@Denver Nuggets

Nikola Jokic & the Denver Nuggets remind the NBA what it looks like when they try

Nikola Jokic & the Denver Nuggets remind the NBA what it looks like when they try

And then it ends and then the show’s live that’s our St this is doing his Jord bab turn it up turn it up what is up everybody Welcome to the winners L Victory oh man it is Friday night Friday night at the dmvr bar where’s the

Roia where you know what I can make that happen yeah I was going to say I think you know where it is you you know where it is 113 the nuggets man that score I it’s the first time I’ve looked at it to be honest n it it was way better than that

That’s a disguise of what this game was this game was an ass whooping uh nuggets reminded the NBA tonight what they do when they try this is the first time I seen them try in like 6 weeks and they looked really good we’re going to break

It all down I got Brendan vot do you guys sometimes forget how dope it is in this bar on a Friday night then you show up and great crowd and I actually when I got here I looked around I felt it and I went nuggets are winning tonight sometimes it feels more closely

Correlated with the vibe in here than you’d think um but you know what it just felt like a win and the Nuggets played like champ yeah and by the way I don’t know who looked better tonight the Nuggets or or vot oh the Nuggets yeah thanks for setting me up for that easy

You do look better than usual though started the Nuggets [ __ ] I’m trying to make this show about votes honest the Nuggets look better better against Utah two days ago than uh over here I got uh I couldn’t agree with that last sentiment more even though you swallowed

A little bit uh uh the nuggets are good man what a great team I feel like they are uh you know going to win the championship this was like the uh real all the nuggets are good night man I can’t wait to talk about all of them and

Then of course rounded it out Superstar Dev Friday night with the fellas a yic triple double holy a big win what I missed those vibes I miss them man I thought they were gone for good and then it turns out we just are are prisoners

Of the moment all the time or maybe we neged the Nuggets into being this is that right I think it is that happens they’re all texting me right now saying thank you Adam you guys’ show really inspired us nuggets get the win man I let’s go a quick recap because there’s a

Lot of fun stuff to relive in this one first play uh first thing I have on my notes yic pulled the chair do you guys remember this yes first two minutes of the game he pulled the chair so per it was one of the best pulling the chair

Moves I’ve seen anybody pull off big Val just tumbled to the flooor and they called a foul it was so good the refs were like you must e body slammed him or something Malone challenge is the earliest challenge Malon ever had and they were successful Michael Porter had a fast break dunk that

Was poster J Michael poster Jr uh Michael Porter’s athleticism we might talk about it guys it’s kind of looking good and then yoke just went hyper aggressive tonight man yoke said enough is enough I’m Coming Out Swinging tonight he did that for you he did do it for you he missed a few

Bunnies early and I thought okay maybe he’s going to slow down and it was like no he just powered right through it kept attacking and it was awesome and then he dunked it and he dunked it you guys and put his leg up did you see that you

Change the logo de did you see that Cho yeah had multiple dunks but yeah putting the leg up he kind of did one of these kind of dipped the whole hand in too forget a tiger dunk that was a RIS that was a real dunk that was no tiger dunk

Right there uh it was a fast-paced game the first eight minutes of this game were incredible no whistles no timeouts up and down track meet good offense good shot making it was fun but then the Nuggets hunkered down and made a run Payton Watson hit two threes in a row

And the Nuggets opened up a 37 to 25 lead at the end of one pels made a little mini run against the Nuggets bench but then Murray responded and extended the lead to 19 good job Jamal leading that second unit one of the things we talked about him doing he did

A great job of that tonight nuggets started cooking joic had an overhead pass I don’t know if I’ve used this word on the show before you guys it was exquis love you Eric it was Exquisite not that one that was your no it was Exquisite that pass man

It was so beautiful CJ McCollum hit a buzzer three at the uh right at the buzzer U half half time to cut it to 6651 the Nuggets almost had a 18-point lead instead it was a 15-point lead nuggets LED grow to 21 in the third

Quarter but then the pels cut it to 14 yic picked up three fouls do you guys remember that like all in a row just kept picking up fouls then Aaron Gordon got in everybody had their moment in this game did you guys notice that yeah they’re all good brother everyone had a

Third quarter Aaron Gordon had a take over he went bully ball Reggie had a 5 run to close the quarter and the Nuggets were up 100 to 80 fourth quarter was a mere formality Zion made a couple plays to try to make it interesting he loves

Those those uh games Out Of Reach let me put 15 on you real quick my only real note that I have because there was like mini runs both ways it wasn’t anything too crazy but the wave broke out that was the most dis disrespectful [ __ ] ever it was a real wave though and

They don’t do that at basketball games no more dude I haven’t seen a wave somebody said it that happens every year and I was like I don’t remember a wave dude the L the wave breaks out when you are no longer interested in the game it happens at the latter part of bronos

Seasons every game for the Rockies every Rocky game never for the Nuggets yeah um but to your point it was almost disrespectful that the wave broke out because that was a total we’re having so much fun here we’re not worried about it that you do the wave when you know we’re

Up by so much that yol’s going to check out they’re going to blow half the lead and still win comfortably you’re very comfortable I actually think cuz the wave like a lot of people hate the wave like you’re a bad fan and I’m kind of with this but I

Do like it when you’re up 20 if you’re up 20 it almost does feel disrespectful the way that’s cool Point you’re like man uh we got to entertain ourselves cuz the New Orleans Pelicans aren’t making it happen let’s all simultaneously stand up uh Dev start us off with big

Takeaways big takeaway I couldn’t help but notice that yic had 14 assists to try to get that triple double average for the year um but in all seriousness uh this was uh a game where you sit and remind yourself not just a reminder game but you remind yourself that when the team

Is playing like this there’s no nobody nobody in the NBA that can hang with them nobody can beat them in a seven game series that was a masterpiece really was man it was a total Masterpiece total reminder game made me feel good and almost makes me feel like

I’ve seen enough but hopefully we see more what about you that’s the pro the nuggets have seen enough too that’s the pro that’s the issue like we’re we this is the never too high part of the never too high never too low the Nuggets looked incredible I mean this was the

Exact polar opposite of the last game the Nuggets came out every shot was falling every play was working joic was engaged he was aggressive he uh was just absolutely interested in in dominating valent Tunis like he was interested in that I love that I mean there’s nothing

Better than what like when yic comes out and he starts sprinting up and down the court you’re just you’re like oh my God it’s it’s happening it’s happening it’s happening we’re going an Engaged joic game I can’t believe it and it it played out like he he missed his few first

Couple shots but didn’t matter man like it was it was on like yeah I I I feel like the the Nuggets like all collectively I’m I’m sure they all got screamed out by Michael Malone but I’m sure that they were embarrassed after the last game like we were embarrassed

For them well we were very embarrassed I was embarrassed for I was embarrassed for me I’m like what am I doing with my life like why am I watching this stupid team and tonight I’m like oh were you guys live that’s tough you son of a

[ __ ] but tonight I’m like I made the best choice of my life yeah I love it the nuggets are back they’re they’re the I do love it I we were talking about you know yoke all those fans and I got a lot of messages did you guys get them after

The Utah game about all the people that live in Utah they’re like every time they’re over they’re over going cuz to us we weren’t at that game so we’re just like it’s just another game but to them they’re like it’s yeah we get e up here

Twice a year we go they always have asset you guys keep saying golden golden there I’ve watched seven straight losses so uh what about you vote big takeway you know I think a lot of anxiety about the exact exact fit and meshing of the big three scorers on this team yeah

Murray joic Porter I thought tonight was a great great breakdown and and Trio effort so Murray finishes with 20 but he did a lot of work in carrying the bench yoke leads the team with 27 obviously he did more than just scored 27 Porter grabs a double double with 20 and the

Shot breakdown is jic 17 Murray 15 Porter 12 that’s the formula boys and it and it did feel within the flow of it like it was all coming at the appropriate time and you know the Nuggets winning a game is not it’s been happening a lot lately it doesn’t feel

Likely they’ve been winning but them winning in this kind of fashion to dev’s point the point of the big three meshing well together you called it a reminder game for yoke it’s really a reminder game for the Nuggets yeah you know this is what we needed to see it look like

Not just the result but the process and I think everyone’s feeling good tonight last year when the Nuggets sucked for March and April and then immediately turned on in on against the wolves in game one remember that was a blowout win and it was a blowout first quarter

That’s what tonight felt like where the Nuggets I agree with you I think they were embarrassed I think there was a little bit of a look man the Nuggets haven’t been playing well for the last I don’t know like consistently for the last 10 15 games but they keep winning

And I think there was just this like we’re winning in a La so why should we do anything different they dropped the Orlando game they dropped that Utah game and I do think there was a level of embarrassment of like all right we we have to get back and prove it to

Ourselves and they just right really right from the jump although New Orleans was on fire too to start but as soon as Denver made their run you were just like oh yeah this team is serious and I loved it man it reminds you that the Nuggets

Can play not only the right way cuz I love your point about the big three and the ball popping tonight and everybody getting involved but also just they like they look good doing it yep Oh yeah dude moving everybody just look you know what they look like the Nuggets they look

Like the [ __ ] nuggets like they haven’t looked like the N it’s like even when they were winning it was like it was they were the sluggs man like the Yoke to AG you know ridiculous chemistry highlights it felt like it had been a minute right dude yic yeah yic doing a

Stupid past that like works out amazingly like we haven’t gotten any like dumb passes this here like there’ve been like you know like your standing Singers This that or the other but like no like dumb behind the back passes stuff that’s just like Harlem Globe or

Sour glob truter stuff like we got a couple of those tonight he did like a completely needless shirt yes he did a totally need like needless behind the back pass in transition to Michael Porter Jr he was just feeling it like yeah but other people got involved

On that Michael Porter Jr is doing step backs Reggie’s getting involved in um doing step backs Jamal’s doing extra passes and yic it’s that Joy that’s the Denver Nugget basketball it’s not just winning big it’s like having fun with while you’re playing it’s uh um you know

Giving the crowd you know something to like be excited about they brought out the wave the crowd is having fun that’s the joy in in Denver Nuggets basketball and they got back to that um in this game it’s true yol’s whole thing about pass makes two people happy but like the

Nuggets playing well everybody was happy tonight dude I know this was a yeah this was a pass makes 30,000 people happy was vibing and feeling it man it was incredible and then of course yoke at the center of it all as every as it should be and again this was not

Necessarily a game where it was like yoke won them the game or anything like that this was a team effort but yoke shined 27 points 10 rebounds 14 assists uh the rebounds we sweat it out to the very end dude that was the the truest yic

Game ever I love I thought he was for sure getting a sore I love the one fun thing some people may disagree I apologize advance one one fun thing about the legal betting era is you could just look around in the bar or the AR and you just know who’s riding the same

As youz yoke got that rebound and a table of like 11 dudes lost their minds that game had been over for an hour I for yeah just for a rebound rebound you’re like you had it you you had it that is the absolute best man the bar

Was great tonight it was great VI in the bar man dud we’re so back the bar did the wave tonight no it didn’t do but it could have it did the it did the metaphorical wave can you imagine if there was a wave at the bar

Would that be cool nope uhuh no you would even understand like people just putting their hands up like what’s the order like theena wait no you’re out of order we’re going this way oh man have you guys noticed by the way that Michael Malone he’s adopted somore double too but he

Goes somore triple double yeah which I I kind of I’m okay with it’s like when he called mon Mr Denver he’s like yeah I know it but I’m not giving you the bone you know like yeah I’m doing the thing but also get effed you know I I think he starts his

Press conference with a trumpet I think I think Malone just knows like the air trumpet that would be pretty good play the [ __ ] music it in if Malone ever said that was like a funky night or something like funky music you have to switch it up that was

A stinky ner you have to switch it see that was stank as hell but I kind of like somore triple double because we speak to nuggets fans they know the joke Chris Marlo the homie he he adopts it he says sambour double on the broadcast cuz he’s talking to nuggets fans they’ll

They’ll understand what that means Malone’s talking to everybody yeah he has to say sombo triple double otherwise people don’t know what that means they’ll think it’s a sad double you can’t go Shand on our dumb inside jokes yeah exactly got but not everyone’s in our bubble not everybody’s in our bubble

Um yoke tonight though just 27 points 10 re 11 of 17 hyper efficient despite the fact that he missed all those bunnies early on had his three ball working had his defense working I’m surprised he only has one block no steel cuz he had a bunch of great defensive plays

Tonight yeah I mean he he was locked in in this one and I love the fact that he took the most shots on the team that that’s what you’re supposed to do get the ball to your best player and let him operate he got a lot of ice so I love

When they just single coverage him I really it’s it’s my favorite because there’s nothing that they can do he’s so physical he’s so talented and he just destroys you in every single way and you could just see the the opposing big man just it takes the life out of them every

Single time he had the three ball rolling insane passes like he had fun in this one um I loved it it is funny uh that teams like will go to the like oh he hasn’t been scoring a lot he had four points today all right we’re going to go

Single coverage tonight boys we’re going to make him a score make him like all right come on I also wonder like the Nuggets usually win this game with the Pelicans but there are times where it gets a little tight or the Pelicans always play well not tonight but seemingly play hard there’s

A there’s an on paper thing here’s what I’m getting at the Pistons Reddit meltdown about how yic respects them so little that he refuses to shoot yeah I kind of think he respects big Val in the Pelicans because he always plays this game as if if he in particular doesn’t

Bring it they might not win it um he doesn’t usually wait against this opponent and it’s it like it may seem like he’s taken it personally against the Pelicans I almost think it’s a respect thing but he brings it against this team every time yeah he really does

Sorry to Big v because that guy plays good basketball against the Denver Nuggets and he gets wrecked at he he’s always in Hell against the Nuggets man he always picks up all these fouls it’s crazy man also by the way nuggets wearing their mile high city jerseys so

Thankful you know come on man a good game in those jerseys just hits a little different just a little those the primaries like what’s so hard about this I know I don’t understand man like sports teams just like do everything to fall all over themselves like everybody announces loudly what they they want

They’re like okay yeah okay yeah we’ll show you and then they come up with some thing with gradient blue stripes on the side whatever just make those they’re so beautiful I wonder whose decision it is when they wear the jerseys and how frequently because it’s already published what they’re wearing all year

For every game but I do feel like they could just select those and be like they’re alternates but we wear them 80% of the time you know what I mean why not and we’re living in an alternate reality yeah by the way not only to your point yoke throwing those awesome passes man

There were so many high later on in the show we’re going to talk about all the highlights we’re going to even power rank these highlights and which ones we like the most but let’s take our break on the other side Michael Porter Jr had himself a nice little night I want to

Talk about it all righty Strange Things Are foot at the Circle K Ted like the new Inner Circle membership it’s free uh and that app is easy to download use the Q QR code enter your email and phone number to be fully enrolled and after that all you need is your phone and

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Arina we’re back so rude what Adam and his villain dude Adam Post 40 is an absolute villain oh a my evil side is coming out I’ll be right back guys are you going to get some rakia something something else what’s going on in V here where do you think

He’s going right now what is he doing I don’t the heck is vote doing we’re just all right so sorry that was very distracting um there it is look at that uh Michael Porter Jr you left her in the Michael Porter Jr part here vote oh unbelievable it actually became the

Michael Porter Jr part when you left right when you left uh eight of 12 tonight from the field he didn’t miss anything you guys except for threes my God the only thing we needed him to hit he was great he was incredible night 20 points all nugget Murray yit and and mpj

All had 20 tonight he had 20 points and 10 rebounds another double double something he’s been doing a lot this year he had he shoot 40% from 32 at him he did uh assist steal and a block and honestly that stetch line I think his game was better than that what do you

Think Dev yeah I mean you you saw from the open and he was involved especially on the boards he’s grabbing every single board um he made sure that he was not going to be not involved in this game especially in the second he’s shooting the entire time he’s uh active the

Entire time time and if your shots not falling you have to try to get it in different ways and he got it in different ways what’s great about this game is although the three-point shot wasn’t falling he still felt very confident about the mid-range he got to

A lot of his spots he used his uh his length um and that was on both sides of the floor this was not a game that they were able to just single him out or just try to ISO him and they have some guys that you know that they could have done

That with but he was like no I’m not going to do that so this was another game um that he got involved but I love the fact that he stayed um in it the entire time he had threes he had mid-range and he had shots at the rib I

Mean he really did have a little bit of all and here’s my thing for you dline he’s looking athletic I feel like he has I mean he rolled his ankle early on but he is looking pretty spry out there and that dunk that he had he surprises people with his athleticism I

Feel he surprised himself he hurt his own hand he wasn’t ready for it no you’re right like the nuggets are like quietly rounding into form physically yo you’ve pointed out yic is looking a little bit more trim uh mpj is starting to you know get a little bit of his legs

Underneath them still waiting on Murray but uh they’re just you know like as the season progresses on like they’re getting better they’re getting better they’re getting faster they’re getting I mean it’s funny the the What A Difference A Day Makes I mean we were in the absolute depths of Despair but now

Wer trying the Nuggets feel Invincible after a game like this like everybody feels like they are the best version of themselves there’s the Synergy is beautiful um but I agree with you like he he looks like he looks better physically which is like something a a a

Sentence you want to be able to say about Michael Porter Jr specifically right yeah that dunk was maybe the most explosive he’s looked in months um not that I thought I Wass not that I was worried just that this is like the peak like that was I thought one of the more

Athletic things I’ve seen him do in a while um um so yeah I think he looks great I think he’s moving well I almost feel like he could look for that mid-ranger more I mean he’s shooting what is it like 54 perish on that shot I I know that’s an old number

Now um but he’s been one of the better mid-range Shooters in the league but he looks really good right now to me and that there the last game was an exception he was not good in Utah he was very bad in Utah but I feel like for the

Better part of the month he’s been rounding into form he looks athletic uh he’s got good energy tonight he just looked like a guy that if you give him the rock he’s probably going to score and and 10 rebounds is great too so he just looked healthy he looked explosive

And when he plays hard like that you know the Nuggets good things happen man he also outplayed definitively outplayed Brandon Ingram tonight which is a big deal because that’s their number two you know they they have a big three in CJ Zion and Ingram you know but ingrams

They’re number two or number one on some nights and for them to kind of match up with each other a little bit and might just to get the better of him it was um and allowed better of him that’s a big time game for him so mpj he was

Incredible should we take our Rock uh here’s to you mpj feel free toy more of a sipper I would say but uh you know what we say the in moments like this J J oh is that what we say yeah so we did you have something else we suffer

Together we suffer together all right this is my first time all season yeah no it’s been sipping some rock I’m telling you if you sip it Del it’s so good if you shoot it it’s bad you should have seen the way your face crumpled and

Tears well up in your eyes when you said it was delicious you guys know how soft you are you know who think Rocky is delicious straight my mother she thinks it’s amazing she’s like bring another bottle back for Bel that’s cool soft or is she hard hold on just Lear a lot

About your no I’m just saying you guys need to man the F up and drink the Rocka dud it’s not that bad are you doing to me so good I he what you mean that if you go slow it’s like really great I like the way Jamal Murray played

Tonight 20 points and nine assists eight of 15 his shot wasn’t necessarily I mean it was a good that’s a good shooting night yo really really quickly a guy came in the other night he got Rocka he was like you guys lied to me this is

Terrible I was like no we did not we never vot lie to him he called out a specific liar I honestly disagree with you guys about Rocka but some of us are built different what can I say yeah some of us are drinking problem Jamal Mur I thought was great he

Was a game high plus 18 and I just tonight Murray was I think the right amount of aggressive for the way the game was needed I think Murray’s MO is to it’s like yoke yoke doesn’t in my opinion need to be aggressive all the time he needs to be correct in when he’s

Aggressive tonight it didn’t really call for Murray to be aggressive outside of when he was running the bench when he did a great job so I just thought tonight he was the exact right level of aggressive uh throughout the entire game yeah this is the perfect balance for

Jamal and this is what I hope he goes to and they keep replaying and putting in his head you can shoot shots you can even shoot bad shots you could hold the ball every now and then but make sure everybody else is involved before you do

That he had nine assists in this game he got everyone else involved first and then you go you know go in get in your bag he had a lot of tough finishes in this game where he’s posting guys up he’s you know doing step backs but this

Is when good is when he’s like prob he’s moving around well but also there’s a balance and that’s when they’re at their best that’s when Denver looks really good when there’s a mixture of your point guard passing the ball but also being able to score when he wants to

Because he is a mismatch he is the advantage because they do have a big guard that has perfect timing that can shoot the three ball that you know competes hard um the entire time is just putting it all together this was a game that I felt was all together yeah man

Balance so much balance in this game like there wasn’t any one time time you’re like all right come on man like stop shoot whatever it was great it was just this was this was a beautiful Masterpiece as my man Dev says I and go anything on M I was going to say Aaron

Gordon to me had all of his points kind of in an a stretch and I thought his defense on Zion tonight was very good and then when the game was out of hand you know Zion got going but you know he did put him on the line unnecessarily I

Thought this was a good AG game as well like the the breakdown 32 point scores than AG with 15 that feels perfect that feels right yeah we talked about the big three kind of alloing their their assignment he can say the same thing about AG who look I mean the job is to

Keep Zion from dominating right and it’s so he’s I know that Zion is not Michael Jordan but he’s not a guy you keep off the scoreboard he’s going to have his moments so for Gordon to put the line share of his energy there but to still

Pop up on the other end and it’s how he popped up like at the end of ball is popping possessions on the other end of two insane yic AG chemistry highlights that’s just the there there is a cherry on top kind of thing to AG playing well

In Denver’s offense that it was really good to see tonight um so you just the the the the over the head one was was great but it’s the other one where Zion just wasn’t exactly sure if he’s supposed to worry about AG at the dunker

Spot or step up to meet yoke and he’s caught in between and yoke just throws that little and AG reverses it like that’s it looks so simple but that’s a a little nuggets wrinkle that when they do that you’re like oh yeah they’re better than everyone else not everyone can do

That and then kcp was solid as well three of six from three from him tonight uh he grabbed two steals he that was just a kcp KN I feel like the numbers tonight reflect a perfect Nuggets game yo triple double 27 10 and 14 uh Michael

Porter 10 point uh 20 points Murray 20 points AG 15 kcp 11 that feels right that’s like the bell curve of distribution did kcp have the the match up with Ingram cuz it felt like he was the one that guarded him he the especially early on I was I was shocked

To see that but that also shows his defensive range um being able to guard CJ I mean not CJ sorry um Ingram that’s a guy that’s way taller than him who really like gives everybody problems and kcp had him bottled up but also was able to switch out on a guard who you’re

Supposed to be uh you know defending in CJ McCullum who’s also another tough finish but also he’s getting it done on off on the offensive end so he really is putting together like multiple guys that he’s like hey I’m going to have give him a rough night you’re not going to have

Anything easy when you go against um you know kcp and I think that’s great good point I was so impressed with A’s defense though like on Z Zion you can’t stop him but like he contained him a lot like early on the first half in particular when that’s where the game

Mattered you know I was really impress I mean that’s his calling card often times I mean we’re kind of jumping all over place but I I was really impressed with ag tonight like he was super aggressive at like in the second half like all the

N man they it was just like this is exactly what we want to see out of this squad like everyone picked their spots everyone had like a moment everyone had like a time when it was like AG had like three four plays in a row he was like he

Bottled up Zion he got a dunk it was like kcp same thing like it was just uh it’s just everything you want to see we’re back we’re so back Watson also had a great game an exciting one he hits two three-pointers goes two of four he had a

Steel and a block and the block was a big time block man that weak side Rim protection from him is a sight to behold man he makes big time blocks and covers so much ground his first half was more memorable to me than the second half but

I just what do you what do we make of him making these threes I I get why teams did it but man I can’t believe how wide open he’s been on how many of them and it was you know he was a non-shooter you’re trying to win games it’s like the

Right call in any given possession but from the Denver perspective it’s like thank you for that cuz guess who is now an extremely confident open jump shooter yeah Payton Watson and I don’t know how good of a shooter he is high volume if he has the best defender on him if teams

Are keyed in on taking that away there are levels to shooting but level one is can you hit the wide open three and if Payton’s wide open I feel extremely confident it’s going in yeah you talk about Aon Gordon’s defense uh on Zion when it really mattered Peyton Watson in

That first half played so well that they opened up a big lead um that jic was sitting he came in the lead was even bigger that’s the second unit getting things done that’s like Peyton Watson being able to make his Mark in this game and it’s continuing to be on both ends

Of the floor he’s knocking down the three ball he’s getting those helps side Blocks he’s causing havoc and that’s what you’re supposed to do off of the bench you’re supposed to make your impact and he’s very impactful he he’s exciting to watch you know because he’s

Just out there doing everything so um I just like to see how his game is coming along but really it’s the confidence behind it he’s he’s he’s in his back he’s he’s in his own so D last 15 games 42% 41.8% from three and that’s on about

Four attempts a game so it’s not like it’s a super low sample size 42% like I don’t think he’s that but that’s a great Mark for 15 games oh dude I’m officially in the excit when he shoots mode really when he gets like so when he pulls up

You’re going like I think dude yes it’s I mean it’s it’s happened enough like and it’s not it’s not like up and down it was like it was down now it’s up and it’s been up for a while yeah like you got to call doctor man dude if he’s wide

Open if he’s wide open you should feel good about it you know never mind we going to say um doesn’t let me let me ask this one do you guys expect that this is a sign of things to come from the nuggets in what sense so Michael Michael

Malone said this is the toughest 10 game stretch he can remember and the nuggets come out tonight responding to the couple bad performances in a row and they come out tonight with this effort do you think there’s a chance that over this stretch the Nuggets we counted as a

10 game stretch the Nuggets 1 and0 that they just take these the stretch seriously and gives that effort maybe as the similar thing that they did last year where it was like hey yeah let’s see let’s prove it to ourselves that we can do this take the full rest of the

Seon my answer is yes they they really enjoy the challenge they enjoy the idea of you guys think that we can and they enjoy the fact of you guys think that we can and that’s exactly exactly where they are yo um I mean like Malone is challenging them he’s pushing them to

Like want to play better uh they had a bad showing their first night out it’s like okay we have to write the ship we have to get through this but also we’re going to prove to everyone that we can do this um it’s the East Coast Wing they’re playing against really good

Talent and they have a lot to prove so I think that they respond on this stretch I hope so I don’t know if it stays on after that but we’ve seen that when they feel they have something to prove they play well yeah I mean they’re at home

That’s a big factor today yeah uh I I hope I hope that they do it’s annoying like this season’s been annoying because we know who they are and they just often times just refuse to play to the level of of their ability because they know

Who they are too right it is yeah and you know they they they don’t respect the regular season I mean like unfortunately we said this before like they learned the worst possible lesson last year that they could turn a switch on whenever they want and win the championship by only losing four games

Um so I don’t know man like I hope so I really do hope so but like to take the last two games and combine them like we saw their lowest and their highest so I I don’t know where they are right now but I I’m encouraged yeah I think

They’re ready to roll a lot of this has reminded me a lot of last year and actually last year they were already in the middle of that um I think they were in the middle of their like nine out of 11 stretch or whatever around this time

Last year but this is when they turned into a a buz saw and they were a flaw team to that point and then for about a month half they looked like the best team in the universe I expect to see that again I really do and I I I think

That there’s um there’s been a lot of musical chairs and a lot of like okay well this guy is out so now we’re figuring out this and now it’s the bench and now I do feel like this is they’re kind of back to where they were and they

Can start building again as opposed to trying to catch back up I think they’re ready to to go on a run yeah I kind of think so too I just I I don’t know if it’ll be consistent every single night but I do think that they went through a

Little bit of a rut for whatever reason maybe Jamal Murray got a little shot they went through one of those terrible nine of 13 ruts I know that’s so true they were they were in a Malay a little B they were they were slogging it through a dominant stretch

Yeah they really were but I do think that tonight you know like they got back to a good Rhythm because it wasn’t just that they played hard and intense but they played the right way and everybody I think felt good about it so I think it

Was uh you know it was a good thing uh let’s take a break on the other side I’m going to ask this and you can go ahead and give me in the chat there were a lot of good highlights tonight what were the best ones there

Were so many I’m going to run down the ones that I I started making notes cuz there were so many good ones and maybe I forgot one or two give me your favorites from tonight um this is not a highlight no this is not a highlight no I had it pulled up

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Sure sorry everyone are you good yeah no it’s just not my best read you know it wasn’t it was uh guys tonight there were a lot of highlights there was a yage dunk where he brought his leg up pretty great I think that he was more just

Trying no he was trying to put a little flare on it don’t ruin this Michael Porter had himself a nice dunk by the way that dunk with Porter Dev running to his left jumps off his left foot kind of dunks it with his right hand it’s kind

Of a cool dunk man you don’t see that one too often it’s like an a cross the body dunk super athletic huh super athletic right now and just like pretty I would call that dunk pretty all right uh yic had the pass over the head to by my count is it how

Many times has he done an over the head pass three right the square over the head he’s got three for sure the one that had where uh Shaq was calling the game it was like the first time Shaq had ever really watched the Wilson Chandler one uh there’s the Wilson Chandler one I

Think the Barton one is the good one that I’m thinking of but that’s where uh Shaq is hold up I like this big man I like it like he was going he was going crazy for it that was my shack you guys that was good man uh Payton Watson had

That that great block yic block Zion which is always great Aaron Gordon had an end one did I already forget the end one do you guys remember an Aaron Gordon and one oh the reverse man that reverse where he finished it I still say it was a

Travel no fun dine no fun what blanket over there what a dork uh mbj man this might yok’s pass might have been the second best pass it was the prettiest looking pass but did you guys notice I didn’t even notice it live Michael Porter had the outlet pass to to yoke

And usually it’s the other way around right yic full court sure Porter underhanded it man he threw it like he was throwing cornhole and he threw it perfectly over a Defender right into Yol in stride for the layup I I can make the overhead pass now

Would I see it like yoke does I don’t know that’s what makes yoke yoke but I can do it if you just tell me there’s a guy sitting there underhanded like that like over that’s a hard one man like I don’t know eight out of 10 I probably

May pull that off at best Porter has a hilarious nonchalant to his passing that almost Works in his favor because he’s 7 feet tall and he’s only ever passing to yic I don’t know if anyone’s know vers yic or kcp so yic will be open down the

Court or in the post and Porter will just kind of Chuck it over his head yeah yeah he does to no concern or aim and it works like 90% of the time Michael por we’re both tall [ __ ] it I’ll go to your expertise here what’s the best highlight

I kind of think it was the Michael Porter Jr dunk yeah it was so vicious it was it was so out of nowhere he hurt himself like it was it was was such Reckless abandon that he wrecked himself he really did it’s like a punch and you

Knock a guy out and then you’re like ow hurt my fist how hard I hit that guy in the face I it was I just wasn’t expecting it at all like really caught like I felt like I got punched in the face it Inc mine is the the yic over the the

Neck but that was insane I also like that Michael Porter Jr put back dunk crazy for me I I didn’t see it coming and also I don’t see him do many of those that’s a kcp missed three-pointer that he just came out of nowhere sword and dunked it so I like

Those two I that’s it’s funny cuz I did see that one coming for whatever reason I just W looked at porters the shot went up and he made the like fool he was going to if the ball bounced the wrong way would have bounced right past him

You know you like you whatever but it bounced perfect and you’re like oh man perfectly everything happened perfect what about you in a complete unbiased opinion I’m going to go with the two Porter highlights the underhanded pass the underhand pass and the dunk no I’m just joking jokic’s overhead passes are

Awesome but I I don’t know okay the overhead pass is weird because it’s like the vision is unbelievable and the result is awesome but it’s also like he was wide open know I don’t know I I mean here’s here’s what makes it incredible

For me cuz I to me it’s the yage pass as well what makes it incredible is it just shows you how far ahead yoke is you know what I mean is that he was so far ahead that he’s like I could pivot and then throw the drop off pass but instead I’m

I saw this coming the moment I set the screen Katie wiie I don’t know if you’ve seen it at home if you guys she tweeted out like a the the opposite Baseline angle and you see how quick the processing was from yoke where the broadcast angle you kind of see him notice a

But when you’re sometimes when you’re closer you realize how small these windows are and yoke knew he was making that pass before he caught it and it’s unbelievable here’s my theory about the nuggets and about joic his assists almost directly correlate to how well the team was playing because he can do

This with his eyes closed if the team all is in their right spots like if he has low assists often times not always but often times it’s like the team just wasn’t executing tonight so he wasn’t hitting his receivers when they are executing not even looking right not

Even looking he’s just going through the motions blindfold on AG is in the post now and I throw it here and it’s a dunk I’ll tell you another underrated highlight that was just like a combination of things is when yic went through big Val’s chest oh you’re right

And he dunked it really hard and then Val got a flopping Tech beautiful the does throw his shoulder into guys a lot but on so he like was throwing his shoulder into him and Val’s like okay I’m going to flop on the next one and then yoke just didn’t somebody in the

Chat called me a c casual for only liking dunks yeah I like dunks suei only casuals like dunks dude my favorite play was the screen that Zeke sent in garbage time it was so solid it was a perfect screen it was very nuanced for people if you didn’t notice like the

Yic dunk like the mpj dunk I like the other yic dunk yeah um you guys the Chicago Bulls did a thing they’re doing a Ring of Honor they’ve had a storyed history not so much recently but they’re doing a a Ring of Honor and they brought back all the

Greats play the hits you know let’s bring back Phil Jackson Michael Jordan had a prior engagement he couldn’t make it tonight to the event dude it’s not I I gotta just start this with both I’m gonna go in on Jordan right now it’s kind of funny and by the way we had a

Delightful guest today TK my guy from uh Kentucky who came out big fan of the show he’s going to be listening in the morning too late for him tonight he told us but he came out we talked Jordan tonight and it was actually fun because who would have known that Jordan was

Going to be a storyline in the Nuggets postgame show tonight but he is they had a ring of of honor and you got all the greats there Kerr was in the House Co coach was in the hey Co coach came in Co coach came in he had no prior

Engagements yeah apparently not you Wide Open schedule you get all the guys Jordan a little busy though you know what do you think Jordan was doing that he could gambling I think what he was doing was just not attending the Jordan’s like that sounds like you

Right now we’re like man can you believe it yic will do the exact same thing not coming back for the statue on Bailey going to put his after d ra he won’t be there he’ll phone in the difference is Jordan didn’t go but he did watch just

In case they booed yeah just in case he was dial so here’s what happened is Jerry Krauss the GM of uh the Bulls it passed away wasn’t well-liked by Michael Jordan you know he was really really hated him and the story Krauss you know a little 5 foot three guy a little tiny

King and just bullied kind of a round guy bullied you know this or that now I have heard from people in the industry Jerry Krauss total a-hole I’ve heard that it’s like you know the part of this is that he actually a very unpleasant person or whatever but whatever he’s

Dead and you’re doing a Ring of Honor well the last dance you guys remember the pandemic the Last Dance came out and it was the only thing everybody watched every person on Earth watched this I remember Love is Blind Love is Blind also happen Tiger King happened as well

That was the Holy Trinity it was Tiger King love is blind and the Last Dance well in it you know Jerry Krauss was a villain and Michael Jordan it’s his production so he’s telling the story and he really makes you know Jerry kuss the enemy of the thing because tonight at

The United Center when they uh announced Jerry Krauss and then panned to his widow wife the entire crowd viciously booed not just like a you know whatever they booed like it was Josh giddy like they really went in on him uh my take on this is like people are everybody’s up

On their high horse right now like how could you possibly boo him I’m not surprised if you would asked me how are they going to respond to Jerry Krauss I’d be like well did they watch the last dance like every human did they’re going to boo him I actually think Michael

Jordan’s the [ __ ] here am I out of pocket for going too far thinking that Michael Jordan taught an entire New Generation to hate his enemy no he’s not wrong Jordan’s that why he hated him and he was open about hating him so like you get to choose that like

He was not faking that he didn’t hate him and he he put that that’s the narrative that’s the document his documentary he got to say whatever he wanted to and this was his story now if you choose to hate him because I hate him that’s on you come on like that’s

What it is with Michael Jordan everything he did everybody thinks is cool if he really genuinely hated him and you choose to really love him that’s on him so like I think that it’s wrong that they booed the wife who this was supposed to be about love but I can’t

Put it on Michael Jordan cuz it he did hate him that’s not fake yeah this it’s tough this is a tough one this is tough um ownership should have known better truly like I think you’re right about this this is ownership’s checked out by the way I

Don’t think like I P attention no I think I mean ownership is not liked in Chicago like they really don’t like the the current ownership um and this was a sort of a way to inject life into the current season by invoking the heroes of

The past and it was not well thought out like and it obviously like you know fans are idiots like they they’re going to do exactly what fans do like we would we you know I booed Melo a million times I booed Kobe I mean like you boo people I don’t know it’s it’s

Fun it’s like part of the whole thing it’s like a it’s a show and it’s a VOD villian thing at a certain point like um they shouldn’t have done that they shouldn’t have they should have known better but at she broke down in tears it was actually very sad at the same point

In time like laughs look at that at the same they broke just lost it at the same point it’s like trying to look away it is pretty wild though like you can’t like after so much time has passed and like you’re not able to be like you know he

Was not like but he was also in many ways the architect of that ER so like can we like not you know whatever I don’t know it’s it’s a bummer bummer it’s a it’s a blight on the NBA and it’s certainly a blight on the on the Bulls franchise like everyone’s talking about

It we’re talking about it after nugget Masterpiece cuz it was just such an interesting one you know but you are right that they should have known like what unfortunately cruss didn’t need that like the tough and I know it was already this was premeditated but then

The the hard cut to the wife oh that’s you know what I mean like you all right this is his moment can we get camera three on the Widow oh the one thing I won’t do though cuz everybody is going in like this is what happens is then

Everybody gets on their high horse all the members of the media of which I’m a part but all the members of media are like shame on you Bulls fans shame on you and like guys people act the way they act in a crowd man that was the

Most obvious thing that was going to happen and here we are nonetheless Michael Jordan how influential is he people still wear him including myself at this very moment his shoes from 40 30 years ago and he hated a guy so we hate him even though none of the people have

A real connection to him we’re like Boo that guy right from the Last Dance remember that episode boo that guy Jordan nowhere to be found nowhere to be found all right let’s take a break on the other side we’re going to wrap up the show actually CAU up two two reads

Today I have to give a break here for fa to make it I’m sorry it’s my first time doing the show and we’re back guys back here segment four of the dmba show Kale did we get any super chats from the homies tonight we also just got wind oh yeah

Let’s get wind live from the arena yeah let’s get uh let’s get win our p and qes were not not dotted tonight nobody dotted nobody doted a single PE you’re right that’s not how you do that har Harrison What A Night to be at ball

Arena dude it was a great night man tons of highlights in this game dominant Nuggets win just Nicole yic abusing big vow really had everything in this one it really did it had the wave yeah was quick question did you your me did your your media training prevent you from doing the

Wave I would never think of doing the wave at a basketball game what if everybody else is doing hold on hold on did uh Nick our social media uh Jen Z kit did he do the wave he def did he start the wave I don’t I don’t think he even knows

What the wave is still yeah he’s about to send I think he was a little confused to be honest what man they were putting their hands up and stuff like that man and everybody put their hands up I’ve never seen that on my computer that’s so mean all right uh I

Don’t think it’s made it to Tik Tok yet all right uh wi take us behind the scenes man yeah I mean Michael Malone loved this win uh he called it like Denver Nuggets basketball he said it was a full team effort he said it was Night and Day

From the Utah game and one of his challenges to his guys was to come out and win the first quarter New Orleans has kind of been blowing teams out in first quarters the last few games and you know Denver dominated the first quarter and they played great from there

Uh and Michael Malone also said he loved how Nicole yic came out aggressive he said Jamal was setting everybody up he said Michael Porter Jr had a great game so he just kind of called this one a great team win and that’s what it was everybody kind of contributed

He also loved um of course the play of the night Nicole Yoki just passed the over the head no look pass to a wide openen Aaron Gordon um he said you know it was on a play that the Nuggets Drew up the play was obviously to get Joker

In the pocket there we knew the defense was probably going to step up but he said he did not imagine that pass though um Malone said look that’s Magic Johnson esque that’s Pistol Pete movices the guys just that just have that Pizazz their game Nicole yic has that and then

He was talking about you know Payton Watson and just his growth this year and he was asked where has pton Watson taken the biggest step and Malone said look you might think I’d say his offense but I think he’s getting better defensively every game he said he did a good job of

Guarding Zion in the first half um he’s just growing up a lot on that end of the floor and then Malone said where he wants to see pton Watson grow even more offensively and he said look he should be attacking the basket more I don’t want pton Watson to become reling on the

Three-point shot even when it’s dropping I want him to keep playing in attack mode keep trying to get to the free throw line uh but it’s been so fun to watch his growth in development I that’s a really interesting note man because he is shooting the ball so well but I also

Think that his final form is more going downhill so interesting very interesting comment from Malone in my opinion yeah and then we just talked to Michael Porter Jr he said look we got embarrassed on national TV against Utah the other night uh so we wanted to redeem ourselves it definitely seems

Like that was the the overall sentiment from like everybody tonight they really wanted to come out and and put like that bad taste from that Utah game away um he said uh look the first quarter was in emphasis tonight uh Malone told us pregame that like the jazz or the the

Pelicans come out they played great in first quarter so we wanted to win the first quarter and uh that’s what he did he was just talking about his individual game as well another double double for Michael Porter tonight he was like big on the glass and he said look I haven’t

Had a game where I’ve had 10 rebounds in a while but you know it’s something I’m capable of every night if I put my mind to it and he said last year you know I was rehabbing like the whole season this year I haven’t been rehabbing all I’ve

Just been playing like it’s obvious his back and his health is feeling so much better than it did last season it’s a big reason why you’re seeing the more rebounds the putb dunks the explosiveness and um he’s just feeling obviously way better than he did last

Year what did you make of his first dunk uh was that the right-handed one in the lane that was the good one yeah yeah well the putback was pretty good good too um no it it was great man like him exploding like that to the rim

You didn’t see that last year at all you didn’t see that from him and um I think it’s just the biggest sign that his body’s feeling really good I agree yeah and um the last thing for Michael Porter he was talking about the yic passes well he said Nia pretty much

Has eyes in the back of his head and he said look just like guys that make routinely tough shots yic makes routinely tough passes he just makes passes like that so um he loves it that’s awesome he’s like just like us yeah he really is that’s all I got guys any final

Thoughts um Nicole yic has five triple doubles in five straight games against the Pelicans he would have seven triple doubles in his last seven games against the Pelicans if not for one somore double in game number six he crushes this team he Crush crushes Jonas balunis I’ve heard a little little some

Rumblings tonight that he loves playing against Jonas valent junis and um the Nuggets beat the Pelicans again well there you go man let me ask you this one before you get out of there do you think the Nuggets will play like this now at least for a

Stretch or do you think this was like a rebound game do do you think this is like a wake up for them I think there’s a chance it is and it’s because of what something Michael Malone said pregame Michael Malone pregame called this upcoming 10 game stretch the hardest and most difficult

Stretch he can ever remember across his time in Denver in terms of just the quality of opponent the nuggets are playing this road trip they’re going on and I wonder and I’ve got to think he relayed that to his team you know before this game so I wonder if you know that’s

In the back of the Nuggets Minds right now we’ve got this ridiculously hard stretch coming up it’s going to show us a lot about ourselves and so we’ve got to shift it up a GE yeah all righty win well good stuff get home safely glad you

Got to enjoy that one in person man that was fun let’s open up the Super Chat machine uh should I do a pick of the week real quick oh give us a Draft Kings pick of the week you know what guys I know this is the Nugget show and we

Always get a lot of time and energy to devote to the Avalanche take but the a won two in a row and they’re fresh off a thrashing of the golden knights who by the way no one likes at all I hate the golden knights no one like Adam doesn’t

Even know hockey and he hates them I’m I’m telling you outside of basketball they might be my most hated team so the AVS are so good that they’re on the road they’re not quite plus money but they are still slide underdogs and pick them and I’m picking them AVS at

Toronto Maple Leafs minus 108 wa ABS on the road they’re winning again that’s my DraftKings pick of the week you heard it there first uh kale super chats thank you kale super producer kale MVP performers tonight Joe Arrow 27 Mike looking more athletic Maul looking in control yoke triple dub kcp dagger and

Agj dominance does it get better than this love y’all love you back only when they do it in the playoffs James Allen hilarious the Nuggets tried just when you’re worried they show up I hope they do this against the 76 both dot dot dot dot dot dot dot please that would make

My day please people are so nervous for that yoke bball Paul Reed matchup I it’s really good I want to see people are so into I just I’m not that into that matchup it’s just Jordan 42069 nice convinced this team could win 70 plus games but they just like to

Provide drama for the fans make the regular season interesting I know we always compare was last game interesting no um but not at all the Nuggets do have a little bit of Shack collectively they’re good enough they know it whatever and they know it you me they were like bullies and largely [Laughter]

Uninformed dripping toon I this is my favorite cuz the YouTube it’s just a it’s just like a Suburban mother but the name is the name is dripping ton um and she’s sponsoring at8 not do we’re not even doing it we got you for the next we got the next one dripping Ton you’re

Going to have to put that in there sponsored by dripping ton some 11-year-old on his mom’s YouTube account renamed it dripping ton a stray this message and donation had more work put into it than the around the association logo please donate more to the dmvr logo design fund preferably in the amounts of

$2 just to see if Adam still despises the concept of a $2 super I’ll tell you one thing it’ll be over my cold dead body that you all boo before that that uh thing gets changed I will’t show up 55555 is a narrative I hope comes

True pwat will be the best player coming off the bench by the end of all of this the season I I assume all the nuggets are good except man he catches a stray after a masterpiece he cut a stray man Marcos Garcia hate to say this but F

Mellow Joker number 32 time the nug what do you mean you hate to say this you literally paid to say it you make sure we seen it I hate to say so much get my wallet out I hate to say I wish this is

Avoidable do I got to now I got to put my make sure everybody sees it watching Factor authentification okay let me do it no yes God I hate to do this no I’m not a robot we all the motorcycles we the boxes uh Bale toll you are fun guys by

The way your guy wind is really often used in reference in Serbian media as famous NBA journalist hell yeah and Dev I think you are a star thank you struggling with that good super my favorite Super Chat tonight really nice for two people but it was for all colle

All fun guys we all fun guys chat makes one person happy that Super Chat made two people happy yeah right was be Serbian and listen I’m just glad dead finally got a compliment you know yeah finally things are looking up for Old Devil Chris Peters pwat is more

Impactful this year than brown was last year it’s true it’s true it’s true which is cool I mean that’s like a positive it sounded negative there Emily white Super Chat yes Emily white Emily White Mike Wilson Eric which of your hair takes while you stand by more this week

Clarkson or AG congrats on the new topic of Interest so case anyone doesn’t know they don’t follow me on Twitter first off what are you doing uh last night uh I loudly Pro proclaimed that Jordan Clarkson was one of the worst haircuts or hair dudes in the NBA I can’t stand

His hair dud it’s not true though yeah I don’t care what you guys think um and tonight I said that AG has the best hair in the NBA I’ll stand by both of them I stand on business it’s probably the exact same hairstyle on different people all that’s the point you got to

You got make the whole thing work with your entire face Jordan Clon has a terrible mustache I he looks like he’s melting terrible AG you look fantastic keep doing what you’re doing Marcos Garcia AG fan from Pueblo dmvr love celest Garcia yeah hold on

Real fast that was like a I’ve been in a relationship that was a forced he wanted to get his message out his wife was right there he put her in it that’s what that was you think his name was something different and he think it was

That maybe it like only she has an account no you don’t think that was it so he signed in through her account she said make sure I’m on there make sure I’m on there I like you know what I like it that’s sweet that’s wholesome I’m I’m

All for it man that’s scary or maybe that was just a child in the parents account you know parents have no idea trippton that’s it that’s it right hit that outro music for there another one coming in guys thanks for hanging out guys and gals thanks for hanging out

With us tonight the bar was popping if you haven’t made it down to the bar guys the bar’s the best yeah the bar’s the best it was a great crowd tonight man full but not packed good vibe and we figured it out we finally figured it out

Only 10 years into business how to finally if you come to the watch the game here you can actually watch the postgame show in the bar afterwards we we of course couldn’t get it done tonight cuz I couldn’t find the Apple remote I’m told never change gmvr never change yep

That’s but we have figured out the technology we don’t know where the remote is but we’re going to find it you guys we’re going to find it we’re going to find it in minute it’s got to be in here somewhere yeah Che the cushions no we didn’t check the C you didn’t check

The cushions no I found I found some change in there though yeah that is awesome also guys we have this little hook thing now you can play that so sweet bad I’m bad at the game you guys did you see how popular it was tonight no people were three three guys

Including Adam played it no way there’s people coming all night to play it see how popular the hook the Little Hook game man I’m telling you I’m the best at it hit the like button on the way out D Sunday takeover day we’re having some fun we’ll see you guys there let’s [Applause] go we all sitting like the May

The Denver Nuggets had a HUGE bounce back performance tonight against the surging New Orleans Pelicans. The whole team put together one of the best performances of the year. Jokic had maybe the pass of the year, and Peyton Watson continues to break out. What are our takeaways from tonight’s big win? Adam Mares, Brendan Vogt, Duvalier Johnson, and D-Line Co. come to you LIVE from the DNVR Bar to break down everything you need to know in this edition of the DNVR Nuggets Podcast!

Start – 0:00
Fast breakdown – 2:45
Dev’s big takeaway – 6:40
Vogt’s takeaway – 8:55
Jokic’s night – 12:00
MPJ – 19:55
Jamal Murray – 25:00
AG – 27:15
KCP – 28:35
A sign of things to come? – 33:00
The best highlight of the night – 39:30
The Jerry Krause controversy – 45:15
Wind Chimes – 52:00
Superchats – 1:00:00

An ALLCITY Network Production





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  1. Nuggets played a good game shot the ball well played better defense they need to make a trade to strengthen their bench once they get past their starters their not a good team

  2. Lol I fell asleep listening to you, I was in and out, and eventually I dreamt that you did the show from local community center and I was there from the beginning, but went for a walk and took the apple remote with me by mistake… 🙁 I came back when you were talking about it, noticed it and gave it back… 😀

  3. Games like this make me even more mad about games last the last one or the one vs the OKC they blew us out… it just shows they can do this whenever and they just choose not to

  4. I assume this is quasi sarcastic thumbnail, but be careful coming off too cocky/condescending. It’s what makes ppl hate the Lakers so don’t win one title and then become them. Fellow former ABA team Pacers fan and season ticket holder since 87-88. Adam I think you were born close to a year or 2 right before me (Jan 8 early 80s baby). Love what you guys have going and you should be confident/excited, just don’t become like the obnoxious Lakers (and Celtics) fans we all hate.😅😆

    PS I have a lot of money on Nuggets or Celtics to win it all and am praying it’s not Celtics bc I can’t stand Boston fans. Though maybe what that means is once we finally win a championship we all become somewhat obnoxious/cocky bc human nature. Pacers 3 ABA titles in 4yrs but that was 50-55 years ago😅.

    We had a great run 1994-2014 with 7 ECF and a finals in 21 years but still gotta get off the NBA title schnide.

    PSS Jerry Krause is a top4-6 GM ever w/ Red Auerbach, Jerry West, Pat Riley, RC Buford, Bob Myers.

    Without him Bulls never have Phil Jackson Tex Winter, Pippen, Horace Grant, BJ Armstrong, Ron Harper, Kukoc, Rodman! In other words they’re not the team of the 90s and one of the GOAT teams of a decade in any sport! My mom is from Chicago, I loved MJ growing up, but this was a horrific look for about 25-50% of Bulls fans in that crowd.


  5. arguably the most impactfull15 minutes from payton, MPJ with the fresh haircut had 3 dunks and jokic thriple double, reggie finally double digits in scoring was fun to watch

  6. You know how we say it in Serbia exactly: "Superstar NBA journalist Dev and his associats…" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  7. Joker doesn't get injured because he doesn't jump high or runs too fast. He only gets injured from scratches and hacks from opposing defenders. But he probably won't be injury prone because he doesn't play full speed like Dr. Rose or Ja Morant.

  8. One of Jokic’s missed shots was a goaltend on Zion that wasn’t called, there was at least one other that was a foul that wasn’t called too. This happens every game, his FG% is actually even better than it is on paper

  9. D-Line is just so hilarious 😂 😂😂
    Has a great comeback for anything, and just keeps cracking me up😂
    "It's been up for a while, call a doctor"😂

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