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by AutoModerator
Is it possible for dray to return against bucks?
I think it’s truly impossible to tell what the FO will do with Wiggins because we don’t know what the root cause of his struggles are- is it him being mentally checked out due to losing Poole/general team toxicity/personal reasons, is it injury, is it just a slump? We don’t really know, hopefully the FO knows though
Reality is, this teams ceiling is highest with Wiggins on the team, nothing we trade for with his current trade value will remotely come close to the value we know he can give us if he’s playing well. We as fans just gotta trust the team has a good check on whether he can return to that level or not. Recent trade rumours suggest they don’t think he will (at least on our team) though…
Bipolar Warriors at it again. I swear this team goes through the highest highs and lowest lows this year.
I think they’re going for the title run, but it’s just me