@Oklahoma City Thunder

The Time is NOW for The Oklahoma City Thunder

The Time is NOW for The Oklahoma City Thunder

See that dude get it dude was insane man what a game what a game all right first of all I want to start off by apologizing to Bill Simmons for all the things I’ve said about him I know I’ve called him a [ __ ] I know he looks like a

Pedophile with that little mustache and everything oh my God I know I’ve brought this up quite a bit about him and all the nasty things he said about the Oklahoma City Thunder but the other day I was listening to him talk um to Doc Rivers and he said he thought that

Thunder were one of two contenders in the west and I I immediately forgave him for all the [ __ ] he said and it’s it’s hard for me to say that all the things he said about Shay should leave the Thunder all the things he said about

Sam presty I won’t bring all that up I will say though I forgive you Bill you still are a [ __ ] but man I forgive you um I’m not I’m not ready to uh give anybody listen ready to let it go like why would we give anybody a pass it doesn’t matter

If it’s the Oklahoma City Thunder media it doesn’t matter if it’s media outside of the Thunder like they all were [ __ ] dicks like this is this is our team bro and they all trashed them they all like made us look shitty like to me there’s no forgiveness there’s no

Forgiveness there’s no forgiveness on on any of these these Oklahoma City Thunder podcasts that are sitting there saying oh yeah well we covered down we said that we didn’t think this was a winning year but we we said we hope we’re wrong so thus we’re okay no nobody gets passes

Man nobody gets passes I think that’s the thing that we’re we need to understand but doc didn’t give us the top two he said it was the the nuggets and the Clippers and I know Doc is all over the Clippers dick because he’s the one who made the trades to make that

Happen but he still was Shay gillig just Alexander’s first NBA coach and he still stands there and acts like he thinks Shay is him he’s going to be really special not going to give us the West n right now cover his [ __ ] ass no he won’t you know why he won’t is because

He’s an old school coach Old School coaches believe two things right man they believe two things is that freshman and sophomores aren’t supposed to [ __ ] talk yeah right they carry the bags they do all this other stuff they they do all this other crazy insane stuff they make these people you know go

Through whatever like it doesn’t matter they’re [ __ ] boys you know I would never in a million years want to be coached or one of my children be coached by Doc and the reason is is because there’s too many people that are out there saying that he doesn’t treat you

Know people like humans on the court and and that’s fine you know like cool whatever I I applaud I applaud Doc Rivers for being one of the greatest coaches of all time but just like I I take applaud bob Knight for being one of the greatest coaches of all time you

Know like there comes a line where Old School coaches are off and there’s no no reason in my in my opinion like I get it Doc Rivers is going to say the defending Champions obviously right like like you should be like everybody should say the defending champs are a defend um um

Contender and then I think that up after that there’s there’s only two other teams that you can say that are contenders and and say believe it or not the Clippers have won like what like 19 of or 19 of 22 games they’re good right now they’re good really good right now

So I I get why Doc Rivers would give them the nod because they’re the best team in the NBA over the last 20 games and and I and I get that so by all means like give him that nod for now but that’s because he’s never going to pick

A young team like the young team could be the best young team in the league or the best young team ever and the best team in the league and you’d still say well playoff time is different time you know ka’s done it before Paul George has

Played in the playoffs and won in the series before they done it you know like obviously uh D or Denver has just won a championship and they’ve know how to win in the playoffs so no doubt that he’s gonna give it to those two teams because they’ve proven themselves and that’s

What it’s all about for an old school coach y shout out to bias passes dude talking about passes dude dude bias I want to say this man um so one of the few guys that have joined the worldwide Thunder family again so we took a break

Off of that we shut that all down for a while um then we just turned it back on so man we appreciate you doing that it means a lot to us be part of that I like how you said that you mean YouTube shut

It down um and then there was a I was yeah there was a series of dramedies that took place because people felt like we were like intentionally kicking them off and then we’re like all right anyway Tobias thank you yeah for rejoining we love you appr won’t get too caught up

But YouTube shafted us um and and moani’s right on man he’s like his name is Glenn Rivers guys he is not a doctor of anything unless he’s a doctor he has a doctor in Divinity um I’m not sure if that’s where he went to went to school like maybe um Princeton

Divinity School or something like that as but he’s definitely um overrated as a coach but you know what though some of my best memories growing up were him not just as a player but as a coach you know he I thought he did a fantastic job but there’s um there there’s a difference

Between doing a great job coaching and winning a championship and there’s been a lot of really good coaches who haven’t won championships one guy that did win a couple of championships that figured out how to get it done Billy Cunningham going back to the Sixers he was a great

Player MVP in the NBA played for the ABA took part ownership of a team to leave the NBA went on to coach Dr J Moses Malone and the Sixers and go get those wins man those fa fo fo Sixers B bil Cunningham understood something I think that is

Strange enough I could say coach D underst understands there’s something about it the game though that Doc Rivers doesn’t quite understand right and it’s interesting because like you said Doc is always going to go for the team that’s proven themselves and every team is unproven until they’re proven and so

Sure at this point everybody does the same thing with players right players too and the Warriors they’re proven right but if you have a team like sh when were the Warriors unproven you know how did people think of them before they were proven you know this idea that like

Championships beg got championships so a team that wins championships is destined to win more championships and then all of a sudden a team like the nuggets come in they kind of [ __ ] that up Milwaukee a couple years ago they [ __ ] that up you know like championships don’t always mean more championships sometimes it

Just means that you’re going to get higher expectations so let’s talk about some of these other teams that we consider contenders the we automatically look at them and think they have Championship expectations because their organization the Bucks they’re expected to win championships okay now the Nuggets they’ve won a championship so

Like legitimately no matter how you look at this right now and even like the Clippers they have Qui multiple championships you know finals MVPs so we’re the only team that we could really consider a contender that is completely unproven now it reminds me though of that Golden State Warriors team right

They were unproven until they were proven and man did everybody get on their dick once they got proven you know what I mean that’s what we’re coming for Dave we’re trying to upset the equilibrium of how people look at the NBA it’s not going to be considered the

Same way anymore it’s a completely new league Dave and that’s what you’ve kind of been talking about all season so like why do you think this league is different and come back to that game we were just playing man it’s the way we play It’s Different yeah well I mean if

You think about it like first of all the style of the game has been changing ever so slightly you know like you can watch it in the way that guys are shooting um I I I’d say that the change really started when Steph started you know really taking off with his three-point

Shots you know right like really like taking logo 3es the change started happening um I knew that the second Steph started doing that stuff in uh what was it 200 like what 15 or 14 when he was just doing insane [ __ ] you know like for that especially for that time I

Knew there was going to be a time bro where the big men were going to come out of the the league being able to do that type of [ __ ] and it was a time it was just just a matter of how long it was

Going to take so for me like I I didn’t know if it was GNA be 10 years 12 years 14 years 15 years but I knew the league was going to start changing in that matter but once the league started changing like that we were going to have

A couple drafts that were going to be reminiscent of the time the 2003 2002 2004 drafts you know like where there just a bunch of really good players in there you know I knew there was going to be a time for that so when the NBA switched it was going to be this

Dramatic switch and then boom right and like I knew the efficiency was going to take over the most efficient players are going to be the most needed and Most Wanted you know like we weren’t going to be okay with guys going out there and shooting 30 shots a game we wanted you

We want guys that can go out there and score 30 on less than 20 shots it’s efficiency you know so you start seeing all these like signs to it and then all a sudden I started recognizing what coach D was doing on offense and defense while everybody else is focused on what

Offense right they start drafting Sam prey starts drafting these two-way players really long arms and like people start joking around about like uh Sam prey wanting alien like people Drafting and you start seeing these like these stuff that starts morphing and changing and then you’re like okay Now’s the Time

And that time was was about three years ago two and a half years ago when we started recognizing how much the NBA was going to change over the course of the next six years and then the new CBA came out meaning the draft picks and the first

Round draft picks are now way more valuable than they were seven 10 15 years ago you know and now all a sudden we’re sitting not only with all these draft picks but all these players that are ready to play that we don’t need to add anybody to this team for a very long

Time if we don’t want to but if we do we get to um trade up in the draft and get the players that we want as a team so we’re going back to as the the game is changing into this efficient game of Hoops right um drafting two-way

Players right um recognizing more value with each of these steps that are going on here then you start recognizing how Sam pry and how coach D are coaching these guys guys and we’re getting out there going averaging like we’ve had 100 assists in three games something like stupid like that like

Just let that think like sit on your like your mind there for a second this is how much the game has changed we went out there and we sucked for two games so what do we come back we come back and we become more efficient pass the ball get

The people open jdub goes out there throws out nine dimes in one game or 10 dimes in one game comes back and does 12 dimes another game and they got Josh giddy with like 13 dimes in 20 minutes like what the [ __ ] it’s because the game

Has changed so much and it’s morph is something that we can’t even express yet so the rest of the NBA are sitting there saying oh look at the value on Steph Kerry and look at the value on Luca right Luca’s the greatest scorer in the NBA congratulations would you rather the

Greatest scorer in the NBA right now would you rather the second best scorer in the NBA and probably the best defender on on as a guard in the NBA and that’s a no-brainer because we’ve seen it happen in the past man these two-way players Michael Jordan Kobe Bryant they’re just

Not scoring Champions they’re Defenders that are best defenders in the league and now people are starting to recognize that Shay’s 25 and he’s doing things that guys haven’t done unless you’re great until you’re 27 28 years old and people are like wait a second here what’s going on

Here that’s what we call change and when you’re a trend Setter and everybody else is trying to catch up to you guess what the [ __ ] you get to do you get to sit back in your leather coat snap your collar and say come to me [ __ ] I’ve got what you want

I I’ll be here for you this brings me back kind of to what I was saying about that 444 Sixers team like I really think when you go and you think like what were what are the championship like you know since the 80s you know there’s a lot of triangle offense mixed

In there you got a lot of papovich mixed in there but the ball didn’t really snap the ball was put into these positions where they were like we want to get isolation we want our best players to go score um so I have shot right I have to go back to those

Sixers because I really feel like with like Mo Cheeks running the point guard you know guys who were killers at every position and then ultimate star power that didn’t feel like they had to go out and be like hey I want the ball right here that’s how I want to do it right

They were team players like what what did Moses Malone ever need run for him you know what I mean he’s just like just shoot the ball like don’t turn it over my play is get the rebound and put it back in you know what I mean like

Dr J you know getting him running in a in a regular offense meant that all of a sudden he’s playing off the ball and then on the ball you know think about that with Shay right if Shay can go off off the ball then on the ball he’s

Attacking from an advantage when he brings the ball up and the defense all shades to him but you know we saw a lot of previous versions of that and and this is back to even Bill Simmons right now like Bill I can’t blame him for listening to Tyler Parker you because

Tyler Parker told him that Thunder was supposed to be bad so he stopped BL watch paying attention he started questioning whether or not Shay was ever gonna get good or was he gonna waste his entire Prime you know so he was being led astray by we remember we we told we

Called Tyler Parker The Village Idiot and he still is the reigning Village Idiot although there’s the village is bigger than Tyler now but you know like Tyler’s number one and so the thing about it though is Bill you know hangs out with Tyler too much and that really

Kind of [ __ ] his brain up but that’s okay um if you surround yourself by Village idiots you can’t complain how it infects your brain but anyway back to my point about Bill Bill understands like what manani is saying we’re top five and defense and offense efficiency like our

Metrics are off the charts and we’re doing this Dave and I understand right now period we get this we are not nearly as good as we will be in the playoffs we have two maybe three more full steps to take as a team before we’re finding even what our

Peak is so that’s why I want to go back to those teams coached by Cunningham because I think as you enter the playoffs as you go in and if you can say we know what our job is we got to get four wins we got to get get four more

Wins we got to get four more wins and we gotta get four more wins and that’s it we got one job guys we go in and win four games when I look at the teams in the NBA and I think who’s capable of doing that against no matter who they’re

Matched up against all you got to do is get four wins forget about all the other noise about who had previous finals MVPs forget about all the previous MVPs or all the debates about alltime scoring and all this [ __ ] and say you got to go out there and you got to get four

Wins to move forward if you put your team the money on any other team than the Thunder I’m sorry man just say goodbye to it because this team is the toughest out I’m not saying we win the championship but I’m saying if it’s a race to four wins in each

Series we’re we’re right there man we’re right there the first time we get really challenged Dave I’m gon say this right now the first time we get challenged is gonna be the Western Conference Finals nobody’s going to win two games against us before the Western Conference Finals

That’s the first time we’re gon to get [ __ ] challenged I listen I I I’ve been I’ve been saying that since the beginning of the year that we’re making it to the Western Conference file that’s that’s not a surprise there what’s up Jeff welcome to the show um that’s not a

Surprise um that we uh um were thinking that because Western Conference Finals is great but I want to take this one step further um I want to look at the East man and I want to say this if we make it to the finals let’s look at the

East right there’s not a team on the East that could beat us four times in a row not even in a row and four times in in a seven game series there’s not a team there and you start looking at the west and you start saying like let let’s

Just be real there’s two teams that could take us to game seven in the west the Clippers in Denver all right those are the two teams that could take us to game seven in the west so if we have to play the Clippers and then we have to

Play Denver we’re going to be in trouble but if Denver and the Clippers have to play each other and battle it out then we’re going to be sitting in a much more pretty spot so to me this is all about the luck of the draw when it comes to um

The playoffs and can this team go in there and destroy a team like the Clippers by spreading the ball out like we do I mean the Clippers are an incredible team so this is all about sitting down and recognizing where this team is at now personally when I break

It down and I look at every single team I I I look at the West teams as being the only teams that could beat us in a seven game series period there’s no teams so if we make it to the finals the finals is over in five

Games I mean it’s just it it is like that because this team is so much more advanced and people like oh dude no the Celtics are good I I get that I understand that but there’s no way no [ __ ] way the Celtics are going to be in the championship healthy just

Not you know there’s no way in the world that the heat if they make it to the championship are going to be healthy because they they rely on their Stars so much that they’re putting out 40 minutes a game or 35 38 minutes a game you know

The thunder look at Shay man he’s just he’s cruising at that like 33 34 35 minute Mark you know like that’s what needs to happen for these guys to be able to stay long longevity of the game and then you start looking at Tatum and

Like man he’s had a Deep Run and and Brown’s had a Deep Run in the playoffs every single year for the last three years four years so there’s give you know then you start looking at the west and you saying Okay can Joker stay healthy can these other guys stay

Healthy for Denver and then you start wondering I don’t know that’s hard and then you start looking at the Clippers I mean they they’re full of guys notorious for getting injured and that’s when you guys stop and think like at what point is it going to give because some of these guys some

Of these teams they have 15 17 games in March you know and that’s a killer schedule man and we are gonna be you know tuned in and ready to go because we already know what we we’re going to do when we have 17 games in a in a month so

Having 13 14 15 games in a month is easy this team is different bro and and if you want to if anybody else wants to sit there and say that that this is not a contending year then you’ve just got to watch and see what this team has done

Consistently yo one second bro good but and that’s what it ising the consistency recognizing the efficiency and once that all happens and once we can get that all on line then this team was all going to mesh together and come together and that’s why for me

Like I’m looking at this team and I’m looking at this organization I’m looking at how Sam prey has put everything together and I got to say is that if this is not a championship caliber year then I don’t know what it is I don’t know what is I don’t know what the the

Proof of a um Championship caliber year is because if you can’t see it as simple as one two3 in front of you like it is then I don’t know what you’re doing yo and obvious [ __ ] high from this win we smashed them like gidy triple double in three quarters bro I

Mean not stop that for a second Josh gidy triple double in 21 minutes man I mean just like let that sit like like I just I know Victor just did it a triple double in less than 20 minutes I get that right congratulations a little over 20

But but look at what Josh has done in the last 12 games man and you got to stop and just start wondering like why are people still adding them to like these trade ideas you gotta stop because it’s disrespect because Josh Josh is playing at such a different level on

Defense offense rebounding he’s doing so much right now he’s turned it up huge way and I’m just proud of the young man he’s done a great job and I I can’t say anything more except I I I hope he continues to get better because last night Mark let’s break that down the

Biggest change I saw in our offense was was what J jdub was the point God last night he had he’s coming down the ball you know Bringing Down the ball a ton you had him passing to Josh giddy Josh giddy making the move I like that because these guys are always open

On the Baseline like we sneak behind the defense so well and when you have joshh giddy getting the ball or Shay getting the ball first and running the offense right away and jdub’s able to sneak around to the back door like he does so well it’s so beautiful man like I swear

To God like jdub had at least four um four back door Cuts or four back you know sitting in the back door just waiting there yeah dude and I want to say something to Mega T because he brought up Blazers fans being really depressed from this and I understand we were there

Okay we were there in fact I looked at it December second I think was the the day 200 2001 was the year so basically a little over two years ago now right 25 months yeah we went from being there to where we are I mean I understand why that’s hard but I’ll say

Something about the Blazers they didn’t turn on each other and we talked about that after our 73o loss or whatever um the most impressive thing was the way that the team handled it and we weren’t depressed off of off of it like it sucked we knew we saw it a long

Way to go but when you see a team start turning on each other that’s when that’s really bad yeah and that’s really sad and I I really appreciate what chony bips was able to do he was continuing teaching the team all the way down I doubt he got into the locker room and

Started yelling at them like the truth is they have a long way to go they’re still figuring out a lot of things he may not be the guy that leads him there yeah but the truth about what it takes to get to the next level yeah like to

Where we are not every team gets that like yeah they’re going through a rebuild but we have Sam pry and when you have Sam [ __ ] prey uh the baddest [ __ ] general manager to ever walk this Earth and I know that I say that with all du respect to the

Great Jerry West red hour back but the way that Sam pry does it like is different yo it’s different like you look at each one of Jerry West’s tra trades like he was bringing in everybody knew was the best player and he teamed him up with what somebody else that

Everybody knew was the best player right like he figured out ways to like GLW these stars together you know magic and Kareem and you know like even going back when he was a player and he was with like finally teamed up with wilt like people knew what they were getting they

Were getting a known commodity sha and Kobe you know what I mean like this is and red was red was like the mafia yeah gangster and red was the mafia yeah if you if you decided not to do a deal with red then you would find a horse head in your in your

Bed yeah and I just think like the way Sam does it through the draft it should give teams hope but man you gotta ask yourself who’s running your organization um I think it’s really important to have like the best people possible at every position it’s a great

Idea to have young coaches and let them grow with the players um you have Supreme Talent on your team but if you don’t have somebody you know leading this who does the things that Sam pry does like when we talk about prey at a game we he’s always sitting where he

Watch he’s watching the bench he’s watching the bench and he’s watching the game he’s taking in the the atmosphere of the team the way that players encourage each other and a lot of the decisions that are made yeah there are some players who could be replaced but they’re great teammates and when you

Have great teammates and you have great leaders on the bench then good things happen and this is about camaraderie I know that there’s a lot of talk and we’ve even engaged in it a little bit about the type of player and if we will

Go out and get a trade should we do it or not and a lot of people of the opinion that we should just kind of let this team you know continue to cook and let see what happens and I agree I do think there are times when teams are

Getting ready to get rid of players and they’re willing to give up a pick to get rid of a player because of bad money and stuff like that we might find ourselves engaging in that and even bringing somebody in who could be a positive locker room person maybe even get some

Minutes but what we’re going to see with this team either way is is really more of the same and that’s great because there’s no reason to think that this team has any ceiling whatsoever and if we don’t win a championship this year that’s fine but we should be the

Favorite for next year there’s no doubt about that and I know that a lot of people will be like oh H Heming and hawing about doing that this early but as the season approaches and as the talking heads out there start saying like who was the best team that was up

And coming last year and who has more everybody’s going to say the Thunder everybody so Dave I know that you’re still not ready to give a free pass anybody and and I appreciate you for being so dog goddamn dogging about it but listen man even Tyler Parker you

Know I’m willing to take that dunce Crown right off his head if he’s willing to repent of his ways get on his knees and thank s prey for shedding blood so we could all have a chance to live in glory together um yeah guys um you know repent repent of your

Sins I I think when when push comes to shove is um I just appreciate our community I appreciate each and every single one of you guys that has consistently um told us we’re not crazy for believing that this Thunder team is for Real U and believing that this team

Was going to be good this year and this was not going to be a bottom of the the the line for this team um you guys have like there’s been times that Mark and I have gotten off of here and been like man I is it cool that we just said that

This team was going to win 50 plus games you know like is it is that going to be an issue like you know and and every single time we’ve get text messages emails um you know um chats and and responses on here that just are echoing

What we’re saying and and and when push comes to shove there’s few people that Mark and I get excited about talking to but when we go live we know exactly the people that are going to show up here and we know exactly the people we’re

Going to talk to and it just it means a lot to us and and getting text messages from an when he’s at the game um about uh uh his seats and what he’s doing and the the crowd sound after the game it was just it was just it’s just

Incredible man like the community that has been built in this uh beautiful space that we call YouTube is great and we like you guys and we want to keep you guys around so we appreciate you and we’ve we’ve been busy holidays and I’m just glad that Dave and I have had

The chance to spend so much time with our families um I’m still in a lot of transition so I’m obviously in a new place than I was a few days ago that’s because it’s like 15 degrees outside and I don’t want to be up in the attic but

Um stick with us you know we’re still trying to pop every day Dave you’ve been killing it with the shorts you got me in on the action now so I’ll a couple shorts fun dude it is you guys can see were pumped whenever you see some of

These plays because dude that one you posted a minute ago um jdub with the block and then the dunk on the other end um if that doesn’t give you a basketball you watch that live yeah but when you watch that live and when you see that energy that he just blocked it

And then he gets there and then he gets back door on this guy that’s trying to hold him up and then dunks it it’s like this this this is different you know like that’s why we we put these shorts out there for you guys is because you’re

Seeing the plays over and over and over again and you get to see that that beautiful moment that this player does something special and if you guys have recommendations for music right put it in the comments and we will or not this comment but any comment of our shorts

And we will definitely put a song we will we’ll make a song of that we’ll put a uh you know whatever we can to make sure that we get music that you guys enjoy because we just do music that um we enjoy and we hear before games um and

That’s what we go with so um again thank you guys we appreciate it

The Last Storm

#thunderup #okcthunder #oklahomacitythunder #shaigilgeousalexander #chetholmgren #jalenwilliams #joshgiddey #ludort


  1. You’re right Mark this team needs to cook and simmer… like when you make a beef stew and Everyone knows… it always taste better a few days later.. I say let this team Siimmer as is… no major trades

  2. As a kung fu guy I knew this new era was coming bout 10yrs ago when I heard players talking about their training in terms of craft and being in the lab etc, this is like kung fu guys talk or dancers etc, this team is uncommon/unique. I can't imagine how good they will play in a couple of years, moving as one,thinking as one , collective super high IQ, we are going to see something special, we are seeing it already in its infantcy

  3. Love Coach D saying we own that record loss…we wear it as a badge of honour as a scar of growth…here in Aus our biggest day is Anzac Day where we honour of armed forces and remember the battle at Gallipoli in ww1, we were slaughtered, our greatest loss😢, but how we loss is what defines us and gave birth to nations identity.❤

  4. Shout out to Chip Engelland!
    1st in the NBA in FG%
    1st in the NBA in 3 PT %
    1st in the NBA in FT %

  5. Heck yeah, Thunder Up! Thought you'd be blown away by that huge W over Portland. Enjoying the shorts, my humble music request, anything by System Of A Down would be lovely <3

  6. apparently Giddy's triple double was the first time anyone had done that in under 25mins @ 100% FGS
    Just one more NBA record for the record breaking slob wizard

  7. Boricua Hispanic indian n black IAM.. Puerto Rican. OKC is the championships. They going to win the championship today is 1_13_24. They blowing up the Portland trail blazers. They won Boston n Denver. OKC is the MVP team . Shai is the MVP n chet is the MVP rookie n Jalen is the MVP all-star game. Dort joe josh Mann dieng waters wallace era the back up for OKC . Just keep playing like that n win the championship is your no let other team get it, is your OKC. The bulls won 6 championship Jordan Pippen n rodman n Horace. Kobe Bryant n Shaq O'Neal. Tim Duncan n David Robinson. Curry n Klay Thompson. Dwayne n lebron James. Now is Shai chet n Jalen , n the other players to young teens talented players. The teens titan . Young teens talented players.

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