go like the greatest player to ever Lace Up Trey Parker connects from the corner I’m I’m loving Trey Parker man

I’m telling y’all he improved in every single game yeah to see this evolution in this game we talking about him as a defensive player he’s he’s hitting the three way more consistently now than he was at the start of the Season he was misfiring but he has improved tremendously man for

This cold heart team talk about a back court my goodness 38-33 is the score after the first half Duke how you feeling about that score man uh it’s actually a really good game so far nobody’s blowing nobody’s blowing nobody out yeah Diamond du’s slowing down a little bit um but we’ll see man

We’ll see how they close out looks like we’re with AO a what’s going on man how you doing fantastic 38-33 is this the half you was looking for uh we came off a little bit of a slow start but we picking it up right now and then we

Going to come in the third quarter and do great what do you think you got to do differently uh I know I got to hit my shs get my teammates involved more rebound more stop ball watching and it’ll we good after that okay Bet got you uh last question man score

Prediction uh we going to win by 15 plus we just got stops say less beat that you can head back to the locker room appreciate you man and thank you guys for listening first half is complete we got some second half action coming up in a beautiful halftime show don’t go

Anywhere we’ll be right Back Oo I like this song um calm down by R baby cal down calm down you Know welcome to ot7 oh my God God what a catch the middle taking a shot touch do you want sick highlights oh my God what a catch insane rivalry they play they play like dogs and incredible Ballers having the time of their life they going you [Applause] everen then this is the place for you welcome to the o te half time it’s your boy sniper Jones and I’m joined by my guy I’m Davis how you feeling man I’m feeling absolutely excellent after watching that now we got some amazing basketball our first time being able to

See the diamond does live in action and they not disappointing at all Davis 100% first of all hey I already said it they got the best jerseys in OT 100% but hey Jeremiah Johnson came out on her plan came out on a mission hooping they came out early getting this lead but of

Course you know the cold Hearts will never go down easy they fought back and now have a five-point lead absolutely my favorite player so far is the Red Mamba I heard y’all talking real greasy about the red mamb but I’m actually a fan he’s hooping not to mention Aldridge that

Dunk the headp dunk was crazy my that was special that was that was special cuz you didn’t see it going like I didn’t think it was going to be that strong now coaches told us going into the game I talked to him very very brief

On the vibe cam I asked him who should we look out for and he was the guy that he mentioned what do the cohorts need to do to take contr of this game and not allow Diamond devs to come back because I can see them getting

Momentum man I think they got to find some consistent offense if they can find some consistent offense I think it’ll make all the difference in the world that that consistent offense finding those two three players you can go to on each play is going to make a big

Difference for them getting back in this game well one of my favorite players AO what do you think about his first half performance hey I saw a rare AO dunk now hold on now hey I was special that rare AO dunk caught me off guard um I think

He’s hooping man he’s knocking doing what he needs to do AO is definitely one of the best scores here at OT and let’s find out a little bit more about the scoring machine himself man Adam ID remember to name one of the best scores in the country to K

Only my name is Adam om and I’m from wber Virginia growing up in Virginia things were hard I lived in apartments with my mom and my dad my aunts were there too un Les we all lived literally in one big house and then the house actually burned

Down and then from there we had to move out and all go our separate ways I was like 34 five years old and at the time so I feel like I wasn’t appreciated of those moments as much cuz they’re always there for me I could definitely like look back and

See those moments where ID be like like I really thank you guys I still tell them thank you all the time my aunts my uncles and my parents of course first time I picked up a basketball me and my dad went to the park it’s like 11:30 at

Night I was a kid at the time I was like 7 years old he was like what do you want to go to the corv I was like I want to suit like you sure he was like yeah sure I’ll take you it was just me and him

We’re shooting for like about 30 minutes I just feel like ever since that moment I picked up since the the relationship with my dad is is definitely there for me and him in the past like 6 years he probably missed like three games and I love that but

Sometimes like he used to be cold and crazy on the sidelines and my mom used to always tell him like relax like he got it you’re putting so much pressure on him I know it’s coming all from the heart and like love but relax dad like I got

You no relax my personality on the court I’m a smiley guy but if you get me activated I’m going talk my my stuff come on we down short I want to be there for my teammates I don’t want to be there for me I just want to compete on

The court and just win no matter what I probably want to be remembered for the guy who represent his country I want to go play for team Morocco in Morocco they don’t really have many people that play basketball and I want to prove that people from my country can

Actually make a name out of themselves and become someone nationally known that’s I feel like that’s what I want to Do AO is undoubtedly one of the best scores here and I love hearing more about him his story his back 100% man hey it’s it’s a it’s a dope story honestly absolutely guys do not forget Davis is live in the chat right now spam him with questions about the

Game amp how to join after all this is the group leader without further Ado let’s toss it down and see what the coaches got to say to the locker room energy was good bench energy you guys think it was good okay okay we can pick it up we got

Another level all right let’s see if we can let’s see if we can make sure we got the bench energy um good couple things guys really good job running I think we got some stuff in transition we we’re really good in transition of getting the

Ball out getting up the floor so I want to make sure that we’re running make sure we’re not leaking out um on on defense okay they’ve got a couple long rebounds with these loose balls Canon you were involved one time Adam you were involved one time make sure we’re going

Back in there and rebounding most important thing though is just the energy that you guys are playing with finger point okay if somebody dimes you up and gives you one and finds you with a cross no’s doing a great job of running the house all right no we talked about

It if they’re going to hit threes out here at the NBA line it is what it is but they’re going to have to hit them with at least a hand up all right not just staring at them all right they’re going to have to hit it with at least a

Hand right there whoever was in this spot right here was not there was not there I don’t know who it was but they were not in their spot and they had a shooter in that corner if if you’re if you’re in help and the ball skips all right we we talked about this

We have to be smarter than watching the ball go if the ball’s going we need to be going with the ball right now we’re over there and help ball gets skipped we wait till they C coaches is really leading into the team letting them know

Exactly what they need to do in the next half David 100% man and it’s these adjustments that matter at halftime that make the difference absolutely now it’s time to check out some of the McDonald all Americans that will be playing or at least the nominees that will be playing

In the game so Davis let’s check it out people that’s playing right now we got jeremi Johnson who’s playing for the diamond Dov and don’t look at but Canon catches is also in the running for the McDonald’s All-American Game it’s such a talented group of individuals that are

In OT I mean there’s this many people they’re going to be playing the McDonald’s I mean have opportunity to play it’s nothing sort of incredible honestly like genuinely absolutely now it’s time to ask Davis what they saying in the chat bro oh man let’s see what y

Talking about in the chat I want to join MP how do I join I don’t know buddy I don’t got nothing for you I don’t got nothing for you when does RW play again that’s a good question a good question I know check the schedule budy you got to

Check the schedule rwe always brings it out Davis who is the best OT player snip who do you think best OT player is the O the best OT player right now I’m I’m going go Ian Jackson They just they just beat Eli I’m I’m going say Ian I I’m I’m

Going to have to say stto oh see stto is hurt right now so you can’t say that active I’mma still go with Eli Ellis 50 is too is too impressive to not to to not pay attention to absolutely hey thank you guys so much for watching the overtime halftime more basketball coming

Up right now don’t go anywhere I’ll see you guys in a second Peace N that’s cap cuz if it’s a text message I can at least like not respond if I’m on the phone I can’t I have to respond No Cap No Cap I’m a bad text like I don’t text back at all talking the phone is faster than Tex I have over 2,000 UNR messages We are ready for an action packed night of boxing what about giving the boxes more opportun this is otx Friday night fight he just got GL bring me my stacks and he is looking to eat right now big left hand and down go s final moments otx we go to an overtime

Round otx boxing is still [Applause] Undefeated hey come on come welcome to the second half I’m your host Agent Zero joined by my two co-hosts Duke Dennis hey and I’m Davis man man man hey man it’s been uh the story has been like all the upsets recently one beautiful thing about OT is

That you never really know who’s going to win Diamond does had a pretty decent first half let it slip a little bit there in the end but uh what do you guys think about the first half action so far um I think it’s pretty even um both

Teams playing real hard um and they coach said that the diamond do down Le lead like going into the fourth quarter every game except for one they just got to learn how to close out games and I guess we going to see today got you hey looks like we’re

Joined by Tim Fanning Tim how’s it going pretty good pretty good how you guys doing doing fantastic thanks for asking what do you have to do to close out the half here I think we just got to be more consistent you know we started the game really sluggish and I thought the second

Quarter we were pretty good um just looking for a little more consistency and to attack the zone right just like that one right there that’s what we want to do you can’t we can’t just pass the ball around the perimeter and then I’m looking for a little full court defense

In the second half turn up the heat on these guys uh we talk a lot about the back court gets a lot of shine you know best one of the best back courts in the country what do you feel like as an aspect of the cold hearts that doesn’t

Get much attention but deserves it I think the the wings and the and the rebounding I think that um as good as as good as those guys are in the back court one I would say the backourt death but I think ah come on

K um I think that we got a lot of versatile wings that really uh give give us give us something that other teams don’t have oh my [ __ ] god and I I know you seen the rolling loud upset here as hyan lays it up and W I know You’ seen the rolling loud

Upset against the city Reapers uh what’s your mindset going into a game where you’re you’re the favorites heading into it yeah you know it’s a big challenge cuz the easy thing to do is just you know you come out and you expect to win and that’s not the reality of

Competition as we all know On Any Given night anybody can beat anybody else and so um I think that’s just a a a challenge of of being a favorite or being one of the more talented teams is um mentally preparing yourself every game that’s something that we talk about

And I thought that we actually improved on that last weekend you know the first one we lost a jelly Pam uh kind of sluggishly and in the next night against rwe I thought we found a way to just fight our way to a victory God stay down

Yeah good rotation good rotation how you look Focus fny thank you for joining us I’m going send you looking for his first championship he is fully locked in that’s great start hey come on the switch Johnson on the layup oh it’s Canon Canon switch aggressive aggressive so mindblowing these players

Are all like 16 17 18 right I keep I keep forgetting they actually like teenagers was a soft quiet switch he’s like switch switch switch B that’s a great take there man everybody I know you can do it Johnson connects hey conf Sacramento that’s side that’s side

That’s side that’s get out of this game all right you right here you good you good sack sack sack Sacramento Sacramento start an avalanche Tre Parker deep shot does it go ha is a is is a player that every coach want yep that Brian off on the past few games has

Phenomenal for the BS I’ve been waiting a few plays to talk about this I can’t remember who whoever tried that self and got Rim block do tra tra man they’re man my ke Cross Court risky pass there good turns it over Sam Johnson with it Johnson has 16 points on the game so

Far stepped out of bounds there a lot of people step out of bounds over that way I wonder why yeah that was a tough shot I like that shot right there if Mel could get going if they not let Mel get going or else oh oh way to split the defense there

Who it’s fouled taking right out of red Mama’s hands 9 got 16 right now on the other on the other end he’s like whatever you want him to be man he he’ll mess around and play there he can put on multiple hats man he can take whatever R you want

Yeah post May shoot the three ball head oh almost turns it over Mel catches it calls for the screen gets it Y is around a little bels pass to Cerone hey he is putting on a passing offense is SN oh hard looking really solid so far this second half J the Jack

Saying oh that’s D oh he’s smoking Bro Look at Trey Parker bro yeah that’s dope if you’re not finding your offensive game being able to step up and be the team’s best defender is crazy definitely one of the team’s best defenders I think he is the the best hey

A lot of dancing going on Guess foul called there blocking foul ran out of St look at this wow great pass nice bounce pass great finish too ice man in the chest and coh hard’s doing really good right now but he Diamond D can win 50/50 hey Ken I don’t

Know if it’s 50/50 right now my rebound all over the place diamond doves retain ooh nice moveth from B kicks it moh hold on now you like that right there that right there another day keeping his nickname FR Parker dancing a little o ball get stolen B kicks it up to [Applause] Johnson fourpoint game wow just that quickly di show Fight catching wide open dang either McDonald’s All-American nominee for a reason Man yo chat who’s y’ favorite team the OT man spam up in the comment section I’m going be paying attention what happened to rwe man The Flood the chase be flooded rwe well see I want that’s I want know if there’s rwe fans out here still Johnson three misses ony ony ony nice

Crossover oh man and a clean finish that’s that right on the m b with it almost loses it finish gets it back to easy layup going lie the cohorts are land way too much easy buckets like keep team in the game himself oh man hey yo trying to get involved here offensively back Out deep three no b gets it Off the Mark Johnson is cooking here today layup that goes as well you know what I like about him he takes the most smart shots or he takes the least bad shots out of any like Superstar on the team yeah

You’re right he’ll force it he’ll force it we can expect a fourth shot in the four4 56 to 51 diamond dove showing a little bit of fight here after the Cole hars got off to a hot start here in the second halfed to make come back

Man Diamond dubs not where they want to be in the standings so far this year in OT but they’ve shown fight and they got two top scorers on the same team so just a matter of putting it together Davis they have the Personnel to do so you know coaches a eight time Champion

Himself right but like you said they have two top scores and coach said that man right there is going to be a household name yeah they definitely not a bad team just from watching them play for the first time in person and seeing that you know I’m

Saying the all the dos and don’ts of them but they just got to you know find a way to make it all happen like coach said they got to finish in the stretch so I’m excited to see what they do on this fourth quarter but most importantly

What I can tell off the Jump please get a rebound just get one rebound defensive rebounds yeah Diamond do cahoot man they just need someone to believe you know well they got the best designs at least hey I I believe in them okay I think the black Jersey even

Tougher like these white jerseys are tough the black ones I just like their branding it’s like a mosaic style they need have a all print Jersey yeah you’re welcome yeah you g some design taking styling tips from Davis is insane dein Carter in the chat says why Davis look like a

Burger Davis looks like a burger yeah I don’t really see what he’s saying a Burger Davis looks like a burger oh ball almost stolen yep off the cold Hearts Bo gets it tipped again though Trey Parker Trey was just playing defense on the inbound I guess a violation called let’s

See Trey immediately gets up like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa got back immedately play defense red with her Rock yep gets it back good ball movement there both for three no hey let’s see if they can finish the nothing more disrespectful than getting waved off when you guard they telling

Everybody else to get out the way John B with the hook no he always takes the deepest hook shots and rebound goes out bounds all right a lot of Davis built like comments now for no reason what they say you built like bro a click out

Aune hey yo for three he got trampled no call like he waited for him after step he looked him in his ey for like a half Second hey hey 101 left in this third quarter yep yeah I don’t think that was a foul that’s a good call 56 51 three ball no diamond does finally get the defensive rebound under a minute remaining nice solid shot there nothing though man it’s been quiet offensively cing on the L gets Fouled OT basketball is back on Prime video next Friday with double header action first at 7:00 p.m. the electric Eli Ellis and the dreamers take on the Red Mamba Cooper Campbell and the diamond doves before Alabama commit Nas Cunningham and rolling loud host Kansas commit RIS Passmore and the blue checks

Catch all the action Friday January 19th exclusively on Prime video good games you missing out on man like the last one for example CL Arena a classic Duke but Duke Duke wasn’t the I like of the last one yeah I I didn’t I didn’t like that

All cuz oh like the game came down to mistakes and ball though that’s competition people fall under pressure no no no it actually it’s the opposite though it’s not like they were playing good defense they missed seven free throws in a row and on the other side

The dude threw the most horrible pass in OT history overhead yeah that was a crazy pass by the way hey we got a big bonus hereoh hey gets it to go imagine him watching this broadcast hearing that his favorite influencer Duke why you always assume Duke is their favorite super they could

Be watching they could be like they could watch anybody man Mr imagine your listen imagine your favorite wor in it’s Trey Parker deep three B point that coach got the three too hey hey he looked at his coach like okay there you go 10-point game Trey Parker that’s the Ultimate Green Light

Man stepped into that one 63- 53 is the score gooh Hearts Up Two people back in the day two actors act I just call them two actors Temptations never heard what wait weit for sure my little sister used to have one I wouldn’t say heels but I don’t think so I say shoe cleaner is there a shoe cleaner

Moon that was hard I’m not going to lie that was Hard I want to take this time to shout out tonight’s Adidas 6 fan Angel Fielder from Atlanta Georgia Angel’s favorite player is Draymond Green and her favorite OT player man Draymond Green is crazy we got to ask her about that her favorite OT player is Nas Cunningham

Thanks for being a super fan here at OT we appreciate you we’re joining with her now snipe hey did I hear that her favorite player is Draymond Green was that right I was about to say liking Draymond Green is insane I did not put it on okay

It’s all good will you hear OT now are you enjoying the game yes I love it okay so who is your favorite player here at OT um here is my sir gundham but playing right now is probably Trey Parker Trey Parker so you like rolling loud yeah

Okay cool so Trey just hit a shot from Deep to end out the quarter it’s I mean what does he got to do to win this game tonight um he just got to keep playing how he playing out got to play good and doing okay last question do you play basketball kind

Does kind of mean no what it kind of mean you I did like two years ago I used to play okay so like do you play like Draymond is that who you play like is that why you said that I’m just [ __ ] you got a Draymond Green game Caitlyn Clark who you play Like that’s insane hey hey back to y’all before I get attacked I see that’s a safe decision SN very safe bro saying that not only is J M green your favorite player but you play like him as well what is playing like Draymond Green consist that’s amazing bro sniper kind

Of remind me of Draymond Green in terms of like his outfits how do Rond dress bro I genuinely have no clue let the chat tell it you’re a burger buddy a burger is crazy though 66 to 55 Diamond dobs trying to break this Zone here been unable to they trying

Pass their way out of it y 11 point game if they going to strike they got to strike two go hearts look really effective in the zone here steps in nice bounce pass to the slam from aldrid well if they can keep doing that kohar is going to go back to man of

Man on point game man they got to really figure out how to get some stops and most importantly the rebounds man Mel pivots Fades no Reb hey two rebounds two rebounds back to back okay they toing a little bit just a little bit good lay oh he blew it he’s SM good

Needo kick ball no call Trey Parker has it Catchings drives and BL very [Applause] crazy 17 there’s the Red Mamba oh oh that is a that is a bad foul from John B you do not want to foul a three-point shooter man it’s awful decision that means you running laps off practice

13-point game man Co hars creeping away with this one Diamond dubs need to answer ASAP expeditious okay right right I believe it was AO that said uh 15o win he did so I need to see that I’m not going to lie that kind of bothered me though why somebody was

Like yeah we’re about to beat you by 15 they beat us by 15 i’ be pretty Furious yeah you can’t allow that but they they really didn’t hear it though they didn’t they don’t know yeah unless somebody snitched they knew and it still happened give themes chat how we feel about to come

Back hey good pass inside to Hanan tip no John Bull with it two foot jump shot hey just cuz you down late just cuz you down early in the fourth don’t mean give up the defense is I mean the the rebounding situation almost got D how many rebounds

Does Canon have he might have a double double at least on the watch yeah the rebounding disparity is crazy it’s 3 Mom okay Cooper Campbell bound fellas Diamond Do’s rebound better and this game looks entirely different9 like both teams playing The Zone Mel says ain’t no one OT can

Be what he say he said no one in OT can beat D 101 be who 101 oh he’s yeah that’s crazy you don’t even know me Pal reball doesn’t go the Red Mamba deep one oh man unfortunately he may have been let’s see let’s

See oh oh he is ref is looking at him too man he’s not he’s not he had the heel off the ground this controversies Parker okay good pum fake the easiest D in OT history that might yeah literally the easiest dunk in Ot Ot Johnson over to Red maamba that back three oh my goodness on Duke on there Duke okay we can see a little bit of a Eli ell he deserve that name man he deserve that Nickname love to see that man he’s look a little quiet here today rebound crashing now hey you know who you need to hit right game you know who you need to hit right’s hot m is hot scorching there’s only one option Johnson on the drive that’s a tough one

Man John B playing some great defense he definitely he definitely was supposed to oh this is a DK go hearts on the Counter beat me at The Rim I’m not going lie you got get you got to get back for your teammate I knew it was going to be a dunk I just didn’t know it was cat always and he stepped out of bounds man let’s see the highlights

Catchings big slam there and then the easiest dunk ever as described by Duke Dennis hold on Red Mamba earn that nickname more fourth quarter action when we come Back we are ready for an action tack night of boxing it’s about giving the boxes more opportunities this is otx Friday night fight he just got gled bring me my snacks and he is looking to eat right now big left hand and down goes SEL final moments otx we go to an overtime

Round otx boxing is still [Applause] undefeated wel welcome to ot7 oh my God what a cat over the middle taking a shot touch do you want sick highlights oh my God what a catch insane rivalry they play they play like dogs and incredible Ballers having the time of their life going [Applause] everen this is the place for You we got the cash app lock down of the game and none other than John B man John B he been getting a lot of these at this point nice big block there get that out of yeah both tried it get it out no more just so hard to do anything around

The rim when John B is stearing you down I mean not only the tall man but the length like shooting over that is very hard it is a 14 game ladies and gentlemen the diamond doves need a need a miracle they need a miracle and hopefully for the mirle name Jeremiah Johnson or

Coer yeah or yeah or maybe one of them though that’s for Sure all right 7 Minutes 28 seconds left to go on this one we’ seen a lot of crazy things happen so y think yall think they going to come back it’s unlikely but it’s possible yeah it’s not impossible yet and that’s what matters Michel hook o

Oh I be sa toilets rims in and Out Tim Fanning has to be happy with his team’s performance here today Diamond dues was out early in the first quarter but cold heart’s just been chipping away at them and honestly been taking control of this game still seven remaining anything can happen first free throw schacks my Hill Brown my Hill Brown

Looks like we got sniped with the vibe cam sniper Trey theyve been talking about your defense have been improved to the point where now you blocking three-point shot attempt bro what’s going on hey I just had to lock in some other way my shot not here so this game here so got

To use the game the other way now I don’t know if you aware of this stat but right now you got one dunk of the season one dunk in game dunk of the Season how many are you trying to leave with though I’m leave it like 25 game what you got

Like 17 dunks in the game how you going to do that no cap I’m that guy I’m that guy so I’m going do that I’ve seen your coach I don’t know if he told you not to shoot the three to end out the quarter but you knocked it down and you pointed

At the coach what did you tell him ain’t going lie I don’t know where he was on I told him hold on I’m about to shoot that he talking about pass I was about to shoot that a he was tweaking you pulling that every time yeah every time hey

Beginning of the year he told me to hoop so that’s what I’m going to do hoop say l you hooping right now man good luck the rest of the game that might be the realest interview of all time that was real your coach is tweaking said I don’t know what he

Talking I don’t know what he talking about yo bro that’s funny more hey cooper cooper what’s up bro what up see you got red mamb on the back of the Jersey how did you get the nickname youi yourself that nickname no it’s from my brother really cuz my other

Brother name is Kobe like black mamba so it was originally his name and then I kind of St from him okay I I just want Duke Dennis says you can’t have that name he said you got to he say you got to earn it so what you got to say to

Duke right now I’ll earn it almost got ran over you see that for two time I’m like Cat Williams hey bro listen bro he just earned a fan bro I like that response right there I earn you heard what he say imagine he was like he could have

Went on an egotistical route I didn’t hear what he said though what he say he said I’ll earn it right that’s what he said he said that’s like plus 10,000 fans if that’s my 10,000 fans is that is that local fans or is that like NBA fans it’s local it’s local it’s Local got go with that buddy 81 of 65 so his brother gave it to him his brother’s name is Kobe okay kind cool story so that means his brother his niame is Black Mama baby that’s what he said he said his brother name is white Mama re ball connects for both hey if

They are going to make an attempt it needs to be right Now Mel Brown a little quiet here today I don’t know how the cohort got 81 well distrib well distributed buckets everybody Thorn yeah he loves that pum I’m not going to lie Canon catches absolutely been disrespecting de Bradford today hey hey he love that uh P

Fight on the B I’m be honest he never shoots ever ever C’s got 21 points I have a hot take oh my goodness I have a very hot take yeah Canon catch is about to no no he’s about to he’s about to ATT cuz I

Know how he is he’s about to attempt a insane dunk attempt in this game okay watch I’m going take your word for that Catchings is is definitely I mean we knew he was a baller man he he came in here highly rated oh got him in the

Air as we him that was a tough move yeah man cing ranked number 15 player the classic 2024 know right oh wow his nephew of w NBA player basketall nice tip doesn’t go nothing there for the cold Hearts he do looking to respond here nice moves nothing there

Neither million do move once it finish that’s a tough one to finish four minutes left to go in this one that was a great move man the fact that Trac he leaving with 25 dunks on the season is INS he got to get started like right now basically he

Got to get eight dunks a quarter for the rest of the season not Sho he’s not shooting no more threes man straight dunks about OT and points in the pain he knew that though like that’s something you have to know like as a as a basketball player you got to know like

You have a dunk while you have a Dun in a little Minute 83 to 70 cold heart’s up 13 points looks like cold heart’s have a big bonus here on their lead hey I’m expecting a open three at the hash for AO and then he’s going to kick it he’s going to kick it to Michel it’s going to be a wide open Corner

Three that’s my prediction this big bonus no prediction than so yeah yeah off the floor just about guaranteed it actually here we go big bonus never seen someone pass it off the Jump a man he actually shoots it no nothing there I know I know yeah uh-oh do quick response there from

Johnson Johnson is man the dubs are down but he has been hooping bro he is exactly where you need him to be whenever you need him to be there 100% caring that low for this team man can I use the AI comparison for him maybe actually stop that I guess not yeah maybe

Not snipe did you never mind man let’s let’s s into the diamond DS H I want nook I want nook I want mellow opposite of Cooper I want German bow I want German bow I want the ball in B hands all right we’re going rub we’re going

Rub for germ Nook come set the back screen you got to pin Cooper’s man all right you got to pin n flashing up Sacramento and then Trey you’re going to get Canon you’re reading now we play okay guys I don’t want this to turn into a game Sixpoint

Game eighto game we got to stay focus we’re worried about the wrong stuff guys come on you’re staying the screen when when uh Trey comes H you then you you’re doing it hey Chad how we feeling about this game so far man a three ball here and I don’t know

Man it’s a ball game that’s what I’m trying to say it’s four points man a three ball for the DS they back in it bro you said you said what a three ball for the Dos they’re back in it I got faith bro I seen roll L upset Reapers you’re Insane yeah no you’re done Budd call having faith man they need about four threes and I consider a game right they need yeah no look at Tre par look at Tre par hey he not passing oh smooth that was clean that was clean that was a that was a that was a pro

Move I might be a hater though two threes in the r in spaming behind the backs right B with it my God something got to go though man yeah n they got to go it’s over oh saved it Johnson inside way too open to miss 11o game three Minutes heyan over to Michel over to Trey Parker Trey Parker got it Trey Park’s going to dribble mhm little bit of iso action goes for the contact doesn’t get the call back go the rebound game here has been the same yeah maybe if the diamond rebounded they be in the

Game maybe same about the rebound and put back Goes Michel Brown Jr with it 2 minutes 22 seconds left to go in the game trying to run this clock down yeah why does the other starter crosscourt to catching I’m telling you he want he he he want the dun he wants it he wants it that’s a nice Move hay on is underrated look there’s three people around no rebound very tough SC it’s tough when you don’t rebound is like you get a stop and you got to do it again we got another double header on the OT YouTube channel tomorrow night tune in at 700 p.m. to see top scorer

Eli Ellis and the yng dreamers host defensive Menace Trey Parker in the cold Arts then after that it’s Ian Jackson and jelly fam squaring off against the Red Mamba and the diamond dubs like And subscribe to the channel we’ll see you there tomorrow night man that should be a good one

This is about the game I feel like a lot of people expected about OT I feel like I feel like last year we could rely on like expectations like I go I went into games knowing like the city reapers are probably going to win this one Etc I was great with the

Predictions this year I feel like it’s been a lot more upsets right like just cuz a team looks away on paper doesn’t mean they’re going to perform that way right right no 100% apparently no honestly I think it’s just because the the competition is so evenly spread out and you never know

Who’s going to perform on each night that is straight contact Stop look I want my two points I got fou I’mma get him man send me to the line there Lowry man hey K what a game for the cohorts coming out strong in this second half it ain’t over yet coming out strong in this second

Half it is not over yet hey buddy how do I tell you oh that’s dunk that’s dunk yeah Catchings in the corner man Canon has really been catching it and letting the fly recently man oh oh B with a nice CR oh my goodness clean slam that was that was tough get across

Tre get across get across nine-point game 1 minute 30 left to go Aly misses but again if you don’t rebound they’ve been blessed and a layup on the other end it is now a seven-point game seven points in the minute though I don’t know man it’s

Over Trey Parker with it there you go Trey close the game Trey close the game they’re going to need a quick one here Red Mamba runs it up Johnson foul called 57 seconds left to go look at this my Aldridge dang hey I like that man he sent myel flying wow that’s

Tough 91 coh Hearts get to 100 pretty easy they do it doesn’t even feel like a 100 they don’t feel like a 100 uh timeout called here we go listening to coach close game imagine if we could off a rebound get the ball to our open Shooters you

Have somebody back stay back you’ll be stacked this is C like no one two one one all right so I’m listen listen yes yes we’re right here this is the exact setup on the court if they have guys here and nobody’s back then you guys would match up here all right if they

Have somebody back then you’re stacked when the ball goes in bounds it’s a hard trap D you’re taking away the inbounder if it goes this way go and bow is taking away the inbound who you take away the sideline take the middle okay and we back that’s really been the game plan

All game long for the doves take away the middle been playing a lot of that 3-2 Zone trying to do that and they it was effective it was like it was slightly effective but I guess when the team got 91 points can’t sit there and say it worked that’s

True it’s like literally to me night and day it’s just re yeah I swear I don’t know how much more I can reemphasize you know well doves can close the gap here at the free throw line Johnson St he hit the free throw close the gap so St objectively just objectively stop it

Rules of math yeah rules of math all right so boom right here he got two free throws they losing by what seven so if no no they by eight oh okay now now they losing by Seven a little bit of a hold up here yeah going allow the inbound for the C Hearts let me drop a diamond Do’s win okay two Steals and two threes and they lose by not getting rebounds Trey Parker almost the ball sh said he wanted 28 more dunks hey he

Only would need 24 that one then you about to do a back scratch of 3,000 that that dumb package cost, 1500 BC let’s check this out oh this would been insane got to have 37 vert just to get it Y Man first free throw Heads This is by far the longest two minutes

Like yeah second free throw for Trey Parker and just like that the game is it might be over he’s spamming that that crossover spamming the crossover Corner three nope and there it goes now that I can’t believe call foul on that yeah I think I Know well just like that looks like kohar has just burn clock and put a random shot up as for Hanan spin dis [Applause] to Big shout out to the diamond dos though for not you know what I’m saying laying down and quitting when they could have easily this could have easily been

A 25-point game but you know that it was a 11o game yeah they they didn’t fold so you know what I’m saying uhoh he might get done Parker number two on the season what a way to finish things off for the cold Hearts I mean aside from

The first quarter they’ve just been in control ever since 97- 84 is the score cold Hearts take it now that’s the game we expected Trey young man eort Effortless and the play of the game none under than Canon Catchings man I knew when I saw it he’s been bowling out all day man I mean he he can find like I said he can find a way to dunk on every possession if he wants to

But not just that he was knocking down the three points getting rebounds look at this Euro and one my boy is hoop man yeah man he 25 points 10 rebounds nine for 15 yeah he got it bro he got it that’s a great game he caught two bodies on one

Person thank you so much for watching we got some more action tomorrow so if you haven’t subscribed to the channel it’s been your host Agent Zero joined by co-host Duke Dennis and I’m Davis we’ll see you tomorrow Peace He Go

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