@Golden State Warriors

Golden State Warriors vs. Milwaukee Bucks 1st Qtr Full Highlights | Jan. 13 | NBA Highlights 2024

Golden State Warriors vs. Milwaukee Bucks 1st Qtr Full Highlights | Jan. 13 | NBA Highlights 2024

On the back end of a back to back and blew them out they get the warriors on the back end of a back to back so a very friendly scheduling week for the bucks but they play tomorrow night the Bucks still haven’t lost two in a row or three

In a row on the season Lillard Malik Beasley Chris Middleton yanis s TMO and Brook Lopez for Milwaukee ja clock at five Middleton a deep two and lasers it home Brandon psky Thompson Andrew Wiggins Dario shich and cavon Looney so Brandon for Steph the only change from the starting lineup from last

Night it to psky in the post he Thompson at 30 last night missing his first shot Zach Zara James Williams Bret Nel to blow the whistles and the Le Beasley off iron there but that’ll be an offensive foul in the rebound as Giannis ran over charage that got the championship in

2019 his first year replacing by bu hoer they had an interesting summer obviously getting Damen Lillard kind of signaling to jannis as Klay Thompson knocks down a three coming off screens signaling to jannis that hey we’re serious about winning we appreciate your commitment to us bringing Damien Lillard in here Malik

Beasley they kind of sold out on the offensive end Lillard missing from the Baseline the psychology of any kind of upset is just to hang in as long as possible and that’s sort of the warrior Mo right now because yeah this is a a tough schedule situation play this is

The three there but you played really well last night in Chicago so bring those Good Vibes tonight that’s it bring the effort Middleton it hit once and Looney another Milwaukee Hometown kid kaban from Hamilton High School and granted from St John’s Military Academy both former Mr basketballs seven

Years apart in the state of [Applause] Wisconsin that’s a lofty title for the for the whole state yeah shich he beat Brook Lopez and Dario whether it’s a stretch five or Mobility that’s the way to counteract the size of the bucks he has to feel like he has the quickness

Advant against against Brook Lopez he’s got to use itard missing an airball there from the Baseline the jeepy speed dribbling it and the Warriors try to avoid the turnover it’s such a great job last night with only five Klay Thompson got there before Splash Mountain could get

To him You’ shown us you can do it taking care of the ball saw a lot of smiles last night y stra to the Baseline I just don’t know how you cover him if you’re a normal human being he is so skilled so big so talented so strong you

Need a few normal human beings maybe yeah exactly with two or three guys on him so impressive one of he’s not the best player in the league man there’s only two or three fingers you’re counting on and he’s so efficient play setting up Wiggins left wing three riing

It out and a TMO with the rebound I mean Yannis when you start to look at 31 points and 11 rebounds and he’s worked on his threes he has you want to Gap him that’s the only way to guard him is to Gap him there so he’s

Going to have that shot anytime he wants you just pray he misses yeah it’s 24% but the fact that he can hit any of them now now you’re betwix and between trying to guard him the jsky opens with the three and we talked about Brandon struggling shooting the ball that’s good

To see that go down he would love to have a night all his family here and friends now that’s why you g him if Giannis misses he’s still 24t away from the rim in terms of offensive rebounding not causing Looney from the elbow come on with the jumper both the

Milwaukee boys doing work early 48 minutes is a long time in an NBA game but first four minutes for the Warriors to have the five-point lead Lopez with play on him charge comes to double cyclet to D and Lillard with the runner if you’re going to double team especially Brook Lopez you better

Be ready to rotate but I think you’re you set at top of the telc experiment with different things try different things tonight have some fun get your energy up that’s one of the main reason with the three and make those bigs guard on the perimeter so the Warriors already

With three threes and the 15 Advantage Giannis little contact there with Looney and wiggin saved it on the Baseline okay L Thompson runs into a three on fireing there but that’s the early offense that you’ll take against [Applause] Milwaukee Chris Middleton thought he was getting contact there and he comfortably three time

Allstar 37% on Threes And if he Lillard and ynis are rolling then you never beat Milwaukee shot clock at seven Middleton had to give it up shot clock at four Lopez shooting the air ball unfortunately for the dubs it goes right to Malik Beasley to follow it home

Air ball goes to the offense that was a great defensive possession up until then yeah it’s smaller Defenders Beasley all these guys you can get him in the post Clay’s thinking some really good Defenders there you bring in Lillard you improve offensively and regress defensively yeah Bobby pis at 28 against

Boston he checks in and pis has the rebound there’s Jackson Davis in the game finga as well and our first look at Cory Joseph Lillard three yeah if you’re going to be in drop coverage on him he knows all he has to worry about is getting his Defender off of him with that

Screen get small defender in the post well they you go kaminga right over Lillard he’ll take that match up and just laid off iron and Milwaukee headed back the other way they a good find to the NBA’s leading three-point shooter Malik V hard but Milwaukee is always in the

Conversation they are a quality team but as long as they have Giannis who signed a three-year extension that’s going to be the case Andrew Wiggins P Hon’s first playing time minger driving he attacked Lopez and just couldn’t get it off glass but that’s still a good play that’s his

Domain in there you better come correct jump into his chest don’t avoid contact Bobby poris has Cory Joseph on him that’s a win for Cory he got poris to take a turnaround jumper giv away almost a foot Portis is coming off a good game Wiggins missing the mid-range

And now Portis push it back yeah the 28 against Boston Bobby pis exploded in that gameon on the step through and he is denied so the Warriors down only one and playing a very competitive first quarter here Trace Jackson Davis he and clay have developed some chemistry in the

Last couple weeks he’s expecting that pass from Klay now as soon as he sees his Defender stay with Clay he’s like I’m ready yeah Clay with a season I had 30 last night but he also had six assists so his floor game was [Applause] excellent Lillard some speed dribble and

Finish he is special he’s a tough cover he knows when he can use his speed as the big is maybe a little too close to that screen came off with so much momentum year 12 for Dame one of the cold blooded scores in the NBA for a

Decade plus that’s the thing you want to get up with him on those screens but then he’s got the speed as clay oh clay want that back that was a layup and Trace his fresh legs try different combinations see which group is jelling together and then just go with your gut

As the game go goes on that high screen roll and Malik Beasley like you said at 48% essentially leading the NBA you cannot leave him at the three-point line just period you can’t leave him he’s having a ridiculous shooting year L Topson that was partially blocked conon

Got a piece of it see that’s the thing you got the curl that defender on your back go ahead and get close to the to see the Bucks build a little momentum here bucks are shooting it at 56% Warriors 44 it’s the thing the Bucks can keep

Either Giannis or Dame in the game at all times if they want to dominga doubled and fouled tce and those are the ones if you’re going to be in this game you got to hit the [Applause] bunnies and Lillard will pick up the foul and lay it up you you have to have

Everything tonight everything’s got to work you have to be perfect tonight Lillard completing the three-point play Andre Jackson Jr three years in Connecticut 36 pick in the draft his first playing time time with the bucks at 16-2 run after the nice Warrior beginning nice skip pass the jsky Rhythm

Dribble and Milwaukee fortunate Brandon was wide open on that three Lillard onon will cycle it to poris with a shot clock at 10 Cory Joseph moved his feet nicely por is how about that Cory played por his head up twice in a row he’s winning that Battle on everyone’s scouting report but he went to the left hand that time you slow your body down you can go counter move he was able to stop see where the defense was at oh I can go left there’s an opening all that high screen roll this

Time that’s a moving screen and it’s Cory Joseph fighting over the screen picking up the second foul on Yannis your effort can get rewarded at times look going right oh the defense is there everybody’s on that side let me go left there’s

Golden State Warriors vs. Milwaukee Bucks 1st Qtr Full Highlights | Jan. 13 | NBA Highlights 2024


  1. Only moron HC Steve Kerr will seat his best player against #2 rank Buck! Who the F will do that!!!Steve Kerr thinks Curry is overloaded and overwhelmed!! What kind of thinking is that!!!! What damn idiot decision by Steve Kerr!!

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