@Toronto Raptors

The Detroit Pistons have lost 35 of their last 36 games.

This hurts to look at

by AllOutRaptors


  1. BubblyPhilosophy3476

    lol posting a worse team to make our bad team look better.. bad is still bad

  2. app1efritter

    They almost had Freddy and Rockettes last night but coughed up the loss right at the end. It was a good game too.

  3. I-C-U-8-1-M-I

    Blame both NY and Toronto FOs. Why couldn’t they make the trade after the game? NY lost to Indy shorthanded too 🤦‍♂️

  4. kevin_lam1203

    How crazy would it be if they broke the losing steak record again in the same season?

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