@Philadelphia 76ers

Sixers demolished by Knicks in embarrassing national TV no-show | PHLY Sixers

Sixers demolished by Knicks in embarrassing national TV no-show | PHLY Sixers

Expected much better on a Friday night in South Philadelphia by the home team in an Atlantic division Showdown but a nosh for the 76ers as they fall big to the New York Knicks on this Friday night here in South Philadelphia welcome to the PHL 6ers postgame show alongside

Derek botner I’m Devon given I’m back so now Derek and Kyle can’t yell at me and Derek can’t post any graphics about me leading the team in I never posted them I never posted them I just talked about the graphic well at least I showed up

Tonight and the 76ers did not brius here with us can’t wait to talk to you all tonight Kyle newbeck will join from the arena Derek this was build of course as a big- Time Atlantic division matchup New York a tough team Sixers and the Knicks play each other pretty well they

Get after it the Knicks are a gritty team they also make a trade for oan noi with the Toronto Raptors they seemingly improve their team from a lot of aspects there with that addition so it was the first opportunity to see them with their new group they’re two- 0 before tonight

With anobi in the lineup this was a chance to see how they fared again on their home floor against an Atlantic division rival and while it started off pretty well uh after that not so much yeah no I mean this this started off uh

The Sixers had a a what I think a 17 to 11 lead early and then you looked up Midway through the second quarter and the game wasn’t even close anymore Nicks came out ran it down actually they were up 10 266 okay okay good point good

Point uh Nicks came out ran it down their throat I thought the Sixers transition defense was especially bad that led to some open threes in early offense the Nick shot probably a better percentage than he normally did but the fact they got up 21 threes in the first

Half a lot of them were very open they’re going to shoot a better percentage than a typical KN because those are easier shots than they typically have I thought the Sixers defense was real real bad and they dropped themselves down into a 20-point hole at halftime G up a 75 spot uh the

Sixers did to the Knicks and you know they they I don’t want to say they fought because even when they were cutting the lead it looked clunky they never really looked like they were in step on either end they held the Knicks to I think 18 third quarter points and

Only trimmed that lead by three in part because they had a lot of turnover problems there in the third quarter they couldn’t stop stepping on their own foot uh and then in the fourth quarter it was just a complete and utter disaster um you know Grimes came out hit a couple of

Threes and 80 Nicks run push a 13-point Nicks lead to 21 and then the Sixers just kind of gave up in a way that we don’t normally see them give up no they don’t and as as Dereck just said because I was going to jump in and say this is

Not like them to play this way uh they got beat 12892 so the score yes that’s indicative of how things really played out for the Sixers tonight but it was more so the effort as Derrick lays out the fact that the defensive pressure that we’ve seen from them how we’ve

Talked about them second ranked team in in the NBA in terms of defense and that was not on display at all early on it was because they were getting out in transition they were active Kelly UB got a block on ogn and noi as he drove to

The basket from behind yes he got by him but it was more of how he set up did not give up and recovered to get that block kick ahead to Tobias Harris for an easy dunk a timeout by the Knicks because of how well the Sixers defense was playing

That was leading to offense to allow them to jump out to that 10-point lead but then as they settled in New York did you get Duce McBride coming into the game and when he came into the game they seemed to lose him once they lost him

And he hit a couple of shots after Dante demenzo hit a few shots early to keep the Knicks at least close enough because Julius Randle and both Jaylen Brunson were not playing well at up to that point it looked like okay the Sixers know what they have to do and they’ll

Take this punch it’s a game of runs New York is going to make their run but then again dece McBride comes in hit a couple of shots opportunities for the Sixers thereafter even after those makes by McBride did not happen and you can kind of see the body language there uh a

Little dejected because of how they played how things weren’t going their way as as it was early on and once they started hitting those threes not getting to the 50-50 balls not getting on the floor like New York was and allowing themselves to pick up the defensive rebound New York getting the second

Chance opportunities and then hitting a three off of them you can get dejected by that right and they did and once that happened the shoulders start to slump bad turnovers by embiid early too even though he had what nine points and nine minutes bad turnovers that led to other

Points for New York to allow them to pick themselves up off the mat after being punched in the face being down 10 and therefore it kept going and that’s the bad part about it as you said we haven’t seen it these things happens where we don’t overreact we don’t panic

To situations like this but this was a nationally televised game against an opponent that you wanted to see them play well against see how they performed against this team because we talk about oh it’s not the Pistons or the Wizards or one of these other bad basketball

Teams against a good opponent and in this one they took they delivered the punch got punched back and stayed on the map pretty much the entire night and look I’m still probably not going to overreact probably not I’m probably not going to react as harsh as many Sixers

Fans probably want me to uh I am much more a Trends guy a look at how the overall body of work person you’re going to have nights like this where you know first of all I thought you know Brunson came out and he just hit a t a bunch of

Really really tough shots like I didn’t even think their defense on Brunson was all that bad but like he’s hitting a step back over Morris that probably should have been an and one uh he had that one tough finish over both I think Max and Paul S which he still found a

Way to get it up on the rim he had a step back over Springer he was just hitting real tough shots there in the first half the Sixers couldn’t hit anything some of that happens and you are going to have games where your effort and your you know your communic

Um you’re it’s just not locked in the way you always are I get that I just when all of those happen at the same time it’s tough like I said I don’t want to overreact that being said there are a couple I think things that I’m really worried about and those probably relate

Mostly to jbi’s health you know very first play of the game he stepped on hartenstein foot looked like he twisted the ankle he bumped knees with Julius Randall later in the game those are things that he didn’t look like he was moving all that well and that doesn’t

Exclude excuse his performance at all that’s just something something I’m concerned about going forward um but yeah this was a this was a this was a real tough game to watch um I can talk about you know some of those Brunson points and there was just him making

Tough shots but like miles McBride making four threes in the first half dude didn’t make have a single game all year where he made more than one three-pointer he dropped four of them in the first half to leave that like I said there’s just so many discommunication so

Many 50-50 balls the Sixers lost and because of that they were out of position position so many times down a court in transition where they didn’t match up well and they didn’t find their man it was just they were not locked in right from the jump yeah and when

McBride hit his first two threes they were open and he made makeable shots he’s an NBA player came into the league drafted because of his ability to shoot the basketball he did that once you do that and you make another things just seem yeah exactly and it’s as they say

When you make one shot and then the rim just looks like it’s an ocean and you can’t miss the the final one that he made in the corner he was he was defended pretty well they closed out pretty well on him he was hot so he was

Feeling good and when you Rose up when he rose up you just looked at him and said okay that’s a heat check but it looks like it’s good because everything looked right with the shot uh for the most part and I see Jay say here Jay the

Jungle our guy body language experts are funny sometimes the body language tells you what it is you could see where I’ll give you an example Jay as Derek talks about Joel embiid spraining his ankle he sprains his ankle see it you watch it on the TV copy you can see where he’s

Favoring that a little bit they even do a close-up they talked about it on the broadcast as well he then comes down has a bad turnover because he was trying to rush and do too many things is it necessarily him that I’m talking about not really it’s when I see him on the

Defensive end though yeah there’s a defensive rebound opportunity I don’t know if the communication was there where someone yelled out hey two two teammates whatever they call out to let you know that they’re two guys going after the defensive rebound that was clearly theirs Kelly UB had to rebound

Joel embiid was going after the basketball so when I say body language after that happened the Nick score what do I look at I looked at both Joel embiid and Kelly UB Joel embiid is blaming Kelly UB Kelly UB is backing up behind a three-point line with his hands

Out saying what do you want what did you want me to do I had the re bound body language so you can see the shoulder slump right there what happens they go down the other end they don’t score they come back they score again 5050 balls

They’re not picking them up so when I say body language it’s not to pick it’s not to act like I’m an expert it’s just simply I’ve seen Joel embiid for his entire career you can see Kelly UB with as one of his teammates like others in the past where something happens with

Embiid and embiid doesn’t necessarily take the responsibility to say hey my bad you I should have let I was trying to get the rebound let’s make sure we get it the next time I don’t know if he said that or not but all I know is whatever he said had Kelly UB pretty

Much in a little bit of a defense mode as to yo I was just trying to get the rebound right you came out of nowhere and took it from me not that Kelly UB was trying to stat pad he was just trying to get the rebound there was

Definitely no stat padding going on in this game no not at all not at all never never but that’s my point with the body language Jay it’s not again to to point that way and even some in the comments as you know Jay says not it’s not you I

Hear you but for everybody else when it comes to the body language on that I was that’s where I was going with it because you could see it right away I even saw some things with Joel EMB Derek early that I didn’t like with the turnover

Where he was oh yeah he made it he made a spin move off the dribble right off the bat and somebody just came in and stripped it right away from him completely out of he just wasn’t in like we’ve seen like Focus Joel embiid for so

Much and ball movement Joel for so much this year this was definitely Joel beid playing like he played four years ago it was and when he did that spin Derek there was a play already where he could have handed it off at to somebody that was cutting along the Baseline and they

May have gotten the shot off they at least would have been able to probe the probe the lane and get a reverse layup opportunity uh but with it it was just one of those things that starts to compound and compound it happened in the third quarter where they cut it to 133

Someone in the comments mentioned how the defense got them back in in the third quarter where they were stopping in the Knicks on certain possessions but they were going down the floor not taking advantage missing three free throws Tobias Harris miss two Jolan be split a pair yep Jaden Springer after a

Timeout good defensive play by the Sixers on the other end they come down great play by oan and nobody to throw off his timing and his rhythm to make him ball fake he goes up tries to lay it off the glass and miss it certain things happen like that in these games where

They just compound once again and one snowball after another and the next thing you know you’re down 30 and those types of things happen we have a lot to get to here tonight but those are some of the things that as I am long-winded trying to make up for my two days off

Since Derek had to talk so much I wanted to make sure I said those things about tonight’s game because it was a disappointing one I’m not overreacting at all to it because I don’t think that’s this type of game but what I did want to see a better performance they

Have a chance tomorrow against the Utah Jazz in the second night of a back toback Boston blew them out tonight in Boston so the Jazz have to travel as they got blown out similar number 126 to 97 in Boston the Sixers have a chance to rebound tomorrow it may not make up for

What happened tonight but with the lack of effort there tonight that we saw or did not see from the Sixers I need to see something better from them tomorrow night we’ll get into that but they have a chance to make up for it o overall bad

Performance 23 uh 23 and 11 now after this loss the New York Knicks are now 20 and 15 they’ve won three straight now after this Victory yep couple quick updates here from Nick nurse’s postgame press conference and again we will talk to Kyle later on in the show Nick was

Asked whether or not he expect mbid to play tomorrow he said yes uh Nick then gave an update on Tobias Harris said that I just lost it hold on uh said that Tobias Harris jammed his left ankle during the game today xray X-rays were negative and he expects Harris to be

Questionable for tomorrow’s game okay quick injury updates and like I said we will talk to Kyle a little bit later on in the show to see if there was anything more said on that yeah and I see Dom in the in the comments Don Brown says uh

Watch the whole game Joel and be got frustrated early because Maxi wasn’t giving him the ball in his spots on time and be then start to force things and turn the ball over well Dom it seemed like Maxi had it going early too where

He while I get it OG anobi was on him he was still able to get by him and get good looks and get shots onto on the on the rim and get to the basket and put some good attempts up there so with a game like that embiid has to adjust to

That too there’s a lot of basketball left to be played so there’s no need for him to force it knowing that the offense is still going to flow through him so just to respond to that sure he can get frustrated by it the same way teammates can get frustrated by maybe him

Overshooting or over overdoing it and try trying to get a shot off when they feel like the offense in terms of sharing the basketball wasn’t particularly there yeah and I think you know we’ve probably gone a little far here in terms of bearing the lead Tobias sis ended up again jammed angle ankle

Ended up with five points on two for six shooting on the night um when you have three players who can really create a shot having one of them struggle and pretty much opt out of offense and again Tobias has been the good version of Tobias for a little bit now so one off

Night isn’t something that you necessarily want to overreact to it is part of the to Harris roller coaster that we talk about all the time but it is one this is one of those games that reinforces yes the Sixers should be like there’s been a rising sentiment and look

We can debate whether or not the Sixers need a star level player or should go for high level I don’t want to call them role players like bdon bogdanovich was recently reported earlier today as being available I don’t want to call him a role player I think he’s better than

That but whether or not they should go for stars a third star or like two role players like that but I think it’s pretty clear that they could use some offensive Firepower uh some reinforcements for nights like this where Jan beid is just okay uh and maybe that might be generous certainly isn’t

Commanding the offense like he has been for almost the entirety of the season so far uh you just and when Tobias Harris is having a a clunker like he is prone to do you need somebody else who can give you something uh in the Sixers that

No point in this game had that and we’ll get to what that means of course for tomorrow’s game as Dereck just talked about what Nick nurse had to say about it we’ll get to that but first let me tell you about wheelhouse cards and maybe you know your team out there

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Get like we said Dom he he bailed out because we were I guess a little negative on Joel well I was a little negative on how Joel was playing a little bit early and what else did I miss they it’s just a general mood of the chat I’m not I’m not gonna call

Anyone out specifically because frankly like I think you’re gonna have these nights and when they’re bad and when the effort isn’t good enough and when the focus isn’t there react strongly sure um I don’t I’m not going to begrudge you for that but it is like every time they

Have one of these the chat goes wild well we did have a super chat and Jake M before we move on with the team Jake M let’s start there for once I just want Joelle to get punched in the face metaphorically and not again metaphorically not like Pascal seak does

But metaphorically and not pal tonight he was sleepy Joel thank you Jake yeah I mean look when he’s when he’s frustrated he gives off that body language and we can you know debate whether or not like that impacts his play or not I think a lot of people certainly feel like he

Does at times in the playoffs I would agree with that but when he gets frustrated like he’s going to he has these Knights and I think these Knights have been fewer this season than they have in in Prior years I think he’s grown a little bit nobody’s going to

Really care about incremental growth unless it shows up in the playoffs as well but for a guy who’s been on such a run so much like this this is where I don’t want to overreact too much uh in in terms of the body language even the effort the turnovers one night does not

Make a season one night does not define a player especially not one night in early January even against a good team but it was annoying frustrating bad game to watch for sure certainly was and uh Devon AKA school boy beats also in the Super Chat we appreciate it jumps in as

We talk about different players maybe coming in to help the team out scoring wise kissper kosma Gafford tus Jones send Tobias and Company to Virginia Washington of course but later to be moved to Virginia that’s a lot kper kma Gafford and there’s a bunch of

Players in there that I like and I think could F fill a role um I’m we’ve talked about Kyle kma a bunch I’m not necessarily willing to buy in and make that my big trade deadline acquisition uh but certainly you know tus Jones we bring up almost every podcast now at

Least while Kyle is calling in from the Wells Fargo Center he doesn’t have to we can check that one off of the list um but there’s a lot of players there that would help for sure uh but I think there’s probably going to be a bigger

Fish at you pursue yeah for sure and I mean there’s been a lot of updates today like mentioned the bogdanovich one Atlanta bogdanovich uh he was mentioned I think they made pretty much everyone uh except Trey uh for the most part available J Johnson yeah yeah yeah and

Johnson uh and then there was an update where it sounded like the kings were pretty hard in pursuit of Pascal sakam but then that sort of broke down a couple hours later but it sounds like like um sakam is almost definitely to be moved or they’re going to pursue that

Aggressively I guess the way I would phrase that so those are two that we will talk about I’m sure a lot here over the coming weeks but you know I think like I said I think it’s clear that they could use some offensive help uh nights like tonight where Joel is having a

Maybe a c minus night offensively and like I said I really thought like passing was what was not there for him it’s one thing when the mid-range jumpers aren’t going down but I thought he just didn’t have a control of the game like he normally does again that’s

Sort of like those nights will happen and I think the whole team sort of got frustrated especially when the Knicks came out there in the late first and second and made every shot they threw up and Sixers turned it over over and maybe some embiid mid-rangers didn’t go

Through and it kind of snowballed from there um but they could certainly use some help to offset that and with embiid having a like I said it’s not like embiid was terrible he ended up with 30 points on 23 shots uh did have six turnovers some of them were pretty big

To me it was really the shot creation that wasn’t there like it normally it does but when you combine that with Harris just not having any kind of imprint on the game they could use more Firepower at the half the Sixers were down by 20 7555 the New York Knicks Derrick just

Talked about the end of the first and the second quarter by the break they were 13 for 21 from three-point range again I think the 21 is more relevant to me than the 13 yeah because it’s indicative of the defensive breakdowns especially in transition and the fact

That a lot of those 21 were pretty wide open yeah pretty wide open and then when you compound that with the Sixers only attempting 12 to the 21 they were four for 12 and and that’s how it went by the way at the break you had their back

Court of D venzo Brunson and then we include McBride because of how hot he got coming in making his four those three were 11 for 13 at halftime from three-point range 11 for 13 33 points right there from your guards yep yep and we’ve gone this far and and we haven’t

Even really talked about the bench I thought everyone maybe Pat Bev Pat Bev didn’t really annoy me too much but everyone else that stepped on the floor Off the Bench today I thought was just awful Marcus Morris was bad ended up 16 minutes only one field goal attempt Marx

Morris has never his defense is bad enough where if he’s only taking one shot in 16 minutes he’s not going to provide any any value Daniel house was real bad Paul Reed was taking some complete circus shots and playing out of control um who else Springer one for

Seven I think this is one of the first games where Springer looked like he was trying to do too much offensively uh still good effort but you know try like I said tried to do a little too much off the bounce at times offensively just a real bad they didn’t and look their

Obviously down not having um DeAnthony Melton not having Covington both of those are significant uh but they had a real bad game they they really did uh Bernard says in the chat fellas embiid has been great but I hope one day that he realizes the real good teams are not

Going to just let him shoot mid-range poor job by nurse the mid-rangers over there he he was making there yeah I don’t necessarily agree with that it was more the turnovers that I want do want to say Jake M pointing out Pat Patrick Beverly passing up he had a wide open Corner

Three off of a was it a Harris driving kick I forget who driving kick but wide open Corner three no he then kicked it over to I think it was house and it was just you’ve got to pull the trigger on that was in that fast break on the left

Side of the floor and he should have shot it yeah he he definitely should have shot and and of course you say that because we’ve seen him take that shot we’ve seen him confidently take that shot especially when he feels like the rest of the teammates don’t really have

It going okay let me get this shot off because everybody else is not pulling the shot like we’ve seen them during their good stretches and we have one more and we’ll get to the super chat but when we look at these types of games and

And of course we we talk about it in the way that we talk about and as you said the the chat is going crazy about them losing a game to the New York Knicks here it was just a bad performance it was something that was nationally

Televised a lot of Nick fans in the building as they often travel here here to Philadelphia to get a seat because it’s maybe a little bit easier to get one in a Madison Square Garden it was a very next heavy crowd they show out well all of the time that’s that’s another

Piece of it and then it’s just the fact that you had a few days off you had a team that you are supposed to be better than and you wanted to see them come out there and perform that way against that team now Maxi was good embiid had his

Numbers beyond that as you mentioned not much else even Nick tomb who’s normally solid and making the right pass he had a couple of questionable passes where for a good passer he will have a couple he’ll throw and right from the moment he lets go it’s like that has no chance

Every like third game or so he’ll have one of those passes yeah it’s wild yeah Barb I’m not embarrassed don’t don’t worry not embarrassed I will say if I’m embarrassed I’m not embarrassed um so sometimes those games happen that way this was a bad one this is one that they

Can ignore because they have to have a quick turnaround tomorrow 24 hours later they have to get right back at it but as we talk about it and react to it in the moment bad game didn’t need to happen should have played much better they they

Took a punch and didn’t respond to it which I didn’t like which I did not like but let’s let’s see uh what happens as as we go forward yeah and by the way those those Jazz have won six of the last seven games now it hasn’t been a

Murderers Row of opponents like you’ve got the Pistons twice in there you’ve got the Spurs in there there’s been a bunch of teams that they’ve beaten up on that being said they’re playing more competent basketball than they were earlier on in the season with the Sixers on a backto back with embiid being

Potentially hobbled because of the injuries that he suffered in this one uh that is uh you know it should be a Get Right game they should certainly be able to take care of business I think with the way that they played tonight they will probably come out there with an

Edge regardless of the opponent uh but it would be certainly good for our chat if they could go in there and take care of business no question uh Furious in the chat our final one here for right now before we get a few other things I get not overreacting if these issues

Happen here and there in the regular season but don’t we complain every year in the playoffs when it matters most seems more like a trend to me when things get tough so I think there’s legitimacy to first of all they were did compete through six games they were competing very well against Celtics

So it’s not like they haven’t done anything in the playoffs but I do agree that there is a way that embiid needs to react better against playoff defenses I think that is fair and against playoff adversity as well the problem is you were every star player every even MVP

Candidate is going to have nights like this every team is going to have embarrassing performance like this especially against other good teams it happens throughout the season and there’s a little bit of confirmation bias when every time this happens you go oh look this is proof of my opinion

Because this is a league that has become very three-point shooting heavy and when one team makes a lot of them and the other team misses a lot it makes everything else it just amplifies that and I do think fans throughout the course of the Season especially because

We live and die by these games more than we ever have we analyze these games more than they ever have and there’s more variance in these games more than there ever has been I think it’s real easy for us to just look at this and overreact

And when I sort of try to take a step back you know if the Sixers blew out the Knicks I would say well this doesn’t mean anything when we get to the playoffs anyway if these two teams match up you have no idea what’s going to happen this is just the night theight

NBA and I agree their effort wasn’t good enough embiid wasn’t locked in the defense wasn’t there the transition defense specifically wasn’t there if you follow and you watch every team all 82 games for every team everyone is going to have nights like this and everyone is goingon to have nights that just piss

You off it’s just the nature of the game right now yeah there are 82 of them the these happen so yes I would agree that there are some symptoms here that look similar to what happens in the playoffs for sure but they’re also symptoms that every team have and if you don’t have

Confidence in this team in the playoffs you’re going to see these and see warning flags it’s just part of the sport right now yeah it really is it’s a lot of fun lot lot of fun activity as you said there in the chat man it’s a

Lot of fun lot of fun there there in the chat say I’m looking at uh Barb saying uh it was bad Devon it was bad just let it it was bad yeah it was bad we said that especially at the top we said it was bad and that’s where a lot of the

Conversation then goes into it’s the overreacting it’s the sky falling type of type of path that we’re on on here tonight but yeah it was bad and sometimes those bad ones happen does that mean that they’re not good anymore oh it means means they had a bad night and again I

Think I think when like fans when they win eight in a row fans probably want us to go like oh they’re gonna win a championship and when they lose one games fans want to say like oh this is why they’re not going to get out of the second round they’re just like these

Streaks happen uh and I think you have to take like I said sort of at the top I think you have to take the entire body of work for a season uh when you look at these kind of things yes I think we all still have questions on how this will

Look in the playoffs but that doesn’t mean every time they lose or have a bad effort that it is proof of what they can’t do it’s just it’s a long season it’s a long season and uh before we get to uh our you want to get to our buddy

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The arena sight of this beat down by New York as they take down the 76ers by a big number 12892 Kyle newbeck joins us ready to roll Kyle I come back and they get rocked what’s happening man just got to fire Devon off into the sun listen I’m here

For the ritualistic bloodletting of the Philadelphia 76ers after that heinous performance uh good to see you Devon even if you are the bringer of bad luck we are uh I’ll say I I can’t speak for Derek but I am I am happy to see you in

The chair again thank you thank you yeah man uh looked like jumping on jumping on the Knicks early with the 10-point lead it looked like it was going to be a competitive game tonight not one that we look at later on where they lose by a

Big number down by as much as 39 points here in this one what did you what did you attribute to everything tonight some of the things that we’ve already discussed were some of the fact that they got punched back after after throwing the first few Jabs never responding after the onslaught of Threes

Really started to happen yeah so look the easy thing to say and it’s mostly true is that the Knicks shot the lights out and there are going to be nights in a long 82 Game season where the other team gets hot and there’s nothing you can really do about

It I think that kind of lets the Sixers off the hook because I think some of that problem was self-created I think their trans position defense was horrendous even early on as they were playing you know relatively well on offense I thought their rebounding was not good so you know they’re giving up

Some Second Chance possessions there was a play between embiid and UB at one point where they fought for a rebound goes out of bounds Nicks get another possession out of that so they’re losing all the the quote unquote little things battles in that game early and that snowballed into okay guys are getting

Hot for New York like Duce McBride going crazy from three at the end of the first quarter they build some confidence Brunson was getting whatever he wanted I thought Maxi had a particularly tough game on defense thought there were some times he got hunted ended up in some

Unfavorable matchups and frankly I just I think you know the simplest way to put it is there’s not a single guy on that team that I thought had a genuinely good game you know I think by the end of it Maxi’s stat line looks good

By the end of it Joel gets his 3010 which I mean I have a million thoughts on the process to get there but even with those lines that those guys put up I thought collectively they played poorly they played disconnected you know there’s some shouting and glaring at one

Another during the game like why are you here or why aren’t you there why didn’t you do this and for a team that’s been super together and cohesive all season I thought that was probably the most telling sign that this just wasn’t their night so I guess let’s go to that stat

Hunting obviously embiid was bumped had bumps and bruises throughout the game he had the ankle after he stepped on U was it Haren Stein’s foot on the first play of the game bumped knees with Randle one point he had a bloody nose did anybody talk about leaving him in there for that final

Stretch no it was kind of the an unsaid thing afterward at least in the media session we did talk to Joel about his knee which he said he thinks that should be fine the expectation from Nick nurse is that he’s going to play tomorrow which frankly I was a little surprised

At because he checked it back into the game with what like 10 minutes left in the fourth quarter which that’s not his normal sub pattern and I thought that was a clear sign of oh he’s gunning for these stats and then he’s gonna take tomorrow off and rest whatever is wrong

With him I don’t know if you guys have talked about it or you know yelled about it whatever yet yet I was just angry about the whole like bring them back into the chase the stats thing and I thought it was some karmic Justice to watch them get [ __ ] humiliated and

Joel get his pocket picked and Joelle Miss some easy shots around the basket as the Knicks are running the score up and then you eventually you get your 3010 but it’s like at what cost it would have felt like to me a fitting end to that streak poor team performance he’s

Been able to do this you know build this streak with a lot of three quarter games and it’s been a reflection of how dominant he’s been I think tonight is an example of like that’s the most artificial 3010 I’ve ever seen and so that that bothered me a little bit but I

Was getting C an old man to get off my lawn on Twitter so you know not exactly a popular stance or at least not a universally popular stance yeah yeah and and you mentioned we brought up some of the things that happened in the game early and we

Highlighted that Kelly UB Joel embiid rebound go to the Knicks and then they get a bucket after being up 10 and then it just again started to spiral and it was just something that yeah bad games happen and those things through 82 Game season show up quite a bit uh but when

You are a team that looks to be a trying to be a championship Contender still things that may happen later on in terms of your roster you you look at these because you wonder if they happen again later in a game a week later or even the next day I

Was even as small as it was kle I was even happy when Kelly UB got knocked right next to the ston that Joel and beid was the first one to run over there and pick him up after they were bickering about that miscue uh on that on that rebound because I personally saw

It as Kelly had it and be wanted it knocked it out of his hands UB was trying to defend himself and and be just had that type of thing there and bring it back up just because you you try not to see those types of things in the

Course of of a season bad things happen of course but when you see that and then the the points just start to go the other way after having a a nice siiz lead where you can really add to that you get punched in your gut as I said

Earlier and you don’t know how to respond and then the bickering and pointing starts again yeah look the the bickering and pointing is okay as long as it’s isolated and it’s it’s not a thing that happens game to game and I think that’s why you say you just flush this game on

A general level right like so many things that happen tonight were uncharacteristic for this group we haven’t seen them get out toughed very often like the shooting discrepancy nothing you can really do about that sometimes teams just have it going from Deep so whatever but losing all these

Battles and transition on the glass all that that that was that’s more disappointing to me then hey they had a bad night offensively or Joel had some silly turnovers or Maxi got slowed down or you know Tobias left with an injury or ankle soreness I guess we would say but even

Before that he was just a complete passenger and I said in the recap I wrote at times just a headless chicken just no plan for what he wanted to do what he was going to do so you move on to the next one you hope that the bad

Things don’t carry over and that look I I’m was listening to you guys before I was brought in the body of work is ultimately what’s most important nobody cares if you lose a game on January 5th to the Knicks if the Bodywork is better and if the playoff performances are

Better and it can just be an isolated performance it’s only really it feels more disappointing than it probably is mostly because they had this long stretch of hey they’re playing BS teams right and now we get to see them to play some real teams and it’s like everyone

Builds it up as we’re going to see what they’re made of and to lay an egg like this feels much worse because of that context and nurse said after the game that they’ll reeval they’ll keep evaluating and see how Tobias looks for tomorrow’s game yeah I don’t he didn’t

Get super indepth on Tobias so with it being a backtack I wouldn’t say that it’s a guarantee he plays tomorrow by any stretch but obviously when you do have the second game in two days you have to be ultra cautious because they’re already down they’re down three

Rotation players tonight I I think it sounded like nurse was optimistic that Melton might play tomorrow night which you know it’s funny I had people in the first five minutes of that game we talked about this this week about oh Kelly ub’s gotta start over Melton and

It’s like you know I’m not saying that the Anthony Melton’s making a 30o difference in that game but maybe you come to appreciate another two-way player being available for your team that can impact the game even on a bad night he can make some kind of imprint

On the game so that’s my the Anthony Melton Corner moment of the night I guess and by the way I don’t know that we’re gonna be having many Marcus Mars moment of the nights moving forward because boy he is in a he has gone off a cliff with the uh the shooting and

Everything else stock up man had him will stock up I had him stock up that was entirely on the backs of one game winner not I know I know yeah honestly the biggest thing I can’t believe he only got one shot in 16 minutes uh and that I just thought especially after

Like at the first five or so minutes of the game I thought the ball movement was therein yeah after that it seemed to kind of fade um you mentioned uh Melton and a chance that he might play any kind of update on CUV because they are starting to get a little short on

Rotation players uh no update quite yet on CV that was a we were just presenting Ed with that basically as nurse went to the podium like hey CUV and cork are out tonight if we’re basing it on what we’ve heard this week nurse has said pretty consistently CV and Melton are not

Serious injuries and that it’s more of a day-by-day thing the only reason that I’m more confident in Melton one nurse said that he thinks he might be able to play and two alluded to the fact that he was able to go through some workouts and things

Today which we did not hear that for the other guys so I I think Melton’s closer and we’ll have to wait and see on CV and cork gets left out here he is you know he is a member of the team even if he’s not a member of the even if he doesn’t

Necessarily want to be or at least historically has had moments where he doesn’t want to be yep y well listen man always great catching up with you and we’ll do it do it again tomorrow six is hosted Jazz second night of a backtack maybe a chance to see some more players

Back maybe not but an opportunity to give get back on the winning side of things thanks man maybe a chance for some of our uh loyal Chatters to try to recruit friend of the Pod Lowry Markin and to the Sixers we’ll see or or Jordan Clarkson

Both I’m on one corner I’m I’ll wave to you from the other side of the street we’ll put it that way thanks man appreciate it uh Kyle newbeck again make sure you go read him at all check out his recap for the Sixers lost tonight 12892 I saw Jordan Clarkson’s

Name in the chat earlier that’s why I brought it up as as he mentioned low Lowry Mark and he had a triple double the other way other day for the first time since Carlos Boozer in their early 2000s I think it was first time that’s a while the Jazz you think about what

Donovan Mitchell has has done there and look I know he’s not the assist man but just the big games that he’s had you might just come across one one triple double y it’s a long time in the Sixers I feel like have had a bunch of players

Who can put them up uh yeah look today sucked nobody is sitting up here saying that you should like we’re not pissing on you and telling it’s R telling you it’s raining right we’re not trying to convince you they played a good game no we’re just telling you that

These kind of things happen and you don’t have to read into it that they’re frauds or that they can’t compete and look I think all of us are kind of skeptical like as good as they’ve played I don’t think we’d put them in maybe the tier one of contenders which really the

Tier one at this point I would say Boston um Denver and Milwaukee is kind of like maybe some people will throw the Clippers in there with the way they’re playing but those three teams I think have kind of separated themselves we can debate whether or not the Sixers are in

That that second tier of contenders but I think we would all need a little bit to convince us that they should be bumped up into that you know top three top four teams of contention status I think we would all like to see them make a move whether or not you know what

Exactly that means we’re still trying to figure out out but I think we believe that they could use some Firepower so again we’re not telling you that they’re perfect or that you should have confidence in them winning a championship we’re just saying that what they showed tonight isn’t like you don’t

Have to treat this as a you know time to panic it’s just something that happens throughout the course of the Season yeah it does and and and I feel like we’ve like Kyle and I this is probably before your time while you’re still taking your vacation but I feel

Like Kyle and I had a couple of these shows where we sort of had this kind of sentiment and expressed this you don’t need to panic it’s okay it’s a long season and then they immediately went on runs and played some good basketball and won a lot of games I’m not saying

They’re going to do that here but I am saying that like I said there’s so much volatility and volatility and variability on a night toight basis especially because of how many threes teams shoot nowadays um you have a couple players in and out of the lineup a couple players banged up from the

Sixers and really a team that had just an entire off night every I think what Kyle said was true everyone who played with the exception maybe Maxi I thought Max thought he was good Maxi had some moments in the first half where he was good outside of that nobody else really

Had a good game you’re just not going to win very many games when that happens especially when the other team on the other side of the floor is shooting the lights out from three and it’s frustrating I think Kyle’s point about the fact that this was a night where the

Sixers had been playing a soft schedule you built this up as a potential playoff matchup a measuring stick kind of game and they came out with a dud I think that’s disappointing for some it just doesn’t mean it’s all that much more valuable than a random Monday game and

That’s why I brought up to nationally televised piece because they even moved it from what seven 7:30 they adjusted the game yeah uh because of the billing that it had for a Friday night game against these two teams these two rivals in the Atlantic division and and my

Thing with it since I was on my three-month vacation as as you call it my thing has always been this too Derek because we all know what the postseason is we all know what the postseason means in order to play in that postseason though you have to get through your 82

So a lot of reaction that I would get in the past about how I would discuss wins and losses well Devon doesn’t count because it’s not the postseason they’re still going to get knocked out in the second round we don’t know that the history says that but we don’t know what

This upcoming postseason is going to tell us about this basketball team and I always say let’s not fast forward to that place because we can’t if that’s the case I would skip the winters because I don’t want to see snow I hate the winners and I’ll tell you what these

Last two days have been the first time at really F win so you you can’t you can’t fast forward that because we would fast forward a lot of things so enjoy it for what it is the 82 your team is really good they have their issues just

Like any other team and they’re going to win their games they’re going to lose their games they’re gonna go on runs where they win eight in a row they’re going to lose five in a row and we’re going to go have our arms raised up and

Saying what in the world is going on but that’s the nature of a an eight Monon schedule with 82 games a lot of players where things happen and yes on the other side as people always say they get paid too guess what you played a good team

Tonight and they got you and we wanted to see it a different result they’ll maybe beat the Knicks another time they’ll beat yeah whoever else they play next week I I know the schedule but it’s escaping me now I know they play uh two times next week but

It’s I know which days we have to come in I don’t always remember which teams they are playing on those days exactly Wednesday and Friday they play before the season Nick said he’s on a one or two game look ahead schedule that’s the way I am they play Utah tomorrow that’s

What I got you got it yep and and I’m not mad at you for that but it’s yes we’re going to react we’re always going to react to these games and say hey man they got rocked tonight and guess what it was embarrassing as the as the headline there says it was embarrassing

Yeah and and that’s how it goes sometimes and it was embarrassing that just doesn’t mean it’s apocalyptical no no and like here here’s here’s like guess what I’ll first of all they’re in a a sort of a bad spot because if they win a game in the regular season

Everybody goes I don’t care show me it in the playoffs well then when these inevit inevitably bad games show up then it’s proof that what they can’t do in the playoffs it’s a it’s a lose lose there’s no way for them to win in the regular season or it’s steps on your

Point of the playoffs because you just said the playoffs well this wasn’t the playoffs regular season doesn’t matter unless they lose okay well that’s you’re going to lose at various points the other thing is you know and there’s been a lot of comments in chat their the concerning thing wasn’t that they lost

Or that Knicks made shots that the hustle from the Sixers wasn’t there it I agree with that it was 100% that’s why we we titled this one embarrassing or or thumbnailed embarrassing because it was embarrassing the question is whether it is Meaningful and in the playoffs if

There’s one thing I will say the Sixers defense and the hustle is there in the playoffs they usually if there’s struggles it’s going to be on the offensive side now game seven against Celtics last year was is one notable example but for the most part the hustle is there they’re locked in defensively

They’re giving you the kind of effort so the fact that they didn’t have it tonight doesn’t mean that they can’t do it in the playoffs it just means they didn’t have it tonight and fury says it no you can lose with some pride yes that’s where the effort piece Furious

You’re absolutely right that’s what Derrick is talking about just give the effort Kyle said it too give the effort those 5050 balls where New York was going for those extra rebounds and getting on the floor and they and you know what they also made the shots after

It so yeah that stuff stands out and it ticks you off in the moment and tomorrow they’ll bounce back and they’ll win now what what they’ll do is Derek they win by 10 tomorrow and there will be some that come back in the chat and say yeah

But you lost to the Knicks yesterday this is a bad team oh you can’t do that because if they lose to the Jazz then you’re saying see they’re not good enough so we can have it both ways all the time and again it’s not like they

Haven’t beaten good teams like I I feel like the the the schedule that they’ve played recently has maybe helped people forget that they’ve beaten the Pacers they’ve beaten you know the Celtics yeah they’ve beat beaten a lot of good teams throughout the course of the Season some of those

Maybe came in November some of those you you forgot about that’s fine but it’s it’s it’s one game yeah and Houston was a good win as part of a road trip yeah and the fact that you were down in that game by double digits and they came back

And won that was a good win o over that team that was a good way of how they won with Marcus Mars hitting that shot and the won and yeah so shitty game it happens it happens it happens folks I I’ve seen that Nicks and sixer fans

Going at it in the chat so it’s fun it’s fun to to see the Sixers fans stand up for themselves like they always do they’ll fight they will fight all the time they don’t take nights off they will fight they will absolutely fight not give the 50-50 effort when it comes

To defending themselves and that’s what I always say when I always would say stay out of family business that’s where the Sixers like hey you can’t talk about my team but I can so take this and that’s where the fight starts and they won’t they won’t give up until they win

This was this we we gave our good effort tonight I think in this postgame where’re we’re g we’re gonna bounce back tomorrow and be even better and maybe the Sixers are are even better tomorrow hopefully 7:30 tip time oh that’s too much I know they play tomorrow I know

They play the Jazz tomorrow I think it’s 7:30 but I’m not 100% sure it is 7:30 yeah 7:30 start time in South Philadelphia so that means we’ll be back somewhere you know in that 10 o’clock 9 40 950 10 o00 hour we’ll see where we

Are but we hope that you’re back with us we appreciate everybody checking in of course on I wonder the Nuggets right now are eight and 11 against teams with a 500 record or better yeah do you think they’re freaking out or do their fans realize what happens in January doesn’t

Necessarily reflect what happens in they also have a little bit of a cushion because they won the championship so they may but that’s what I’m saying like even Championship caliber teams can struggle on a Rand night in January Str they struggle well we haven’t seen

Nicole yic had bad games it was like Oh Nicole yic had a bad game yeah wow that that doesn’t happen but it it happens and it happens occasionally it happens it happens you know Lakers won the inseason tournament they stink now yeah right they talking about firing their

Coach and trading everybody even though right now they’re leading Memphis uh right now in the second game there after the Sixers all right we got a lot of people to think G get to some of these folks here oh I close my window I got I

Got it I got it I’m in here I’m in here Jada jungle I I rely on Kyle so much I forgot to Rich P Neil Bob money Mar in the chat there Brian Knight not Brian mcnight he was brought up on the broadcast today though was he yeah I

Didn’t know that I didn’t hear that part I’ll pay attention next time Al the two-minute warning is in here mey as we already mentioned Neil Kalil who else do we have Jake Furious uh Brandon in the chat Coleman is in there talking about the Eagles too Springer we should trade Springer to the

Eagles whoa trading Springer to the Eagles maybe because they feel like you know the hustle I I don’t know not not because of the shooting performance there tonight Barb’s in there getting after me we appreciate it Barb always super chats Devon Bernard Jake and Furious thank you so much I saw s in

There early on Sharon also AC filler Phil our guy says uh I don’t want you I don’t want another U ball handler to take away from Maxi shots come on Phil yes I do I just said he’s the number two ball handling is always welcome SE yakum

Comes in here you just have to be number three just got to be able to play off ball as well that’s all you know it’s another ball handler all right the guys did a great job on the show the other day talking about the trade rumors with

Him by the way that Indiana thing is like a a real thing with them so we’ll see yeah we’ll see even though they’re like in the play in you sure you want to make that trade there Indiana Pacers But but so many people again we appreciate everybody I already mentioned Barb and

Uh so many others checking in Nick out everybody thank you for checking in thank you Bri we appreciate Kyle checking in from the arena he’ll do the same tomorrow we’ll be back here tomorrow for Sixers Jazz everybody have a great rest of your night we’ll talk to

You tomorrow Sixers fall tonight it’s no big deal they get another chance tomorrow and then like 30 more after we’ll talk about more things tomorrow Sixers Jaz have a good rest of your night everybody good [Applause] night

The New York Knicks came out on fire from the perimeter on Friday night in Philadelphia, dropping 75 points on the league’s second-ranked defense to jump out to a 20-point halftime lead. The Knicks held a double digit lead the rest of the way, eventually stomping on the Sixers in the fourth to pull away for a 36-point blowout win in the first meeting of the season between the Atlantic Division rivals.

Derek Bodner and Devon Givens are in studio to break down the Sixers’ disappointing loss, with Kyle Neubeck checking in from the Wells Fargo Center.

An ALLCITY Network Production




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  1. Pathetic but this is them. Dont feel like playing. Also enough about the bench it sucks. Not 1 guy who can score. Reed also is a bum. 8mil remember

  2. The bad energy comes whenever Embiid gets on these streaks that everyone praises him for. He eventually starts gunning and demanding teammates to force him the ball leading to isolation, lack of player movement, lack of ball movement, and turnovers.

  3. Embiid didn't look anything close to an MVP. This was a great opportunity for Embiid to take over the game and lead the Sixers to a convincing victory.

    On the other hand, Jokic took over last night's game vs the Warriors and made key baskets and the game winner. Jokic is what an MVP looks like.

  4. Of course the refs let the visitors dictate the physicality in this game, disrespectful! Would’ve been nice to see the home team fight back!

  5. Embiid 100% the same guy only cares about stats. His body language in certain games is dreadful and season will end the same

  6. The Knicks are not a good team. The Knicks were hot from 3 which was the difference. McBride (2 pt. avg. per), Grimes (6.3 pt. avg. per) & Hartenstein (6.8 pt. avg.) – 3 bums scored 15, 19 & 17 respectively. The Sixers missed Melton on defense, the bench was bad & I've seen enough of Tobias & Paul Reed. Reed is a mediocre basketball player.

  7. Do we have a pattern of bombing nationally televised games? Bc it feels that way lately. This is why Maxey is not voted an All-Star starter and ppl don’t take Philly seriously.

  8. As a net fan who hates the Knicks Brunson is a top 3-4 pg in the league. Guy made the Knicks relevant again so underrated

  9. I knew they were losing as soon as I put on ESPN and heard Doris Burke on the broadcast. She is the kiss of death for the Sixers. They never win her games.

  10. As a Knick fan I must say this is something we desperately deserve. Hopefully they can build and break this 5th place tie open. Everybody was eating but us, and we’re finally FUCKING eating! The Heat , 6ers, Nuggets, Bucks, Raptors, Lakers twice, Celtics three times, Thunder, Nets twice , Suns, Cavs, DAMN NEAR every team has gotten to sit at the table in the past 15 years. Only teams and fans that deserve some light and love are Knicks, Kings, Magic, Wolves, Pacers , and Pistons. Everyone else had their shot and tasted victory and relevancy. And no the Clippers and Blazers don’t deserve shit they both had their shots too. And even in this The Knicks are barely eating they still have much more to go, but things are looking up sane for the Magic.

  11. Joel was stat padding which is why the ball wasn’t moving m. He needs to care less about his 30 and 10 and more about winning the game

    Also our bench is really weak compared to a team like the Knicks. We don’t have reliable scorers. Morey gutted the bench over the summer and only kept Paul reed who has been just ok.

  12. Props to Devon for calling out Embiid in this game. Everyone else is blaming Maxey. Embiid was terrible from the jump. This was “playoff Embiid”. He was visibly frustrated with the physicality all night long.

  13. We are still playing without Harden's replacement. Obviously, u can never count on Tobi. This team will be fine. Every team gets a butt kicking at least once. We've handed out 30 pt wins at least 6 x this season. Im not worried.

  14. Bro, Joker had an 8 pt night. He was horrible. He also had anothet subpar night with less than 15 pts. So 6ers fans…chill a bit. No star plays well every game…thats ridiculous. Embiid with 14 30 pts games and you think thats normal. Its been 40 yrs since its been done. Not even Jordan…so cmon man.

  15. I missed listening to Devon Givings, Anthony garcano and Mike missanelli. 97.5 the fanatic is not same anymore without them. I stop listening to it

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