@Denver Nuggets

MPJ, Aaron Gordon, & Reggie Jackson on Jokic’s Incredible No-Look Pass

MPJ, Aaron Gordon, & Reggie Jackson on Jokic’s Incredible No-Look Pass

Lock to the game plan and they what had to be done they got us off to a good start in the second we tried to keep it going how difficult is I mean that team came in is a really hot basketball difficult is it to kind of keep a team

Like that under control uh definitely definitely keep B know confidence is there they expect to play well um we just for enough to get stopped today and like I said being keyed in locked in make sure that we defend in the paint make sure that we take care transition

Defense um really helps us out today obviously a triple double from but Michael J is the one I want to really kind of hold in on 20 and 10 for him um what did you see uh I think he was really locked on defense I think he

Played well um I think he got him going U getting some defense stops getting getting some defensive rebounds really just open up the basket for him we all know he’s one of the best Shooters in the league so we need him to keep hunting shots but I think ke in on the

Other side really helped him just get a nice flow in the game last thing 12 points for You Off the Bench talk about your gam tonight U trying to do my part do anything I can help the second unit TR in the right direction we know we

Have the best starting five in the league um our whole thing is to hold them down or try to push the lead appreciate it appreciate what do you think of that Y no look over that pass that was nice definitely seen it coming um it was very interesting uh he turned

Away halfway turned turned back back away from where he was originally going um yeah I think that was just a slight enough distraction open up the window to get to pass Ag and a did what he does and finishes you saw it coming though um yeah playing with him for a while this

Is similar I mean I was like oh I was y I might try this it’s just always fun to be that he actually does do yeah how rated AG’s hands to be on the receiving end of some of those passes AG he’s probably got the best hands in the league honestly he’s

Probably got some of the strongest hands um yeah I’m pretty sure he makes a lot of bigs jealous the way he RS the basket the way he can protect it can rarely ever strip him um even when he gets some traffic so no it’s unreal his hand coordination is Split Second I’m ability

To be able to catch it and then to really still read the floor and finish no problem Scrabble worth 30 points 30 points speaking of he had another triple double and always plays wellam what is it about certain teams that play well against certain teams explain

That um I don’t know M do he’s been hot for a while so i’ like a match up like a scheme um a lot of teams trying to take Mike out of the game but he did a good job scoring from three different levels told them you know when they’re indu the

Hall of Fame that’s one of the P that they’re going to put there I Am like what was the difference just sort of energy wise between Wednesday Andes night you guys from from the opening T really um I mean we knew they’ be getting off to really strong first quarter so that was es um and then compared to last game man I mean

Obviously being at home helps us but we got to be a better Road team and you know come with that same energy I feel like uh here at home we run a lot more so but really the emphasis was you know we got kind of embarrassed um on

National TVD of the night we just want to come and uh kind of redeem ourselves tonight Mike feels like sorry a few times a year you guys have one of these games where you’re getting out and running everyone’s getting dunks what what kind of allows you guys to have those kind of

Performances I think uh you know after a tough loss the other night um well we really didn’t like our energy we just came in the night and everybody was like okay I’m going to get my rest I’m going to get my sleep I’m going come in with

With high energy so that was pretty much it when yage had a pass like the over the head one do you guys sort of start to take those for granted at a certain point just because you can do things like that so commonly or or do you

Almost like bookmark ones like oh this is one of the best ones I’ve seen in a while uh no we we know he can do it I mean it’s it’s always uh amazing to see him do it but just like guys that can routinely make really tough shots or

Things like that we’ve we’ve grown accustomed to knowing that NOA uh pretty much has eyes in the back of his head so we know uh he can see the floor at all times um and we still admire the great passes but we definitely know he he sees

It has it changed the way that you play at all when you’re on the floor with him knowing that he can see everything yeah spacing um yeah just the the where I space I don’t need to come yeah yeah definitely um the spacing just differs when you have a guy

That can pass like that the way you’re spacing the floor I would say um and finding the gaps and just knowing he sees you in certain places are you um more motivated I guess to move out the ball you had a couple tonight where you cut in and he found

Jew underneath the basket he had a dunk out of it but are you like I guess more active yeah I mean we got a lot of guys that can make those passes Aaron can make those obviously Joker can um even DJ um we we I mean a part of our offense

Is based on cutting so that’s typical but yeah when Nia has it and you see kind of a one or two guys come to him you see a lane you know uh he’ll find you he’ll make the right play you’re on Pace for your most double doubles uh in

The season in your career is how much of like the explosive put back dunk you had tonight that was sick uh how much of that is your back feeling better and at the point where you’re at in your health uh I think is I haven’t had a game where

I had 10 rebounds uh for a while but it’s something I’m capable of doing every night if I put my mind to it so I need to be an emphasis for me um crashing the glass um yeah I mean part of it is God has allow me to stay healthy and my back

Has been feeling much better um than last year like I said last year was kind of rehabbing while I was playing you know and this year I haven’t had to rehab at all so it’s uh it’s been good and I just got to let that be an

Emphasis in my game every night Michael can you take a St put dunk that you had your eyes kind of light up when you you know if you get the timing right you’re going to be able to do that can you just take a story yeah what happened was um I

Think Joker drew two or maybe it was Jamal I think Jamal might have dribbled or whatever and um they they helped in in the paint and so they found kcp and my guy rotated kcp so um when KY P shot it I knew that I had a clear Lane to the

Hoop so I was like okay he’s either gonna uh make it or he’s gonna miss and I’mma it bounces right out of the dunk so I just kind of saw as I was running to the room like oh this is short I’m going jump right now and then uh then I got

It underhand pass you had in to Nia for the first bucket of the game seemed like a much harder pass to make than it looks what how comfortable with that play or was that just kind of like going on Vibes uh no I mean it was just uh I saw

Him he was ahead of his Defender and that was the easiest pass if I took it in two hands and tried to throw it overhand uh it wouldn’t have gotten there on time or so I just you know flipped it with one hand it wasn’t that hard of a

Pass anything else have you made that type of pass before ever uh I mean probably I don’t know like when but probably so before I probably had before I don’t know about full court like that but it wasn’t that hard so wasn’t hard but you never done it before right

Okay right all right thank you thank you guys

Michael Porter Jr. Press Conference + Aaron Gordon and Reggie Jackson talk about Nikola Jokic’s incredible No Look pass in the Denver Nuggets Locker Room after Win over New Orleans Pelicans. Michael Porter Jr: “I haven’t had a game where I had 10 rebounds for a while, but it’s something I’m capable of doing every night if I put my mind to it.” Reggie Jackson says he saw Nikola Jokic’s no-look pass to AG coming: “Playing with him for a while, I was like, hmm. If I was Joker I might try this.” Aaron Gordon says that the Pass and Dunk will be shown at Jokic’s Hall of Fame induction.

0:00 – Reggie Jackson
2:09 – Aaron Gordon
3:10 – Michael Porter Jr.

#denvernuggets #basketball #nba #nikolajokic


  1. Maybe getting a directional mic would fix your locker room mic issues. Cut out the ambient noise so we can hear conversation

  2. it's amazing how one player like Joker makes the whole team visible all over the planet.. Porter, Gordon, Braun and Watson are excellent players, but they would probably remain in the background of a wider audience if they played for another of the remaining 29 teams, no one would understand how much they are actually good players!! that's why Joker is mvp !!

  3. All the denver team shines because Jokic keeps the ball in the most favourable part of the court at all times, and all their players are excellent in their positions so they rarely fail

  4. they are all transgenders. FEMALE TO MALE FTM Transgender.
    Look how slope their shoulders are.
    and look how girly Aaron is.
    just because they are muscular dont mean they are real men.

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