@Miami Heat

Mo Wagner on the loss to the Miami Heat

Mo Wagner on the loss to the Miami Heat

One song do you feel like playing in all these tight contests help you down the road as far as learning how to stay composed I know tonight didn’t go your way but just moving forward just kind of having that experience yeah of course I mean sure but I don’t

Need Le be honest with you competitors and the strs um yeah I mean we turned over 11 times I don’t think we shot the way we wanted to but think we play a pretty solid game sometimes you lose um yeah and it sucks for now but good thing

We’re playing less than hours you guys have done a good job most of the Season getting into the pain attacking then if the defense collaps is kicking out do you feel like you’re getting the the moves inside that you want instead as attacking the basket or do you feel like

You guys can be a little bit more aggressive let me see points in the pain ien looked at 38 is pretty that’s okay I would say do a little better um yeah obviously that’s a stable of ours it’s a strength of ours so we’re trying to play towards that um but when

You lose you probably haven’t done it enough so I think today would really hurt us is their cuts um especially in the first half and obviously down the stretch more plays than us um y this team’s obviously going through a lot right now with the injury with with

The illness that’s going for this team how do you how do you kind of find a way to to will yourself to to to win even with all the players down just kind of guys I don’t see it as such I don’t think we going through a lot I mean um

Look at the Miami Heat they the same thing going on that’s the NBA it’s 82 games in 60 month and six months it’s a lot going on man that’s part of the the business uh I think with two and two in the last four games um that ain’t bad so

Um it’s kind of like Law of Attraction you know if it’s if you tell yourself something’s going on uh like hood that something is going on it’s going to grow so to me I’m just like try to uh stay with the flow focus on the guys next to

Me and uh play uh with a good attitude uh yeah and kind of move on well you mentioned the in the paint earlier was that something you think was a product of the way that he were defending you were I mean they’re very much know to do

This already so I’m sure it wasn’t a surprise but the way that they packed the paint send all the help towards the paint at the rim do you think that changed some of the the reads out there for you guys this yeah sure sorry I yeah uh I

Honestly I every time I sit here I’m like I don’t really care what others do I think uh I have the confidence in this team that we can beat anyone and um that’s what they do obviously they do a great job um but uh I mean we lost by

Three I think there’s so much we could have controlled um other than that to win the game so I’m not really like worried about that okay Jason sorry line great okay thank you

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