@Atlanta Hawks

[NBACentral] The Atlanta Hawks are the favorites to land Andrew Wiggins, per @BovadaOfficial

Not sure what that validity to this is, it seems a bit random and is the first Im hearing of this.

BUT the only reason Im giving a report based on gambling my attention is because a week or 2 before the Raptors landed Kawhi, there was a report where the Raptors were the betting odds on landing Kawhi even though he only wanted LA/NY. Many thought it was preposterous and BS, but then they did it. So now Im wondering if there an actual reason for this and someone knows something we dont. Thoughts?

by DevlopmentlyDisabled


  1. Consistent-Engine342

    Sure they can have Dre and Bey for him

  2. I don’t hate it but don’t like it either. Idk at this point I just am tired of all the different trade discussions and just want SOMETHING to happen

  3. snakeswithshoulders

    Makes total sense on our side. He can replace Dre and run with Jalen. Would also be interested in Kuminga too

  4. WzrdKelly10

    I’ll take him if it gets us Moses Moody + a pick lol

  5. darkwingduck9

    I’m guessing this would be for Murray? I saw someone suggesting Paul would be traded to the Hawks and not Wiggins but that was some reddit comment probably from the NBA subreddit and I took it seriously.

    As for Wiggins, he is having the worst season of his career. If this would be a buy low move and the front office believed he could rebound then this could be good. Big reliance on a resurgence though and they’d need to throw Moody our way and some number of draft picks.

  6. Dreadful. He’s out of shape after dealing with a personal issue and his entire drive is tied to being able to compete for a championship. This would be one of the worst moves we could make unless we’re just taking on money to get picks and talent.

  7. Sammcbucketts

    Wiggins is worse than Dre but both are on bad contracts and Wiggins if he figures his shit out could be better long term. Would love to see Dre + mills for Moody + Wiggins + 2 2nds.

  8. hollow-ataraxia

    He’s literally just DeAndre Hunter at this point

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