@Detroit Pistons



[Applause] Welcome to the Piston fanatic I’m your host Dave Dalton and I’m excited to share my passion and perspective of our Detroit Pistons as we go on this Fantastic Voyage together I’ve been a DieHard piston fan since the days of Dave Bing and Bob laner I’ve also been

The varsity basketball coach of a very successful program in northern Michigan well thank you so much for listening please like And subscribe we just got done with a heartbreaking loss last night to the Houston Rockets 112 to 110 and with 6.6 seconds left we call timeout down by

Two run up a play get the ball to Ivy he’s going toward the basket and then they back off him so he pulls up and shoots the three and he shoot has he’s been struggling from the three but he it banked off the backboard it went in the

Basket it CED around the rim it went halfway down the hole popped out Duren gets his hands both hands on the ball for easy put back but the ball escapes his hands and he fumbles it and then we lose it and we lose the game and it’s

Just like so typical what can happen to this team they fought hard they played really well for the most part it was a thrilling game to be at I mean with four minutes left a little over four minutes left Ivy drives right through the traffic with everybody surrounding him

And he just hammers it one-handed and he hangs on the rim by one hand and it was really cool and then another time ibe penetrates to the basket and then late in the game and he dishes it to Duren and Duran monster dunk and it was so so

Cool lot of lot of great plays in the game but then we come down and then Fred Van Fleet their veteran player knocks down a three and then a two and we just we made some turnovers one time we drove in got the ball to Duran he fumbles it

It was a bounce pass pass it wasn’t a bad pass but he you know sometimes he he he has such strong hands and he’s such a great rebounder he’s one of the best rebounders in the league and it just surprises me sometimes he gets his hands

On two hands on a rebound and he loses it but anyway the big story for me was you know we didn’t we played with out bogy has cting him so you know that’s what why he missed so much in the season so I hope that isn’t a longterm thing again I you

Know we either want him to play for us or we want to trade him we don’t want him injured no matter what and then Kate didn’t play so it’s another game without Kade and this the best that we looked and you know I critical of mon and I’m

Going to be critical of him again tonight but he did a little bit better job on the rotation we’re going to get into that he did a little bit better job picking the starters and Diving up the minutes but things still need to get better but here’s the story Thursday

There was a big organizational meeting they Monty was asked about why he hasn’t played Ivy at the point and he said there’s a big organizational meeting on Thursday and one of the things that was pointed out to Williams was Ivy as the ball lead ball handler it hasn’t

Happened much well if you’ve been listening to my podcast I have been begging for two things for well lots of things but one of the things I’ve been begging for is for Cade and Ivy to be staggered so one of them had the ball in

Their hands all the time so if Kade was you know if they played together they can play together and when they play together I want Ivy to have the ball part of the time I I would say I want Kade to have the ball more than ivy for

Sure but I would want Ivy to have the ball some of the time when Kade so if Ivy has the ball and he’s penetrating and then he’s got Kade and um bogey to Dish it to on the wings or even knocks or even stew and then um dur in the

Dunker spot things can happen things can happen good so but you know I’ve been saying this I said this before the season that they they need a sagum and they never staggered they’re always on the court at the same time and Kate plays more than Ivy by a significant

Amount but but but there’s very few times there’s never a time when Ivy got to be on the court without Cade where he got to handle the ball because even when Kade and boogi and Ivy play together so often ivy goes long stretches without touching the ball and he’s not a perfect

Player he hasn’t you know he’s really been struggling on his three-point shot and again it’s just his form I I want I was hoping to get to talk to him but and yell out to him to extend his arm and hold his follow through because that’s

Where the problem is but so he hits that shot and and we win the game if he hit that three-pointer with you know when at right near the buzzer but it was just it was a crushing beat uh defeat for us but the guys played really hard but anyway

So i’ like I said I’ve been talking about Ivy getting be the the main ball handler and he’s never gets a chance to Killian always has the ball or Kate always has the ball and iy has been spent a lot of time in the corner and he

Steps out of bounds when he’s in the corner so we don’t want him in the corner but anyway um here’s what Monty said he said says I have to eat it I wish I did it earlier well you’ve been watching him 39 games you’ve been you had preseason with them

And you haven’t figured out but my biggest thing is did Monty ever take the time to watch last year’s tape the games from last year Ivy handled the ball Ivy was our point guard the last month and a half and he was Sensational he shot high percentage he had at least six averaged

Over six assists a game and his turnovers weren’t bad and so he did it so he’s now Monty’s saying if I give him a small package to utilize be utilized as the lead ball handler I think he can grow into that environment Omani it’s on tape it was

That last year and then and then so last night this happens he you know he says I fell into it tonight and kind of kick myself for not doing it earlier because he had Ivy had a long stret where he was out for a while he said a long stretch

And out for a while well he kept him out for a long time so Monty says say stuff about he had the meeting before about you know playing Ivy at the point some but here we play this game playing Houston they have a good team there they

Have a winning record Ivy’s out there for the first seven minutes and then he sits him down and then Ivy does not get in until there’s five minutes left in the second quarter so Killian starts the game plays doesn’t get subbed out when iy gets subbed out

Way after iy gets subbed out and he gets subbed in way before iy gets subed backed in and you know Monty said I kind of kick myself for not doing it earlier you know we’ve all been wanting it all you guys all my listeners have

Been wanting it you know and by the way one of the coolest things in the world happened at that game I I’m out in The Concourse talking to um an a coach that I coach against and he was talking about how he used to coach Fred Van Fleet and

He’s coached Fred for years when he was younger and now Fred donates money to his Au program and what a great guy Fred is and then while I’m out there talking to him Gabe one of my listeners longtime listeners and that always is really good in the comments Gabe just happens to be

Walking by and sees me so then my we I had good seats but I um there were a lot of people not there because it was a terrible storm so I’m driving down there there’s terrible storm but then we my grandson went with me and we slide over

To some better seats and and I’m sitting there right in front of this guy and all of a sudden for whatever oh he turns to me and and he he recognizes me from the podcast so Jerome jome Garett he was from up North but he lives down um he

Lives down state now but he it was really cool we had a lot of great uh conversations during the game about what was going on and then these guys sitting behind me they were hockey players and Ryan shout out to Ryan he had his birthday that yesterday and he’s turned

30 but those guys they were cheering for Houston but they were still nice they gave us got these t-shirts I got one t-shirt and then my they gave one to my grandson so that was really cool of those guys and got talk a little about basketball but they were really cool

Guys and they said they were going to watch the podcast so if you’re watching Ryan and your friends thank you it was nice to meet you but anyway uh back again to Monty he says he kind of fell into it he should have done it earlier

Um because but he had that long stretch and then he so then he plays him at the point and you know how can that not have been thought of before how can I I’ve been mentioning in all my podcasts and I again Monty doesn’t listen to my podcast

But I’ve been I said it before the season started that they need to stagger them and play them and let iy play on the ball some so anyway that was interesting and then Killian still played more minutes than iy but um it was double it was bobblehead night so

Houston and Detroit both had bobblehead nights for a s and a men they at everybody that came in at they gave away at least 5,000 at in Houston to the with when Detroit played them in Houston and they they gave them away tonight last night at uh Lil Caesars and they’re

Pretty cool bobbleheads oh there they are and it was cool they got to play against each other they guarded each other for parts of the game but they were great they were and especially assar was great and amen kind of played better at Houston but assar certainly

Played better last night but assar their their middle name is the letters x l n c both of them have the same middle name and it’s for excellence that their parents and their parents worked them really hard when they were kids and they were seven years old and they were

Running like two miles a day and doing 100 push-ups and I don’t know what all they did but they and they really were worked on their dribbling all the time and their ball skills so that was really cool to watch them play but assar was brilliant and you know he just needs to

Play more have you heard that on this podcast he he played um not enough minutes he played 18 minutes in partway they had Stu coming in for him and he got to play some extra minutes because there was not a dead ball to get Stu back in the game so he

Got to play he was only going to play like 16 minutes but he got two extra minutes because there was not a dead ball but he had 18 18 minutes eight rebounds he was two for three shooting the only shot he missed was a three and

Again I my opinion is he needs to get better at his shooting his threes before he shoots them keep shooting them in NBA games when we we’re trying to win but I mean some people might differ for that but he has so at halftime well first

Before the game Stu this is his first game back he’s been gone for weeks but Stu was out there and before the game and his shot looked amazing way better even I mean it’s been not bad his shots not bad it’s just he’s not a willing shooter he doesn’t see himself as a

Shooter so he doesn’t hardly shoot and he passes up open shots but last night he didn’t pass open up shot open shots but he looked way more aggressive shooting the ball during the game and late in the game he missed one and every play obviously every possession is huge

And we were down by five we get the ball he had just missed one a little bit before that and then Stu Nails one and it was huge basket but Stu played really well last night but he um so they’re out there shooting at halftime warming up for the second half

And assar is right down in the corner right by me and he gets his left hand all the way back behind the ball instead of putting it up on the side of the ball his hands back here I’ve never seen a good shooter that shoots with their left

Hand behind the ball and obviously somebody’s had to teach him that he’s out there he’s in the corner I watched him other games he gets there early he spends lots of time practices in the corner three because that’s where he Monty pushes him but last night they ran

Some pick and rolls with him and they did that earlier in the season and it worked I mean he got a dunk last night doing it but it just it creates it makes it so his man can’t just sag and help it you know so it’s effective but I just

Hopefully we can do it more going forward but anyway so they’re out there shooting I’m trying to yell to assar get your left hand on the side of the ball which I’m a fool you know I’m sure he’s probably not going to listen to me anyway but there there’s like three or

Four rows of seats in the front right down by the court between me and where he was and so he he didn’t hear me and then Stu’s walking over there towards him to shoot probably some Corner threes and then Stu’s listening he said what he he can’t hear me either because it’s too

Noisy in there but and then Stu passes me the ball and I just passed it back to him but I Tred to I try to tell him to get tell assar to get his left hand up on the side of the ball so anyway that’s just a story that you get from going

Down to the game so it was a lot of fun but um I just I just want to see those guys playing and another big thing I mean I I my my starting lineup I wanted is Kate Ivy assar bogy and Duran and then you can even switch Stu and assar

If you need to But whichever one of them don’t start they need to play you know a lot of minutes and so um st’s on and off numbers are the highest on the team and our defense has been way worse since he was injured so and some of those are coincidence and

Some of those and there there’s certainly things that Stu isn’t great at but with the team that we have right now he’s definitely one of our seven best players and so he he needs to be on the court but um how many minutes have those guys played together Kate Ivy assar

Bogie and Duran how many or even Kade Ivy assar Stu and Duran how many minutes have those guys play I just want to see those I want to see those guys play together I want to see those guys play together a lot of minutes and see what

Happens but we don’t even get a chance to but but what does the heck you know Monty he says these things and so he’s saying this about letting um iy have the balmore but he said things before and he’s never followed through with them he

You know he says them and then he just doesn’t maybe he’ll do it for part a minute and then he just goes back to be in Monty and again he he says he made a comment I read somewhere where he said Kevin Knox is definitely deserves to be

An NBA player and a rotation player or whatever he said and he said you know and there’s no reason that somebody that’s as good as him should have been not having a job in the NBA because he he played great but Monty Williams he played that game where we beat Toronto

And we broke the streak and then he played the next game and then you start livers for like 10 not 10 games like five games in a row so now livers isn’t starting so many games starting he’s also reduced liver minutes but my contention still is instead of playing

Um assar only 18 minutes which again he got some bonus minutes tonight and usually doesn’t even get to play 18 minutes give him the minutes that you’re giv delivers so I don’t know it’s just real frustrating that Umar I mean these guys those hockey players Ryan and his

Buddies were sitting behind me and they don’t even know the players they they I don’t know why they’re at the game they’re just hanging out for Ryan’s birthday party I don’t know but anyway there was a time when assar went and got a rebound and his his whole body and his

Chest were like a above all these players down on the court and he he was so high up to get the rebound and it just it just blew them away so anyway he he he was so good last night you know you play 18 minutes and you two for

Three and you get eight rebounds and you know you get Steals and blocks and why did why doesn’t he play and he’s going to make mistakes he’s going to make mistakes but you put him in you know some pick and roll situations you don’t just sit him in the corner the whole

Time but just see what happens again let him run the floor he he was playing with energy he was getting rebounds I mean eight rebounds in 18 minutes that’s insane um so anyway I and then my Subs Off the Bench I would play Stu Knox Sasser and Bagley and so that’s a

Nine-man rotation and you’re going to stagger people not just one starter in the game at a time but two starters on the floor at a time but then those nine players and see what happens and I mean if one of them starts not playing well then let somebody else play a little bit

Oh anyway I I made a huge mistake I I mean I left out Burks so Burks has to play Burks has just been cooking lately so um it’s funny that um that d r d rokovich that as the Raptor coach I heard somebody on the podcast say that

That’s the kind of Coach an NBA former NBA player saying that’s the kind of which I want to play for you know he’s let his players know he’s got their back he got f 25 million that was really a low um number for what I thought he was

Going to get fined I thought he’d get finded a little bit more but anyway Kevin Knox like I said he he was really great last night 35 minutes 7even for nine two for four on threes three for three from the line he had he attacked the basket he got some dunks he drove

The ball hard seven rebounds which he doesn’t always do he doesn’t always shoot great from three but he was really hot last night and it made a big difference and he’s clearly better than livers two assists one steal two blocks 19 points I mean that’s a big- Time game

So um St 29 minutes and he’s just coming back he hasn’t played in a long time and I know that was a little bit challenging for him but he was six for 13 but he was looking to shoot the ball he was looking to shoot the three he was looking he’s

Hesitant even under the basket he’s throughout his career he shot really poorly for a center down by the basket um his around the room percentages is has been low but he he was forceful and of course they the Rockets don’t have really have a shot blocker so that was

An advantage and shanon is is big but he’s not that tall and he can’t jump that high but anyway so six for 13 three for eight on threes including that one big one down in the last couple minutes one for two on free throws he shot one a

Little bit short seven rebounds one assist three turnovers too many but he’s had 16 points so uh Jaden Ivy 28 minutes like I said he he played the first seven minutes and then he sat him and then he got his third foul well he ended up the game

With three fouls but he sat a long time Monty even acknowledged and knew that I sat him for a long time and then I decided I was going to use him as finally put him back in the game and I’m going to let him play point and he until

The end we you know we got careless with the ball we did what we usually do we just turn it over Ivy had some turnovers I think and like I said Duran dropped a ball in his P hands would it was a bounce pass so that’s not always easy he

Was going to have a dunk but he fumbled it but anyway Ivy eight for 19 but only one for six on three so his three-point shot has been killing him his form is off and his shot is off and his confidence is off so he um he’s got to

Get that figured out and then the same thing impacting I mean he’s a 80% he was a 80% free throw shooter for over half the season one for four tonight and free throws were a huge factor in this game you know our lack of shooting them well

But he had seven rebounds five offensive rebounds this little he he’s one of the ler guys I mean he’s not obviously a little ass Sasser but he’s 6’4 and there’s most of those guys FR B fleets not as tall as he is but most of the everybody always in the league is taller

And he gets these offensive rebounds he just goes up there and it’s like he’s jumping off a trampoline and he goes so hard after it but five offensive rebounds eight rebounds he had a block three turnovers 18 points and he was plus seven and uh Duran was plus n so

Those were the two highest plus minus again that’s not always accurate cou was minus 10 Knox was minus1 uh Killian was minus 7 Begley minus two but the other guy that was plus Aur Thompson plus five and he has 18 minutes so um Duran played 32 minutes

He was 7even for 12 and he they called a charge on him against shanon and shenon was um so aggressive he was playing Bully ball he he took the ball right at us man he he was 12 for 19 29 Points he was people are saying he’s an All-Star

He can’t he can dunk he can get up but he’s not great leaper but he’s strong and forceful but and we did steal it from him sometimes where he forced it but he just he just lowers his shoulder and bangs right into guys and that’s how

He and then he shoots his little jump Hooks and that’s how he scored but um Duran took it ad him quite a few times but Duran was 7even for 12 he’s looking to attack off the dribble more he was one for two on free throws eight rebounds which is I don’t remember the

Last time when he didn’t get double digits and rebounds but three assists two steals one block two turnovers 15 points so he had another good game and again he he fumbled the ball and some like I said sometimes he fumble his offensive rebounds when he gets his

Hands on it and it’s kind of weird because sometimes his hands seem so strong kilan Hayes all of you guys most all of you feel the same way as I do and when is it and how does it keep on happening and he 29 minutes two for six 0 for two on

Threes and then he has the gumption he’s not shooting free throws good he he’s missed every technical he shot and he steps to the line to shoot the technical last night and he made it so that was you that was one of his Five Points um he had four rebounds eight assists which

He he does a good passer but you just can’t afford to have a guy play that as many minutes he does that can’t score and it’s two for six and 0 for two and it’s consistently every night it’s not like he’s up and down but he was minus 7

So Bagley Where Have You Been Marvin Begley he did his normal Marvin Bley only 12 minutes what does he do four for six three for four on free throws four rebounds one assist one steal 11 points 11 points in 12 minutes and on only six

Shots and so I mean I he’s not a great defensive player but you know he can play and he can score the ball and he it’s not a fluke when he does it he can do it and he he’s consistent so liver got to play 16 minutes he did his

Typical Thing One for four he’s one for four on threes and I I keep saying he’s a better shooter than that but he never proves that I’m he he’s well he shot better last game but one assist and three points and minus three I already did a SARS but

Burks he’s flamethrower that dude 30 minutes seven for four shooting five for n on threes man if some team needs shooting they better get that guy and give us a first round pick but he had you know his contract’s up at the end of

The year so and he’s at least 32 he had one assist and two blocks two turnovers 19 points but he was minus 11 so a lot of that sometimes depends on who you’re playing with Sasser and I know a lot of you want sasher to play more and I don’t

Know what we have to lose to play him a little bit more 11 minutes he was 0 for two 0 for one on threes and he is but he’s a legitimate three-point shooter and Ivy’s had four years I mean not Ivy Killian’s had four years to show that he

Can’t shoot the three four years and Sasser shown that he can do it and he did it in college coming into the draft killing we knew that was one of the things he was he’s not a shooter so but the big thing is 11 minutes he had seven assists seven

Assists in 11 minutes and only one turnover so that was good but we shot 50% they shot 46% so we shot better than they did we shot 34% and they shot 27% on threes and but where we lost it we were 10 for 16 and they were 22 for 25 on

Free throws so they outscored Us by 12 and you lose a game you know and shoot that bad of a percentage on free throws that’s really hard to swallow so Fred Van Fleet though he was impressive the dude is he was the least athletic player

On the court last night and he he was also the highest paid player on the court by double I mean I’m sure he had he makes double what the next closest player on the court makes and he deserves it man he 12 you know 20 points 12 in the fourth quarter

And like five down the stretch that were big baskets 12 assists how many turnovers do you think he had zero and so that’s that’s a point guard they’re paying him 40 over 40 million a year so that’s Max money Jaylen green was drafted right after Cade he had 28

Points he looks incredible but he was 9 for 25 his his shooting percentage and actually van fleet’s shooting percentage is only around 40 and greens is only about 40 and his 3point percentage is only about 30 but he gets lots of shots up so he had 28 points

Um yeah it was cool though sigon was you know I don’t like him but he at at the game a kid was there and he had a sign up with his name on it like he was my favorite player and before the game they were warming up and he stood down there

Holding up a sign and andon came over and got pictures with the kids autographed a sign and it was really nice to see you know when NBA players treat people like like that so anyway I had a blast at the game I had a blast meeting some of our

Listeners and I hope sometimes it’ll happen again in the future with some other listeners but I do appreciate me is really cool for me to feel like you know this is like a community uh that you know even there’s like a connection even though it’s just through the screen

But it’s really been a lot of fun please again subscribe and like big thing tomorrow night go lions and it’s pretty exciting Sam lorta I I thought he was done for the year and it looks like Sam leaport is going to get to play but that’s maybe wishful thinking maybe

He’ll be limited how good he can play but you know it’s going to be a tough game you know the Rams are good they got Matthew Stafford and they’ve been on a roll lately so hopefully our Lions can do it but again um we got to win the

Game Monday we play on Martin Luther King day we play against the Wizards and that’s certainly a beatable team but thank you for listening be the reason that somebody feels cared for and loved and go Pistons


  1. Monty needs to be real and play our rookies and he needs to stand up for our team in game even though we are struggling that shows YOU CAREEEE

  2. Next game will end, in a loss, Monty will say it's his fault, Monty will make 0 adjustments. Rinse and repeat

    Fire Weaver

  3. Glad to see you made it home safe the weather was pretty bad last night. I was getting worried wondering where the new video was 😭 we almost had the W last night

  4. Did you see Monty's comments during the press conference? It was real bad. Monty is lying about not knowing to give Ivey a larger role.

  5. well glad everything turned out well (in terms of safe travel, and it seems like you had a good time (including meeting people))

    also a close game at least from the score, and it sounds like there were chances to win/tie it with Ivey and Duren

  6. Said all season that Cade was being over used n should play off ball more. Additionally at age 35, said Bojan should come off the bench, etc, etc, smh

  7. Is sad that it took a third of the season, pre-season and training camp for Monty to figure that out. He is being paid 13mil/ year, he has a coaching staff. That's a fireable offense. Heck the owner had to tell him to play Ivey more minutes. That's ridiculous.

  8. Fans need to be more patient with Ausar. It's OK if he comes in on the 2nd unit as defensive stopper until he develops an outside shot. Remember that's how Rodman started out. Same thing with Tayshaun Prince.

  9. I think the Warriors, Lakers, Kings, Heat, Magic, and Knicks all need a shooter. And the Knicks also need big. I hope after January 15th we hear that Pistons have traded Bagley and Burks for Evan Fournier and they 1st rd draft pick. Then we can trade Bogdanovic and get a 1st pick. With those trades they could go to Utah in the off-season when we see what pick we have, and offer 4 1st Stewart and Ivey for Markkanen and John Collins. That's 42 mil of the 113-115.7 mil. Still have 77mil plus to use. They can move Markkanen to the small forward and and still get, Siakam, Bridges(cheap) , or Tobias. The point I'm trying to make is the money is there for them to make something happen. If Atlanta is desperate to get off Dejonte contract. Make them give him up for nothing but expiring contracts. Imagine a starting line up of Cade, Murray, Markkanen, Siakam and Duren. Bench of Sasser, Monk, Ausar, Collins and Saric. You have shooters and defense. And you still have money to add players.

  10. What do you think of this trade. The Kings have Kevin Huerte on the trade market. He is having a down year, but he is 6'7 and 38% career 3pt shooter on 5.7 attempts. The Kings also need a scorer. Bogdanovic and Killan for Huerte, Trey Lyles, and a 1st. I think that's a win-win trade for both teams. Should they include Ivey in a trade, to get Markkanen, Huerte can take his spot. And Lyles is a solid 2nd or 3rd pf off the bench.

  11. Now that's a free agent signing. Going out and coming back with Fred VanVleet as oppose to going out and coming back with a broke down Monty Morris and a broke down, old Joe Harris. Get Weaver the hell up outta here. And take your bum draft pick Killian Hayes with you. Take Wiseman and Livers with you as well.

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