@Miami Heat

MHB Postgame Show | Miami Heat 99 vs Orlando Magic 96 (1/12/2024)

MHB Postgame Show | Miami Heat 99 vs Orlando Magic 96 (1/12/2024)

Feel like Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami welcome welcome welcome and hello to your Miami Heat be post game show I am sioban with you today uh in heling the ship while G is up in Canada Stone we getting drunk today with me I have my boy Frankie G how are you Frankie oh you’re muted Frankie muted

Saucy they didn’t blow it in the fourth sorry I am producing I am Rusty I look like a fourth quarter heat offense right now but we win Heat win third quarter third quarter third quarter good I’m doing well Bon how are you I’m all right Saucy takes how we

Doing up there with the with the glow light oh man uh everything’s uh as you know everything was as good as the offense in the first half but you know so good above average above average above average 16 16th ranking um so yeah let’s just kind of jump right into it we don’t

Have to stay here too long like you said Miami holds on to uh a lead in the fourth we pull out a close game a sub 100 point game for both teams uh 99- 96 um that is fantastic for me not like ideal but [ __ ] like that warms my heart

Shout out to my guy Mark Schindler I feel like it warmed his heart a little bit too um so yeah let’s just kind of go with it the first half I thought the offense in the first half um looked pretty good and there were a few components that I really really liked

That helped jua in the first half Frankie um how did you feel about the first half offense namely the the pace of the offense either in transition off a secondary break just the pace and cuts and the movement of the first how did you feel about the offense to begin the

Game uh I really enjoyed it it it felt more free flowing more everybody got getting involved uh ball was humming uh everybody was playing within the system and like playing for each other that’s what that’s like the ideal kind of flow that you kind of want as a coach you

You’re looking for everybody to get involved get everybody the The Rock uh like bam I felt bam had like a really strong first half and he had like six points in the first half because he had like he had he had like five four assists four five assists uh just

Getting everybody involved uh strategically attacking the gaps uh from the from each level of the floor uh they they weren’t forcing it just hunting shots they were taking what shots were there and they were being aggressive when the gaps were there too and that’s something that’s lacked a lot this

Season and that’s what that’s that’s what bogs down the offense sometimes in the half court is they don’t uh they don’t they settle too much especially in transition they settled way too much uh for jumpers and and looking for the kick when there’s a three on two instead of

Trying to be aggressive trying to get to the to the rim uh but yeah it was I I felt early on you felt a lot of uh energy from the young guys especially haime especially uh yic even though yic had a rough shooting uh game he he had

Like three assists in the first half um I I thought he he moved the ball extremely well when they went to the Zone he had he got bam a nice little touch pass dunk um and yeah I just I just felt like the process was good for

The most part I really enjoyed the first half I think they showed a lot of what we want to see them be uh for 48 minutes and now it’s just finding that yeah when you say um when you say playing for one another what does that look like to you

You you touched on a little bit but I want to give you a little bit of space delve into that just a little bit more um it’s it’s the ball free flowing it’s it’s moving side to side reversing the ball attack uh skipping it back and forth like there’s way too many times

The where the heat offense really bogs down is it sticks to a side you’re forcing a dho action you’re forcing a pick and roll action the ball has the defense is just locked in on on a two-man action and doesn’t get to flow into it the the weak side help just gets

The focus on the ball and gets the doesn’t have to worry about what’s behind them and that’s where it really bogs down when you’re when you’re a defense and you don’t have to worry about anything else just just focus on ball it makes guard protecting the paint

Really [ __ ] easy and it I think it really affects the the flow of it also as Shooters you know it’s really hard to catch and shoot when you haven’t touched the ball all possession right so even you can get oh catch and shoot three wide open but you haven’t touched the

Ball in in two minutes it’s really hard to get a good even flow get your legs into it if you haven’t moved your body at all either and I felt like the cuts were well timed they were spaced really well opportunistic and and they and

Filled our Cuts uh we have so many cuts into the paint and in the paint and and the first half I I felt we went back to it in in the second half unfortunately but uh first half was a lot of cut nothing there you you show you flash

It’s not there keep cutting all the way through to the to the corner and let the offense flow but uh first half was great second half was a lot more of regular Heat basketball missed a lot of bunnies too yeah Lou we um so we finished with

23 assists on the night right and it felt like a bit more but maybe that’s because for me I’m still um in in such love with the way that the first half went 16 of those assist shout out to you doing some research for me really quick

16 of those assists um come in the first half we only only get seven in the second half we’ll touch on the second half in a second but what did you see offensively from the first half was it the um the insertion of kind of the Duncan back into the starting group and

What he allows them to do was it more so the young guys and just kind of the freshness of their legs and just wanting to juice um how did you feel the offense I guess kind of oriented itself around you know motion and moving it in the

First I feel like we controlled pace for just about the entirety of the first half um except for some moments where Paulo was doing his thing and we couldn’t really contain him specifically in that second quarter but um in terms of like offensively like like Frankie said like

It felt like everybody was getting the ball and even the people who weren’t shooting good like yovic Etc um we doing their things um in terms of like not letting the ball lose any energy as soon as they touched it something wasn’t there onto the next play and it was just

Constant like uh it felt like they were flowing in into every single set and if the first option wasn’t there they were hitting second third fourth options with enough time on the shot clock um to you know be able to facilitate a decent offense I mean they they finished with

56 points in the first half and it felt like they were just kind of not getting what they wanted but um they were comfortable is is kind of my point and then you know obviously we’ll touch on the second half here later but uh things started to take a turn and just

I don’t know uh specifically for for me it felt like you know like I’m not a big component like this team does need Lowry but I feel like you know considering the people that we were missing today which was you know ours you know one two and

Three essentially um I do think the guys stepped up admirably uh I’m not gonna flame Josh Richardson today because I do think he played particularly well in the first half in terms of in terms of getting us some relief buckets uh and I you know it’s crazy because in the first

Half we had 56 points it felt like yovic missed alone like two or three bunnies yeah um on transition like I it’s it’s crazy to me that we our offense was flowing as well as it was in the half court but I felt like in transition in

The first half while I do like that we’re getting out and running more I feel like we I still feel like they can be a lot more uh efficient running these breaks man Cu uh my goodness some of these things that they’re doing it’s like they’re getting three on twos three

On ones and it’s like what are we like why are we settling for a contested layup over a guy bigger than us when we have an extra pass to somebody who’s cutting right next to us or an open three I don’t mind the three-pointers in transition I just don’t like when the

Three-pointers in transition are coming from players who shouldn’t be taking them and they’re contested when those two things are happening then it’s an issue but yeah you know it was it was uh the first half offense wasn’t bad and to Frankie’s Point like bam wasn’t really

Scoring but it felt like he didn’t need to yes and you know it was the offense was just clicking a lot of that was himman making [ __ ] happened I’m gonna be very [ __ ] honest if he had a stretch there where it was um just his ability to process the game offensively in terms

Of I have a smaller guy I’m going to back him down put him in a blender and get to the cup or I have a bigger guy I think I have foot quickness on him I’m going to bring him out face him up drive by him and then use my pivots just man

For a rookie [ __ ] [ __ ] is special every time we watch him like it shouldn’t be the thing but like every time I’m like are they gonna figure him out and we are damn near I believe we’re 38 into the season we are almost at the halfway point of the season and he has

Not been figured out yet so that’s a [ __ ] positive you know so to a couple of your things right you’re talking about um just the the free flowing of the first half and the first Cuts not there okay cool we’re moving it we’re get it’s like uh I liken it to like a

Quarterback going through their possessions progression sorry your first Target that first route you’re trying to hit nope not there I’m like I’m I’m rifling through my my options quickly and efficiently and I’m not losing any kind of Rhythm while I’m going to do it um and it’s it’s it’s and it’s fun to

Watch like that type of Miami basketball I enjoy basketball that is played that way I understand uh I understand what a a central um like guard focused or like the central focus of like a guard who can break [ __ ] down who can get I I understand the the importance of that

And what that does for offense and I won’t say that we don’t need that at least in spots but I enjoy everyone getting a chance to touch it you can like watching it you can feel the ball whizzing around you can feel guys be engaged and and and enjoying what it is

That they’re doing how they’re playing with one another and I think that goes into a lot of the playing for one another because we’re all playing with one another I thought the first half looked really good Lou you talked about um hae’s just ability to exploit whatever mismatch is is kind of

Presented at him at one point Miami had had um oh back to kind of the first and some of the highe stuff and that’s just him pushing in transition too at some point we had 10 uh 10 fast break points where in the first half where we averag

Like 11 for the the total game and that’s again that’s the young guys wanted to do it and like I was saying L to your point about haime just the the processing speed like you said I got a little on me I’m putting you I’m taking

You under the cup I got a big on me I’m giving you a fake and I’m timing my fake I had a tweet about it a little while ago like haime plays in like the half beats like he he sets a dude up anticipating that they’ll react on the

One and now I’m Mak making my move kind of on the two while you’re in your you’re falling down while you’re in your descent from my fake I’m going up stuff like that is just so kind of you know uncanny and at one point he had had

Seven field goals and all of them came in the paint like he is our biggest piece of Rim pressure I feel like and it’s nuts like who like I don’t know if any of us kind of you know first saw him him having just kind of this type of

Impact so in the course did and you can’t can and if you say you did you’re ly keep on you can say that his skills are he has translatable skills but to see it actually playing out in such a clear and [ __ ] efficient way is is so

Go ahead Frankie there’s there’s a like we talk we all broke saw his film in college and we knew he was a crafty high IQ player there’s a difference between doing it to a 20-year-old and doing it to 28- year old nine-year veteran in the NBA lead vet yeah and guys who’ve been

Around the league do we get to Joe Les who’s who’s got more experience on his head than than him has been alive true like like he’s he’s just he’s so crafty and smart with the ball and like I I feel like you’re seeing more in this

Recent stretch like I just want to talk about it you’re seeing in this recent stretch he he is showing a little bit of tired legs uh at points especially in the second half he he yeah he had like 17 in the first half if fin with 19 um

And you know it’s that’s to be expected he’s still a rookie and he’s still got to get his body accustomed to playing 82 I don’t think he’s missed the game yety he’s the only Heat player has played every game I think he’s played the most fourth quarter minutes of the whole

Rookie class like he’s been a star worth yeah and and the the I’m sorry you mentioned the bunnies but yeah that I mean that was a problem for the heat all night that’s the only reason this game was [ __ ] close because they both team neither team could shoot they both shot

30% from the from three but he missed so many [ __ ] bunnies yeah yep so many it I it feels like yic specifically he needs to do a better job of when he I feel like when he’s dribbling the ball and he’s going downhill very good at avoiding contact and getting to a

Comfortable shot he just doesn’t have the roller in him yet and it’s C he’s 20 years old he’s never I tweeted the other day he’s he is a he was a shooting guard small forward overseas at 18 who was taught or who was being forced to play

The five they realize that [ __ ] doesn’t work move him to a four and move him kind of to a more comfortable spot but he’s still doing a lot of things he didn’t pick and Pop I mean he wasn’t really picking and popping or picking and rolling anywhere overseas he’s just

Learning this so uh just the Cadence when he catches the ball that he doesn’t have to one two and go straight up that he can take a dribble kind of like you know to to Bond’s point on like the the things hakz does to get him off Rhythm

And then finish around him or draw a foul and stuff like that those things will come but I feel like yic specifically today offensively I didn’t think he played bad but he did Miss like three or four bunnies where I was like dang shout out Jeff in the chat um since

November 11th Hae is 15th in minutes played just in the whole league 14th sorry clarification um uh L to your point about Nico and one of the things that I have enjoyed like you said he’s he’s been moved around from what he used to play to where they tried to play him

That didn’t really quite work moving him back out to a an area of the floor that he can better exploit the things that he does do well I’ve appreciated the way that he is um he’s put on more like he you could he’s visibly stronger like you

Can see that foot on more yeah but he also plays a bit stronger too he’s taking bumps he’s he’s rebounding super aggressively in traffic and stuff like that is just really nice to see like a good aggressive rebound that’s like a slingshot kind of into a break like all

Of these things are momentum gainers and I I’m just you know for what his inefficient shooting night was just continuing to watch him um you know get his feet more and more comfortable on the NBA floor let’s move though into boom first half was what it was third quarter third quarter bird

Quarter real tury you know kind of all season it’s felt um or at least at at Large chunks of the season it’s felt like we go away from the processes of the things that worked for us in the first and we just kind of do something completely different sometimes and at

Times it is to the to the you know to the credit of the defense right there are adjustments that are being made and you know kind of all of these things but sometimes I do feel like a lot of it is us and like I said we finished the game

With 23 assists had 16 in the first half seven in the second half hakz has two points in the second half Frankie you talked about some of it being you know some tired legs Lou what is it um and I want to stay away well no we can a

Little bit of macro but specifically tonight but a little bit like I said overall for the season what is it or at least recently that has felt like has been the shift in what we look like in the third um versus the way that we are comporting ourselves in the first half

Uh it just feels like like you stated like the processing comes out a little bit clunky it feels like uh specifically in these recent games without Lowry it’s felt like we started good like the game plan is good and then the other teams adjust and we’re just a tick late to

Just counter um and again it’s a lot of players taking responsibilities that they typically don’t going we going hey hello Giani Hey listen I’m tuning in I’m in I’m in a Frid Montreal it’s it’s like it’s like 3 Dees I’m cold as than the heat office

Lou I like what you said without Lowry they get off the all take him out take him out out thank you I didn’t know he was backstage I would never St like that I apologize y let him hijack the show you can bring it back in Frankie go

Ahead L he quit he left I’m no if it feels like we kind of stall out and uh uh to the to to specifically other teams but I do think um our screening needs to be better I felt like in the third quarter specifically they stalled out our offense about three four

Times and it’s not just on the screener it’s also on these people who are not used to being ball handlers they are not hugging bam screen tight enough and they’re allowing the player to interfere and just completely shut off our offense oh my God yes and that happened like

That happened like for six for the four minutes that we didn’t score it felt like I saw that six times I was like like can we and and during these stints I feel like I wish we would counter a little bit more and I know hakz has

Tired legs but at some point we need to incorporate him in the mid post when it feels like our offense is getting stalled out above the three-point line let’s go back to what we do good and that is if we don’t have the perimeter extended block exactly run run your horn splits

Do whatever you need get him on the Block just basically stop making it a perimeter oriented game if they’re taking out of that like we we have enough counters in theory to just all right that’s not working next thing and just hit it and like he he this is the

Difference was in the first half he was getting those and he was making them pay and then in the second half it was like they were just trying too hard to get the same set moving and it was like our just the ball handling the the screen

Navigation from them was very good but like our players uh Duncan a couple times Haw is a couple times bam has some fault too and the screen setting but like they were just getting cut off because they weren’t hugging the like they weren’t forcing the guy to go into

The screen Frankie you felt like you wanted to touch on that oh my God so badly it it’s it’s so much lazy work on the on the guards they’re feel they feel they get chaed they’re getting chased so all they got to do is run to Bam and it

Like you said like they’re not coming tight enough they’re they’re expecting bam to move late and set a late illegal screen but that’s putting bam in in potential foul trouble that we do not need him to be with with our depth and our defense depending on bam the way it

Is yeah you set do the work for him set your man up push him down come off tight a lot tighter you’re they’re giving him them so much space to wiggle between and it’s bad enough that it’s it’s Jaylen Suggs who’s one of the best perimeter defenders in in basketball he’s an elite

Screen Navigator you cannot make the job easy for him and yeah Duncan definitely Duncan normally does a pretty good job at it uh but yeah tonight a bunch of time especially on the dhos you have to come off real tight because Bam’s got to expose the ball there if you don’t come

Tight you’re you’re getting a potential for a little tip little deflection get a little Bobble and and that creates a turnover and they’re going the other way and they need to do a much better that’s something they definitely need to clean up and it’s it’s I think part of that is

A um and and Bon you could speak more to it but I think part of it comes down to uh laps of of uh of uh stamina with your focus when when when you’re running so short-handed I feel you’re much more susceptible to U little mental technical mistakes like that yeah super like

You’re you’re you have mental lapses you have like these these mental bouts of fatigue that like you said take away from some of your technicality and movement and like you’re saying those dhos especially against a team and with an elite screen Navigator that’s going to you know make that task as difficult

As he can himself you cannot be allowing space to make that easier but those super tight DH almost forc you into sugs bothered the [ __ ] out of Duncan D Rob came out on top but it was still a battle he super did uh Craig Dillinger even in the first half so Duncan hit

Those first two threes and then like that next possession he had it in the high left corner he went up one time Jaylen slapped it out of his hand got it back tried to give him like his little fake thing I think Jaylen hit it again I

Was like okay so like jaylen’s in Duncan [ __ ] and that’s cool like that you know that’s fine but L to your point we have other things that we can go to when that stuff isn’t working like draw attention to the other things that we can kind of do then you eventually loosen those

Things that you were trying to do back up those like super tight dhos you almost force yourself into like a and it’s tough because so like Duncan is the primary dho guard right and while Duncan’s ball handling has improved his passing is you know better or whatever

Those super tight dhos almost force you into kind of nothing but a floater a lob a a drive to kind of finish at The Rim or a kicks like yes you have to do it tight but it almost takes away some of the what else that you can get to with

The with the handoff with especially with Duncan trying to come for the three I um you were talking about the ball handlers L there was a there was one point in time and about haime need needing to be more involved when it is this lineup it was like Caleb Josh

Hae Haywood and Kevin Love at one point and we were trying to initiate offense through Josh and Caleb and we have haime just kind of sitting in the corner after having you know had these burst of I I I can do things like you know kind of let

Me help us do things let me help set us up hey there back there um Frankie when we have those types of lineups how would you prefer to see it orchestrated and I know you know for perseverance or for the preservation I’m sorry of Hae he

Can’t have all of the on ball reps but you have Caleb Josh haime Haywood and Kevin who is supposed to orchestrate and like organize and not even organize we do a decent job getting people in places but triggering it and and and getting all of the things how

What are we supposed to be looking for in those types of lineups um I thought they did a great job early on get just like letting it flow any and being uh like opportunistic about the anytime you you you take you make the defense rotate uh there were there was plenty of plays

And and there were some plays where I I noticed it uh I tweeted about it that Duncan missed it where like like on the main point it’s time it it’s h because he’s the perimeter guy he’s the point guard in these lineups yic did a great job starting even though he didn’t shoot

Well uh but there it’s it’s more of a team effort uh because there’s so many actions you can go to you can go to Bam and H in the high post you can go to yic uh passing from the from the wings his his passing uh finding Cutters and and

Finding bam slipping has been really key in those early starts uh but there’s plays where you know you’re not really running like you’re running multiple actions within a play uh there’s and and you got to be really key on on taking advantage of the defense there were so

Many plays in the second half where uh Duncan coming off a dho bams gets the slipper rule the defense helps and and Duncan still looking for bam and he has this the one pass away skip for wide open three to ha to Josh to Caleb and those are high percentage catch and look

Threes and we’re still looking we’re still trying to force the issue there inside it’s just those kind of things where you need to clean up and if you if you stack those on top of each other and and make that happen time and time after again like you’re gonna miss out on on

Some great opportunist to and with a with you’re playing the shot clock you’re going to have to be against a shot clock a lot and that’s what what it boils down to but I felt haime getting them going getting the clean passes we’ve talked way too much about bad

Postentry passes and and games where they can get the ball inside the post uh but Bon I want to go right back to you that first play of the game where instead of getting bam involved with a post up early what did they do and and H

How did that look for you I loved it the first play of the game for Miami is always bringing bam to the ball with like low paint cross screen or some diagonal upscreen back screen type of action he’s coming to the paint he gets

His face up and then we kind of go from there we started tonight same action but bringing Hae off and he just has a comfort there um and you keep bam kind of spaced a little bit he getes it to Duncan Duncan penetrates doesn’t really have it kicks the Nico knock down three

And you know I just I don’t know I I we have those things that we can do like we have you know those ways that we can incorporate multiple people there was a play I think in the second it was definitely in the second half I can’t

Remember the quarter where we moved it side to side it began with a haime like mid post up nothing there moved it around I think nicoa dumped it off to Bam on the left uh High block try to get some stuff there so you know um yeah the

The third quarter offense it just tends to stagnate in such a confounding way like it it’s really weird even like Jos you know not going to harp on him but he was doing some good cutting some good off the- ball cutting some good cutting when guys heads are turned um Frankie to

That point um talk about the advantages that cutting and advancing the ball we’re going to try to get out of here within the next 10 minutes but talk about the advantages that you get when you move the ball with a cut and with a pass rather than trying to force the

Drib force the action off of a dribble so much well you just talked about it uh multiple times you said nothing there there move it nothing there move it and that’s been a big problem about the on ball juice for the Heat this season uh Lou we’ve talked about this a lot just

How if they can’t force it when it’s not there you gota if you when you’re when there’s nothing there you’re attacking a gap and the and the defense even if you don’t get far you get you get one foot in the paint you’re bringing the defense

In the defense has to help at least some at least yeah and and you have you know it’s on your teammates job as well to open up the the angle for the pass open up the cut for the for the uh for the right spot to suck in the defense and

Take advantage of you already penetrating even if it’s a little bit but we got far too often we’re I we’re dribbling and we’re trying to get get through it and trying to get through it and trying to get through it and then boom we’re taking the contested shot and

It’s not and we’re like where’s the foul and and that’s not good offense but when the ball is moving the ball is humming you’re able to take advantage of of the defense rotating and when the defense isn’t like no no matter how fast you are no matter if you’re Dwayne Wade no no

Matter if you’re ish Smith or John Wall you’re not going to be faster than the ball you cannot move faster on ball than without the ball so these Cuts these passes the Lou that zone uh play where they’re they swung it around to the corner Nico touch pass to Bam on the on

The slip for the dunk that was one of the prettiest plays all season so simple so simple it was so good I went back I rewinded the play after the dunk twice and I was yeah I was there I was I was telling my I was telling my dad I was

Like are you looking at this because it’s it’s that’s what happens and you know like the that’s why I don’t want to harp on it but the point guard conversation to me is so overblown sometimes because it doesn’t [ __ ] matter if you have a point guard if everybody can make decisions quick like

They did there it was quick pass Duncan Nico bam less than two seconds just doop doop doop easy Zone Buster and if you have people that can process without and and huge credit to yovic because he’s done this now several times and I I I want to get to something really quick on

Yic because H we’ve gotten a decent sample size now yic and Bam minutes I have some stats but just your eye test what has it told you between these two like how do you feel Bond specifically because I know and you are are huge Nico F I enjoy it like it’s uh

I mean I know you too Frankie said it like I don’t like the guy we’re gonna have to do like a separate pot because there’s so much stuff that I kind of would like like to talk about with YouTube specifically Seely um with getting Tiffany in here

But like I enjoy it you if nothing else you can’t play like you can play a small on Thea but often times they’re playing some length on him so that’s at least moving some length out out of the paint so bam is more free to be who he is and

And kind of let’s space Nia is a great he gets bam involved so much easier than some of the other guards an elevated sight line like being able to just see above things and not have to give a million fakes to get a defender’s limbs

To move out of your lane to then like it it it’s it’s so refreshing it feels so easy kind of so natural um and I just I just want them to to do it more like I I’ve just been very pleased with it I know some of the defensive stuff needs

To be cleaned up um but it’s I think it’s promising for them if they Comm commit to it being kind of a thing you know um I want to touch on some some some things here because I do agree I love the the uh the Nicola um Duncan bam

Spain pick and roll with Nicola bringing it up he’s hit bam several times just because he’s so damn big he can see over all these arms yeah he just zooms it to him but uh a thing I want to talk about is defensively and it’s some to your point

Uh yic isn’t the best defender I’m not here to say he is right but what he allows is Bam to hunt on the perimeter and they’ve played per cleaning the glass 247 possessions together that is a significant amount of possessions they are plus 12.2 in net

Rating with these two guys on the floor their defense is 99th percentile at 104 points per 100 possessions that’s wild let me repeat that their defense is Elite when these two are on the floor and this doesn’t have to do that Nicol yovic isn’t the best defender we have

Yeah he’s not but what it allows is Bam to be free to roam the perimeter it allows your digs to be a little bit more digger I guess is the word stronger more aggressive like more present like they feel like real and not just like like real exactly they

Matador exactly CU because he’s actually lengthy enough to affect some of these Lanes their defensive rebounding through the roof with these two guys on their ability to force their ability to force um what you call uh turnovers very good what you call at it it’s a no but but realistically like all

These things clicking together man like it’s it’s beautiful the Heat have some tough decisions Jimmy’s gonna come back we’re gonna get people healthy but man I’m sorry I didn’t want I didn’t want to take us down but it’s just it’s it’s impressive that even on a bad game quote

Unquote bad game from yovic offensively in terms of scoring like they’re still takeaways like his rebounding has helped bam be on the perimeter his ability to P to push Pace off of these rebounds has helped the offense flow together offensively even when they haven’t had

The best pieces and even when like he or ha may miss on the push that like you know that they’re pushing and so you’re more susceptible to like wanting to follow them after the push we bam got a like at least two or three put backs

Right just off of one of them you know kind of pushing and maybe blowing it Rim pressure would have thought who look at us who to th it no but but L it’s what you said like I I said uh I literally tweeted about it even with Jo Yi’s

Limitations he’s still big as hell and like it you can’t teach that if you’re 6’5 next to Bam you have to be perfect you have to be in the spot in position perfectly timed no an no angle to the basket boxing out every time yic is like

And it’s so obvious when you’re not exactly and and yic is like oh [ __ ] I’m I’m a beat late I know where I’m supposed to go my body’s still not quick enough still not adjusting quick enough but I’m still because I’m seven feet tall I’mma disrupt the shot I’m I’mma

Put my hands up and I got a 9 foot 9 whatever standing reach and I’m G bother it and you can’t teach that like he’s like one of the things we talked about last season B when we when when you know when G was like yeah I don’t think he’s

Ready I don’t think he’s ready defensely we’re like no he’s not but he’s moving the right way he’s going the right way he’s going towards the right spot his his mind is going fast his body’s not reacting and and I’m okay with that I

Need and I’m okay he’s 19 he was 19 he’s 20 last game last game he was one tick late on a crazy weak side block on a Kevin Love uh blocking foul that turned into a go tending but I was like you you see it yeah you see it and you’re like

[ __ ] and he’s typically in lanes and deflecting passes and I want to say one thing I he is slow sometimes I don’t think he’s that slow but he runs out there and he closes out his [ __ ] with his soul he jumps it it doesn’t they typically go in it doesn’t matter he’s

Out there contesting like he allows bam to kind of roll but in those instances where bam is um anchored and kind of closer to the to the basket Nia has gotten better in space his feet have gotten better in space defensively so like you said he’s

He’s trending in in such a really nice way and the two of them as a tandem as you just you know kind of listed off for us give them you know really really good things that make some Dynamic on both ends of the floor I hope they continue

To kind of look at it look the fourth quarter I know like we gota we’re going to do a PO I want to do like some film stuff with you to like there’s some some [ __ ] that we could like really dig into for sure um fourth quarter we won we won the

Game wasn’t pretty but we survived what stood out to you Frankie from the fourth how did you feel about Bam’s aggression and Bam’s process in the fourth um yeah um I thought uh I thought it took bam a little bit to get going in the fourth

Because he was still they were trying to spam two- man actions early on and it was it was what I was mentioned earlier that it wasn’t there and they weren’t moving the ball they were still trying to force the action um and that’s where they they got into trouble that’s where

A bit of their inefficiency came from I also thought it was a little bit of dead legs I thought I thought he he played the whole fourth bam did and I felt like there there needed to be like a little bit of breathing room for him uh luckily

He got I think he got motivated by all the no calls and the and the tech um but late in the game when the game was on the line he was being aggressive he was going to the basket he had that beautiful uh spin inside on Mo Wagner

With the dunk oh the footwork that was be apostrophe am you know you know that should have been a [ __ ] an one man I was there was so many Miss calls he only took six free throws that guy is leaving with a bunch of scratches and bruises

Tonight he was a warrior tonight like I I I’m so uh proud of that like he he did not let the lose and uh he’s perfected uh the fake jump for for a block attempt I on the last possession of Paulo was driving in he went and he

Didn’t jump and Paulo still thought he was got it disrupted it he does that like two or three random times a game and it works like 95% of the time it’s so funny to watch and he he Paulo bobbled it that’s how he missed the first one unfortunately he got the

Offensive rebound missed the bunny but uh I thought that was just a funny thing to know watch for that going forward um I thought overall though like as the lead dog tonight um even though the shot attempts didn’t show it because Duncan took the most shots and had to take a

Lot of late clock shots so that’s you know I’d rather go for a Duncan three home if you’re in instead of like a contested mid-range yeah um but I I felt overall the aggression was there he he took the the brunt of it there could

Have been a couple shots at the at the line a couple more attempts at the line if the the refs gave him to it but you know he did [ __ ] he did moan about it and he said I’m gonna do what I need to

Do and take us home y Lou how do you feel about Bam’s process throughout the game and particularly in the fourth like and I agree kind of with Frankie it felt like it took him somewhere around like the six and a half seven sixish Mark to like really really kind of feel uh

Engaged from a scoring aspect even though you know you felt Bam’s presence kind of throughout the game yeah uh shout out to Caleb for keeping him alive during those six minutes where bam was trying to get his feet going but uh I felt like the processing got a lot

Better when they started just like when he starts simplifying the game for himself um the first half the difference to me was in the first half and in specifically down the stretch in the fourth quarter uh it’s the the thing that we talk about haime noticing where

He has the advantage bam doesn’t process that as quickly correct so what I mean by that is sometimes he had guys like batat on him in the first half and instead of bringing him out and trying to face him up he was trying to back him down and shooting contested you know

He’s not the guys’s bigger than him it was tougher for him to move him and then it felt like during the game as the game started going on it was like this is my advantage face up now this is my advantage post up now and then we can he

Was even when he was getting doubled in the post he was making good passes we just were missing our shots doubled a lot yep but that that process to me is still fine I don’t care if the shot goes in or not I mean obviously it you know

It’s easy to say that when you win when you lose you you know it hurts a little more but it is what it is you trust you trust the process and and stuff like that but um uh one thing I would love to know is how much my opinion how much

More comfortable bam is with the ball in the middle of the floor as opposed to the block and I was I was yelling this at with my dad at the TV I was like like with nine seconds whatever to to win the game I was like if they give it

To him on the Block I don’t think because on the Block when he’s posting up he has a guy he has about three people looking at him and he can’t see two of them he can’t see his guy and and and the other guy under the rim and

That’s what happened the first play which should have been a foul but once he got there he didn’t expect the help everybody was digging and it was tough for him to like gather himself but as opposed to the very last shot and throughout the course of the fourth

Quarter except for that one highlight play on uh MO he was getting the ball at the top and really just surveying the floor and being like this is what’s comfortable this is what I’m going get to this is what’s comfortable this is what I’m gonna get to yeah if if that just comes

Quicker um the efficiency will come I do think he played a lot more minutes than he probably wanted to today because uh um not to harp on anybody Kevin Love Has deserved the most credit this year but this was not his best game and they needed bam back out there and he

Delivered man on both sides of the floor [ __ ] his processing was it got better during during the game specifically in terms of getting his own bucket but defensively [ __ ] he was there the whole game to your point about like the comfort in like the middle of the floor

Up High versus kind of off the extended block expecting a double it’s so much the the court is so much smaller off of the block when the dou was coming it’s and the angles are so much different that like you’re still passing through hands whether you’re trying to make

Passes from the Block and out versus from the top and kind of down that way but it the the vision changes and it’s so much easier to kind of read where your advantages will be from the top you know based on kind of you know how

Defense is Shifting but and I like I I thought that was cool of you to point out because it is a difference and you can see it in kind of like you can like see him thinking about it almost you see the giddy up in his dripple when he has

When he’s in the middle of the floor you see him like oh [ __ ] like I I got every move in my bag here as opposed to like when he’s on the Block he feels like he’s sustained to just posting up and he does tend to go middle all the time so

That he tends to go to towards just start him there you know what I’m saying like that’s where he tends to go start him there and let him [ __ ] work no and some of that I feel like it’s he he’s way more susceptible to getting the ball deflected when he’s in the post

Because the ball’s low and the when when they dig he’s so bad at keep getting the ball up and going strong he doesn’t raise it he doesn’t he keeps it here he keeps at the waist level and you know even though there’s even though they’re small for NBA guys they’re still six

Feet tall they’re right above his waist they’re going to grab this [ __ ] easy uh when he’s at the middle of the floor he goes a lot faster and and that’s one thing like when he I think that’s one thing he needs to adjust to instead of trying to like overpower these small

Guys quicker go strong go one move boom in the chest hook right there he’s trying to like power power power and then he bobbles it for a second and and it’s it’s all hands inside and and that’s where the the trouble gets gets

To him but yeah man I I agree I I love his high post passing I feel like he sees the he does see the floor better but the you could talk about the in the playoffs the game five against the bucks he was at the high Post in the fourth

Quarter pulling out Brooke finding the Cutters on the on the pin Downs on the on both sides just making reads and and that was it was just beautiful to watch oh I’m thinking about like a series like that today or just like actions like that in like a lineup that has like a

Bam a Nico Hae and a Jimmy just like the passing the vision The Cutting and and Haywood I don’t know what that five looks like but like I I I like the way that Haywood and I think Hae are are two best Cutters and they just move so well

Um off of the decision makers when they’re kind of stationed at the high post there is there’s so much more that we can talk about I love talking to you too um we got to do like a good film breakdown episode or something I might bring like needle to the groove out for

The first time in two years just to do some like Nia bam two man just like really kind of getting into you know schematically um what’s happening there but good game tonight pull out a win G’s gonna kill us but he’s probably somewhere drunk on his face um freezing

His balls off Miami is back in Action this Monday suay Sunday with Hornets Sunday with Charlotte Monday retirement game yes shout out to three hopefully they bring out a statue but Mickey cheap sorry yeah it’s fine um but we’re gonna go ahead and get out of here

On this Friday night you all go do what you do be safe have fun out there and we will check in with you later thank you for rocking with us on Twitch if you are um watching the replays with us on our YouTube We love you if you are downloading the episode wherever

Download your podcast episodes we super love you um and yeah we will see you guys next time follow us on playoff foul we love y’all we love the support uh be safe everybody have a great weekend have a good one

Siobhan Beslow is joined by Franky G and Coach Lu as they talked about

– First Half Flows…
– Second Half Froze?
– Nikola’s Niche next to Bam
– Lead us Jaime . . Take us Home Bam.

and more!


  1. I wonder why no one's talking about what Hayward highsmith been doing and how him being back on the floor is actually helped out with a lot of the defensive walls we were having with

  2. The problem in the second half was Duncan plain and simple. Bam was running those dumb top of the key hand off like 6 times in a row. That killed the offensive movement. Also letting Duncan create is not it!

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