@Denver Nuggets

Breaking down Carmelo Jokic jersey drama, NBA news

Breaking down Carmelo Jokic jersey drama, NBA news

Welcome back to Stephen A Smith show right here over the digital Airways of YouTube and um before I move on a few NBA items listen to really really close the gap on the initial point that I made in my opening Monologue You’re Going to see I don’t care if there’s current NBA players or professional athletes you’re going to see former NBA athletes and stuff like that and you know they feel whatever way they want to feel about me I’m not going to say any names because I

Don’t feel like getting into all of that today I’ve been through enough this week um but I can honestly tell you from the bottom of my heart a it’s how I felt and B it was my job and c I never got personal um you see some guys going off and

They’re saying yeah I check Stephen A never happened because I never had a problem with them to be checked I see others talking about you know calling me names and going off and getting personal when the only thing I said about them was factual going up against their own

Contemporaries on the NBA level they simply could not play the facts bear that out as a basketball analyst as a professional sports commentator and analyst understand that there are a multitude of bodies that exist on every roster and for everyone that has a job it’s hundreds if not thousands of

Others you’re costing that job too because they don’t have a spot and so as a result when you showing an ability to perform it’s going to be said and it’s just that simple and when you have folks there have been times in the past where I’ve had to address people because you know

They try to come at me as a a black man we put my resume up against their in terms of who what who does what for our community name the time in place and I’ll show up and so you just think about that you see you know Comedians and others and

Certain folks are supposed to be comedians but ain’t making anybody laugh because they’re so incendiary there’s nothing funny about it it’s vicious but talking about well Stephen A and he knocks the brothers well wait a minute if brothers are playing against Brothers in a basketball game and one plays

Lights out and the other plays like trash what the hell am I supposed to say that’s who you were going against you know somebody acting you know folks are treating this like Larry Holmes is going up against Jerry Cooney and he knocks out Jerry Cooney and I’m I’m talking about Larry Holmes

Negatively I mean what are you talking about when Terren Crawford beat Errol Spence what was I supposed to say about Errol Spence what was I supposed to say say it just it just amazes me sometime how we forget that but I’m gonna be me I’m not changing I believe I’m

Fair-minded to everybody as it pertains to their results my height and level of sensitivity comes towards black people about things of a social nature meaning our environment what we grew up in what we were surrounded by the trials and tribulations and the obstacles that we have to overcome it’s not going to be

Based on that’s not going to come into play when it comes to your performance you step on that basketball court you step on that football field you step on that baseball field you step in a boxing ring or UFC Octagon ring or whatever no I’m going to call it like I

See it based on the event taking place before our very odds that’s what it is I was not happy happy at all and I remember I’ll tell y’all a real quick story before I get into my NBA items I wasn’t happy at all when Nate Robinson got knocked out by Jake

Paul that was vicious I can’t tell you how many black people were in my were in my Camp laughing there behinds off they thought it was funny as hell they brought up how Nate Robinson was talking smack to Jake Paul on YouTube and calling them out and inviting himself into that

Situation I was thinking about the fact that Jake Paul secretly has been training with professional uh boxing trainers na Robinson was a basketball player fight a boxer I didn’t think it was fair I didn’t laugh it’s still not funny to me I haven’t seen Nate Robinson since because it had to be embarrassing

Because he got put to sleep remember that sound from Snoop Dog oh Lord and Snoop Dogg was like that but even Snoop Dogg told me he stopped joking the minute he saw how hurt Nate Robinson was he could not even sit up on his stool it was that

Bad it might have been more funny if he was a boxer but he never trained he he wasn’t a boxer but I digress I’m simply saying I’m G to call it like I see it that’s who I am that’s what comes along with me I’m

Going to be fair and objective in what I see and what I say and what I call out it is who I am I am not changing but I’ll never be personal let me get to my basketball stuff right here because I was recently listen listening

To Carmello Anthony Melo as we all love to call him on the 700 p.m. in Brooklyn podcast with Carmelo Anthony and kid Mero I I don’t even know where I need to start when it comes to going through this Carmelo Anthony was reminiscing about his days with the Denver

Nuggets and Carmelo Anthony felt the need to bring up joic as in Nico yic as in a two League MVP and a reigning defending NBA champion Nicole yic Camelo Anthony brought him up because there was some issue with jic uh getting the jersey number 15 which is the same

Number Carmelo Anthony wore during his tenure um in the M high city uh drafted in 2003 was in Denver until the 2010 2011 season when he forced his way out of Denver to go to the New York Knicks this is what Carmelo Anthony had to say as it pertained to

His thoughts about Nico yic being given the number 15 the will I hate doing stuff like this but we’ve got to be factual to some degree anyway because Carmelo brought up something that simply makes no sense to me I want everybody to understand that a legitimate argument could be made

That in 2003 it shouldn’t have been LeBron James who was rookie of the year should have been Carmelo Anthony Carmelo Anthony was balling and Denver was winning and Carmelo Anthony could have easily been Rookie of the Year that’s number one number two the Detroit Pistons although um it was understandable because they

Were a champ they were in route to be a Championship uh team they had gone to six straight Conference Finals and back-to-back NBA finals and won a championship led by the uh Joe Dumas who’s now uh the VP of basketball operations for the NBA league office a legitimate obviously one of the

Blemishes on his career even though they already had TAA prince in the line with rashed Wallace Ben Wallace Rip Hamilton Chon T Billups a legitimate argument could easily have been made that they should have drafted Carmelo Anthony biggest mistake the Detroit Pistons ever made they drafted Darko milic instead and they never recovered

Really um even though they won thereafter in the years in the immediate years following the bottom line is it was always held against Joe Dumas to some degree that he didn’t draft Carmelo Anthony but Carmelo Anthony making the assertion that he made about jic respectfully makes no sense Melo you

Know I love you bro my dog but come on man this makes no sense um first of all carelo Anthony Departed in the 2010 2011 season Nicole yic was drafted 41st overall the 11th pick of the second round in the 2014 NBA Draft three years later so to me that argument makes no

Sense it almost sounded like Carmelo Anthony was saying yic got the uniform while he was still there for crying out loud which obviously makes no sense because if he was still there obviously yic wouldn’t have been able to get the number 15 but you’re basically acting as

If the Denver Nuggets owed you something I believe they would have you averag 24.8 point 6.3 rebounds you got to a Western Conference Finals with them I get that and I get what Carmelo Anthony is saying in defense of him when he went on all the smoke with my boys Matt bares

And Stephen Jackson and he explained it by saying we go to the Western Conference Finals in ‘ 09 what are you supposed to do you’re supposed to build on that you’re supposed to add pieces Plug and Play Don’t Mess the core up they got rid of Dante Jones on that team

Dante was a key piece on that team get rid of Dante Jones they’re like we ain’t resigning chony we’re about to trade Jr as in JR Smith Kmart contract is up all right and the lockouts coming so I’m not about to rebuild I’m not going to rebuild after we done went to the

Western Conference Finals that’s what Carmelo Anthony echoed to justify forcing his way out of Denver going to the New York Knicks along with bip Sheldon Williams Anthony Carter and Ronaldo bulkman uh and in replacement the Nick sent Wilson Chandler Raymond Felton Danilo galinari Timothy mozgov a first round pick and a

Second and two second round picks to the Denver Nuggets fair enough I understand the explanation Carmelo my only retort to that is what does a team owe you if you forced your way off of their franchise now see when LeBron left LeBron fulfilled his contractual obligation and then turned around and

Departed from Miami took his talents to South Beach we all know this I broke that story in that story I also reported that it was supposed to be Carmelo Anthony who was in Miami with dwade and LeBron James not Chris Bosch but if y’all remember pride of

2007 or lean in 2007 whereas LeBron James Chris BOS and dwade all signed cont cont TRS that gave them an out after three years which allowed them to be free agents in 2010 if you remember carelo Anthony was locked into a five-year deal how would I know that because I

Interviewed Carmelo Anthony and when I asked him about being in a five-year deal he literally sat on my couch in my chair on my show quite frankly which was on ESPN 2 back from 2005 to 2007 carelo and Anthony sat in the chair and thank you for that because he graced he graced

Me with his presence was great great interview and when he sat down and he said that he said yo man I’m from Baltimore I’m from the streets I ain’t turning down five you know five years of guaranteed money that was his thinking D way Bosch and LeBron bet on

Themselves Le Carmelo rather locked himself into a 5-year deal which means that in order to get out of Denver he had to Force his way out and it had to occur via trade instead of free agency because he locked himself in by guaranteeing himself to five

Years so if you force yourself out off of a team respectfully why should they want to retire your number why shouldn’t they want somebody else wearing the number why shouldn’t they want somebody help them kind of forget about you not because you weren great because Carmelo Anthony is one of the prolific

Scor as this game has ever seen and oh by the way whether you like it or not he’s a Hall of Famer cuz when you consider the national championship at Syracuse when you consider his Collegiate record and when you consider what a scoring machine he was for the

Better part of his NBA career and you combine his basketball resume being an Olympic gold medalist as well I might add you take all of those things into consideration and the fact that the Hall of Fame is not an NBA Hall of Fame but a Basketball Hall of Fame carelo Anthony

Is going into the Hall of Fame Carmelo Anthony is a Hall of Famer he is a Hall of Famer just get over it and by the way one of the best Brothers I know real as they come Melo is mello but he’s a good dude his family his brother Justice and

All them man please they know what love I got for them but I can’t knock the Denver Nuggets for putting the number 15 Jersey on somebody else they didn’t probably probably didn’t know how good Nicole yic was going to be because they certainly don’t regret it now and his number will

Be retired and his numbers will will hang in those Rafters but if they don’t want to forget if they don’t want to remember you Melo it’s because you forced your way out had you left as a free agent you come back one day that’s different but forcing your way out of the

City regardless of what you articulated which were all valid points by the way you still forced your way out and when you force your way out they’re not supposed to honor you respect yes honor you is different and I think that’s important to point out another story I want to get

Into was eeme udoka head coach for the Houston Rockets about to return to Boston for the first time since he was exiled from that city as head coach for the Celtics uh because of transgressions with an employee of the team um and that’s all we’re gonna say

Don’t know whether she was married or single or whatever it is and he wasn’t married but obviously he was in a relationship with neong and all of this other stuff and he’s returning to Boston for the first time I think Boston’s the best team in basketball despite the fact

That they got smoked by Milwaukee last night means absolutely nothing to me because it was the second game of back Tob backs it was their fifth game in seven days they were tied and that’s why Missoula benched the starters for the entire second half okay it’s just that

Simple that won’t happen again but I will tell you this I don’t care how good they look and I respect the head hell out of Joel Missoula as a coach he ain’t eeme udoka emay udoka is a hell of a coach and if you don’t believe me just

Go look at the Houston Rockets right now you you understand that the Houston Rockets got a chance to make the playoffs that team that was as Mor abund as pathetic as it comes over the previous few years that team is Vine for a playoff spot yes the Acquisitions of Dylan Brooks and Fred

Van vet definitely helped Jaylen green and those boys they can play but emay udoka is the difference this man can coach and I’m telling you right now even though I expect Boston to win this year because Jason Tatum is a superstar and Jaylen Brown is a star and por Zing is a

7 foot three shooter and shot blocker is an added addition and commodity to them and they should be able to beat anyone outside of Denver it could come down to them against Denver bottom line is this I don’t care how good Missoula is and I con see

He’s very good and the team is great e udoka is a sensational coach and it sickens me that he had to go through what he had to go through and I don’t think any decent Soul should ever forgive the Boston Celtics I shouldn’t say forgive because

Forgiveness is in the eye of holder but they should never forget what Boston did to him I’m gonna say this and I say this again everybody say oh Stephen hey what you talking about did no no no no no we ain’t legislating people’s relationships Neil Long’s relationship with Oka is none of your

Business you don’t have nothing to do with you you ain’t in that bedroom you ain’t hopping up and down with them ain’t got nothing to do with you nothing that’s their business here’s what’s our business the fact that the information was leaked out and this man was paraded all over

The news the airwaves and the News wires that was wrong Boston Celtics fire him or keep him but what you don’t do is leave him dangling on an indefinite suspension have his assistant step in as the head coach and then oh by the way leak it out that his actions

Involved sexual relations with somebody that works within the organization because I know plenty of white dudes that have been screwing around in their places of business many I never heard anything said about them I know of at least two individuals who were fired from NBA teams because of that no one

Knew they’re departing ways with the organization um undisclosed reasons or personal reasons they’re moving on and that’s all you heard but he may udoka his stuff was publicized to the point where he got to St sit on a Podium answering questions about his proclivities and his sex life and how he

Got to take his kid to therapy because of all that his kid has been through like that’s any of our business what a violation what a violation again I’m not condoning anything I’m simply saying that was none of our business that was none of our business now I ain’t the type of dude

That would ever dime out anybody ever but I will say this if somebody white is having an extra marital Affair in the NBA with somebody in the office and it gets found out publicly then I’m not going to mind because I’ll think it’s fair my perfect world is we don’t know about

That just like we shouldn’t have known about em udoka but that ain’t what happened and that’s sad so I just want to say that I want to bring that up because that’s near dear to my heart because I’m so happy for him and that he’s turning that Houston

Rockets franchise around they gon to win the damn Championship this year we know that but at least they’re going to be respect and I think they’re going to be Vine for a playoff spot and I think this dude is a sensational coach and I believe I believe without question without

Question I believe if he was coaching the Celtics last year they would have been back in the finals I believe the Boston Celtics would have had a better chance of beating Denver than Miami did because they had more sides on them and they had Jaylen they obviously they had

Jason Tatum Jaylen Brown they had Derek Wright Marcus Smart at the time and now they got Drew holiday with Derek white with porzingis with Tatum with brown they got size and people keep underestimating Denver’s size Denver’s a big team they’re a big team what you got to

Have to beat them you got to have size you got to have perimeter play you have to have an elite defense and you have to have star power Boston has it all if anybody can Dethrone the Denver Nuggets it is the Boston Celtics that is true as long as they

Ain’t jacking up 63s a game but in spite of all of that here’s the reality I wish I could be talking about the Lakers that way I can’t they’re trash they’re awful they got their ass kicked last night by the Phoenix Suns Devin Booker and Bradley Bill took turns waxing him literally took

Turns Kevin Durant practically took the night off all he was doing was giving them the ball with an occasional jumper here occasional steal and Breakaway dunk there he was basically just giving them the ball Lakers had no answer LeBron he’s 39 years of age in the 21st season he took

A night off he wasn’t himself Anthony Davis did the same thing I don’t blame them one bit they’re carrying the team Lakers are probably going to make a move I don’t think the jontay Murray is the move cuz I don’t think he’s a shooter I think the Lakers need a

Shooter yes they need a Defender yes they need another big body but they also need a shooter and I’m tired of seeing people come to the Lakers and not be able to shoot because that’s why they keep losing because LeBron James is getting people the ball they can’t make shots that’s the

Problem only person he can trust to make shots is Anthony Davis proud of Anthony Davis it’s critical of Mr Six Flags himself the roller coaster going up and down all the time 40 points one game 11 points the next particularly against somebody the quality of joic but he has played his

Behind off this year Anthony Davis is a candidate for defensive player of the year he’s an Allstar caliber player the Brothers playing like a star and LeBron is LeBron they have no help and I guess the Lakers gonna pull the trigger and they’re gonna make a move because they don’t have any choice

They’re probably going to give up a pick along with somebody like Ru hamura somebody and as a result they’ll keep their team intact most of their team intact they won’t have have any picks until the year 2030 no exaggeration it’s true but hey that’s the way it

Goes that’s the way it goes because when you have LeBron James are severely strapped severely strapped and LeBron is 39 he can only do but so much y’all I mean my God these players get checks too problem is they getting checks and they hanging out at the beach or Malibu or at

Noou or someplace else instead of doing what they can to prepare themselves to help out LeBron and Anthony Davis and Darvin ham and Rob palinka and jeie bus it’s a it’s a damn shame it really is but it is what it is what can I say I don’t think LeBron’s

Going to win another title can’t see it right now now it almost looks like the only reason he’s still playing is to be here for when bronny gets to the NBA assuming that happens because the Laker teammates outside of Anthony Davis certainly are not giving him a reason to believe that

He’s gonna be contended for a championship anytime for the foreseeable future that’s just the way it is y’all Minnesota Oklahoma City Denver Sacramento Clippers those are the teams automatically better than the Lakers automatically that’s before you think about the Dalles of the world and a few others it’s pretty bad it’s pretty

Bad you’re listening live to the Stephen A Smith show right here over the digital Airways of YouTube back with NFL playoff action gonna give you my picks for this week in slew of NFL games not to mention congratulations to the New England Patriots along with my

Awards for the NFL season all of that and more up next live right here on the Stephen A Smith Show YouTube YouTube Style

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  1. I remember crying when my pistons didnā€™t pick him I was in shock for over a week It just didnā€™t make any sense at all to me the pistons donā€™t deserve to be good anymore we draft horrible players have since we are still rebuilding and itā€™s been 20 years of it Iā€™m sick of it I turn them off this year Iā€™m 36 I donā€™t have time to waste on this team

  2. ima end this with one question how many rings dose melo have ???? šŸ˜‚

    Also how were they trying to erase you (melo) from history the Jokić was literally a 2 round 41st pick they had absolutely no fucking idea who he was .

  3. Melo needs to go sit down. Jokic is the best player in the world right now. Heā€™s a bad man. Heā€™s got at least another 2 championships coming. Prolly 3 or 4.

  4. If Melo's number was in the rafters like the Nugget's first championship banner now actually resides, Jokic could take it down and wear it to the annual Nugget's Toga Party. Melo needs to mellow out and respectfully stfu.

  5. The only thing Melo messed up in his career doing was coming in and being real aka a ā€œthugā€ and being drafted with LBJ because literally the only reason he gets hate. If he had the same career but didnā€™t get the media against him early in his career people would love him and say heā€™s a top 30 player ever. He literally took two franchises from that was in the lottery for a decade each before he came to top seeds in their conferences, heā€™s literally top 10 all time in points lol no other superstar with his resume gets the hate he gets but you had to be there from the start to understand why and how he REALLY gets the hate. Fans now donā€™t know anything about his career all they know is media narratives that have been put on him and his career.

  6. Exactly Steven A keeping it one šŸ’Æ with the Melo situation. Melo was not a consistent player in Denver Jokic is definitely going to make us In Denver say Melo who?

  7. First of all Melo ainā€™t do nothing in Denver. He ainā€™t bring no chips. So nobody give a dam bout retiring his #. He ainā€™t got 1 ring. šŸ˜‚ joker got Denver they first championship! Heā€™s the best to ever wear #15 for Denver. Point blank!

  8. I guess Iā€™ll be the one to speak on the elephant in the room ā€¦ Jokic is good no doubt but heā€™s also the product of the NBA trying to grow its brand nationally and and keep its global status such as the case with Jeremy Linn , Yao Ming, Dirk N, Steve Nash , and Luca D all hype jobs for the most part they manufactured 2 mvps for Jokic so the had to add a tittle so it all would make sense hes slow and non athletic name a superstar with those attributes that ever won a NBA title and 2 mvps in the last 30 years besides maybe Tim Duncan

  9. Here we go speaking on the lakers again funny we was in the same predicament last year and ended up goin wcfā€¦ itā€™s the same shit this year such and such team is better than they gotta Bron in a 7 game series and end up gettin beat lmao den itā€™s ā€œ where this laker beenā€ yall think clippers better but ainā€™t showed it at all when it comes playoff time stop the bs Stephen A we fineā€¦

  10. Jokic don't care. He plays basketball and others can put him where they want on any lists, it is their job. The reason is the he is from small country and low pick. Nobody expected him to be top anything but he is just brilliant, paid adequately and enyojing the game.

  11. I just listen because itā€™s Stephen A but in the beginning of this clip, I have no clue what heā€™s talking about. lol just get to the title.

  12. This is an unique situation. While I understand why Melo would say something, he has to accept that Jokic has simply accomplished more than him. He brought a title to the city, won multiple MVPs, great ambassador of the team, etc. There's levels to this.

  13. Ime Udoka's ordeal started because HIS TEAM AND all the media snooped around. Till this day no one knows what happened but its been stated that there was overwhelming evidence to justify it

  14. Melo cant even lace Jokic sneakers. Jokic makes his team better, passes to others and sees things in the games as well as dominating.

    Melo played for himself, made his teams worse and politiced. Guarantee you if Jokic was there during Linsanity hed happily sit on the bench if the roles were reversed.

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