@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Tatum’s ejection including replay of the uncalled foul on Cam Whitmore’s “emphatic block”

[Highlight] Tatum’s ejection including replay of the uncalled foul on Cam Whitmore’s “emphatic block”

by Far-Asparagus6416


  1. Lmfao OP petty with the “emphatic”. Talk your shit

  2. mattislinx

    Don’t blame Tatum considering the refs missed 2 fouls on him just before this. This was the tipping point.

  3. There needs to be PUBLIC accountability for the refs, idgaf if their feelings are hurt, cause shit like this is embarrassing.

  4. Pale-Criticism-7420

    That refs face screams “I’m guilty”

  5. cs-shitposter

    These motherfuckers are _BLIND_

    I hope their guide dogs bite their ass

  6. Kyler1313

    Dude got whacked so hard on the last possession the Rockets announcers were talking about “getting away with one”. Then this happened. Obviously you should keep your cool, but if Tatum is going to get ejected any game, this was fine…

  7. crashbandicoochy

    When the Celtics go up big in blowouts, this happens every fucking time.

    Maybe the 20th game this year with the exact same reffing pattern. Convinced its gambling related, shaving points for the spread. So does Tatum, because he’s been teched for saying shit is rigged lmao

  8. lizzi_5775MLJ

    Cam Whitmore talking shit and clapping knowing damn well he fouled JT lol

  9. Darx_is_God

    Tatum biggest victim of refs bullshit this year lol

  10. Refs mad they couldn’t help the Rockets cover their +14.5 bets.

  11. Drummallumin

    I’m not gonna pretend that Tatum doesn’t get a good whistle, but compared to all the other top 10 players it’s crazy to see the difference.

  12. Fresh_Ostrich4034

    Refs hate tatum. Tatum is the most successful star in Nba history to not get Star Calls.

  13. fishfrogsanchez

    One of these days a player is gonna wind up and punch a ref in the face and the sport of basketball will be better off

  14. I wanted to talk shit here on the Celtics begging for a call, then saw the replay. How does that not get called,ffs. My apologies Tatum/Celtics, this is wild

  15. ClappedCheek

    This is only a game so why does this shit infuriate me to this point? I am red in the face.

  16. Refs keep fucking up the calls, this isn’t isolated to Celtics games. This seasons been abysmal

  17. TheNatureBoy

    The L2M will use the words “EMPHATIC BLOCK” even though this isn’t in the last two minutes, and not a block.

  18. Eli_TheGolfer7

    I really can’t understand how they are this bad, how do you get to the highest level of basketball reffing and be this shitty?

  19. baby_puddingsnatcher

    I dunno what he said to the ref on his way out, but the ref looks like he’s re-assessing his whole life.

  20. bankshot2134

    Tatum and Kawhi worst superstar whistles in the league

  21. Burner_for_design

    Did he get some ball before he raked the arms?

  22. BurstPanther

    Holy shit, you could legit see that ref’s bottom lip quivering as Tatum left the floor.

    Also, shouldn’t it be a tech on the rockets player? Punching the ball after the missed ft?

  23. AlternativeTea9268

    Tatum’s whistle is beyond awful compared to the whistles his peers are getting. Dude would average 40 a night with an Embiid whistle

  24. smalls_1804

    That is the face of a man who damn well knows he fucked up

  25. alwaysbelieve100

    I read that as Empathetic Block “I’m shutting down your shot but I feel for you. Keep on trying brother you’ll get me next time”

  26. 416_Ghost

    I hate Boston in every single sport ok. Even lacrosse and I don’t watch that

    But Tatum does not get any respect from the refs. Clearly fouled here. Then the previous games where he’s T’d up for clapping and it’s not even in their direction. Pure garbage

  27. AKawhiPlace

    How are these refs the best in the world, they’re a cancer to the game

  28. boardingschmordin

    Good thing that wasnt in the last 2 minutes or the report would say Tatum actually charged and should be fined 100k

  29. ajalonghorn

    Celtics fans are out in full force unsurprisingly but I mean it’s not an easy call at all. He maybe makes contact with his arm RIGHT before his hand hits the ball but it’s close as hell.

  30. ajalonghorn

    Even on the replay his hand touched the ball at basically the exact moment he makes body contact. And that’s seeing the benefit of replay. Honestly it’s kind of an insanely good call. To not call that foul takes eagle eyes. This sub continues to ignore reality.

  31. Glass_Mango_229

    He literally hit the ball before any contact with the arm. And you have to slow it down to freeze frame in order to decide the call. It’s a bang bang call and Celtics fans are acting like it’s the worst call in history. Great defense. 

  32. MFmadchillin

    Man this some fucking bullshit this league sucks

  33. Upper_Conversation_9

    I must be crazy because I don’t see a foul here despite the hysterics in this thread.

    NBA rule: “The hand is considered “part of the ball” when it is in contact with the ball. Therefore, contact on that part of the hand by a defender while it is in contact with the ball is not illegal.”

    Contact after the block is incidental.

  34. JsportsCards

    Cam Whitmore still impresses the crap out of me….. he might be the best rookie outside of Wemby and Chet… he’s 19 and built like a bull

  35. MrSteeze3

    Looks like he hit ball before anything else but not by much.

    Refs are still 100% pure unadulterated ass.

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