@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs Willing To TRADE Doug McDermott and Cedi Osman!

Spurs Willing To TRADE Doug McDermott and Cedi Osman!

All right so we got some big news okay big big big news uh not surprising news but it is big news nonetheless I want Some are we having fun yet all right so we got some news here guys uh the San Antonio Spurs okay when it when it comes to our Spurs they are looking for trade offers for Doug mcder and cheddy Osman well I I might have I might have uh conflated that a little

Bit actually what it says is the Spurs are listening there is a difference to trade off offers on Doug and cheddy so they’re they’re trying to see what people are willing to give up and uh they got their they got their ears open okay so it says here the two veteran

Wings on expiring contracts that can provide shooting for contending teams and I thought through I was thinking about what teams could actually use them and what we could get out of it I really want you guys like seriously not only for the algorithm okay I always be honest with you I’m transparent with

That the algorithm it helps if you comment but I really do want to know what you guys think about this um as far as not whether or not you would trade these two I mean I I think any Spurs fan you know rationally will say yeah the the they’re not like Untouchable or

Anything um and they are on perfect contracts that you could possibly move them but the question would be what would you want out of this um so who are some teams that I thought of and if you have some other teams that come to mind

Please let me know uh but the ones that stood out to me I instantly thought of the Suns but then I went and tried to fact check myself to see okay who are some of the poor three-point shooting teams or don’t get as many uh three

Points made uh and we can see here that Phoenix Suns they are on this list top five one two three four top six uh uh uh with three points made or bottom six that is and then the Los Angeles Lakers were up here and I was like oh okay yeah

Of course the Los Angeles Lakers uh and it was another team in particular I was thinking of too the 76ers so we’re talking about contenders those are some right off the bat you even got the Nuggets uh not too far from uh uh the Suns as far as three points

Made and I was just I was just skimming through okay I I didn’t I didn’t go into depth about this um I saw the news and I just thought it was interesting and and just wanted to throw it over to you but I just looked through just tried to see

Okay let me just look look at like what are some of the upcoming draft picks that these teams have uh suns have none uh and I kind of knew that going in the Lakers have none and I kind of knew that going in cuz they have their own 2025 which I actually

Actually didn’t know they had their own 2025 but it doesn’t really matter so they got their own 2025 own 2026 on 2028 uh and I think a lot of people are going to want to get a hold of that probably 2029 right um I I just didn’t

Know if if this is incorrect you can let me know but at the very least it doesn’t really matter because they’re they’re going to be at least in the picture I doubt they’ll get uh top picks uh uh in this next few years especially since LeBron they have at least two more years

Or this season than next season so I guess we could be looking at their 2026 if this is available I’m kind of confused by that cuz I everyone always talks about Lakers 2029 but maybe that’s what they’re talking about the fact that they just don’t that these just aren’t

Going to be that great of picks um but anyways moving on moving on uh so I looked at the the 76ers and yeah as far as picks kind of the same thing it’s nothing that I necessarily be interested in and also you’re Trading away Doug mcder and cheddy Osman you’re probably not going

To get first round picks especially with the new CBA uh picks are even more valuable than they were prior but there was one player in particular that I was thinking about and I was like doesn’t he play for the 76ers once again one of those things guys please let me know um

But tur quavian Smith right so I looked up T quavian Smith I even typed in my channel name cuz I was like I know I I’ve talked about him so often but it was like what end up happening cuz what I recall Is We I really wanted us to

Draft him initially um and then he ended up staying another year and I in college and I think that that didn’t do him any good uh and it actually hurt tanked his his staff or staff I’m sorry his uh his stock in in the draft his draft stock

Tanked uh but then with that the 76ers got him and I think for right now they have him in the G League not that long ago he played I think about 26 minutes and put up 40 points uh so Tavian Smith to me he always kind of came across not

Necessarily how he plays his style or size or anything um but just the matter that the the how he can put up so many points in a hurry it always reminded me of Jamal Crawford and I just really liked this player and that will be somebody that will want but I mean once

Again it looks as if he’s only on oh sorry uh did I have it up I guess I didn’t have it up what the heck I know I had it up where’d it go yeah I had the 76ers uh salary stuff let’s see 76ers cuz they only have them

For like a year and it’s like well we could just wait if we wanted to or um I have no idea what’s going on I think he’s on a two-way deal with them it’s so hard to find anything on tur quavian so if you guys been keeping up cuz I don’t

Keep up with the 76ers like that as much as I keep up with some of the other teams uh just let me know what’s going on but I would absolutely love to have uh tur quavian Smith but then again that doesn’t really match up as far as uh how

Much money coming in and out and all that good stuff as far as cap space so I don’t know I don’t know I really want to know what you guys think um these are some players that I didn’t really necessarily and I’ll take some time and actually think it through uh but just

Seeing this news I wanted to at least get it out there and let you guys know about it um but these are two guys that I definitely think are not Untouchable and I definitely would uh move at this point in order to keep our or or help our team get better because while

Veterans are important and they are important I think that there are veterans that are in a position that doesn’t necessarily give us as much utility as we could if we had a vet in a different uh position so just letting you guys know uh I give it to you later uh till

Next time Bye M


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  1. I have nothing good to offer other than a comment. I say that, but Miami or Brooklyn could use these two guys. I don't know that they can give us much in return though.

  2. Lakers need defense and shooting. If second round picks is all you think we can get.
    Spurs get:
    Taurean Prince expiring contract
    Maxwell Lewis
    Clippers 2025 2nd

    Lakers get: Cedi Osman
    We either bring up Barlow to reg contract or play Maxwell on regular contract and keep Barlow on two way. It's a win for both sides and like we are getting two second rounders. Laker get their defensive wing who can shoot and contribute something now.

  3. I don’t see either of them netting any more than a second unless they’re put in a series package including draft picks and someone like Keldon for a star player

  4. I think we should try to package them to get an all star caliber player. Or just basically a solid point guard which is needed very badly.

  5. I love em both in spurs uniforms, so hopefully any trade that could involve them is part of something for a player like Trae

  6. I wouldn’t trade them for picks. Better option might be for somewhat proven projects that have been in the league for a few years.

  7. Maybe Doug can go to a place where they actually use him properly. He was a 6th man leading bench scorer in Indy playing in DHO, curls, cutting and getting the ball a lot with good spacing. Here Pop just has him stand in the fucking corner for inefficient guards and wings who ignore him. Those DHO with Wemby were the FIRST time in 2.5 seasons he was used like he was in indiana. Guy is a rhythm shooter who can regularly have big quarters but here Vassell, Keldon, Branham and sochan would rather chuck middies than look at him

  8. I really like both of them as people and players, but I think we all saw this coming,. However, I hope we keep at least one of them to teach and set an example of maturity and professionalism for our young Spurs(not to mention they still help us WIN some games). Deal has to be "in the best interest" of our team. Either way, hope it works out for ALL involved. Go Spurs!

  9. Doug could actually be a difference maker for a team like the Lakers.

    So lets hope this trade never happens lol

  10. Love Doug but we don’t need him long-term, hope we keep Cedi though, dude is Spursy AF and a nice veteran role player who isn’t too old and can genuinely contribute off the bench.

  11. I'm OK with trading them, but we NEED some veterans in return. This team is already extremely young, they need some Veterans to mentor them.

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