@Milwaukee Bucks

Golden State Warriors vs Milwaukee Bucks Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Jan 13 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Golden State Warriors vs Milwaukee Bucks Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Jan 13 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

About the Bucks defense inside they’re 25th in opponent points in the paint so the Warriors are showing that they’re thinking about getting into the paint breaking the paint threatening ler konz getting some playing time he could definitely use some points for some unlikely suspects tonight play Thompson Missing that three

And Yiannis with the rebound H it to Koo with Chris Middleton Maran Bo champ and Andre Jackson have been splitting those minutes at the small forward spot and Jackson in now Bobby poris so the Warriors are not shooting it at 40% but go great awareness and post up by Trace Jackson Davis where’s

Our advantage Trace Jackson Davis with Pat Conan on him trying to front him that’s our advantage throw it in there they had the defense pretty lifted other than him Brook Lopez and Lillard are sitting right now Middleton man he could hit probably feels way further than it looked

Looks race Jackson Davis Giannis is there he went right at him and scored that was a great adjustment there he expected that next Defender even though it was Giannis he had something for him two Defenders stay with Poky showing him the respect Trace has eight points that last time out show coach

Kerr wants to see these guys compete where’s your focus level don’t leave the shooters open help each other rotate like they just did and that time Lester came and helped to make that shot more difficult for poris Dangerous pass canones cyle it to an open kaminga doesn’t settle for the

Three EST Kona is an open three and he bottoms out Klay Thompson with another feed he kenon came ready you just go into your drawn kicks all these long close outs do not settle they’re coming from Awkward angles you can get in the paint quicker look at the look at the

Warriors coaching staff up like come help yeah Middleton wasn’t getting an open shot that time I can tell you back within four 3531 pis missing you know I trace Jackson Davis 30 of his last 35 shot attempts I mean that is pretty solid psky right down the

Lane so what I tell you you can get and he when he’s rolling he makes the game Look So Easy oh man you would know it but this month he’s not shooting the three ball very well but his shot selection this game is so good he’s getting inside a little more Littleton

On the kick out Bobby poris catching shoot Yiannis with the offensive rebound and that’s tap city when he catches it in there so kaminga and konz Trace Jackson Davis to jamski and Clay again when you’re underman back end of a back to back playing an elite team

Keep hanging in the game so far so good for the Warriors trace on the Baseline creating a little space and finishing Kona is making plays too he’s driving in there Force some help Trace Jackson Davis do the rest K picking up Yannis almost full court H that three is off

And konz with the rebound ball pressure you’re contesting threes that’s effort manga passed up that three theonas little tough Runner off iron got his own rebound Trace Jackson Davis is fouled hey kenon has made things happen even he missed that Runner he got his own Miss and that’s what we’ve

Been talking about never let your effort be in question that should be something that your coach can rely on you for come in the game bring the intensity and show what you can do you can drive the ball you made some great passes and look how he’s working on the defensive end ball

Pressure Trace Miss bolto free throws Warriors only one of three from the line but the Bucks have only taken one free throw they’re tied for second in three throw attempts in the NBA as Middleton it’s fun to watch him shoot he is something else he doesn’t look

Like he expends a lot of energy does he you know he had that wrist earlier then he had the knee surgery kaminga scoring in they can have big numbers in the paint we talked about kaminga 18 straight games with double figure scoring and he’s got five in the first

Half on attend hit one three riing that one out and kaminga R and take feel free to push when you grab those rebounds kaminga on Lopez and draws him out to the corner now attacks the big man and puts it up and in that’s perfect take him all

The way outside like you’re in my domain now you got to guard me out here and then Blow by with your speed all started with kaminga getting that rebound and then Lopez beautifully done on that lob and dunk there’s no stopping with that pick and roll he just set it and rolled

Out of it Trace Jackson Davis stayed up so the bucks back up one p jsky on a step around oh hello just have a paint scoring Fest tonight Brandon’s nine and Trace Jackson Davis 10 the two Warrior rookies are leading them and scoring knocked away Trace

Quickest man to the ball foot race to the rim and cson saved a layup it’s all right Char a good look at three hortis with the rebound the Brook Lopez back in Yannis will get the rest Middleton just gave one away it’s Wiggins he fought over and just stayed

In the play reached in there with his length and and knocked it Loose you just get reward for playing hard yeah Andrew on this little mini trip so far his energy and effort level been great and right on Q Wiggins banks at home see they’re giving Brook Lopez a lot to

Think about now guys are going at his head in there he probably thought Andrew Wiggins was going to try to go to the basket the fade away caught him off guard Beasley get the things under control here he’s No Nonsense look at his face so it was 94 when jannis sat so that’s

You know just little increments when the big man is off the floor and kenot flipping it up and in everybody’s tricking Brook Lopez a little ball fake he bit that one the Warriors come from nine down to have the five-point lead supposed to be their rim protector Jackson inside denied got his

Own rebound good second effort he was the captain on the Connecticut National Championship team man FY kaminga off the made bucket goes 10 of 11 on points in the paint in quarter intentionality in the mindset has been terrific Lillard cross over Cory Joseph made it a tougher shot Brook Lopez kept it alive

Giannis on the step through Splash Mountain to shoot the three and a long rebound third opportunity for the bucks and charage deflected fourth opportunity and Brook L those dunks at home that wasn’t lack of warrior defense and scrambling and hustling and you just credit the bucks for their effort the

Bucks were so fortunate there that was an ugly possession charage picking fade but a little flat that’ll happen on back to backs in terms of the legs oh full head of steam you just don’t stop that it’s either going to be a foul or a bucket in two steps he can get from

The three-point line to the rim his strides are crazy and he does it with adamant like we got to be better defensively we got to we got to be better offensively we got to play together more good play Cory Joseph that was ricocheting back to the shooter he

Always here from eighth grade on box out the shooter that saved the warriors on that Miss free throw Wiggins Kon Looney tough turn in fate Char keeping it alive Wiggins quick hands Giannis is there and ponny Looney tipping it up and out third opportunity come on stays with it how about that

Warrior possession be relentless on the boards that’s what the Warriors do one of the best teams in the league at it easily they run him off the three-point line we said NBA’s best three-point shooter this year too missed the layup and Looney made it a tough shot didn’t give him a b

By Charon missed a couple threes so didn’t pull right there Wiggins posting up Jackson Andrew leans in and nowhere to go with it Cory Joseph open three and he rails it

Golden State Warriors vs Milwaukee Bucks Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Jan 13 | 2024 NBA Regular Season


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