@Golden State Warriors

Golden State Warriors Have a Splash Party in Chicago as Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson Lead Team

Golden State Warriors Have a Splash Party in Chicago as Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson Lead Team

The Warriors won yes I’m not joking I’m being dead serious the Golden State Warriors are in the win column folks it wasn’t always pretty the defense left a lot to be desired but look a win’s a win this team was hungry for one they needed for one desperately

And they got one so we’re going to break down what went right obviously some things went wrong we’ll break that down as well but this was a f F fine game a desperately needed victory for the Golden State Warriors we’re breaking it all down next this is locked on Warriors

You are locked on Warriors your daily Golden State Warriors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day Thank you for making lock on Warriors your first listen every day we’re free and available wherever you get Podcast and on YouTube We’re part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day you can follow me Cyrus saas on threads at dog wild it’s super easy my same

Handle goes for Instagram as well good evening everyone happy Friday night the Golden State Warriors are victorious in Chicago on a night when the Chicago Bulls had a Ring of Honor celebrating the Chicago Bulls 1995 96 72 win team but the Warriors came in and spoiled the

Party at United Center final score 140 to 131 a lot went right in this game this game started off bizarre in the sense that the starting lineup resembled very closely what we’ve seen the previous two years but that we haven’t seen in a while this year meaning Kavon Looney was starting and

Andrew Wiggins was starting this resulted in Jonathan kaminga going to the bench it was certainly a bit of a head scratcher but it paid off and thankfully Jonathan kaminga despite coming off the bench it this the move did not affect him in a negative manner

He actually had one of the best games of his career tonight and and look uh like like blimy Maynard in the chat for example I I can’t argue with you here blimy rights what one right well the Bulls suck yeah they’re not a great team and and the Bulls are

The type of team that the Warriors can Thrive against they’re not very long they’re not very athletic and the warriors were able to pick them apart offensively I know granted the defense still ended up giving up 131 points that’s concerning uh the in the second quarter was concerning as well the Warriors went

Into the half uh after giving up 45 second quarter points the Bulls had 75 first half points it didn’t look good at that point it was 75 uh to 62 was the halftime score but it was close enough and we saw the third quarter Magic from the golden saate Warriors that we

Haven’t seen since their title season the what once was a staple of Golden State Warriors basketball dominant third quarters has become a thing of the pass unfortunately these last year and a half or so uh but we saw tonight the Golden State Warriors scored a season High 48

Third quarter points that’s a season high for points in any quarter uh I believe the last time they eclipsed that Mark was last year against the Portland Trailblazers where I believe they put up 55 but that third quarter was everything they outscored the Chicago Bulls 48-20 but in my humble opinion what led

To the Golden State Warriors being Victorious tonight you can we can talk about Jonathan kaminga we can talk about Andrew Wiggins having a good game side note if you’re gonna trade Wiggins do it now please his value just went up that guy is like a stock whose value is just

Literally jumping up and down that stock went up tonight so if you’re gonna trade him do it now please now like literally just seal the deal tonight because the Warriors are back at it again tomorrow in Milwaukee by the way we’re we are going to have a show I mentioned on the

Last program with kylin that we would not have a Saturday Night Live episode uh because of a birthday dinner with my father but I’m going to take him out Sunday night instead so we will have a show tomorrow um but Wiggins had a good game

He he showed up uh and again he was put into the starting lineup uh for the first time in a long while I actually uh don’t know when the last time was we saw Wiggins in the starting lineup but again the the the reason though in my opinion

Why the Warriors won this game and it’s not complicated it’s the Splash Brothers uh Stephen Curry has been struggling lately a part of it is the fact that this is always the time of year where you’re gonna see his numbers dip he Stephen Curry a few two three years ago

Revealed and it was a very revealing interview and I’ve talked about it a lot on this show although not much lately but Stephen Curry views the season in three parts and right now he’s in part two and he’s admitted this one time an interview and I I I really feel like he

It was accidental that he let all this slip because it was a good glimpse into Steph’s perspective his his view on how he sees the season and he sees it in three parts part one is the beginning part two is now and this will carry over

Into early March and then part three is the ramp up of March and April again ramping up into the postseason so career-wise his numbers are always by his standards soar this time of year so when I see Stephan Curry struggle in January I never read much into it part

Of the reason as well is the fact that other teams are double and sometimes triple teaming them simply because they don’t have to worry about a lot of other players on this team beating them with an outside shot if Stephen Curry is cold Klay Thompson uh look he’s still

Dangerous he still has gravity when it comes to uh Defenders but clay this year is not the clay we’re accustomed to but tonight besides the fact that Stephen Curry had a fantastic game 35 minutes of play uh wasn’t a good shooting night for him overall he was eight of 24 from the

Field uh and more specifically if you take away the three-point shot um he was just two of nine from from inside the three-point Arc six of 15 from Beyond The Arc but look 27 points is a solid outing and more specifically in the second half is when he really picked up

His game uh Steph in the second half tonight just to read to you just how much better he was in the second half uh he played 18 minutes he had 21 of his 27 points in the second half uh and if you look at the the the net rating for some of these

Players in the second half it’s it’s really outrageous uh Steph was a plus 19 Klay Thompson was a plus 22 Dario shich who was also in the starting lineup That is a move I strongly support he’s been one of the few players this season that has been consistent on a Night by Night

Basis and I have no objection to Dario Shar starting or getting serious minutes um but charage in that second half was a plus 21 Wiggins was a plus 21 uh cabon Looney a plus 10 and then we go we go from there with the bench but uh but

Steph had a huge second half again 21 of his 27 in the second half but he wasn’t the only one that was having a great night this was a this was a splash party tonight Klay Thompson who still holds the record for most three-pointers ever

Made in a game with 14 set that Mark at United Center so there’s something about this gym that he loves and on a night where Steph at 27 Klay Thompson LED all scores for the Golden State Warriors with 30 and Clay so again the splash party was the difference when these two

Are shooting the Warriors are going to win 19 times out of 20 49 times out of 50 I’d say 98 times out of 100 if these two players are shooting lights out good fortunes will come for the Golden State Warriors and on a night where Steph again had 27 points also had nine

Assists also had five rebounds Klay Thompson also had a fantastic night again leading all Warrior scores with 30 points uh also added six assists of his own also added six rebounds of his own but again it was that second half where where the Splash Brothers really took

Off whereas Steph had 21 of his 27 in the second half Klay Thompson had had 23 of his 30 points in the second half in that second half he was 7even of 11 from the field six of nine from three uh on the game as a total he shot nine of 19

From the field he was seven of 15 from Beyond The Arc uh clay also had three trips to the free throw line he was five of six from the charity stripe so it was just great to see those two on this evening uh light it up it was good to

See and when we come back I’m gonna highlight what I think a lot of people myself included have been clamoring for and that is Jonathan kaminga and Andrew Wiggins playing effectively together for tonight we saw it happen and yes by the way uh RAR Hernandez yes January is

Trade value month and again I I’m saying this partly factiously but partly with utter genuiness genuiness sorry uh Andrew Wiggins if you’re gonna trade him trade him now his value and again just I’ll read his stats along with kaminga when we come back but um I

Mean we can’t get swept up in tonight’s win into thinking that things are ma magically turned around um the Chicago Bulls are exactly the type of opponent the Warriors are built to defeat unfortunately most of the NBA does not resemble the Chicago Bulls but nonetheless a wins a win we’re stoked

Um and J jamy u22 writes can we can we TR Oh Oh kaminga I thought you were saying Wiggins is saying can we trade kaminga for seum straight up hell no a you’re selling kaminga way too short with a trade proposition like that b Joe lob does not want to trade Jonathan

Kaminga that has been reported by multiple sources um so any trade talks involving kaminga it’s it’s a fantasy uh I wouldn’t Broach that subject just because there’s not much reality to it um patio Quinn there’s your shout out for you what’s up brother I know you DM

Me on on Instagram every once in a while great to see you in the chat this evening um and yes Maximus uh Maximo Joe lob wants to keep Jonathan Kingo for very good reason if you were not convinced after tonight’s game that kaminga is the future of this team I

Don’t know what you’re watching or I don’t know how you’re perceiving basketball because this kid could certainly play and tonight was a perfect example of that I’m going to break down that tandem kaminga and Andrew Wiggins in just a moment because tonight on a night when the Golden State Warriors S I

Kid you not I heard this on the NBC Sports uh broadcast it was very surprising to hear it from them and if it’s true it’s wild that the Golden State Warriors had five turnovers tonight and I heard on NBC on NBC sports during their postgame coverage that

Those five turnovers are the fewest in Warriors history that was a record setting night in terms of of the fewest amount of turnovers ever committed by a Warriors team in their Rich illustrious history that is mind-blowing to me um and they also had 39 assists to go along

With that this was just a very efficient solid night of basketball for the Golden State Warriors we’re gonna have a lot more to discuss about that and so much more first though let’s give some love to one of our two sponsors for this evening first up is Jace

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The first ever National Sports 247 streaming channel so Andrew Wiggins and Jonathan kaminga play together this has been a a hot topic for the simple reason that Wiggins has has had the worst season of his entire career it’s a mystery why he’s struggling the way he is um considering he’s still 28 years

Old and it was a year and a half ago when he was the second best player on a world championship team but the reality is Andrew Wiggins for whatever reason um has regressed and has regressed tremendously but this there there’s been this fantasy that for a long time that

If it turns into reality could result in great Fortune for the Golden State Warriors and that is playing Wiggins and kaminga together simply because they’re both long athletic players they’re both Steve K’s dream uh uh prototype of an NBA player uh you know they can defend one through five uh their offensive

Skill sets are complete and they’re not a liability really in any regard now unfortunately Andrew Wiggins uh entering tonight was not having a good year really in any measure again a career worst across the board uh you know we’ve talked about him extensively entering tonight um he was shooting just

29.8% from three uh and I don’t know if that stat reflects tonight’s game or if it’s before tonight’s game this is courtesy of ESPN um he’s averaging just 11.7 points per game he’s shooting just 41.8% from the field he’s average averaging just 4.1 rebounds per game

Again his stats are are invisible by his standards for someone who’s making uh 25 million a year approximately and for a player who the warriors were counting on as being one of their top players if you if you have to look at anywhere to to to

Point the finger in terms of what is has gone wrong this season it starts with Wiggins considering how important the team viewed him and his role in the team and meanwhile you have this this young emerging uh player in Jonathan kaminga these two together entering tonight had

An awful net rating for duo for two players um adding to that Andrew Wiggins net rating with any other Warriors teammate has been abysmal All Season it just so happens the worst net rating is him and kaminga but Steve Kerr did put him out there together for a

Considerable amount of time and Wiggins played well and Jonathan kaminga played fantastic basketball kaminga came two points short of his career high I’ll start with him just because uh I I really think he was a Difference Maker in this game the Splash Brothers are why they want

But if kaminga was not playing with the level of efficiency that he brought to the table tonight I don’t know if they pulled this off kaminga had 24 points again two points shy of his career high uh net rating of plus six um which was one of the highest which was I believe

The third highest on the team um kaminga but here was one of the best parts he didn’t miss a shot until late in the third quarter he was perfect from the field finished the game nine of 12 from the field a perfect four for four from the three-point line that’s been the one

Point of criticism that anyone who loves kaminga could not defend this year his three-point shot like every other player on this roster has sucked um but tonight four for four uh and those threes were huge they would Stave off rallies from the Bulls every time the Bulls started

Making a run there was kaminga hitting these huge threes that would kind of quell the momentum that the Bulls are trying to to build so Jonathan kaming again just 24 minutes by the way uh and it’s important to note this that kaminga when when he plays 30 plus minutes this

Year the Warriors are undefeated so why he’s not getting 30 plus minutes a night that’s one of the many perplexing things about Steve Kerr this season that’s is why are you not giving this kid more of a run but in 24 minutes 20 he had 24 points uh he added five

Rebounds uh kaminga had no turnovers uh he got got called for two fouls tonight again nine of 12 from the field so he shoots 75% from the field he’s a perfect 44 from the three-point line and then Andrew Wiggins who did get 30 minutes tonight uh for once had a good night not

From the three-point line he was only one for five from deep but he did score 17 points in this game he did have eight assists which seems rather uh unusual by his standards uh overall he was eight of 13 from the field uh five rebound no turnovers for him either um and he

Finishes with a net rating of plus4 point is if these two can work it out together and the Warriors decide not to make a trade there is some reason for optimism there there is some reason uh for Hope um but again we haven’t seen this consistently all season long Andrew

Uh uh Jonathan kaminga by the way now 18 games in a row where he’s uh performed with double digit scoring so whereas kaminga has been consistent except for his three-point shot we haven’t seen that from Wiggins but whether tonight was an anomaly whether tonight was some sort of breakthrough moment I guess

We’ll find out but yeah and exactly y’ all writes uh let’s see this tomorrow I’m I’m I’m absolutely with you uh because we have not seen anything successfully when it comes to consistency uh with this Golden State Warriors team um but nonetheless they performed they did well so kudos to

Those two and the Golden State Warriors again coming out victorious in this one again 131 points is a lot to give up so defensively they had some issues but offensively 140 points and the four players that I focused on so far are a huge reason why but they’re not it

There’s a lot more to come um Ward man you’re absolutely right uh you’re right the Bucks are huge and they are huge uh between Brooks Lopez Giannis an kmo Chris Middleton in uh Dame Lillard stretches the floor they finally uh showed everyone they could play defense when they beat the Celtics the other

Night in a blowout victory at home granted the Celtics were coming off a backto back they had just played uh the Minnesota Timberwolves and beat them in overtime before the Milwaukee Bucks absolutely crushed the Celtics a couple nights ago we’ll see what happens that game is tomorrow we will be back at this

Postgame for that but nonetheless um that is awesome um km real fast writes before we take another uh quick break here uh that you’re confused that kaminga literally always looks for Steph what are people watching are some other people writing that he doesn’t look for Steph because that is asinine there’s no

Truth to that whatsoever there was an awesome moment in tonight’s game you know I’ll say before when we come back I have a couple of kaminga anecdotes that I want to drop which I thought were awesome one of those involving Stephen Curry as well uh but first let’s go to

Sponsor number two for this evening evening and that is prize picks which I absolutely love playing which is legal in the state of California where the locked on Warriors studios are based where the Golden State Warriors are based hell the Golden State Warriors are named after California and prize picks

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Use the code locked on NBA for a first deposit match up to $100 again go to lockon NBA and use the code locked on NBA for a first deposit match up to $100 you are locked on Warriors your daily Golden State Warriors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network

Your team every day and final segment of locked on warriors uh thank you very much for making locked on Warriors your first listen every day for the every dayers again we’re back at this tomorrow night Larry Krueger might join me today’s his birthday he was uh I did reach out to

Him to be a guest on tonight’s show happy birthday Larry uh he might join me tomorrow maybe Ryan Leong might join me tomorrow uh uh there I might have a guest stay tuned for that but regardless postgame coverage Warriors bucks uh we’ll be live right here um and you know

Stephen long I know you’re being uh factious writing this he writes in the chat that let’s trade Steve Kerr for Eric spola I’m glad you brought that up because um and Ken M bringing up that Corey Joseph floater from the game tonight I have no idea what that was

Either uh but but current spola it’s spola was in the news for a couple reasons first of all side note I don’t know if this is true but I saw an interesting note that the the Miami Heat waited to give him his monster extension uh which

Was what like it was like eight year I gotta look it up now because actually don’t know what that number is but um the the Miami Heat gave Eric spola his new contract extension reportedly after his divorce was finalized so that he could keep all the

Money uh and again he he got a 120 million doll contract extension Bravo uh to um to Eric spola welld deserved an individual widely regarded as the best coach in the current game um but he got an eight-year contract extension for a $120 million now why is that relevant to

Steve Kerr why am I bringing that up because Steve Kerr is in the final year of his contract he right now is a lane duck coach and what the spoler deal does is it sets a line it sets a barometer for what Steve Kerr would get if Steve

Ker decides to come back next year and if the Warriors decide they want to bring him back um that adds a whole new wrinkle because Steve cerr is and and his agent are not going to accept the deal for anything less than that he they might be okay with something less than 8

Years but now you’re talking about somewhere in what the $15 million a year rate range I think that’s exactly what it comes out to if my math is correct please someone correct me if I’m wrong on that um so so that’s another wrinkle to the whole Steve K’s future with the

Warriors thing is if he’s gonna stay the Warriors are gonna have to pay him that much because that’s what his agent is gonna ask for now again who knows if Kerr comes back after this year he might retire and go back into broadcasting uh he might get an extension

But the question is going to be asked now will Joe lob pay Steve Kerr and individual who over the last five years has seen a below 500 record as a coach an individual who in his 10 plus years has never developed All-Star Talent Who currently has two players on his roster

Disgruntled uh you know is he worth $5 million a year that’s a lot of money so um we’ll see what happens but it is worth uh bringing that up John Brown by the way asked where was Moses Moody Moses Moody is injured with that Cal strain uh he’s going to be re-evaluating

In 10 days the Warriors announced that earlier today um so that’s what’s going on uh with Moses Moody uh the two anecdotes I wanted to mention real fast about uh Jonathan kaminga um one is he had a he had a a moment tonight it was a

Big boy moment for him he was in the post and he muscled his way I can’t remember who was guarding him it might have been it uh Andre Drummond I the story would sound better if it was him but I’m honestly uh uh pulling a brain fart here remembering

Who was guarding him but Jonathan kaminga had a fantastic moment where he he muscled his way in for a bucket plus one and in the background the footage was awesome because Stephen Curry who has his back who supports kaminga he said all the right things uh back when

He was first asked about Kingo voicing uh his grievances about his playing time Steph loves his kid and he has his kids this kid’s back which is huge and to see how giddy Stephen Curry was following kaminga musling his way in was awesome uh we haven’t been seeing a lot of

Happiness from the Golden State Warriors this year so I thought that moment was huge um just in terms of team cohesiveness in terms of Steph viewing kaminga as a teammate he likes it was it was a big moment in that regard but the other moment which I thought was huge

Was early in the game Demar de rozan who side note awesome player I I feel like he’s being wasted uh playing for the Chicago Bulls if anyone acquires him in a trade they’re getting one of the League’s Premier players uh and Demar D rozan finished tonight’s game with 39

Points on 15 of 21 shooting that’s incredible that is the epitome of efficiency and demard de rosan had this play early on because kaminga was guarding him and that’s one of the things that kinga’s haters do not bring up ever and they should Jonathan kaming

Is one of the only players on this team who can defend one through five and who’s doing it efficiently and effectively he’s routinely guarding the opposing team’s best player and he had demard de rozan as his defensive assignment early in the game Demar de rozan did a pump fake because that’s

What good players in this league do they they use all the little tools and the pump fake is grossly underrated in terms of its Effectiveness and he pump fak twice the second pump fake kaminga got off his feet and Demar just went right into him for an easy easy uh foul but

Jonathan kaminga this is one of the aspects of him as an individual that really impresses me he learns fast he learns from his mistakes when demard de rozan later in the game tried to pull that again the pump fakes kaminga did not leave his feet he learned literally

The very next time he encountered the situation and that to me often times separates someone who does not have an high high Acumen versus someone who does to me that is a very clear uh uh standard and Benchmark for judging intelligence for a human being do you

Learn from your mistakes right away if the answer to that question is yes you learn fast you’re growing fast and you’re growing as an individual and kaminga is doing that he learns really quickly you rarely see him repeat mistakes so kudos to kaminga for pulling that move as well um hybrid Nick wants

Me to talk about Brandon psky yeah why not psky had a good game tonight played 27 minutes uh the stat sheet doesn’t show it though except for the net rating uh psky was second on the team in net rating with a plus 12 uh but he only had

Five points um he was two for eight from the field he had a lot of open threes uh he had four three-point attempts total missed all four of them a couple of those again were wide open um so an off night there in terms of shooting uh had

Four assists had three rebounds but he had a net rating of plus 12 and look as long as the team is winning when he’s out there awesome the player who actually led the the Warriors in that rating tonight was Trace Jackson Davis who I thought had an awesome game this

Evening um definitely held the Zone against Andre Drummond who at least was I know he’s at the tail end of his career now but Drummond was in a lead big Once Upon a Time multiple Allstar made an all NBA team uh has led the league I believe in rebounding

Previously Tracer ja Davis played fantastic tonight in 17 minutes four five from the field grabbed seven rebounds and was a plus 13 to lead all Warriors players in that rating to score 13 points so uh now Joe writes how can trace Jackson Davis play 10 less minutes than cavon

Looney I mean look you I think you can you can answer that one on your own that’s a very rhetorical question I don’t want to beat a dead horse um but but uh yeah so hybrid Nick 12 adds Draymond does everything paji can do but better and he’s a bigger and better

Defender well that and and look you’re writing here that you hope that Draymond gets pmk’s minutes that is likely what’s gonna happen I mean Draymond is viewed by Steve Kerr as a point guard which is why when he’s out it’s one of the many reasons that hurts the them tremendously

Is because even though he’s limited offensively in terms of his shooting his passing skills his ball handling skills are exemplary and that goes on top of the defense that he brings so yeah you’re going to see P’s minutes go down when Draymond Green comes back because

Those two as weird as this may sound in Steve Kerr’s mind play similar position so um yeah so we’ll we’ll we’ll go there and can oh and Chris from New Zealand uh I know you’re being fous I’m glad you brought this up we saw Jerome Robinson

Play mines tonight that was weird to me I do not understand that and every time I see uh kaminga especially with a night like tonight where again 24 points nine of 12 shooting perfect four4 from from Deep when we only see him get 24 minutes and I know Jerome Robinson only played

Four Minutes tonight but why I I I don’t get it Jerome Robinson did play Four Minutes tonight and they were they were important minutes I believe they’re in the second quarter uh he was a minus8 in net rating to lead the team in terms of the negative

Had one point on a free throw how do he only have one free throw was that a technical was he the one that shot the the technical free throw that is weird um anyways um Jeff’s cool real quickly we’re wrapping it up your rights kaminga should not be traded he won’t if reports

Are true Joe lob loves them folks the Warriors won enjoy your Friday night thank you for joining uh we’ll be back at this tomorrow Warriors and bucks backto back let’s see how they do bye-bye

Cyrus Saatsaz hosted a Friday Night Live postgame show following the Golden State Warriors beating the Chicago Bulls on a night where the offense shined thanks to Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson having a Splash Party while Jonathan Kuminga and Andrew Wiggins formed a dynamic wing tandem as the team snapped a losing streak in the first game of a back-to-back with Milwaukee next.

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#GoldenStateWarriors #Warriors #StephCurry


  1. Klay am so proud of you tonight.keep good work up.all y’all was good I was so happy for win tonight. This warriors I wanted to see ❤😅

  2. Kerr is a genius. Keeping playing the guys who have been struggling until they string together some good games until their trade value goes back up then trade them. Look at Kerr, man, so inspirational!

  3. You are delusional thinking one man will hurl the Warriors to a championship!!!!
    Who do you lose as well?
    Moody/Kuminga/TJD/Podz – an effective contributory bench
    Dray? Where will the D come from let alone the fact, if Dray stays, will he still cause psycho drama?
    Backup center: Looney has fallen off in the C position
    Klay? You need an effective duo long range scorers aka Splash Bros. If he is gone, or even if he stays, Klay can be dangerous again?
    Warriors are DONE!!!!!!!!!!
    Squandered the Wiseman pick and Poole asset…
    You got NOTHING but the highest paid losers in the NBA!!!!!!!!!!
    Jordan had:
    Great D and Big in Rodman
    Kukoc Great shooter Forward
    Grant for a while
    Great bench of utility and contributory players
    All this to sustain 6 championships…

  4. kuminga will stay. Atleast if dubs somehow find a trade for say giannis or jokic. Fantacy. Why. Because Steph gave his approval. So guys that should get traded is cp3 wigs and gp2 for 2 solid guys. Like pascal n Otto. Or caris LeVert and Jarret Allen. Or the center of nets plus Dorian finny. And dump salaries of loon if we get a big center or Corey Jo definitely for cash. And then put a gun to Steve kerrs head and say either play kuminga or go f ur self. Man Mike brown is the most important missing piece. He was our defense coordinator. He was the reason we had the 2nd best d in 22. And in finals we upped our notch. Like poole was playing defence. Wtf. And most importantly Kerr listened to Mike brown. That ex net coach he sucks. Frankly we should have gone for ime udoka or nick nurse this summer because now whoes gonna be the next. Only way Kerr stays is if he wins chip.

  5. Problem with Kuminga is not his acumen. But he likes to play power forward game. He has to learn when to attack and when to facilitate the splash bros. That's why he is not a hit yet. Same goes for Moody. He is even farther behind than Kuminga in that aspect!

  6. Now its all good, God forbid they lost, you would crap on the starting 5, what is Kerr doing, Kaminga off the bench, this is crazy, he lost his mind….

  7. Wow! Wiggins was playing tonight, that’s great. Good to see him play, the way he can. I hope he has turned a corner. 5 turnovers! Team played good.

  8. Thoughts on this GS roster transformation:
    GS trades Draymond to the Mavs for THJ+ Seth Curry+ 27’ 1st and 2 2nds.

    Cavs reportedly have interest in Wiggins so:
    Wiggins + Dallas 2 2nds for J.Allen

    This gives GS 3 1st / 3 swaps/ and 5 2nds to package with CP3 and Moody to trade for another starting Forward like Siakam, Lauri M, Kuzma

    Lineup= Allen, (insert player traded for), Kuminga, Klay, Curry| Bench= TJD, Saric, THJ, GPII, B-Podz | with Looney, Seth Curry, Joseph 3rd string

  9. Kerr played a more traditional lineup to start the game. Everyone at their natural positions. Steph at the 1, Klay 2, Wigs at the 3, Saric at the 4 and Looney at the 5. And it worked. They were bigger and it didn't create so many mismatches where they always had to help and thus the defense didn't break down so easily. Maybe Kerr will embrace this more but we'll have to see.

  10. Why is Wiggins getting more minutes than Kuminga! Kuminga had 7 less minutes and out scored Wiggins by 7. Wiggins cant dunk any more. Had an open lane and just left hand lays it in. It's not about defense because Warriors still gave up 131 points.

    Also Looney thing needs to stop. He can't play more minutes than Trayce. And for the love of fucking God stop playing Corey Joseph!!!

  11. The biggest mistake the warriors can make is to resign steve kerr. He should be allowed to go or given a position upstairs

  12. If Lacob wants Kuminga over Siakam he is stupid. Edit: I take that back Kuminga is consistent. My hopes are that they both can co exist but Kuminga is indeed the future. I’m sold.

  13. They can trade Wiggins and possibly Chris paul for Jonathan Issac and markelle flutz…Ik he’s injured but the warriors medical staff can fix any problem that he has.

  14. Retain kuminga tjd podzimski as a new trio, trade looney Chris Paul moody, Wiggins ,as for the moment for starting five its curry klay Wiggins or kuminga, draymon sarrich,

  15. what Ive seen if Kerr is not the coach next season it's better to keep moody than pod. Moody has shown for 3 yrs that if given opportunity he can play. But pod has to be given 3 yrs to show what he is. Hopefully not an Eric paschal. Moody can play 20m bench role and start some games for a championship team. Pod not so much. So instead of falling in love with pod it's better to include him in a deal instead of moody. Because Kerr won't be here next season. And pod ain't future Steph or shay g Alexander

  16. They one the game because they moved the ball and played together which is the way they’ve played in previous years that has led to championships. The Bulls are far from great but they definitely aren’t trash. Saying they are trash diminishes the win and this was definitely a good win. Wiggins is going through a similar thing like Klay was, and once he’s out of which hopefully this is the start of it, the team is championship caliber and Wiggins is very much needed. As much as I want to win and get on the right path, Wiggins needs to be kept. Wiggins will shine in the playoffs. Keep Kuminga as well. This teams issue has really be focus and continuity. Once that is accomplished which it will, then they look like the championship team that will hoist the Larry O in June. Watch!

  17. Whats so crazy is that i am a warrior fan but I DONT WANT THEM TO WIN GAMES! tired of this roster..with Losses it becomes more mandatory for them to make changes..

  18. Steph broke out in the fourth. Wiggins was great. JK phenomenal. Klay was Klay. I was beside myself happy. Love my warriors!❤️

  19. Why does everyone get excited when this team beats a trash team? The Dubbs struggled vs det and now Chicago. Stop hyping up up this W. Steve Kerr needs to be fired asap and Hire Mark Jackson who was part of the core!

  20. Kumminga has so much potential he is 21 years old has 24 points like nothing. Where are the Kumminga haters?
    In next two years he could be allstar! Pods shot had not been falling but his speed of game, hustle, quick ball movement helps team. Play Dre center, Kumminga and Wiggs and Splash! All the way to deadline if Wiggs or Dre don’t play at very high level let’s make big move! 🥳🤕

  21. Kumminga and Wiggs need 10 game run… No more herky, jerky, panicky coaching Kerr. One bad game says don’t work that’s bull. You have to do 10 so they can learn to play together. Wiggs left YMCA and decided to play NBA ball!

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