@Toronto Raptors

Open Gym Pres. By Bell S12E11 | Scottie

Open Gym Pres. By Bell S12E11 | Scottie

He’s such a special player because the things that he does you don’t draw it up his growth is going through making everybody else around him better been putting up numbers he’s consistent every night this year I think he’s definitely can make that jump his energy his potential everything that he does I feel

Like my main goal is to just go out there be a dog on the floor try to be the hardest working person make sure I insert my presence when I step on the floor When you think about the off seism that you had was there something that you personally wanted to work on I just really wanted to work on my whole entire game but primarily focus is just shooting a lot of catching shoots trying to get a great feel for my shot being

Able to feel it from my feet up all the way till I released the ball and just working on different moves and being able to get to the basket attacking going downhill and working on Pullup you can tell he’s put in the work be able to shoot the same way every time he shoots with me he’s he’s always trying to compete with me cuz he wants to test his skills you know he shoots against me and Gary when we’re shooting

And he wants to compete to see you know where where his level is and he’s he’s definitely confident he’s definitely he’s getting better Right after the season I didn’t really stop a long time from working out I just kept working out straight through there really no breaks but you know I I had some fun you know hang out my friends enjoy time off but still ready to work get back to

It me genuinely I just love playing basketball no matter where it’s at it’s ear Fitness lifetime you know go play street basketball like on some random courts I just love playing basketball so you know it just it’s the thing that just makes me most happiest I enjoy it

No matter what and I enjoy that process you know it’s all step by step and everything’s planned out I’m really young so you know I just try to play as much as possible when I was in New York I think it was in Brooklyn I had on

Cargo shorts a shirt and some Cactus Jackson I was just walking I was like what’s up just started shooting um they asked me do I want to play I was like foret play what’s [Applause] up G boy I feel like my main goal is to

Just go out there be a dog on the floor try to be the hardest working person make sure I inserve my pres while support For unless you see him work every day you don’t see the growth his growth is going through making everybody also around him better by making better decisions make better decisions for him in terms of shooting in terms of uh being more aggressive but also because that attracts so many people being able

To make good decisions also for others and I think his uh his growth has been that like playing different speeds so he’s able to to read the situations and make like I said better decisions and we have like a dual PC set up right

Now what is this that that’s a go XLR so we control all your audio but like you ever come in if you ever want to get back into it you sit here and you literally just press go and then we cut up all the content for you when I do

Everything there and then we have like these yeah we have this too so like we could do the steam deck and it’s like all raptors just transitions so we go through there and you get oh yeah steam deck yeah yeah we have the steam deck use uh stream I don’t know what

Streamlabs streamlabs what I use yes we have s and everything too but yeah we’re getting more into the guys coming in just give them a controller like go go stream man yeah that’s fine yeah I know it’s yeah that’s fine I need to work on

My setup yeah man you come just come in here whenever you want I work on a big part of uh success I think is is finding balance and down time and you you get that with video games what do they provide for you like what do you

Feel like when you’re in in those moments I think when I play video games I’m mostly always playing with my friends U like five six people in the in the party uh in the PlayStation party it’s just like know you’re just not just not to every about nothing you’re just

Relaxing chilling having a good time talking to your friends talking about the most random things in the world you’re just out there having fun and it’s a good way to keep in contact with your friends you know I barely see my friends the only time I see them is

Through the summer um a lot of my friends play college basketball some of my friends you know they live in Far places ones in Hawaii ones in Vancouver like they’re all over the place so you know I just think it just helps us all connect and stay stay together and and

What about your dog cardi how do having her changed your life uh changed my life big time you know if I really didn’t have cardi you know I’ll just be really in the house all day uh playing bar games with life and just really doing nothing but you know cardi you know she

Brings me more life I would say you know brings me happiness you know I enjoy being able to take care of her and she gives me a lot to do you know take her for walks take her to eat you know she just brings me a lot of

Life we got it started at 6’8 from Florida State we at number four Make some noise for your boy Scotty you know I think the game just comes to me naturally uh you know I’m not I don’t really r that many things uh I just I just play Within the floor the

Game and you know it all just comes to me within a moment he’s such a special player because the things that he does you don’t draw it up that’s not a drawn up that’s not a scheme he brings the energy but his feel for the game his passing

Ability and again his shooting is improved finishing at the rack taking advantage of mismatches so you know in in your third year the things that he’s doing you expect those things to start to flourish Scotty forget about Scotty it’s Scotty three it’s really been across the board

Which is maybe the most impressive thing it speaks to the summer that he had but it really also speaks to the upside here where you know if a player with his physical tools and his passing ability can also add the shot can also operate pick and roll is also a Difference Maker

Defensively there really is no ceiling to what that type of player can become Lawrence with a rebound Scotty B’s got Tim board Scotty Coast to Coast with the Finish I don’t overthink I don’t think about it too much you know like I said I’m just playing in the moment playing freely and

Just trying to win at the end of the day I feel that’s just my main goal what I’m about there to do so I’m just trying to do anything I can try to help us home Scotty B two-handed slam when you play with him you always feel like you know

You’re just as important and his energy his potential everything that he does I mean like he’s shooting almost 50% from three now this year so I mean how can you not see what he’s doing and not appreciate as a teammate and you know kind of want to be behind him and you

Know just Tred with him he’s keeping us right there you know we’re few games from being in the mix for everybody so uh we go as he go he’s been putting up numbers he’s consistent every night this year I think he’s definitely can make that jump for sure

Scotty B with the three how about that he’s doing it all rebounding pushing making plays for everybody and he’s maturely he’s learning very fast you know he’s type player that picks up little things very quick bars swooping through the paint with a bucket the Toronto Raptors kicking off a six game

10day road trip tonight in Memphis Tennessee the rfts looking to build off their New Year’s Day win with their new look team they start a new road trip man let’s make sure we get this win get out of here and then get to the next game

Family on three 1 2 3 family turnover here’s Scotty B Scotty B soaring through the air right down Beals street with a slam dunk he he’s a dog he’s out there talking on defense and that vocal leadership is something that you don’t really expect in a you know two-year

Threeyear player so he’s really he’s really coming to his own I think that he’s got big things as far as being an Allstar because he’s that type of player if you put Allstars out there and you put him against them I would do it any day you know Allstar sometimes it comes

With winning it comes with how you impact the game he’s definitely you know growing into that conversation of you know possibly being an Allstar there’s no question why he can’t be one of those guys that’s in the conversation whether or not it happens who knows but he’s putting himself in the conversation and

To me that’s the first step I mean he deserves it uh he’s been playing very well he’s really took a step up this year um playing very aggressive so I think he definitely deserves to be on ourr you know this it’s really hard to find players like that that does it on

His second third year you know what I’m saying like he came in first year they probably didn’t think much about him got a rookie the year and he then after that he could have settled down for what it is but no he went for more and that’s

Kudos to him he’s done you know a heck of a job and putting us on his back night after night with the other guys and he’s that type of player you know he’s he’s that a high Lev player going into Superstar mode and he’s continuing to work and he’s a very very smart

Individual he has a a high basketball IQ he knows how to play basketball and that’s what you love about him in allar you know that’s that’s a big achievement I’m just trying to play at that level uh where I put myself at that level I can still grow in all areas

You know I’m just still constantly developing my game working on it uh just being able to take that next step and being able to just push our team to win it you know just push get over that edge and we just create a dominance with our

Team we can just go out there and you know we got a great chance of coming out with a W every Are we about to witness baby’s first words let’s hear them oh johned out by the blender rookie mov oh so sad audio Magic Eraser you kidding me hi y’ hello pixel in the clutch share that with Grandma Google pixel 8 even better with Belle

In this week’s episode of Open Gym, Scottie Barnes shares his passion for the game of basketball as his growth as a player takes a jump in this, his third season. All about work and winning, Barnes finds balance from the grind through gaming and the unshakeable bond with his dog, as he pushes through an All-Star calibre season.

#raptors #TorontoRaptors


  1. Yes make your presence felt against your opponents and make those on your Team great so that they can contribute to the plan of bringing To The Toronto Raptors another NBA Title. Your only as great as those you help, help you be and help you be stellar, be awesome, be the best!!!

  2. Dear Raptors Front Office, Scottie B is a GENERATIONAL talent and a super good dude. Please do not mess up the gift this organization has been given in him. Find him the team he needs to succeed, and I firmly believe he can bring a chip or two back the North.

  3. All these people saying "woah he wont be the face of the league" are wrong. I honestly believe hell be a top 3 player if not the best in the nba.

  4. I hope with the hometown kid coming into the team, that Scottie doesn't feel like we replaced his role of being the future of the team. Scottie has the potential to be a much better player than Barrett, and we and the organization has to make him believe that.

  5. Pure speculation but no Pascal in the vid. I always susd something with him nd Scottie. We never did get an explanation for the personallity issues we had last year, they made it seem like nurse was the issue. But ive been sensing it was him nd pascal, add the fact that nurse had a reason to be loyal to pascal.

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