@Golden State Warriors

Career Scoring Highs from Jonathan Kuminga & Brandin Podziemski not enough for Golden State Warriors

Career Scoring Highs from Jonathan Kuminga & Brandin Podziemski not enough for Golden State Warriors

Well there’s two ways you could look at tonight’s Golden State Warriors loss second half of a back-to-back on one hand you could look at this as incredibly optimistic incredibly stoked because the future is damn bright both kaminga and psky scoring career highs that’s huge but on the other hand you

Look at the veterans you look at the coaching and it’s discouraging it’s nonsense Le so highs and lows are the theme of tonight’s show we’ll break it down next this is locked on Warriors you are locked on Warriors your daily Golden State Warriors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team

Every Day Thank you for making lock on Warriors your first Liston every day we’re free and available wherever you get Podcast and on YouTube We’re part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day today’s episode is brought to you by Jace medical Empower yourself when you purchase a Jace case providing you with

A personal supply of five antibiotics that treat 50 plus infections get yours today at JC and use the code locked on to get $20 off your order that’s Jace J you can follow me Cyrus’s on threads dog wild where I was really stoked publishing highlight videos of

Jonathan kaminga he’s hitting threes he put up a career high in scoring tonight with 28 Bravo young man barely 21 years old I’ll start off with kaminga stat line real quick uh his streak I do love this his streak of thir of the Warriors staying undefeated when he plays 30 plus

Minutes intact kaminga played 29 minutes and 36 seconds tonight now a lot of people can make the argument and I was reading a lot of the chat uh and also on social media just getting the feedback getting the feel and Vibe of the fan base in terms of how they felt about

Tonight’s game a lot of people felt Jonathan kaminga should have played more I don’t blame you uh he got pulled out in the fourth quarter when he was rolling uh his three-point shot thankfully is starting to fall again remember last year he was a 30 he was uh

What 37.5 a 30 well Round Up 38% three-point shooter uh the dude can shoot and he’s gone off to a slow start this year but over the last two games uh kaminga has been six of seven from Beyond The Arc he was two of three from

Beyond The Arc tonight was 10 of 18 from the field excuse me and as I mentioned before a career high for kaminga with 28 points but Steve Kerr as he’s done all year and and I don’t think it’s unfair to criticize him for the favoritism that he routinely is showing his veteran

Players and what I mean by that specifically is Andrew Wiggins being reinserted into the starting lineup there’s obviously no complaints about that last game you beat the Chicago Bulls now granted the Chicago Bulls are not exactly a team you should be celebrating a victory over but the Bulls

Especially given the Bulls are as constructed exactly the type of team The Warriors are built to beat but again that was two years ago most teams are not like the Bulls now most teams are a lot longer uh most teams are a lot bigger and that’s what the Milwaukee

Bucks were tonight um and kaming got got pulled in the fourth quarter with Kirk going to his starting lineup which included Andrew Wiggins how do you justify that when when kaminga in the fourth quarter alone uh never mind the fact that he had 28 points as a career

High in the fourth quarter he scored 17 points on five of seven shooting a perfect two of two from Beyond The Arc he was getting to the line in the fourth quarter with five free throw attempts yet you pull him why like how does that make sense the only way it possibly

Makes sense is if the Golden State Warriors are trying to up the trade value of Andrew Wiggins that’s the only logic to this there is no other logic okay we’re we’re near the halfway point of the regular season right now the Golden State Warriors are three games

Below 500 they’re 18 and 21 we’re at the 39 game Mark we’re two games away from the midseason literally and what you see is what you get with Andrew Wiggins so to continue giving him the amount of minutes he’s getting and I keep hearing a lot of media types and some fans

Saying well at least he’s contributing defensively I’m not even seeing that is he better than a lot of other players yes but by his own standards a huge reason he’s making 25 mil a year uh and that number is going to go up I think

It’s at 24 and change this year but in the final year of his contract he’s pulling in 30 million a year and he he gets he plays 32 minutes tonight and again Wiggins is three of 13 from the field which is not good folks that’s actually really bad all right he missed

10 shots he was one for three from Beyond The Arc committed three personal fouls for someone who the team was counting on for rebounding and those 32 minutes he grabs four uh last game he had eight assists he was involved much more offensively tonight he has one and

He finishes with seven points seven in 32 minutes how do you justify that how is that possibly justifiable so the only logic that makes sense is you’re trying to up his value so you can get something back and not get completely screwed over in a trade there’s I don’t know what

Else you could be do that you could justify it because again Wiggins will have the occasional game like yesterday against the Bulls and even that was not like some you know All-Star level game he had 17 points did have eight assists which was cool five rebounds you whatever but again the consistency has

Not been there this is not someone who can string together consecutive games successfully seven points in 32 minutes and it’s pretty outrageous so that’s a negative but Jonathan kaminga Bravo kid when you see him and you see the growth right before her eyes I mean imagine

What he’s going to look like just two years from now and he’s barely 21 he turned 21 in October imagine what he’s going to look like five years from now you know a few people in the chat were laughing at me when I said his ceiling

Is Jason Tatum are you still laughing I really like I the style of play he’s a wing who could play the four he can he is a good shooter contrary to what a lot of uh ignoramus is out there were saying about him really in his career the kid

Can shoot I’ve been saying on the show time and time and again he reminds me a lot of Jimmy Chitwood from the movie hooers The the protagonist in terms of the basketball players his shooting form is almost identical it’s borderline perfect it’s just not normal looking

Because he relies so much on one hand and it is very of uh uh formal lake is not the right word um it’s very fundamental I guess you can say maybe that’s the right way of putting it the kid can shoot the kid can do it all I’m so excited kaming is on

This team he wasn’t the only youngster by the way who was kicking ass tonight Brandon psky who got 35 minutes in this game had a fantastic game Dr J30 saying I make no sense why can you elaborate on that I always make sense so anytime you come

Here and say I don’t be specific please if you’re gonna hate um dj30 says Scouts are not stupid I’d like to uh rebut that by strongly disagreeing if you knew who some of the scouts were in the NBA you would not agree with yourself on that

Statement so I I don’t know a lot of Scouts in the NBA are joke um to put it in perspective the Atlanta Hawks hired a scout last year who’s now their assistant general manager whose only experience in basketball was being a broadcaster for a couple years he was an actor he happened

To be roommates with the Atlanta Hawks GM all about who you know and he was a scout for a year did nothing as a scout to show that he knows anything now is the assistant GM do not do not sit here and tell me and give credit to NBA teams just because someone

Hires someone into a position does not automatically make them qualified for anything um anyway so I just had to had to rebut that because that’s that’s ridiculous uh Brandon pky just real fast again had a fantastic game 23 points on the night he was 10 of 14 from the field

Three of five from Beyond The Arc double double for the kid he tied a career high with those 23 points 10 rebounds the only part of his game that I think needs to uh uh progress are the assists I mean he is a point guard and part of that is

Making your teammates better involving them more um and to only have three assists in 35 minutes eh I don’t know if that cuts it but 23 points 10 rebounds for a rookie awesome side note in case you’ve missed me saying this in an earlier show Jonathan kaminga and

Brandon psky are the same age so um they’re both 21 and or maybe I think pmy turns 21 next month so they’re they’re a few months apart but the future is bright for this Golden State Warriors team and it wasn’t just those two that can make you incredibly

Uh that that should make people incredibly encouraged about the Golden State Warriors wordman by the way saying that psky looks off kaminga every time I haven’t seen that um and they they are actually close off the court so if that is happening I don’t it’s on intentional just in case

You’re wondering that um those two have a close relationship kaminga gets along with everybody on the roster that is one of the most encouraging things about this kid among many things he’s not a bad chemistry guy he just didn’t like his head coach destroying his career and

He spoke out about it I and and again I’m sorry I I side with him I don’t I don’t believe in just keeping your mouth shut regardless no matter what no there are exceptions and I support kaminga in that regard but psky had again another fantastic game but that but kaminga and

Psky weren’t it this team’s youth shine tonight and it wasn’t just Trace Jackson Davis I’m going to let you know what I mean in just a moment after I pay some bills thanks to our incredible sponsors and let’s start off with the first one which is Jace

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Pmy and um Jonathan kaminga who lit it up and believe me I’m seeing in the chat a lot of criticism of the veterans I’m going to get to them because there’s a lot to break down from this game tonight Stephen Curry did not play smart move in

My humble opinion to rest him as the second half of a back toback he’s not getting any younger he turns 36 I believe on March 14th or was it March 12th it’s one or the other uh so you know it’s good to preserve him I actually thought this whole process and

Plan of preserving your veterans your aging players would have started a year ago which is why a year ago is when I was was losing my mind when we were seeing players like kaminga and Moody rotting away on the bench in favor of players like Anthony lamb and Ty jome

I’m not forgetting that ever so so anyways it was good to see Stephen Curry uh getting his rest tonight and Brandon psky started in his place um but there was another point guard on this roster who when we thought we talk about the future of this team you got to get start

Getting excited about him his name is Lester konz he’s got a two-year deal this year I’m sorry he’s on a two-way deal this year and he’s gonna get almost certainly a guaranteed deal next year this kid can play folks and look the statline is not going to show huge

Numbers tonight all right six points okay uh two of five from the field 40% shooting all right one of those shots though both in terms of attempts and makes was a three he made his only three-point attempt um had one trip to the free throw line had four rebounds

For a point guard he gives you size Lester konz uh let me see what he’s listed as officially I think he’s around like what 63 64 um sorry I don’t have that in front of me right now here he is uh Lester kinon is listened to 6428 um which is now officially his

Height the NBA has updated those those statistics so that if a player is listed at 6’4 he’s actually 64 they’re not measuring that with shoes um so he’s big for his size as a point guard the kid can defend he can shoot I think we we we

Saw the first Glimpse glimpse of who he really could be as a player during the preseason that was the first time I saw legitimate Potential from this guy and in 17 minutes tonight again not a great night six points four rebounds two assists one turnover but he led the team in net

Rating plus nine good things were happening when he was on the court and folks the future is just awesome there’s going to be a backourt someday soon of both psky and Lester konz God forbid if Steve ker is still the head coach at that point but hypothetically if he is

That’s two of your three-point guards on the court settled I being totally fous saying all that um but you got to be stoked about Lester konz and Trace Jackson Davis the rookie he’s going to be 24 years old soon so not the youngest of rookies but he’s still a rookie he’s contributing he

Played 18 Minutes tonight he was six of eight from the field had 12 points just two rebounds it’s kind of a low number but um he was efficient he had two blocks as well so folks the future’s bright that’s the good news now the bad news I already harped on Andrew Wiggins

Enough all right and and it is funny there’s still people out there who think Steve Kerr is still the guy you think Andrew wigs is still going to magically turn things around even though we’re at the halfway point of the NBA season news flash it’s not going to happen they got

To trade this guy and um but there were other veterans on this team and more specifically I I want to highlight one that just should not be playing and that’s Corey Joseph what the and I I saw this in the chat a lot I’m

Sorry I took me so long to get to Corey Joseph he should not be playing all right the only time Cory Joseph should be playing is if there is absolutely no one else on this roster to play I know the warriors were short tonight with nine men but Lester konz was fine there

Was no good reason to pull him you could have given more minutes to Jonathan kaminga again 29 minutes 36 seconds you know who played more than him Andrew Wiggins with 32 minutes Dario shich with 34 minutes Klay Thompson with 35 minutes Brandon pmy with 35 minutes Jonathan kaminga on the year is seventh

On the team in minutes you could have also gone bigger and not relied on your point guard crutch meaning instead of giving Corey Joseph 18 minutes 25 seconds tonight you could have given minutes to one of your bigs and the only big that I saw actually being effective

Defending Giannis an tupo and I’m referring to gavon Looney who himself has had a difficult year but he was playing good tonight yet we only saw him for 18 minutes he was literally the only person out there effectively defending Giannis and Tumo yet we only saw him for 18

Minutes and a lot of it again is because Steve K just his crutch is ball handling he needs ball handlers out there this was not a problem when Shawn Livingston was on the roster when Andre Iguodala was on the roster when Draymond Green was healthy and playing because those

Guys Kurt trusted handling the ball they’re also long and big and play defense they’re not liabilities out there Cory Joseph is 6’2 with shoes on he’s a blow average Defender he’s a blow average scorer he’s a ball handler that’s all he can do but that is apparently the most important thing in

Steve Kerr’s World Kavon Looney was actually playing good tonight anyways so uh yeah so I I do I do feel like that criticism is warranted um in terms of the minute distribution Warriors could have won this game folks it was a I I’ll give the Milwaukee Bucks credit they are a damn

Good team Chris Middleton was every single time the warriors were starting to Rally in this game and you saw glimpses of Hope in terms of the Warriors pulling off a huge upset there was Chris Middleton making a huge bucket there was Giannis anmo making a huge bucket Dame Lillard a very quiet 27

Points tonight there was one play in particular with Wiggins and I’ll I’ll stop piling on him after this but there was one play in the third quarter where he did a crossover that dropped Chris Middleton Chris Middleton literally fell to the floor because Wiggins crossed him up it was

Beautiful and for a split moment there I was it was actually like a flashback to the Wiggins of two years ago like damn that is that’s the allar that we’ve been missing and all he had to do was make a 15-footer to complete the sports center

Highlight and of course he not only bro that shot it clanked like 15 feet off the rim 20 feet some rebounder got it way out in the perimeter it was an easy transition three-pointer it was a fivepoint swing on the one play it went from Wiggins being a highlight to

Wiggins giving up a highlight and that just symbolized this whole season when it comes to Andrew Wiggins we’re gonna play some sound in just a moment I’ll see if there’s H anyone in the chat who has any questions I’ll try to get to that but I’m going to cling to the

Optimism of the Warriors youth playing some damn good basketball tonight the future is bright um and I gotta give some love to Klay Thompson as well I thought he looked pretty good too let’s we we have more to discuss in just a moment first though let’s give some love to another

One of our sponsors I just come on come on man come on soas don’t be saying trade step come on man come on we’re not going to go there uh first let’s give some love to or second sponsor of the evening and that’s the official sports book of the locked on podcast Network

FanDuel folks I for the record if someone in the chat can enlighten me because I have not had a chance to watch that Chiefs Dolphins game I actually do have a peacock so I could watch it I watched it for a brief moment but I was focused mostly on the Warriors game

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Locked on Warriors thank you for making locked on Warriors your first lesson every day for the every dayers we’re back added Monday that’s a winnable game they’re playing the Memphis Grizzlies that is one of the worst teams in the NBA thanks a large part to injuries they

Have no John morand Desmond bane just got recently injured they’re obviously missing Brandon Clark Stephen Adams that is a hapless team if the Golden State Warriors don’t win that who boy yes there is pressure on you Golden State Warriors to win that game you have to

Win that game that is one of the worst teams in the NBA if you lose that game call this season wrap and start playing your youngsters 247 and trade the house except for Stephen Curry I will not endorse that ever um let’s go to some sound and let’s see who actually spoke

On behalf of the Golden State Warriors following this game oh and uh Brandon psky talking about chemistry why don’t we start there so here is Brandon psky uh who is from the area so this was a HomeTown game for him I don’t know if that made any difference in terms of his

Production tonight as I mentioned before a career high for Brandon psky tied a career high I’m sorry with 23 points um and uh let’s hear Brandon talking about team chemistry that’s always interesting to me stuff flipping around like is it everyone sitting in the lock room

Talking the team like how do you flip it from not having a confidence not caring to yeah it’s actually kind of crazy to me because like off the floor like we’re probably the closest group that at least I’ve been around um and then on the floor sometimes we get a little

Disconnected so it’s kind of new to me um but I think um our our leaders Dre and Chris and Steph do a good job of talking in the locker room and and making it a point um but you know you only can say so much right um at the end

Of the day it’s on the people that are on the floor to go out and do it and you know if you don’t have the energy and and want and desire to do it then you know your team’s going to suffer I need to process that a little bit I I feel

Like he said a lot of nuggets there uh that from a first listen and um there’s a lot going on there psky loves the offc court chemistry that’s a great sign and and and I I don’t doubt that either these these players love each other um

And I do agree with what he said though which is that on the court they’re having some issues and that’s where for from my perspective coaching is a huge problem because a good coaching staff translates that off Court chemistry to a successful oncore product but as we’re seeing Time and Time and

Again Steve cerr has his favorites that’s not going to work it might work if those favorites are at the peak of their power if they’re clearcut leaders both vocally and in terms of uh production but when the veterans that you rely on that you’re playing favorites with are no longer consistent

Are not routinely producing as the best players on the court that’s a problem let’s hear from Steve cerr I heard this sound by uh during the postgame coverage before we started recording here and I’m glad NBC Sports barri put this on their social media here’s Steve cerr talking

About where the Warriors are right now 3 quter especially in the second quarter limited that’s like 20 something low in the 20s for what what was the biggest change that you saw defensively compared to the past couple games it’s just how hard the guys were playing you know and

That’s all we’ve talked about is the last few days is you know we clearly lost our uh our belief and our our um Spirit our Edge whatever you want to call it um those last two home games of our Homestead and it was embarrassing

For all of us and I think U you last few days that’s what we’ve talked about um our guys have played really hard the last two nights and that’s the standard uh that has been set here for a long time and uh as long as we play that hard

I’m I’m good with you know whatever the results are um I think we’ll give ourselves a chance to win every night when we compete like that three quarter yeah um it’s a I mean look the effort is it’s great to see your players putting up effort

But you know I used to hear rhetoric from Steve Kerr talking about championships and if all you’re happy about now is just effort then where’s the focus on the future that’s why is there no concern about the Warriors a year from now two years from now like that’s important stuff that’s part of

Coaching it isn’t just the the now um Marco Serano pakos writes wouldn’t it the be the best thing to focus on defense the rest of the year yeah their defense is proo Numero Uno fix all the issues they have on the back end no way they could go deep this year I’m still

Potentially delusional in thinking that this Warriors team does have an outside shot of making some real noise Fang USF writes Nate McMillan and the glove coaching would be awesome are we at a point where we’re start we’re talking about who to replace Steve Kerr with Gus writes free kaminga curse sucks

We want rayon Rondo as coach so the discussion is starting um yeah g who writes how has lob allowed Curtis sabotage kaminga this long there’s going to be some real talks after the season there is a very good reason why Steve Kerr is on the final

Year of his deal why he’s a lame dug coach um again if if the season does end up spiraling and they miss the playoffs or they’re like a first round exit or they’re a playing team who doesn’t whatever if if it’s a disappointing finish to the

Season my hunch is Kerr will it’ll be announced as Retirement we’ll see Kerr back in the TNT Booth replacing uh Stan Van Gundy but I I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again if we’re if we’re talking about who should be the next head coach Brent Barry’s number one on

My list if we’re going to touch the subject right now um and I I don’t know what how you folks feel about it I’ll throw it out there right now but besides Brent Barry if Chris Paul does not have definitive plans to play Beyond this year and I’ve spoken to

Some folks about that because I was curious to know what his if if Chris Paul wants to continue playing and I think there’s a good chance after this season he’s as a free agent he’s going to try to find a team that he can chase a ring with Allah Gary Peyton in the

Later years of his career when I think Peyton finally got a ring with the Miami Heat but he was he was not a key part of that team um I could see Chris Paul doing something similar to that but if Chris Paul does not if the Warriors can convince him

To be their next head coach sign me up I I that that’s honestly the top of my list is Chris Paul but I just don’t know if he wants to keep playing dfad bridge writes Bren Barry is a nobody I don’t know why you’re saying that he’s a

Former Champion he’s uh been in the front office of the Spurs for the last five years never mind the fact that his dad is Warriors Legend Rick Berry if you want to accuse me of having a little bias there you’re justified in saying so but no he’s a very bright mind and the

Spurs have been grooming him to take over RC buford’s job maybe Greg poic popovic’s job I’m saying beat them to the punch steal Brent Barry and bring him in right now um um yeah and Woodland Mack you’re right Bren Barry also won a dunk contest Rick Barry’s progeny man how

Crazy is that five Sons he has six kids total a daughter and five sons all five sons have played professional basketball his youngest Canyon might represent the USA in three on three basketball next year and if he wins a gold he’ll be the that’ll be the the one son who gets a

Gold medal anyways um Dre Han writes JJ reick would be a good coach bad ombre writes Quin Schneider I love Quin Schneider and he makes no sense with the Atlanta Hawks that’s a weird fit um day main right where is Luke Walton he’s an assistant somewhere I forgot the

Team off top of my head but uh I do agree the the the assistant coaches on this team have been a colossal disappointment this year what the f is fashion writes Kenny Atkinson is is booty I’m paraphrasing see if there’s any other uh oh Obin writes Andre igala as a head

Coach I like how we’re finishing up this this show tonight with uh with a CO with with next coaches wadner Gideon writes Kerr is losing ground as a coach kaminga should have been playing the entire fourth quarter I agree he play scored Kinga scored 17 points that final quarter why was he

Taken out and of course no one asked Steve KR that of course um and if they did then I apologize but I I I didn’t see anything indicating that anyone did and I agree with Eddie 757 who writes Kerr won’t get fired again that’s why I think my hunch

Is they’re gonna announce a retirement where uh you know they just don’t reup his contract so technically he’s not fired and then Steve Curtis say face decides dude I’ve had an incredible 10-e run 11 years whatever it is mingy writes Mark Jackson the only problem with that is Mark burned all his

Bridges with Joe lobs so bark it would shock me if Kenny ainson ends up getting that job I I think if if Joe lob and ownership is unhappy with Steve Kerr it’s not I I how could they be happy with Kenny ainson the results have been just abysmal since Kenny ainson was

Elevated to the number one assistant the defense has just plummet it any other name buen holer H that doesn’t excite me um Sam Cassell from wman yeah wouldn’t mind it any other names in here yeah but Chris Paul is who I’m actually most excited for Chris Paul and breadberry

Those are my D those my two names wadner I I I appreciate you for the compliment um oh and Chris Chris Mullen forward GM by the way I love mly man I really love mly in in every regard as a human being as a basketball mind folks we’re back at

This Monday night have a great rest of the weekend happy Birthday Dad bye-bye

Cyrus Saatsaz went live for a Saturday night live postgame show following the Golden State Warriors falling just short to the Milwaukee Bucks in a road game where the team’s two youngest players, Jonathan Kuminga and Brandin Podziemski, posted career highs in scoring (Podz tied his career high) which begged the question of why Steve Kerr pulled Kuminga in the 4th quarter for a struggling Andrew Wiggins while Stephen Curry sat out to rest due to this being the second of back-to-back games on the schedule.

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  1. Reason why Kerr survived soo long is because of Dray & Andre. Klay & Steph was younger and they were ballin and all the issues of Coaching was masked. Now it’s just we are visibly seeing those flaws in his coaching.

  2. I think Kerr was concerned that JK might aggravate his tweaked ankle so he hwas hesitant in putting him back in.

  3. I know, obvious, but the Bucks are maybe going to be the champs, not easy to play them especially on a back to back. But, yeah, dubs in current configuration(including the coach)are weak.

  4. They just are, ironically, out of step with the current NBA lineups. So they should just develop the youth

  5. Again I ask, why is Kuminga getting less minutes than Wiggins? Wggins tonight 32 minutes 7 points. Kuminga 30minutes 28 points. Same story last game even though Wiggins had a decent game. Can someone show me what Wiggins is doing defensively that Kuminga is not? Kuminga is a SF!

  6. Kumingas three point shot was low to start this season because of inconsistent minutes, coach not giving him confidence and him second guessing what he should do on the court because of the coach.

  7. We are two seasons removed from winning a championship. Andrew Wiggins was the second best player on that team. I am not going to throw a player under the bus when they are struggling. I still believe that Wiggs will turn things around, and I am riding with Wiggs as long as he is a Warrior. I have faith in Wiggs.

  8. The spacing Trayce gives to Klay makes him a better player. I have not seen Klay pass and drive as much with Trayce on the floor

  9. Didn't expect them to win so frankly it's a miracle it was pretty close the whole way through until Kerr threw the game away for good but putting Loon and Dario and Wiggins back in to close the game.

    Kerr's rotations are bad enough but it's his coaching philosophy which is so deeply flawed and out of step with the modern game at this point. He has them still running plays like this is the prime Warriors that could rely on Steph and Klay to carry the day. They don't have the luxury of putting the system above everything else. They never hunt matchups no one is encouraged to draw fouls and when opposing players do get in foul trouble they never bother to try and exploit that by attacking them on repeat to get either easy buckets or that player out of the game.

    Loon is all but unplayable for more than 10 minutes and him and Dario on the floor is a huge defensive liability.

    I don't want them to trade JK because it would be such a dumb decision (though I understand he's the last best asset they have that any trade partner is going to demand for any serious return coming the other way). But I also would love to see him on a team where he is given the chance to shine and it for sure isn't this team with this coach and this core of players.

  10. Moody back to back 21 point games… if they keep him our young core could be so damn good. I pray they find a way to trade Wiggins without getting rid of any of the young guys

  11. Every time klay has a good game you never say anything but one bad game and you make sure to talk negatively

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