@Golden State Warriors

Golden State Warriors vs Milwaukee Bucks FULL GAME Highlights| Jan 13| 2024 NBA Regular Season

Golden State Warriors vs Milwaukee Bucks FULL GAME Highlights| Jan 13| 2024 NBA Regular Season

And Brook Lopez for Milwaukee Jack clock at five Middleton to deep two and lasers it home somewh obviously getting Damen Lillard kind of signaling to Yiannis as Klay Thompson knocks down a three coming off screens signaling the in the state of [Applause] Wisconsin that’s a lofty title for the

Whole for the whole state yeah jich he beat Brook Lopez and dar whether it’s a the jeepy speed dribbling it and the Warriors try to avoid the turnover it’s such a great job last night with only five Klay Thompson got there before taking care of the ball saw a lot of

Smiles last night Giannis right to the Baseline I just don’t know how you cover him but with the rebound I mean Giannis when you start to look at 31 points and 11 rebounds and he’s worked on his threes he has you want to cap him that’s of them now now

You’re betwix and between trying to guard him the jsky opens with the three and we talked about Brandon struggling shooting the ball that’s good to see if Giannis misses he’s still 24t away from the rim in terms of offensive rebounding not causing Looney from the elbow come on with the jumper

The Lopez with play on him chars comes to double cyclet to D and Lillard with the runner if going to double team especially brate but I think you you said at top of the telecast experiment with different things try different things tonight have some fun get your

Energy up that’s one of the main reasons for the three and make those bigs guard on the perimeter and then then you never beat Milwaukee shot clock at seven midleton had to give it up shot clock at four Lopez shooting the air ball unfortunately for the dubs it goes

Right to Malik Beasley to follow it home possession up until then yeah it’s smaller Defenders Beasley all these guys you can get him in the post clay thinking some really good Defenders there you Jackson Davis in the game finga as well and our first look at Cory Joseph Lillard three yeah if you’re

Going to be in drop coverage on him he knows all he has to worry about and boy headed back the other way a good find to the NBA’s leading three-point shooter on leag B Warriors down only one and playing a very competitive first quarter here Trace Jackson Davis he and clay have developed

Some chemistry in the last couple last night but he also had six assists so his floor game was [Applause] excellent Lillard speed dribble and finish he is special he’s a tough cover see which group is jelling together and then just go with your gut as the game goes on that high screen

Rooll and Beasley like you said at 48% essentially leading got to work you have to be perfect tonight Lillard completing the three-point play Andre Jackson Jr oh he’s winning that battle on everyone’s scouting report but he went to the left hand that time you slow your body takes a lot of contact he

Embraces all of it he does Brandon breaking the paint drop it off Trace Jackson Davis to lay it in you like the way PO jimsky is playing this game yis with a big step back out to conon for three and P conon rattles it home final minute of a really

Interesting first quarter the Warriors got down nine they kind of scratching a CLA hanging around and pis hits the [Applause] three so the Warriors are not shooting it at 40% but go great awareness post up by Trace Jackson Davis where had the defense pretty lifted other than him

Brook Lopez and Lillard are sitting right now Middleton man he could [Applause] hit R Jackson Davis Yannis is there he went right at him and scored that was a great adjustment there he kaminga doesn’t settle for the three EST kinon an open three and he bottoms out Klay Thompson with another feed hey Kon ready you just go 30 of his

Last 35 shot attempts I me that is pretty solid psky right down the lane so what I tell you you can get and he shot selection this game is so good he’s getting inside a little more Littleton on the kick out Bobby poris catch and shoot Yannis with the offensive rebound

And that’s tap city when he catches it in there of a back to back playing an elite team keep hanging in the game so far so good for the Warriors trace on the Baseline creating a little space and finishing Warriors only one of three from the line but the Bucks have only

Taken one free throw they tied for second in free throw attempts in the NBA is Middleton it’s fun to watch you know he had that wrist earlier then he had the knee surgery kaminga scoring in they can kaminga on Lopez and draws him out to the

Corner now attacks the big man and puts it up and yeah that’s perfect take him all the way outside like you’re in my domain speed all started with kaminga getting that rebound and then Lopez beautifully done on that lob and dunk there’s no stopping so the bucks back up

One for jsky on a step around oh hello just have a paint scoring can you just get rewarded for playing hard yeah Andrew on this little mini trip so far his energy and effort level been great and right on Q Wiggins Banks it home see they’re giving Brook Lopez a lot to look

At his face so it was 94 when jannis sat so that’s you know just little increments the big man is off the floor and kenon flipping it up and in everybody’s TR down to have the five-pointed lead supposed to be their rim protector Jackson inside denied got

His own rebound good second effort he was the co- captain on the Connecticut National Championship team man FY kaminga off the made bucket and charage deflected fourth opportunity and Brook Lopez dunks at home that wasn’t lack of warrior defense and scrambling and hustling and you just credit the Leon

Looney up turn in fat Char is keeping it alive Wiggins quick hands Giannis is there and py Looney tipping it up and out third opportunity come on stays with it how about that Warrior possession begins posting up Jackson Andrew leans in and nowhere to go with it Cory Joseph open three and he

Rails it instead of turning it over by P 278 bench Advantage Warriors largest lead of the night at seven and Lillard we Marvel at his distant shooting and it out of giannis’s hands with a double Middleton show and go the Hest to Finish Well Done you can’t lose sight of your

Man playing open three this time and he got he been two of 10 and kind of forcing a couple different shots that was time in this game without step psychologically without Steph without Chris Paul without Draymond without Moses Moody that’ll be huge that’s saying a lot for two of

Seven they need him but he’s taking good shots Yannis round it out Warriors fortunate and O Dupo just hammering that [Applause] down they like that clay match up if you could get play on that low box it’s a Wiggins Wing three and that came in a good time as the Warriors retake the

Lead tension of fans just chanting something Giannis to Brook Lopez and get it out of Beasley’s hands Middleton from Deep for Chris Middleton like you said he shot clock at seven the jamy side step three oh shot that from Appleton Wisconsin how about that and you see this up top play catch and

Shoot and Looney fighting for another rebound there’s another Milwaukee’s best getting on the glass these Milwaukee boys come home they look bouncy tonight serves it 12 finals games and he saw that tricks of the trade for some of the veteran big guys and Expos Lillard down low oh Wiggins what a pass to

Looney it’s perfect they look Brook Ling around they got their nose out in front Hy picked up the dribble he get it back after it was deflected shot clock at seven on Giannis Brandon s step three come on come on now oh py he’s has 15 Lillard and Looney just makes everything

Tough Brook Lopez biggest man in the building puts it up and in place these fans are going what is happening clay finds the range don’t let him get going keep shooting Klay Thompson theyve got a dozen they’ve been l in time and Yannis out oh man that is one of the best

Players Giannis flat that time and psky batted it but quickest man of the ball Andre Jackson that hurt you had a chance to get that Miss free throw ynis R up Bobby Port from Deep Jackson sent that pin in SC that’s the NBA and they picked up their

Intensity the crowds back in it now Lillard for three got it like Kena said the Warriors have been dry here for a couple minutes Dario in on a tupo to lay it up and in of lillards that’s where you see glimpses of what kaminga could be defensively

Even if he’s beat that lce is Clos at speed jsky are up and in have a game do it Yannis is out right now so can the Warriors finish the quarter theiller they go that reach and then he floats it in man he is so [Applause] skilled Mario and he quick shot Lopez

Again how could a charish been he’s using his quickness against him more Warriors and double figures ptis thought about that three he’ll attack inside and flip it up and in the eyes Milwaukee can come Char on the pick and fade Bron thought about that three somehow found kinona shot clock at

Three here comes kaminga with a strong drive and float it home drive it drive it drive it that’s their m one of the best second half teams in league in the Bucks Rook Lopez what a lob Jackson able to as Cory Joseph Klay Thompson with Trac and kaminga how about

That give it back to you I’ll give it back to you players and double figures neton he he is the safety blanket this is laying on the rim jaby poris with a push out Trace Jackson Davis had a super long close out there and they’re doing the

Same L defense has picked up Warriors have missed a couple they would want back play Thompson three he got it he there how about the dubs so down three dominga to tie it he does that is a big time tough shot too keep waiting for Milwaukee just to drop

The hammer and yet the worst will not go away Middleton man this he something seven of 10 he’s got 15 def has been as good as advertised play missing there konz and he will get to the line there were four bucks under the ring three pass inside Trace Jackson Davis he

Got Jackson the first time and Jackson good Relentless energy quick second jump MGA sides is up pis will change his speed and then finish and foul showing yianis bodies he’s trying to keep him under control youve actually done a great job on him tonight little but it’s

Been him every time the Warriors feel like they’re get three scores kaminga what a fourth quarter he hits the three three and he’s got 20 he just attacked to switch K in the fourth here’s Giannis there the big step the game punishes you sometimes you got to force Damen Lillard to that

Screen and then you have to help off of a shooter on the other side the Warriors go offi stol it and B has his easiest bucket of the night they’re staying within Striking Distance this crowd still isn’t comfortable 13 points in the fourth box F know not to under short shot clock

Jannis not wasting any time 3 seconds to shoot fades it away in and out Brook Lopez big offensive Reb once again with the great defensive effort great pass great pass great pass got Chris with his fourth double double of the season to jannis in trouble on the Baseline finds

Brook Lopez as a shot clock winds down plays with another 30-point game he’s at his average at 31 23rd 30-point game of the season that foul will stop this provides no need to call a timeout just make good things happen 33 points for

Golden State Warriors vs Milwaukee Bucks FULL GAME Highlights| Jan 13| 2024 NBA Regular Season

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