@Minnesota Timberwolves

Locked On Wolves POSTCAST: T-Wolves Blow Past Trail Blazers 116-93

Locked On Wolves POSTCAST: T-Wolves Blow Past Trail Blazers 116-93

Rudy goar with 24 and 17 as the Wolves take care of business verse Portland I got wolves expert Jack Borman to help us break it all down it’s all coming up next on the locked on wolves Postcast you are locked on wolves postcast part of locked on Minnesota on the locked on podcast Network your team every day what’s up what’s up back in the lab back at it another t-wolves postcast episode right here on the lockdown Sports Minnesota Network you got myself Luke

Inman lukor spin that’s the man Jack Borman on Twitter Jr Borman 13 and before we get into all the action quick reminder tonight’s episode brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more with America’s number one Sportsbook and official Sportsbook partner of the NBA right now new customers you’re getting

$150 in bonus Bets with any $5 bet $150 when you bet just five check it out and visit lockon NBA all right man so uh this is what it feels like huh to play a sub 500 team wouldn’t know wolves haven’t played one in a month that schedule was ridiculous

Toughest in the NBA but they get Portland at home tonight and I’d say it went about exactly the way you would have expected remember remember Blazers just lost 13977 to OKC fifth worth loss in NBA history so a a nice game for them to come out at home continue maybe

Fine-tuning some smaller things after that slugfest in Boston Wednesday night and they never trailed at any point tonight started out hot never looked back largest lead of the night tonight was 36 kind of tells you everything you need to know what’s the front page read tomorrow morning Jack after night 116 93

Victory biggest takeaways and observations what do you got yeah I mean in the first you know six minutes of this game the timber roles are already up 22 points you thought that the the NBA record that the Thunder set one night ago of a 62-point lead after three

Quarters that is the largest lead after three quarters in NBA history had us questioning was that going to last a full 24 hours um you know it was just a business-like approach from the Timberwolves out of the gates um you know and jadeen McDaniel said uh during

Shoot around today that you know he had that they had the the Blazers in their headlights after what happened at Target Center in April last year um you know that they don’t that you know put the Timberwolves in the in the playing tournament there um and then you know uh

Held Portland to five of 20 shooting in that first quarter which was huge um you know got off to a great start um and McDaniels himself was awesome uh in this one he he clamped in fory Simons who’s been a terrific scorer for the Blazers this year without Damen Lillard uh he

Had just five points he did not make make a shot from the field he was 0 of 10 uh on field goal attempts um but it was really unselfish offense um to me that that was that set the tone in this one Mike Conley came out of the gates

Hot made two threes had a nice pass to Carl um on on route to a season High 35 assists from the wolves um you know the the first quarter and that third quarter especially um they did a great job sharing the ball um you know moved really well without the ball too I

Thought guys are really really active um you know as as cutters but they did a great job spacing too that’s why you saw so many insane highlights of guys dunking on dudes and making crazy layups and uh you know and getting put back dunks I mean they just had had great

Spacing that that allowed guys to to get up and make plays like that and then on the other under the floor just really really active defense I thought uh season High 28 points off of 20 uh Blazers turnovers uh that was you know a point of emphasis considering how young

This Blazers team is considering that they you know are one of the worst transition defenses in the NBA so far this season so uh you just have to be really pleased with um you know the way the Timberwolves came out uh you know obviously that that second quarter uh

Was just I think kind of playing with your food a little bit and then they refocused in the halftime locker room came out in that third quarter and uh it was just a lot more of the same uh you know from those from that first uh first

12 minutes and and you got to love what the starters did uh right I mean you know the guys only had two two guys in double figures Rudy had 24 Carl had 23 and then Mike and ant all had nine points but all five of them had plus

Minuses of at least 33 points um that is uh certainly going to improve the teams or the starting lineup’s net rating I know that’s been a a point of contention among some people that’s a that’s a shout out to my guy mik o Hagen but um

Yeah I mean it’s it’s just going to be um you know hopefully a sign of of things to come against some of these sub 500 teams considering um you know that was such a huge problem for the wolves last season that it’s probably going to have some renewed Focus to it as they

You know enter this stretch now of playing a you know a good number of teams that are um below 500 or just significantly um you know worse than the Timberwolves are as a as a unit and games that that the wolves are going to

Have to win and they got off to a great start tonight yeah I want to Deep dive into a little bit more of you know individual performances box scores that stuff but let me just circle back to that 16 game stretch they just went through no opponent under 500 all of

Them 500 are better if I were to tell you they went nine and seven there Jack during that run what would you have said and I guess what did we learn I guess about this team during that stretch the way they kind of grinded through it

Right with a winning record when it was all said up yeah I I think that it says a lot about um you know frankly the resilience of the team um you know because they did lose some games right and they they hadn’t done a whole lot of

Losing in the first uh you know 25 games of the season but you know I think the way that they were able to rebound and and not let one bad loss become a second bad loss or a close loss then become uh woe is me and you know then get

Frustrated and you know put two really bad showings uh together in a row I think you know obviously they lost two games or no for the first time but um I I don’t really think they had prolonged stretches of just bad basketball um you know which can certainly happen when

You’re playing teams that are really really good and um you know that’s a credit to the wolves and um you know the way that they’re able to just stick together and uh it says a lot about Chris Finch too that he can you know get

All these guys on the same page and um you know help them flush a bad game and and get them refocused and and help them focus on um you know how good they are and and things that they’ve done early in the season to kind of give them

Confidence and um you know and and have a short-term memory because that’s that’s definitely something that you need in the NBA and and when you think about a playoff series right you know a lot of times in playoff series it is it is not a surprise to see a team win by

20 25 30 points in one game and then lose by 15 20 25 in the next game so um you know that’s just kind of great practice I guess for the Wolves to you know not let one bad loss become a second one and um you know and

Ultimately come out ahead in that stretch right they entered that stretch as the number one team in the west they came out of it the number one team in the west um and that’s it’s not like they had this huge crazy lead on everyone else either um so so obviously

A great Testament to this group and um you know also a great that they were able to stay healthy um for for pretty much the entirety of it and that you know you had some guys miss a few games here and there but um you know no long-term injuries illnesses uh things

Like that which is you know obviously the the most important thing when you when you consider that uh you know April and May and hopefully June uh knock on wood are are certainly at the the top of the Timberwolves mind as they move forward uh just super quick because I

Know it’s still fresh on some people’s minds in here I promise then we’ll Deep dive on tonight’s game but what about the Boston game specifically just now that the dust is settled right 36 48 hours later I know despite the loss you came on here on Wednesday night you

Pretty you were glowing about that performance on the back end of a back-to-back what they did that slugfest on the road what do you think they can learn from that one knowing full well they’re likely going to be in more games and situations like that in April and

Hopefully in May so what were the the teachable moments I guess you came away thinking after that Boston game yo my first take away after that game is the Celtics got beat so so badly by the Bucks in that first half they were up I

Mean they were up what uh 37 points at halftime something like that uh in Milwaukee the next night that TNT didn’t show the second half of that game yeah um I don’t know that I’ve ever seen anything like that so I guess it speaks to the Timberwolves ability to just kind

Of wear down a team um you know and obviously the Bucks are great too but um you know I I I think that that speaks a lot to just how grueling it is to play the the Timberwolves um regardless of who you are you could be the best team

In the league and it’s still a loss yeah you know goes down the record books as a loss but um you know it’s just a testament to to how hard the Timberwolves played last night like playing hard every night is a skill in the NBA um it was a huge reason why the

Timberwolves made the playoffs two seasons ago and started to change the culture here is because they had so many guys Jared Vanderbilt especially they just played their behinds off every night which was awesome to see and and you know Win Lose or Draw I think fans

Can at least appreciate a team uh that plays really hard every night and then you know some of the teachable moments I guess from that game um you know n Reed talked about it a little bit um you know you just can’t have fouls like that in that situation Jade McDaniels that take

Foul fouled out transition you know they just gave away a lot of the momentum that they you know really fought tooth and nail to get uh in that fourth quarter um you know and some teachable moments for sure for Anthony Edwards with with how to handle double teams and

Um and how to get get off the ball sooner and trust your teammates and um you know and just kind of let uh you know let your teammates do the work uh when you know the the defense is really working to take you away that doesn’t

Mean that you have to get passive it just means that you have to you know kind of aggressively uh seek out your teammates in positions where they can uh where they can kind of beat the backside of the defense um and Carl Anthony towns and Jane McDaniels are certainly capable

Of doing that um and obviously not having Mike Conley as tough is just like another to help get things organized but um they’ve just got to have uh I think more Poise um more calm and and just composure in a lot of those moments um and I think you know they maybe they’re

Leaning a little bit too heavily on Mike and and just kind of knowing I don’t have to think too hard because Mike’s going to make sure to tell me you know this these are the things that we have to do in a game like this but um you

Know again I I said it after the Dallas game that that game would put a lot of things on film um you know that they can really keep top of mind to correct going into certain matchups um with teams that can kind of do similar things that

Dallas can defensively um and it’s the same thing here for for guys like ant and NZ and Jaden is like hey this is like worst case right you know you’re gonna this is GNA happen in the playoffs you know this is what not to do and if

You can do anything except this I think we’re going to be all right uh and so you know you hope that that they’ll be able to carry some of that uh forward um but but yeah you know and again it’s C ant tonight right like you help you let

Your teammates kind of do the work tonight but but it’s a little bit different when um you know the game has the tenor of a a varsity versus freshman basketball team um you know rather than a team is aggressively doubling you to you know take you out of the game so um

But but again man just what a great ball game that was yeah well said lot of positives to take away from that one in Boston for sure and you know a lot of fun to watch for the home court crowd tonight as well vers Portland all right plenty more deep

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Playing a team like this you’re thinking all right it could be an opportunity for somebody to light up the box score but man the way that Mike connley Rudy gber combo put on an absolute master class tonight that was a thing of beauty wasn’t it a lot of fun to watch I know

You text me earlier and I didn’t even realize it Conley 10 assists in the first first half for just the second time in his career he had more assists than the entire Portland team at halftime who only had eight which is just absolutely insane Rudy goar go off

Big fella 24 and 17 just talk to me about how deadly and in sync those two were tonight playing off one another how fun was that yeah it was great um you know I I I meant to text some someone on the Wolves PR team to ask how many times

A player has uh recorded more assists than an entire opposing team it’s got to be you know less than maybe 20 I I don’t know um but yeah I mean Mike Conley was in total control of this game um I think that Mike does such a

Great job of you know kind of seeking out each player on the roster to try to get them a touch or try to get them an easy score early in the game to try to help get you know help them find a rhythm um and that’s something that that

He totally is is like uh consciously doing um and that’s what he did tonight I mean he very quickly had five five assists I think he had five assists in like the first uh four minutes of the game which was just tremendous um and especially working with Rudy gobear too right like

I think the earlier you can get Rudy a lob dunk or you know he had he had a couple of really nice bounce passes to Rudy uh and pick and roll and Rudy did a great job kind of collecting those and finishing um you know I I just think the

Earlier you can get Rudy on the scoreboard that the more engaged he’s going to be especially in the offensive end but um but the way Mike Conley snakes around goar screens um he times them so well so that goar doesn’t pick up illegal screens um but he creates so

Much space and then does such a good job of of with that space kind of playing with the defense drawing defenders in from certain spots in the floor so he can create a passing Lane to get you know a certain teammate the ball in the corner in the slot or things like that

And um he he was just hitting all the right notes um tonight and obviously you know hit hit two or two threes right away um but but yeah the the assist that he had in the first half I thought were were awesome did a good job of of

Getting everybody involved there and and you know I think the biggest thing too for Mike is just like not forcing anything the way that he’s able to you know just so effortlessly get people involved I mean he had 10 assists all of them were in

The first half and and he had those 10 assists to six different players and he created uh 23 points off of those 10 assists uh and Jeff that is that is right Rudy Gober is leading the NBA in dunk setion and I think he passed Giannis um but yeah speaking of Rudy I

Mean he was just a bully tonight yeah um you know it really felt like you know i’ sorry to keep going back to the high school thing I mean it just felt like a f a senior just stuff freshman and lockers like all like you know it felt

Like he walked up to every single freshman on the you know on the sea team and just put each one in a locker with whoever was guarding him I mean it was pretty pretty crazy I mean he did a great job job of using his physicality

Inside um you know both to seal and create you know passing lanes for his teammates um but also uh getting offensive rebounds he was he was tremendous there um you know I think that when you you you look at gobear specifically you know it’s unfortunate for him sometimes that he does have to

Create his own offensive opportunities just because um I get you know’s he’s not a player like Carl Anthony towns right where you can line him up all over the floor get him the ball anywhere and he can score it from anywhere like it’s got to be either in pick and roll maybe

A postep across the front of the rim or an offensive rebound he had five offensive rebounds tonight I think he had either three or four putback dunks uh which was awesome um 24 points only missed two shots uh I believe five of those were dunks um you wanted a

Personal 80 run when the Timberwolves were kind of slipping and backsliding in the second quarter um to kind of help reestablish a firm lead going into halftime um and then the other thing that I noticed on the offensive end with Rudy goar specifically an Edwards three assists to Rudy Gober tonight only had

17 uh on the whole season entering tonight so so about two a game um had three tonight which was or excuse me about one every two games sorry um and had three tonight which was you know obviously what you want to see and then defensively man um he just continues to

Contest seemingly every shot south of the free throw line um Portland only shot 60% at The Rim which is you know you might think oh 60% like that that’s a really good figure for uh a defense to hold an opposing offense to uh and they were three of 16 in that short mid-range

Area in that four to 14 feet I know we talk about this almost every single game um but it is really truly incredible how many of these shots the timberwol has forced their opponents to take and how excellent they are at defending them uh you know I I haven’t checked the numbers

Recently but I’m I’m pretty sure that the Timberwolves are still the number one team in the league in uh opponent shooting percentage in that that four to 14 feet area um so the way that he was just able to to Really bully the the Trailblazers on both ends of the floor

He had 17 rebounds in 28 minutes that’s pretty incredible I think you know if Rudy would have played his full uh you know 35 36 minutes he certainly would have gotten to 20 25 rebounds and could have had a potentially 25 and 25 night or 30 points and 25 uh rebound type of

Game but um you know he’s really done a great job of of taking advantage of teams that have really weaker or smaller uh fives especially young teams you know when you think about guys like wanyama or uh you know Chad holgren he’s really gotten up for those games and tonight

Was another one and I think you know they when you think about a lot of the teams that are you know near the bottom of the standings that the Wolves will be playing coming up a lot of those teams um either don’t really have a a center

That’s a true Center you know a seven foot plus guy um or they have a really young inexperienced guy and I think you know Rudy’s going to be really important for for setting the tone in a lot of those games um and you know he did it

Tonight and and you hope that you know he can be a part of that that blueprint for um starting to really rack up some wins here against uh against some inferior competition I like what you said I mean you mentioned Rudy continues to kind of dominate with weak or maybe

You know suboptimal Talent at the five position so again when I hear that I immediately think okay so which potential Western Conference playoff teams might have some of the weaker five play and and by Theory might make a good matchup for the wolves in round one and

Beyond you mentioned Chad Holm and OKC anyone else come to mind maybe we can Circle or or who might that be top of your head yeah and it’s not like Chad hom grin’s like a weak like you know weak competition it’s just like he is physically much weaker than Rudy goar

And and you know Rudy goar isn’t totally able to physically dominate uh a lot of guys a lot of the elite centers when you think of like sabonis and embiid and uh and yic and players like that but yeah I mean you know you look at teams like the

Houston Rockets Alper and shenon might be the worst uh defensive five uh in the league um you know you think about Phoenix and Yousef nurkic he’s played Yousef nurkic a lot dating back to their days in Utah uh dating back to Euro basket so he’s certainly familiar with

Him um and then I think you know outside of that everyone else uh that they would face in the playoffs um or drik Lively I guess is another one you could throw in there for the for the uh for the Mavs he’s a very good player um but he’s

Young and Rudy got has really took advantage of him in the first couple matchups that they had he did not play in the most recent matchup uh against Dallas but I you you go down I mean you think Denver’s got joic the Pelicans have valent chunis um the Kings have

Sabonis uh who who again isn’t isn’t great defensively so he could certainly take advantage of that but uh it’s just a really physical dude that he can’t kind of bully on both ends um yeah then the Lakers have Anthony Davis and and I don’t think Utah or Golden State or

Memphis or Portland OR obviously San Antonio are going to be in the playoffs so um yeah I think that you know zubot zubats is one that I I actually think is pretty underrated uh across the league um but but yeah I mean Rudy goar is certainly a better player than than

Zubach for sure it’s just not you know you won’t get a night like tonight too many times I don’t I don’t think on on zoo but um but yeah there there’s certainly going to be opportunities out there especially in the first round um and the more you know impactful R go

Bear can be on the offensive end of the floor the more pressure it takes off of guys like ant Carl to really do all the scoring and playoffs especially considering that the Timberwolves just haven’t really had a super consistent third score um and so if Rudy goar can

Really emerge as that third score uh and as you know as his team continues to get more comfortable throwing in the ball and and you know finding places for him to score from uh that’ll be that’ll be really helpful uh Nas Reed new front runner for greatest shot of the year for

The Wolves after that no look floater crashing to the to the ground off the backboard what’ you think of that one yeah I think if you’re looking for like a horse shot for sure no question absolutely yeah we’re talking more trick shots for for sure I mean that that shot

That fourth quarter yeah yeah the ant one as well yeah the ant one after uh the foul was called but yeah man I that was that was insane that was wicked and hey Target Center I know I know Jim Pete mentioned uh the Blake Hoff Harbor shot

From Hopkins from way back in the day but it is almost an annual thing that that there is a Minnesota State High School league uh shot that ends up on Sports Center top 10 from from the state tournament um there’s been no shortage of of crazy trick shots at at Target

Center all Scott Van Pelt is waiting in the studio as Scott yeah no absolutely you’re totally right all right couple quickies to close before we wrap up first a quick word from Vando quick reminder tonight’s episode brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more with America’s number one

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Next week or so Clippers Pistons Grizzlies no Jammer Ron he’s out for the season I just saw smarts out for six weeks now too which one yeah go ahead and Desmond Bane too uh might be out for a while knee injury looks like wow yikes

What Yik okay so I was going to say which one are you most excited about but you know maybe would are you more excited about like a specific matchup now or a guy that you maybe don’t get to watch a lot whatever it may be which

Game you starting to Circle I guess on the schedule coming up I think it’s certainly the Clippers game um you know I I I was pretty vocal I really like that trade uh for the Clippers when it first happened um I think that he he fits in perfectly with what

The Clippers want to do and how they want to spread the floor and and and drive and kick and keep driving and kicking and um you know and force switches and and they have three amazing isolation players in James Harden kawhai and Paul George and and they’re just

Totally able to compromise the defense any way that you want to um they can run pick and roll zubach is a great screen Setter uh he a good lob threat too um you know can can catch pass he’s a pretty solid postep player too against really smaller Defenders um they’ve got

A pretty deep team too when you you think about the fact that Norm Powell is coming off the bench um for them he he’s just a phenomenal player um that they have also if they want to play five out then you know you think about the pace

That Russell Westbrook uh can help you know your team play at is just a an incredible thing um I I think the Clippers have lost maybe one time um in the last month in change um which has been pretty remarkable uh when you when you think about it uh excuse me they’ve

Lost they’ve lost three times in the last month but um but yeah I mean and they’ve been like 10 and one in their last 11 um and just the way that that Harden is been sharing the wealth there with everybody it’s been crazy and the way that they’re able to switch um you

Know one through four around zubach is is pretty impressive um and I just think it’s really fun uh to see a team that can spread you out and play such a you know such a unique style of basketball I mean it’s pretty similar to what Boston’s doing and that they just have

So many guys that can that can hurt you and and they have no problem playing more of a positionist basketball um it’s it’s really truly an awesome team to watch there’s no reason I mean everyone wants to point like oh the Clippers always flame out and melt

Down in the playoffs but like I mean when you when you think about Terence man kawh Leonard and Paul George I don’t know off the top of my head if I can think of a better you know defensive Wing Trio in the entire league uh than that which is pretty incredible and

Zubach is a pretty good Rim Defender too and so you know James Harden is is six foot5 2030 pounds yeah um you know he’s no slouch either like when James Harden really wants to play defense like he’s really physical and does a great job Walling up so um I’m really excited to

See you know how the Timberwolves uh operate offensively against their defense you know I think that you know the Timberwolves have some horses between ant and Jaden and uh Nelle and Kyle Anderson where they’ll kind of be able to to check up some of these dudes

And not allow them to you know all go off if you will um but I think the timberl are gonna have a really tough time scoring on the Clippers uh offensively unless they move the ball like they did tonight so I obviously think that um you know while sometimes

It’s tough to to play such an unserious game and then shift to a really serious one yeah um but in some cases it can be pretty good to help you kind of find a rhythm offensively and and prove to you what works here with um you know with being unselfish and really moving

Without the basketball so um yeah so how the timber RS match up against a team that’s going to switch that’s going to play zone um you know it’s really going to try to force you into play isolation basketball uh is going to be interesting to watch um because there’ll be some

Opportunities for him to score no question um especially against the Clippers um you know reserves um none of those guys are are really good Defenders at all Off the Bench but um yeah it’ll be be a fun one uh starters were out early in the fourth quarter tonight

After that blowout anyone stick out to you maybe impress you whether that’s a veteran or one of the younger guys we’re kind of hoping continues develop and progress a little bit Josh Min not wend Moore Leonard Miller more Shake Milton tonight t BJ anything catch your eye

Yeah I mean obviously like you know there he playing against no nobody’s but uh but Shake Milton played really really well I really like the way that he pushed the pace and and got the ball quickly into the front court and uh was pretty unselfish too and did a great job

Moving without the ball um as a cutter down the lane um and so I think that hopefully trying to find some some spots where he can he can get some minutes I think is going to be important but but you know it’s going to be hard to displace Jordan mlin from the rotation

Again five five assists in 13 minutes tonight for for jmck he also had another steel um you know and then I always just really enjoy watching Leonard Millard play he’s just you know there’s some guys do man there’s some guys that you you just kind of forget when they’re out

There you know Andrew Wiggins not to name names um but you know Leonard Miller is a guy that you notice every single time he’s on the floor uh he’s just always around the basketball he’s always making plays and um you know I I know there’s not really going to be a

Time you know hopefully knock on wood with no injuries that that he’s really play but four points two rebounds a block and a steal in eight minutes um I think he also had you know two or three fouls but um but I just love his

Activity uh and and I think he’s a guy that can um like Jordan mcclaflin in some ways uh really you know Infuse the game with some energy um in a game where the Timberwolves are pretty lifeless um you know down the line I would love if finchy just you know press the Leonard

Miller chaos button um he probably won’t uh fully recognize that but I’d selfishly like to see some of it um but yeah and then and Troy Brown Jr again just was way too good to be out there right at the end um you know he was just

Wide open in the corner made a couple threes uh made made a few you know really nice passes downhill but again like that was basically just a a crappy pickup game uh at the the end of the game for the last you know nine minutes whatever it was um certainly certainly

The most non-competitive uh Timberwolves game I I can remember in a long time uh we got about two and a half minutes left here so last one I pulled up just a random article on some possible trade deadline deals and for the Wolves okay there was five of them on here I

Immediately took out everyone that had Mike connley package in the mix because that ain’t happening so here were the only two that were left and I want to know if either one make any sense at all or which one you prefer over the other Kyle Anderson so slow-mo Na tbj and a

2028 first- round pick for Dylan Brooks or jadeen McDaniels Kyle Anderson Josh Minot and a 2030 first round pick for McCall Bridges I don’t know how lopsided or realistic either one of those are but put your GM cap on and tell me which one of the two maybe tickles your fancy a

Little bit I I mean I neither of them are legal trades um well there you go all right so I would say neither um so the timberl won’t be able to trade a first round pick until 2031 unless they do it on draft night yeah so they uh you

Can’t trade your first round pick to back in back-to-back years so um they they have their first round picks out in 25 27 and 29 I well let’s say Okay instead of a first they were like three seconds instead of one first it was like two or three then I I’d probably say

That Mel Bridges won okay just because you know he’s an awesome player and I think you’d fit perfectly around everybody here but um but yeah I I don’t think they’re going to trade Jade McDaniels um any anytime remotely soon in the next 10 years so um but who knows

Um May maybe in maybe in seven years uh you know they’re able to flip jadeen McDaniels for some Superstar that’s in like the fourth grade right now I I don’t know so uh we we’ll see but I I think it’ll be a a much smaller scale uh

A trade deadline in buyout Market uh you know free agency acquisition period than than some might think uh wolves bounce back strong with the 11693 victory over Portland they now move to 27-1 on the Year back at home this Sunday vers the Clippers that’ll be a

Great one tip off 6 PM Central Standard Time as always huge shout out to everyone that joined us in the postcast rest assured we’ll be back each and every game same time same place right here to break it all down you got to go check out all of Jack’s work on Twitter

At Jr Borman 13 and quick reminder as well you can always check out Jack on the Minnesota basketball party with all our guys Sam extrom Ron Johnson Reggie Wilson from k 11 that’s every Wednesday afternoon as well and if you haven’t already got to go check out Ben Beacon

Over on the locked on wolves podcast too that’ll do it for us tonight he’s Jack Borman I’m Luke Inman on Twitter lukor spin until next time Sig now

The Minnesota Timberwolves took care of business tonight versus the Portland Trail Blazers. Follow along for immediate reaction after the game with Jack Borman and Luke Inman.


  1. I had stupid fun watching this game. It felt like every play was packed with excitement all the way down to the bench maintaining a 30 point lead for nearly 20 minutes

  2. Bucks should give timberwolves part the win yesterday lol..the timberwolves worn them c's for them lol

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