@Chicago Bulls

Fans Boo Jerry Krause In ROH Ceremony | Bulls Suffer 2nd Half Collapse In Loss To Warriors

Fans Boo Jerry Krause In ROH Ceremony | Bulls Suffer 2nd Half Collapse In Loss To Warriors

You have found yourself on another episode of Locked on bulls on today’s episode me and Pat are going to discuss us being more disappointed in Bulls fans than we ever have been in Toronto Raptors fans we’re also going to talk about the Bulls loss to the Warriors and

The Ring of Honor celebration all that and more right after this you are locked on bulls your daily podcast on the Chicago Bulls part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day Thank you for tuning in locked on bulls member of the locked on podcast Network where it’s your team every single day that’s Pat the designer host and creator of the windy city Breeze and uh a host of the Chicago Bears podcast over at ESPN 1000 I’m Hayes host creator of

Chicago Bulls and Chicago Bears Central today’s episode is brought to you by Jace medical Empower yourself when you purchase a Jace case providing you with a personal supply of five antibiotics that treat 50 plus infections get yours today at J and use code locked on to get $20 off your first

Order that’s and we know some of y’all got infections y’all need to clear up but with that said um let’s go ahead and get into the content for today oh man I had to get a laugh in here because I know we

F to both go off oh my God bro I today was one of the most disgusting displays by Chicago Bulls fans that I have ever seen in my life in which they booed Jerry Krauss during his him supposed to be honored and I get it right the thing

With that that frustrates me about this because you have idiotic fans that have no actual understanding of the history of the Chicago Bulls that have let the fact of the Last Dance documentary make them think that Jerry Krauss was this horrible person which don’t get me wrong

That the the decision towards the end to break up that dynasty we all are upset about it I understand it we all would have loved to see the Bulls go for title number seven but to ignore the fact and not understand how Jerry Krauss was instrumental in building a dynasty here

In Chicago for six titles and to boo him what his wife out there was disgusting and if you guys were in the crowd if you were there if you one of the people that booed I don’t care if you get in your feelings about it it was disgusting and

You should be ashamed of yourself listen that was triup activity that was ban activity and I y’all know what ban means I can’t say it on this podcast um that was an absolutely disgusting display that was something worse than I’ve seen the Toronto Raptors fans do

And and I’m a part of the fan base I’m embarrassed to be a part of this fan base tonight because you know what the Run that’s going to go around the world this is the Ring of Honor for the Chicago Bulls in the 1990s everybody is

Going to be at your heads and you deserve every bit of it because you know what if that was your grandfather you’d be ready to swing if that was your grandparent you’d be ready to swing if that was your father you’d be ready to swing y’all know how Chicago is y’all

Were absolutely disrespectful and I’m G tell you this right now put your personal feelings aside oh they broke up the the the championship and I I wanted to be I saw some people sitting there trying to say that oh this was on the uh this is probably people that never even

Saw the last or never even saw the Championships live no this is this is y’all that saw it this is y’all that watched it this is the adults in the room cuz you want to know what y’all the main ones that been pushing this narrative for 40 years out here about

How Jerry Krauss is the devil and he broke up the Beloved 90s bulls and it was nothing half the Bulls team has come out and said it would have been tough to win seven we’d have loved to go at it but we were all kind of at the end of

Our rope Phil Jackson was leaving for a divorce and you’re mad at a dude that fora that that end was coming and left you in Perfection he brought us six championships you ungrateful pieces of garbage that’s what Bulls fans are tonight every single one of those fans

That booed tonight every single one of those fans that booed His Name six NBA champion it’s teams in the NBA that ain’t won one we got six you want to beat your chest about six rings oh Michael Jordan got us six rings we six ring you ain’t

Nothing you ain’t wi you to know who didn’t take a jump shot you you want to know who didn’t make a single layup you stop dick riding I didn’t say it on lock stop no I meant it stop dick riding this man so much that you can’t sit here and be excited about

An honor I’m sorry to David lock and everybody that may get me a little bit a little bit of Hot Smoke on this one but you know what I’m pissed off tonight we’re so worried about and listen I get it I I think the Bulls dropped the ball in which Scotty Michael

And Dennis couldn’t get here I’m willing to put that on Michael Ry dorf pause but you know what y’all want to sit here and be so upset about a man that put together a team that won six NBA championships for your city and half of y’all that’s the

Only identity you got in your life cuz that’s all y’all ever talk about get up and go to work I remember Michael Jordan back in the day I ain’t watched the basketball game since Michael Jordan left you’re not a fan you don’t rock with this team you don’t bleed Chicago

You not no no no you’re not C red n none of that you’re a piece of garbage and as it was once said by Dave Chappelle I hope all the bad things happen to you and only you I mean there I don’t know what to say after like it it it’s it’s truly

Disgusting like it’s TR Tru it’s truly disgusting and see the the look on Thelma’s face like and that and it’s disgusting because you’re there to honor all the players that you saw there today that were part of those teams that they were there to honor guess who was

Instrumental in bringing every one of those players in here Jerry Krauss it’s basic respect I get it listen I’m not a fan of I’m not a fan of J Krauss breaking up the Bulls I would have loved to see him go for seven would have loved

It but you want know what he did he brought you six you ungrateful pieces of garbage six championships you think Michael Jordan gets those rings without him drafting Scotty Pippen you think Michael Jordan gets those rings without him drafting Horus Grant you think Michael Jordan gets those rings without

Him making the deal to go get Dennis Robin in a situation where he’s literally going this guy literally almost ended Scotty’s career I have to bring him in here how are you entitled by something that happened 20 plus years ago and let’s not let’s not even forget going and getting

Tony K coach as well like it’s just a move that the whole team was like he’s not worthy of being here we gonna kill him in the Olympics yeah stop y’all like this this this was honestly one of the times where I I’m disappointed to be because all the

Biggest story tonight in a time where the Bulls that our history was the same history that all booing Jerry cross was supposed to be honored guess what every headline the people who haven’t talked about Kobe All Season the people who haven’t talked about the Bulls playing better the people who were just waiting

For the negative thing Stephen A Smith is going to have a field day we’re talking about bulls fans on this and you want to know rightfully so and you want to know something Bulls fans sit here and complain about why people don’t come to Chicago it’s

Y’all this is facts like and that’s the thing I didn’t think about either Derrick Rose out of town y’all boo Derrick Rose when he first it’s not listen it’s not everybody it’s not all of C red C red is a certain section of bulls fans that live and die by

Everything the Chicago Bulls do when I tell you we’re sitting here watching game one through game 82 y’all think me and Hayes do this because we got a show on this no we was doing this already I was watching 82 games of 22 win Seasons That’s C Red Nation that’s the

That stick through all of this it’s not oh wow they’re not winning right now so I don’t want to really check in that that that that to me the fact that there’s a section of Chicago that will run anybody out of town that doesn’t live up to the greatness that you’ve put in

Place but the thing is they don’t live up to the greatness you you you worried about holding somebody else up to live into the greatness you don’t live for the greatness like it’s it’s disgusting bro it’s disgusting man like like and I expect better we are a a franchise that

Respects hard work and grind as a fan base right and you have completely allowed that to go by the wayside because you are you people are idiots let’s just be C it would like it it was idiotic to do what they did tonight there’s no excuse for it none and as a

Bulls fan I’m disgusted this I’m tell you this right now your team gave you back the energy you put into it positive energy begets positive energy I fully believe that you put positivity into the world you get positivity back out of the world even in moments where

Negativity could be there your team gave you that back that’s just what it is man I’m sorry I’m I’m just asking you I’m not telling you to put all your feelings for the last dance and all of that away I get it sure but we wanted to run it back one more time

Cool yeah I’m asking you to be a decent human being for five minutes minutes I’m asking you not to be a complete piece of garbage for five minutes you couldn’t Muster that five minutes hell five seconds you couldn’t muster Clapping Your Hand you don’t got to I’m not

Telling you to do back flips out of the stadium you couldn’t clap your hands together the same way you did for John Sally half of y’all forgot John Sally was on the balls you couldn’t clap your hands golf clap that’s all I’m asking you to be a

Decent person don’t be a piece of garbage for five seconds I’m done with it let’s go to the next topic fol next up we’re going to be talking about the Bull’s loss to the Warriors tonight before we get into that I got to talk to you guys about one of our sponsors and

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Frustrating the Chicago Bulls score 75 points in the first half of this game 75 Riding High feeling good all that type of stuff and then they proceed to give up up 45 48 points in the third quarter of this game where they only scored 20 when you look at everything else the Bulls

Could have still won that third quarter was absolutely atrocious and ugly and the Bulls did fight back eventually I think getting the lead down to four looking like they were going to make a run but the Golden State Warriors came marching right back and this is the difference between a team that has

Experience versus the team that’s still trying to figure it out because Klay Thompson as bad as he’s looked this season it was almost old Klay in the building today everybody looked at best today I’m not going to lie like I listen uh I had I had so many texts of the bull should

Trade for Andrew Wiggins and Jonathan kaminga tonight when uh we all know they haven’t been these guys this whole season um it it was listen like I said it was a second half one I’m I’m not even mad the Bulls lost tonight I hate to say that I’m not that fan base didn’t

Deserve to see them win tonight so I’m fine it is what it is uh but two on the flip side of it um a a Bulls team that just didn’t adjust well in the second half and I do think that it it’s tough to say I almost

And this is does it sound like an excuse sure is it an excuse maybe that layoff is something the Chicago Bulls are not used to and the Golden State Warriors are taking long halftimes is something you do when you have National games when you have championship games when you had the

Bulls didn’t know how to come back the Bulls came out in that third quarter and just like sat for 25 minutes I think I think in total the the the uh Ring of Honor ceremony was 22 minutes it was just like the bull you just sat for 22 minutes

Like we got to go back out here and play basketball again I thought 78 points was all we needed to put up uh and it showed and listen in the second half um let’s let’s be 100% honest on this as well uh Stephen Curry is Stephen Curry no for

Sure I don’t know I don’t know if people know this or not now when you let Klay Thomson turned into three years ago Klay Thompson that makes it a lot harder to come back in this game but Stephen Curry was Stephen Curry like you lost in a

Game of greatness being great uh there were times where Kobe white did everything he could defensively to be in the play there were times where Zack LaVine did everything he could defensively to be to play and Steph still knocked down a shot so sometimes you just get beat by

Greatness and that happened tonight um and I’m I like I said I hate to say it I’m glad they lost yeah I mean I know base what did you think about the fact that Kobe white only got four shots in the second half of this game after being on

Fire in the first half I think we’re still having the same conversation and it’s that it is clearly time um for the Chicago Bulls to move on from some of the veteran pieces and oddly enough it may not be Zack LaVine now Zack LaVine probably ends up getting moved

But you can have Zack dear and Kobe on the floor and Kobe’s gonna keep getting shots it’s it’s it’s not a possibility at least not with Billy Donovan at the helm yeah a better Coach could get that now 21 shots for DeMar rosen today he does score 39 points six rebounds uh

Five assists how did you feel about dear’s game today thought Demar played well I thought Demar looked good out there uh I didn’t I actually didn’t feel like he went to ISO ball for most of the game um I thought he looked better better than the guys the Warriors had guarding him

But it’s tough to say right because at the same time if he takes less shots and you put shots in the hand of your ball handler more um maybe you’re able to get something done but I’m I’m be real with you listen the end of the day you got

Outscored by a team that put up 140 points oh what is it too much to ask for a couple of stops here boys I mean the defense in the first half was solid but like that defense in the second half of this game was like t two teams it was

Literally like that like they had never played defense before like they were just learning how to play defense yeah it was a it was a tail of two teams um it got to a point where Alex Caruso literally had to chase him Mor now I will say this as well uh the referee

Crew tonight my God uh some of the calls on both sides it’s not just on the bull side on both sides I’m just like is we doing like the the goal tending on uh was that Jonathan Thompson that young man last name what is his last name I feel like got one of

Those hyphenated names he got a he got a hyphen uh J TR got all of it wrong uh Tracy Jackson Davis uh at Gold none of it had three names and you didn’t get one didn’t get a single one right I had three names to choose one uh Tracy

Jackson Davis or Trace Jackson Davis I believe it as they say it um they caught a goal tending on him and I was like that’s going up that’s that is a very clean block uh and then on the other side I thought that there was a couple

Of calls on Kobe white where it was just like what are you looking at how are you calling fouls on this oh Stephen Curry’s going to the bucket so we’re just calling fouls because he’s stuff I get it okay yeah um yeah defensively in the

Second half I mean we can’t sit here and complain about the off 131 points from the Chicago Bulls 131 now 58 points in the second half should get the job done after scoring 75 in the first half yeah but if you give up 78 in the second half it

Will not get the job done it’s crazy man I also think here here’s what I’ll ask you uh we’re never going to see Drummond and and that Drummond and Vu uh uh tandem that we saw um 2228 minutes that worked so incredibly well again huh we’re just never going to see

That again what drum they didn’t play that many minutes together no no no I’m talking about when drum played 22 minutes Vu played 28 minutes like literally the perfect setup for Chicago clear today they both played trash both both of them were bad today I thought L facilitated the basketball really well

He did I mean and that’s not to say they he didn’t do certain things right but generally both of them just to me too this was a game where I expected them both to Feast off the rebounds the fact that drum and Vu combined for 12 rebounds that’s crazy yeah no it wasn’t

Good it wasn’t good uh especially I mean you got outrebounded by a team whose tallest player is is it Trace Jackson Davis now no he’s 68 well maybe TS kaminga hey Trace Jackson Davis might be their tallest player Looney 69ine hey bro it’s still not taller than

Either of our centers bro I I know it’s not taller than either of our cers I’m just saying that that him and tra uh Jackson Davis are the taller tallest players and yeah we shouldn’t have got out rebounded by five in this one that’s all I’m saying bro and there was a lot

Of opportunities for it there was just there was too many opportunities that I thought bounced right into the Bulls hands and then went straight through them so I just just a bad second half in the first half too I think we got to point this out like while the the Golden State

Warriors shot a terrible percentage from three in the first half of the game a lot of those three-pointers were open they just like Klay Thompson missed a wideopen three he air balled a wide open three I mean we’ve seen that all season though yeah no I know but I’m just

Saying there was a lot of wide open threes that were missed and that was one of my concerns going to the second half is like we got to have better three-point defense because yeah they missed a lot of shots but they were good shots they just missed them and we saw

That come true in the second half where they just killed us yeah I mean listen I I you’re in a position now with this team and I I think it’s pretty clear after seeing Zach back in the starting lineup for a couple of games here and

Not to say Zack played bad not to say that he again I thought Zack LaVine was a perfect number two today I really did uh I thought he was the perfect compliment to Kobe white today um but you’ve got three guys who all needed to put up 25 plus and you couldn’t

Win and 50 points from your back court and 39 from DeMar rosen and and one of those guys didn’t get five shots in the second half that’s a problem yeah that’s a problem that’s a problem just saying uh but I mean listen I feel like we’ve

We’ve been so negative on the Ring of Honor and there’s a lot to be negative of I mean there’s still the fact that the Bulls didn’t orchestrate this around probably the three greatest players in our history uh it’s pretty tough like I love Bob love but like come on guys Michael

Scotty and and Dennis kind of important people here uh just a little bit just a little bit which Dennis my guy stop or not not Dennis Scotty my guy stop hating bro can’t send a video can’t get a video bro well you know yesterday they released that video of of Michael

Jordan’s son and his his ex-wife talking about how many times they get it in so it was like I think that was the that was it he wasn’t he wasn’t showing up after that video bro that video was hilarious it’s just Scotty just coming out of

Nowhere that was bad that was bad uh but before we do that before we talk about uh some of the positives that we could talk about with this Ring of Honor man we do have to tell you guys all about prize picks uh listen prize pick is the

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Things like that um first of all I know it’s a it’s a buzz thing right now what do you think about the fact that both Scotty and uh and uh pit weren’t here I’m Scotty and pip Scotty and MJ weren’t here J yeah pip is what Lara calls never mind but uh I

Mean you you gotta plan better that’s just bad planning I’m sorry like why why you say it’s bad plenty because the first thing you do is go hey Michael Jordan you’re the greatest player in arguably NBA history and probably the greatest player our history not probably for sure the

Greatest player in our history what days are you available and what and what if you would have said no I’m good because I don’t think I don’t think MJ would have come regardless I don’t think I I just don’t believe that MJ would have come I’ve been saying that when people

Were asking I’m like I don’t think he’s gonna come you don’t think that if you like cater it to him he’s not GNA come no I don’t like MJ barely came when Allstar Weekend was in Chicago and he was out he literally filmed that thing he showed his face he was gone you

Remember they showed at half time half time in All-Star game he was out I don’t think I just I I don’t think MJ would have come regardless he’s become more and more reclus as time has gone on I don’t think Jordan would have showed up

Regardless I think pit was on his way I think pit was literally packing his bag and that clip came out of of of Marcus and and Larson he was like you know what I’m staying at home I think Dennis was riding the motorcycle and pulled over to

Record his video well you know well Dennis said it was the weather so yeah yeah I’m telling you like through the blizzard Dennis is just bandana going riding the motorcycle trying to get to Chicago and uh and and it’s it just didn’t work out for him and he pulled

Over at a sports bar knocked down a couple of shots told somebody hold my phone real quick and I’m G record this video um I don’t know bro like it I just if you can’t get the greatest player in your history to come back that tells you even more what a joke you

Are no I just think I just think at this point Michael Jordan doesn’t he’s not gonna he’s not even about that see I don’t know about that though because Michael’s come back for an honor before what was it he came back for the 20 year

Yeah I get that I get that but that you gotta realize like literally Jordan has become more and more reclus over the last like you only see Jordan now when when he’s drunk when he got bottles of tequila in his hand walking out of cars that’s when he gets pictures nowo here

We go baby he barely showed up to games when he was the owner of a team like come on bro well that team was garbage but uh I don’t know I don’t know that’s that’s I don’t think you’re wrong in the sense that he’s become more reclusive I don’t think he would have

Stayed for the whole game but I do think he probably would have come for the honor now he might have plain lands he takes it during the first half to The Stadium playing lands on top of the United Center while the basketball game is happening Michael gets out comes into

The stadium immediately walks back out once it’s over he might have Steve Curtis he might have came out of the locker room for the last four minutes that’s hilarious bro St c yeah I just I just I don’t think that Mike Mike would have showed up regardless bro I just and

Maybe that’s just me I’m not saying that I’m not saying it like this it’s this Hardline stance where it’s like I’m right and everybody else is wrong I just look I’m just I’m just reading the T Le you might not be wrong you might not be

Me I I just I don’t think Michael Michael showed up regard they could they could have called Michael and said Michael you picked the date Michael would have picked the date and it’s still not showed up he would have picked the All-Star game and be like Mike we’re not we’re

Not playing during that oh it’s the only damn fre no but I’m I’m not gonna lie to you either right you couldn’t have worked this out with the NBA to do it at the All-Star game if you felt like Michael couldn’t have got like this is no

Because I think I think that that would have set a president of every team or major franchise trying to do and keep in mind Ring of Honor is franchise exclusive and more and more teams are going to be doing that because less teams are retiring numbers I don’t think

The NBA would have let any team do that I think a team that holds literally the player that even the NBA now LeBron James all the great things that he’s done all that the NBA still thinks Mike’s the greatest player of all time true true but I I think they would have

Been like we get Mike in the building let’s go I I think I think you are very much overrating how much the NBA gives a damn about Chicago Bulls honoring their has nothing to do with the bulls nothing only has to do with Mike showing up and

Again they probably would have been like Mike ain’t coming to this crap well they didn’t remember they didn’t think Mike was coming to the top 75 you dig and then he just pulled up but listen but listen that was that was purposeful Mike pulled a power move on that one he

Pulled a Kanye on that one I’m not going to show up I’m not going to be there hey my my Michael Jordan just pulled up hey M said I to do I had nothing else to do I was around I was close by I was close by was that in

Cleveland yeah ain’t nobody just in Cleveland if that’s the case was that in Cleveland or was that in Utah last year the sur5 ceremony is that two years ago or last year that was last year years ago no that was two years ago was it yeah that

Was I think that was two years ago I don’t know who cares I will say this the one it wasn’t Cleveland you are right it wasel gross I was there for it uh the one part about uh that I guess surprised me and probably shouldn’t have is when I saw

Phil with a cane and this tells me how much I think these guys are just God level people so I was like why do Phil have a cane and somebody immediately went he’s almost 80 like Phil’s almost 80 yeah wow I didn’t even think about that like uh also I am almost 100%

Certain Phil Jackson smokes the Mary Jane bro like literally like it’s it’s probably luk longley’s definitely getting in on it with him when you saw him sitting behind him like he’s getting in on that on that same they’re passing it to each other wait hold on I got the

Picture in here look at long Le behind Phil right here he definitely he definitely just hit a blunt bro like bro long Le’s just like I haven’t been here in 10 years mate we’re we’re here baby I also love how Luke longle went from looking like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo to older Shaggy from

Scooby-Doo I’m about to say cuz cuz listen uh Matthew liard also looks like that now like they have almost the same haircut so it’s just older Shaggy from Scooby-Doo yeah uh shout out Bob Butterbean love I thought that was really cool and a train being there um

Hey listen listen a TR has seen better days hey we F to fry a train is that what you no I’m not frying a I was like what are we doing I’m just saying I would not be surprised at all if when a train left he immediately fell asleep

When in the on the Uber back bro was tired he was barely up there I’m surprised that a TR wasn’t leaning to the left as theyo I said it earlier in the show I’ll say it again how many of y’all didn’t know John Sally play for the Bulls that’s hilarious I guarantee you

There’s a good chunk of of the audience that was like hey what’s the dude from uh bad boys doing it down there what is he doing no he plays he plays right what’s that dude from Real Husbands of Hollywood doing down there like no it’s not JB smooth that’s John Sally he was

Down there oh no man it was listen I I thought that uh the Ring of Honor was a good idea the execution needed work the fan base made it it worse that’s my take away from The Ring of Honor yeah I’m done with it did you just fall

Asleep a little no I just no cuz I’m still frustrated bro like I’m really still frustrated by it like I almost said something I had to stop myself because I almost say yeah the [ __ ] the effing losers that were there but you know it is what it is I’m glad that our

People um are the legends in our history got to be acknowledged uh like they deserve and again as we end this uh the ones that we’re in the crowd booing you guys are despicable yep and that’s it thanks for checking on us we’re still a piece of garbage y stay safe by Chicago

Oh follow me on everything at PA designer follow us both on everything at lockon it’s probably gonna lose followers tonight it is by the way here’s how you know it’s bad No One’s Gonna admit they boo you guys can follow me at CEO ha thank you guys for tuning in to another

Episode of Locked on bulls we are free and available on every podcasting app and platform as well as YouTube and the Odyssey app for pth the design I’m Hayes this has been locked on bulls peace y’all [Applause] Peace

Haize & Pat The Designer discuss the Bulls loss to the Golden State Warriors & A disgusting showing from Bulls fans.
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  1. So the game was all over the place. But I will say what handicaps this team is the lack of size.

    A tough decision needs to be made and I feel Demar DeRozan would be the Bulls 6th man. I feel it could be either he or Lavine but right now I’d bring DeRozan off the bench. Get Pat in early and only play small ball in spurts.

    Bulls will need to make a trade to get more size. But in this game Vuc needed to either sit more or play alongside Drummond because the Warriors killed us on the boards and that was the difference in the game.

    Sanogo might need a look cause I feel he can be a Kevon Looney type of player.

  2. Well put fellas!! 💯💯 I was thoroughly DISGUSTED and embarrassed at the booing and I knew from that moment on, we were gonna LOSE the game! Completely RUINED the energy of the night! SMDH.. Horrible!

  3. Booooooo😂 it’s sports some people gonna get booed some people gonna get cheered in death and life show will go on, and the bulls not winning no more 🤷🏾‍♂️

  4. Boo’ing was crazy. Krause gave 6 Titles for Chicago! There’s cities that have ZERO chips! Chicago’s crazy.

  5. Hey they paid for a ticket 🎟, the organization took they're money 💰 🤑 so if a fan might boo a GM or player that's there prerogative let's move on and learn from it

  6. Respect to Haize and Pat for being REAL.

    There have been some low and disappointing points in the past 25 years of this franchise, but this is by FAR the lowest point and the most embarrassed I've ever been to call myself a Bulls fan

  7. Can’t be mad. As hard as the Warriors are hibernating in general this season, they still possess the core of players that made up what I believe is the greatest team ever assembled in basketball history; better than the teams and players we were celebrating in the UC, truly. They literally reshaped the entire sport in their image. They can turn it on, they have an extra 3-4 levels of play they can open the floodgates to as they trot towards the playoffs. Kind of like what we see Jimmy Butler alone can do in just willing his team into the finals any given year. The Bulls do not have any extra gears like that. Our current level is absolutely red-lining at bumslaying.

  8. If it wasn’t for Jerry Krause making tough decisions to put those championship teams together this would be a different conversation. So I agree to boo the man and have his widow clearly in tears is tasteless and disgusting. I thought Chicago was more classy than this. 😢😮

  9. The organization shouldn’t have invited the lady there. They knew that was going to happen. Bulls fans have always hated Krause they will get over it

  10. It’s one thing to boo a dead guy, already very messed up. But booing a widow and grandmother to tears because her husband only won u 6 rings instead of 7 is one of the most entitled and trashy things I’ve ever seen

  11. As a original 66-67 Bulls fan. Yes I am 68 years old. When Michael came you could count the fans yourself. Most of the fans were from other places. After the winning you could not get near the Madhouse on Madison. People now thinks the team is their birthright. SAD

  12. It’s definitely y’all Millennials and Gen X’rs cuz bulls fans born after 2000 don’t even have that emotional connection like that 💀

  13. In 2011 they booed him at the 91 bulls celebration so it was going to happen regardless but yes it was senseless to do

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