@Atlanta Hawks

Hawks vs. Wizards Postgame Press Conference: Trae Young

Hawks vs. Wizards Postgame Press Conference: Trae Young

Instant reaction just what do you take away from tonight’s game and how do you guys bounce back from you know a second straight big loss yeah uh we got to find a way um I mean I’ve been down before and found a way to to fight back and

That’s just what it is I mean we’re in a uh just a a difficult situation right now we just got to figure it out we’ll get through it and um I I ain’t got no worry about it um Quinn was mentioning that you guys got a lot of good looks tonight the ball

Just wasn’t going in psychologically when you don’t see that happening how do you guys try to either bounce back or or or find a way to push through it yeah I mean that could be tough it can be deflating whenever you you get the looks that you I mean you want and were

Getting good shots and they just they just weren’t going in and is deflating and uh but I think the first half we still playing pretty good defense but also at the same time when you’re missing shots and shots that you’re I mean used to hitting or supposed to be

Making um it gives them good looks on the other end too especially if they get a rebound and we’re attacking the glass and we’re down in numbers or um I go in I shoot a layup and I’m on the ground there they have numbers so sometimes

When the ball don’t go in it it gives them momentum offensively and uh they were they knocked down some Shots tonight and that’s I mean that’s what can lead to it we don’t make shots try in the first quarter you took a deep three near the logo and then you you

Missed it and then you made it and then you shook your head like you should have made that the one before that as well what’s your mental process or what do you tell your teammates especially just keeping that confidence to keep shooting oh I mean I I’m constantly preaching to

My my teammates to keep shooting even when sadik will miss a couple early and we want him to keep shooting we want bogey to keep shooting we want uh jayen to shoot when he’s open and I mean everybody to keep shooting so um it’s no different whenever I’m I’m shooting they

They’re telling me to to keep shooting and uh I thought the first one should have went in and a couple of my shots have been going in and out and uh this just this part of it and um it’ll be a time where they they go back in and um

It’ll be rolling again so uh yeah everybody just kind of preaches to each other to kind of keep shooting try defensively are there one or two things you feel like if we can take care of these things a lot of the other things will solve themselves uh I don’t know if it’s just

One or two things I think it’s multiple things I mean we got to continue to I mean be in the right spots but also got to communicate where I mean if we’re switching or certain things and we got to continue to it’s not just one or two things I

Think also turning the ball over live um Can Can Hurt and I mean they got a lot of transition points as far as just us giving them the ball and turning it over and um sometimes I mean we just can’t do that like stuff like that and then uh I

Mean stuff like that we can fix for you you mentioned communicating better I’m just kind of curious what in kind of those tough moments it’s psychologically hard to communicate even more yeah I mean it’s it’s tough to communicate especially uh out on the floor um I mean

New Concepts guys are I mean it’s not like guys aren’t trying to like do certain things just guys are still like don’t know where they need to be but we got to talk through it and uh if we don’t know where we need to be then just

Continue to talk to each other and learn from each other and um I mean nothing great happens overnight so um this is a process and although our record is ass right now we can uh be a lot better um and we’ll be a lot better I mean this is

A this is a process so uh I’m not I’m not worried you guys are obviously capable of putting together big offensive runs it just never happened in the second half were you waiting for it to to happen and and and why couldn’t it why couldn’t it come tonight uh man uh

If I knew the answers we would have turned it around um we didn’t have a quarter over 30 tonight um that’s just not like us not scoring over 100 it’s not like us and um it I mean it stck saying it’s just one of those nights but

It’s one of those nights we played last night and played against a fast team that runs a lot and I guarantee they knew that um and wanted to push the pace and be physical and um just push it right back to us and uh it worked to

Their advantage tonight and um you never want it to be on the losing end of a game like this tonight but it’s part of it and um that’s what we got to learn and eventually we can’t have these types of games coach mentioned that you all

Played a lot of games recently was and without practice would that help with the communication yeah of course I mean and it’s I mean it’s hard CU people don’t necessarily know I mean uh Quinn is such a I mean cerebral coach and cerebral person he needs he needs time

He needs people in there that are going to listen and um I mean just give the effort that he says and uh it’s a lot like it’s it’s it’s a lot but it’s it can work like it can really work and uh it just takes time and it’s it’s going

To it’s going to take us some time and um the guys believe in them and um like you said like practice practice helps and uh when you have back Tob backs it’s hard to depend in a practice and even after that it’s hard to get into practice cuz you play a couple days

Later so I know it kind of frustrates him cuz he can’t put in his imprint and and instill it in our heads as much as he wants to but um and we’re a young team so you’re going to have Miss mishaps and certain things because it is

It is complicated but it it will work I really believe that so he just we just got to continue to get better and trust this process and understand uh it’s going to start raining eventually Ken last one Trey mentioned uh you playing the way that he wants to

And learning cops and so forth uh before the game he was talking about transition defense and like how if you’re getting back even if you’re behind the ball you know it’s it’s kind of tempting I think to to jog and think like oh the play is

Going to be made ahead of me but you you need to get back because you know maybe you need to get the rebound whatever is that one of those you know you mentioned I asked you before kind of what are some things that can be fixed with the

Defense is that one of more of those things of everybody getting back you know busting it to get back on defense after you know in a transition situation yeah of course but that’s like I said it’s not just one thing I think transition is definitely part of it

Something we can be better at and like I mentioned turnovers live ball turnovers hurt us when you’re giving them the ball and everybody and we give usually turn it over over the top of the key they already usually have numbers so it’s already tough and um but you definitely

Want to that’s definitely a part of our mentality qu Quinn has definitely been telling us to we got to be better in transition and I think we do we did a pretty good job early on and um they just they just kept pushing and kept running so that’s that’s pretty much it

But it’s not just one thing that we can point out on defense it’s a lot of things we can be better at thanks Trey got you

Hawks vs. Wizards Postgame Press Conference: Trae Young after 127-99 loss

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  1. How are we losing these type of games? Respect to the Wizards but we’re losing games we should be winning. I hate the possibility of DJ and Bogi leaving because I love those guys. I’ll cheer for them regardless. But I wish we’d keep them. Supposedly there are some changes looming with Hawks management looking to build around Trae and JJ. Whatever happens I hope it’s for the best. Trae’s our franchise player and we need get these pieces together so that we can get that chip!

  2. The difficult situation is y'all don't play hard number 1.Yall let one indiana pacer score on 3 hawks in a fast break situation that's not playing hard

  3. Couple guys out of the lineup whether it was Jalen or now Hunter has cost the team a few games. Your best shot Trae is your floater,, soon as you get a step near the paint just flick it up there. Your game doesn't flow properly without the floater. Stop relying on drawing the foul when you drive…. use the alleyoop — if it aint there shoot the floater. Simple. You gotta stop chasing 3's, let the 3pt shot find you. Its better to flick 7 floaters up there than to chase 7 threes

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