@Chicago Bulls

Jerry Krause booed on Ring of Honor night, Chicago Bulls lose to Warriors | CHGO Bulls Podcast

Jerry Krause booed on Ring of Honor night, Chicago Bulls lose to Warriors | CHGO Bulls Podcast

The what’s going on bulls Nation welcome in to cso Bulls post game coming to you live following the Bulls 140 to 131 loss to the Golden State Warriors on the Bulls inaugural Ring of Honor night thank you for joining us uh I am Pac you can follow me on Twitter at Bulls corpac

Joined by my guy Mar MK Hoops on the Twitter handle our pal producer Joyce bais behind the scenes on the controls Big Dave will be joining us momentarily we will also here from willig go gotle from the United Center he was there tonight to watch the game and the

Festivities um wow what a weird thing that we all just witnessed um incredible Bulls basketball for a half one of the weirdest and saddest things I’ve ever witnessed as a bulls fan at halftime and then clay and Steph saying not so fast as we were talking about the

Warriors demise in pregame Mark the Bulls to their make a valiant effort to to come back in that fourth quarter Zach and Kobe both hitting big buckets another solid game for both of them we can get to that a little bit later um but I feel like you can’t bury the lead

Of what Bulls fans all just witnessed tonight Mark uh on a night that was supposed to be a happy festive occasion honoring some of the greats who have put on a Bulls jersey throughout the years including several Champion Chicago Bulls um dampened by some truly horrific behavior from Bulls fans at the United

Center tonight Mark Mark how are you doing man how are you processing all of this yeah uh it’s it’s odd I mean we were talking just before we went live about about our feelings about the situation U more generally or you know I just asked you know how you going sort

Of thing and that’s where the conversation naturally went and I think it was interesting that you and I had shared similar feelings in the sense that it was kind of even hard to focus on the basketball game at hand in the second half based on what occurred

During halftime with the Ring of H stuff and I don’t want to sound overly dramatic and I don’t think I am being and I’m seeing it people in the comments I’m also seeing people in on Twitter as well feeling very similar but like what we saw at halime with the Ring of Honor

Them with Jerry krauss’s um his widow Thelma Krauss the way the fans reacted to Krauss and obviously boing him in that situation it really threw me man I was not expecting like I was I was expecting to be moved by The Ring of Honor which I was but maybe not in the

Way that I was expecting um so I’m still still trying to get my head around it to be honest with you I still thrown by it all I don’t even know if I really even want to talk about it feels silly talking about the basketball game it it

Kind of feels inconsequential like in in some respects this game was inconsequential given the fact that we were honoring the legends of this franchise who they all were that this moment was meant to be bigger than this specific game at hand but yeah I don’t know I just I’m

Still collecting my thoughts I’m rambling a little bit here but it’s I’m just shocked and sadden and honestly embarrassed that this has happened and that I’m in some way or form associated with the fan the fan base right now like it’s just extremely disappointing Big Dave joining us now

Follow him on Twitter B bwl Sports uh Dave we’re just starting out with the headline that we can ignore uh tonight was about the the Bulls Ring of Honor ceremony and and what we all saw uh what we all saw happen uh during that halftime um and the the Bulls fans in

The United Center tonight loudly booing Jerry cross with his widow Thelma on the DU floor what what were your thoughts on that okay I’m I’m gonna come at this from two different sides uh the first side I’m I’m gonna come at it from the the fact that I feel

If you go to an arena and you pay money to an arena you have the right to voice your opinion however you feel like voicing it you got the right to boo you got the right to cheer you got the right to yell um that’s your thing you paid

Your money hundreds thousands whatever dollars you paid to get there and have that opinion so in that aspect I completely get it because it you’re booing basketball I think that’s how I looked at it like you’re booing somebody you don’t like because of basketball on the other side of it it is complete

[ __ ] and to boo someone who isn’t here to back that up and to just sit there and continue carrying and harboring you know those kind of feelings feel childish to me um it’s not something that I think people should still be carrying around in their souls because for me it’s never

That deep um it would be like and Matt you know I can’t stand uh the Miami Heat and I can’t stand the Detroit Pistons and I can’t stand the New York Knicks I hate them all as teams whenever greatness is talked about or accomplishments are talked about and you know this Matt my

Second F my SEC who I feel is the second greatest point guard of all time is is Isaiah Thomas so you’re on a team that I despise from an era that I despise that team from but if we’re just talking about them now I’m like yeah I couldn’t

Stand them man but hey respect you know for what you did you know respect for what you brought uh you will send me you know give that kind of respect that’s how I was always kind of raised you know by my parents my especially my mother in

General was always like you ain’t got to like everything you know what I mean like that’s not the point the point is to show respect and the lack of respect from your own Hometown when you built that is is some [ __ ] and his wife man man

Bro like you saw it on her face man like just it was it was it was it was hurtful you know it was really hurtful uh for her so I kind of felt like her pain of it and it just really sucked because I I think she went in there expecting to be

Hugged you know what I mean like to be hugged by these fans for you know what things transpired and how it went about but to be shown to it like that just really sucked and and it was funny because I didn’t really hear the Bulls until I went back and I

Watched other video from it you know me loud it was loud it was when I went back and watched the other video from it that I caught it because I just thought people were and then I’m looking at her face and I’m like that’s a weird way to

Look when somebody’s cheering you you know what I mean that was my first thought but then I went back and I listened and I heard it and just those boobs so listen like I said you you can pay your money and Boo and feel however

You want to feel but that lack of class you know what I’m saying like that is complete [ __ ] I’m not sitting here telling you I’m a Jerry Krauss fan you know because I never really was a fan but I know what he did you know and I

Have respect for that I’m like well without him I can’t say whether I would have won six championships or not without him because I didn’t see it happen without him obviously he was a part of it Scotty Pippen’s not here without him the people that he brought

To this team that he help build was important you know like incredibly important the moves that he made so all the people that you cheering you know that you love two two of the three that weren’t there were because of Jerry Krauss so you can’t I’m not going to sit

Him remove you know what he did you know for this team to help bring them these championships so like I said you gotta write the feel how you feel but this is how I feel I felt it was classless I felt it was trash and I felt it was some

[ __ ] man and his his wife didn’t deserve nothing like that uh yeah I I mean well said by both of you uh Brian Ogle in the comments said Matt all you do is yell nonsense when you’re definitely you are definitely the person to boo Jerry let’s be

Real I feel like those of you who have followed along with our content and my takes on the Bulls over the years know that there is a Jerry who I have a problem with and it’s not Jerry Krauss I will admit that that man had his faults and

Flaws but even in in a tweet I had last night quote tweeting something that Casey Johnson tweeted with Jerry rinor Mark At the Gala about Krauss and how he wished he was there while seemingly dismissing the absences that are also very obvious of Michael and Scotty the two most important players in history

The two players who won you year six championships in that very same tweet I said I respect Jerry Krauss I wrote a column earlier this season trying to convince Jerry reinsdorf and his family to sell the team because I am sick of losing and in that column I wrote about

Everything Jerry Jerry Krauss did to build the Bulls Dynasty y’all to your credit and we appreciate it we don’t take it lightly often say to us when you engage with us you view our content you you you tune into our coverage say that you enjoy engaging in Bull’s talk with Bulls fans

Which is what we are but that you also feel like we speak not just as Bulls fans but for Bulls fans we don’t take that lightly as someone who is humbled and knows what it means to have a platform to speak for Bulls fans Fel mcra we apologize that was absolutely disgusting

Behavior I mean I I I what what why do you think it’s still funny to yell and Boo at Jerry Krauss may he rest in peace do you think it’s funny to do that when his widow is sitting out there on the court with a spotlight shining on

Her why and and here’s the thing as I was reacting to this like unfolding live in front of us on Twitter I saw nothing but other Bulls fans commenting in my replies and having their own tweets saying this is shameful why are they doing this so who were you the people

Who filled the United Center tonight who the hell are you because real Bulls fans know just how important Jerry Krauss was to building that dynasty and it wasn’t just some of the you know the Personnel moves that you you touched on there Dave we don’t get Scotty we don’t get Horus we don’t

Get Rodman we don’t get this player and that player without Jerry Krauss we don’t have Phil Jackson and tex winter without Jerry Krauss I understand that he wasn’t a very liked person personality-wise I understand that the greatest basketball player of all time and the most adored public figure of all

Time did nothing but make fun of him and demean him and belittle him and by God you know what tonight I’m a little bit mad at MJ for the last dance and what it did to this man’s Legacy we get it MJ you have an ego it’s the biggest ego in

The room and you’re a winner and you’re a six-time champion and we all will worship the freaking ground you walk on for the rest of time but MJ who was not there tonight Bears some responsibility for the people whoever they were because they’re sure as [ __ ] not real Bulls fans

Yelling and booing to a crying Widow in that building tonight MJ is responsible for this and I am a bulls fan who has woried MJ since I was old enough to walk and watch basketball on television but that is disgusting Behavior the Bulls are not six-time world champions without Jerry

Krauss what the hell are we doing yeah and look there’s also I mean there’s booing and there’s booing right like there’s a time and a place I understand what you’re saying Dave before and I’m not saying that you’re obviously defending this thing because you’re clearly not you made that very

Clear but people can go and boo when it’s about basketball Matt can go to a basketball game and boo Jerry rydor this is not any way equivalent to what we saw tonight like come on like how could anyone even make any correlation between that in any shape

Form like if you want to go and pay 200 bucks to go see the Bulls let’s be real like it it cost a lot of money to go see these Bulls to see the Bulls player or any team player like if you want to pay that hard earned and go there and Boo

And do your thing as a fan fine but be make it be about the basketball yeah like if you want to boo Jerry rynor because he doesn’t pay the tax cool if you want to boo Billy Donovan because you don’t like his rotation cool if you want to boo Zack LaVine because he

Missed a defensive rotation or V because he was slow footed whatever like anything about the basketball if you want to boo about that fine I don’t agree with it like that’s not me but cool if you want a fan like that you can but you got to know your time and place

With certain things this was meant to be a moment of pride a moment where by we as fans can look back on the last 30 40 50 years of this franchise and the people have who have made this franchise and just celebrate their successes to to your point before Dave like irrespective

Of how you feel about Jerry KRA like even if there were bad elements to it all there was things that made sense both on and off the court his legacy is what it is it should be celebrated yes I completely agree with you too Matt that there are some pretty damn important

Stakeholders and figureheads of this organization that have contributed to all this but even beyond that like whilst I definitely agree with all that that guys like MJ Scotty Phil whomever it may be have contributed to how how fans feel about Jerry Krauss even if that is all true fans made the decision

Tonight not all but some to boo the man you didn’t need to do that even if even if irrespective of what the narrative is around the man you could have paused you had the decision yourself as a fan who was in attendance tonight to just pause

That hate for a brief moment in time and say at this moment we’re just going to celebrate the dude he’s not even here we can see his his widow is here she’s here on his behalf to celebrate all you had to do was just shut up for 15 seconds

Like even if you don’t want to clap or cheer or anything all you needed to do was shut the [ __ ] up for 15 seconds but people couldn’t even do that so it’s disappointing it’s frustrating and booing isn’t equal it never is and if people don’t understand the difference then that’s on

You yeah yeah and and that’s completely true and listen and I don’t tell people how to feel that’s not my thing but I have no problem disagreeing you know what I’m saying in expressing my point and how I feel about that so fans feeling like that I I think you’re wrong

You know you can feel how you feel but it’s completely it’s the class part of it that I don’t like you know it’s just classless to boo somebody who’s not with us to defend themselves you know and treating him in that kind of manner I don’t I just don’t like it and they’ve

Never and I don’t think it’s a new thing like I don’t agree with Matt when he when he puts that on Jordan I don’t I don’t agree with that uh I I agree Mike never liked him and it’s never really said nothing nice about him and has had

Mean things to say about him and I and I understand Matt’s point of it is people are definitely influenced by Michael Jordan and so if Mike says something you know some people might take it as law hell his his point to that is look at

The shoes that you buy you know what I mean so I understand the point that Matt’s making I just don’t agree with that because for me these grown ass people with these opinions about him and I again I still didn’t like Jerry Krauss

As as when he was here as a GM but I’m just talking about this situation you know when he’s not here with us to defend himself and his wife is there there has to be something that clicks in your brain that says you know what this

Ain’t the time it’s all right you know what just respect you know like that Scotti Pippen didn’t like Jerry Krauss you know what I mean he hated Jerry Krauss you know it’s what it is teams ain’t gonna always get along with their organizations I don’t give a damn that

Has nothing to do with the lack of respect for somebody who is no longer with us to sit here and and boo him and to boo someone who had absolutely nothing to do with it which was his wife bro it was his wife like you don’t do

That you know to his wife watching text winers kids out there and Jerry uh red C I’m sorry and uh and uh red Cur Johnny red C’s uh kids out there you know they just out there to represent you know for them you see them you applaud you do it

Like that and and you move on but to sit there and still have some kind of hate vitro for somebody who’s no longer with us who help whether you like it or not help build this team and this and this this uh uh sense of this aura that this

This Chicago Bulls franchise kind of has it’s classless man and that’s the word I keep coming back to y’all like it’s classless and I think Matt was hitting it on the head when he was calling it embarrassing you know because I wasn’t looking at it until like in that fashion

Until he started speaking that and he’s right because everybody was watching you know NBA the NBA website was promoting this people were tuning in to see it so to see that happen that’s embarrassing you know what I mean have it happen on your own home floor like that bro so

It’s it’s [ __ ] it’s embarrassing shame on everybody who was out there booing this man like he didn’t deserve that I cannot like the person as a GM but I can respect the person and that’s what it’s about you have to respect him for what he did for this franchise man

It’s it was classless and and terrible yes the the south garon in the comment said Mike didn’t produce fund or write the Last Dance okay if you think that MJ didn’t have creative control over that documentary you’re [ __ ] kidding yourself seriously yeah that’s true seriously that’s true that I mean look I

I soak it up I’ve told I’ve admitted to y’all I’ve watched that documentary [ __ ] dozen times over you know I tap my veins with that when I’m sad as a bulls fan but it is MJ propaganda let’s call a spade to Spade that’s what it is

Um and uh where’ it go there was oh there was a comment here that I really liked um about uh about Jerry oh Pete uh Pete’s 6787 Rin dorf opens the space for this kind of behavior by trying to Nostalgia wash how horrible this program

Is run with a Ring of Honor fans know it’s all nonsense class has gone out the window and great comment and let me kind of amend what I said earlier and Dave I think you’re fair to to disagree and push back a little bit I’m not blaming

Michael solely or in majority for what we witnessed happened to Jerry Krauss and his widow tonight I’m saying that MJ and that documentary had something to do with it you can’t deny that the person who I have always felt is most responsible anytime the Bulls get embarrassed on the the world stage is

The other Jerry this the chairman Jerry because when you were talking Dave about your right to boo and Mark you talking honestly about how booing has never really been your thing even though you certainly are at times frustrated as a bulls fan and you know y’all may have

Caught it we were doing one of our takeovers earlier this season and I was in the United Center booing loudly I heard about that booing loudly yelling from the 300 section sell the team I was not booing Jerry Krauss I was booing the other Jerry because as a

Sports fan my entire life I basically have boiled it down to there are three legitimate valid reasons to boo if you are a sports fan watching the team you love a lack of effort and indifference towards winning and embarrassingly repetitive losing and since the dynasty ended sadly Bulls fans have had to put

Up with all three of those a lot and that’s what makes me boo guess what Jerry Krauss didn’t do he didn’t not try he didn’t have an indifference towards winning he was obsessed with it and he won six championships that’s not [ __ ] that I’m gonna boo why would you boo that Bulls

Fans are obsessed with the Dynasty and the fact that we haven’t tasted winning since it ended 25 years ago I boo indifference I boo incompetence and I boo repetitive losing and that’s why I Boo the owners of this franchise not the GM who architected six championship

Teams what the hell are the rest of you booing well look look let’s be clear like even if that’s not who I am as a fan like I’m not sitting here saying you’re wrong or dumb or stupid for feeling that way or booing that way like

If you want to do that you can like I’m not going to to sit here and say you can’t when it’s about basketball to you right when it’s about basketball like that’s the key caat here like even coming back to that comment that you referenced there like I was going to

Bring it up maybe from a different perspective this isn’t on Jerry rydor either like I’m not a Jerry Defender I have my issues with Jerry ryol more generally or the rinol more generally for a number of different reasons of of which Matt just reference there but even if we wanted to even if

They like we we spoke about about in pregame that we as Bulls fans understood that there might be ulterior motives for what ownership are trying to achieve here with this Ring of Honor thing and playing on that Nostalgia card even if you want to be skeptical and think that

And you want to say that uh you know this isn’t something that we needed to do or we celebrate the past too much that we need to improve the current product going forward Etc like we can all agree on that and again I’m not a Jerry rinol supporter but him and

Michael and whoever else connected with with his organization wanting to celebrate the past to give fans and the people involved whether it’s the players coaches whomever this moment to be honored it’s not Jerry Rin dorf’s fault that again that the fans decided to be classless Jerry shouldn’t just be Jerry

Or Michael whomever whoever it uh wanted to create this event they shouldn’t be fearing or be putting away this idea of hey should we have a ringer honor for the legends of this franchise just in the event that some people want to be absolute [ __ ] tool bags in my boo uh

You know a man that’s no longer here like you don’t how are we blaming Jared Rino for for this so uh I’m not suggesting a lot of people are or that you know that the majority is but in the rare instances some people might be doing again let’s talk about it from a

Non-basketball point of view this is what what we what we’re what we’re discussing here the Ring of Honor thing like I’ve got my issues with Jerry more generally but if Jerry wanting to do this or Michael wanting to do this the Rin dos wanting to do this is not the

Reason why Jerry Krauss was booed tonight so anyone suggesting that or that the fact that the Bulls opened up this level of criticism like just just just miss me with that please I mean I I I’m gonna push back on you a little bit there mark because I think that Jerry

Reinsdorf is oblivious enough not knowing what’s going on with the general pulse and beat of bulls fans and hasn’t been for decades now to and and look obviously we don’t know what conversations were had leading up to this who was participating who wasn’t and how it was going to go down but when

The Bulls and I mentioned this to you mark before we went live when the Bulls honored the 91 championship team on their 20th anniversary with a halftime ceremony at the United Center in 2011 when Jerry cross was still with us he took that court and waved to a sea of

Booze a sea of booze and look was I a little bit taken back and surprised and and disappointedly surprised that Bulls fans booed that aggressively tonight when Jerry krauss’s name was mentioned yeah I thought maybe as a group we had moved past that a little bit by now and

Again maybe the Last Dance is a bit at fall for that here’s a refresher course on why we should all hate Jerry Krauss but the the obliviousness of Jerry reinsdorf or anyone else Michael whoever organizing this event to say you know Bulls fans still really don’t like Jerry

Krauss and a lot of bulls fans who are in the building tonight who paid to be in the building tonight who would much rather see Michael Jordan and Scotti Pippen out on that stage may maybe there’s G to be maybe there’s going to be some booing of Jerry

Krauss tonight and maybe we shouldn’t subject his widow to that but no Jerry’s like oh no yeah let’s let’s have Jerry’s Widow come out there and you know Take a Bow wave to the crowd completely oblivious to the fact that that could have gone sideways and really ugly just

Like we saw thought it play out exactly like that there like it would not surprise me at all if that thought didn’t even enter Rin dorf’s mind I understand what you’re saying and I get it on some level but at the same time if we’re fearful of some idiots booing

Jerry Krauss because of whatever reason they want to boo again for non we’re not talking about the basketball here at this point like and we’re talking about things that occur almost 30 years ago at this point are we saying then because I mean Jerry KRA is going to be connected to

That to the dynasties he’s always going to be connected to the Bulls are we saying that we don’t want to celebrate for those great great amazing teams and people including Jerry Kraft including everyone else because we’re fearful that a few bozos might be disrespectful like I don’t think we should not give the

Opportunity to the all these other people like how great was it seeing Phil and the the level of reception that he got like that was an incredible moment like I want to see [ __ ] like that again even though I think there might be some alterior motives even though I’m

Skeptical about why the Bulls wanted to do this now then and now in this particular season I can think all that but at the same time like I don’t want this franchise to not have the opportunity to celebrate all the all these incredible people that have come through the organization just because

There might be some idiots out there that might boo a man that’s no longer with us like you can’t pause or not have these sorts of events or respect your your your previous greats just because there’s a few uh douches amongst the fan base that are going to do something like

This and I completely understand what you’re saying that that ownership may be oblivious to this or maybe didn’t consider this or that you know there’s aspects of of things that are occurring from a narrative point of view that have been fueling this in the in the background but I don’t think that not

Having this event or not opening up an opportunity like this or not you know bringing out his widow or who whoever would have been standing in his place you can’t not have the event at risk of these people being clowns what needs to happen is people need to take

Accountability of their own actions they can feel however they want to be about Jerry KRA but like I said just for 15 seconds just pause your anger you don’t have to clap you don’t have to do anything you can just stay silent just be a normal empathetic human being right

That’s all the people needed to do and they couldn’t yeah and I think uh someone in the comment said that like it’s about basic levels of human decency you know just the bare minimum is what they were asking for but I I I agree with you uh Mar on that because for me

It was I don’t think that they were oblivious to it thatt I think that they were like well man if we’re gonna honor everybody and all this time has pass let’s do it for Jerry too then let’s let’s put him in because he’s involved with all of this if we’re gonna honor

Everyone because you saw him honor everybody and if we’re going to do that and leave him out then when is the right time like because I felt like they felt if they put him in this group it would be a little more safer than putting him

In say when they honor Derrick Rose and Joe Kim Noah and Taj Gibson in that team that’s something that he’s not connected to so I don’t know when would be the right or wrong time to do this for Jerry Krauss because it was going to happen

For Jerry Krauss like he was going to be honored his name is hanging in the rafters he’s in the Hall of Fame he’s gonna get honored like it’s gonna happen so I just don’t know if they I just feel like they felt if we’re gonna fine let’s

Do it with the greatest player of all time let’s do it with Scotty Pim let’s do it with the greatest team of all time let’s do it with red cerr you know let’s do it with Phil Jackson and tex winter and and Chad Walker and Bob love and

Jerry Sloan and all these other greats that he can actually be connected to within that era and and put him in that and that would be a kind of hedge of protection somewhat for him I think that’s what the thought process was I know you’re probably thinking Matt I’m

Giving him too much credit but I think that’s probably the thought process of that is is is to try to give them him a little protection then because it because my bottom line is is it was going to happen and they were going to give him some kind of Honor because

That’s what he deserves he deserves to be honored no matter how you felt about him as a gun he deserved it he deserve to be like yeah bro all right fine you know what this didn’t happen without you fine we’ll give you this love you know

We’ll give you this love right here what he didn’t deserve was what he got as far as the reception was concerned and you can’t not I agree with marwin you can’t just move in fear like that of people being dumb asses and idiots because there always going to be dumb asses and

Idiots who are going to it doesn’t matter the time or place or whenever it’s going to happen they’re GNA do dumb stuff like that it’s just it’s hurtful and it’s shameful and it’s classless and all those things but some of that stuff people being dummies is just unavoidable

Sometimes true true and last thing and and then we could take our first break and then move on and we’ll talk about the actual game we promise um it’s like it’s not like it’s not like there was a smattering like of audible booze with some cheers or or some awkward silence

That was a wall of booze that audibly came through all of our respective televisions wherever we were watching and that 20 some thousand seat capacity stadium it was a wall of booze and we all sat there on Bull’s Twitter saying people are really boo like what why how shameful embarrassing

Disgusting wow I mean that that’s not just like a few bad apples as the saying goes that is Bulls fans collectively in that building tonight loudly booed and I honestly like I’ve had a pit in my stomach since I watched it happen I’ve I’ve I I can’t

Remember a time as a bulls fan where I have felt more ashamed and embarrassed and disgusted than I do tonight because wow that’s saying a lot yeah exactly it is saying a lot um okay let’s uh hard pivot we’ll take a break shout outs to the sponsors so we’ll come

Back and talk about the the beest and the sad ending of the basketball we saw on the floor tonight while we’re doing that you know what to do hit that thumbs up button do it for do it for Thelma or if you don’t want to do it for Thelma do

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Will the goat gotle to join us on the goat talk hotline follow him on Twitter for all of his Bulls reporting and updates willor gotle will thanks for joining us man obviously a crazy night at the UC um let’s I mean uh let’s get your two

Cents on what we just spent the first half hour of the show talking about which is the Ring of Honor ceremony uh and the booing that that we saw unfold yeah um I figured you guys would have spent some time on that um so I guess like taking aside whatever it is

You think about the idea of the ceremony and like how the Bulls should have done it like I think the fact that they’re putting a ton of effort and energy like from like the whole operations and business andk marketing side of the organization uh invested a ton of time

And effort and money into bringing all these franchise Legends back I thought it was a really cool thing that they got everybody together to do the red carpet last night um and they had you know a private dinner that uh a couple of the media members were able to attend so

They might be having stories about their experience there which you should look out for um but I I think just like a cool classy thing to do and then obviously the ceremony today um at halftime they spent about 10 15 minutes uh we should have video of it up on uh

Our website or Twitter or wherever you can find it um just celebrating all these people and you know when they said Phil Jackson it was like an absolute roar I mean I didn’t like I was eight six years old when the Bulls won their last championship so I didn’t ever

Really get to experience what it was like in the Old Chicago stadium in the United Center when the Bulls were playing at their Peak I’d been to playoff games SC up with like Ben Gordon and noon Kirk Hinrich um and that was incredible like that was the one playoff

Game I got to go to as a kid but like the atmosphere even just today when they were cheering for Phil Jackson was incredible I mean Michael and Scotty too who weren’t even here the Applause that they got just the whole energy in the building was outstanding um but yeah and

Then Jerry Krauss was booed and his wife Elma was there receiving the honor from him and it was just so disappointing and I mean I couldn’t even really like believe that it was happening like I I wanted to think that it was like you know when

They introduce vo at the start of games they do like the Crowd Goes vo and I thought it was like had something to do like that but it was just really disappointing I get people don’t like him but the idea of like celebrating the greatness of the Chicago Bulls franchise

The reason that all of us are tuning in to watch these games that people are tuning in to watch our show postgame because of how they feel about this team you got to like put that aside for a moment and just acknowledge that there was historic greatness and legends being

Honored and yeah I was just really really disappointed by that um but you know outside of outside of that oh I guess I should say Steve Kerr also had some comments after the game about just how disappointing that was for him you know he was he was very careful not to

Like say all the fans should be ashamed of themselves but he very much said like the fans who boot should be ashamed of themselves uh deardo Rosen said after the game that you know nobody should have to endure something like that and that he’s such a big part of what makes

This franchise legendary and I totally agree with all that so just kind of a sad um like dampen you know Cloud over this this whole event that was supposed to be like a really happy and positive thing and again you know you can call it corny or cheesy or whatever I don’t

Necessarily disagree with that but the team put lot into it and I think yeah it was just pretty sad way to have that actually play out so and then the the energy of the game totally shifted after that too I mean the Bulls blew a 15-point lead they gave up 48 points in

The third quarter which is second most points any team has scored this year um got to see some vintage stuff and vintage clay which was cool but um as well as Bulls played offensively they just could not stop anything so just a weird night all

Around well uh will let me say first of all it was not cool to see vintage clay and vintage Steph that wasn’t cool at all uh but I understand where you coming from I get it we still got some of that Warriors blood I know I know I get it we

Talked about it in pregame U that’s what Mar was kind Dave you say that you love watching greatness and you can appreciate appreciate that no that’s exactly what I was about to get to I’m in your head no it’s just yep that’s just what I was about to get to it

Wasn’t cool to see but I had a fun time watching that game because I was watching greatness happen in front of my face watching Steph and and Clay just go into a time machine coming out in that third quarter um but talk to me will more so about the bench though of Golden

State because Joey stupid C because that’s kind of what I thought was missing from this team that was shocking to me and I talked about it in pregame that the chemistry of it you know those role player guys that they thought would be able to carry them or float them a

Couple of games weren’t doing that and it was just kind of all on step and it it changed tonight like all those guys I I talked about like Wiggins had a really excellent game you know for them tonight and kaminga just out of nowhere shooting like what 28% from three was four of

Four from the three-point line like that’s insane so talk to me about that though and because it just really seemed like they really tapped into that kind of old golden St Golden State Warriors s with that ball movement and those other guys getting involved yeah I mean there’s just a

Couple plays one that really stands out where um it was in the fourth quarter and there was some loose B I don’t know if it was like offensive rebound but the Warriors had it and Steph kind of came off of uh curl and kuminga just had this

Like High basketball IQ play where he just turned and screened whoever was guarding Steph and that got him a three um St had a couple of like wide open threes there was one play where Zach just like completely lost track of the entire defensive play play and Steph was

Wide open in the corner um but to your point like Steph did not start the game well I think he was like two for 11 at one point or two for nine and everybody else was cooking I mean Wiggins had maybe his best game of the year he’s had

A really tough season so far Kingo was shooting the lights out clay was kind of carrying them uh Dario Sarge had a couple of I think he may have had like eight or t points in the first quarter um but yeah and Steph was not playing

Well and then all of a sudden hanging around hanging around you make a surge in third quarter and then Steph kind of takes over in the fourth so I think it was for the Warriors the kind of night that they needed where everybody else just had to step up and that’s really

What they’ve been missing all year long and yeah for the Bulls I mean it’s just really hard to win a game when you give up 20 M threes it’s just pretty much impossible to do that as well as the Bulls shot the ball and I’m sure you

Guys touch on all the numbers I mean d rozan 39 points on 15 of 21 shooting Bulls 58% from the field 45% on threes uh 18 made threes but it’s just really hard to win a game when you give up 23s and when you only turn them over three times that was a

Franchise record low for the Warriors three turnovers in the game which is incredible it’s something that the Bulls really Pride themselves on and something that they do really well is win the turnover battle and they got destroyed in that category tonight which I think played a huge factor in that third quarter

Swing so William I mean the the defense was what it was in the third quarter but I think what’s being overshadowed in some respects as well it was what it wasn’t wasn’t well it was was what it wasn’t but similarly on that train of thought the offense wasn’t what it was

In the second half as it was in the first half like they gave up 40 OD 48 points in the third quarter but the Bulls themselves barely scored a point in in the third quarter too so where was the tone within the locker room were they thinking defensively or offensively

Because I think depending on what angle we want to take here I think there’s there was problems on both sides of the ball but uh the defense is getting a lot of the Focus right now and as it should because the Warriers went off but what what did you see from an offensive

Standpoint that sort of dried up in that second half well I think in the third quarter particularly bull shot over for nine on threes they were 13 of 21 in the first half scored obviously 75 points and you just you can’t really Bank on that kind

Of su success to sustain for 48 minutes you’re going to go through dry spells Warriors kind of switched it up um I went to Steve Kerr’s availability after the game because I wanted to hear his thoughts on J cross but he obviously was talking about the x’s and no to and said

That you know they were throwing some zone out there some box in one just try to mess with the bulls timing and I think it really did I mean they did not have any success in the half court and they weren’t turning the ball over like

I said so they weren’t able to really generate anything in the half court I think if you ask Billy or any of the players on the whole I mean what did they score like 130 in this game 131 like they’re always going to be really happy with that kind of output but the

First thing that they’ll all bring up is the defense and the fact that they weren’t able to stop them at all and that’s offensive rebounds it was not turning the ball over um putting them on the free throw time free throw line 30 times I mean just not the recipe to get

Stops and it really did feel like especially in that third quarter and down the stretch that it was just Runway to the basket wide open three or wide open layup and it’s just you’re not going to win games like that uh will we got people in the comments wondering about the you just

Touched on the warrior Second Chance points as to end results wanting to to hear more about that being the downfall and like you said I mean the Bulls score 130 shooting 58% from the field and 45% from three on 40 attempts I mean yeah they they cooled off in the second half but

If if if those are your shooting numbers offense is not why you lose the game and uh Second Chance points I mean I I know I saw some Bulls fans on Twitter tonight being like Oh Billy’s going small again uh somebody else in the comments was pointing out vu’s uh very modest seven

Rebounds what do you make of of Billy’s rotation decisions to tonight and and did you see him sort of reacting to what Steve Kerr was putting out there uh you know kaminga for all of the drama around him had a massive game Off the Bench tonight did did you see a correlation

Between Billy’s decision rotation wise leaning small and the Bulls getting cooked uh on the warrior Second Chance scoring opportunities I don’t really think so I mean combined de and Drummond still played 45 minutes so they only went small for three minutes uh without one of those traditional Center on the court

Um and again I mean if you look at the four factors of this game it was you know we talked about the Bulls scoring very efficiently right 136 points per possession which is I Elite 94th percentile they were they actually won the effective field goal battle they had

68.6 effective field goal percentage but the warriors were only had a 5.2 turnover rate which is outstanding uh 99th percentile they doubled up almost the Bulls on offensive rebound bounds and they got to the foul line um almost twice as many times so it’s just really difficult when all those things are

Happening to win games and then obviously you know as the game goes on the momentum at certain points like it does matter more at the end of the game than at the beginning if you’re not able to get stops right like if the other team is really cooking down the end it’s

More likely that that second half will matter more than whatever defense they played in the first half so yeah I you know I think in a lot of these scenarios Billy is just trying to reach to find something that’s working because he recognizes hey we’re getting killed in

This area let’s switch it up and so I think that as a coach like that’s your job to kind of massage the lineups or play around with stuff in that way but it just you always sacrifice something against the Warriors way they move the ball the way they dive off of screens

And handoffs it’s just really tough to contain v they were switching him onto stuff which I thought was like a little strange in the fifth in the fourth quarter but again I think they were just trying a bunch of different stuff to try to you know cut the turn off the faucet

I guess um on that where his offense was which was just on absolute fire well um tell me quick about Zack lavine’s game he had another I thought really excellent game uh 25 points eight rebounds uh seven assists um I do think uh so you know people might still feel

He’s more being a little tentative you know in certain aspects but I thought we saw him being more aggressive especially in that fourth quarter um how did you feel about his game do you feel like he was kind of holding back a little or he just played it pretty

Perfectly I think it’s just ever so slightly continuing to creep more towards like what we know exactly mean to be I think we’re kind of in this Middle Ground where you know maybe it’s 75 or 80% of the way there oh let just turned off in here um should I TR go

Figure this out this is good podcasting there we go the qu after dark let’s go was waiting for for rag to come around wheel’s mouth and for a second that’s how you know it’s uh it’s time for me to It’s Time right ah I have no idea what I was talking about Zack

LaVine Zack l oh yeah Zach I mean I thought he played well he’s like starting to look a little bit more like himself himself he said a couple of times now that he’s like and he I I don’t know if he’s using this term intentionally or not but he says like

I’m trying to play the way that they were playing or that they are playing meaning like he’s trying to fit in and yeah I don’t know if that’s like an intentional wording of it or if I’m just reading him between the lines but it does seem like he’s really actively

Trying to play the style play that is working for the Bulls um you know I think there’s going to be moments where he just has tunnel vision and tries to score there was one really bad turnover that he had um I think it was his only

Turn for the game but he just like gave the ball away so that stuff happens but I think overall you’re looking at a much more rounded version of Zack LaVine and one that’s super dangerous because he is a threat in a ton of different scenarios like he’s got opportunities to drive uh

Attacking Closeouts he can pull up for three in transition like he’s just really dangerous and I think when you kind of confine the things that he does into what the Bulls want to do offensively it just looks really good will it’s a late night we know you have

Some writing to finish up so we’ll let you go um thank you for giving our followers uh and your followers a peak inside of the Ring of Honor ceremonies At the Gala yesterday uh I mean honestly like I think my favorite part of the last 48 hours was seeing the videos of

Luk longle like talking to y’all talking to the media at the gal yesterday again today like that was like the little rare diamond in the rough moment that I that I as a bulls fan enjoyed the most it’s really cool uh Bulls fans make sure you follow will willor Godley for all his

Bulls reporting and updates for us make sure you read everything the man writes he’s a brilliant man with a keyboard is where you can find that writing will we will see you tomorrow night for the second half of the back toback buddy I’ll see you guys then with

That let us take our second ad break we’ll come back to wrap up with a few more thoughts on tonight’s game I think I do want to get y’all’s takes on what we saw from Zack tonight maybe talk a little bit more about this this zag L

That we’re seeing uh 28 days till the trade deadline uh while we’re taking the second ad break if you didn’t do it the first time around give us that thumbs up do it for Joseph do it for the perfectly quaffed just sitting in the dark over there in the United

Center I I was a little scared for will for a second there I’m not going to lie I promise you I promise you I thought it was coming Dave do you want to talk to me about Ked for a second you know what that would make my day just so much

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Show uh all right guys let’s talk a little bit more about Zack LaVine I’m curious to to hear uh what you think because my my takeaway from the first quarter uh which was sort of back and forth very you know entertaining game out of the gate is that Zack LaVine took

One shot which was a beautiful just like pull up off the dribble three off a little screen on the left side and he have four assists and it seemed to me to be a continuation of this version of Zach we’ve seen since he returned from injury which is I’m gonna try to show

People that I can be more than just a need the ball to score and be effective and I’m a one-dimensional player kind of guy and as a bulls fan I’ve been sitting here wondering who is Zack LaVine trying to show that to is he trying to show

That to the Bulls that he’s buying in still he’s still here he’s bought in let’s play Team Basketball I saw this I saw my teammates win a bunch of games while I was on the Shelf rehabbing my foot and everybody said oh it’s because Zach’s not playing he doesn’t play Team

Basketball he’s not a team player he’s not a winning player or is he doing this to try to show the 29 other teams that might still between now and February 8th be interested in trading for his services and at this point Bulls fans might be wondering well if if we can get

This Zach 25 points on efficient shooting with eight boards and seven assists and playing some noticeably more engaged defense is this still a guy we want to trade and Mark I’ve I’ve noticed on Twitter the last few days you’ve been kind of pointing out to Bulls fans like

Well well there’s one thing that as far as we know hasn’t changed which is that Zack and the Bulls as opposed to just the Bulls right have been shopping Zack LaVine recently what what do you make of this new version of that we’re seeing of Zack in this handful of games yeah look

I appreciate the version that we’re seeing um I question why we’re at this point or why we needed to get to this point or why we had to go through all the shenanigans to arrive at this point to get this version of Zack LaVine like that’s the frustrating element of it all

Which will and I spoke about yesterday but like I like in isolation I like what I’m seeing but like you as you inferring here I’m questioning is this just a hey I’m doing this to to fit in currently because ultimately I want to get out of

Here or is this him coming up with some some level of Reckoning post his his time away from the team uh the team playing as they did him hearing maybe the noise about the lack of buying out there from a Zack LaVine point of view in terms of other teams being interested

Because of all these reasons him trying to go out of his way to maybe show all these teams that hey I can fit within his system I can you know defend whether it’s on or off ball whatever it might be I can play within a scheme so I I I

Still don’t know what the answer to that is and now Zach you know the biggest Zach fans out there will say no this is who he’s always been he’s just doing Zach things the the Zach detractors will say no he’s only doing this to to get

Out of here like I don’t know what the real answer is um I think we’re going to find out what that answer is when Zach is either on a on a different team or the level of Zack we get here in Chicago assuming his stays post February 8th I

Think that’s when we’ll find out whether this is true or not whether this is real or sustainable or not but right now like I’m enjoying it but I’m still questioning like you know is this just a motive is this a PL to get out of here

Or is this the guy realizing hey I’m in year 10 I need to do these things to fit in and if I don’t then this is how the league sort of thinks about me and Dave you wrote about it like this was this this was a critical juncture

For for Zach and his career like if it was any time for him to be self-aware to realize this is what the league thinks about me this is what I need to do to fit in with my team or maybe even other teams like this was going to be the

Inflection point so maybe he’s realized it but I guess I’m still skeptical let’s let’s find out yeah I think it’s very fair to be skeptical oh man I have so many thoughts I I’ll try to keep it Naro on this um one what to touch with Mar

Say if there’s Zack LaVine fans out there saying this is who Zach always has been you’re not a Zack LaVine fan because you ain’t been watching Zack LaVine Zack ain’t never been this this kind of complete basketball player on both ends of the floor taking efficient shots not over dribbling the basketball

Finding and getting everyone involved not forcing his offense on the team not taking the ball and going one on five taking catch and shoot shots which we’ve been begging for for years and playing defense the real straight up defense where he’s not fouling everybody and not

Just swiping at the ball or just trying to steal the ball and then says well I didn’t get it oh well no Z I’ve not seen this Zack theine this is who we want wanted Zack to be we beg Zack to be this it feels good to see him like this

Hearing Stacy King say it was like five Zack lav out there I’ve never heard him say that about Zack LaVine ever all right so Zack LaVine this is a totally different kind of basketball player two the reason I understand it is because just like me Zack is hardheaded clearly

Because he had to wait until the writing was on the wall until they showed it to him like look you’re not going to get this unless you do this oh okay all right I understand now okay all right everything makes sense and then you go do it you know like I I

Understand that some people some people see fire like Mark Kay is the kind of guy who can see the fire and say it’s not it’s too damn hot I’m not going anywhere near that you’re an idiot to even go anywhere near that and then there’s people like me and Zach who are

Like well how hot is it you know like maybe I could go in there and you know let’s find out oh [ __ ] that’s really really hot oh man let me go back here with Marque so that’s that’s what I kind of understand about Zack LaVine and how he’s approaching

These kind of things if this is the Zach we’re gonna get and again marqu is correct to be skeptical because I am if this is the Zach we’re gonna get I don’t want to trade him at all because he fits this perfectly but I don’t not sure that

This is the Zach that we’re going to continue with get like when the trade deadline passes and it’s nothing hanging over him where he has to do these things where it’s like right this is where you’re at you got it oh okay well let me

Revert back to my old kind of ways you know you all can’t get rid of me this is the thing I do I’m not completely sold on that I love what I’m seeing I absolutely adore what I am seeing from Zack LaVine it is truly helping the

Bulls be a better basketball team not just a winning team but a better team that’s why I wasn’t so mad at this loss because it was moments especially in that first half at the end of that second quarter I’m looking at them on both sides of the ball and watching how

Zach is playing and I’m like oh my God this is what I’ve been wanting for years from this team I’m thinking about Kobe and him as a backcourt Duo like I’m getting all those thoughts again so like like marqu said I I wrote about it that

The Bulls need the things that he could provide but he also needs what the Bulls can give him which is the actual stage to Showcase it so is he showcasing it or is he showing the Bulls this is why you should keep me right now I’m leaning

Towards him showcasing for the rest of the league because that’s what we’ve heard is that he and his representatives and the Bulls are actively seeking a trade for him so I’m staying with that but if he wants to be here and he’s gonna do that I want him on a squad yes

Absolutely Johnny and the comments saying Zachary playing for a contractor I mean actually Zach still has three more years of fully guaranteed money in the upwards of $100 million territory I think it’s not necessarily a new contract is playing for but a new team uh which I which I think I also saw

Someone else in the comments mention um Alex saying Zach playing for himself after all that trash talk um the South garon LaVine is auditioning for his next Squad dot dot dot preferably Lakers dude if if I see one more thing on Twitter about D’Angelo Russell coming to the

Polls I’m gonna freaking drown myself in my bath I cannot I cannot uh Chief SE say we live in a world where Kobe and Zach each Dro 25 and seven assists and the Bulls still lose to a team not even playing eligible again the Bulls offense was not the biggest issue

Tonight you you also by the way we barely we kind of gloss over the fact that dear had 39 on 15 of 21 and you get 25 and seven from Zack and Kobe and the Bulls lose that’s uh that’s wild that is absolutely Wild uh Joey do we have any super chats we

Got to get to and then we’ll get out of here and send everybody out on their merry weekends Joey working behind the controls the Duke shout out to the Duke who says Karma no other way to put it fans deserve this loss and probably worse for booing that poor widow she was

Invited tonight to celebrate her husband’s part in the legacy of the B Dynasty I’m disgusted I am disgusted as well Duke uh even as someone who look I I defend Jerry krauss’s contribution to the organization was never a huge Jerry CR fan but that tonight was a different level of low and

Vile uh the Duke uh also saying with another Super Chat Rin dorf is alive I’ll boo him till I blew in the face and call for him to sell the team you and me Duke you and me uh but when he passes on I’m gonna appreciate the 90s bulls that

He gave us and his and if his wife receives an honor for him I’m cheering for her uh yeah yeah Boo Boo and a widow is just that’s a different level of hate that’s a different you all know how much hate I have in my heart seriously so much hate

Seriously come on uh anything else Joe that we got to get to Super Chat wise uh Jay bigy 123 with the Super Chat thank you sir say that was definitely a car loss holy [ __ ] dude’s dead as soon as they did that I was in a bad mood for

The rest of the game I was embarrassed uh then gez couldn’t miss then Golden State could miss after SMH yeah I like we we saw the you know Rebirth of the Splash Brothers in that third quarter and I was sitting there the whole time a struggling to focus on

The game because of what we saw at halftime and B thinking this this feels like Karma This truly feels like Karma because whatever poser Bulls fans fed that Stadium tonight they didn’t deserve to see a win after that behavior they truly didn’t at least that’s my opinion

Uh any other super chats Joe Teran 7 shout out to you appreciate Crow still one that brought us Pippen traded for cartright Grant and Rodman with any of those moves uh we have no without any of those moves we don’t have six titles be better agreed the man contributed to the

Dynasty um that’s just the way it is like again this is the second like honorary ceremony spanning the past quarter Century about the dynasty y’all want to get out your booze to Jerry Krauss while he’s still alive in 20 honoring the 91 team you did that check it’s been 15 more years since

That get over it move on for real which again again I’m not blaming MJ solely for the behavior of bulls fans in that Stadium tonight but my God the Last Dance the vitriol and hate and resentment of bulls fans towards Jerry Krauss who is deceased was it was gasoline on a almost dead

Fire that documentary um okay anything else Joe we got all of them wonderful thank you everybody for tuning in uh I know that we spent a lot more time talking about a Ring of Honor ceremony and the behavior of bulls fans at the at the mad house

Tonight um in addition to talking about the game tough loss I honestly I love what I saw from the Bulls in that first half it was encouraging Bulls back at it tomorrow uh heading down to San Antonio hopefully the Bulls can get out of Chicago because I’m pretty sure you know

Winter storm phase three is happening as we speak uh we will be not doing pregame tomorrow night but we will have a live post game for y’all following bulls and Spurs so be sure to tune in to our Cho Sports YouTube channel for that uh mark

Thank you for joining us today man for pregame post game always a pleasure everybody also if you didn’t catch it yesterday check out his episode of bulls HQ with our guy will go got Le that dropped yesterday uh you can follow will willor gotle Marcus at MK Hoops Big Dave

Bow bawl Sports on bulls unor we are chore Bulls follow our producer and our pal Joy pathis too he is at Joy pathis he wants your thumbs he needs your thumbs give the man your thumbs shout out to George and Lisa um appreciate you Bulls fans tough day weird day we’ll

We’ll try again tomorrow for Mark for will for big day for Joey everybody here at chj sports we love you and appreciate you so much Bulls fans true Bulls fans uh and we’ll talk to you tomorrow have a great night see be good Peace we all sting like the mayor

The Chicago Bulls fell to the Golden State Warriors on Friday Night.

The Bulls played a tremendous first half, scoring 75 points including a Coby White three to beat the first half buzzer. But the Warriors came out blazing after the halftime Ring of Honor ceremony. DeMar DeRozan scored 37 points, but it wasn’t enough as Steph Curry, Jonathan Kuminga and Klay Thompson led the Warriors to a big win over the Bulls.

Join Matt, Big Dave, Mark K, and Will on the CHGO Bulls Postgame Podcast as they breakdown tonight’s game and look ahead to what’s next for the Bulls.

An ALLCITY Network Production






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  1. The reason why the Bulls offense fell off in the 3rd quarter is because Coby picked up that 4th foul with 6 minutes left in the quarter. After that foul and BS tech, the Warriors went on a 23 to 9 run to close the quarter. That was the difference in the game.

  2. Also… Ayo was ass tonight. Those minutes he shared with Dalen in the 3rd dug them a huge hole. Dalen taking those 3s against Golden State's zone was exactly what they wanted him to do 🤦🏽‍♂️

  3. That and MJ/Pippin/Rodman skipping it kinda killed the night. Then to take the L on top of that… Brutal

  4. Thank you Peck for bringing up MJ's part in all of this. In my opinion, he's most to blame. If Krause isn't completely dumped on and made to be the villain of the '90s bulls in "The Last Dance" this incident doesn't happen flat out. It's almost better that Jordan wasn't there.

    And something that I think Dave is missing, is that there was a good amount of people in that crowd that werent even born when that 90s team was dominating. Their entire knowledge of the 90's Bulls came from that documentary. So yes, of COURSE they boo the guy that "broke up the greatest team in history"

  5. Also… The Bulls need to do a Jerry Krause doc. Love him or hate him, he's a Bulls legend and architect of the greatest team in the *history of the sport*. He built not one, but TWO 3-peat rosters. That's unheard of for modern sports, not even just basketball. Krause needs to have a documentary on his life. Produced by the organization.

  6. MJ and Scottie and punks for not showing up. They may have money but they aren't rich in love and respect and all things that equal TRUE WEALTH

  7. As someone who attended games during both three-peats, I'm checking in to say that I am pretty sure that the people who booed Jerry Krause were not there, know little about the the team's history, and don;t know shit about basketball. Shameful, classless, and embarrassing. I wasn't a "fan" of Krause, but I sure know what he meant to the continuing success of the team. Bad look for the city and Bulls fans. Even ESPN was shaming those fans who booed. Kukoc, Rodman, Pippen and many others were KRAUSE moves. To those fans who booed, FUCK OFF, you ain't fans of this team or basketball, and oh, and you're crap individuals too! Disgusted.

  8. Agreed it’s pathetic. WE NEED TO BE BETTER AS A UNIT. This franchise is a national embarrassment now

  9. Booing is inexcusable. Jerry deserves respect as a winner and being one of the best GM's in the NBA.

    Although, Chicago never loved him. They respected him but never embraced him due to the media playing the beef between him and Scottie and mainly Phil Jackson being forced out the way he was. At that point Jerry, had fallen out of favor.

  10. The people booed the wrong Jerry. To me, this a result of crappy ownership. Tone deafness has been a recurring experience under the Reinsdorf era.

  11. Bad look but I blame the organization to not know how they fans feel not taking up for fans but we all knew when his name was on the ring if honor that there was going to be a issue and this is not MJ fault at all u can blame the last dance but it was a documentary

  12. Jerry Krause was booed during Michael Jordan's first retirement ceremony and people knew how Jerry Krause broke up the Chicago Bulls so the Chicago Bulls organization should not have been surprised by fans booing when it happened before and fans know how Jerry treated players when they were winning NBA titles. Having no Michael, Scottie, or Dennis there certainly didn't help anything either.

  13. Honestly if you listen carefully at the beginning, there were some boos, but then more cheers drowned out the boos. Not a big deal but fans should be more respectful. Krause was an excellent GM, Bulls are long away from even getting back to a finals.

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