@Dallas Mavericks

Mavs’ Jason Kidd Speaks After Loss vs. Pelicans: Jan 13 2024

Mavs’ Jason Kidd Speaks After Loss vs. Pelicans: Jan 13 2024

Jason how do you explain the roller coaster of the last week with two probably your highest quality wins and then two what feels like let down losses against under teams yeah it’s just it’s the NBA you got to you got to show up every day and um you know we were in

This position against Memphis and we responded in the next game we talked about it um but give uh New Orleans credit they came out they’re aggressive um they rebounded the ball on the offensive end at a high rate um and we just couldn’t compete or our physicality wasn’t there tonight why wasn’t it

There got to ask them I’m just the coach so you know tired bodies got guys playing with you know a lot of minutes um we’re small and it happens so we got to learn from it and we’ll move forward coach kid after the game against Memphis

You said that the energy was flat going into tonight did you feel the energy was flat was it good what was it like yeah I thought the energy was good um just understanding you know right now you look at us as a as a whole if we’re

Scoring we’re we’re going to be really good now that doesn’t mean we’re going to win every game but you know when we weren’t scoring our defense uh disappeared on us and we have to be consistent you know in that area if we’re not scoring um we we got to still

Continue to compete um we missed some some bunnies tonight um and so you know we we have to mature if things aren’t going for us well on the offensive end we we have to be better on the defensive end that’s the only way you can win in this

League is there anything you can take away from this roller coaster week or is it just shock up to basketball say it’s the season it’s going to be up and down every team goes through it every team goes through you play them and you put your best foot

Forward and you’re going to win some and you’re going to lose some but you’re going to learn about who you are you can’t hide you guys can see it I hope I if you guys missing live tonight uh we missed him every time he’s been

Out L to we miss him every time he’s out too Jason what did you think of the uh their uh rookie Jordan a yeah he was good he’s been good uh he shoots the ball um he got going there in the third um we couldn’t you know we

Lost him a couple times um but when you’re comfortable you’re going to make shots and he was comfortable uh tonight so you know on Monday we got to make sure when he’s in the game we locate him and make him uncomfortable how do you assess Maxi’s performance I thought he

Was really good you know the 12 minutes that he played um that was the limit I think so uh I thought I thought he played really really well and so um hopefully we can build on that hopefully he has a a positive experience tonight and uh tomorrow that he’s not sore or

Hurting so we’ll see how he feels tomorrow when when you’re doubling Vala saw Hawkins B how was that rotation supposed to work um well there was two we came on the dribble and we came on the catch and uh and both were uh not effective so we

Got we got to work on that we got to better we were late um on Hawkins and so understanding um we got to be better thank you coach

Dallas Mavericks coach Jason Kidd spoke to reporters after losing to the New Orleans Pelicans on Jan. 13, 2024.


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  1. I remember a few years ago Marquette vs UCONN, Hawkins was shut down by Omax. I also remember Holmes is a better rebounder than DP. But I'm a fan, not JUST the coach like Kidd. Good to see they brought back Dennis to the Legends.

  2. These reporters are afraid to ask the obvious question because they don’t wanna be chastised by Kidd. The obvious question is: why keep playing small ball if you’re getting killed in rebounds. Why not play Holmes? Is he injured? They need to ask the darn question.

  3. This is the fourth game we lost against crippled team,2 times against memphis,that debacle against cleveland where we lead by 20, and now THIS?!?!? And you gonna talk about champion aspirations?!?!? The whole organization is a joke, starting with the front office who can't make a single decent trade, to lazy bad players… And people went mad at me when i said on start of the season that this team ain't gonna go further than a playin tournament with this "players". I see in more ambition in local drunks drinking the beer in front of the store then in this team.

  4. Stop giving Tim Hardaway minutes, he's old, no defense at all, too entitled in shooting the ball, give chance to the young bloods.

  5. It was good to see Maxi Kleber back on the floor tonight. I'm disappointed in the loss though. Now everyone needs to get healthy and stay healthy; I want to see this team start winning consistently. I know they can do it.

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