@New York Knicks

New York Knicks vs Memphis Grizzlies Post Game Show EP 466 (Highlights, Analysis, Live Callers)

New York Knicks vs Memphis Grizzlies Post Game Show EP 466 (Highlights, Analysis, Live Callers)

All right all right all right all right thank God we got the win what’s good Knicks Nation salute the New York Knicks got the win in ugly fashion tonight but as some would say a win is a win the Knicks faced off against the Memphis Grizzlies in Tennessee and after a CL

Close loss to the Dallas Mavericks this past Thursday you thought the Knicks would enter this game with Vigor however he got quite the opposite Knicks were all over the place in the first half there was little to no defense and no offensive validity especially with all those turnovers the Knicks were doing

Everything in their power to hand this game over to the Grizzlies thankfully the Knicks woke up in the second half and played better than they did in the first because it was about to get ugly if they lost to the Grizzlies g-league team tonight but as I said New York got

The win and the Knicks wound up winning 106 to 94 so let’s discuss this game welcome to kftv postgame live I’m your host Al terce aka the traic caster and with me on the the other side is my guy Jeff Johnson you can find him over at bleach report power after hours MSG

Networks he got he’s got his uh own YouTube channel Jeff J says man he’s all over the place man he’s putting in that work tonight we’re taking calls only by the Discord so make sure to download the app or go to the website whatever fits your fancy and

Make sure to support our sponsors manscaped and Underdog fantasy oh man Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff I was quiery session man this is going to be a therapy session I was about to lose it after the way the niick started this game I’m like yo you

Cannot be serious tonight you can’t be serious tonight after that you had a close game you worked all your way back to get close to almost being the Dallas Mavericks who were by the way without three of their starters they didn’t have Derek wely they didn’t have Dante exom

They didn’t have Luka donic you were so close to defeating them and then you come out lifeless against the g-league Memphis Grizzlies they’re without nine other players nine and you’re telling me this is the effort that we get in the first half I was on SNY today with with

Our guy Dexter Henry I said they can’t take this team easy they play good defense even though they haven’t had jaw this entire for most of the season I should say and it seems like they just did what I said the opposite of it’s like you can’t take this team easy but

Hey they got the win it was in ugly fashion and a win is a win I I don’t have to pull out my hair tonight how you feeling though je how you feeling I I I’m feeling good this is what I would say if y’all ever wanted to wonder what

Those Chris Brinkley open runs are at Lifetime Fitness you just got 48 minutes of that we watch Saturday night open run if it’s Friday night Nicks it’s Saturday night open run LA Fitness Lifetime Fitness whatever have you they came out with that energy and you know what it

Felt like to me it felt like when you play pickup ball and you choose up sides and one side clearly has better Talent at least from the ey test taller guys guys that probably play D1 D2 D3 and you got your team you’re like all right well

It’s not like we getting paid we’re going to play hard we’re going to play and see what happens and that team the Lesser talented team plays hard the entire game while the the more talented team are just going through the motions thinking that their talent is going to

Overcome whatever uh hot start the team has and a lot of times those talented teams lose that’s the energy that I saw from the Knicks it was almost as if they were waiting them out they were was a it’s it’s it was like watching a Mayweather fight where the first the

First uh few rounds he’s trying to like decode you know he’s trying to go let you get hit and then he actually attacks and then shuts down the game the only difference is the Knicks did the opposite of that they just Vibe their way to the second half Isaiah

Hartenstein turns into Shaq and they and they and they literally they waited for the Grizzlies turbo to go into red to pull this game out if the grizzly they had nine players out Alex then they went down to eight because um Alba I I can’t remember

Um his name off the I don’t want to uh destroy the brother’s name but they’re one of their bigs came down another ankle entury uh Marcus Smart is just on the side like man we we got the monkey paw the monkey Paw’s coming after us it just one finger just comes down after

The other so they had eight players for three quarters and it took a dece McBride and Josh Hart run to solidify this they I’m so glad they won so that I can be annoyed instead of completely beside myself that’s that’s the best way to put it right the to be annoyed rather than

Be besides yourself because it could have gotten real ug real ugly real quick and look I’m going to start off by giving the the shout out to Duce McBride tonight you know he had a career high 19 points he shot 70% from the field and I

Don’t want to make too much of it but I don’t want to diminish it either just because of the level of competition tonight but for this I’ll say this I like that Deuce was aggressive I like that Duce showed some offensive like ability tonight because we are going to

Need him okay and I’m going to tie this right to Jaylen Brunson when you look at the the depth of this team after the after training for oan and noi lose RJ Barrett and Emanuel quickley and you think about okay we were nine deep prior

To that trade you can go to a quickle you can go to RJ you still had some offense we saw that last season too right but I I’m happy that Duce had a solid game tonight because the [ __ ] are going to need him you had got you got

Your 19 points six rebounds five assists one steal one block you always know he’s going to give you defense dud ready to full press Court every single time I’m happy for Duce that he was able to perform at such a level for 37 minutes

Um I’m not going to make too much of it as I said because this is the Memphis Grizzlies G League team we didn’t get the we didn’t get the best of the best from the Memphis Grizzlies tonight but I do want to say it was a good effort from

MC from McBride based on what we’ve seen prior from like last season where it’s just like a Sprinkle of games here and there I do like what I saw from him tonight what were your thoughts on McBride he locked it down he did what I

Expected him to do and then some four of seven from three like he he’s hitting his shots he’s not playing scared he’s letting the game come to him and he’s commanding he knows this is a dress rehearsal for whatever the Knicks do next and he’s been waiting for this

Opportunity and he’s he’s proven it now uh Breen had a stat I think through the through the third through the second quarter where he was 13 for 24 over this last stretch of games that he’s been playing now it’s probably evened out to like 15 of 26 or 27 over the last few

Games so he’s been letting the three-pointer fly and he’s been cashing them too so I definitely enjoyed watching him play but once again this was a game I expected him to have I expect him to step up because we know McBride’s worth work ethic we know what

He puts in and this is the type of game where he could show out and I say with uh on the Memphis side I know you say that we didn’t get there I don’t think we got their best team but I think we got their best effort that they could

That I would agree with d n Dum n guys came out and played shout out to Memphis and shout out to the Memphis fans because if you told me I would have to watch The Expendables and come out in 20 degree weather to watch The Expendables

Hoop no it’s not happening but they were in the game they they were rooting on their team who they knew had no business winning and they they gave it their all like everybody on that side did a great job GG Jackson I think the rent is due at midnight the

Way this dude was hooping I thought he was trying to get signed to a a label deal that day rent was due at midnight 20. 24 minutes I love seeing guys like that take advantage like in the first half bro it was like I’m reading names and if if y

If y’all don’t if you know you know but look up uh Tommy Davidson on The Breakfast Club and his reaction this was my my reaction when I saw the starting five for the Memphis Grizzlies cuz I didn’t know who I was watching but you had zier Williams Luke Canard Vince

William Jr Gigi Jackson in the first half they were balling out they saw their opportunity and they gave it their all so I can’t even knock them because this the second game Alex these guys the Knicks got out hustled and they got out harded they just they’re just lucky that

Those guys are career bench guys and luk Canard didn’t try to channel his inner Nick killer out of nowhere and they ran out of gas because this could have been a completely different post game bro for sure for sure and look the fact that I’m seeing uh Gillard start in this lineup

When I saw him this past summer league and I’m like really like I’m like doing double takes I’m like wait a minute I’m pretty sure I saw you in summer league like are you playing tonight you starting tonight that’s what it was looking at this Memphis team but GG I

Like GJ Jackson I like them coming out of the draft this dude I think he’s going to be legit in the end NBA uh look and he’s trying to show when you get this type of opportunity you got to make best of what you get and that’s what

McBride did tonight as well that’s what McBride did tonight as well but what sticking with the Knicks tonight you know we had no Jen Brunson late scratch you know it was game time decision and I just there this is where it comes back to me and saying we need

To go make another move to go get another guy whether it be Brogden I know Deonte Murray is another name that’s out there and I know there’s a division between the fan base like do you want to go spend more Capital go get a a bigger name a guy who hasn’t necessar performed

Well in Atlanta but has you know does have a cash like does have a cach a to his name you know what I mean like you think of Deon Mur you think of like a defensive stopper a guy who’s now improved the shooting especially from

Three a guy who can score when you need it and when you look at this Knicks team you need another guy especially when you don’t have brunon out there because there was moments tonight where I’m looking at this team and Randle is not getting to the spots that he’s normally

Able to get to and I’ve said this throughout the entire season it’s not like last year where Randall needed Brunson to get to his spots this season he can get to his spots even without Brunson but when it’s completely a noow from Brunson and I mean like he’s gone

Like he’s out of the game he’s like because he’s injured then you can just shift the entire mindset to like oh we only got to stop one guy now we got to just focus in on Julius Randle makes it makes it 10 times harder for him to get

To his spots because guys like McBride guys like uh Dante Devan chenzo you know they are not not known for getting into the teeth of the defense making a collapse and then getting everybody else their their open looks or even just taking attention away from Randall right

Like you have Brunson out there that takes attention away from Randall because you have to worry about either one of them getting into their bag so for me I look at this saying we need help if I’m the Nick front office I’m saying we need help and as I saw

Worldwide West uh you know shake tip’s hands as he’s walking away tip is like good God man this game like you just see like he got his 5 got 500 win he’s he’s like oh my god get me a guy Wes but that’s probably what he’s saying

Jeff that’s probably what he’s saying is that was that a takeaway that you’re get taking from this game bro Malachi Flynn checked into the game and I as I turned to my wife I turned to my wife and I was like I didn’t know Malachi War number

Zero a yo the evil Dante will you call it they be call him Waluigi to Dante’s Luigi bro it’s facts cuz I for like he they he checked in and I didn’t see the number I knew he was four in the back of my head but I see him and Dante running

Around I’m like he wear zero and then Dante turned the around I just busted out laughing Malachi bro he was heating up in the second quarter but he was fouling too much and he didn’t get Run for the rest of the game like tips had

Seen enough and I think he was good for an injection of energy I did see there were moments where he was droing off on coverage like they missed a lot of shots that he could have possibly gave up I would have loved to see him get more run

In the second half too because he was at least he him dece and dvo were bringing the energy something something that was desperately needed I would have loved to see him get more time but Alex he could have got 40 minutes I would be saying

The same thing put the bat signal in the air let’s work the phones we can make this like a ton I’ll get on the phones right now I’ll hit my contacts and say trying to do think about it like this there’s there’s things that you can buy

Right where you can say do I need to spend this much now or can I wait later if for those of you who own cars you hear that sound and you going to keep pushing you hear that Clank Clank Clank Clank Clank until you hit the highway

And you on the side of the road and your alternator goes out or something something happens where you could have took care of it when you first heard your s your car sounding like a a a goo b a goo how are you talking to the guys

Who own a 1999 Honda Civic right now bro listen man I got I got a old car too so I know them the’ll repairs be hell sometimes but what I will say is when you see an issue the opportunity cost of correcting the issue early as opposed to

Late is like a big a big chasm in between them two like you can you could pay for being laxidasical now or trying to put it off it’s it’s a crapshoot either way but I’d rather be damned by making a move not a major move not a

Rash move a move you need something we can we got to save these tibs from himself with playing the guys too much cuz he I can’t blame him for relying on players I can’t blame him but we got to give him at least one more guy and we

Saw it on we saw it um for 48 minutes although Duce plays point guard he’s not an initiator he’s not a a a game a game facilitator he had six assist shout out to him but he’s not a facil the type of offense initiator that the Knicks need

They need one more they need at least one more I I would say that’s even more of a priority to me than like another Wing if they could get a two and one please I don’t know who that is but they need something and they need that

Stretch run one more move are you looking at like uh dejon Murray you looking at a Malcolm Brogden what’s your what are you thinking Jeff bro I’m on the Amazon market place right now and just I’m I’m on Amazon I’m in the reviews I’m trying to see what the

Customers like and what they disagree on with with brog did with with de jante I think there’s two things they have to consider what will be the best immediate fit and what are you going to do with this player moving forward because whoever they get more than likely are

Not going to be woven into the long-term plans unless the impossible happens right they’re like the Kawai effect in Toronto or something to that that effect you got to figure out who can best help you now and depending on a variety of like qualitative factors like relationship building with agents and

Other teams and coming to an understanding who’s going to want more playing time this is where I go back and forth I know some people are down on Brogden because of their injury concerns I know some people down on Deonte Murray because they think if he couldn’t play

Well with Trey young what makes you think he can play with Jaylen Brunson and then if you acquire him do you have to start him who’s going to be more comfortable coming off the bench to me I think my answer is yes at this point I’m ready to prick pick my poison with

Either or I think Brogden would be the best case scenario if you want somebody who’s conditioned to take 12 to 15 minutes off the bench can run an offense and who could stretch it to 20 or 30 he’s capable former six-man of the Year disputed not Undisputed shout out to

Quick it’s a disputed six-man of the year right but we have somebody who’s done the job who’s done the job before and Deonte Murray you might feel more inclined to start him and I don’t think this starting five should be broken up so taking into all of that I guess I’m

Saying Brogden won deante 2 for the right price I hear you and like when I think about dejon I think you know that’s what I hear a lot of is that well if he’s not working out with Trey young how would he work with Brunson and I

Always go back to Brunson actually show that he could play off ball playing next to Luca there is some ability for him not to necessar need the ball in his hand 247 and who knows he might even Thrive more when you add somebody who can create on Ball and get him those

Opportunities right and so I’m not I’m open to deante like for those reasons also defensively we need another guy out there but to your point adding someone like Dante during the regular season you’re talking about tweaking that starting five yet yet again right they already did it once we moved Grimes to

The bench and you put in Dante then you had to tweak it again when Mitch got hurt you put Isaiah hartstein into the starting rotation even when you use Jericho Simson points now you got then you tweaked it again because you traded RJ Barrett you got OG and anobi so now

You’re G to ask if you get djon Murray you’re gonna be tweaking it another time because it’s going to be Dante dant chenzo moving to the bench no question that it would be him and then you’re saying all right now we’re trying to fix this and work through this throughout

The regular season again and not sure if tibs wants to do that I’m not sure if the front office is thinking that dejon is going to be that key factor because I think if you go make a move for him you’re saying that we can go be a

Championship contending team if we get him and I’m not sure how much the Nicks front office is sold that that’s what the next recipe is because there’s still other answers that you need you’re going to need more big man depth you’re going to need another Wing off the off the

Bench because you know as we talk about Brunson being out you need another guy who can create if you lose OG and anobi you lose your only legitimate Wing So then you need another Wing now you need like there’s so many other factors so I wouldn’t be surprised if they went with

Their typical prudent approach where they go you know bargain shopping or just work around the edges right how they got Josh Hart how they looked for a cam R Derrick Rose Malcolm Brogden as much as I would be okay with de on this te I feel like Malcolm brog is going to

Be that next step or somebody like that in that vein a guy that can go create for himself and can be a Creator and also a playmaker on the side because we don’t need cuz I know tus Jones has been another name that’s floating around too

But he’s more of a table setter to me we don’t need another guy who can just set the table we need a guy who can get it Off the Bench say I’m going to get mine and when you need me to go feed everybody else I can do that as well and

That’s something that brog had to do at his stops in Milwaukee in Indiana in Boston and so I I I see that being the next move for the Knicks just because it’s probably not GNA cost much to go get him from Portland so right yeah tus

Jones is we got dece tus Jones is we got Duce McBride at home we got mcra at home why you going to go get at tias Jones and and to me if they go get dejonte Murray that is that is a tell that he’s here for the next move whatever that

Next move is the big fish because of matching salary and he’s a quality player that a a team trading a superstar would want to have so it’s like are you trying to cop cop Deonte Murray now to flip him later or are you cop red to try

To make the run this year and could possibly be flipped later too but not as enticing see I hate that I hate thinking like that though and like sometimes I’m a prisoner of that that thought where it’s like oh we can just get him we’ll flip them later it’s like play you play

Like fantasy football right it’s like oh you know what if I get two really good quarterbacks I can flip one later because someone’s probably going to get injured and they’re G it’s like it never works out that way it just never and then you think like oh someone’s gonna

Get and then it’s like that bad team that has nobody that you need you’re like oh my God what was I even thinking about doing this and now you just wasted a roster spot for no and I don’t like thinking like like that so if they want

Deante Murray it should be for the fact that they actually believe they can take him to the next level not to be like oh well if we got to give uh the Cav something in return that’s favorable we can go flip it’s like H uhuh because if

It doesn’t work out here they’re going to be looking at the next thing like it’s not working out here too what makes you think he’s going to work next to Garland so that’s that’s that’s the big fear you know so I hate that thought process just because and I’m a prison of

That too where it’s like oh well maybe you know I’ve played fantasy football like that I’ve played fantasy basketball like that and it’s always got me into trouble it’s always gotten me into trouble oh man but hey salute to ni Nation thank you all for tuning in for

Kfv postgame live I’m Al ter aka the traster with me on the other side is Jeff Johnson AKA Jeff J says and we’re taking your calls tonight by the Discord make sure you hit that thumbs up button for your boys make sure to share the links to all these videos make sure to

Support our sponsor manscaped and Underdog fantasy using both kftv as the promo code for each all right got to run up the likes we doing the Lord’s work tonight because we watch that open run and we talking about it so yall got to run up them likes run up them likes run

Up them comments super chats all of that you already know you here for a reason you here for the entertainment and our talk so let let’s get that up you know show some love show some love cuz we had to do that we did that as a family so

Let’s show love together that’s right we did that as a family and we’re the ones up here having to talk about this you all could just decide to like go home go to sleep like you know what I could have got to sleep tonight no no no but we

Love this I love doing this we love talking about the nck man it’s all good anyway so make sure to hit that thumbs up button for your boys we got 13 in the chat right now come on guys we got 1,300 in the chat we got only 226 likes we

Need more than that hit that thumbs up button for your boys all right we’re g to get to the we’re GNA get to the Discord make sure to call in by the Discord tonight TM if you’re here I don’t if you’re here or not my guy but

Make sure to drop that link in the chat so people know where to hit to go over to the Discord we got Cody Glock on the line Cody Glock my guy how you feeling man unmute your mic what’s going on I’m yeah I’m I’m live yes sir you are live

And direct oh yeah oh yeah yo shout out mancate Ma I have zero turnovers because that mancate man I take care of my boy profusely with the utmost friction in my mixtion Yo Ma Alex man what’s up man Jeff what’s up man good broy we’re we’re living man we’re living we we’re we’re

Frustrated as a family because of how that game started but thankfully they won yeah yeah thankfully it it’s any win is good you know I take it you you know a bum team I ain’t going to say a bum team cuz J gave him a little spark you

Know but it’s a bum team man we had this in the bag all man du McBride you see he came out he did his thing dropped the career high in numbers and points or whatever so we have Duce playing like this what’s going to happen when we make

A move for somebody like Brogden or Dante maray or anything that they’re going for as a guard perspective like what what is that I I have that question for y’all and another question for y’all I have is ihart is balling I’m not dumb all right Mitchie he is no snitchy and I

Do believe he’s better for the Knicks than iHeart but iHeart is balling right now and if Mitch is set to come back and all of that I think he should play the bench not mess up the chemistry and all yeah it sounds crazy coming for me but

People are right I think he should play the bench Rapid Fire Man shout out Nikki pipes man shout out Ari man shout out everybody in the chat shout out Chuck D Man hasp in the chat I’m out man peace man peace to Cody guac thank you for

Calling in my guy oh interesting the the the the the the leader of the mchive said he should be on the bench if he comes back Jeff I’m sure as you’re aware we did not get that DP from the league so that means there’s a possibility that Mitchell Robinson could

Come back I know he also asked what would happen to McBride but we’re going we’re going to touch on Mitchell Robinson first and then get to McBride the McBride question should do you think he should start or you think he should come off the bench if he comes back um shout out

To my guy Mena I’m I am officially a member of the starten Stein Brigade like he he I I like not rocking the boat when you have something good right I think Mitch coming back first of all whenever he comes back he’s going to have to be

Ramped up and what we’ve seen before with Mitch and his injuries is it takes a little bit of a minute I think it may we may shorten that time because legit was in the best shape of his life to start the season which is why I could feel his frustration where he did

Everything right and he still got injured like that’s frustrating as hell right so I I I think he’s conditioned enough where hopefully it would be a smaller r ramp up time to like get him back into full cardio I think coming off the bench would be the best bet for him

Because he’s still going to get his minutes one thing we know about tibs he he does stand by that motto like starting bench it doesn’t matter it matters how much you play and I think Off the Bench we can utilize the versatil lineup versatility way better

Because now you got Mitch Off the Bench you got Grimes Off the Bench you got Hart Off the Bench you can leave OG in to start the second quarter and then player to be named later whoever is running the offense if that’s Deuce good luck NBA if you want to score a point

Good luck right it I think this is another point on the coach where we’re going to have to see that Innovation and that versatility and the experimentation so that we are able to utilize our Personnel our current Personnel to their Highest Potential and I think with Mitch

I what I like about about the versatility they give at the five between Mitch and iHeart is the game tells you what to do the game will tell them who needs to play a lot more depending on the situation and you can still keep Mitch preserved where we

Don’t got to over attacks him 20 minutes a night 15 20 minutes a night he get the precious Chua minutes he gets those those backup five minutes and he’ll still be able to play 20 plus without having to overextend him and we can possibly save him for a playoff run I

Think that Mitch if that Mitch comes back even 75% plus iheard bro that that’s a formidable 48 minutes at the five man like and I think the league is in trouble so I would I would think for now I don’t think there’s any harm in him coming off the

Bench I hope he would be okay with that too there’s a mental aspect to that they all people right so I would hope that he would be okay with that but yeah I I think there’s too much unlocked on offense with comparable defense benefits for both that you got to start

IHeart at least to start off the game yeah I get I get starting with ihart I get not shaking the B I mean once again we go back to tinkering with the starting rotation again and when you think around the time that M should be getting back it’s probably closer to the

Playoffs if he does come back it’ be closer to playoffs where you’re now saying that ihart has been starting since what December like somewhere in December to to to then end to March April like 15 games or something like that so far yeah and and so you’re saying about tweaking that again to

Having him start if he did come back and I get with ihart starting especially like with ihart right now like the offense just is clicking like when everyone’s healthy right you just see the spacing with another guy who can just playmake everyone’s cutting especially we get OG and Dante cutting

You have ihart who could play at the high post and find Cutters and just give him bounce passes or whatever looks possible like that’s a game changer that Mitch doesn’t give you and this is no shade to Mitch Mitch is awesome I love him defensively like there’s no like his

Offensive rebounding is just key for this team too especially when you miss shots but I think when you get to the end of the season I do agree with the fact that Mitch it would make sense for him to come off the bench for one you

Don’t want to Tinker with as what you said Jeff you don’t want to Tinker with that staring rotation another time because if they got something cooking let it cook but then at the same time like we’ve seen this before in the past too doesn’t even matter who starts like

Ihart has gotten more minutes Mitch has gotten more minutes tibs reads the game and says all right who’s playing better who’s giving me what I need do I need more shooting on the court like that’s the other thing like with ihart too like he can give you a floater we saw that

Against Philly where he didn’t find anybody cutting he decided to take a few dribbles in throws up a floater drills it and that’s just another thing and look tonight ihart had a good game you got your 12 points 20 rebounds two assists five of six from the field two

Of four for from the free throw line two steals four blocks man was on another level tonight uh with his blocking but I I totally get the aspect of you just leave him in the starting rotation towards the end of this end of that time

End of the season and let him cook but now now get to the McBride portion right because McBride you know we gave him his praise at the beginning of this show at this show but if you do get somebody like Malcolm Brogden you talk about him

Going back to the bench again you know and this is a guy who they just extended I know it’s not a lot of money but they did just extend him you’re giving him an opportunity now but I feel like this is more an evaluation to see where he is

And even if you got somebody like Brogden I just said I don’t like the the thought process of like hey if you get player you can flip him later this off season we saw Brock that happened to brogon even when he was injured this past off season for Boston but for

Brogden I would say it’s a different category because you’re not asking a lot for brogon at this point he’s not somebody like a dejonte Murray who you’re thinking oh I want to get a star in return I want to get some draft capital in return brogen’s like I just

Need to move off this guy whoever’s willing to take him for whatever price I’m willing to do that and I do think if you go get somebody like Brogden I don’t see this rotation opening up to a 10-man rotation it’s going back to nine and I think McBride

Would go back to the bench if that were to happen oh yeah he’s definitely going to the goog right back to the goog if if if if we get if we get rocked then he’s going right back to the Gula and it’s kind of a shame too because I do think

He would be good insurance for whoever comes in in case they get injured or we have to plug in another uh in another position right I I I don’t know man Brogden brogon bro when he played Portland played the Nicks if that was a dress for

That man that man forgot his clothes at home they G they went at him I haven’t seen somebody get targeted like that since Jeremy Lyn and the heat when they made that example of it on national TV and so so bad that that man said my knee

My knee I cannot play in the playoffs y’all got this I got a a contract to make I got a contract to get right I I don’t know I I think brockden sounds good he sounds good it doesn’t excite me it doesn’t excite the base you know what

I mean to talk about we G get Bal Brockton I think it’s more so if you want to make a real run this year you got to get somebody who’s proven in the position it’s it’s one of two ways it’s either you get someone who’s proven in

The position or you put deuce in the best chance to win like this whole rest of the season is going to be practice for the playoffs and you got to put in that confidence and that and that faith in him and what I’ve seen the the data and the historical precedent has shown

He doesn’t really younger players don’t really get that with tips so I think with everything on the wall you got to get one more person I I I think you I think the threat of going into a playoff scenario or the postseason without that person with that big question mark is

Worse than going in with that person and figuring and thinking what if McBride doesn’t get any more minutes right we’ve seen that scenario already so I think they I it’s going to be a shame his minutes are going to get cooked but they need it it’s a need they need another

Wing they need a a backup Creator I’d love it for I love I’d love Devon Booker to become available right now I’d love it I’d love it someone of his love Paul George talking my language right I’d love Paul George and Kawhi Leonard to just one day wake up and say

You know what H extension H send me to New York I love that but those guys don’t grow on trees and they and and whatever roots are planted you got to wait for future drafts which we hope the Knicks aren’t really involved in because that mean that they’d have major success so given

All of that you gotta you got to find those Diamonds in the Rough like a Josh Hart like those those hidden Gems or those low lowrisk high reward players and I think Brogden does fit that bill salute to ni Nation thank you all for tuning to KV post game live hit that

Thumbs up button for your boys tonight is me Al Terrace and on the other side Jeff Johnson AKA Jeff J says look tonight we are sponsored by manscape all right everyone out there you already know what it is manscape cheers to the New Year from our friends at manscape

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The job as advertised okay if you need uh the beard trimmer that’s phenomenal too you need the handyman you want to get a closer shave after you do your own uh after you do you after you trim up your own beard everything is let me high quality high quality all right it’s on

Kfv we’re not going to be sponsoring anything that that isn’t high quality around here so make sure to go support our sponsor manscape all right W salute to Belinda Marie gner welcome to the franchise Channel membership uh and also salute to alpha wolf for the $5 Super Chat I’m not too

Bothered by the performance we didn’t have Brunson so our passing was out of sync and we turned the ball over more so one easy to be fair did we win easy that’s did we win easy I don’t I one easy is there multiple definitions of easy because the easy definition I’m

Thinking of that wasn’t easy they outlasted the Grizzlies they out they outlasted an eight-man team of of g-league ignite career bench players and the hoop dreams Allstars I thought I was watching The Globe trods out there and I didn’t know who was the generals wow he said he didn’t know who

The one point I not know who the generals were hey let me something when you see 22 turn and I’m not saying this I’m not stuttering 22 turnovers for the New York Knicks tonight compared to the Memphis Grizzlies 12 by the way the Knicks had 21 while the Grizzlies

Entering the fourth quarter had eight eight okay that is as I would say nasty work seeing anything of that of that sort okay 22 turnovers this is a team that takes care of the rock 22 this is like this is stuff that i’ expect from like the Portland Trailblazers that was

An easy win that was an easy win all right this was not as bad as the Detroit game where we almost were that team I did not want to be that team but this is a close second to that in my opinion okay the TS I don’t know if I would even

Say tibs had to flip a table in there because if tis flipped the table or threw a chair like a like any coach would probably back in high school there’s a totally different mindset of like being 1,00% locked in the Knicks were better I wouldn’t say they were

100% locked in because there were still turnovers it were still Mis cues it was still N I will not go with the easy is not the word I would choose for tonight’s game you know you know what I wrote when I was watching the game I

Wrote in my notes Alex I said where’s the Killer Instinct where is the Killer Instinct why you play y’all been telling us about playing with your food don’t play with your food this whole time y’all was playing with you were throwing spaghetti on the wall you were flipping cups of

Water there was a lot of playful banter with your food like they were playing with their food tonight and their food almost played with them you know what I mean like they they almost lost against their food it and this is you it’s almost as if the mindset is oh they don’t got

Their guys we’re good felt like that in Dallas that first quarter and like like Kyrie wasn’t right there right right and then and then it’s like this game it legit I I I I know I said it earlier but it felt like pickup it felt like pickup

And they just running no energy like a couple of guys playing but it was as if it almost was as if they were take um um having Mercy on them because of everything that was going on no no no mercy they gonna play hard they professionals just like you you got

Toing actually they’re playing for something they they want to win you it’s not as bad as this but it’s like when the Knicks where you had Obby top and Julius R I think was it was it Jaylen Brunson in that in that uh that uh that

Uh that that run that was it in the Bronx last year and like it’s not as bad as that because look they’re Pros are going out there for a workout the other guys of course are going to try to show that they yeah look I’m not taking that but

It’s it’s it’s giving me that type of vibe though that the game is giving me that type of vibe where it’s like they just didn’t care and I’m like people I see people in the chat like why are we complaining about a win you’re missing jayen Brunson man we need another guy

Coming off the bench there there’s things that just say to me there’s more that needs to be done before the trade deadline and there’s just there has to be a focus I get it’s a 82 Game season but there’s got to be a focus there shouldn’t have they shouldn’t have

Needed Brunson they lowkey shouldn’t have needed Randall like come on man come on like I’m G tell you I’m not even tight I’m just a little annoyed because habits are starting to form bad habits are starting to form and I’m seeing them now and I don’t want them to become

Habits that they cannot correct when the time is right little things like iHeart was the sloppiest I’ve seen him with turnovers in a minute even though he turned up his game he was able to hide those with his overall second half impact he was doing some bonehead stuff

Um Randall had seven turnovers and those those plays where he just lets guys shoot from three and they make him they look even worse when they’re coming up against GG Jackson and zier Williams and Vince Williams Jr like now it’s like oh you just don’t play D like that

Sometimes and he even acknowledged it on a couple of plays like oh my bad my bad but you got to lock in this is why I said where’s the where is the Killer Instinct when are y’all going to look at another team like y’all did it against Portland right y’all did it against

Portland you should have that me if you have that mentality if they would have had that mentality against Dallas they would have won easily for sure easily so that’s what that’s why I’m a little annoyed is I’m seeing the patterns and I want them to break them before they

Become a problem when it really matters absolutely and hey you know who salute to Chuck D’s in the chat right now salute to Chuck T throw a hash PE in the chat Chuck says there are no bum teams in the NBA just teams with no culture too many moving players and coaches

Fired quick we have a culture that’s true we do have a culture here uh but I like to see it on a night toight basis I like to see I like Chu yeah salute to Chuck salute to the rhyme animal himself and for those asking what happened what

For those asking what happened to Brunson tonight he sustained a left calf contusion after playing the Mavericks on Thursday that’s why he was ruled out for tonight but Jee let’s get back to the Discord let’s get back to some of these calls Rambo I see that you’re on the

Line waiting to call in Rambo what’s going on my man I mute your mic what’s happening yo tonight was wild I’m not even gonna lie to you it was like when you take like you know it’s like you bring home an ugly girl we still oh my

God there we go you know we still smashed but you know it was an ugly girl I’m just gonna say like that W going this direction okay just I’m just saying like it was an ugly night but you know what man I feel really good about everything still man

You know um yeah made a couple points tonight and a couple points I actually you know I don’t really agree with I feel like the energy was good start out you know the whole the whole game Chuck called it on the head it was a culture

Win the day we have a culture here in the Knicks and that’s why we we were able to hold it down in the second half there was a lot of turnovers this what happens when you cut the head off off the snake the body’s trying to figure

Out how to move on his own right now so yeah we were trying to do some things trying to figure some things out it just wasn’t cohesive because we didn’t have Bruns in it we missed him badly tonight you know but ain’t no trip man shout out

To my boy Deuce man my boy dece look good tonight unfortunately though dece only thing we gonna get from dece is he’s gonna be a brunt and stop Gap that’s all he’s gonna be because at the end of the day he can’t play the two so

There’s not going to be no extra minutes for Duce all you got to do is subtract whatever minutes Brun has from 48 that’s what de is gonna play it’s just what it is it’s the truth you know Randle looked like he was out there forced to play

With the little kids like he just he was just they passing the ball he’s like do just do something create some offense y’all gotta get that going you know I’m not tonight was it was a win you know it was what it was um I don’t like none of

The trade targets and none of this I don’t know where they gonna go with that so I let them figure it out I’ll stick to my team and everybody wearing that Jersey I’ll criticize them Grimes okay Grimes needs to tighten up bro I don’t know what’s going on with him my biggest

Issue with him was he reminds me of quickly in year three you do you remember when quickle you used to always pick up his dribble and used to have to pass the ball out keep that dribble alive my guy keep your head up like it

Make no sense like I need to see more from him man I need to see more from gries dou should have had 30 the way he was just all up in the paint today trying to pass out and find assist go go get your buckets man if they D to go get

Man tonight was a it was it was a night it was definitely a night but um I thought the energy was definitely there you know definitely after playing Dallas Dallas kind of Kyrie kind of really punched Us in the mouth and had us looking kind of shock but the energy was

There tonight we just we didn’t have no no cohesiveness with with the team you know but I’m I’m not worried about a thing I’m not worried about no teams out there right now everybody looks real weak out there and and it’s like a it’s a ongoing Trend if you beat the Knicks

You got to shoot crazy you got to shoot 60% from the field goal % from the three point line they they literally have to be they have to go grab MJ’s juice just to compete with us man they can’t do this in a seven game series I’m G keep

Saying this all year round man I love this team I love the direction we’re going the front office I want to see them make a move I’m not GNA say who I wanton on this team because everybody that they calling for I don’t really like and the only person I want is not

Available so I’m just gonna keep it real I’m I don’t know where to go with none of this but it was it was a game it was a game but yeah this is crazy bro that was that was a crazy night bro I’m not gonna lie I’m not gonna lie shout out to

You guys shout out to the m shout out to everybody salute salute Cody Glock Mitch ain’t no snitchy but he ain’t never doing no listen you can’t do nothing with Mitchie man he don’t get away with nothing you can’t do nothing with Mitchie bro you talking about putting

Him on a bench that’s a lot of money to put on the bench you know but I mean I guess it might work for this season if he comes back in time but you know that is what that is man man salute to you guys man I appreciate you holding it

Down Jeff you looking like d out there right now man shooting from three let’s go man oh man salute to Rambo thank you for calling in salute to salute to Rambo man everyone’s catching stays everyone’s catching straights bro this a Rambo rabo that’s like he get he get the food and

It’s not really like what he wanted the rest of like it’s all right it’s all right I’mma eat it I’mma eat it it’s good you get three stars still you still get three stars it’s the thought that counts go on the out review is this a

Four is this a five star n not five star but you know what we’re going to give it three stars anyway you probably should have come here got that new YK on the window but you know what we We Still rocking with it oh man I mean yo Mitch being on the

Bench at his money it’s a sunk cost we have already incurred that cost the Knicks have already incurred that cost for the year so the the salary this year don’t matter next year is next year this year it doesn’t matter how you utilize them uh as relative to the salary we

Just utilizing his skill set we paid a uh the Knicks paid a lot of money to be in a position where they have these champagne problems so it’s time to pop the bottles pop the bottles and let and let’s use utilize these players the way

We going to use them so I I I you know I’m not really worried about that I’m worried more about function as opposed to form in that sense I hear you I hear you let’s keep this let’s keep the show rolling Jeff let’s go back to the

Discord we got hard Jeezy on the line hard Jeezy unmute your mic what’s going on man how you doing hey guys what’s going on uh first time caller uh just want to give a salute to Nick fan TV um you know love the work that you guys are doing

Um yeah but just tonight man I wow that that that you know was so anemic I was getting frustrated I was gonna I want to just punch my TV in the first half you know just seeing the energy level that the Knicks had it almost seemed like

They were deflated from the previous off they had to the mads um and then you know they flipped the switch in the second half which was good to see but just you know see the first half was really frustrating um you know that grizzly this team reminded me of the

Time when we you know our lineup used to have Lou Edmonson you know Alexi shred uh you know that team so you know just the you know Grizzlies were you know putting up a good effort you know that was like a third or fourth string team

You know that the you know we were playing against um you know but yeah I agree I think you know this game kind of showed was a good um outing for McBride you know I think seeing him um you know there were a couple of easy looks he had

Missed in terms of uh not easy looks just passes to that I saw down the lane um I think Malachi kind of brought in energy too um you know I think it was sort of a good uh you know outing from him I was surprised that he didn’t play

Him in the second half and I I figured that was because uh you know tibs wanted um you know MC McBride to get a good run over there so U but you know offseason wise I mean you know I don’t know this is kind of a just a thought out there I

Was thinking um you know someone who would probably you know be good for the team might be someone like Gordon Hayward I know that may not be a popular opinion um you know but just looking for someone who might be a good fit in the system you know eventually in the

Offseason um you know he’s uh he’s sort of like the point forward you know someone who can kind of like run the ball for us off the bench uh you know is a good shooter um and can you know uh get some rebounds too so I think that

Might be kind of a low-key signing in the offseason for someone that may kind of help us in the long run um so uh that’s kind of my opinion there um I know it’s uh again I know injury prone so it’s a big risk but you know

Something I was thinking of but anyways um that’s all the thoughts I have right now uh you know thanks again for uh you know taking my call um mexan nation and uh you know uh let’s keep it rolling appreciate the call hard Jeezy All right uh you know he was frustrated as us

About the game but um Gordon Hayward my man Gordon Hayward of all you could n no no no no no we’re not doing that how many times we got how many times have we got to see this play out Gordon that man was too smooth bro like

I I think I think I think the grade level I think the Kush was flowing talking about some Gordon Haywood like no no no no sorry brother absolutely not no we’re not we’re look man what you gonna give up for him what I’m not trying to help Charlotte

Out first of all that’s number one all right help out all right I would take exactly Terry Rosier is the first guy I’d take right from from charlot I mean CP thought the the lowkey uh the lowkey out of the out of the blue name that potentially the Knicks could go get is

Lamela ball uh I don’t know how realistic that is but hey I listen I’ll say this to this day this was this was Sunday Morning Quarterback in Golden State fumbled the bag not drafting the metal ball they fumbled they fumbled they fumbled I don’t care what Wiseman was about I

Don’t care that they won the title with imagine if they had him now with with with where Clay is and with everything or even halberton like I I guess if you got a title I you know we I would have loved the title in 2022 so I’m not going to front but

Longterm lamelo and Steph Ste lamelo running the point while Steph is off ball good luck good luck so yeah i’ love Lelo ball hair I’d love lamelo ball hair that’ be an especially if you think about connector need to get just more playmaking H man the the assist numbers

Would Skyrocket through the roof especially with the spacing that we got now and thank you TM for being the ma the the maest uh of this uh of this show you know he’s our he’s our kfv maer you know what I mean like you watch Game of

Thrones yeah that’s what TM does he he is the king mod of the of the chat he’s the king mod of kftv okay and and he this this is how good he is he makes sure it’s to time stamp and make sure to record every historical moment in kftv

History he said CP sleeper prediction Brunson lamel future back court episode 446 on December 1st 2023 and episode 48 December 8th 2023 my man has legitimately no he no he archives everything that’s how good TM is TM is he’s a Grandmaster he’s not even amazing he’s a Grandmaster oh yeah yeah yeah no

No salute to you TM does not leave any stone unturned that’s how good TM is trust me if anybody who does this type of work streaming of any kind that dude is is a is a gem that dude is a gem for what he does cuz time coding time coding

Is straight cheeks bro it is so annoying this this the behind the scenes stuff that a lot of y’all who may not know don’t see it’s time consuming it’s painstaking it’s thankless so the people who do the work behind the scenes in kftv salute to y’all man cuz you you are the engine

You’re the engine bro you want of the engine so I I I give enough respect to that salute to TM man salute salute to the king mod but yeah salute to TM my man oh my God Gordon Hayward can we not talk about Gordon I don’t even

Want what edible he I need that right now between tyus Jones and Gordon Hayward you’re creating my starting five of do not want to be Nicks and not necessar I hate T Jones I just don’t think he’s the right fit for what this team needs but Gordon Hayward can go on

That list of anyone that we’re just going to mention tyus Jones Gordon Hayward you already got the the point guard you already got the wing just keep adding names just keep adding names if we’re gonna get Gordon Haywood Nicks might as well go get Jordan Clarkson

Like for real like if we’re gonna do that see that I’m actually not too upset about because at least I could at least I could talk myself into you know what he he does what he needs to do on some nights which will hey if he gets hot he

Can drop 40 that’s that’s the tonight I don’t think this happens cuz he’s putting them up he’s putting everything up you got make sure something something Shake yeah oh man oh my god oh my god well back to the super chats shout shout out to alpha wolf for the $5 Super Chat we

Had a bad first half but second half wasn’t that close soon as we went up by 10 the game was in hand oh so oh he’s falling up he’s falling up he’s saying once we went up by 10 I get the way we got up by 10 okay it was

It was a gift I think Jeff you said it right the the the the Grizzlies were like it’s like you have a Scion right it’s like you’re driving a Scion it’s got 104 horsepower you’re trying to for that thing especially it’s like the can

XB you know what I mean that box car all right you’re taking it on the highway that thing you’re flooring it trust me I’ve driven one before you’re flooring that thing it’s going at 70 Max you are pushing that thing it’s not even close to the red which is like 100 some odd

Miles an hour but you are pushing that thing to the Limit that’s what the Grizzlies were tonight they were like can we keep this thing going can we keep this train lot no we can’t n n no so the nck we’re just able to swoop right in

And get to business and lock this thing up and lock this thing up but hey let’s go back to the Discord we got Dy on the line Dy what’s going on man unmute your mic what your thoughts what’s going on hey what’s going on Brothers Brothers what’s up man

Not much man how you feeling how you feel this game listen man I I first of all thank you for taking my call right thank you so much for taking my call this is like my third time calling and um I really enjoy the channel and

Everything there is no easy win in the NBA none everybody are professionals everybody signed million dooll contracts yo so when we get one we need to take advantage of it so throughout this game I still felt like there was was going to be that window where they were going to

Crash and burn we didn’t have our guy but they didn’t have their guys so I just felt like at some point we were going to take this thing and we’re going to run with it I said to my wife I said hey when the third quarter comes we’re going to see a different

Next team because I know tips is not going to have it in the locker room when we turning over the ball 14 times in the first half of the game we were playing too fast to These Guys these are young kids so we we playing dear speed we

Needed to slow the game down man up let them understand that listen your kids watch this we were playing like we’re boys out there you know what I mean so when the second half comes I saw where the Knicks made a turn and when we get

To the fourth quarter you know once we go in the fourth quarter with a lead we’re not losing that game at least for this season so I was confident that we were good to go I was watching a little bit of the Boston highlights and I saw

That they they kicked um K them out the game and I’m like yo B gonna lose this game the next thing I know they won the game by what 30 something points I’m Like These Guys these guys are not they’re not going to lay down but we we

Got to know who we’re playing KN know who is on the floor with us don’t be trying to run up and down the court with these little kids cuz they they they can’t do no wrong the coach is not going to like you know cut their Knicks off

Because they lost to the Knicks they know that we’re a good team we’re a very very good team so we just need to calm ourselves down and and just chill cuz there is no easy wins in the NBA you just never know how things are going to turn out and that’s

That’s exactly how I felt about it tonight um as far as who we might need I love the two names you guys just called Terry Rosier that’s my guy I think he could be a dog on this team him with with with with Josh Hart is going to be

Crazy off that bench and I love mik [ __ ] guy too I love [ __ ] so those are my two guys that I would choose to come off the bench for the Knicks or we should go after we don’t have to go do no crazy thing this year cuz I still feel that

Donov Mitchell is eventually going to be a Nick I still feel that so go a little bit smaller little bit you know don’t don’t go crazy and and go sign no big big craziness and all that stuff danov mitell is going to eventually be a n

Just just take it easy take a Terry take take take Terry I like his I like his style he’s going to always be running always going to be playing defense he’s always going to be enough shots I think he’s going to be the good you know the

The contract that we need to take over now and if anything we could spin him later but you know Don Mitch is gonna be here that’s all I have for you guys tonight man but thank you again I love the channnel I support everything you

Guys do man and and I follow all of y’all and on Twitter and thing so thanks again and salute salute all Nick fans big up big up appreciate you D Roy appreciate you calling in and supporting the channel as always we appreciate all the love and support um hey do D Roy is

A fan Jeff of Terry Rosier and Jordan Clarkson all right um mad that what was that I said I can’t be mad at that I I get it like that that’s like a small time move like if you looking for somebody to just come off and Cook

Off the Bench I mean I I like I I like scary Terry also because he can he can play minutes and he is like I feel like scary Terry is like more of a more of a Nick this current mentality culture than Jordan Clarkson and I might be

Underselling Clarkson there but I’m just saying in terms of somebody who you would look at in the landscape and say who could we plug and play into this culture Josh Hart built in a lab built in a lab to uh play for Tom Tibido ogan anobi from the heavens from Mount

Olympus delivered to Tom Tibido right from the mount like he prayed and went to whatever worst house of worship said this is what I need and luang said I got you and sent Oobi to him right when I think of those guys Terry roier just from his mentality he

May not play defense all that well but I know if you if you’re down some points and you need somebody to run an offense and score he can do that so there’s no perfect option you have to pick the option that’s perfect for your team in the moment everybody else everybody’s

Imperfect at this point right right and I think the thing is like when the Knicks are looking at these two options if they were to look at someone like Terry rir or Jordan Clarkson Clarkson has you know he’s got two more years he just signed a upcoming extension so his

Contract wouldn’t be done until 2026 he’d be making 14 million annually starting next season The Following season after that for Terry Rosier he is making he’s making 23 this year 24 next year and then he’d be making uh 20 he’ be making 24 The Following season for

The 25 26 Season so when I think about the Knicks and who they want to get I know the salary cap is going up but that’s something that they’re probably going to be looking at that who they want to pay to come off the bench and contribute in that manner this is where

You know Terry Rosier was looked as a guy that was going to be a starter for that team and then things just constantly shifted for the Hornets so that’s why his contract looks the way that it is Clarkson I think is a little more realistic just because the money is

Cheaper but I still even know how realistic of an option it is I think if anybody they want to go for someone like Brogden just because I think they want somebody who’s just you know guy who’s going to come in do his job and like as a Pros Pro and

That’s kind of what brog has been man I think that’s what they’re going to look at but Clarkson would definitely be an interesting name as well Terry Rosier I think he’s a little too expensive for what the Knicks are looking for but I do like the name Terry Rosier moving

Forward but you know what Jeff let’s get into the key stats of the night presented by Underdog fantasy let do it in tonight Jeff man the Nick even though it was an ugly game if you look at if you just if you just box score watch tonight you thought that the Knicks were

Just fantastic because outside of the turnovers the 22 to 12 turnovers the New York Knicks had 22 they did everything else right right they outscored the opponent 106 to 94 they had 62 rebounds to the Memphis Grizzlies 40 they had 25 well they had 25 assists but the

Grizzlies had 27 they had 11 steals 14 steals for the Grizzlies 11 blocks five blocks for the Grizzlies you saw that they shot the ball well tonight close to 50% they shot 3 4% from three not too great from the free throw line they could have been better there they shot

68% they won when it came to points in the pains 52 to the Grizzlies 50 you had second chance points where the Knicks had 17 Second Chance points to the Grizzlies 14 and then fast break 15 fast break points to the Grizzlies 13 so wasn’t Perfect all up and down the staty

But if you look at this you’d say okay I can see how the Knicks were able to get this game they they controlled the glass shot the ball well they were able to get they were able to get critical blocks defensively and they costus enough turnovers in order to get out and score

In transition so for tonight Nicks did a solid job uh from all those statistical standpoints is there any key stat that stood out to you tonight from this game 23 turnovers 23 points off turnovers but they were plus they were minus six in the difference between the turnovers that they capitalized on and

The points off turnovers that Memphis scored so they got 17 points off of memphis’s 12 turnovers and they gave up 23 so that was just a plus six difference if they if they play their regular game 12 13 turnovers a game then we see what happened in Portland then we

See what happened with like the teams that you’re supposed to take care of if they take care of the ball they minimize those points off of turnovers and maybe this is an easier game so back to what um you know um Dy was saying about know who you playing

And you know there’s no easy wins this is where I talk about the habits the habits that are being formed if they’re being careless with the ball against Dallas and Memphis these are two levels of of teams but a consistent Behavior they have to clean that up because come

Playoff time come come come time where you’re playing against the major contenders there’s going to come a point where those bad habits are going to come back to bite you and that’s what I that’s what I really look at I and and once again shout out to Memphis because they

Could have went out like Portland three straight games three straight 20 plus Point blowouts a 62o blowout and they’ve been outscored by plus 113 they’ve lost the game by combined 113 points over the past three games so you could tell they’ phoned it in they they’re on they’re on PTO with the way

They’re playing right but I think with that’s the one thing that definitely sticks out to me uh I also look at the uh the three-point percentage it wasn’t all that crazy like 34% okay but the the the Grizzlies nine of 38 23.7% they missed a lot of shots and in

That third quarter they had those this is the last run of the evening legs where everybody’s just it’s Pride at this point that everybody’s finishing the game and the minute they finish the kicks are coming off they start sitting down if you had next go home because

There is no more game that’s the legs that I saw Memphis have and the and the Knicks lucked out that a lot more shots didn’t go down because if they did that would have energized them to try to get to the finish line so clean up the game

Y’all clean up the game and take care of what you need to take care of all excellent points Jeff and like I said the key stats tonight are presented by Underdog fantasy our other sponsor make sure to use that promo code kftv to get

Get up to a $100 match and guys look I love using Underdog fantasy it’s fun I like putting a little money down on the line when I’m watching these games because I like to G make the game a little bit more interesting you know

What I mean I I like to have a little skin in the game when I’m watching so look tonight wasn’t my night but this is an easy app to use makes the game so much more much more enjoy uh enjoyable too look when you play this when you

Play Underdog fantasy you can either do live fantasy drafts CP and I went head-to-head in in a two-man draft we’re trying to get more drafts going so that way we get uh more fans involved as well more listeners involved but you can also do pick thems all right so you can choose

Anywhere between two to five players and when you choose and you can choose any statistical category that you want whether combined or individualized so you for example you can choose points rebounds assists you can do points rebounds and assists you can do points and rebounds you can do rebounds and

Assists and all you got to do is choose higher or lower of whatever the projection want whatever the projection is so for tonight this is where I went I chose higher for Julius round for for 48 and a half points rebounds and assists I thought without Jaylen Brunson he was

Just going to go go beast mode tonight dominate against the Memphis Grizzlies not tonight ladies and gentlemen not tonight he decided to not help me in that category I then went with Xavier Tilman for lower than 23 and a half points rebounds assists I did hit on

That I then went with Dante D venzo I’m like you know what there’s no Jaylen Brunson he should be able to get some points tonight higher than 15 a half points didn’t hit on that I I got 13 he only got Dante only got 13 so I missed

On that I then chose Luke Canard I’m like we at the other side what other starter out there is respectable enough to just put up points and score Luke Canard I chose higher than 18 points only got 14 this is how bad it was tonight Jeff this is how bad it was I

Then chose Isaiah hartstein for a higher than 12 and a half rebounds I was like okay this has got to be the one because there’s no way that anyone can keep up with how ihearts playing he hit on that he got 19 boards tonight so I went two for

Five man I just need I just needed two more Jee I just needed two more I went with the insured route because I thought I was going to win something I just want to learn a little bit of something just in case but not tonight just because the

Knicks decided to be you know what I didn’t feel like playing tonight I didn’t feel like playing my aame I did not feel feel like playing my aame but guess what still fun to play I won the LA I won the other night so it is

Possible you can go out there and win too make sure to download the app and use the promo code kfv to get up to a $100 match and look you can play any sport too doesn’t have to be basketball it could be NFL could be football uh

Well I say football like it’s soccer you know what I mean sheesh but yeah you are right you’re not wrong I’m not wrong I’m not wrong I’m thinking football because I’m talking to all my friends over here like yeah I’m watching football this weekend like oh talk what there’s like

Two there’s two going on and I’m like what are you talking about caribo cup Wild Card Weekend what do you exactly what are we talking about now so you can go so for for everyone else soccer football basketball hockey whatever sport they got you covered at Underdog

Fantasy like I said use that promo code kfv to get up to a $100 match oh here we go here we go here we go CP is in the chat yeah everyone’s asking where’s CP where’s CP cp’s over in La cp’s over in la la right now with the kfv and Left

Coast Nicks fan Meetup with our guy uh Deus Deus nice out there so you know cp’s having a good time just chilling out at 33 Taps right now man I know cp’s living life right now I’m sure that he’s happy than got the win CP tell us you

You enjoy California right now how’s that weather hopefully it’s nicer than what we’re getting here on the East Coast right now hopefully it’s better than what we’re getting out here on the East Coast yeah I know I know CP out there with some my ties you know what I’m saying

The the frilly drinks the uh the caviar the caviar you know what I’m saying like that it’s it’s only the best it’s only the best only the best only the best but looking at CK CK 2k’s uh IG it looked like it was a packed house so looks like

They were all having a good time I see you CK though CK Why are you checking in on the football game man you should be watching the Nick game all the way through why you worried about Miami why are you worried about what Miami is doing right now well look well look Alex

I know you took a little bit of a bath on Underdog but just know it could be worse you could have took you could have laid two and a half points with the Browns like I did and Joe flacko did not was not Elite today let’s just say that

Joe Flaco was not Elite and and and I got crushed so it is what it is bro it is what it is man it is what it is all right let’s get back to let’s get back to the Discord we got another call on the line Austin what’s going on

Austin yo can you hear me yes sir what’s happening how’s everything tonight man everything’s fine man what are your thoughts about the game I thought the I thought the Knicks are going to win this one the Grizzlies they’re they’re missing all their good players it was just night where I just

Felt that they didn’t need to put all their effort in I also wanted to ask you a couple questions about your thoughts on what do you think of the Knicks if they wanted to what they could get male Bridges because I think he’s such a tibs type of player he plays such good

Defense he makes Corner threes like he could he could cut he could drive as well I just I just think he’d be good for the Knicks instead of these other available Stars right now what do you think uh um I would you know I would take Macau bridges on this Knicks team I

That would add more to the wing depth that we need um I like his shooting you know I like what he did on Phoenix I think he shown enough but I don’t know I don’t think the Nets the Nets have been pretty committed to like trying to build

With him even though I disagree that they should be doing that I don’t think they have enough assets I think they’re G have to go through a draft I don’t think Mel Bridges is the right timeline for what they have to do so I think they

Should be looking to move him but hey that’s the that’s the net decision I I don’t know what they’re thinking over there very and one one more thing before I head out I think the Knicks could make a third seed but I think they’ll have a better shot if they upgrade their bench

And instead of just searching for stars I think they two bench moves away I think they just need one more backup scorer and then another backup center because Mitchell Robinson just been too injury-prone I don’t know if I could trust him going down the line to stay

Healthy I’m going head out thank you for taking my call appreciate you for calling in atin appreciate you for calling in so Austin said that we’re two bench moves away and that we can get the three seed in the Eastern Conference which I think it’s still kind of open up

For gra open for gra why not us yeah why not us indeed Jeff Willam is not making two are we only two [ __ ] moves away though nah we’re we’re we’re a couple we’re a couple we’re like I’d say realistically we’re probably two to three away they have to be the right two

To three not and it’s not like I say it as in we need mad players I’m just saying there’s still that one more guy this isn’t like draft where they give you the ticker at the bottom saying the Knicks what they what are the draft priorities and they show everything

Everything no no they just they they I I think wings are at a premium and and they need another guy like that I think they just need they need one more Bonafide Bonafide bucket getter somebody who’s an elite player I think they can do that but if that isn’t on

The table then you have to build the team that you have right I think the the nuggets have shown you could have two Allstar one Elite player one All-Star player and great complimentary pieces that may be the future of the league I don’t know if the big three era is still

Going to rock the way it rocks the Clippers are the last vestages of that if they don’t work we’re not going to see that anymore we’re really not going to see that anymore so yeah I I I would say two to three because I I also know

That the front office likes to make those minor incremental moves so I’m counting that in there I’d say one major two minor one major two minor one major one major two minor and and Williamsburg is never doing a trade with the Knicks and not for Mel Bridges

So I don’t know man it ain’t happening it ain’t happening in in in the burough of Brooklyn bro uh I’ll never say never with divisional trades I me we just did one with Toronto we saw the Nets do W back in the day with the Celtics I mean I

Just don’t think I I think the I I I I think I understand why some espe and CP says the same thing and the re reason is like there’s no reason for the Nets to want to help the Knicks get better and if they give us maau bridges that would

Be them helping us get better if it was like a role player I I would say if like I’m sure if you went to the next door knocked on for finny Smith they’d be like all right we’ll listen to finny Smith I hear you I hear you it’s not

Gonna be for no major player though I mean like think about this the Knicks are embroiled currently in a legal matter with the Raptors they’re suing the Raptors and they still were able to make a major deal and I think that heat isn’t as crazy as the manufactured rivalry

From the Barclays people the people who who put the billboard outside of mad Square Garden the the the the spooky hours with Jason kid and and the zombie Celtics then then Kyrie and KD decide because KD pops his Achilles Kyrie don’t want to play in New York by himself so

They go what’s best just like a regular New Yorker I ain’t trying to live in Manhattan the rent’s too high I’ll just go to Brooklyn and we saw what happened there I’m I’m telling you man it’s it’s I don’t I don’t foresee it I’ll Never Say Never though but I don’t foresee

It no I hear it I hear it I I can’t I mean I guess after seeing the OG and a noi trade and seeing how the Knicks were in L or not necessar litigation but they’re suing the Toronto Raptors I’m like if you can get a deal done while you’re

Suing your opponent not only a divisional rival but someone who’s your divisional opponent who you’re always consistently like you know going back and forth with just trying to get placement just to be in the playoffs anything can happen in the words of in the words of kg anything is

Possible yeah for sure for sure all right well I think we covered everything here Jee I think we covered everything from a to z i I got one question for you before we uh take off how you feel about OG’s offensive game the last couple of

Games wow we really want to have you want me to put do you want me to take that back so that we can sign off you want me to take that I’ll take it back I’ll take it back no I think we should have this conversation because everyone

Look it’s not only OG everyone’s asking for Grimes tonight too because look and and and I forget which caller mentioned it tonight but this was an opportunity to go against a lesser opponent right you’re talking about now we’re talking about call them a g- league team where

If you’re someone like OG and you want more offensive responsibility tonight’s a night where you could have gone out there and said hey this is where my handles are at this is where my entire offensive game is at you could done some step back stuff like that um I know tis

Proba is like has no desire to see a lot of freelancing in the sense of from their players but with tonight’s opportunity if he came out and played your aay from the jump I think he would have been a little bit more open to that especially when you look at his bench

Like we talked about Flynn did get back in the game and I think partially was that was due to the fact that he got three fouls so I don’t think he wanted to stop the flow of the game with Flynn fouling the Grizzlies and then gting him

Giving them free points to the free throw line so I think that’s why his KN was cut short but for guys like ogan anobi like I just know him as a three and D player I like I I’ve never expected him to come here and then be his own

Initiator be this you know this Grand Creator uh god- gifted offensive Talent um he does everything efficiently which is what you want right now which is what helped this team which is what has helped this team right like I’d rather have ogi go seven to 12 from the field

Than take 20 attempts and then go you know 7 to 20 like that that that you’re not wasting possessions to that point um but if he did want to step up and take that next role and be solidify as that third option on this team he’s

Going to have to do a lot more than what he showed tonight because there were opportunities where he had mismatches I mean there was points where was was it Gillard was on him and I’m like you could easily take this guy like you could easily just back him down into the

Paint and just go get an open look and you didn’t instead you just continue to pass the Rock and be that you know good teammate good role player but it’s stuff like that where you got to understand the mismatch and say hey this is a time

For me to shine and see if I can work on my offensive game look if I’m if we can watch Mitchell Robinson dribble between the legs and drive I’m sure tibs wouldn’t be too upset with OG be like oh I got a mismatch here let me go try to

Do something and the same could also be applied to Quinton Grimes tonight when he was out there saying hey you know you this is your chance to be a lead dog for that second unit and there are times where it’s still too passive where you’re just being a three and D guy

Where it’s you know last year that’s cool and I know he’s been thrusted into this role because no one was really expecting this to happen on the team but even a game like tonight where you’re going against the Grizzlies second unit I’m expecting you to go out there and show a little

Bit more juice to your offensive game as well but what are your thoughts Jeff you brought it up so I’m guessing that you have you you feel some sort of way I feel exactly the way you feel you summed it up perfectly I’ll say two quick

Things I’m not looking for him to go nut but I would like the overpassing to stop like the extreme overpassing you’re in the lane and you’re you’re right there for a layup and you pass it to hardenstein or you pass it to somebody else under the hoop he’s done that a few

Times and it’s more costly and it can become more costly in closer games this was I I agree with you this is the perfect opportunity to take advantage this should have been a grand experiment they should have been getting off new sets they should have been they should

Have been uh experimenting with Randall at the five they could have done a lot and I’ve read reports about one of the sticking points with OG and whatever new team he wanted to be on was he wanted to create more he wanted more of an opportunity with the ball in his hands

Bro this was a dress rehearsal for you too no Brunson it’s you and Randall and Deuce I’m not saying to be over aggressive but I saw in the second half when everybody else woke up more off the ball movement I like that he he gets in

Where he fits in but sometimes it’s just a lot of overpassing and I don’t know if this is breeding familiarity with the team and building that chemistry but bro I saw in the second half he was way more aggressive try something see see what it is you got to keep them honest because

There’s going to be games where they put size on jayen Brunson they put taller players they try to lock them up that way Randall may not have it we’re going to need somebody we’re going to need somebody to generate some offense and not force just to be able to

Generate it and I want to see him play a game where he can call his own shot in in situations where nobody’s going to blame him if you got that extra pass and it’s a better shot yeah do that but if you if you’re under and the guy’s three

Feet away from you bro put it up just put it up so I I just don’t want that I don’t want him to become cuz he was cardog g in the first half CU he was running around running around and just playing D and and being detrimental on

Offense so I I just don’t want I I think that’s more blip than Trend and and he is the plus minus he’s the plus minus Guru it don’t matter what y’all say about OG he going to have a plus plus minus he has broken the code on on plus

Minus so you know that it’s going to be a plus somehow it’s just it could be more that’s I just what I want to see plus s tonight plus seven tonight on the game and hey for all that he and shout out to Chuck D yet again he said it

Right he’s too courteous he’s too courteous and yes I think and I think the and I think that’s due to what you said it’s trying to get familiar with the offense not trying to overstep but then there’s a point where you got to see your team’s down man like you’re

Down at half to the Memphis Grizzlies there’s no overstepping tonight there’s like yo go be a dog all right as everyone says go be a dog okay OG D I get that I get that I get all that stuff go be that guy and go out there and go

Get those buckets all right cardi G Jay be to call card I didn’t call that cardi G cardi OG like cardi g wow th this is the chat is undefeated at times the chat is totally undefeated at times but yo Jeff good show appreciate you for coming

Through and uh and and co-hosting with me tonight please let the listeners know where they can find you man if you got anything up and coming yeah all social at Jeff J says uh Jeff J says YouTube channel talking a lot of betting talking a lot of sports NBA coverage Nicks

Coverage we’re doing it all over there if you’re a fan of the show Power I have the best and greatest power podcast the best power Community online power after hours so you can tap in with me me and uh my co-host Chrissy we review all the shows under the power umbrella weekly um

Usually on Mondays at 6 PM live and we just like Nix fan TV we’re interactive we take we take comments we take all of that so it’s we’re nothing without our community so definitely tap in with me and if you if you like NBA coverage if you like sports culture commentary

Follow me I’m I’m I’m a good follow and we and we could definitely keep growing this community and and thank you so much shout out CP thank you so much I know you on the 18-year-old Scotch I saw the message no frilly drinks it’s straight

Scotch I I like that as a man after my own heart shout out to you Alex this was awesome man this is awesome I hope we get the opportunity to do this again absolutely Jeff appreciate you for coming through yet again salute to Jeff for helping and co-hosting with me

Tonight after this stressful but yet Victory Nicks win they go into Memphis and defeat the Grizzlies 106 to 94 salute to you ni Nation for tuning in for another kftv post game live all right hit that thumbs thumbs up button for your boys share the links to all

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Monday right yeah we’re going to catch you on Monday when uh the Knicks play again on MLK day all right everyone we Out a

New York Knicks vs Memphis Grizzlies Post Game Show EP 466 (Highlights, Analysis, Live Callers)

Join Alex Trataros for the late-night edition of KFTV postgame live as they break down the thrilling match between the New York Knicks and the Memphis GRizzlies.

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  1. Dude was right randle née to stop that lazy defense shit he be doing. If Kobe was still alive he would call him out bout that shit

  2. I completely agree with the new guy. I’m seeing habits that are not good that they need to address or we will be going home sooner than we like.

  3. Alex you gotta stop reading your game summary introduction read over your key points memorize them and freestyle it as it comes and it will come off more authentic

  4. Remember that video of Brian Scalabrine cookin fools in a gym after retiring?
    -NEVER diminish an NBA team or a W in this league – Every NBA player can ball out especially on "any given Sunday" …. This is where having a strict routine like Thibs comes into play, to be able to expect a good game from your guys no matter who youre playing

  5. iHart should be considered as the starting center, whenever Mitch comes back. His versatility makes the Knicks a much better team . If Leon doesn't sign him in the off season, he should be fired on the spot by Dolan.

  6. Never heard of Jeff before but his energy and knowledge is legit, Alex, CP at least throw his name somewhere on this video

  7. Sounds like your still not happy with Duece McBride?? Smh…. needing another score, probably so, but don't need another point guard that will push McBride further down the roster.

  8. Jeff Johnson needs to be here full time or at least more often, great points, entertaining, well spoken and knowledgeable… CP needs to sign this dude for the rest of the season lol

  9. Murray fits better for Knicks if we dont want to mess with Mcbrides Minutes too much since he wlill be staggered with the bench if anything. Brogdon takes Deuces minutes completely and i dont like his Injury history.

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