@Chicago Bulls

Bulls Fans Got Some Karma in Shameful Booing of the Late Jerry Krause

Bulls Fans Got Some Karma in Shameful Booing of the Late Jerry Krause

So I want to start by saying this and I know this isn’t anything unique I’m sure every other content creator every broadcaster journalist is saying their piece on this topic but I bring it up because it’s important in how you saw the tale of two halves in this game

Against the Warriors so as I’m sure you’ve all seen by now the Bulls held their inaugural Ring of Honor ceremony honoring all of the Bulls past Legends both players coaches GMS former owners they also honor the entire 9596 championship team and I’m sure as you’ve also seen by now whether you were

Watching it live or you saw off of the replays or reactions on Twitter when the late Jerry krauss’s name was called the Bulls GM who brought six championships to Chicago in the 90s orchestrated that dynasty when they got to his name the United Center crowd booed and I was

Watching it live and I thought there’s no way they’re booing him right now like I can’t be hearing that right not for something like this like you can not like Jerry Krauss I was never a fan of Krauss because as a kid watching the Bulls in the ’90s I hated that he

Essentially brought an end to the Bulls Dynasty all the backstabbing and toxic culture that existed at the top in those days and yeah we’ve all seen the documentary The Last Dance which didn’t paint Jerry in a good light the players made fun of him he had a massive ego and

Wouldn’t allow Phil Jackson to continue to coach yes there are a lot of reasons to not like Krauss but to boo him in front of his wife and family after he’s no longer with us Man passed away a few years ago and to see his wife crying like that because of the crowd’s

Reaction was just distasteful incredibly disrespectful and shameful I was honestly embarrassed watching that in real time and seeing his wife cry like that I was was embarrassed for the fans because I’ve always held Bulls fans in the highest regard as being the best fan base in the world passionate loyal and

Yeah we can be a little crazy sometimes and maybe take things too seriously but that was Next Level shameful a horrible look and for any of those listening in who were at that game and those that booed because I’m sure not all the fans booed but enough of them did that you

Could hear it well enough for those that booed you should be embarrassed and you honestly should have just left the stadium absolutely uncalled for have more class than that now the reason I bring this up is because I wanted to say my piece on the manor but two looks like

The ghost of Jerry Krauss came back to haunt the fans in this one after booing him like that because while the Bulls had an incredible first half everything fell apart in the second the Bulls in the first half were playing some of the best basketball I’ve seen them play this

Season and ironically the warriors were too like for a team that has been looking like absolute garbage in recent weeks they had a horrible embarrassing non-competitive loss against the Pelicans their night at home they were a different team tonight you saw that right out of the gate but the Bulls were

Playing so well shooting lights out moving the ball well cutting the basket spacing the floor getting open looks from three 75 points for the Bulls in the first half it didn’t matter how good the warriors were playing when Kobe white sank that three right before halftime from near half court this of

Course after he was already feeling it knocking down a bunch of other threes you thought okay he’s on one the Bulls are taking this game because no matter how good the warriors were playing themselves the Bulls were just playing even better but the booze came out at

The Ring of Honor and and then coming out of the locker room Bulls would go on to have one of their worst quarters of the Season getting out scored 48 to20 in the third quarter alone the Bulls got cold couldn’t hit shots they were turning the ball over and of course the

Warriors got even more hot than they were in the first half now to the Bulls credit they played well in the fourth they actually almost came back and wound up winning this game they cut the lead to four with less than 3 minutes to go

And for a Warriors team who has blown a lot of late leads recently you thought eh maybe there’s a chance that they can actually come back and win this game but the Warriors called timeout scored on the next two possessions never looked back after that and what’s unfortunate

Is that the bulls actually played really well in this game with the exception of the third quarter and that quarter is what cost them the game now of course it was annoying that the Warriors decided to come out and actually start playing basketball again for a team that has

Been more or less checked out in recent days all of a sudden Klay Thompson decides to go back to Prime clay and hit a bunch of Threes kaminga looked like an All-Star out there getting everything he was throwing up Andrew Wiggins who has been horrible this season and it’s look

Like he could care less about basketball he suddenly started caring again and had his best game of the season kind of annoying like you would hope the Warriors would maybe have one of their good games against a different team but it is what it is Bull’s defense has also

Got to do better like their defense was just not on point tonight too many miscues missed assignments leaving guys wide open looks Bulls are normally great at forcing turnovers tonight the Warriors only had three turnovers in total they gave up 39 assists and let the Warriors go 20 for 47 from three so

I say hey the Warriors decided they finally wanted to come out and play but the Bulls severely underperformed on the defensive ENT tonight but it’s crazy because you look at the Bulls numbers and you think how did they lose this game they shot 58% from the field 45%

From three going 18 for 40 from Deep they had 31 assists which is rare for the Bulls to put up 30 or more assists and when they do they normally win LaVine Kobe Demar all had great games but the biggest difference one being the third quarter obviously and of course

The subpar defense but the Bulls did not rebound the ball well tonight they gave up way too many Second Chance points points giving the Warriors 13 offensive rebounds in total and that’s for a team that doesn’t have much size and one of the worst offensive rebounding teams in

The NBA you just can’t let that happen the Bulls got a rebound by committee fight for those loose balls on Long rebounds off of Miss threes that was painful to watch against a smaller Warriors team Steph obviously also got hot in the fourth quarter and closed out

The game when he actually struggled he was going what three for 17 to start the game which made even crazier that the warriors were still playing so well despite Curry going cold offensively but yeah I mean at an individual level thear was insanely efficient after having a

Bad game the other night against the Rockets 39 points on 15 for 21 shooting two for five from three five rebounds five assists Kobe also insanely efficient 25 points 9 for 13 five for seven from three four rebounds seven assist Zach who was a little quieter in

The first half and deferring to others started getting hot in the fourth and helped the Bulls really spark that comeback run 25 points nine for 15 shooting four Freight from Deep another big rebounding night tonight for Zach eight rebounds and seven assists I mean

I’ll say it again a lot of it depends on if Zach still wants to be traded or if he actually has changed his mind and wants to stay in Chicago but he’s certainly lifting up that trade value these last two games Zach has been money and has been impacting the game

Positively we’ll see what happens in the next 3 weeks or so before the deadline but if Zach is still wanting a change of seam all of this is good for the Bulls and hell if he changes his mind and wants to stay this is still good for the

Bulls because he’s finally starting to play like the old Zach and not the Zach we saw at the start of the Season also Patrick Williams tonight did he really have seven assist I feel like that’s got to be a career high for him I’m sure one

Of the beat Riders is on that but I feel like his career high and assist was what 5 six before I’m still not sure how I feel about Pat coming off the bench and having Alex Caruso start at the four I just feel like you need his size and you

Were seeing a lot of progress from Pat when he was back in the starting lineup when LaVine was out I obviously love Alex guso and he’s one of the more impactful players on this team but I’d like for the Bulls to have more size and muscle in that spot in the starting

Lineup that’s just me though also a second DMP for Javon Carter tonight the Bulls main free agency signing has been out of the rotation losing it out on dalen Terry too wasn’t expecting that going into this season yikes anyway the Bulls fall they remain ninth unfortunate because the magic lost again which means

The Bulls could have gained a full game on them in the standings for eighth but the Bulls do have the Spurs tomorrow in San Antonio a traveling back toback so hopefully not a trap game and they take care of business against one of the worst teams in the NBA until then guys

As always be sure to subscribe and I will see you in the next one

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  1. This isn’t no damn Karma even though it was tasteless. It was just our 18-22 team playing like an 18-22 team that’s all. We just aren’t good enough.

  2. Totally agree Jamal, shameful behavior from bulls fans. Show some class for a man who is already passed. Feel horrible for his wife and kids.

    On another note, Donovan not using Drummond was a big contributor to us losing this game. Baffles me that he refuses to use him, since has Vuc came back.

  3. For me, Phil Jackson was the reason for the Bulls breakup.
    Phil wanted to be be GM and Coach.
    He wanted Krause out.
    Not one player backed him.
    Phil played his Machiavellian moves perfectly.
    He manipulated the fans and the press.
    BUT — Phil was the ingrate who ended the dynasty
    NOT Jerry Krause.
    I remember those days very clearly.

  4. I didn't watch this game but I would rather the crowd be dead silent then those who were in attendance. Despite what Krause did you respect the dead and Respect the widow. She has done nothing, she doesn't deserve that. I didn't know that she was crying but that makes the Bulls and their fans look way worse than we do already. Regardless of what Krause did ts was not cool

  5. I get it we don’t like what he did and he did end the dynasty or at least the chance but you never should go that far to boo a man who also helped us win our titles and also booing after he passed away but you shouldn’t do that to anyone in general

  6. These classless fans.. 🤷🏻 why would u boo someone who didn't do anything? She was there to represent the legacy of his husband. Then she will hear that? That's really heartbreaking for her. We know that Jerry did a lot of bad things for the roster but man, The man was dead for a while now.. We should be forgiving him by now, if you really are truly a human.. I truly believe Karma hit the team because of this.. shame on these "fans"..

  7. I understand that Jerry Krause was not the fan favorite GM of the Bulls back in the days,but this was a night to celebrate 🎉 🎊 and for the fans to boo him and his wife was their to hear it and see it , I mean come on guys tonight was a black eye for the team and for the city.

  8. From an old head who watched way before the championships, we need perspective. Im still mad at Krause and always will be. But to boo a widows wife whose husband was the architect to a dynasty is abhorrent.

  9. Kerr deserved the win tonight!! A win for the bulls if you ask me. No love lost for Krause but people need to show some class. He did what he did, good or bad. Still grateful for his presence within the organization.

  10. And one more thing. Based on the cheers from the crowd its clear how Pip has forever hurt his legacy w his lunacy. MJ, Phil, and Rodman…THEN Pip, a distant 4th maybe even 5th behind Bob Love. Damn Scottie, do better.

  11. As a bulls fan my whole life I want to give her a hug and tell her that there many of us who didn't boo. Even tho we may not like Krause he did at the end of the day bring the dynasty together. Even if he also brought it down too. But I felt for his wife that was shameful and I'm embarrassed and I apologize on behalf of bulls nation.

  12. I was at the game tonight and very confused when the crowd started booing then I remembered the last dance. But still the man is dead, he crafted a team that won a championship six championships. I felt so bad for his wife.

  13. Honestly, that Krause moment was so embarrassing that I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if Silver called in afterwards and told them "You know there is no way you can win now, right?".

  14. I've had some real down moments as a Bulls fan. Drose's ACL injury, Jimmy Butler getting traded, getting blown out by Boston during the Boylen era….

    This is the most ashamed and humiliated I've ever felt as a Bulls fan. We're always bitching and moaning that the media never gives us any attention. We just gave them one of the worst reasons ever to give us coverage.

  15. That was awful. I felt so bad for his wife. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. To have to sit there while they were booing, omg, that’s a nightmare she will hope she wakes up from. What a terrible thing to do. How bad Chicago has fallen, my god. It’s one thing to banter and argue on YouTube. Be “loud” and all that, but that’s an older lady who lost her husband. What is wrong with people. It gave me the weirdest vibes ever, can’t imagine how bad she felt. So shameful.

  16. Fans are free to boo. I really don't see the big deal. They paid for entertainment when they purchased their ticket. If they don't like what is being displayed on the court they are free to boo. It's an unfair and cold world. It really isn't a big deal…

  17. Hot Take: Trade Demar and Vooch for that 3rd star to pair with coby and zach and let drummond start. get a true 4, somebody like siakam or jerami grant, or Lauri back in Chicago.

  18. This game ruined my mental health. Also, I can’t believe they booed Krause.. his wife was there representing him. Ugh. I was embarrassed too.

  19. Bulls fan are one of the worst. throwing their own player out of the bus, like Zach and booing a guy who brought a dynasty and who already passed away. this fans just suck and are a shame to city of Chicago.

  20. Kerr avenged his GM. MJ is goat but p o Sh person. No Pipen no Barkley he has no friends. As of jery without him MJ was looser in PO. Jery build the team and he brought Phil as a coach.

  21. no cause even when we had the lead it ruined it just thinking about how Jerry’s wife felt I feel terrible and sad to be a bulls fan

  22. there are cameras at stadium right? Bulls should track down those who where booing and give them a life time ban for UC! where are people like that growing? in the barn?

  23. Interesting take. Why do we think a guy who was such a horrible person deserves to be absolved and honored in the afterlife? If you want to be loved and respected in death, lead a life worth honoring.

  24. This is a low point for Bulls fans smh. As a bulls fan myself I’m ashamed of tonight. Let’s be grateful for the 6 championships Krause was a part of. Yes he’s not perfect but he is instrumental to the titles. Let’s be better.

  25. Just shameful those people did that. The fans who booed are drunks and derelicts. As for the game our boy Kuminga {24 points 24 minutes} threw the 🗡in our backs. Team had a good stat night but those offensive rebounds gave them the second chance points they needed to win.

  26. Now if you sad fans put that toxic energy to good use when it was needed maybe this team would be constructed better, About the actual game tho why was vuc in drop against the warriors. Klay and embiid own the bulls

  27. 😢 Broooo, I would have been so embarrassed had I been in that building with people booing Krause during a celebratory event. We're all Bulls fans, we all know the history, but without Krause n Reinsdorf, none of those Naismith trophies end up at the U.C.

  28. This shit dumb, you can't make ppl like someone . They can boo if they want. They bought their tickets.

  29. I haven't watched the video yet, but why boo a person who brought you 6 championships and put together one of the best teams ever?

  30. Steve kerr told GS warriors to bury the bulls for the disrespectful fans tonight. This really makes me embarrassed to say im a bulls fan.

  31. It’s an organizational failure. The fact that they didn’t think the fans would boo Jerry is just delusional and poor planning. Jerry is not liked in Chicago. I understand he helped orchestrate the dynasty, but with how the last dance portrayed Jerry, Bulls PR shoulda seen that coming. I feel sorry for his wife though, but she was setup for failure by the Team.

  32. Very ashamed to be a Bulls fan after last night. I was watching it live just shaking my head. I couldn't believe it. Just gross behavior from Bulls fans at halftime.

    OAN: Look at our bench stat line. As whole they played poorly last night. Hopefully they'll come up big tonight on the 2nd of a b2b with fresh legs.

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