@Sacramento Kings

Kyle Kuzma And Other Options For the Sacramento Kings

Kyle Kuzma And Other Options For the Sacramento Kings

I I I like the idea on on on kma I just also want to be careful that we I we really got to Dead The Narrative that Monty had a chance to go get him this off season I’m I’m sure that he did but it’s not like Kyle kozma didn’t have say

In this right Kyle kozma may have I want to play in Washington or Washington’s offering me more money or I could do this or or whatever now now that oh Kyle kozma’s open to this of course he is you already got the contract he could be perfectly F you

Could oh Sacramento great sure I I’ll I’ll play you know third fiddle behind uh domas and and and dearon I’m gonna get paid like a second fiddle y’all can go ahead and play that’s fine I do that it’s different so the whole no man could have done

It he could have called he could have asked he could have offered it doesn’t mean he could have signed Kyle kozma Kyle kosma determined where he was going to play last year or this year excuse me um but sure go ahead I don’t care what makes this team

Better Kyle kosma and Delon wght fine Kyle kosma and uh who who jump fine you you believe that makes the team better yet Monty Wes and Mike believe that makes the team better cool I don’t think Monty’s missed I don’t think M’s missed I don’t

Think he has either so if people if he if if if he makes a deal he’s doing it because he thinks it improves the Sacramento Kings I’ll ride with it if it’s Kyle kosma so be all I ask is your plan is laid out for this

Off season that’s all I ask we’re gonna go acquire and let’s I’ll I’ll I’ll use jav we’re gonna go acquire Kyle kosma and dlan Wright great how does that affect signing Malik monk this off season I care about nothing else how does it affect signing Malik monk this

Off season West Willcox calls us and says it doesn’t great do what you got to do because that’s not the case with every you know player out there James like there’s no Financial way isack LaVine trade works and Malik monk is here so yeah whatever you think makes

The Kings better if it’s if if it’s Kyle kosma great I like Kyle kosma that’s that’s fine I I think I I think that obviously I’d like to have those players right but I think what you talked about earlier who’s looking at these guys that they’re

Trying to trade and be like yeah bring them on over here so I think internally is where you got to look first and like you said Trey uh DTE at the two Trey LS at the four I’m not saying these guys are saviors or whatever but I know what

I’m seeing right now I don’t like so GTA give him a look Mr caroy question yes yes guy in the back thank you what if the educated brother in the back what if the trade wasn’t Barnes herder and Mitchell what if it was Barnes ly and

Mitchell uh no I don’t think I’m I’m interested in train Tre L herder lyes and Mitchell did you hear what I said uh Tommy Shepard I’m not interested in trading Trey L I got Kyle kosma here though he walks in the building as your as a definitive third scoring option for

You I’m not no no I’m not interested in it I’m not interested in it you’re breaking okay you’re Kenny now not not not Monty your breaking point is Trey Lyles yeah I’m not interested in trying Trey L I think he helps you be a better team you move him Kyle kosma does too

But then there’s a whole the backup for it’s Harrison he’s my backup four is that what you that’s what you just told me I’m I’m I’m I’m asking that’s what you thought and you want this deal to happen say oh no make the deal because you’ll have Harrison you

Have that’s what you that’s that’s how you’re trying to get this deal done you have Harrison goodbye sh your [ __ ] ass up all right I was just asking try to get a deal done geez all right fine well no Kyle kosma for you then because that’s the conversation

Right like who’s helping Sacramento Trey Lyles is I want Trey ly are you willing to trade Trey ly not for Kyle kosma and keeping Harrison bar give me some give me what else you got on that roster maybe I’ll think about it dlon Wright that’s not good

Because I mean you’re Trad say it’s a bad deal it’s not good enough for me all right it looks like a lot so the breaking point I’m looking at you guys I’m looking at the the breaking Point’s Trey Lyles all right yeah okay yeah I

Like I’m with it I think he he is helpful into into finding the answer you’ve been awfully quiet in there you want to weigh in on this well I say with Trey L and stuff that’s probably one of your most movable contracts you trade them this he’s only got one year left

Next year right mhm like I’m like I’m not saying like try L like that’s probably like if you want to make a deal that might be one of the deals you got to include in there so I understand I understand I’m just not you won’t do it it’s fascinating you

Won’t do it no because what I’m do this’s theal for you’re like hey trade him and I don’t you don’t have a backup for Harrison Barnes is your backup no no because I think that if I including Harr Harrison I could get a deal done somewhere you think so throw CH ow up

There with the Untouchables wow so it’s dearen domas Malik and Trey core core man core core is back wow that’s a 2020 throwback right there did you say Keegan Keegan’s in there oh yeah I I didn’t but yes of course Keegan’s absolutely in there you just yelling at

Him so much earlier I forgot to include him what about for someone like Pascal or something you get Tre for that yeah then yeah and as long as he the the extension was dry on his the ink was dry on his extension sure yeah I i’ uh we’d have to figure

Out something to to something that’s probably IL legal but to guarantee that he’s he’s signing this can’t be a paper trail uh Danilo galinari I know I know uh aier mentioned him a minute ago yar’s cool would be the only person other than like Kyle KZ I would take from the

Wizards but he’s a point guard like I’m trying to solve back no I’m I’m trying to solve Kenny’s backup four issue well maybe you could do it in a in a separate deal you know what I mean like maybe I I don’t even know who that

Is but you could do it maybe if you make that deal to somewhere else yeah and you can you know you can have that that backup while we’re talking trades and all that John poles he throws in says he wants Dorian finny Smith do moves like that do

It for you guys I like I like SM like like what is that actually do like does that get them any closer to their actual goal it it gives them it gives them a level of toughness at that forward uh position um a guy that can knock down a

Three-point shot uh I like I like FY Smith I’ve heard people talk about it often and for whatever reason I just I never get a chance to address it but I I like the idea Smith cuz I see names like that like the cusos and stuff but how much better like

Are you going to beat like that those are good players but like are you like that’s not a championship Contender move it but it it so sorry go just real quick it’s not but right now you’re getting nothing from two positions you’re getting nothing and you’re still finding a way

To be six games over 500 you’re getting nothing from Harrison and until they made the move you were getting nothing like dwarte wasn’t like killing last night but we’re like damn 12 12 points seven rebounds four assists DTE did fine I I’ll take that right

Dorte hit a shot uh in in the in the clutch against Atlanta like dorte did cool DTE uh was guarding JW when he started off to us hey hey I like that like because we’re getting something we’re getting nothing from two starting spots right now so to answer

Your question to my end I I understand what you’re saying but the alternative is nothing like if you don’t make those moves like you’re going to be stuck with nothing I get that I think I think right now even with the king’s problems I still have him is like a top six team

The team that’s probably going to lose in the first or second round I think my thing is holding out for that bigger deal it’s going to put you over the top not get you like a little bit better or whatever but but it might not exist well

I’m saying like maybe not even this year but maybe going to the offseason like you don’t want to like I don’t know how much dorany Smith would cost you a trade or whatever but what on a scale this is for you Jesse oh no he’s on the phone I’ll ask you then

I’m back what what would you like on a scale from one to 10 with 10 being the ultimate impact what was the acquisition of christops porzingis for the Celtics it’s about a nine probably right now that’s a nine yeah he’s he’s making a difference no no not

Not not not what we’re seeing when the deal happened you think it was n at the time no at the time was probably probably like a six or a seven I wasn’t sure how much he was going to be able to impact with all those guys on there

Right now it’s at a nine you could honestly call it a 10 if you want is that what they need a Dorian finny Smith that is a six or a five on an impact scale winds up being an eight or a nine hey maybe because I don’t know that the point I’m

Trying to make is I don’t think The Nine’s there right the guy the guy who you know all of the ESPN guys Mark Spears goes on national TV and has the Hall of Famer excuse me Mark Spears goes on national TV and says the Kings Get an

A+ for this I don’t know that that’s out there that’s a fair point because I mean with porzingis and stuff going into it’s like okay you got porzingis he doesn’t play much with porzingis it was like stay healthy so like there was questions bringing them in and all that with

Porzingis it felt like this could work might not it won’t kill him this could really work and the other side of it you also gave up an impact player Marcus Smart and all that too where fans didn’t want to give him up or anything like that the

The Marcus SM looks ugly sometimes but it works out needs to stop taking Fox’s shots in the bo cour you need to relax shut up man I’m so sick of your Markus sport disrespect but look man look M and this is I’m I’m I’m not gonna

Lie I understand I’m being way harsh on Harrison today I’m being way harsh on him but you’re getting nothing from him nothing if you get a finny Smith in there that’s not a nine but you’re going from zero to six but and but and that’s my and you’re already six over

500 so zero to six could Propel you to get 11 games over 500 you getting out of the first round then I don’t know I’m not saying that but you’re you’re not getting anything from this guy so if you get somebody in there that’s why I’m saying it might not even be necessarily

A trade if you move Trey Lous into his spot that could give you production that you’re not getting right now but isn’t Harrison Barnes Still Harrison Barnes if he’s coming off the bench but if he’s coming off the bench because Mike Brown’s kind of said they don’t drop

Plays from him just because of who he plays with if he’s coming off the bench aren’t there more opportunities at that point I don’t know ask Mike Brown go to the press conference tonight and ask him I don’t got that kind of power the hell you don’t you got a credential just like

We do hey Mike just a quick question why haven’t you benched Harrison yet because that’s the one move if they don’t make a trade I don’t hate throwing Trey LS into the starting lineup like Casey he’ll sit in the corner he’ll hit threes and he’ll

Grab I don’t hate it at all I think if anything that’s probably the move you should make next yeah but and and the and the other thing about that because James talks about and I’m not saying it to say like he’s wrong but he talks about how like sometimes Harrison when

Things are going wrong he find a way to get to the foul line but that’s not happening anymore like he ain’t shooting no fre thr maybe he does that with the second unit maybe that’s a better opportunity for him to attack the basket get to the fou line get easy buckets

Because that’s another thing they’re kind of missing like they’re missing free throws Fox and sabonis those are probably your two worst free throw shooters in your starting five the other three don’t even get to the line they don’t even attack and get get to the

Basket and get to the line monk kind of gets to the line a little bit but he’s a little bit like he’ll attack feels like he’s a little bit more of a a jump shooter this year they like the the only reason I shouldn’t say the only reason one of the

Reasons why they’re so bad at the free throw line is they’re probably their two worst free throw shooters outside of javel McGee are are the only ones that attack the basket and create fouls all right so those problems just gone off the bench maybe they

Are I don’t know I don’t know either I don’t know man what that stop changing the rotation also take this guy out of the starting [Laughter] lineup we got to we got to get got to get a little more aligned in our thinking here I think we’re all a little

Flustered we’re all one more okay okay make this change and then don’t make another is the Harrison Barn stuff like surprising though like like I’ve said this before like it’s kind of just like we like this happens like this is like they should Ed his honestly when they signed

Him but it’s not it’s not surprising you’re right but I would have I would have signed him back the way everything played out I would have signed him back and if I was Monty if I was Mike Brown we have a meeting in the minds we’re bringing Harrison back

Okay exactly how I would have done it out of respect we giv him 25 games to show some things might be different if not we either gonna trade him or you make that move put Trey l or somebody like this is part of what Jesse saying

Like you got to be prepared for this opportunity or for this possibility excuse me that he just continues to slide down the way he was not rebounding last year not really defending last year the 15 points a game ain’t gonna be the 15 points a game no more but you’re

Signing him because you kind of don’t really have any other option well the other option was to not have anyone at all and have Kesler Edwards start at the three so does the front office get a pass for that yeah back I don’t think it was a

Mistake I don’t I don’t I don’t think bringing Harrison Barnes back was a mistake at all because like that like just calling what it is like that contract and now is just not looking good at all but it’s not but I’d argue the contract’s not bad just in the going

Rate of the NBA the contract’s not bad um and it’s also with all due respect to a brother HB he it’s it’s clear by what we talked about on this show during free agency it’s it’s not like they were in a rush to do this it’s not like they didn’t

Explore I to be clear I don’t know rock I yeah I don’t know who they explored but we can guess and I think Kyle kosma was one of the guys that they explored you know I think there’s a a handful of other players there were probably some restricted free agents

That they poked around around there’s not a lot you could do in those situations but I’m sure they ask questions and I think that was kind of that all right can’t get this done I do believe we’re very confident they talked to Toronto extensively was clear nothing was going

To happen there all right we’re going to Harrison that’s what we’re doing uh let’s get Buddha in here 91699 1320 what’s up Buddha what’s up baby how you guys doing man we good big dog how you doing man man hey man I’m doing amazing Happy New

Year to you guys this first time I talked to you since the new year happy new man yes sir appreciate you dog yeah for sure man so we talking about that uh the trade meter you said dley Smith was like a six man I feel like clu will be

Intense and I follow KC on Twitter so he said that he wasn’t B with clu for two picks but what if it’s CL two p and Harrison B you want make that deal because I feel like who would be like a way better upgrade than Harrison Barnes he really everything Sacramento need

Right now like scoring rebounding and playmaking at the fourward like I feel like Sacramento would be a championship level team if they get Kyle Cruz got Harrison barns what you think bro I mean I I hear you I hear you and and my initial thought was you know I wouldn’t

Want to give up uh a couple first round picks because you don’t have too many right now but on the flip side all flip side another year gone um damn shame what happened to Kenny’s friend flip side on the flip side you got your you got your team right there

Not saying you don’t need draft picks but you got your young team you got Fox sabonis Murray kosma Malik monk you know what I mean Trey L isn’t even that old now we talking six guys that are under 26 26 and under 27 and under

Like you can go and you and it’s not even a situation where you’re just for years for five years straight you don’t have first- round pick they go they alternate right so you can not have a pick for a year or something like that because you got these guys locked up I

Think that’s a good core uh a good young core so I would I would consider I would consider multible first before I consider Trey LS okay and with the picks too like say you trade two first round picks for whoever like you’re kind of hoping you don’t need those exactly like

You’re bringing in a guy like K or whatever like this is our this is our Squad right here like we’re winning championships we’re not worried about picking like a rookie coming in at like number 25 or whatever 26 is not doing anything for us the next two years so

That’s why I think with the pcks to it’s easier for the Kings to maybe let them go yeah and do your homework in the second round see if you can see you can find somebody in the second round I mean if everything is going the way it’s

Supposed to be you’ll be drafting late in the first round anyway you know mid 20s cuz I mean a 25th pick going to be better than Kyle kman the next three years I’m not saying specifically Kyle kma I know Chad doesn’t like him or whatever but just think of it that way

Ironically wasn’t kma the 25th 27th I think

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  1. Here's my thing…if Monte knows he cant resign Malik Monk (and I love Monk) after this season, dont let him just walk away for nothing. Package him in a deal before trade deadline this year and get a great player.

  2. Does Harrison Barnes have dirt on Mike Brown? Some journalist should investigate

  3. Kyle Kuz, Tyus Jones and Finny-smith??? 🤔🤔🤔 Hmmm… You might b onto something… Anything to rid this team of them “No shows” 👀 (I ain’t gon say no names y’all know who I’m talking about) I’m all for it 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️… Anything is a upgrade from “THEM”

  4. Barnes, huerter, Davion, and colby for Caruso, derozan, torrey craig, and andre drummond. We can put draft capital in as well.

  5. I agree with all the points besides saying monte has never missed. I personally think not trading for Thybulle last trade deadline was a miss. it was just for a 2nd rounder as well. Maybe two since it’s the kings , and I do agree with you guys that teams try to fleece the kings. But Thybulle probably could have helped them prevent at least one good game from GS. And helped grab a few rebounds as well. All love like always guys 🙏🏻 love the show!

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